CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Sep 1913, p. 12

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RESIDENT IS DEAD ertBnk Caves in and Man luTrown Against Moving Steam Shovel and Hurt. loOY IS BADLY MANGLED. Iappened at Deertield Brick- Yard-Died Few Hours Lat- ]PRIUARY LAW CHANGES NEEDEU, SATS MAGKI Springfield, l111, Sept. 7.-iStte Sen- atar Magill ln a statement tonlgitt de- nies there le serioos coufiict between primary ellection lava passed by the last general assembiy vhlch affect the nomination and alection of United States senators. Hie also denles that the differences oeil for correction ai a speclal eikîian. The statement Baya there le a cou- filct as te dates with respect ta lte nomination o! presidentiai electbrs. Since no presidential electors are ta be selected util 1916, the legiature vîli 'have ample opportunity ai the 11EY. FRAMI( RE. OSIEiNS FROM «iR* M4AN REFORMED CHi. Gives High Cost of Living and SmaII Salary Received as Reason for Action. MAY BE A NEWSPAPERMAN.ý His Resignation is the Eighth to Take Place in Local Pulpits 'i:,.., 55...5k er in Cdcago Hlospital. nexl reglar session te reconctie the 'in 1riva mullîll. Measure .joseph L.lmberger, 40 yearg aid, emlle Wauicegan, September 2 -- A Il UiIIAII Rav. F. P. Flauke of the German ployod ai the plant ofthIe Alles Brick RElle a tndrd i Comanyai.eefildnea Hghlndefarmed ctrc9astndrd0i Parkpoie deerfed, netariHthiandreiguationtas pastor of the local roi trethspta, hcaofrin- u NANCE WAS PASSa cburch taethe:oficiai board, Woa .tteraoon o! the rame day. HI-te as DBY THE COUNCIL gati floet Sun. spe il but- VoerJug baside a steam abhoyai vhen again ex ona. sela el bk feleoarth caved ln, tbrowlng hlm Waukeg&n, September 9 1lng bas beau caiied for this prps lSsiust the moving shovel. He vaS' The Chicago sud Iilwaukee Bloc. kdly mrabed. 1tric ailroad ordinance vas passad by 1Limberger bail been employed at 1Uth city council at the regular Most- t<is particlar vont for sanieIlttia lng Mlnday ight. Anothar ordi. Urne snd aivays had exenclaed great nanca, ceallnga peciai alaction for: enre, lu thl4 particular Instance the Septembeen 3011, at limee'1 sccient liappeued se suddeîîly that People o( the City May vota ou thee11 »0 one vouid have been able ta avold proposition asetaeviieller or uat the! theu coneeqlueucea. coiitany caol ho granteil a thlrty Limberger vas working beside the 'year franchise ta use theatreeta ce! * hl sleam aliavel but could nlt be seau: the City, aise uaming thte judgas and eboeiviiWo"wù derutng <the ai- cleriiîoof lection sud pr«ccnblng the wactlug dav Ice. The earth at this vanloos polllng placé, vas passed by ~lt vas qulte randy aud a number the council. ulseava-ins had occurred before. but[ Mr. Johnson, nnao W. O. Jahnson, mot wilb fatl resulte. Unîberger step- ncaivar of the road, snd Attorney »d4 to close ta th. edge o! the treiiciiChtarles King, Waukegan rapreseuta- Oieh the bitg ,bovel vas excavating.. iva of the rallroad, were present et The net moment lie feit the earth thte meeting sud bafore any action mndoriis feet glving vay. Ha crled vas taten, presenled 1the council vith OUt and bled la rave hiniself, but rank frontaga consente or petitiaus f romn *h 1the tans and tans of oi. The 'peopie living on the streets vhicit utsam shovai vas