L- PALATINE -LAozRe Uri. B =birding 'en rertaine rl7 mi . lsatternded snpervlm9fl tias. ept. 5tu, in bonor of the biihday metint at Wauisgaii Tuesay. .1 htrgrand-dauubtei, Mue Vi-la flou- . mil Poo. F. C. Seip And Aug. Fre.. Mis. Grace Soym we a@ a gue"t ofIl os. jîsc made a trip ta Chicago Tueeda>. We. munulente recýentitv. Lake Zurich wap wpll *rpnesented at' L. Smyeee and lamihy were bere for tbe Fuir lat week. A big .roud wet Polatîne day. up Frday and expected tu set A flod bail lame between our boys And Area, Umies Xigge cf IrOint Park. speDt a but were deappointed. Laike Zuric we. i tt relative-3 in Palatine,. trimnied Aimab: a score Of 19 to 5. Vima V. Lamtert entertaiued ie Rev. J. J. Helnrich aîteuded a mie' ftunny Lee, wboee father wa@ a former lsere Conlermne ai Sfermervilie Uonday jiastr bore, the paet usti. And Tuseda!. G eorge Struker and family of Wnu- ter. and àMe J. D. Fini And daughter eonda1 vert litre on Palatine day Margaret anrevndung a week ulis rel- Mrs..Clame Vx-Born bad as their aiesAtNaie. Wn.aif ona an guéete Lahor Day and Sunday, Ur. and Missfo De, fashuse lI attend tht Mia. Thonsae Van'gorn and ]Ml@e Nell lgfry XlweeaewDatn h Stats Nor"altise comlug year. ci 0"aiPark. Dr. RoberI oer, Walter Daulelusumd SI. finyder vere s ougthases ho camne bar for the, echoal dedcatlon. Boy Povel sud ]ieCncern. vh baye been vlstlug ai thetI. E. panon- aue. have returmesi ta their hbaein.i (lanads.-; Mim Petersam sud daugliter a1 Chica- go, vers gusete afiMMm. Nemon Platine day. Mm eNson iea entertaineil Mi. et of aiCicago, everl veeks. Mies Ratel Scbroeder bus retaned ta bar home llu dlaa. Mr. andi tr». B. L. Plagg ec t Sema - .Tougler, lt recenlly for thein home i Martin Stoffel viii open up a @tore br tiseve'i. Mie. Anusaltoelng yl aetas elem. Gos. Bajuton sud wvue oi Chicago. aiesi dtaVola lu their nov Fard - machine or Suudny. Fant Hiîrouimune returntd Fridas fria.àatrip ta Wifcaueiu, vhere be pur. shoa lcberd ol oue. Mr@. Renry Bohuy ai Elgiiu, spent »"rral icys aimt wvee t uber mother, lM . oM eDunli. Mia Auna Compton returuesi the f irt af lut uet ta Elin. Tiepubie chool preets a Sune ap- poavnce. haviug been remodelei andi peinteilet veet. . G.Rusan ai Elgin, #eut lmi ueet la Vola. Fiant Rironîmue sud wvue art the prmat parente of a tan pounsi son, boi a là%tqrulay, Sept. 6th. bi sud Mne F. Croter Ppet everal 46" tise lat ai the vet ithIdee lbere uill htuo services et the M. E. esorgi an Suuday, Sept. 14. Services te fallawing iunday as nenni as 2.30 p. a Labos big veeîly-iNDEPENDeNT. Hermon Relier liaspuichapeil thtetisa. Kisuiter property ont the laie @hoie sud Enil Frankha bougt s lot lu the Boberison subdivision. PUMi TYoughmbut etd hie hatel ta Mr. sTuM. .Tonse, vIn viii taie possesfion tise ara5 aiMach. gr. Young vii the more hiesfauuly ta iheir nev home ou the labo share. UmesAndreve ai Chcago, i. vieil lng bers ibiswveut. A baby girl vuahorti Monday la M. sud Mm. Bd Brixcu. Wt expect ta ler a uvovle aver the telephone moon. Usaà M. Bleutenburg sud Hoyard N. Maciley vere unliesi la marriage ai the E. A. Fche hotus bsnlait Wedageday evetiug. 