CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Sep 1913, p. 10

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Ithe State's Attorneron tfis pr*osl- ail '#oneys said Couy Collectôr col- tieon. lece'or ctles. vUlagO$ or thimuni",É ..Respectfully subltted, cîpalîtI es lu couettes under townshiptp UEJames F. King. organisation, a commission of 1 per Mi, VI 0. D. goo. cein tfnlie. gloeved. 1 am nefclosilii E. W. =lokas. ite.liýrewl a> l8ie saOO ile 9*- pelCml e. g h mount of the commission as Mardi 26, 1913. dhargd by cald County Collecter for 1 Mr. James King, coltecting said] City's taxes, the date roi Chairman of Board ort Supervisera. of sueh charge for said collection, the 1 aukega, lit.pereceotage charged for collectitig the à Official Report of Specl lApri! and Rigulgar Dauke: neIaztes. IIOI.erhageg i L ii .Lpyou have asked me for a wrIttem which la due the city. Thie total of thf lu e ,SSon 9131 z-ed in the Cour oinion as to whether or flt'ths thlis overcharge amaunis ta 16199.00, 1SU CountY Treasurer ahoutit accoaunt for ski that you investigate this matter Houseat ý aukeg n, L ke Co nty, thesinterest, If any. whlch lie may and that the amount due the City o have recelved fram bote for public Waukegan bocause of this overcharge, Mi funds on deposit in sudh banik. be petit back tae aid City as soon as Illinois. In myOpinon he eshould accouttoePossible. theo County for sucd lugI Hughes vs. People, 82 ]ILI 78 on Respectfully yours, B SPCIL ESIO . Lcensê-M.eihr. Broecker~, 1 Kpa. 30, the- Supreme Court held as Clarence W. Diver, ~ V.),, mmon. l~. CoiTllissioner of Accounts and Fi- I FIRST DAY. Poor for Waukeflafl Shields De"I-flsd - lt appears, appelant recelved fromntannces. I Ferry, Mye (.> icke _ a bankiug Institution the sum o twe00 April 17, 1913, Waukegan, Ilinois, April 19, 1913. mo foir aie t ony eoe ,.t-flve huandred dollars, as compensa. State ot Ilinois, County of Lake. or Board of Supervisors of Lake (Coun- Prnlno-?lMcke, Meyer (W.), Smons. i on for the deposîts le made herelu jai ty llioi, mt n Secal esiontuPurcltalng-Klrschner, Demorest. Meyer of moneym whioh came ta hlm bands To the City of Waukegan lu Laike W ty ,liillnoiu.lmeteluaSpeciainSession luas sherlf.sand It la clalmed by hlm County. Iliînois. Dr. foi the Supervisors' R i îlu h or e Bldnsat 0onFmn, le snet accountable for this sum ta iy,-hot irayad odan.i oo Cor IKtuSingà City, Ochooon, ,orLbr"oty. Th mo nOwas cefle BIouse In thse City af Waukegan. pur- 'oîn'0lait. ng-imoshi.r t a.cU a Y Te mueywasor eoueyrdils j n sahma pr tit reolretBridge Taxes. C mant to the following Cait:, itinr. Spelman. flsoicasheitîslntqe- Chils. - Ch ttenden, Eger, tioned. The atutt on ibis subject Date. Amt. Chgd. P. C. Rebate. Waukegan. Il., AprIl th, 1913. ci a ,de-Welch, (N.) Sinons,.1 baves tihe point tree frein doubt. Sec- 1902 ç 294.33 2 1 141.17 te Toe1,ew A. MendeeCouniy Clerk of1 lein WS Cui , ion 52 of ihe act of 1872 tItte 'Fees 1903 548.79 2 174.39 lAs.Cunyilîoi dueGOe». Sraîton, (G.) land Salaies' provtidees allows> 'Alil 1909 794.46 2 397.23 We. the underslgned Supervisorsai f ttment With Ceunte Clerk-Strat- oees, pequisitek s ad emolument5 re- 1906 502.36 2 281.18 repetie aws etoposteau in L.V.), Itirechner. umoite. ceived by si county otleiers. above 1907 446_13 2 223.17 lilrsecieinnsst poitereby Uttlement Wiih Circuit CIek-Spei- îthe amount af compensation fixed lsy 1908 681.66* 2 340.83 namea, in Last County, Ilni, eeymae. )acher, Whie. 1111aiin Yen as County Clerk ta call a lang* ent With Bhriff-Walsh. Fi. the county board. and dlent hire and 1909 808.03 2 404.01 Ïtfng af the Éoard of Supervisera =clur 98, htede.F~~.lie ucsay xess shaîl lbe 1909 794.46 2 397.2 QI aaId Laits County Illinois, ta belKXta-shner, Petits. Welch (N.). Berks. paid bta t.he couuty treasury. R,.11 16 0 2 8.0ci lÏ'id lu thé Supervisers' Room In the Sprîo ~sCara 1874 p. 522 Chap. 66." 