Pl P at w. re- O uPerisOr Sorense, ChairmOn Of It mi"ttwêhi tibe (In. the I'oésand alaries COOMnifttee, euh- to *SDlFWdo evesvt.b1É bon. ultted te follwinzreport: omable in thir powVer tô socurs the Waukegan. Illinois, lune I3tlî, 1913. apoin tment of thei sald George P. Mr.('haîrmaîr and Gentlemen ofthLie Riiu o sMd office. Board of Supervisora. Motion cariel and resolutlon adopt- Tour ('ommttee on Fees andi Saiar- ad.1 les hereby recommenti that Mns. [eura, Supervisor Stratton of Grant Chair- Hoye. Telepltone Operator at the Court oman of Commtte ou Jutiges of Elect- House, be allowed two weeks' vacation ton, subotîtteti the followlng report: thîs semmer xeth full pay ln advance Watikegan, Ill.. lune 13, 1913. and that te ('lrk lie autliorlzed Lu Mr. Chaîrmari and Gentlemen or te draw a warrant for the sanie and alao Bloard of Supervisors: to draw warrants lu payoteot of thte Your Contmittee on .ludges of Ltlect- servies of a tiabitute durlng Buch ton subnrlt the following lit of Judgeu vacation. of Eltion for thte several precîncts Ail of wltlh lm resmectfully mublit of 1*k)e County for the eusulng year, ted. andi recommend thir appolutment, anrd Anton P Sorenîsen. tai th varlous jolllug places lie fixed F. W. Brooks. Thoee voting Aye àre Superdiors Delnorest, <los, Klrwliner, Walai.- 4. - Tbose votlng No are Supervisors Brooks, Berulie. ('hitteuiden, Clark, Eger, Êmnîons, Flcke. Ferry, Meyer of Fremont. Meyer of Waukegan, Maeth- er, Pettîs, Sorensen, Speilmaii, Strat- ton of Grant. Strattun of L.ake %'illa, Welch of Newport, Whlte -18 Supervîsor Welcli oft Waukegau mov- ed titat a Commlittee lie atîlttnted ly the Chairuran to ativertîse for bidei for auto litre for the Sherîfi' for on.- year andi that the Chaîrman and ('ierk lie authorized to enter itti a tigrîed con tract for tlhe saine. Motion carrled. The Chaîrmnan aPPoIrtttd att sucli Commlittee Suhervlsolrs W~alsh. (loti sited famnrest. thiIs B.rdlaine ilw nîîccssarv anid ap- proprlate action. sndflit f ile Chair man appoint a Coi'î,ttriee of Pi've, whose dUty shailhet 10,elect sud dea. ignate upon ant aprirlrIate mati. these public lilgbways riii Lake' (tunty tît mllaîl corne under tine' prov iioîns of te Statute. Lo securt Inmrratrn regard ing te aimountL trt bv te Stte Hlgh'way Comnmis', r forrr or Couritty snd Lo determirre ti'mîianît ie sary for titis irittt tr nprolrriaLl', antt Lt,eure sij( ttl-r t'rI nftormationm as niay lie neî'î',ar r iî,rlstitutlig Lte Sate AId iiotr iS r 'term lu thi 'ouuty, and to trak,' a :rtii report ai tire Sepîtember mrn-'tog oft Lilr Board. liated Aug. 4, liiiý Motion carnrid trnIrt ,t itiorit adopt 39471 PUPILS AREr ENROLLED IN ALL SCIIOOLS_0F CITY Attendance in Parochîal, High and Grade Schools of CitY Breaks Ail Records. 724 IN PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS. IG. nan. BLt Lb. 812.60 ubînît, Terni, Led ba. tL the re for *OMeIa lalmed awed. 78.45 29.34 107.99 ubmtkL rat te kegan, iclary. se. Ternu. of te Claînia t thé>' ed ite- qyuent Clark Dr te dLaim- lallnad 4.80 124.40 10.00 263.40 77.25 693.00 28.00 16.30 .96 5.10 5.60 4.30 64.3u 2.40 2.50 '95 37,10 6.60 7.30 1385.40 121.80 lubnitt man. lat the .Wal- appéai. U. lad te fol- adopt. eti b>' o be belng )stt en, ikr. 4e tor f Rqad r auiko e L*e Wnsipp irades, According to Revised: Figuîres Have a Total Enroli- ment of 2,372. Waukegan, Seplemnber 9. GRAND TOTALS. Ly Schoois .. lrochiai sclrools ligh schooi .. ;RAND TOTAL, -724 375 3,471 Slxtlî grade, 41. S,', eîth grade, 41. ighLlh grade. 