moving forward at the Company purposes ta use. The REV. . . AJ4KE. tMe moment tite cave-lu occurred. The l av raquires taI a Ma.jrity of front. Pastor of the Germon Reformod «sonnear heard the warnlng cry Sudiaea muet ha repregented ln these churcis who tenders hie resignatlon sifilit off thte team as soon as Possible, froutage tetitions hafara the com- and announces that ha May resomne .4 lit vas net until the workman had pay bas teigit ta go ahead and noepaper work which ho engaged in à1b, ri»ed hy te Sharp edged steeilaIpy its rtsk. oetsking up the mlnlstry. The falct. FR aesnometlimé hoÈrs te fb@cse petitiong ,sadpreviotsly al high cont o! living and 0w slaries VerlennSUCCeeddlu iggug out the beau ezumined carafully by Alvah H. for mnisters are given s hie reason %My of Limberger, more desd titan Rogers, clark o!ftae board of local lui- for rooignlng. He e i eighth pas tcr of thobvolwdls" ata bwb Bev. John Benudx reelgneaspto of the OWfidlish Methodiat church; the Jewiah RRabbi resigoed froin the local synagogue; aud now the reslintiin elght. it le douhtfui if sucit a record ever had a parailel. Rev. Love reslgned toamCelit a 1>0- sailol inl Boston; Rey. Dlckey re- slgned. Il la aiiaged. as a resoit O! friction inuthe churcit Rav. F'aris raalgned to taka up s position as lu- structor ln a western collage: Rev. Richardson resignad for reasons the saine as thosa givan by Rev. llrsnlsa. He has acceptad a position In the Cyclone Pence Company as a travel- in g raleemmu; Bey. Vldberg resignad la accapl a pastorate bu Scituectady, N. Y., but before les' lng exipnessed hie dislite a! Wautcgau peopile lu <an- eral; Rey. Bendix resigîîed lu orde thut te nlgit davote hie enlire lime la ltae mauagersip o!fauaiod faits home in Qat Psrk; the Jevisit rabbi .1reslgued bacause te declaned ha vas deulad lte paver o! expreeclug bis ivieve. MYSTERY IN THE DEATI 0F MAN 15 DEEPER TIIAN EVER ICrn ' JuyInclined to Be- liCve ns urdeedand His jBody Placèd on Tracks. BODY COLD WHEN FOUND. This WDead at e Tme Car ThisWould iat e That Her Ran Over His Body. Deepest mystery sitroude the deathý of the unldanlifiad man vhose dead body vas 9lcked op ou the Chicago and Mlvwaukea Eieclnlc tracits on the veat ide line 'belveen Ntntb sud Tent treete on Saturday uight sbartly afler idnlgbt aftar il had beau rolied fifty feel by an electric olie, s te tllig entl ha prcipravemenîs and ha stated test thetr to resign vitin s peiod o!five c;;.Thcoae' uy uMn «Mly bus'led him. 'Company had a good slzed majoritY. months. nigitt at tee Conrsd & Itr undert As qulckLly as possible ha vas plac- mucit more tean thay needcd ta au- loig roomS luveetigated the facts Ms board s train aud ruehed ta the; tille tita e<o abead cite the vont. for thc comlng Sunday. Rtev. ranie te case. returnied a verdict lu vii liroo streat bospital lu Chicago, but.ý The cornpany expojieuced 11111. dl!