1912 1180.07 2 6.04 Court House lu the Cty af Waukegan. Comueier BroksChaimad f thi~es Ths beinga pertiiite or emolu-- H minoisi, on Fritiay, the l8th day af goerelug the BoardI for the enuung cmenteby ffcposit ti ount. soih ea.3317 April, A. D. 1913, at one oclock. P. M.. year, submitîrd the îolîowîng report: coutedforta he ouny. *thte puiflo f organizing. electing Your, îruîy. SpechalAea en. a Chairnian and transactlng snob oti 9 Sta0,I llnois. Laite CouitY.Es. R. J. thady, Date. Amt. Cli'gd . p. C. Rebate.M er business as may legaîîy' èom.ore Board ai Supervisors, Special April: Statesa Attorney. 1899 $ 229.63 2 $ 163.08 sadSupervisersat saki meeting. Session, '113 1900 226.5G 503 Nams Twn. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen ai the Supervisor Welch o! Waukegan 10 2.2 3 140.76 Edward Conrad .. ... Wý%aukegan. Board oi Supenvîsors: moved that the report be accepîed and 1902 90.02 2 45. 01 IR James F. King........... Lake Foreeit Vour Speclal Commitee on u Rob, adopted and ilat îhe Committee be 190) 36.81 2 17A93 IL. B. jgar........ ..... LbertyvllelJappuinted bt subiait roe for dts nat dls'harged and that they mate an19F James Ü. Welch ........... aukegan Bor o h urotya.bglaeI tmxdrpr i lterest coîteci- 1904 43.14 2 21.57 jýsmsQ Welcb .. ...... Russel ta report as folows: ed by the preseut Coauty Trestiren 1905 101.94 2 60.9 'fteire H. Meyer ...... Waukegan We recommend tise adoption of the on County Funds and repart at tise 1906 165.97 2 82.99 .........ooter Waufean roe governlng thls Board for tieJoemtig 1908 211.45 2 10.73 C JL W. F enny................ Bentan past year whth the followlng changes Motion carrled. 1909 243.96 2 131.98 ET mpeîîms ......,uea I ue,3 n 8 Supervisra* Welch oi Wauitegan, 1910 351.73 2 176.87 .1 t ab..... Waukegan 3Tisere sait le wenty-sîx »tOd Chaîrman of the Commlttee appoint- 1911 562.36 2 281.18 EW. Brooks............ Waconda ing corsmitees, to-wt County Farot. ed at thse Marii meeting of thse Board 1912 6071 2 306 îltffa eq o Quaifcato w er CounyF:nrn Audtig. Errorgeous As- of Supervisera for te purpose af do 8 .12-4 .6 I i»eb55ited by teflülgSPri l esadSlre.Fnne Judi- mandhng front île Counity Officiais tise 11837.30 sûr: arY. Jodieof Eection. Licen.e. Ml- balance claimed te le due by Auditor Total................. 3199.00 'i. I. W. Ferry. Bentan; Ernest L SIM- PubtlBuildinsge.issbl etuc dneAdf S. E. Site, submittedth ie foilowingF 4hýa ~tIoch; John 8tr&ttan. Lakte Min. Po o asjea.Otoeadrpr:Supervisor Eger nsoved that île coam- fenield;, Poor for Baanc- i of ny ots ooaselor iSpri uîalnb eerd t iac 'Vila; Andrew T. Whte, Avon; James tte Charitiet. SwasotLands,.oneige teHnrbeBado uev.mufcto i eerdt iac * .Welgis Newport; Edward Conrad, sment with County Treasurer, Sete- sors of Lakte County. Illinais. Comnilitea for investigatian. JasuCirl, etieiei our Commutte appointed aet îhe Motion canried. r Wankeganu;Jon Deort Wauke mentwith Cointy lrStomn rii.tSettiement wt ici galn; James F. Kng, Shields; H. C. Ier. Solugtios Apict isri March terre of the Board ai Supenvi- Supervisor Kîradliner moved that W. Meyer, Fremoni; Theodore H. avenyAi n Bidgs, A .r1utue (of sors for île purpose 0f demanding the bil ai Amerîcan Oven and MachineC thai. eerf