1Se. J. . hobison ai Palsibe. Side Ratei by Mria.LE. Bentir. Thuis day uornlng the youug couple started ou ihir veddlng tiplufor Vancouver, Britishi Columba Stettie, Wash..,cnd ailier Western cte mand P..pretta be gone for four ve'is. Ater thit tutuin %bey viii mato ihir home et Danville. 111-c vhtr miactisi hbolde the position as zeu avyrduaeter for th C. & E. 1. ralivoad. i. lBlmensuhrgistLtdslgh- ter i Mm. ais Bauieuburg tni vif le, vho Las aflie summor reeld@ee on tht hante ai ur bais. Thir trieuse bore vieb thtm c happy jounnes thouab lite. CON VICTS PICK OWN 4iUARDS ON TUE ROAD WORK Dixan, III, Sept. 3-FortY-five pick- ed prisaners f rom ltet"te iienitet ttary et Joliet an e eoepg tangis prstklsly unguatit an tise hanks ai Rock river. For fiv- as M si .0.15 they vii uila: iaisto! the lUhoties affordeti vorkig ruai gangs aof ee Tisera lemnoma baitgupcOMOasnY cf tutu. pera. am t s iGm la tise visas cautry ] tmle s gunor los.ded caeau rbwekufe ln the vhiai camp, the factIol unknovn out- sideoaitieseacieposstamor. There le no itatral, non la thora anyone ta obsetrve should an: Priouer attemPt to zunfoamlilberty. Tht ca- la sur- raundesi by higi s 1eandivoodiansi. '0f ten Worked Sixteen Hours a Day le tse tatement made by a progressive patron Who ls nov using business methods iu conductitig hie farming business ang eavi.ng one-third of the time, with better remults. tOne of the improvernents intehie mailinîg of checks, drafts and innnev ordere ta thies batik as soon as received, and mailing iei cheiks in payment of accounts, thue bandl4ag his funde ati a l expenditure of time anàmouey, anîd obtaining a record sud -receipte for trbusactions. It pays ta use the best methodeg. THE CIUIZENS' BANK *ROCKEFICLLER, ILL. S. L. Tripp. .Preaident. R. F. Rouse Vice Preaident. Bell Iving E. Payne, Cashier. System IEtfligenoe latIehe operai- Uqg la a q»Uaty lude-ly ib Uarghot me Bellyueu :Our Local- operators are the pick of al apphicants, ana our Long Distance operators are graduates from the Local department. In our apecial training schools, under expcrienced teachens, the young women receivc complete theo- actical and pracicai instruction in every phase of telephone work., The surroundings are bealtbful and pleasant. Every incenhive i. offercd ho quicken the brain and stimulate enthusiasm. Bell Long Distance Service il highly spccializcd Brain Service. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY, A. R. Andrews, Telegiseas90001. bonitwitpba$vs Ladl ta huete saine ta oveteonu.. i Mdords pitehesi s toasigame sud badl thigapsug uchis hi vy oui thet )uti abe.Ilni vent tg the roee asd vmaak flee tio sacrifice bits that broagbt la two rune. V.arme. raar lu doubt about nusa atumVe e sManager Watson lia NefOed ie msoe. bl oi the lub adW ýai lmst t'atrse. Explalang hie actlomlte heatter hu etaise that % la d»e 50the tact that'sedIsi ea- n»lW bas o fa fr Invadesi tiesport that tissu la su Ire epois t 1and thai lame n u naselias found It Iapomibi. t 4erreu a@ me iyLtâeatu ay is fordtise lo Sthteport ratier tissu the glusifor coueiery galain hecme.1 cic2à adaemo bi prcpvlîpe' ta M0 o ue tee-ean'î ey juet vii h.om tt seaisifor next udai. IBeres i visai tise emmrbook aliova for the last Ubotvg s. ..... 