CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Sep 1913, p. 11

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ýýîUITY 1 ~ )zNi FIIJY E> l4ii 2 93 a Mm__ , To teI fpno on ble Boara Of Sup rvi- County Treasurer's Office . Lake Supervisor Meyer ot Fre nont mov - !P cow ...........66.00 6 pair v.omenns tock. i . 1.00 Stat ë of Illno s, Lake <'ounty . go the Lake County Me cai n S0E, ty a =5 rd 01 pf 1ke,Counýy, lltncola. County. Illinois. ed thInt ait billi bie referred toi the prop- May I5.-Freight on1 Bazar 60 Ibo. tn,...... ...........21.00 Board of, i.uperx isor, June Terni, 1lOt acceptait.ý o 1 hé inderftgned. Clerk of the Cdr- er Comadtteos wlthout readlng. ouî and ,Naablng 3 boxe&soa ...Oa...... 8.50 Iý Your COolMIttee Iurther rouàwâ» ho vulin >ee eand.......1 00 tbffln Ili., Jt 7, 19n3. bg lort ...... 1r1) 00Stprenant Welh of aia llii le U i l d 1 c i t cJ o u t . a l d r e p c tl l y R % r e prdee r s o f M~ i ot n c a r r e d dt2 . 18r1 5 m o r n i n gr [. . . . . . . '~ ,N I r C a n i a n u < d e n t l m e n o f t h e t h e pl o r sî c i o f L a k e C o u f l L y . 1 w o tho CAcu-y ý *Ou repctul reor 1 ue osadS to Spevis0r Clark moved ta adjoui-n May 1$. IPrkt ont box 2 bl. ugar ........32 00 Badu iI)rIoe ne 1 l o finy office tramn December 2nd, Committee on Settiement wltlh the Motion carried. May 24.-Mat Pester, 40 Ibs. lard.... ._......... .805 ) our CuoniiiliLep on îireie ta whom 1Regppettully Rubmltted. oublait 1 le taMay 819t, 1913, Inclusive: 1 County Traurer. - - - for cow . .. 65.00 12 boid spreads _.. .. 12 00 the petition ol Joseph F. Glu 1ther for James P. Klng. SC DA. - _d ulie 7.-A. Rusd. . arlicéurit tu koep a drami shop on the' James G. Welch, Newgt sd. _ EON A.arm elkx k sud Total.. .....ý......... .... 1 44.3 p Prenis.s knonu as the Pl nk l'oodle lI H. W. Ferry. Recording rosa eren......... $2,9 $2700 Waukogan. Illinois, June 10, 1913. glaises . ... 1.40 (ROIS. port that m~e have examined sald pe- Supervisor Eger, ixbr o MmrA rD - Rlcording fees preciously r......t ... 31lm7.26 Boatd met pursuant ta adjourument ')O acres coni................. tto nitui aItingodbteCmltesumtetetlowg* Récrdig ees peviuay rpored ... 17.riwith ChaîrMan Conrad preslding and Total amoIWt Pald Put .... JI 409.91 ' acres potatoeta.- -- 15. eqlired tIntît1ýer of leva] voters ot saldt ot WOa ,_,%_! the ColIowlng menabers prenant: Super- superviaor Eter mnoved that the re- l'0 tous bay in barn, -I ono\'-toadw phre orM bi: mnadGntee f 31442 Ttl ee eevd ... ..... .0 $2914.80 visn Brooks, Idroecker, Berube, Con- port li refèrred to ilo County Feai 500 bu. cor ln ri . ... .. . 160.00 r oneilta h ý, i refor e- Bo Car a of d Gue ntlemen . ýýC Olm y c st e earned .. . . . .ý. . . . 1 4 . 0ra l, Chltt.enden, Clark, D em ore t, Aud tinng OM M ttee. 30 corde w ood ..............165.00 tîto e gr n c u ' ald Jloseph F. 1 W e. the under agne d. m em berS Of COurt cuists recelved .........................1166.75 Eiger, Emmons. Ficite. Ferry, Gaos, mot"O Srled. -)0 acrea catl............Cunther entertng lo tonýd asn requir- 1 orCommlttee uPon thne ]na 9~I îners, le Toa-ot ecie 132 Myer of Waukagan, Marthr, Petti, and upon motion of Spervisor Walch 200 bu. oats lu bin 68.00 r ~lail icne Dco ln dge( iu r~ mnn. in leMisceTotal one coatsd earna.... ........770 innSrnln plmn tator Newport ordered spread upon the 100 bu« potatoel Il, cellar .._ 60.00 Aîu t tepctL~-umt leoiino iemJrt f Ce S=non, ln . Miscellneous coule earned .......... Il217.00 of Grnwt, alsno Lk Villa, Welcbi records: _ Uo hciI *Lýtul uul-teoiino h aoiyC gll p4900M M:claieu -85srcle....._ Absent: Supervisor Welch of Wall- Farm at Uibeg.