ied Lus .Beuesve.enbrs romthîe couty Officiais île balance Company be attowed for $376.00 and0 9TiseaC uy ofthcassamth Pacaie a1deb udro-S..tisait the daim af T. Monan bp alloweda t riid ith2 (or"n res <!es 'alrems(otise Pur- ledu y uitrS.E Vian rall cati the iallawlng Super-icLaelng Cnnsittee and state quaity at ims. loge leave ta report asfol- for $40.00. *Wms- answered ta their names: ppleAh i IlSupplies, bonks, iaws: Motion carried. tatonery for the vanlous 1gaoka, Brocter. Berube, Conrad, Clii- ofcsa l CuIoc isaîî ie pur We have interviewed Mr. Carl P. SuPervisar Welcl of Newport mov- té igallythitenfolaîitteo. sd'vcomi»O]t- Westeriield, County Treasurer, and le ed ihat the Lake VUila election ex- 1, 0' ce ery as.Xrslnr bide On ail Purdliae or contracte foi las tatd us that ihere is littie dispute pense bille lie r.ferred te île Commit- $7jeyer of Fremoent, Meyer aof Sg dollars anti Uiward. ant i mal ille between hlm and île auditor on île tee on litiou pr«ect. e«U ,MaLeter. Fetta. Binios. aban be attaced ot O.bie uben 9P5l- acktares reporteti to le due, liiMbut aid uentd ané no balls ShaIm alle oëW mto crid et Gant ~Sratan ofi gake Splu, YsuPPlies, books. ahtak, or ai*- thit hoedesires ta, seoit légal advlce re& _____ Villa,. Wetciî ai Newport, Wealcb h io Déry unlstIC0nflae acmpn-gadng île Inheritance taxes. BeH e Prvgsr Pettis ntored Uai île pe- Whi-25. Absent: ted bj& asmMpe of tle mwork d ne, ma WlhOKdbY a a Purcsen Comoittue. States that le wili pay baie, île Coun- tiion of W. Vaaderer! and Hans oesrs Sorenisen and Spelîman.- proceedias iofte Bord @hall e ty Treasury wliat le coiiectid over Hendricits b. referredte tahie new e b~~~~~~~~~~~Ised eccording ta las, 8.i dthe. mlleage fees in tainîl neitneCmueourrensAesm i. M 1119insCOmntttee kigaeit adtaceComiei-ontteoa esesmnor Suenîsr irciue mve Uaihiaand tihe contraci chahl evici to tise taxes down ta the Blte Tneasury andi Motion carrled.t 8a.rlMsor Meyer af Froeint aci as iowest rcsponslhle bdder. witb îleu put loto the Board af Super- Superviser White moved that Mr. Telpmrry Chairman. Motion carnied 25. Ail Cn0untY otf-lces hal present 'ai visars a bill for expenses lucurndetonWeterfield, Cont Treasurer. 1 t-e- sud Spervson Myen aoit le c air ech sregular meeting a> tatement sow- snob trips. nmataperbfreisBar and Suervise Meye look he ch ir.igaa t o f ail helX emptoYedansle utdtaper eo tiBad 6<eÈtor le ero O __dicceltea reroîtaour Committee alto, lnterviewed and explain ishat le purpases ta do lu i t hAairmaan for îhe ensuiug year by bal-itetiret day of geel meeting, colt Court, aud le statedthiaitframntishe Cannty.- btAtt o! whislteis esPectfuity subtilt- the passage ai île uew naturalisation Mto aild toi.,(w 'Motion carylet. ted. law. June 9t1, 1906, ta June Brd 1911, Moincre. s~Bpnîor Broks moveti tisaitltIE.W. Brooks, le turued lu bu naturslltzaîoi esOe M.Wsefe pendbfn l 4hfmuappoint three tellers. . Demoresi. Tbansand Two Hiindned Slxty-Twfo Bound sud asked ton inriler tume ln Idtoncrr.Tiseodore H *Meyer. and PIMty-one-Huràddthe Dollas order ta get egal advice. t7he Chairinan appotnted as tellersi E A. Picite. ( 1262.50); tuai nupon advtsa af île Superviseor Wleh af Waukegan mov- lmeklor inWec1o-bue- . B. Eger. Unitedi States Attorney aud declabons edthtiatîe maitar af tise collection ai e p iso om ks n. W ic ! W a k - Supervis r Xelch o ! N ew port m ov - ai îe Suprem e C ourts in six or s v n b laances allege d t a be due lu accord - m. ihAdtrBle'rpr elf e. Iispe r Wecl o Newport nemI. ed taitishe report be accepted andtfatlies, le las netaiueti