32. itrtt anrd secondt21. 2 i'rrrttbgrade.33 ifti grade, 4-4. LINCOLN îSouth west I 'Ui r tri a'.,. i- 1hmn gr;,di.' 41. Vi t c t g a '.. Vi tI grid,i 'I irrti cr tI' '4 Sixti grad,d'l S-ex eit h gradeit, r' ighîth gratde., 'Tatai. 2411 M'ALISTER Southeast.) Fîrst grade.,4«. Second grade, 47. Fourth grade. 43. Fourtit grade, :14< l"lfttî brade, 41. Siith grade. t'7. Seeciitianrd 'ic igth gradîs, .5.? Total, .. i)eIhv oî'oIier FEdward ednj,.tili rallierincitaned toete theory Lbb rs Walter Il Slth of Laite Tare oas drowned as te. resul tofaae rdent ratiter tiban titat site delîberate toutt her own Ilfe. A report Cà became current todav titat ail effol te rmade to re-open te inquest %'q deLtled iy NMr. Conrad. lHe sald tM tir far arste Smrîit famlly are verned te lnquest neyer W1117t W opened aa titey feed perfectly s$ lied tlîat te woman'a deatit was requit of an accident lnanmoeh Lîere bad net been the algbt trouble at bonne.- As for the tiny grave-huke moiind sand wit a cata of wIld flowera ILs iteati. leadlng to thebe >left ù posaîbly site arranged this before s look ber own lits, a theor>' advaaêi in Lake Forest on Monda>' aftru Mhr. Conrad scoutei te bIsa, aff that unquestlonalily te littie ~o itail ieen mate b>' cidren ettph> I rtey create wlerd figures andslla erery afternoon whlle playlng at 'te lake shtore. He says tera w nu tracks about te niound as thil as fhoa 0 . .osseSprie eclo akgl Iv h hi ssc l Akil of whilcitla respectfully subutît Suîpervseri'Straiiort of <Grantt uoved Supervîsar Wellr uofthrWauke a tro niTi' tatSrîmttir tir" trtî4 a I'ir F tel ta i lIe reptort lieru'cepted andi adopt- polutedtiutodevise'a irt'hod iters'by rtfNewport, Vl'irtî- Krî"rirîrer andt Win. J. Strattuir. Pd.ailtruaterli anti work shah lie let tri Klig. J. )entorest. Motion carrled. accordajîce wltiî advertlted bidls and tievalEcrtrrrt!îtnttrrt C. W. Petila. Supervisor Welcit of Newport moveti accordedt L te lowest res§poîi41lte bld. tIeiser.14> . . ;dIi Preclnct. Benton lot; Polllng Place, tat Mrs, Alsaloin Clark o! Newport FrweeLt aena rsr i ion1.30rP. M. Village Hall. Wlntbrop Harbior; ludgee lis paîti the gure of $250 per week for dvulv te î4 rmutr.aitorcît ('urrnî of melton,.Anion F. Soreuseit, t.. 'te support of George Young. r tee shil report at SelLeiir iet- 1'L :10 io'lock 1P M, Ilorri .il,'t t Ktnlg ChiaL Ferry.Moincrid n rebyCa l lPl Bentub 2bd; Police aud Mto are rgtîe y(hîîrtt'r.alP SUpervîorSPelIman mîtred t> atd Motionr crred 'trty Trlar,trrr W-'tt'rfrtIîlat le gtin, Zion ('lLy;Jutges of journi untîl 1:30 o'clock 11, M.TeCara apone]i, ulS.j, h ffl.SI: iliAdt lilttoni, 1. a. Boyer. W E. Seholz. Motion er d.lTitt ue trtttn soîltt' tro, 'ittgit.5 E. Sn adof li<rt ' 4Boartdt AIlit N. K. gibsOfi. 1: 30 'clock P. Mtitaîrutar, (otrad arnd l>t'orest. gmritlite auffit rr' ri,( t'rultîLlGR Preclnct. BenLon 3rd. Poilig PIace. cahîcti LiteBard Lu order. Superviser Meyer of Prctrîortntr cd Supervisor Kintg 1rtAirtttthLIe mai )ckertown Soiol Bouse; Jutige of Walter A. Taylor exptalited iis billLiat te('lert lic autitorlzed Lu draw trleif i it(,,, w'trtîr FLe ItSe ElectUon. H. W. Ferry. J. I8. Fry- W.W- i te Board. Supervisor Wetcit of ,ara o ieCounty Treasurer Lutieetwt ît'(s tyTeasuer . ewtls. Waukean movedth iat ths icllilo Wal- ie several clalmants lu pavrueut ut Precînct, Newport; Polling Place, ter A. Taylor ite aliowed fror $121 344. ilsloedat hsiietii