0.7.0-O.O2-9 Aime ...... .......O.. 3.a0.eo.1-5-9 Tva hons bite, Felitesi, Mordsa, Shsm; emarifice bit, T. Darder, J. Dorfisr, B. Doiur, fivan 2 Feiteletssroe-oîit hy Darfier 8, by iortie 4, by Nelson 1; baeue on belle off Dorfier 6. off Morris 8. Council Proce.dlngs bnitulr eting ai the E.JoiT, uetesa d&i îLe ville ai Are at tise villate beW] Monda, Sept. 1, 1918. Thra bing na quorum prent the meeting vas adjonîned ta Sept. 2ed a# vlilcb tinte t4 > ollawlug vere prenant: Watson, peesidnt; truaitm, Weil@a, Devereaux, Zersen, Irviug sud iRussell; absent Tripp.* The minute'ai the proet meetingi vert sed and epproveci au mation ai Wel@esud Irviug, Tht traeurer rend bis regular monthly report wbieh wun auditos b: tLe finane committee sud sccepteil on motion ai Zeretu andi Ijevereaux. Tht illowing bille were rend: Public Service Cao. trtet lights ... *¶l 58 Chas. Ral. idevelke----------......89 OM W. J. Wlliam@, teaming-.......17 50 (;. M. Rlay, lebor----------------....... O0 Laie Ca. Pîinîing & Pub. Ca... publimbilng-----------------......... 68 Alil bille werp allowed aud warrante tel je indeed:e sd tale tbat we bave ta ordered draenun ou tc. tresurer Iir til this ee [ suad we aciiju gentle payaetitOtfsame o11umtou 0 lrving readers ta bear wiyunusnlu ur grief. aLd Welle Y@s, we wili admit that ih vae au auful Ordiziauce No. 61 levying the aunual exhibition that ut put up et the Fair taxes tu defray the necemeary tapeuste an Friday airernoan, but thene i.a one and liabilties ai tht village of Aiea, form claim that rannai be denled and &bt as and durlng the fiscal yeai endiug Mardi that ve play consistantiy even in defeat 31, 1914, as read. Moved by Irving for everyaue played just as rattan as and Zeisen that it he passed as read. everybady tise and ait are equail Motion carrled aiH presett voilng aye. respousible for ibat 19 ta 5 valloping. Mowed by Iving aud Weil@ that thetr fi vrold't have beau quite go bad bail preskldet h. empoweredin t have twa noal alout fialnde bemn ibere fondlu mdidtlon e reet lights luet&lleil on «epeting ta sene vin. but l Wsau Dot lteSstreet north of lilple etreet. tu be md out loyai Jans vetu lorueesi t i"eaf serreds.. .1t ait qusti hi a" vitiesea thse rejoilng eelug adjaurneil an motion nf Wells ai tnt faisoliewo Lad came ath t eW&Y andIfrving. tram Lake Zurich ta îhe Unitedl Stelse T. F. SwAN, Cerk. ta nst their ired help perfanni. As weE eaid before, it was * ad for part oi tht Notice of Receiving Bde for Grciveiinge erowd. but let us be thankiol ibsi eOm- Certain Streets in the Village ont vas happy.ofAe This is it: Nof l rebygvnta Lake Zurich ........... . 6---li PnblieNtclncreyfrvnts Atea ................2 O0tO2O1O 5 s ealed bidi yl be received ai a meeting Tua base ite, J. Liarder, Caldwell, of the Board of Trustýer of the vidlage of fivan. Ohmau. struck.ous bv flouse 6,1 Areaaut ice village hall ou Mouday, by Nelonu Base on ball@, off flouse 5, Sept. , ¶l3 t eight oLloci p. m. for1 off Nelson L.gavlu Mpeettet tram the trucks Tht game lasi Sunday uns s rather of tht Il.