natunalizationacewtAuîr iS'eptleoi àbi u5etifflr Conad of Wauitegsu adopted. f ees from Jue rd, 1911, ta Navem- wiîl île Columitîe on Settleineni t fit- Cbah-insufon the eusulng yean. Motion, carnied. ber ltI, 1912, lu île amount of Seven witis the Couiy Treasunen :Uklfrviàon King ai Shieblda noninat- Hundreti Tiree anti Pifty-one-Hiun- structiontsud power ta sct In con- »OWeVlaor Eger of Libetyvle frt Supenvisor Soreusen. Cîsirman eft radtIs ($703.50) Dollars. Hoe tated Junciîsi wtl île StateaAttornney. ý0rîle ening yean. Commttees on Footsud Salaries, sub- that lu tabking wtl Mn. Sinse, thse lai- Motion carried. lityaiisîsl ballot bein laiton it mttiedth ie followlng repart: ter hld sait that tise matten ofinet- Supervisor Welcis of Wauitegaii Itudtht tseaLty-live balots loera State ai llltia Lake CountYs. uraization fees wlIcis las nover bnau dtatts uuin amts ùdi isol Supervisor Conrad nm pca ArlSsin.11,Ba detensnbuOd by île Supreme Cour a ile discianged. c~ qg15 sud Superviser Eger ne- Superviseattîe bluteoaI llinois, la ta an tiotisi Mto ayld mÈ»d 10, ~~this faitinluLaSalie County, anid t oincrid E&e moed hattheIn-Mr. Clairman sud iGentlemen ai île le would hue îlhe Boanrd ot Supervisant Supervisar Welch oi Newport maved sonoaren ovedupeattiseera: ie e matie formaItud an ad aBpevtor: te await the detensulustioti af this case te adJaurisuntil 1:30 P. M. BUervmimar Conrad bho made île unani- Tour Committee On Pos ansd Sale"- befono turuing têila amounit luto île Motion caniel. langeciogoeoa this Board fon Chair- les'wonld ecoumsu4 that île campen- Couniy Treasury. 1: 30 P. M., Boardi called te onder by sallon ofthtie membere ai île Board Rsetul umte.Cara ord 4s ~rtise enaulut year. o! Review oi Lakte Cauniy for 19183lte hepcfiysimtei hîmnCnu leVtion carrleti. ChaIiiÜiad !Conrad îothîe chair. filudet ai69.00 pen day. aud Uai the sai- James 0. Welch. Superviser Chittendeli, Chairmn ofa Mjimittes ai preceding meeting ea 1 ary o! îe le e Clerit ho 5.00 per day. E. W. Brooks. Specl CommlUtee. subimtiel the toi- aniilapon motion of Superviser Brooks sud île Assistenti Cloni 13.60 per day. Supervisar Eger maved that tle ne- lowlug report: &»t'ved. We tuniber recommendti iat tise pot le accepieti aud adopied. Wautegan, 111, April 21, 1913. Chairman Conrad appoiniod asa CoSmbty Clark le suiborizedte t issue Motion canieti. Mr. Csalysuan and Gentlemen oi tise it36rmmttee ta draft rules ta goveru warrants on île Connty Treasurer In Superviser Eger mave thtia Carl P. Board af Bupersafs: ttilis Bard for the eusuing yean Super- payaseni ai services renglierel by thse Weseteld lie equestei ta fie a bill Yaur special Cammltîfie appolieti «am rsBrooks, Doareet anti Moyen dlent ai île IBoard aifJtevlew upo tepuelcmedo rp aSnn-tes actInlconjunctiat, i w'thîe Laite ol Wuteg~i. ovedta djon railtou ai certificates issueti by Biedlu maialing setiiemenîs wîtiî îleCuny4gclti1Soetfrîe SBup"rv;sor Eger île t Ounte Chainuan ai sald Board. State Troasurer. ai île June meet- purpase ori nvstigatilis tise ads'lsablI- Mitil 10: 30 oclocit an Mouday. April iAIl of whisîcîIs§respecîînîîy anîmît ling.Ity ai empleylug à soit expeort ,ion Laite *fîia. 1.tdCouniy. legs loai ta repart. Motion carriled. * ntne.llnau. Motion carnet __________________ ~~~~~Superviser White moved tiait is Thi'emitLetFloana- E. W. Broots. Board await île tecîslon ai tle Su- urday. Marcl 16th, vus îte 'realîlýui SECOND DAY. O. 1B. Gaes. preme Court iu regard ta naturalisa- and Vice Preidoni ai the s e luftiral Wakgn lios pi 93 Superviser Weich ai Noe-port mnoveti tien fe.Society, antid ed tisA co-aperaati Wakean lonosApii2 113 lthe S = Oiei vuld ble Bar met pursuant teadtjourîmont tiai tle repart le acoopted and atapi- Motion cariloti.c dastg t s otyat wA linuan ConrdpreshtnaSd.' oincareSuperviser Weldh ai Waukogan pr.