(Yville, 111 Juîî, 3, 1913. A. Ç. \Ia.tlt-r gested by the Committee of Doctous W, Tdettuffél melts earnad ...................5$069.06 Total rasta ree'd. .II4125 . 6f kegan.-I. HOSS ATE TC. Tlmotlîy Sîîcllnar. the Lakte Couniy M.dimiOel W 2@ asExpeases: Minutes of preceding meeting read 11CLAE S 4 borses .................$ 800.00 Henry J. Broecker. aboutid at thîs tima lie adaptod. k .yo, aw>. -.............................$1300.00 and upon motion of Supervînor Maeth- 1 bot walter heatlng plant. .$2500.00 2 beitera, 1 yr. old ..........76.00 Supervîsor Maethpr mvd flthat(ha We believe tbat simply boca ý Clerk Rire .........................32S0 60 er epproved. 1 ra lradmtr.376.00 13 cows . .................. 975,0 reor ha .,etdadaotd a i oradial ob9 SPoutage and express ...................70,00 Th fhuitln p....t.o. wa 4.0 ul 100.00 cal attention. lie sbouti! Dotbe 1 a.nd 141 ____ d: _i 1dirt scrfflO ... ..... 2-00 4 heifers, 2 yr olk ... 200.00 Motion carrI-ed. ed ta select any cons doctoir, 1.uO Totl xpngs ............... 4650.00 To the Honorable C'Iaîrnan and i 1 g*m55 »aller ». , __ 21.00 1cl . ... . l.) Suparvîsor Eger inoved that (the able that mans may be. We b&Uiq ' ' S1Total recelpt t.............e2.5 Bado uerioso aeCui 10 vecetablo diehea .. l.. 2.50 100 clîîckens ...... ý......... .0.00 Commîttea hpetoforp appointed ta as h rse n ehdo . ubmitted tc ea . . 00 certain the amount of Intereet coîlect the poratmo of ibscutai1n 1 To6l earlng la eIes otepess.2.496 W, tlinos.udrind dl îce 40 grain »5CILB . .. - .00 Total, ...... .$2210A "ilc ou public funds ba dischergad and standpoint Inhumose train tho v* 1%a xese nets o eepg .iI t..î' W@, the naw l cted ý 0 frs 3o .... . .5.0 TOA (AE >DURIN;11. bat (ha subject mattar lbe referred t tare of the case. W. alto beo3ives - rermdTtleriglnecsofepne...4IO tonhpoff icers of th grub hoen .60 TOA"!ATSDJI 93 le Commîttea on Settlemenit with (ha e dotrnsudb lo o4 Recapitulatton: Laombe Voyfrrle illae aereb thtelo yo 2 sIngie bernens 8ý..ý... 10.00 94 tmaes insane. 1 (ouîny Treainurar. work for (ha county nie hto 1Total aumber of documents recorded during Yser. 5961. olresab e bo fr releundgte ra (h 2 hbid Dorn plantera ... 2.oc 24 fmales sanMoare. tely abnoaprivate PM a Supervi- . Earned during lot one-baf year.... 1122.40 cîctntne urudn h ru 2 lawn moyen.. .-. ...4.00 28 maIeslso sagee Moio edtar.jiaue-led. v ntred L . Recelved during lut one-haît year .... 4502.66 lzation of lte aew town. 10pàe cpan acr.. 2.0 2fmlszo.Natrb aiov tltmoowh rvt gnadltspublk . iand for Expanees during lot co-hli yoar .... 4013.65 The new town was organlzed tant 10 plates, c«sian. .aucer... 20.00 12MAY feuet's.SprvsrMa Oe ba bscuefo (i eyntnO~ ral1 heBado plperIgowU ands.......50 ....M27.5 maltr be lid 1 n o utilkan tmarrtweis prata gafin and bi ok m - Earned durtng 2nd o-hall Yser....6069.05alby(aBad uevlo~ n 2 10-gallon eream cans... 4.0 -NI MscallaneOUS......... $46i 60 hoi t10olc n the t OS = mu: co1lt s ~$g- Roelna durng lnd ca-bal yOO 432606 i purli,~e la îd oganiatio (ha~ heatflg lantf îtrlarg Farisiinimplmenusaoo(onmttee&ontetnior(hanisaatAtonevrthe (ha5re0et.plin l , ,wwoll- , xeses during 2ît oue-haIt year ..50..( township offîcars ware electad on April 1hutingi 100.00 for' glaragece n . 473 torney in regard ta the matter. ,tinued, we thlnk (bat 500 4 mu - Exiese tîntJton-afYe ... _ 66.0i1s. Atter (ha elaction o! these officars t0ank ......ead _ ..... 