- St. -and 1S.d. M. Ry. sasi unwatimtaetoiy aflair. eridiug as it did lun a tt vstevn corporate limite ai saud a 9 to 9 tie and ibat cauui disputed by vlae tht vîsture. Libeityvllle hail ara- Tgae tain be furnsbed by Raid bunctiaus time lu the third round and vilg rR .fouese graçol pit and pileil up qqite a bunch ai ecore but tht bide wîll lit rtceived for haulîng and uhttLerth number wan 7 or 8 le, a epreading eaid gravel et a pre by thet maated question and tbereby bang. tht yard. dispute. There would bave been Do Said work muet be completed by cause fora wraugle bad not tht home November 1, 1913, andl, pa3ument@ for team started a rail, n the iaut ot tht the samne mes, be made by the village ai ninth and by tht acquisition aif ive run.euy time witbun ont yeaî tram thie date made thélr total 9 and as tbey thought uibhout interest, tled thtecore. Whben they Ouled ouf ou MAI work ta Le dont under tht direction tbe field tu renu me play tise tr. broke ad ubjecita tht appraval (A the and alter nîuch betatsd argument the sireet, ailey and aldevai committeP of game un talled and everbody svent sald village and board of truetepe ut eaid home leaving the issue undeclded. Out- village reserve tht rlght ta rject env *ide of thetbtird round tht gamle wu and ail bide if they deem it lîet foi tht veli pinyti d ndoe Darfier vas piteli- public good. iou goad hall but lu that inulug some %>ted thtelth day ai Septencher A. 1). timoly thttug with a littis baste )j193 e on the defense gave the viesore a niel T. F.O Sw,&.Village Cleit. W ill Puinain, uho lormerly 1livosi beit but nov eids lu Miecaumi, vieltesi reia- tives un tii viclity the put uset. Mise LDaiuuy Van Peu lefi on Friday for Rinelaniier, Wi., where sice expecte ta *pend the nexi six montha lu ehureb voit. Ber many fiende uleL hem sac- cern lbher u flil. Mr. ansi Mus. Roy Chamberlîn ai Lit>- ety ville. epeni S§unday uiih the formera@ parente. MdiesBerthe Enobatr e mapeudiug a veu t ahoLme belore t"cig op Ler LDIAMoND LAKE mise, Gertrude Tovuer le apendiug tht uet ai ti. Coope'. tirs.jefferson sud Mue. Bowman oi Despiaines, vere gueste aiftire. Louise Lomiti laét eet. MinesMargaret Marier etumnesi ta Chi- ctga Mondny. star ependlug thtevet vitb Mmr.. A. Bouse. Mr@..Bluntoa i Ulietta, @peut Saturday ultiu Mie.H.Bartlott. S&-booi apenesi Monauiiy vth Mies R[oute s teacher sud su enrolîment 0i nine. Issu puplie. jsdr returîued "rda trom oWry Laks beethy vers thtfse a i fMr@. Fred iitcail Mns. Jobs Carolsan ad a. tiufguseefimndeylr.and ie. John oIer. f Laie Foet, andi Metére. WW .Carlan, Phillps andi Buteoii ai Whee"lg. MiéesBidea Iorenberger vas thte'seet sud queat ai Miss Ruth Cavl e ai Englevoasi. Tb* DorceeSty 0of the Pieshytarian uhurcli viii maetiTliursday at the home of Mrs. F. Boeebra. Arthsur Davrié ai Denver, Colo., la visit. IcgaILi brother, Dr. C.'J. Davia. About tblrty meibes ot the St Paul@ Evangeaaieburcli sîteudeilthet iîeili annlvermarn ai the St Paul Evatugelical cburch rt Sherinervtlle. Mms. tanisaOsierman af c7hicago. vas "h guest of Mr@. E. kt. Willlmnlaut Stunda.