- arangedt ta make furtiier Investiga- lioingoseisee piset: u- otin crrid.seutet i tse oltowing neisoinilon: tions luta tise sitajter ly visltiug De- niBrotoks, liroeccer. Berule, Superviser King. Cliairman ai the Whengeosithe S. E. Site Audit Coin- Kal Caunty sud socurlng lIormia.tionl Chitiesiden, Clark. Deusorosi,1 Special ('ommittes appointed ei île pany of Poa lllinois. las jusi coin- concernlug île wonlrlug oui and ai tise O n&s Fiche, Ferry, Gogs, Marcîs meeting, ta ascertalîs if île pleteti a very able audit ofthtie County bonellie ai sud 5 a bu. -,.giitg, Moyer ai Waukegai, Conty could collectinlueresi on Pub.-bocks ai Laite Connty, Ilinlois; Accontingly on Âpji 12t1, yeux Coin- of GrtilSmans. Sor eorbcFt: t umttt l lolgn-Be litResolved by île Board ai Su- mittee sud ftepressuàtatlves ai tise ekh -su.fSNpoto, aiLaiteof rt:Pervimors of Laite Ceuuty. bIlinois, Uai Agtictltural So0et, went teI D5iCsI Wgli o 35e-art Wbci~To tise Board ai Supervisons, Lakte a v ote af Uants 10 exiented ta Audi- sud contarred t w Prof. Eckhiari.tie Waukeu.ii. Wash, Wlit-25 Cauuty, Illinois.ioS.ESmiinîeioogsu aleeremoytby ealCu- Abeei ept.$et-vlors Meyer ai Freno .E iu o h hruhadsi xeteDèé yDXl oa tSpe iIin.-z.1 Gentlemen:, comuplete audit matie by lie campany iy, sud taundtheli DegAl Côubty plan Tintias oi breding meeting read Vour epeciab committee appoluted tIs ibis couuty. 'te le vary of &ros9 ad i etadl- a m otinf Supervison Kirschs t tise Marcîs meeting ai youn Honar- Supervisor Eger moved Uai île vRahgota tise agicita ntrla Mr95 oiiirovei. sb or aîsetgi u eh1 resaglution le ecceptid ud aopted. ai île CoontY. Utea ie-u çhtislOa Conradi appoinieil e fol. laits If tîsene are any means by wîîis Moliont arried. We met &aain aitLbortyville on 4awag Standing Commnitees for île tise ('ouîstY cons receive Inienet On poil 1Tise tolowiug communication asa Apri) 19015, là. 6mrorence wi19 moti- îf > ùumwg year. ta-et: Ic funds, beg ta report ilat afterntlu- presieititibeo ai ttaCo=tny otural Sa- parm-Brooits, Meyer' (F.) Welch 1vettigation aid cosssuting e-hI sltar- Wautcgan, I., Aprit 17, 1913. ciety,,tise Laite COÙUtY Dasieré' ABme- it "d at »Omeni litiy Ostent 4aMUM0sé' ho e aedauj Mie msW1d ecoonUotI*ion 88 oferred tea ie ie-Agicultuts 7m hute ai ibis Board.« IL . W- hiltenten. James 0. Weicb. e9 H. W. Ferry. supervitsar Masiher usovei Usai île epart-be accepiet and atapiet. N Motion carniet.t Supervi&ar Eger, Clairman ai Bloc- i an Preccia sCaaa>mitte subliited v e tolioWint report: n aie or guilai, Laite Co1laiy. es. Tiseà BoUaiofSupervisons SpectliApil V gestion, 1913. r. Chiairnnansd Gentiemen oi île Board ai Supervisors.. Yeun CoOmidfeS aos Élection Pi-e- inta tae-bhm thse Elecian, Expense 111a for île election held Aprîl loi, ,US ln thseTow-n of LaieVila, vers lers-et, eComeq t itisait bibisle tah-*ed as pneeutd. We furtber necommeni thaitishe buis ames G. WeIl, J. P...........916.00i W. F. Weiss. J. P., ion---------..16.00 r canvatsiug tise vote oi said eîac- Ion le altoe-ed, andti t he Clent se tirectedtietaIssue ordera an tIhe .outy Treasurer ln pas-ment a!fsanie. AIl oife-hicIis t-espectfully mubmît- H. B. Eger. Louis N. Bot-nIe. C. W. Petîla. The Town af Laite Villa. Eteciion :xpense Bill of Eteciion hlItlu the 'Town of Lake Vilta ou hlsets day if Apil. 1918. Chas. J. Jarvia. eue day as jutige of ebeciion 5.001 ian-y Siraitan, eue day as Jutige ai eleciion..