100.00 DrYouda nd uildings........5830 Motion carrled. should bie eked and received by 7 B. lbil ni 1îuo warranta proceedingn ware start- go hao _______8 c.. tîta et. 10:3 tu0ro moing ln1 teiling ...... 68'. 1). ______ cd ln (lie Circuit Court egannt (ha saLd 5'1be torit. rOpe ad puîîey!o 10 00 Hors, cattle. etc .........2210.001 Supervisor Welch of Waukegaa mon- Board, tis, semae as ln sny doe MA& ' 0lU4110%a . ToaZnddrn .......$08 ~ officers. returnable Wo (ha Octobar 60 uetr n c .tr . 2 0 l(t.r as a 2boI 50d Grand Tohal ...ep..t...... ebmi(ed 7~COgmt1 Total ecsamd drng year .............10191 Grterm uft(ha Circuit court o! (luis couL-1 I rn- .26 rn oa.......86.0Itîuoar a rsnaing e adreivred tthe Jms. eh Vie.u,1Toa eýieddrn tr ....._ -,I ýot extension table, .. 10.00 E. W. Brooks. "iin Cmlte i4ôUflt cf l. Total expenses duing year ...... $8r0,65 yý t ln the meantîme thc prescrit town- :tann miiiin . 1 ooJams G Wecl Wautegan. t or sitar- . oa annsi xeso xees.$68( ship officers are entltled ta traneact scew 1o H.'n C." W. 00 ae . WeciMotion carrIed. Heiiry B. Ebler. aila thelPt lune o!@« tOfi positions - 2 1ac4 05 1- Maer Chira Cnadanonada Suparvînor Meyer of 1'neiint UGI.l Toa iaepslseco !epne.. 14( lu cane tise Court nhould hold that (bey 1 crow bar . . ý _... 1.00 County Parmi Committ l ,;al Comifnittee ta ar-t lu tha matter of ad that the majorlly report .li acbel, . RteceiveA. Nube __.- [ -- -__ara not entitied to the eald offices, (bat 10 bos...... . 2 00 Supervisr Kinciner moved to adt .mnploying a Coun(y Physician for the au and adopted..1 1 during une-haîf year: 3111. Gentpuemuneo ynrtlara e n xedtrno oe ysi 1 (ro. prumer ..... .. 100 Motion carrled. Wslcb o! Waukegan, Ferry and Welch Supevasd Meyes otbin wbJeW Stt alilnl.Cut !Lk.s.mett nomyua nm In officare would be persnal. are 12gaievtrpthr 0 Spocial order of business set for (bIs of Newpvt Suriy o (har' moiwn ot mcafl Il 331.46 ... l.te os Iliois Broty bf ake.Os dul mtio taî rarnce a t 10 diontnf gever&i bridges and roadp ln tha' tow ! rafrlgerators. .. .. .... 30. W0 (lune lneng the. hing o! a County Pis Suprin Petits movad ta adJourn ytefloigvt:a lion4 wit neoranc on oathsilo ofe(ia leto un o! Lake Villa whicb naed imimediatal 2 lviii carts . .. _. 5.00 siélail for the onsuiag year. Dr. J. l L , untori oorruw mornlng ai 10 o'clock Those votlag Aye are-Su re6r byhmmd cret t h. (ha mouey beldi by me, belugeon- attention, more epecially, a bridge 10 3stplddr 3.0( Taylor, Chat-man of Commtttea ap- fo 1omte "ok BroIlratr.BrbCi _ _ btet of ba knowledge. Information imission allowed by the sitatuta ou ce er(i hea amada 2p~ xs. 1. 5( pointet by tIhe Ioto Comnnty Medicall Motion carried Clark, Demoroat, Ennuno'a. 1204.Il and belle!. Inheritance tox. I heg ta state that1 bridge located near (ha liook rim lu 3 net whlffle tracs. . 6 M 0 Society, sulimitted thea folew Ing propo- - FIFTH DAY. Ferry. (loge. Klrsoinner, Kin& -. 11 1Lewis O. Brockway. 1 banc coma ta (lhe follosuing tomn- hesi naw town. 1 drap beat table . ý ... 3ý0 i lin Waukegan, Ill., June 12, 1913. o! Freinont Meyer ot W.' 11 Stibsci-ibpd and ilworn to aor me s1n 1ia hhfo t( iavl Therefore siîtce an emergancy i2 atint uto-el,.s.ý1 30.00 To the Honorable Board o! Supervi- iloard maet purnuant to adJourâmeat thler, Pette,. Simone, -oen~M .>I1q th day o! dune, A T. 13 xints la thies t . we heraby raquent 12wtrPie.......501 sr !Lk ny Ith Cheirman Conrad preslding alndmasSttono rt,01 amia) A. 1). Botstord. aaiytinanrel înv( th(at (lue Board of Suparvisure at the 2 wagoa jacks...e ý . 