otion carrIer]. AiseHall, Rosecransi; .udges of Sisc- andt hat Iitlie undermtuîîd tatL itre raiollealed. aterise Is îîîeetîrtg.d hatst ion. Jarnes G. Welclî. George W. aler ail blîri for Justice Fées iiLi te e rvlii asise eyrofut.'ntme le armleor i]l'td ]w rtditaL Bmowe. Peter leeson. CIl>' of Waukegan be O K'd. by thit adjtmrn itabject t Ileii taIl oft1iW n.' teLosîgote froiriagî' îetltlou uf ire () Prelnt, AntiochIt;t Polling Place, States Attorney.Ltîriai Itcago & Miisaiukeeltîttl Rail 1 Wten Law Offie BIdEI.. Atoclt; Motion carrled, Motou carrleti r(adl Compiany foîr tline <nrttty frtitag Jutiges o! Election. E. L. Simon", E Supervsotr Wvi'ciî of Nn'tpoIJttChiar ,i Wahinto Strr,'L Vi C. Sabin. J. C' James. min uo! tire tomrrjtteu0t1Soait akgitii.Acu. L.til 1toncri Preclnct. Antiocli bud . olIng Ptace L.ands,. urtitîti flie foliti g rI' h%uarkîet g ait l ugt t lv t1911r Tir M otilowmcr-rmt.rrrr i or.aci Village Hall. Artil t;Jutiges f EIec- port. jrai,'nonrad with thei. fottowlrîg rierîr rail ion, W S. Rîtea r . L. M. Hughtes, F. 4aukpgart. 11ii, lune 13, 191:1 tir srt Srevnts Huk. 'tcg rtatl'ti4'nnai B. Iluler Mr. <'lralrîan d G,,tIeinren tt troîr ireetrlilit'. Lurrm B rookstnet. Ciao' i ni t, 'iflii Prectict. Grant. Polllog Place, Tuoit Boardl. I4'ak. i)enîîîre.t, lgi'r. i'trîtrti, Mlr.tBenjaminîi I iti(r, Hall. Ingeside. Judgtieaor lectiori, Yoînr i'ommtitî" itîn So'aîp li,dstuil"ck.erry. Cuts. Kirst'Iirni'r, Kirng, i.ibertyvtne, Il]. Win. J.Strattan . ti. VWatt, Lonverse iamont smas rî'ferred ireleiIl Otrt M ari eIreuard8ciîiebn îeg eavu Lt reMeyer o! Frentunt. MacLimer. Sitilitte. ienr SIr' PreslcL ake %'illa;.Potititg Place, port fiât e irave l.etig fdtireSrri n e u ruant. Strat rf trë %"Ii", itilli- llinis rewtitri nu t irtit, L,,îo r ti Hamin HaIliI.Lake VIlla. I udges of ,(tsi utlitusît <it uetliion, an] t bat M.NIlr irewpo Sratut, I a e fN lI a. , 'tit-i i' ofi mnplas r,'.t1i t eio Lnîti rr %lectlon,. Irlîn Strattun, . It' 14 ilks. Scinobeiî las trfepreel $2itrir10forarfNapr. is ,a \Vk ccatril mn, c ri pltneb>re ' i i ri Lesra William Mller. 1Quît CilînînD.eetof te tract dî',iit - VAbset: WluterviorsMt tîîrrrîîis f C enrs, r'r itart Precinct, Avon; Poliintg l'la"r. Tow I, n fi l ie petîion. No otîter (ltîin o iset ueior 'keMi'ye.tuf W.iut:-2. '*Ital erfl 447 fýaI sh Hall. Grayslake; ludges fElcilI esuîrtrc ppasan e Minutes or preceedlng rmeeting read conmunfIsionin l irrit ate Lo recordj A , T .W h te ,. E . B . N evlle , lFred W II- therefore reco rmm snd Liat the prayer ,arîd upînu m otion tif S aper vs r SI nons in the recoriiers ti i f r ]l ti ol ut hur o!lire petItiti e grartted atttnd aL Nîrapprrused. lil o ZV PrpcinîrL. Viarrî'u: PîtlIug Pacee Scitoelien's aller lie act'spLed andt iat jewi i ma sltn original pia ti f scîîh ad Wooman Hll.Gunic. udge ! npo ps runtrtfsaîr mîu t'. Chir Supervser WashCharma o't' wch rîow are or ltîreatter uay cote Wlcon, ti[al tii letîde0Ttt opnuautL fimtr an t liteChairL-lai]('uuîruitLee appoinîte(]tr at>ei'tirle intt iris bands, a Iit-irirar e tut beer Ellctin, alh W Chttridn. h 4. ri f tll Bord ndtheCoutyfor bîtis for auto litre, tabiîLt tî' rî'corded. anrd I iit hli f'lire dnty utf Mc4'ullouglit.Ney 4lerk Itlartitr eîl mnbtiaif o!fte folI.