- mode thee elalement, that as fan as ite thay found test tae vicîim came k* lte van despalred a! from te: iculty In gttlug these petitons,,l i et rn as n nam *«y fri. Ha vas ipo hadly maugled iedotadcnihaesc 1ou stehg otoflvg il ye~tu&Jttiathevuidot llla on su cold ave d iWaukegau vas one o!fte resoner uuknovu tae1the Jury. The f pý?XmucEn langeromteonities itnd il 'been vity se meny posters l» thesCity ne- thst theebody vas coid dean pici Uv -lete bicgaIbos -mcesary1Isigl, sud the uuusually low ealanie.3 UP iudicatad ltaIt te man vas d vho »W tee accident asset that fit The counicil made a careful lu- paid by sanie o!fte citurcites boee ven tee car Passa ovar hie bo *»aeof o! se deplorabla accidents vestgation o! teese petitions and la anotçr rmason. Whetiter ha vus strucit by a Whflch could ual have beau avent- teeon subnitted a report lu vhich Re rueheiÔtdcddva iicit precaded tilleanasd vas1 teey declarad suasicoeul franlaga bnd theydecare suficint ronagebadha vilI do in case the cougregation se dead an tee tracits viteout theaec mi. _____________ beau aecured. Thte report vw» 5.o teea nvn*aybu celved sud placed on file lu tee clerk's catsi esignal nSudayoflte malter, or vitler he vas n of Po lm ÀT ~oSte. It vas theu test tee railrood lHe hue recelved svcj sledderdadthnpiceuo ~II F P L XIEA A I rdinance sud the electian ardinauce fera 1e accept positions lu hie former tracts 1e hide te evideuce af UI.C UIjM II fEIE ~ verspacesifina a! vont as a nevepapen fman. IEIriIYI'1U UL4F aie as a(sctofcon- Rev. rauke vas for elght yeans co-crime, lea problem viticit confron M O D E D iabie internact test tee blggest theeJury and wvici cooid uat maJorlty of frantage vas glvan byýnce ihteSeognPbih M & TIO e peaple reslding an Belvidere street, lng Company and for five years villi solved. ______Indicstiug test tee people on ite Frankln Publlshiug ConspanŽ. Tite membens of te jury, hav, street are more thonu axious te have Heaiuso e lte sutao!lte final comn-aeemed la be of te apli ita Laits Shore ladge Na. 568, Kigitsth te cars paonteîr homes, plate histany o!fte satse o! Wlccon- dead inu as the victluA ft o « PylisThelgtodo Mua 'i ew franchise gives tee carn- sin published hy tite Franklin up.>paysildd atemloca t ero tauega.L aitme sai. tev- pany thee ight tetalay tracts and 0p» I lishlug Company lunltareaun-au- streat car cauld strike and kill brtfrouiaga s u er lesAu-amite cars o efîovnu stcte g ag; severa alter histories hava fellov sud the matarmati knovri, MARlON STREET-From th.lue ceutly been published by hitm sud lng about IL. The conductor ou tqigated alteudauca o! 1000 vas pre- senitu yhiot ta Bvintsret hat lll a meneber o! tite Siteboy- car viticit passed aver thebem Jit I ylmt e evie sre.siotliy atten miduigitl /teallled1 Met Attorneys James G. Wlcit sud LID EST E-ronM- gan Histarical Society. ,4piur ulkly. vo a Wakega'eton treelt te.e et Cty îmItWt. "lu ail my experleuce 1 have neyer lt oyvsci ie al 4ýst bruiliuontan , verspress, GENICSEE STREET-llrrn .Blv. !aund a cty vitere the coat of living rn iecradfI !lt a Med o part lu the prograus. Thi dore trest tea CInu tse. . as se higit and the salaries paîît David Q. Hart, nianbar o!flte lini e aW àdoclded henon, as somana!f cI..yTON STM T'-prom Goue. mîsîstar as loy as In Wauuiegan" Conrad & Hart, bore out tels nt jost tiebansd Most P nuW o Isuedcao Hdh meut. raylug 11*1 t weeuha ari lu eeKulita ! Pthes ates COUNrv STREET--rom eCisyton beau for tae tact taI I vas able lu au the groad a short IlunelatI> la Illnois gave taits. Judge Pensonsa tet ahratl sre. i.oI ymagrrlayly an emove te body ta the undertal et Waukegau vas te have gven a Il ~ctva uabe a ttnd a FRANKUN STE --mro Conu- nvaepr vont on te aide I dont romsil vas caid as il vould ay inotta are vene.kuteiovIaottehvega.aîng1îhave been itad te man Jutl 'he foiovlng pragrani vas rendier.