4.00 Attatn etngtf(aLk ha !oilowing members preaot: Lakte Vilia. Weich ot Newpor% , 1)aputy Clark. COualy O! Lake- dune meeting make saine arrangement , washIag machinen ... 10.00 County Medical Society leld at Hîgn- Brooks. Broecker. Borubo, Courait, Wbite-24.,-I .2ut tüý9to @t .....*.. 8*0ln ak oinwsmd n Cllttenden. Clark, Demoreat. Eger, Fan Tiioae voting No are--Bu 1 onyCierk Lew A. Hendes submnit- Ia tlii connaction I lbink I otigbt ta psy (ha nacennary expennen; fori-e 1 ro el. ...... 1.0an Pramtin agm eadmus1<ck FryGs.Kfsh Er iger and Welcli of Wauikegan.- ' te (le!lol1reotwihuo ta ninte fully my ptosition ln (ha palring (ha bridges and r-ond abone 1 cram separator .........75.00 uuanimouaîy passed (bat a commueso mus-g Mayker y Go!s Fi-amo nt.1 yr a uprlo eli tWns 1 1 ~~tionhk folwn rueort rooks va .-mllr A yuknw meutionad. witu the uuleratandingý 1 baisnd foëd ultter . .... .0 ha appointait ta proposa a difter ut égMerorFin t, eyrf auevo WlhfWuka 1, cri-ad ofuS(ha CommitBrooou Settia- mte AsyukoCar 120). (ait any mîontel appropriated for Ibis 2 hiaNe blan»ktt ...... 3.00 plan for taking care o! the Lakte Can- Waukegan. Maether, pettis, Simons, ed (bat seaied bidae bow*t~ fo m Freta itbhen Caunte Clark: le Section 386, statules o! thie Stala o! purpos- v. 111 lie i-eturnad tu the Cous- 1 hut saw ad franc .... 16.00 ~ ltpoohr(a b n- Soreuses. Speilmas Stratton of Grit recelveil for doctorW#n thie Côàty 28 ~ ~ nin wi5 atea. II, unCerk:h 1 1 lînois, ls eriy explcît and la an fol. tleh vn ht(anw(wnI 0 ft tisiî il 1dder 7 0ýueSrto !Lk ilWll !Nv o(ees g year. :e",~ sIlane 28.9 (haean cIurt Iue7h 93 corn %bottler .....ý........ à, 1usatt btrsltots o-pr.Wlho akga aan Aye and Nto vçite belng To theo Board o! Supervisai-s a! Lake o-5 susatecUUllth s ut. 1 br3,sue 600 miuesaj awi(h ufrsoIU taeCoin.apfrl- Whl 27. Wakgn Supervisai- Welc!n's motian as Cony Ilni Tesa-i- omiso o e-Fý M. Bamllota, Highway Coînmisgioncr. 3 scythes-------------... 3.00 îowing proPosition and offer: Absent, Noua. i y tlie foilowlag vote: 1 I. Loyw A. Hendas, County Clark and ary-Thle trpasurer o! earh couaty E. A. Wilton, Assessor. i pair. pipe tango ..... ý.... .0 0 Minutes of praceding Meein readvtn Aear ý~ Clr fteCut hutI n o lait ha allowad 10 retain two par Herman Witt, Consteble. 4 ba-n blankets ..>... 4.00 - Firnt. That (lie county pay ta (ho and upon motion o! Suparvisor Ca-tBerube. Clark, Filer. Meyer otW 1Lake Coainty, Illinois, hei-eby respect- c2se3ba» hjlý re..Cut lrluiurel amnaCakjgn W c oeuean fully sblIiTit tha tollowing report o! aIl ain thn aatl tafe $150-0 an accoule tyhen B.m Cougdon Justice No (le-g Pec sel os lifetas 40Cut lr nturai aaeta ?en enaitdaud recelvod by me for of- for iy bini under Ibis ai-t la foul for John Straîtan. Supervinor. . 2 puliey blocks ...... 2 00 1 et(0 aeo 1000 ar h The apecial ordar o! business set for Thn aig oaeM Percy ilbble. (oliector. i6 pair lte tongs ... î ..! 8.0 1600.00 per annnm ta be dlvlded (bis limn elna thie matter ot Sotter Brooks. Brocter. 1 ltonio fl<-riai nervi-e for and durinE thse hlI bis services la coilectîngaend paying iC. W. TallaIt. Tlown Clark. . 1 i-on toal , ....-..... 1.00 ly hlm among the doctos a! (the COUD- ment w-lin theo Coanty Tresurer At reît. EMmABe 111k. e=w 4,20 ~~~j sil ending May 31. 1913, and also the lamne, ln addition to bis salai-y or 1M. S. Miller, Juilstice o! Oie Pea. ! 6 c.ane soat chaires ý . 6.00 (y pro rate according la tlhe servie.o tornay A. F. Beaublen address ;Ï tin, Kirâclinar. Kiisg. 