CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Sep 1913, p. 3

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,*i~ aaw~u~ s~doewaqui flerube, Chittendn, Demo- rest, Emmins, Fieke, Ferry, Gýos, Kirehner, King, Meyer of Fremont, Meyer of Wau- kegan, Pettis, Siîîîoîîs, Sped!- U.JJWKtJMI~l ~ Stratton of L a ke Villa, ON Tl',M~MV Welch of' Newport, Walsh, MAlTER JSAY NAY-Clarke, Eger, Mae- BuprisorTotal four. On motion of Bfrio ABSENT-Sorenson. Goes, th ii. ppYb~ors ts ______ (Tbiray> iu gro-con- - - . - ltded is MiëUm.of W.4- à MflMJR j,. bhsdY ProvkdUZ for it=Y- .LMr. sud Mm. Wni. trsuig sud childeen iiig nuis Agalümt ounty o! Waukegau, @peut lUnday vlth tiir Traaurer WtefWod and parente Lit. aud Lit-. Peler btrang. accpted a compromise from ie. AIlce.JamienuofnitCiago. ls tti tesr male by bim .pandlns ber vmaaiop i vih ber parente, ingr"Suzget1gUdon of igr.Mr and Mne. George .Iamleoou. Goua, who las member ofthe Hsrry Emeden of Marne, lova. called commutte. u on irlsdi Sudsy Wfth the. ounty treaueDw.n Kldd lu ntiie Weeey linsptalIn naid proposition inclUdlng ud runes. noeainouheiirs tii... points: 1 A. E. Jeeh ni Chicago, vleted hi@ piace FIRST - That, starting lie pet veek. witlî October. 1, 1913, the liev. A. W. SaBford wilI excisuge pui- tîeasîîurr wiII authorize the pi. vwithi Rev. Ailler af Grayelabe thie »Sectî'it *v Savings bank of corin i e Wauiktgaîu to turti over thc W G. Thom sud ismlly r.turnedto interest on publie funds in I"u - @n omelrati end riday. Iiit pîî>sessioîî, ainouîtiiîg to Mise aud Cleveand leave. tuis veel '2 per et ton daily deposits i or Wbetou, LAI., vitene ah. vili attend initerest collevted by NU. "'- Weteri il to - 1, Miseal'eanl Civelaud vill teach the W eserfcldup o Ot. , t H,.clsday chool ibhis yean. 1* If t stand as it is, in West- erfied's ossesion.idn ad ut-s. J.C. Chope snd amily erfelds ~atteuded the luerai ni Mn.. Timothy SECOND - T Ji a t the Nelli, aiutussell. Weduesdsy. ltate's attornciv wýilll hegiîîa Mis. C.. Batpensd mothen let Se. frieîîdlv suit vert' sIortIh' 10 day for Evanston. Thein home wilîlib. see Nhether the* Iaw r-eallv ocnpW by Ar. sud Lre. W. J. White. intends: the treasurer nia' MissCarnie E. listmrasu d li. Barry' retainîthie iîîheritauee ta' Eusil.n wene uasrried Wedesday at x 280 'clcknt hehome nifLin, sud fecs (aduîitted to have l)CPflM.. Fred Wright lu Evaneton. Lev. A. *250su far during Mr. W. SaBford ofiiciated. tiu leliter has Westerfield's ternu) provid- aiways lived lu bis ievlitY, sud %O. illg the ease in Cook coîîîîîv Emdeu lia buoie sman ni Marne. Io., involing he sae ponts * they wvlllnuaketbelnbhome. Those învîvîîg he om 18iSfrom berewst teu3d@d the veddîng not decided very shortly. are Ar. and Are W. B. r3tevart, UAi. The mnotion to reconsider Erma Strang, Li. nsdLre. J. H. Bon- and thereby aeeept the pro- cnersatuslaua lbeI Hatl position maàde by Mr. West- et-ied, asasfollows: Lre. Aguees Separdeon o! Gîbson, AE-fild oVII s, r I er1Penn.. @peutevenal duym viti At-e..C. AYE-BooksBroecery IL Dm suaad Aire.John lavlIa& glndrd Mke I ur ouet ad ln ulforu abuildga cr nietvepoudtera udhof l Ciste.wrt 1fIbshok aduen HMLUbeR CO., ibertyvil, DgmLa iet NORH HIaGO ecOALe & LruMER CO.andrth hicago D.emre T.topB Wikqn for a Y PLUERS.CO, LakeZticb, IIL LAKE