îng report:' ine i-ioity cortirnî'.'noifrrt"ncourt or ite preclîict. Waukegan14tO.Pulitilg 4'tutty t x it#-îLeiLuiîîarrl Scîtir 'aukegarî lliînois, Jutte 26, 111 Iboard of supervl,'str'.il, Firî, rase rose Place, Pli Hall; Judges of Ehlbîe.l,,aî. ncOud tgslicleimt Qîit ('taînnMr t'iaIr-tarîandiG'îteretof ti li-t riIssue orders sportte cuunty Heury' J.Brosciner. luotitWirleu. tted fr gctitrLac-itif lanîd. IHard o! Suterv-stors: treasîrrer lu laver tif srrei recorti'r John lisinrent. Aitol srpitul ublt ttf5 it t s r'rpeîtfllysutrrit Your Speclal 'tminruttee ap pont tedi tuî.ay sucit sersices. precinct. Waukegan Seconîd; Pollllngt tell. il, advertlse fur bids for auto iire, for! place. Ban% Barn; ludges o! Ilectlonn.' tarîîsc. GWeicit ir heff.IN eretr eor)îmtResIîectmniiî Tlmothy SpeUlman, NIck Larsen. Barry, E 1,sîntons fil Ser laveturfort flrnt hicago Tit' & TrustL ('nupa Rangs. il %V' Ferry, 1-di aser tlfor n' îisfor ato y Walter B. Siiitin AIsLsec'. Precinct. Waukegan Ird. Ptiinrg 1mini itte iery bld aheshei to'rte Office o! Counts Suîîerinterndcnt tif plce Aror. uigs ! lctnA Snperisotr 'Aeiclî of New purt nouve year n' d received bls s 'llw:i' Scitools o!fI.akt'litit> F. ('onrat, iLee Mcttîtntuugh, Dianieil A, to aecept andl iopt thLie report. Aye J Gri ilt $1.5to per itoar. *ItIn>t t Ordyandi Nay VoLe telrg caiin'd for Suprer- AuLrtod Garage ru.. $1.75 pl niMt.'r. B. H. Mifller, Precnct Wauegaî 4tî .î'olînî vlttr 'Aeich's motîionm aa'tt bly te hIl 1LBeach. $1.10)per tour.ibr>sîl.llnrî Fil.Gamasir Store. Judges of Elect fllîsug rote:tWItirerefore recorurentd miniat ac r' Ion Lan arint PterMc)ertît. ThIi ose tilug Ave are' Supervios tt rdlngto inmotioni adtpted by ire' It ear 1Mr. Miller. Mat Hoff. Neyer of l"rrîinL. tSînrunîs and MWeici tû,oardI tf SapFrmsrrr. 'ie i'iairutaln Nr rcka"f inn&e idraectrd' Precnct 'A'uksan ib, oiînîgo! Newport. Tirrîsevotîng No are- anîd lerk of flIe Bard enter rloti orm tII-ense of making te pliats ani eo Pace.tJohn Besls>'s Ollice. Ju igo.s pervsurs Brooks. Berulie, 'ourad, tract %IlinE J.(lriffiît for unie year ain tihtie plat book îofte pchoo~l sec Elcaut. Johnrad le*Oiace; , Frani OfBld Ltttenden. Eger. piuuons. Flcke. cîrrding iltitii-ternis o! fls isld Illedflouis of the counL>rai lIe $40.65. luer. Il radtwclis FrnkB.Goma. Klrsclitnîer. Kinîg, Meyer o! Wau.lieres itît Very riy yuurs. SigrPrda ctWaltsaî Bh Plltgkegan. Maeter. Petîle, Sorenser. Alil of s ih lisre-Pel suIiyT. A. Sipsoîn. Speilînan. StrLtctnt f Grant Strattu Led isau erN isor Eger movedfiait tire urat- Place. OId Enginé Hîruse, ug o f Spllraen'fla. Wîor'Gilh rfWakegartelA.l.ali rtIýr îte eft aiti the Finanîce ('umuît- ElecLion, PhUlitiP. Brandi, M.L uie01o ae'il.Wlh(fWue ,A .Wlh L.bloee ercitatWalsh. White. -20. Lt 1), Gîss.lier fi IriseaLgate and report at fle mbo ecat1Suiperviser lBrooksinaiarînan o! the J. G. leîoorét. iSr'ltertber mteetng. Precinet. Waukegau 7t. Pnllung (tunîPrttuntMo ~îîLî~ rfini'atkgî trc tLiorn carril place, paiver'% aro. Jatiges of llSlio rok oe la h <on J»r utuon. MLt >iger Ew ititi-foliosinr r-ccamndaioîî: 'Aaukeganî. I., Jliue l7t. 1913 ue-rrr rosmIelittLî lon. .T.rEntrionr-nrattrBianti.lutte 13, 1911. To Messirs. A. J.Walsit. 0 . CrssGo 'i'niru'anr appiont a (.ooniLLi'e Liifi Tobint. Mauksgnaitit.PoîandgGentlemen utrte anti John DIemoresL. es'tgri 'and ascerlalo t- cr151 ard place. Plonlit Ternîperanîce Hall hBo.ard or Supervios. e ommiLLee appoinîtetiby Huard ut Su ilirabitit ' utofpurcitaslug ifi'le Lake JUge aiElecînu 1.3li ueLaeon Yottr i'uanty l'arru Conrmmttee ieg ervisors te atvertîse for ide for Itreee Santartuin. Fied Pfsffer. ('iras. Gesekue ' lease La report tat tîprtn flue lire furnîîeilîg attumutil ieyL ii tîtr arei Precîneli, Waukegfau 9lth Pll; So ieptetrîber. 