'Meyer o!t-- StIsa amouat paid out for salai-y, clark edrdb ahaladtanuB rinbiato utyT urr %tr PieSm s litre sud office axpauses fur Bald bi ae o-aîwdiyIwJ a-îal.ligwyCmi- 4cpe boies....... 60e readered by eacb" J.a and thattale niawa Boards- li coaf !CuayTraer boiterar ..e...... 8i.», perM to-a die e(e ha sianer. 1 1iiivaiid oaîr .............15.00 patient shlait b.e caliad a county Pa- Westerfleld. and asked the board ta AS>elmmàn.a Stratton Of 0,-sutj. year. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e MMCyede atonyHvss eta hsighway Commissionar 2 wiiing desjos .............0.00 tient axcapt (bat slid patient b.e O-K'd await the decislon of tha CoUrt lu the Of Laite Villa, Weleb * ý __ - - _ e-aned ti Suervsi ihittnden mnoved that 1 7ws.nh tuba...............7.00 Iby (ha1 supervisoai o!tha townsip In casa o! Joues va. O'Connel] nov pend- WOIh.20. Preevusi tee pein lie n(yi-red-tu (le Commit- 60table alloas........... . 0 w hlch lie ivas. This annaunt o! rnoney Iag tu thse Superior Court or Cook Seprnvison' Brooks movod ela$ 1 Previougly tee on Courity Ald on ~~~Bridges wli 1 pair a l scales........................ebal frviit e omes ofteCowity. A .Bonleepoe 212.i0 1Earnad. Re<-alvad Raported. power ta art. 1 set wagons *psIage........2 ' 0 poor anly. Supervîsor Kiracliner inovdt1i Ut rliytIrtan for tae casulng yeO 1 - .Account o! Pi-obole Fates ...........$i 2280.23 $1216.05 S 914.66 Motion caried. I2 lantaruna.................. Lo0 Second. Thot (ha county pay ta the action ageinnt Mri. Wes(erfleld ha laid tie same terme as are nov lu 'è Accouai or Law Peus.... ............335.60I 302.00 20.00 Superviaor Soreunsan moveli (bat Jo-' 26Z stands lit raciane..........00 ' lune McAlister hospItel $1600.00 a ,,,-r until tins Saptanîbar meeting of sud (bat thie Chaîrman and CI l 1. $?M .1 ý Accuct ofMiscelanecustees ...... 8i4l.3 847798 363.19 1seplu E. Harniay ha appointed Police 12 coot saves ..............7600 Year for caring for tlha cases sent teo (bis Baai-d. uhrsdt ntrtt o 1 ----- - --- Magistrate for Winthrop Harbor ta 1 grldstoiue----------------3.00 tb. liospitel by (lie dortors, and gilat Supervisor Eger movad tbut tise M- Dr. Browyn. 1- 1ks . 11167.46 888146. 03 S 4473-84 jfinl the unaxpired tarni o! day H. 2 sewing machines----------.2000 lioospilal puatients ai racelvut indicai ujon o! Suparvisor* Kirachuer be laid Bupervisor 'Welcb e of Waiitl -.1 850.0 9996.01 Schw-artz. 1 gaz range---------------î10.00rare free. ou tha table, ed as an aulon lnat , pt J . r ý ~~~Total receieed-------------------------------14468.87 Motion carried.t 1 gasolina angine (18 H. P.) 600.0 160.TyoAeadNyvoebigcle o et wtbDr Br*a . .$34 mun adot Superviseor Chittanden moned (bat 10 tspadies and sbovels--------6.00 1Chiairman o! Committek. Suparvinor Egor's motion vas last 1>7 and tbat an appropria on Account of salai-y.................$i 12fi0 001 Suparvisor Bi-oecier hae appolnnted as 1 net i-arpenter toute. ... 5 .00 H. B. Robei-ts, tb. foilowisg vote. md oJn . ,-Accotait lot clark i-a........... ... 3801.14 a mamber o! thue Speclal Corilte ka) kni es antd forts------------I.00! Pi-es. Laite Ca. Mai. Soc. Those voUing Aie are--Snperviscrs " (mat tin o fausd W qiýý.. Acanto ofc xaîes.......360 ,haratafore appoin(ed ta act lis thse 1 20-galion barrai churu .. 5 - 00 Supervisor King moved (bat (ha mat- Baruha. Chitteinden, Clark, EgerGoa., Aye and Nay vote bein uEfl, ..1112M.'lié _---- ý i~~~~natter o! 1he patition o! (ha City of 1 nkld for unloading bairaes - e ie 60rd aia-pca Cmi- ig hale et Wakgn i t.