CO. FEED & FUEL CO, Rockefener, Ili. TOU ray bave thougt electricity luxur> foreÈilbyCity Speope, or for the Gentleman Faermer. The fllovlng figures show. haveyer, tiat electric service i. easily within y~er rach asud oe évery profitable to ygo.. Thefigures are te regle cf iclual tests-compare them iti viiat it ia cctlug you nov 10 do eimilar vont. One Cet'sWorthi of Electricity mced lu opetlg iiable motot- dnven machine.sud' devicns ~I' Separate 500 los. of mlk VY 111Chut-n0 IObu. of butter MlkSccwa Sheil 4 buthels of corn Groom 2 honsi Operate Grindstone for 3 hours Operate Forge Biceser for 2 houri K.p Soldering nron hot for 30 minutes lest lus Pot for 3 houri Wlehenoufarmbebignr ltle, yoor taka fewon many, liglit on heavy-out- reliable al-day lectil Service vili greatly assist lu solviug youn "hired ielp' pnnblem, sud aId to your profita. Public Service Company Of NOITHEEN LLIOI I Doigi id Smingsof Ordon r Jobwork Advertieilig Rate* On Appllcatio Kart King sud vii, are guests 01 tef fi)mntee'jaIber, Wm. Elle sud faîuiiy.1 Mr. j[ing i. foruneriy of Tsxa., sudt p stor of '69 FInI Baptiet churci. ]le couductei tbe service ai tii. Cougregs- tlonal cburch Bunda evenun. 1 Lonar4 Book commesced echool at tie Amiour lutitute Monda, thii.b.ing1 hie third year at tii.-bcooi. Misn Jane Curry ni Evanston, vs. a guset nifM»es Floreuce Drue.liet Wed- neea, sud Thuresy. Monte Allen vas badly iinrt nt the canniug factory Saturday vbeu su elevator broke sud lt &bout eixtYeiiPtY boxe. dovu ou him. Very fortuuately h. dii ndot gel &ui boues broke aud did ni rceive any internai iJUrie., but bis ccudltiou lu euch uah. ve ill b. unable tu, b. about for a week or so. Be wss t0 enter theIlîlinois Universituy te couiîug veel for s course lu ehemistny. Mise Ethel Lelbeng, vbo gradualed wih bigi honora irom the rysIake ecinol lest jean hem eutered the fourth jesr at Waukegan ilgecheool. Evert Hook, Who eîood auong tli hugbe.t studente lu the third year ber. lasi year bas entered lie iouithh ear aI Waukegau higii echool. n*eenîsu Coi of LaFsYeîle,luid- apet a few dayRvl wisliu0cle, E. F. Shauke of klalueaville, recenily. Tate Alen lias lft for DeKal, Ili., to attend the Normal sehool wber. he ie t ,hiug a course lu M&BUnaltraniug. Lit-. icCulla, proprietor ni the Graye- lake hntel, va. lu Clcago ou buulneeu Aouday. Lire. Mary Tiinnueiî sund dangitere have nioved to Lbetyville. We are orry 10 o oe@Mrs. Thomson iroiniont- midet. Lir. sud Ms. WilisueLilllam sud iauiily ibave xnoyedinoLira. Thomon'@ bouge. join j. Lougabaugi viited hilssou, C. 0. Lonuabsah sud wiie oven Sunday. lire. Fenînu sud dsngbter Addle nf Rsveusvood, @pntseerai daye lait veek wti Wayne Harvey sud ismlly. Service. vil h. beid nat Buuday sud ena Fridat. inl lasI r of Ch!- ruth (hein gbiters% .1 ast vee c<ii1ty ne- d famril, 'o! Round J, Roue. Bertia ai 5V.ry l att.r'" àmk. Lake fier sîueud- re o.. Oup o oulipliehe-d round the, Mis@ Emma Reydecher @peut one day ni Ial veel lu 1h. City'. Miss Pearl Faulkner @pnt ithe veek end lu Chicago, vlitiug frteuds. Are. A. Clark lae etertalulua relative. it-oni Cliiornla. MissE Rda&Lux va. s Waukegsn caller onue is, luti eel. Frank Baggrty vin vas throwu fro, hi. buggy imel Tbureday, ha. been very loy, but et preeuot vrlt4tuA lSIn- proMc. evenlug et