1913, ire erni of Mr- Sher-if!fur-,iîe vear.'Te tirairutan appoînteti as surit Place, Moy,r's Lreenhîtuse. Jutiges tir Appîcyseruptutroert as Superinten- Gitleniet in('ouirîtitte.'Suplervsera Brooks, licke,d , denîtite (CoutitLy iarrtn expires and 1 irerr-Iry respectul.l> tiriliîrt fiîeifoitti Ntrr o rîti'r'rout, l)emorest, Viair-t, Éunerlîn., TiLB1doeIl MeyriWat s e reluntneliîtiatire lie re-eru- lus îg bitd uursuarit tu fle reaolutiorn Gnn.,. Kir,tirpr. 'ittteuien antd Eger. Precinct Waukogan lut.; Pottiug' ployed for anuter year upun ire sanie ut ite i'uaîîty Huard aatorizlug yotm Sirtîer-rnisr 'deyer ut Fretritîrt triedF $'lce.lohr ant' Sore .udgcea o! 1 conditions and ai te saute saary ruadvisrtiîre ,,,r Il sfor turnt~iltlng uaiJoOt'rI plc, onJAal So e would aiso represent tlinatiteaîornbiel II ry Lu Siieriff for oni'Motioni îrid Liection. J C'. MeLear-it. Johnu Hayes.ptrtiuo! tof ie baris upun te Coni-ear antîlpursuarît u your adsertbte______ Walter Wysockt ty Farru wtlcrh are uîîed for te aabl-lnient for- auchItld. I ' ý~of Ilinoîtiis. take ('otrnty. s PreclncL. Shields let. Poing PlaeInofhreae ryuldéacel1 i ifért urih uhauo . Io A. Hendees, County CL'erk la Vire Delit.Room, City Hall, L.ake te 'nd m ut Iiesofluare 'er n-deae - iob t ieri oeri u fathe uritYut u] "t; Jutiges of Electîori. Jamtes F Kinsu inîertnîcîrparaiaeIng al, ifoL iiri ! ie(OO>am tr sait]i onînt> lntte State afore- Johtn MK.Kmp, John 0O Lear-y atietuateorr-Fire prrpuse. sud lilas- ot L.akettor une scar aL te folIo'wing i sard, lirîri'itrcertity te foregoimrg La iucin as tire farta la luniteeti of a siretrate: eattýadcmlt eodo h Precindt. Shields buti. PollUg Place._'for îîousîng ie touls aud farru tua- I wîîîfurrni-'in sucîr automroilîe îvery b att rr ouieercr !Lt O! tilnery a ~., îrrcî'dirucouttire Board out Sîrr VilageHaUl, [aine Bluff. Judges frinrwe sod recurnrtmerîd t as tire Sîterîff! yreqiîre a ite rater, Isor. utftnîru (ount' at tire Sîlerl glectIon, Warren MllerDD L Wite- 1sa' tbara. suitnibie tr tIre neetia of te of $1,60per fleur fruin thetLune iny ma- Airiiitmî r rgnnIar Jue Sessins, 1913, %uine, Willam Kennedy. farta i e blilt, and tat te suitabie chine leaves ruy Garage lu Waukegau, of saldiBuard. Preclnct. *ItIlès Siti; Polllng Place,1 portion o!fte ottibar-n ie uos'ed tLuIlinois, unLîl te returni ofsuchtma- lu In erwitereof u have irereun- Çlt>' Hall. Northt Chicago'. Juie of tire deslred location Luelie used as suchIl ctre Losucit garage. tae ubscried ruy name anti BItIxedth ie UleCtion, 0. D. <oga. W. A. WitLt Johnte ol !anti machine bous.I wili deduct froru suci tImie ail ime seai of Raidi ('outl ait Waukegan, titis TallIt. Anl o! wiicir laIrespecfutiy suitmit wlriclrtihe machine or-sireriff may Il 14t1t day ot Auguat, 1913. Piflnct, Shieldis 4th; Polling Place. ted. detayed by reasuu o! an>' ateident te LEW A. HENDEE. Ilo$9 Scitool Lot. LAine Forest: n E. W'.lBrooks. ire autumoblue or by reason o!fte Ce jutibes o Electionl, Aulire>' Warren. lJames G. Wetciî automoile requiring repaira. 