- 5.00 C. . Dicta, oue day as Jutige ai election.. 5.00 Max C. DeYlitz, .one day as cionhi ai electian ..5.00 P.M. Lund,. one day as clark oi ebectian.. 6.00 t. G. Hoot, one day as dlent oi election. - 5.00 Fi-nitR. Bambin. one day poaing carda aflu- struction anti epecImen bal- lots-----------------------..2.60 'lias. Jarvîs. one day recelving tallais of (ounty Chent anti 15 miles travel...................... 4.50 lianry Stratton. ane day returning ballots te County Clent anti 18 miles travel...................... 4.80 Frankt Hansîu, erectIng bootîs .............I.0 143.30 Superviser Emmnsns movedtatithe -epatb'i 0acceptot d a iopteti. Motion carrîeti. Supervisor Brooks movedti tisitise Clerk le, aniloîzedte tadrue-Warranta on tise ('anty Tressurer ta tle moyen- i clalmants for tise soverai anieunis allawed ai hs meeting. Moion cari-lad. Supervisar King movet tea atjourti Motiou caried. FIRST DAY. Wanitega, llinais. lune 9th. 1913. Boarti ot Supervisena of Laite Can- iy, Illinois. met tai negular sessioni ai the Court Hanse lai tle Clity ai Wau- kegan e-tiI Clairman Canrait pt-sd- Ing andtihie iolloe-lug memusen pi- ont: Supervisons Brooks. Broecte, Ber- oIe, Conrad, ChIsitendon. Clarkte, Daea- rosi, Eger, Emmons, Fiche. Ferry. Unos., Kîschuer. Meyer o! Freinent, Meyer ai Wsuitegan. Masibar. Poulis, Simone, Sorensen. Spelîman, Stratton OC Grant strattan ot Laite Villa. Wetcl ai New-port, WelhaifWsute- gon. WatlhWhite.-26. Absent: SupervisenrKing-i. Miutes oi procqpe>ing meeting neati anti upon motion af Superviser Brooits approveti. Supervisai- Brooks movei tisai Dr. A. E. Brnown ho employeti as County Phy- sicietan frtis eonsuiisg Yean uPon tise aine terme as are noe- lu affect sut thai tise Chaurmas sud Clark le an- usaiîlotetaenter inta couti-sct e-h Dr. Broe-n. superviser Eger movedt tatîe m&- tien af supervilser Brooks be laid! on île table untUl 2 o'clocit P. M. Tisas day. Motion cat-nIed. Tise folloe-ing PetitiOnn rCaunni Aid, silet lu vacation and rei'Bl i Commutton Counts- Aid on Bridges by tise Cbainasu e-s reat, ta--t: To the Board oi supdrv$e>rs oi Use Cowsty ai lAii Étate o1 Illnals. TElenderigil& Ô= Wdsoners ef BIgl-as soaitise ToW b» ofaiWesl Deenselti, lu sait ýCoU9htjr. Votiltire- mpeçtily nepreBenitisait a bi-Iige and __p odtO5 is neèôta le e lId aven tise Nanths Branch Cicago hiver e-bers the saine la cr05560 Is- tle jlgle-ay eading f rom Deerfiebdtietaj<lgýjsLnd Pars lu section No. 33, ln saidt oe-n sbip, frwt e on sdssiteansthe Toe-n ehlp ci West Deonfielt iwe-bay r.. aponsible; Usai tle ttalcati « sald e-a i-kell le 1wenty-fourn udi-edDol. jaree-htçl aura -e-il e e àr. ilion te-elve cents ou île one lundlseti on tle batesi asassinenit raillai sait! town slip, andithUaitishe levy ai tise roati anti bridgemtonorthse te-a pnýoeetlna years lu saidtoiwnship e-sth eaçt s-ean for the full amolini Of teilIn) ilve centa où i eioee hundreti dollarm ple-ed by law for the CiauolOnrm ta rais,île major 1partoai ehile nedet for îhe erdkisry repaIns ai ro&doa nd brtqges. Whesosiro île sait Commisinenl Oi ligIe-ass ereby petition s-oû foi ard, ept fer su appropiaioni fi-clutUe onnty tresuni' oi a anu sulficiejl ta tost en-half thisexPenses ai asta Diet ai Deenfilltislth Usday eh Apnîl, A. D. 1913. John sCarolan. Joba A. Hagie. Georgie Tare. 0"nS a a susthu luthn do# af ~prit. A.1 John A. liagia0o Comnilsalnerà ofaitHlseays. t The Blute aiflluis. gLaite Casats- . M.i Toe-nship ai West Deet-fietti, s-lIn (2at-oan, John Bigstaissd