St. Adrw's Mission ai 7:30. Lov. Edv. 8. Whte 9.1 Lîhertyville. yl conduci theserviees.. Everyouecordlally Iuvited 10 attend. Scioolbooki snd al achool supplie. ai The Rexali Drug store. Mne. Baldwlu, vi1e aauppiug witi lier daugiter, Air. Tom Welci. pur- cbaeed a No. 9. Vitrola o! the Drue Drug Co., èafl Tbormlay. John Longsbauglb transscled businees at Long LaIe Tuday. Mr. Sot of Fox Lake, ws, hre ou butinuseTueday. Chas. Worack of Waukegan, wae lu our ciiy ou business TueedaY. Are. D. . WhiteI sud daugitens sud M ro. Je.. Longabugli sud daugiier vene gue.te oni inonde at L.ihertyvllle Monday. Clias. Wlghtman W ~purchbas a ne- Studebaker automobile. Mat-k Neville rei.tered lasa% Weduemiay vluh lhe Univrsty of liliumso, aber. h. ahI italesa courses la bemis@try. Mark jeas graduate from lte 0 ra3 elake achuol sud the Waukegan lmgh echool and ba@ laken onue ear lu bueluesa college, tus@ girea him a ependld foudation for a collége caneet-. He ha.s Pent the pas1 iummer viii ithe Drue Lrug ECo.H. us a hrigbt euergetic youug win ansd one o! the mauy Grayo"ae higli sehoo boye ibai are maklug gond. The Lilîl Produce' A@0eolation all hold a meeting at the GrayslaLe towu hall Salut-day ulgtat$8:ilo deock. AIl memberesud nîbere urged to b. preet. Herbent Leouard bas sued bis vif. for divorce ou the charge of desertion. They wene marnied Nov. 8, 1910. t Graflake. sud iho.»Ys ah, deaeted hlm Mat-ch 16. 1911. tuyone havlég <, dean or repair msy éieve*âme ai Tii. lexal Drug @tore a# Gr.y.lahe. Germentst brought lu beloe ThursdAY 10 b. cleaned wilI b. returued Seturdaky ollowing Ww .JAxe., Tallor. Durlugion, Wie FORt HRL Mir*. Gueule Townesed left ti week for Suthierland, lova, vipre eho. vl mske an exteudel vit witb ber son, Roiland snd fsmil. lir, sudUlre. .J. Bmr o mopsafl by Mir, sud Air.. AuguitKruuuy of Grayelake, wiil bak, la il. Milwnaukee far Tburaday sud Fridsy. MiseFrance. Smith cettgmued tb ber ehool ai Luberty ville Mondaýy. 11ev. King of Texan, spoke at iii. Fort 9111 ciinrch Sunday s!t.rnooi. Dougla. Wait je puttlng up a new cernent silo. There wlll b.e pecisl mnecand au .epecially good sermon at the. Fort Buill ciiureh nexi linudav aiternoon, Sept. 14. Lt i. desired tuer. be s gond atteudaurs. HICKORY Mre. Oeo. Ed wards and dangbter Cors lefi Monday night on an exteuded trip lu New York. lichool opeued Monday witb Misn Loi@ Smith of Union Grove. se teachr. Mre. G. A. Harm..r sud "ty vlsîted relaiîivs at Autioth Sude. Mir. aud tIrs. A. Hoidon euntertaned msuy relative. and fiende Suudsy. C. Harrison sud iamily of Wankegau, wers callere at D. Pullen'a Suuday. The. H. V. C. society wiilL meet Tburs- day alternoon, Sept. 18, at tiie church. Cordial Invitation extended te aIL John Raluff returued Fnlday to DeKalb to entend sehool. D. 0. Webb sud tD. Pullen are havlng new eline er.cted thi@ week. Elae. Voîgiit vlsited several weeks at Mollue aud Chicago. MIr, sud Mr., D. B. Webbi are visiting relatives at Minneapolis.,Mna. RUSSELL A number attended the Counny Fait- aI Libertyvîlle. A great man>' viii attend the SaI. Fair lu Milwvaukee.. Thé communit>' vas greatly sbocked to, hear tliai Lin. Nellie lied ou Mondsy uigiii. Si. iad been ilI for over s year, but fev r.alized ber condition vas cnti- cal. The ueraI vas lat-gLy atteuded ou Wédneday, hurl askiug place at MountReat remeten>'. A iionif ieuds oSfer inere eympathy ta lie b.reaved lamily. Ai-m J. R. Cnnisentertalned iercnuslu, Airm Boula, of Neirseka, on Monda,. Are. Laurs. Conns e neîrmed home Mou. dey nigil iaviug epent A vesk vti relative@ lu Oak Park sud thicego. R. 0. Mut-rie sud fsmilY pnt Stiuday witit ir, sud M re. J. Bouner, of liumn. Ochool opoued on Monda i lhh s fair attoudanc. 