1 wll Seali Cek D. VI. Hartinn John . KerrIgan.r (New'port.) pay tire expenses o! aniluc repairs pirecinct libertyvtlie lat; Poiluug H. C. W. Neyer- ard utfte chauffeur a bile ùeogaged t Plaq ownHal. îbrtyile, utge SuensorEgr rovti înt tresuIr Iicery service for the shei . TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Pldf Tw Halle Meredvile;J. gs uTom McEer-oe tat Bet i i ld! IIIaccepte.)i 1siîî gna Notice rinchreby given iai ite uatt mecîot.III recommendatlunt le accted arnd l Frcr'ied, ilmiaint W. S. ('arpemnter, BrIl ,Wm 1-owell. Iaôpei.crtract Lt tis effect n Pt'clctLîietyile,2tdPolia otIoncaritiRecspectfuliy, guardiamr tf \Or lait Jane Aruet. a rinur, piae% 001t*1 Co.. Store; Jutigeaof, 'EJ.Grillo tti, îrulato Ott'Luît Élection, H. B. Eger, WiltlSchreck' SUVTeisor Krscitner turrred ttat t Wauiegan. ll., Julie '24, 113. Court or Latkt' (ounty, ie Statr of D3an Morrison ' A. Atitley ble iired a- lntity i"arrmituBoard o u pîervssr, L.ake L'uunty, Illliiil,,at,;t ,regular terni tiercut toi prcnt rmn;pligPaeSuplerintendentt for Lie enung year fil. le heitd ati ( Court iloîrse inuthe t'Ity Woodman Hal.lvanhioe; Jutiges o!at te saine ealary ire iio%% receivsîiti. Gentlemen.ofWilgt.nsalioutyr ak $lection, H. C. W. Meyer.,Lanî Dur- Motion carrîeti. We. te urtder-sigrrcriagree Ludto attanrd Star,- rutIllinois on te First Mtrn- oir. , atitirolpit. .Supervîis emoreat îos'ed tait ire r-y auritfor Lake Count>' for, one day ofrl t1nnnrA. t). 1913. tbciîî tire, Precnc, Waucontia; -PolIng Place. matter o! building liu, buidings rai year front date. at $1.75 tienrhour, ex- stxtir tiýtIis ir'otf) for an orderrsrd Village Hall, Wauconda; Jutiges of tne Courty Fartirlie lef a iit tirie ept winen hindereti by fauit outuria "Ier-ci' or sail (ourt tirecting hiinas Çlectlon, E. W. Brooks. James M.Kfir Couty Par-m, Commoittee ailit power cubie. Sacl it raltoBell ail of ite rîglit. wvan. 1U5> Seyinour. Lu act. Lewis Auto & Garage C'o. tiLle and mut rtutof Raid mncior in tatt Precîuct. Cuba; Polllnrg Place. Motion carrleti. Tire Beach Garage. te ire roliorrimg ticserlbed real enstate, schaede Bldg. Bjrrlngton. Judgee ufý Supervisor FIcene itoved lirat te Waukcgait, ItI.. lime 14<. 1913. sItuatîd mu tire Count>' ot Lake, andt ÉetoFred Kir-citer. Gottleit' bll o! Pttsburght Plate Glass C'onmpanry L'umntttee uot Auto Hire tur Lake SLate tif lilimt. o-wt: Kuhîman.E. W. Riley. ibc allowed for $686. County, Thîti panrt ut Lut One lunLire Secondt1 Precinet. Ela; Polling Place. Tawn Motion carrieti. uer îs dlir iî ottSd tLr î Il. l, Lake Zurich:;,ludges of Election.1 Suprerviser Demta maveti filaitfliM y bll dfor- coîîuty auoa rork il;t$190 ut Lttle' 'n row lu tire t'ity,oeWau- emi A ice, ete WMeyr, ler; illofNatona Evelpe onpan bepe hor.kegarI d-cr ried as follewr Cr ErilA fcePeerW eyr.Flur' îuo! Natona$39.95. upe t'îruîpanyoinlientteen'I.our. Ir. Bergitoru itwt o 9. H. H. Beaclir îeîir î niu uLt nslr Precluct. 'iVeraon; Poling P'lace.'i Motion carriei. tr Supersisor Emnsnt;ioved ti'at tire -o! sain Liii. 'i'rlirtidred arnd Teýir îndi Town Hall, Ball Day. Judgcs rîf lect- iSuperviser NWash,. ('Iairari o iereport Il accepted and ndopted antiunie-liait rt-ci Norti th ie SouatirEasrt Ion, Afred G. Maetîner, ErIliJ.Illas, 1ComlIttee on Settleueint wit Sierif!, Lîat bld o! E. J. Griffîn lie accepteti. corner tLirrof. Lience Wet paraltel B. H. Scbroetier.1 submitttet i lIe followîug report' Motion carriei. LteIr.