Oeoa.te Yors, Canmisstiers af Bile-a&ss0a te Townasip a1 West Deer*eld, beha duly se-arn an aats&Y saytisitise eork meniionetids seîsl'ate U ta in biais lis aS itiav#it aladheÀàd Je8 nBos i anil tisai Uheseainee-wlI t e = mlort expoassive titan la needet for Use t purpose re<nire& I John Caralan, George Ton. John li, Couumsseianeri o! Hlghabwym. Suberiboti sud se-orn ta hofone meL lhis ISîl day oi Apri X A. B.1913. C. W. P51115, Justice aifitse Peace. Superviso-Gos. Chairman af COni- sites an Cants AI on Bridges, sul- nittedth îe taiiovlng report: Wsukegan, Ill.. May 6tis. 1913. 0 ro the Chalrusan ai île Boardiai Sus'- ervisors of Laite Conus-. lili. Tour Commuttee on Counts- Aid on Bridges, ta e-boas sehetMiR OnfaitUe Higiseas- Cambdionesfa of itise Toe-n oi West Deerfielti ton a bridge aven Use NorIlRns.ndsoaitise Chiasasa Rver, we- e e an acrosseil is-thee Mal- e-as- iraniDeefilitota hiliiant Prk, e-as referret for lnvestiÈtion, fles teave ta repart as fatlov: wO have nMet e-lus tle COMnsSSICIE er ai Higle-aya ai sait Toe- n d 054 Usai It la necesars- to aul a nov bridge ai Wmalpice; uSai île iacta staet lu Use petitbon ara mrue, Usait ts levy at tise nosel sutbridge t&x fao- île te-api-ecetieg yearz lu' aldt îlen e-as ion Use fuIllamait alIreti bY tae-, andti tisiIt le Usonrefont uecesaury for tho Connty ta aIdith îe building a! sait bridge. Ail ai ehich ilis esPactiuttY mulmit- WilliamJ, Stratton. A. T. Wlhite. Supervisor Maether usovedt Uai the report ho aCvoet eand atiopteti. Motion cOnnid. Tise foltôving petitione 'sers i-est anti upon Motion of Supervisai- Brooke referredt thUsaCommittieeOn Erron- ans Assiesamenis: 1007 1M sSL, Wittetto, ni. June 2d,. '13. Barid ai Supeistons. Laite Co. Dean Airs: There e-as an errer mate binass«s& lug my propert- Usis yeur (Lois 14, 16, le, Blocks 38 Nonth Att. taLaite Blunf.) Tise asmabas rarreeteti abe Urrandti1Ibave -reporitdIli ta Mn. toter#çt& ,glvlug lim ameuand t sos.llig Si uAssessors lotes'ta VenUs- My stenieni. Mn. WéuteÈdld h»s e-ittusn Mi weould ho neoeeas ta bning ut befonethe Boardinhi4or- ta receivp nis- eindtiboucs this bet- ter ta s-Ou. Tiseet-non e-as as folloe-s: Ms- ta' e-as 881.18 (beuewtoolIl bat been *bout 41100 or tb.ereabouts.l On Lot 15 %iserg bas beau boutt Oe long. ar- ro bssugaloe-. e-icb stands île long t * â te lot I shossît lave beau asesseti on one lot bot e-smadeei on te-o. b encîoee a capy ai thse A" ses"ons correction tbat you msy soutie vush me aecordingty. Hopin to tara h-m oa.yn I1a&m. Truly. fori 4 hèet* et" A hhrT on ltheaisUéelvaliao a $11 ai eommmnt ta tise vul- oitgsbodisof caid tae-n refend to Usem, Use various taxes on tise dou- 'le assessmeisi ai $100. Ail o! vhichlater.apectfully submtt- Roa gBras. By W. A. Roa. The iollqwlpg Q a Du f r teso , *Iç9 1-e ;6010%0!0 tIan oi BUpe'vBdi' S t'eté@A d ao Cosumttea on Lien. l'o tise ISIaîMI>Ie id Ct ofu1ervl- sors oai Aite Couniy. gel votais ai île Tow-n or Vemonlu Lait cauuty, Bitol4 repectiuiy peil- -iffl 70115a4$tRkolbe to j= phÇOtU>W*"r"tbmdct Url on 1-9e piý*W *nowll as Plait Poodl6e 619i qM~en !Vr noin, Laite Olin j i of ver Siguei by Chles Ki-eger aud 141 otlier. Aleni miEmer J. (Green suismittet tli tffle-ib rfaI hias bS *MI- tion of Su9irv(uo gat t-pierret la tis h e iÉlte ô e nt *smu Ihî the gaMntI t, Umer 3. Greeti, ANf tes anti fet lis .Osil~ i Lai . m Blte mi lI- re anud e6nou- ,Wen4 !dur a fraI ~fnts ie »Vt year Uélisg u» lut ,A. D. 1983, WIaOWSYViswhuein h1sata thegrog& aMount pi ailtheîle sor .g>ol%4aea bî me eniet y ffilaI service duri, lat 11e118f 'drthe tg a~iÔU flic receta aif ubat*ose- ai» ior dmr- 4J$omeItts. Earnet. Racelvet. IPôr Éhertilf fees lu suits lu For minmIeous Services...