1Wamur CarWonule aiteudiugmechool at Guru.. ina. leerse habu retuned 10 Aurors tu, seool. :ePRIEST MOT WU-L INEi TO COMMENI !n ACT 0F TUE W01MEN mEPORTED FRON VOLO THAT RAIL INCIDENT CAUSES A PRIEST TO CENSURE HIS PARISHONERS. Wbeu school tarts next veek at ýVolo. that ta. the perocbil school of tbe village. h wili not bé lu change of thé print ho as prient of the churcb, dlrected th.eicol work lait sud accordlug 10 reports. tils de. veloiimeut la aleo due ta the alleged rall-ridlug epleode ot a tew weeks sfio. Father Re'es was th. naine of the prept wo vas ln charge of the paX- ici et the tim: the, aflain tnok place. Donounce. Women. It la tated liat shortly afier the tacte bad corne out be denounced the. vomen from bis pulpft who took part in tb. seénatlonal occurrence and hé stated that hé woud n longer mini.. ter to women wbo had doue sucii a thlug. He sald hé vould st once T.- port his unvIllîlugneas te, lie bihop and tiat he did suclte evident hy the report tiat a new prest bas béen as- slgnéd 10 th. vork lu Volo sud bas already assumed charge. Itl h said that up to ils ar-rival, fears were en- tertained tiat tb. parochial echool would flot be opened next week asea result of a temporsry condition whici Fatier Rees' ultimatum precipitated. Now, invever. the new pret bas arrlved, hag assumed charge aud bas made plans for openlug the school as usual nexl veel. RAJLROAD WITft .BUT ONE TRAIN Little Line in Western Lake County Attracts Attention in a Magazine. Heres viat Popular btécianîca says of Lake countys uew railroad. tie Orvis lin. ruuning tramt Palatine 10 Wauconda. kuovu as the Whucon- da sud Lakte Zurich nailnoad com- pany: Rallrosd With one Train Built Sy Formera. A ralnoad vith one train snd one englue la béing built b>' farmérs sud1 datryxuén la tep s rich lairy neglon of northéru Illinuois sud outhern Wis- cousin, *biout 25 miles square, hicb has neyer béfore hati auy ruiiroad conxmunlcatlou. Thé road. ich ls 15 mileslong, norcoanéecte vlitte Obflag ud Norlbveotem a llroat at Psalun, M. sMd Mexta0Waa- couda, lt, but viill sarer . xtended lot Fox Lake reglon of Wisconsin. Formieni>' tnelghbl ao10b. hauled ovelaud 10 or 12 miles sud sumener resldente dpended upon stages or hay rucha. Thé rond han one englune. a couhbinathon biggagé, expresesud pasuenger car. and one coach, sud ils stations are only a litlié ven a mile spart. Thie farmérs traded thé rigit of va>' for tock i 1I 100 a siaré sud whih théir teami graded thé rosI and hauled maténlals. Thére lu no coni- mon stock or water lu the capitalisa- thon. KICK BY A COW MAY lIAVU CAUSED lIER TO GO INSANE Wauk.gsn, September S. Mn.. Carri., Batel, vite of William Batel of BLIarrlugtou. vas found ta be nsane lu County Court Ioda>'. It waîs sovu that sevenal years ago a env klcked hère In the stnm- adi sud ber huabaul belleved il affect ed ber mentelit>'. The unfortunate vo. man was brought 10 thé cnunty jail Saturday sud refused to est a thlug, aîthough flnally, malt befor. golug to court. sie sgreed te est corne fnuit Up ta tien from Saturday ph. had merel>' conaeuted 10 drInk tes sud coffee. but wouid te. n solids. Judge Reckhov vas here from Rock- tord 10 préslde. Belvlder.