- Sourtrh Ue o! said Lot La Lite1 preciuct. West Deeriteld. PulIilugtWe, te Comittls t u ettle altir SupervîsorMactiter movcd flintLthe West uie tiref. thence Nortir sixty- Place. Townu Hall, Beerflid Jutigea.Lte Sherîf! of L.ake Couuty. Ilinois, Chiarmaa appoint a Commttee o! aine feeLt ienîce East parallel La Lite o! Eiectiont. C.W, Pettra, Jotin ('arolan, nIave examîned i lie report ut saiti airer- titree Lueascertalu Lire probiablie ex-iSouti lîne rot sabti Lot. Beeseiivlotr M. Borenbergil lil!ant I nlte saine correct. pense o! erectitg isittd yiraat ite fth~l cr"SothitparallelteLathe' East Preciuct. Deerfield Ist; ,l'uiirm Place A. J. Walshî. cross roada ln te couuty amnd report linte or sain Lit, seven feet. tirere Mlctloire & Orr B.lg., hihltauti Park: Emt A. Fîcke. at Lie Septentîer mîeeting o!fte East partîiiî'itu ite Solu»filne utfsBaki Jutiges o! Etlcli. T. B.('tank, H. H. lames G. Welcim. Nes'porL.Board. Lot, Lu tihe'Eastlinue iereo:ltenre Prier, . B. Green. Superviser Welclî o! Waukegan mov- Motion carried. souti nrg raid EngtUe te Lime place .Prectine.Daerfield 2ud: Polling cd ialthLie report lie acceuteti andTihrie Chiarman appuirted as sucir o!flegirnnirtg, for Lhe support and edu- place, CiLy Hall, Higlisuoti; ludges of atiopted. Cominttee SupervIsons Picke, Broeek-1 catirîn ot salt i mnor. and for te pur- Élection,.AA J Walshm. A. W. Himmnler, Motion carried. er and Simonel pose o! un ,sting sucit o!fte roceeds W. F. Hogan. Supervisor Walsht moved thaL a S4>orvisor Welcit of Newport lire- ofsalir! sale as sitaîl ntt ie Iil'edîate- Preclînci. Llergled 3rd; PolIItg ('ummlttee lie appoluteti by Lire Chair- seiq<e4 te following resoltitiBU ly rerîuired foîr sudh support anti edu- Jutiges o! Electîouî, J. J. Brand,. James Lu a sIgneul contract for one year for Be IL lteeolved. Titlu ortier Wo wiae lu estiiig te anie. laowden. ('harles Grant.. auto ltire for te Count>' officers. seonre for tbis Count> te mqsiey Iiated Septenibler Tentit, A. 1) 1913. > uporvlsoôr king noved ilthLie re- Âye and Na>' voLe belng eaUled for whletb ebaîlie»atiotted Wa Lakne ConnLJr WILLIAM W. 8. CARPENTER, Motion carrieti. Lb. tolowivng vote: ite conuLrucLion of State AU»AetN%.1WWl3-3-SepL. 12, 19. 26. are tour eachiirg isters siUe lu th.e "Io venian qcimool tere are te gare rimber utftmstnmctors, also sisters. Tirere are Urus 14< sîstenu. teaching lu tire liarciaisciroula of te ciL>', viti 724 puîrlis unîder tîteir directions toda>' IL Is tlnit, seen Lirat tirere are 3.471ý ittilis eurulled l inte cirools o!fC vîty tof Waukegan. Iucluding grades hil scinool antd parocilal scitools, ai rIecidt-d Inîcreasur ocer prevlous >enrs .1 wiLt thiIatheor>' la tbaL a plie* iteas'y wrappîng nord was founti 1. ber necit. Titis waa flot ttidait porteti, boweyer. buL siinply hb ýabout ber necitheLb.natural a4 ol the t ls oaustng <haent Ou aboýULit otiier. Mr. Conradi <hi Ieasy W assume that te tW mighL lave been danglng abiout l necin at te Ure site wa» blqwa, ATTENDANCE IN PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS 0F CfTV. ti iltLt.rî'rn'x filialltiiai, Elginti nret. 201. St %1r î is lria I. cKîiil.-vanti tir, sireet'. Il;.,. licrîn attr ' 4 umcr'ptiin. L'tt'tt anti Mtr of ut nu, I'i uiitr 'fr-mntit r n-r, 1315 Tf -1 T .I ENitlt i.i'i t ),714. ATTENOANCE IN GRADES t 'riniii147r. Ni ¶tiIi.i r. 127 Nt'Mii'KINE44Souh. grade, nit ON i-tunlantt id rden7 'l'I.îland crrurth gades 42 VuTHE HiGH SC4-1. GARILD (Noth.) l"nr't grade, 45, S.-ci-ttd bradte44. Thir-d gaid furirgr6r4. 4 b"oirtir grade, 4'. i"tft gand, 44 gads,37 Sitarîtgrade, 40<. S, r imîtndtri lnith gradies, 90. 'îTtl,408. AINGTON(Nntrl.) irst grade 429 S'conid igrade, 44. Tirringrade, 50. Sn-vetttlant ifgtli grades,9. 33 NORTM C6ZNF.5E. STeV, ffA3.N - Morris & Co's. Fancy Sugar Cured Hama ..................c7 Moxley's Special, or Jelkea Good Luck, 2 ibs ...................... 