-ytirn tiothaeneilled 1wul ae o log NORTH AVENUF-9rauklin streal ihave ual declded Juel vital 1 vilI do kl -d ei:taennth itcty limita. I fier my resiguallon la acted upoîl The motonmafi on te car test Braa ii oton icune. REENWOOD ÂVENIE-Ncrth Ib1ut fitle very possible taI I yul gelttat as ha approacited tee body Addnesa 'of veicorne hy tae chair- iavenue te thea vee fiue o! rsilraad. bocktfoilte nepaper business." rav Somelhlng exlaudlug avar Short taîka by te folowlîîg: 1WASHINGT~ON STMEKT-ffBprlug RUsyFranke declares tit lha bas Iracits and ut first tleougittfil e ztettWetCity lmt.hi vra splendid laer t enter stick Or somne veeds. As ha . P. t'ald% el. K. K. o!rIl. snd S.j GLEN FLORA AVnNTE-NOrte the nevepaper gante. Receutiy, ha dloser he sald ha nomv Il vas a bu <if lilneoulsGs.lh Wue avenueIte e vest City limitas. raye, ite vas offerad te Psition as aruL. If e aîspllad tee eten, Auone Jmes<J Wlcl. aue- Thte action taiten by te clîy cour-.Ily oditan of a local nevepaper but brakes and stoppaid tee car as Corporation (ounnel Arthjur Bulkiey, cil on Mouday nigitt vas thie final pro. dcle.Dnn ieteh a a osbebttevtasia Waukegan. llmiusrv tep necesrary bfore te ebore ho asdoue coneidenable aven the body sud lte romanls ,Céarlas Edens, of the (enlnal Trust referendum election ou tee frauchise vnlUieg for bath Waokegau neye- rolled sud dragged alogg nudar j qwhtik% taiez place ou Septembar sote.h ppers.ecar. The body appeared te have ,,@"y, ChicagoiTt rnhs a eusfgadd 1e.F-ut a aid1 ieiu vniyapaoigcraî John Larrainile. one o! the leadig luefarycncis ee mbauersguad te , lPal,,,.c'tFran aFreotev sthels vas ba ptthcuid uc"al ib -r"ticon vievsanaîd lecture; City council are nov rattlfed test noI one-iaif yaars ugo. H-e bai beau lu termined. .heOrigin and Preseut Tue O! thte trougar instrument could tee dravu., Freoport tree years. lu ail ha -itas Fully anaeitudrad penpif have I~lhtso! ythas, byG. . Wg. The large maJarities lu the front- beau lu te nînistry fifleen yaans lied thte Conrad && Hart uinin age petilions secured by tee railraad He has proved hiaI! 10e ha ana recuis but ual oua o! thenover W.W.Caneantertainer su m unning fraus 600 te 1,000 font ou o!fte mont progressuve aud activaete victuni before. Thte police of W anejeach streel lu excees o! tee fi-atage ministars te City btas bad lu a long kegan and Northt Caicago arei ~s~ooe pclre. equlrad by lav shtow ual onlyth ttlme sud bis gong vîlI ha regretted Iug on the luatter but have un pulc pri ! u ctzesontteegeoaîy eiitel Iv aai te.T T"e pragram vac held l intee- ubaes pi r btitefgrovitnsntet in e ihtMiistnsLeae. lige!slee ote liaita victît atoets bais-darne onntientIn EghtMnsesLa ifsîsîn atehoresuitheS diitim su idoead vas prauouuced fvro ie rnhsoonte ia Tereluta !R~.Faiel «' t le mont succasaful affaire theefvro h rnhs o htte TerggainO e.Fak asaua h oato rne Niehhts o! Pyties ever have givan People are realiy ttiukiug about it tee lt change ta be fade lu Wau- nel and hie body pacet! on te te sh»counly. Excellent speeches clmly and sertously. kagou pulpîls vîelu inte short pari- 1ebid~e te crime. Rebbery ase Aflar tite passaeao!ftae franchise o !Be o'e Tt rI hnetîve tl e nta te ctaierated as lte Vor