-- Supervisai- le' mto vas (y, Us. $alGu24.dîne 9344.236124.64 2 foi-a quit claim 1a portions 2 tce eawn------------------2.00 teecof rivelta investigate (ne uaw plans'1 Thase ,.,s..a No are-Sspervîsors tefloigve: ýl Balncedueconty... ý ... ....10f Shseridan Road in sait City o! Wala- 1 w-ira nîrethrbaM-------------.00 sulmitted and report back aith(in Brooks, Broscitor. Devinrent, Emnls. nngY 4Ovei e (redit hy ane-haIt docitat ft ratuuidal kea lpaco!E-Supervisai- De&a- 4 vood racks---------------- l.01-tn i the Board au Thui-a Fiea Foi:ry, K.1rsI,.,e Myr o! Those vo(ilg Aye r- . Lin aN. 124.................... ...................25 .con. 2 large coffea pots ..........4.00 tue1,a 2 o'clock P. M. mont, Meyer of Waukegan, Maetne- Ilerube Eger, Welch ai!I L aac u ony....8.... 9341 73 Motion carita. 8 feaOier badn and 70 pli- Moune 2,ar Petite, Simone, Sorensun Spelimaui Meyer -of Waukregan, Btratte oaR ý -~~aa-nedn Clarles - A. Appiey t Iowas-----------------60.00 Wmn H. Licbty of Zion Clty, addrass- Strattan Of Grant. StrattOn Of Laite 'il Villa, Wite-6. ; l ý daT-f -Stt o llnis ak out o o! thea Laka CountY Iloinm nubmitted 7 mtl poils..--------------3650 e d the Pioard and aisted (hemn ta slow la, Waeb o! Newport. Walsb-18. Tioavtn oase--laO, 1*LwA eda.Cut lr lu aetn o thaea stau I le foha I Oe !oîîowing report: 1I 16 ft log i-bain------------2.00 1 tha Statens Attorney ta retain an ex. Vote recuring on Supervisai- Kirsch- Brook, Broector, CbuttmndMî1 1. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Ann Reeied A. 10nee granita ciamer......2 l0 and lsae thn (ha, arndato afl Wilbu the folowln vote.vile Thons vatîn11- 1te cisl ....A.... 1.0 t Griinloss. Rianrai-biser moioKteint Mq.rrid y emret Emon, saum. amd for Laite Coun(y. Illinois, being until t ali ha declared auncunstîtu- non Liheylile, d un 9(b 1913 git i-h e............1.00 1 pt crsin Ina tetona tram to d nalb r ' oion. (le. sama vn g Arra y Gesnort ,m s K i ee. ý bl*ê me ,iuiy sworu. depe and say (bat the (louai, If pver It sboutid ha, bn (he Balance on boud ftromn tant i-- 1 ol tank. .................. 3.00 GI-un Voliva, w-bld rase viii ho (ied are-,RUPervisôrs Brooks, Broector, mont, Maetber, PettIs, SlUD0ssq.<I foregoing report ln (rueansd correct Supreme Cort t port--------------------...$ 96.49 .1 aîarm dlocks---------------2.00 lu (ha Circuit Court of Winnebago Demnorsst. Emaons, FIcit., parry sen. Spelîman, Welch -aoW! 1 tio sud blot. Te rediy a!w é ibinfatu.rmapai Mardi 7.-J. W. Miller, 1 teed grinder------------- 40. 00 1Coun ty lu tlhe nea- futurs. 1Gogs, Klracluner Meyer ut Fi-aunnt. Walsh.-19. 1 ý club tin an balot.Themailng f tiill stautsla Painfor (vo bots ....- 60.00) 3 clotes wvilgers ........-3.00 Supervisai- GOsa moved tiaI the Meyer of Wakegaia, Maethor, PettIe. Supervisair King moyeol ta ta?#4» à,-Loy A. Hondan. aud jutifies me in MY owu con- Mai-eh 29--C. Losk. 1 spring col ................2.600 Siate's Attoraey b. allowod any assist- Aimons. Soranfin, Speliman. giration suhject mattar ,ai t . (b tis 7th day o! June. A. D. 138. Neai-ly every county treasaror lu tha Match 81.-X&t Pester.,oa miscellaneoue .-...4627.60 Voliva case. thegb Wlie-9 uollior Ing otion 1 waý , O, commit- (geai.) B. T. Baver, siate la kseplug (bis mouey. Inclufi- for herse-------226.00 FARMING IMS'LEMENTS. Motion caried. Thosa votlng No are-uovar (hosks lovins v o _ ._ s.Ciu~t oti- Pblc. ln (o outytrasre o CotApril 5.-Mi-. Bai-ny. 3 tr-uckt wagons----------..