8! Fancy Native Pot Roast .................................. c BEEF PORK Native Beef Pot Roast .....lic 9c Pork Chopa ........... i Rump ......... ... li 1c Pork aat....................IU Sirloin Steak .................... 15c bera 'lolls, Bonelesa Pork...1 Boneless Sirloin Roast ....... 16e Kettie Eoedered Lard ......... 1 Prime Rib Roast ........ i. l C Pork Shoulder ..............1a Club Steak .................. 12c Fork Touderloin ..............j Short Cut Porter House Steak .. 17c Sweet Pickeled Pork,............ Boneless Ruxnp Corn Beef .... 121/2c Presh Spare Êibs............. il Hamburger Steak .... l.....1c Round Steak----------------...16o LA»E Corn Beef .................... lic Beef Tangue ................. 16e Hiud Quarter, 8pring Lamb...1 SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Hams .......... 17e Sugar Cured Picnic Haras ...... 1%IC Frankfurta...................li1c Polish Sausage ............... lic Liver Sausage............... .10e Imported Suminer Sausage ....20e Belogna Sausage............ lic Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon ...18c Imported Salami Sausage ..... 22c Blood Sausage................l0c Suger Cured Boneless Hams ...12/2c 10 Pounds Butterine, Moxley's ..-. $1,.70 Spare Rlbs, short cut, lb........ 5c Pork Sausage ................ lic 14 P-ore Qi-arte-rrUig la-nb .....'--'--8 Lamb tew ............6 Lamb Ohops........... 21/t Lamnbl W oat ............. 1 VEAL Fore quarter.................1 Veal Roast ..................... 1 Hind Quarter ..............,..... Veal Chops................... Calf Brain...................1 Caif Liver....................1 Moxley's Speclal Buttsri, théebut made, 2pola qr......... Ooleg the PU&s WANTED-Good coro growlng farm <oins thly0ft& 11Ylu- iI in L.ake county. Prîce $15.000 BfM 11O9r lnd b ILM»a B du8 1111,111111, _Must be a argaln for cashI. <i-o IlBY 11-4» 900-* tIfbe A. H. 1awrence, Waukegan National th &af'ËitOillO. Bank llldg.. Waukegau. 111. wklylt - Wlitiie tir ermrriiuen t the City s'uuld have iteen 1usd a wfialan waibm gradte., tif tie ti'rt,' 'irotris ou Mooday. near titere. Anoter fact that ire op-rrintg day îof scituit. sas 2 th. irnks would distirove teliellet <b ter-e liumîrreds motre pupils wiru site created tse mounti vas that ,bla rriOd sreimsork nLiat day.irody was roundi !ully ten 1<r tiM4 4ainnely t1io4i.eneî!iuled Ini tuep eroclbal jroaaWAY fros Iu'mîg. scîruol o!fte City.IBe le o! tite opinion tat Mi Accordlungly, In ait effort La deter I Sinîit vent, oui for a vaIn andi bd mineiteusL rw iraurmy pupils are ettrol course led L'ote laits. Desirlng1 î-d l thLie scimouis o!fLire cl>'. Thte Sun walk out on thteIlittle pier, be Lhba ruîray Inquired androuondti iat tire en-n site pinneti ber bat Lo te aidei rotlirenît ln te arlous parochial te bluff so that IL voulti not ib4 scitrols ofthLie cIL>', sitow lunLIre aliove away andti ien waîketi on te PU figures.i A strong vînti vas blowlng andtid Thue Lithiani scirotl, St. Bartitule- testiman>' showedti LbL the rmrt'w', locateti on Elgittit treet, lias wers breaklng oser te topof tourr ister-r alo bave charge. Theîr pier. 1le thins site vas skept enrilmemît ttrday. 201. coneîstet Of Lire laine b>'te vinti anti waves Ii> boys arud 93 girls. The scîrool o! ýperlsitet ln titres feei of waMr7 lire lnîracuiate (Conception has rive ttils la te tepti o!fte besai 1 sisLterm wlmo eacit.point.à