- 1303.30 972.46 Total mannings for isalf year. .11818.61 104.1l Toaleaned: Reseiet lui-lot ils hall pmur 1 or .senviffs vin J. Oniflan, t e n U8 * t & U *4uedtiy bine djt not recel - lieceivei durt-f thé %if i for senvIs. borewoore - eti Ay 11* s@" pt reeebeL.. 4,20 - reàas eP- . _e u d .-* 2 11 net reseàwaba22.i Diarmubmabiya %0ju lt,19-:...... 180.00 Laite ForestI.ItI., May 23n1, '13. yul............53r Mre. C. 8B. RICOe. PAît Ctatity reaesjer ..... fIS Wibmetie, .BI_ __ Dean liadam- Tours oi Iodas- receiveti anti la repîs W............28 woWd lmi? that 1 lave ralsdth îe I..t blute oaI llinois, Lake Coaty. as. 3,8 $9.00 anti loe-ered the bot "vacant" $1t.00 e-iscl i hope e-ib ho satisiactory I.,EIwer J, do m.usîM - Y ar ta you. ts îe ipvpral gmob» ý Tount truls-, éinlto g p T. Appletn. Amesso. *kt ti aeiili ai = e 4"thoitthle. ic: a lu= p. S.-Lot 14 la assessei for $6.001on« "lnb.geu mamifeit& anti I have put 10 île sanie. Ih aessi tisat Lot 14e-wu aMiamet taMrs. Weimers. 1 bave ol4ggi Il kta Yeu Suiscrilet a ewoip 90beloeme as you âilai.. 14-5-10are sour. tiis 7Uth as- ai lune, 191;. Ms- tsi kccor4ing toabolve sisoWsl be: jet 14. 19601, Lot 16, 1».00; Lot Lo.e A endesClub. To fl Do t i iipr'isors o Lais. upan motion af Supenrve Tout- petitiobei-s. Ioat iBuses-s, tpou beiiIeem ih thilsCa6it af tise Town ai Avon, ln m«tIis e Ùiêrit: eaisis-. neslsecttuîly represenit luti' thonse-sa a doubblse seW=ut ugon To tle glt, Bard pi SUPer- ibmf prsonal pi-opérty asAsset for qçrz o ai ..eConnyh, Illinois. tise s-ir 1912 as fellôwb: Timt Wi b dee r use lotiofi Asaaiî1912,t ueys- oidti-tset e àrit t ac it a i m erno i d ia o W 0 l H e rs - F . g "1 0 C & ti i '. t e k , a d b -- afle tht tise A sesor aima asseaseil îur" « My ia @& eiiIa s U&,lggp ____________________________taNavoniber 30, 1LOI& tncluivel ttecortilug tees earned............... 12612.85 Reortifut ff e m e .............. Sb Reconding teesprevioubly rnoaited ....93.9 Tot.1l eçording tees recelvei........883. 40 Court Cosas: Feos r d e........................2095.00 Fe.: ?Zcet'ed-------------------------------1MI.7t Fa eAu 'seveti prevlausty repôrted ..... Tote.ourt coite reelved ........91448.80 Misacellaneous Costs: Fées çarned-----------------------...S 414.76 Pos e celved ..............223.76 aTotal misceitaneonuefasterectved . .... $228.?i aTotal costa eanned ................... $6122.60 Total oasi recti $4M,45U f ftpenses: rCbenk Hine-------------------------...2»2. 00 Postage anti express------------------- 71.65 41. Total recelpis lu excesa ai oxpeneos. Totat eài-ls n luecessofelienelb.. ltaslug Broihers e-lUs $3000.00 cash au %end as tle litheba prlice ofafmlt stock aoftierchandise, e-hile ln rMA- Is- the lai 'oi Apil, 1911, thsêy lAd 1»44 gaI4 f$tOji00ta tho -Round Labo 1 et gon LaI"e, lais s-enLt on y ss>io L s aIt o n rapt 'et ô *neti Iy taaliro leieir-5, lid Ubiol e-bldhuis.y étée.aii«xe. The afflo00 herpio oluetg n *pro lm. 1912, ln pogpe ofasaiseiti 19aail aloulti lù6 hve bon ass ai Li- lug Brohers. tt*:It Number ai Docuiment@srecardet 4iu eebalt rear. 38"0. gS4ste 1pi Itiasl(ow muiny QtLait. s, s Le () . Brocite-y bpiug 4e% #e-pu>0& emb i guyWlthe tiif10088 lug report by lit matela tle lest ofi hie tnoe-letige,,1117 Lewis e. Esoiteay- Sa$.sPibw #M u w4s h ~pra 010é this lut 4ds- oWO 1).A».810. (Bei.)Depuis tt ea-. Ac ii It E. d y di rk- d 1- 'n 'gýh P kt A )f a. bt re b- M le a.

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