edrdth oni as teeeto t')los-e mnh. h ftchneMien cvldeutly vas aimenst a Il r o u d e i - e d . l i a un c î l rt i a sat e d t e ee n o r i - t e c k p l a c e v t c n Be y. W . W . L o v ae i e - H i b d y v s u r d t o a Rather Riaky. foranceeglt li1e9o!.te electian Iguod asapesteronfo!Christ citurcito au bd a uidtdyt Th Rmwoalwor eises hie-forSpame ie.11.tee firet o! May. Bey. J. A. Dilciey pttera field aud tee myteryw ,* h. ma choly hsyI lnfnteîo eà hte eagedaepsero teChpidovu as one o! those viticitpro i st t. slip up ou a baana pont. Oadetu-we have lâmeiltihe Mitreot Christian citurcit racentli.ver.l o ovd ___________ maetlesoi ,a u nbave bevoat ad Oteer changesaran: rasigntian o!figmnoa *1< Mm . mt w&thMii. WUodaboure. 014 lady (vWb@I ey. Ellswnort F'sns resigned as pan- o mur.aitminnstoroirt âmrh tiUumoth a a UO 11110 mrvol on t 1k lr")-toi-o! the F'rst Christiau chuncit; ciOallhenàacinieeTout te Aira dosa 107eas IL-Ah. Wall. rs me ter s ii bms. OaJve, Bey. J. B. Richtardson neignedas lics ail noervre a l e heeh ____ ~ .tan o!ftae Finît CongregatiolialtrsottL-Chiçffl Nove. fB.tI WAS PROMNINT, IN LAKE FOREST MRS. WALTER SMITH 0F LAKE FOREST ENdDS LIFE IN LAKE AFTER MAKINGI TINY GRAVES IN SAND.I After maklog tva 1111e graves lu the sand of the Lake shore.,qîaclug a tUn cau of floyers t the haad of ona sud praylng over the toy gravayard site had Mnade.,2,rs. Walter B. Smith, ana of the vealîbliest aind Most at- Inactive Young Society matrone o! Lakte Forest. Monday lied a welghl about her necit and ieaped loto Lalt Michigan. Her body vas washled ashore about 31 'ciock. the fact of wicitanneared exclusivelv lu Mon- afteoe a Who* etoud a pleomaa. But 1 isaOad.tooeuwr vithame 4t6eue vheu tieey veut vWUlehke te thie gace thir mard.gÎ. the. womas as ono., Thore vas the Evidoenc et thse Inqueset littia toy graveyard, villi 4s eau of Dr. j&- C. Havon, vho hmas ooas. floyers, aud tha marks o! & vomans SgMith'a famiiy physicien St Lakte ?or. bande aud chosllb.the and. est for yaars, sald <t KiuM. lSmith qI giiesa shes gona bouse," raid w a5 flot stcbject ta lits of 4pondoncY the policeman. andrhad neyer suffarad (rmnmotai It vas$flot more than ffteen MI!iabrations. Marie fichuts, a gaver- utes bïfter tlhe boys had witnetsced the neae testifiad 1h51 Mr*. Snmith had strange scena on the shora that beau cheerfol and apparantly happy lteinhnld Lier vent te thaebach te during the morning. ate. Mrs. Sfmith vas ragardad as a I - hink BOd le lothng. waman of much swaatnass of chayac- Thins Boy laCloting. ter and of a happy disposition. Lier walked ta the snd of the pir.i Apparenlly aile had beau tu theoboast about 100 test, aud caw vhat be took o f spiritesud of! basth. te ba a bondie of ciathing, ln about ___________ elght feet of vatar. Ha thouget Ji was cast-aif ciotlin* sud did notat MANY LAKE COUNTY t empt te, recover It. COUPLES LICENSED. About 3 o'ciockt te caves carrled the bondie of daotbes tovurd share. Bryant B. Nolder, a junior u at Faraet collage, rav tte obje, .su recoguit ed it as a body. Witila ha day's Sun. w as cnlIng for ald the body vus Hi-s. Smitht vas te daugitter o! vsshad loto shallav caler aud Hlram R.MNc('ulloujh, vice prealdent draggad up on the beach by Augoat of the Chicago & Nanth western Rail- inenllngsau shortly afler 3 ociock. vy