- Mi Jes sKereh urne the usai sud gffnt oi mi"mïa der aiChcago. Mima Bvs Ender gave a deilgbtful pwV yFrlday la honor ai ber blrthday. Tht dlaing roou s aln lydecoretesi la pini and whie. Dorotiby RieuSeit sud Jean Eawy vers thtse meful con- teistan th ie gueelug Mme«. Miasse Gertrude andi Margent ShaIder of Cbicago, FrancesKatharine Keefe ai New Yari sud LidIlan chpp of Glueo, veie the ont 01 tovn "ut. Tb@ Lýadie'Aid o. the dtPaul Even. geo"ci curcishulsitissir monthly meeting st the home ai Mr*. Jacob Antes, Jr. Mrs. Thomas Duffy loi t for fleloi, Wlm.. Tuesday where the vill riit ber brother. Tht corner stone ai tht nev achoal vas laid Spturday atteroon st four O'clack vith appropriate coremouy. Rie. Bosold was the offlîiatiug clergy. man. i. Riecliît. Jr., preeldent of the ecluool hoard, pieidtd; aud W. A. Wliîting, village preeldent andi C. W. Pettis, au old lubabîtatut, made the speeches. Mn. tiadie c arebltect and Fred Nulreuberg the coutractor uc-n jaiea present. tirs. Riechelt, Jr..,use lice guet cul Dr,. ans irei. Bull oi Cr) etal Lake, let Weddàeeday. Tht Bue: Ses heisitîeir nuanthit mîeetiug Satnrday nfternnun aitith Preebytorianu churcb. tir. and d tru.Barry E- Moore wiil @pend tics moniic of September vibitiicî Msativo lu tine. New ilampoiire sur muemachueuts. miss Grado Carolsu bast a paeitiun ln the Sheruwrvllle eclial. Mi. andsiMre. F. E. Mayeof ciLatrauge, aud tir. ansi Mre. S. Knecicransi @oi Boward, of tChicagou. wu-ne hleenlttîsi cahiers Satunday. Mrs. Rubert Haliites ut of-aver FlU. Petn - id vislting iuer brautc-i, . .1 areiietun M s .llsbiotcer . .. %iimu,s ,,ucephuuct Wuorluau nturiceit Fridny irom Pnuilaw La4e, Mici.. ubere 14be bas beustu eidung si-veral weeke. Mies@lRuthfichu-lt lu-fi for Wnrrut.uu tcuzday aberse be wuilteacb un tht Saugalutcrioo Samuel Ott uf Chic-airo, cpent cc-seraIt sinys vieitung tutu. ltcccenbac. Mise Bentnice Duify upend'i ber ..ehaalj at Everett Mouday moang. tiMr.aud tins. E.Frudric'toanit ciilsien andi tre. (ita. l'ettcs speuci runday eleit- lng relatives lu Arlinirton fleights. Mn. aud tirs. Wm. Hutchiran. Mie. Ralph Kinir cof %autegan, utre tht guest» ai Mr. and Mirs. S. P. H3ulebison tiauday. FEAR LAKECOUNTY BOY MET FouLtPLAY AND POLICE SEARCI! S heriff Green Receives a Letter From Chicago Detective Head Asking Aid. «"Chteago, Sept. 6. "This l Introduce ta you John Miller oi ibis clty, wbose son myettnrt- ous: disapPeartd frum Deorlitîsi about - b- bar v o t aga S i. b eat a. M *. . B. K ano bas hou qu it@ eck the thuet w etk g a - a-n si w boso p y check Tb..e re :iltmoung people f rom tis paut veet. bas tuten cashesi hy samebody etise ansi place nsivd = ltyattsudlng itue Liberty. J IIa vutn pu ess aebebccewe apfund Inlua saloon there. ville hl echoa s.year. vJ.LIeo vther, 1. LIII, m. u s t ema ta me that tht saloankeetuer MIs. Fant Doipli te quille I1Fw v itth bibor ernds InLocLI, ep t- an give Information as ta the dusap- ple!ly,.ue i e fAuie,"n a-pearande ai tht boy. luuday vltL J. Bouge. "Fiam the Investigationi madet by is, Hoipe MirillIoI viaiting ber par.i Wm. Broctoin 61 Deiphos. Kauneas. eht ather ai tht boy Il looks as if tht enta, lier, and Mit. A. 6. Newconib. va@lgf mahue ole an aid re4i- ýy ia: hve een touly sitaît vuS. A litm son enus eta gklenlth e haine dnwftcsvcnt ansi bIe mauy fmiende lease assieh faiber as much as ailedur SeLin MondayBept. IL. ariedaSta sehlm. possible tI tryiug ta Sund hIp son. Silo filliug lsthe aider ai the dy Bleuy oer ai Wantgan, ls vilstiuig "Chief of Dettctivee..' amoug îLe farmoee.J. L. t3Ommilu ie 1..cousin , r.A. Boues. _________ bas Ime u bildiug e mev silo. "Tht Lie' Aid yul maet ivth tMre. Elilf....TOwnshlp officere muet ____________ C. ButterfilisTtuunday aiternoan . Sept. show by actuai reeults hereaitez how Egln-Couuty Proatian OIncsr C. IStb. Evrija nlviies. tisey apent thofr @barsofo!tise $50,M0 B.,Hazelburet ai Elgla today asiti Mr. andi Mr@. Turner, Mies Turner, Mr. euiuoded aiitiuaily la mu"las tati Warden Allen af tise joliet enten- li hsw ten.ple iiary for an "bonor squaai" fo rornilBarier sud Mr. BRutof Konaeha, spent 5f1s ii a ienvpIc vak n luKlano county sa isethéCiii. Sndal. et Gaeevhllem'» ad nsi hmui'. aatiyeeterdar afttoroon eaiaa cago-Elgiruad, uhicola sla bai cou. meinga of15th ti5isIi> ftucr S. dition. lafleffent a4&d bos i F3,00. diSais la thiscfty baIL. SAIL Lt! of squth (Jarolins, ei the &go ai ton yemru took hie §ret dollar sud op.ned a Banik Amcont. At tii.ure timo he got a littie Homo Savinge Baook. Ho kopt potting hie mmail coins ilu k aud overy tune hi, t, $5,ho ooak it ta hie Batnk, put it in a National Savi4s Ac&"' ut and lt bagounte sain hlm intereet Whon he grew up ho had S&68s; in Batik and vu able t biob biainesa for himmIf. Wsy fnot- tiyour oblidren vih a HomeoSavinge Batk? Yauoca open a NÀTIONAL SavinguAooonuni ore vith Si sud va viii glve you a beautifal 11511e Honme baook. If yotiu i aR open an eccoui lsy mail sud vie vil emend -yoiuone -by Pm-cdl Pott,, su chagespaisi by us, togoth.r vith your Banik Book, Phovlmg youi' depooi of $1. W. are open front O:45 te 9:80 Ssturday nlghta. L. B..EHardîn made s.uâtbusi trip ta Chicago Tueaday. Mrs. Emma Kuier asd familYai Chicago. vietlut aî vet iliMr. and Mn. Fred Albrlght Mr. sud Mn.Hesnry Giliy af Earulng- ton. visitesi at the Henry Kubîsut hotue o"s day laut vesi. L A. Murrisdrovs liauto ta Cbkmag Taead@ansd broight home e loasi at peacbee. Sound@ lits a joy ride, but if tlsey von thait isi Le vouldn't have broaghi ties.home. Tb@ Ladies AUid v iii gaabakery le at MurrWa' tois on Seiurday alteruun Mre. Mary dervale apendta ise e e vus relatives sud irisude s ac ainj-. Mme.Chas. Melnnu, vlio limsboss amkng su sxtendsd dtay villi ber parents. Mr. sud Mri. 8. 8. Wood, rsturoed ti. veekto aber home lu Obicago. Glenn Kon buhanrentered Weutegen Businees College for aeshort cour5. oi .pscla Instruction tusSores sceptiair a poeition that ha ben offerei to hlm. , rPnid )Iouiai w àitb lrge thst iLe pupls have ail taken up the won vwits unsalvlgorsud everythlug indicatea avery uesaful ver. Thteachoo?.buBing vas treated toaa ihorongli nverhanllng lait et sund a ement floor laid lu the hsemeut mking su ideal recresticn roon for ue in iucleniet t esther. AItlà meeting of the village fathene laut weeki t uns decisidto tagravel Maple street whlîh vs graded ino good shape a year mga and a coat ai goosi gravel will transforin it intu aboulevard. The ilium. Till itei-*l send à Me EAST FOX LAKE£ Hodgkin@e ac,'uupaii.pd te it tenthalor Thte net Fox Lake Cemetery >crs et> and Fr-d Luka@ attend-cl the %illwsukee will mteet et tihe, s-boul bouse r.pt. I f Jifr on Thunsday. loi a pieoie supicti. l ij£wri R.AfiG- TIME WAS WUEN IME WAS SILVUWARL nMeaoured ICLOCKS( 'È IA ONS IJfWELRY lÏL-411C ur L3si BY A SUN DIAL C NGRAVI-lÏQ 1 Rhe Ci&red liThet .Up.lo.dat Times In "un D'alI 'rimes liere did flot exist the neceeeity and cleinand for thec exact keeping of