$ 60.00 Superviaor Brooks maved ta adjourn Bextnbe. Chittands. Clarte, Egoer, TIa- 1obg ln# he cuntytreaurerof Coktoi- boll caît-... 10.00 1 2-seat sui-rey-------------60.001 until (omo-row morning ai 10 o'clock. King, Strattan o! Graut, WeIch of Wau- Berale, Clar.. iroir. IClng. No 5.Juo .198. cnnt. HowveOvarwing ta th@ e i Api-il 9.-N. Baver, 1 coi-n bindai---------------7ra.oo Motion caried. kegan.-7. Waukegn 1atsr Strtto Babserlbed and sworn ta~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Suerisi Maatler MIve scliaI (litsig ti ony o ai ..... .0- ue leWysnltt ltei h fLkeVla ecýo NepM uevia, Wali W of - , OO.l r gu0151 Stae o! Illinois Laike County. ns. tation aver the metter tha Biais A* for is mothsrS 2 waîking plows-----------0.00, mapevi-ase t r a oe speca order V! a Those vofauko are-S Offce t lueContyTresa-or sciaia 0fCouty TrnuerIlaboard------------ 12.00 1 set 8 sect. bi-on harrows. . 26.00 FOURTH DAY busnes for i Speciay o! h of Bros Broeti- CNo l a-S. office, tr have (hant malterer aidiio April 26.-J. W. Miller, 1 manui-a epreader ........ 100.00 1 dune1.193WakgnIi. Stmbreson!(isorda1 -sEm nI<ct,7 . ieavdIis9hdyo Jane 1913. a ta haveled Soe law-yers sy (ho May for1,w-o ow-n.... 20.00 11st.liglit bb slSes-------16.0 Boardonrd aiurfort (o adioname.t.o120-0.0PM.Kircline. Msyer o! 3 8eUWt Reclve ths 9h dy o Jue, 913 lyileermned Soe lwyes sl, he ay 6-C. Lusk, 1 pulveruzer----------------10-001 wi(h Chirman Courait prasidiag and Motion ca.riled.Sioe rnsSplm i ft .o! Loy A. Bandes. Couuty Clert. Niae 4tt le constittiional and sone toi- lump Javed 1 gri bîndar. Sion Soeun ......n... 760Wt.fl .r rsn.SprisrWlho akgnmv -î îàty-(hi-ee 1#uindred Porty-ono 73-100 Dot t- - - - - - - - -- - 7.0.afliHadpeat Newport Walh.--6. BI- lai- talesorodn:s o! ay t la =cnsiutin Th mat-J yerlig botter.. 3.00 1dise gangplow .......... . Minutes of lirecen gmeetngrad~ V t oin0 et lote Suerisai Bt a 0vitrt eI tgtdl okCut .dt Suevisor litcs mo! augmof Voteer ru rBo minai ~ ~ ~ ry clark litre. office axpensas ta JanetotaCuî My dersigaed tg ry desîrous o! learn- - Twood rak----------60 Apo moio a!Spevsi-Meha County Treasorer. igveiero bis mouey hoe- Total amouint recelvad-...8 666.99 1 i-lad crushar rotier-... 12*00 farrmodioo ofa Committes on Svampe Sî$porvisor Chîttanden moea (bat Broors, Br oer Ch ke 00- ' 82483.40 1By Jas, Hepburn. Tep. longs ta li.m. -1 amu kesping tha fond Total amount peid out-...I 409.91 1 spring wagon.....------ - 00Q Lande. ail bide5 for PrIntIng halefor ta tle oingRirai-her..Ring.,Mq seeýpara(a la order ta abide the dadas- Balance due Laite County..- 197-.98 1 sulkey plo% .-------------.30 60 To (lie Honorable, tle Board o! Saper- praper committea w-lOi paver ta) ai-t. mont. Maetinar. Petts, Stmaau , Lew A. Heudpe, ('ounty Clarit. ion of tise court. Whea the mat-Or Amount Pald Oint: 1 poteto plantai----------. -000 ninors o! tha County o! Laits. Mate Motion caried. . son, Spelîman. Striation Of GMaA1 Suparvinor Ilerube, CIairman of Mercis 5-Telepione blI._ $ .66 1 npring too(h diggr .. 10.04 of Illinois. William Whithsns sud Mary Madola, ton o! tata villa. Welcn oR ýý ý ~Cammîttea on PiaIllement vlth Catin- la determine .d, If (ha monay bloisgs Mari-b 10.-Waukegan Oil Co., 2 w-elking i-uitinatois--------6.0 Your patIîoeri- la emnkbidpras perdbfr h aa-1 $1488 ty Treasurar. subtilittad tlie tollow- to the county 1 w-iI le parfactîr w-W- 76 gal. gazoline 13.881 I by mak-----------------10.601raspac(!ullY reprenants unto your Board and preented plystln's cortl- Tîose voait No -- - S ing report: Ing to (ara It anar, but nf thea law Mai-ch 18-Jas. Davis. 