Company, aud te granddaughttfr Henanna Unami)ud - Policeman of former îresident MarvIn IbughittiSwens. The policemn waded imb of thearame cam'pany. Sue vas the Iltae vater sud brougbt lte body vite of Walter Fi, &i. tc uî shiore. bond iroker. lier fallier-in-lav. Ils Artilclal respiration vas started by ron L.. Smnitht, Ile resideot o! the H -enningsen. Efforts o! resuscitalloîî Wawkogan, September 10. Judglng f romn appearaucels. rodsy fluai have beau Lake County Day in the office of the marriageauenc clark lu Waukegan. for out of the ten licences lasuad, seven were issusd ta Waukegan and Lakecacouty coup- les. polioviug le a lilt of the licensAs lisd toaY: k"red Petîlciair. Waukpgan......... 4 Alica B. Hughes.ramne ..........4 sumuel M. Wilson. L.ibertvyvliie -. 28 Anna %Icglroy, Chicago..... ....'30 l:îmer lHarju. aukegan........24 Mary Petersoîî. saine..........28< Rtolland il. Meer, tacitefelepr. Narthern Trust toimpany. 1 vere lai.ale 1Flioward N. Mrkley. lianvillie .... .32 Littlo Boys Watch Lent Rites. j A place o! becap cord vlth s frc ldua M. fliankenburg. sanie ... 211 About 1:30 o'ciock MNinday tva lit. 1end titrea feet long, vas knolled Jalie Fout. Union Grova, Wls - ,") tie boys. piaîlîig along te ahone Stiaround lier necit. lier straw * bat ElAnd JPuesse. aea .. . .. t te fot o!f eerjiatii aveniue,. aw vue sfound en thte beach, apitiefilu in Ev 3NIKlitane,sanme woman acting sirangelt ltihe bnelt tte and vith biat pins. .John I- Meyer. Waukegun .... l.:1 dovi, in the aand as coîed It vih It isvs teaugitî Ibat lu a seîzune of1 .eIdîla 1.1-ler,sanie .............2t lier iiiiiiis csrctdlunae Zeeuckewich. Waukegan .... z27 Tuebos wîîlîe ler urlvevthe graves, etc.,prelin. "Ani a Sarpuioke. saine ... i4 Tit bos wtchd ler urtvely Iary to c2n lnttiug suicide, but no'li- John C. Johnonaî, cikago ...... 2 2 but suie (îlîd ot notice tieni. Site lgrv a1ttt nqetsreî' alnl~ ulkair ae 2 Beeeied ta lie maklig a loy graveyarul. n eW dA hefqes ueset areeE l resketion re...o.h2 They rav hier make ivo tiuy gravewl rcpso orRv.Jh lu the sand, put1 sane foyeýrrine Nelîber vas any evîdence brought Boudin of lte Svedll Methodist nosty tin can and place theni at tueoOut that ltae drovnng vas accidentai. chunch vas extended hlm by the menm- head o!faile grave, and knoee overI Open Verdict sn Returned. bers o! is churchIn l the churcit par- tlit 111e moolîde as if praylng. Al The coroner's jury et the lnque"t lare on Sunday afternoon. 1ev. Bosi- hier actions were strange sud the iteld ut Lakte Forest laIe Monday dix preached is fareveli sermon lu boys, hewildereil. vatched minsoen. ulgbt returned the fallovlug verdict: i the avenlîîg. lHa leaves for Rayons- Actions Frighten Voungiters. We. theeJury. lied that Florence wood citere he vill be able to gise Wheu the graves haonaeu fIled M. Smlth came tolaihr daatb by mare o! liets ie toan511oid-foiiic' home up Sud thea utIle mouudes naothed drovuing lu Lake Michigan off Ihat la condoctedl there. aven, Snd tha floyers put in place, the shore of Laie Farest. sud thea prayere raid. tee struge The verdict iras slgned by Edward Bey. Han-y T. Caucler. nectar o! lady began tauIs a rape about ber Conrad, daputy coroner. and jurn: St, John's churcit. Irving Park. has necit. Titante boys vena !rlghtened. E. A. Hamili. D. R. McClellan, Auitrey