erigage- mente that naw uxist. IN THESE VI'TOTI EMlN TETI MES the man or womnan without a thoroughly reliable fîme-Tîlece nxay inake mistakes far more as0tlY than ont of aur Mnderate Priced but Dependable Watcceâ. CON£ IN AMD HEAR THFM TICK A iUS S BETML CAM ON i lb HOb NOM D. T YPLA wA The Model Cash Market W. J. Mundee, Prop. LIBERTY VILLE ILLINOIS EVVRYTING FRIESt &.CLEAN NOTIIING BUT THÉ! VÉRY BEST Or MATS. AND THÉ! PRICES JIST A LITTLE LOWER TIIAN THE! I'LLOW WHIO !XTENDS CRÉDIT, FOR WE SEL FOR- CASH ONLY. I ____________________ Med Mis. "W."Esile dasieo 0 MW VEVWilliam voieChicago vsitoirm Frldas. uCer tblbuasrccptesi a position at Mr ansi Mis Chas. flersecbergor and A. âtrykere ofiD bedauonAlbert. esmpeai by frienda Irom, Chienga toot a atai trip la Elgin lait MitéeBrt"sa oie viliiteaelithe Sîaday. DiaunuiLaise'booi the coming year. Ber achool opened lutla it aday. WEST PIMONT Mises Ina Bis aecuonupanissi EmulGoienAgit erpe fC! Gise and iamiy lait Suudal ou au autao e g u nutSLoce tli. ta Lake Vimu, vsutinx wyuL Mm mmad ea<o, oeit the lest veet-end vith teifr Ur@. Jacob (tues. brother Fleury. li. sud Mii. Chas lerscl6ergeeenter- Ur*.. 4 Smith anuidaugicure cfj taiesiMr. mailMme. John Miro ni d i Lberty ville, @pout Tede v oi met utet daugliier Pearlif afilehiiomlalis eS eu. yw it r. andsUr@.i.. J,JRouse. ima Elmimreigne @peut lat veut Tht general report i., ibis viciunuiy re- vltb lier cunti.M rs. WiII Ede ai Liberty, gbrding the Laie Coaty Fair thi. 35cr ville. i. Vary gond. M. and Mra. J. P. and tUr. endi Mr@. Mi. and Utre Beumaun and faifl rWallace Blîzeullualer attendeil the faimri Mi1111. Ùauiley and daughteroif Roundt st MdilvweioT aurniday. mskiug the Laie. calles on Ur. ans idtrs J. JfRoues, trip by auto. Sunday. tiUr, sud tins. Fred Perschbtnger, Sr, i. andi Urn. Henry Iiert.lnIrandG entertaluiesirelative@s riumPullmnan u Mie. Fme-d Wagner andi Mies Knh-ker eluuday. j @etiut Sinday ultic Mccc Berthe J ie, sund MItru ca cndis crS lIlbe Fi-derlck. eretunnesi this isesi iui ibir vaistit)tr. Scauol pAëd Idomnie3witc a Veny tire. Umbacli sud sic liiviuiuc .peut the giod attendaiîce. ,f umucer uutic ic- plrents unKaei.saui Idr. sud tire. harley Mucucu ttici tColorcidu. iNI,Vi ubacli ecompanlrýid 1 ae *tSna ih tyItý bis fatier. l'rot, I iithn-h sPeut îlelpaiens Ur. nt S us islbtic. deer scimiiraun, d u-t cru tL. cn-rno~fpaet.irsutrelerMvi saillig c, c.c- 'nProcf. 1iciuu-cuit%.r- Ruthlad a nc W4c4uii is,fi Rc--Plcee.r, veut u periutcu m c. ruioh.4c i.-ced Hall Kelogg oici4,181.rlîîc - icc ne Ituucusi in Oemmany, .tug. 21. Tcrernmiî, epre neturnnesifruuci Bhile. Plark, fate brouirbita oNatw.rviil"efurturi ul ieuievt, f feg#iMccy nigict&fier Oeus- g Mondnv uinir a very erciru> che week thero. lin.. cf d Rev. lihenicaun rtnîiud t.. Napervillu-the1lt cisi urfeilfente accomîcplisbed Manday allern liaimnr csîeliaie rc, ofaibY tice lat! un e unialk arunsi iL. b this pastanate duniug çthteabstee ,f tek.-. Rer. Vbarh. - BASE BALL. I On 0088, (Thiu Ing 1 Trou the t folloi Go"o, comii -with naid those Fi] treasi »Sectiî Watil interi 1118 pl '2 pet- inîtert WNest erfiel SE state' friewî see NN initeni reta iî c ~ ., feesi West iilg t] invol not d Th and t posit et-fiel Ai 1 --lý 77 ', 1 -