1 10 fit dîne drill------------70.001 SoardS (bat ha ia the ow-nar o! traction- fi-atas. showIna (lat to be blind sud Borube. Eger, Meyer oft Stato o! Illinois. Laka County. as. nhouid b. declared coustituîional 1 for maving hrunat 1 mowe ai-----------------26 00 al norîluveet quarter or fractioai entai for aîd under th. blind peinsion Weli-h a! Wankegan, White. . Biard o! Supervlsara. Jane Tai-m. 1913. ysl linkw-frctan(tIca ah mixor-------------1.00 1 i-oi-n plantai--------------20.00 soatheant quarter o! Section 26 Town- ai-t. Supervisar i- ng mnted tist aid Superviser Simons.e, c I 2.? lm ir. Chairman and Gentlenmen or tha sep aid ma"y Acodnl,2.PiILair adrur.......20.00 sblp 46 Northi, Range 9 East or thbe and care o! (base buind people b. loft public Buildings Auditint kee;Ylicrdnly for 4 rooslern ....- 6.00 2 sulkay rullivatars--------- 35-00 Third Principal Meridian, ln Laite en(Iri-ey w-lIn Supervisai- Coarad ta do submîitte tha tollawlnt report:. I *4102- Board o! Supervisai-s: w-aniS respei-ttally raqileet Ytiur Mari-b 22.-Wm. Speilman. I.0 set heecy bob sied-... 20-00 Coouty, Illinois, w-mIl tha exception a! as hae gev rit. Suai.. o! lltuois. Laite Counre a. 1 our Cammittee on Setl,>n-t ith ne bhody not to sulliorixa any hasty ai-- repalrtng wal... 1.0 2 bey racks--------------- 15.00 that portion thareot w-hI-h lies be- Motion carried. Board o! Supervisa, dune Têop th. County Treasur-r buer, lu ave ta ..... 1)0 we h atrysoeo ra Sprio eoetmvdt d ue1,A 93 repnort (latIin ai-i-o-di-te ,,îlli report tIon to lie taken agant me aI ibis March 22-P. O. Box rent . . 2 ' wao oe-------00 va u atti hr ! rs uevsi eoetmnit d ueI 93 theNiachJun metIg o '-- oar, aalingMarh 1.-re___on____i Lake, and tlie goverroment meandai- jaun uîutIi 1:30 o'clocit P. M. Mi-. Chairmau and Gentlemen et (lie an ntutoslwoa sçraper------------.25 Total-------------------..8 895.00 Ill', tbal (bat portion lyiag batwesn Motion carriad. Board o! Supervisai-s. Meoeting, w-e îtuudt lt,,iiiil ii Carl tle declsiaa eft(ha Cook County case Mari-h 23.-Frignt on harrow 1.36, DRt GOOI)S AND GROCERIES. 1(lic shora and meendar lIne o! natid 1:30 o'cloct P. M. Board called tu Tour Canu.nutlae on Courtý _______6 e Westerliaîui. Ct tîtîtsy Trisivi,, toi- and tha appel (eroon. Api-il .-A. Wiinett, '45 y de. unhlea-hbd 11111118i11111 4.60, Iriitional quarter section as oOwn order by Cnairman Conr-ad. Ciainîs would bag Icava la report ~~4UIff Iug tatie (1,,tur~ Raeort aîid valtespecttully submltteui, fare ta Chicago. '711 yds. Daîcl bina ailco.... 1.60b plat nudc by James Anderson, J-r Sprio Rn.Cama ete h-a ve b efortie sat ciets t ,. , . i a mt herevui]t cm elort - e andi *'. W*tifad Apil 9.-Pi-ad Palmar, -50 yds bc tlkig...... 70 Cont nivaor ont July 9h.m te r, "bri eeihcmu for borne colla- ' 12 pairs men's averahs--------8.00 1w-li-luis lueranta sltecied, conteins 66mte a hmarfrrd(.~~ yniant ut the failawing. mm VM . caeS front him regarding ,Iue semCosny ranrr and straps--------7.00 3 men'g jackets-------------4.60 ai-ras more or less that your petit ositton Of trio Laitle Coenty Mcd cal ClIerk be direclad to lisue,-dM1 In. anlsd ly wbich ho refuses ta tatra Supervisai- Welch et Newport movsd Api 9.-J!. Goldberg,- 12 suite men's Otdes-yogi-. 12 - 200 ai lr e desairous o! purcinasIng tramn (ha Society, submitted the following i- tharaiaiutst i k-s ý.4_ ý . . ý~W h.v .ls -oele -lI li a.--__ ------- Ai - -- -- .- svrlaouttahe

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