been called ta tae puipit of Chtrist -Sites gain' ta bang hersaI!!" Warrein. George Anderson, D. L. Episcapal choncb, Wak@an. The whlspered one, Poteusu. sud David Jackson. formai cati vas mnallad<to hlm Mon- "LeIfs run-let's gel a policeman"' Identification vasq made through day !olovlng a meeting o! tee cOm- raid te alter. Mrs. fimitits vedding ring.,viticit mittee lu charge o! tee imalter itoid Sa te ecsred li111e felîcys rau. sud bora bier initiale sud thosa of her' Sunday aler citunch. Join Yeoman' s South Bend Watch Club And Buy on Easy Termus fou' Less Money An Easy, Couventenli Plan et Duylnaa Ooselgn-Brldge model of latent de- sign. Plate&-Genulue nickel-flot brasa nickie plated as ln many makes-in- surrbg an even expansion and contrac- tion ln choages of temperature. Jewels-Selected ruby snd sapphiro javels tbroughut-sre harder and flot no easy ta chlp or break an the garnet jewels generaily ued. gEcapement-Double &oller-thls ov- orcomes ail danger of over baukiug whlch would stop the watch. Steel Escape Wheel-Harder than the bruns commouly used. Lever SAt-Protects you againat ac- cident&i movlng of the bands. Roguistor-'-A patent micrometar nut and srew-uo danger of back iash. Balance Whoel-ConapensatiflS-au- tomatlcally adjuts lîsaîf ta changes lu temperiitOre, etc. Mair Sprine-Bleguet-the very best made. AdJustmente.-Temfperature isoch- ronlsm and titres positionis. Very closaly rated under each one of tese adjustmeflta. Finish-Very bighly and heautffuliy fiished throughout. GOld letterlng. Qood Watch PM Dowu $1.00 peu' week At thc Lowest Cash Price Yau can gel a fiua bigit grade South Baud Walcit on easy psy- mant- Aud yat psy na mai-e titan ltae negular cash prica if you laite a membershiitln our Sout Bend Walcit Club. You sec, on Ibis ru- oporative Club va sali tveuty-live vaîches St one lime, sud giva lte Club memberg ltheu-en off t o! a quaîstty price; Thte actual savlug to 700 bu buyiug a iigh grade valcit an titis co- openativa. easy payaint club plan ls $2.50 ta $5. Iu facl you ara buy- Ing Ibis valcit an easy terumetai tae very loy- est cash prie fanrviticit theerama grade of vateit cau be bought anyvitere by anyana. Naturally tels offor vilI ha vlthdravn vheu Oui- Club la completed aud il vili ha te, your lutereat tb luvestigate cur plan lmmediately. We invita you ta corne lnsud 'examine theu vatches as yau eau thon pee for yourselt visaI an unusual affer ve are makiug. Wear the Watch WhiIe you Pay You have the privilege of selectlng your case from a large assortment of artlsticaily eugraved cages of differant designa. or you can have plan or Ko. mali finish If you desîre. The case la guaranteed for 201 years and we give you a certificates fatlng how much goid there la ln the baci of the case. The case la but espectl. ly for the movemeiit, thus iusuring greater accuracy. WHAT WE WILL DO FOR VOU. We agree to adJuet the watch to your person and guarantee Its keeping accurate lime as iFng as it ilaflot abus- ed ln any vay. The manufacturera stan~d back of us ln makIng Ibis gur antee. If the watcli does flot give you ao- curate service, wes ul give you a Day vatch ini exchango. LOUIS J e YEOMAN, 1 "Ba tet.We Im4nL A South Bond Ws*ch Keep. P.rfect TMme in Soid lce. Leked 1. jý -Il 1

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