-Old s.ttlers call atten- tion t0 théft at aIou Sextuber 2. 1876. then. vas a kilUg froît lu tii. section tiat killed aHloaf Pa rowax The mnodem and ea"est way to seal botties, g lassesJars, etc. Fruits and vegetable. sealedwith Parowax retain their natural flavor. 1 lb. Package 15c 1-4 lb. Package 5o 1-2 gal. wide mouth Preserve Jars at 10e each. Extra heavy pure gum Rub- ber Fruit Jar Rings. 10e do.. Druce Drug Co. TE EEXÀLLSTORE Grayulae, Round Lake q - Help Your Boys and Girls Stimulate tlieir ambition by open ing a savings account ln' their name at this bank. Encourage themn to make frequent trips'to the bank. Teach tbem thaý; saving is the basis of prospejty-, that this bank le thé logical depository for their savings; that an' account at this bati usures eourteous treatment and prompt conisideration of ail depositor's requests. "akv 'paatt&~iiu m A STATE BANK 1Capial $25,OO.OO MINISTERS SEEK TO STOP DANCING IN TIff IJIGISCIIOOL W aukegan, September 3. A delegathon of ministénu front thé Laite County Ministère Association sppeanéd before thé achool board Tuesday évéulug and fonmally pro- tesléd againit thé board pernîttinE dauces h.lug held lu th. hlgb uchool gym aten scicol hours Frldays, once each moni. Tièy aloo aaked the board te, put au end to tb. Junior Proms héld ai thé close of ach acbool year. rTheir preseuce aud arguments in Lakte Villa Ililinois, thé board preciltated quit. aun a- - ctiig session because thé advocatei of dancing lu the achool gymn touai an ardent supporter In Principal Kuoélk who urgod lh. board not to concédé tie request of thé minlalers and plaiuly told then ho thoMAit persons vin maiutslned such au ai- tItude towanda dancing veeé"1hl5 skinned." The. ministère présmnt néné: Rev. Mr. Fuxrist0u. Mthoditt Rev. George McGinni., Baptiat. Rèv. 1Mr. Lungren, Ovedh.h Luth- The. minhilérs hsld Ihat th. uchool vai no place for dancing sand thm féli tbe board uhould put a stp Iie l forthwith. They pointai ont i»at tbdy belleve 10 ha the danger 10 1 people ln dancing and coteudul B achoola *&a no place 10o ecourug iL. ladependent ada-rosI hy 35,000 STATE OIF LLINOIS.1 Manihiu James, 1i5.John James. Relut COUNTY 0F tm...ôas. William@, George E. William$, May E lu the. Couat Court of Lake Couuty. William§, Anme William$, alhrdSmii to the. October Term A. D. 1913. ah mt n J.p .1 h In the matter of the. estate of Joue ph rn<>u b. and appear belote a Barnett, deceaeed, va. ThommA. r uuty éourt of Laire Count7 os the- William@, Jenuje Tiersea William. tirlt j of a1 Strm therso' ta h. hOUe. Ilsrthim anmes, John Jameu, Ftr..lir at Wau4ksgann mald couly, ol <go~ william$ (Georges M*lllis. Mary S.r ret Monday of October, A. D. 1918, M&i Wilas:AaeWilliam., âlîreil Sm>i, piea anw.r or demur b h.e e, 1 Jon Sith nd osep Smth. COmpl net,$ petitlon filed thevois JohnSmlt audJoeeh Smîh. mmt.and th. maties eand tebinge ib Petition ta Bell real estate toi P"l bargsd and tated wiU beh. tka' 0 debte. » sub d a&deec.. .usfdUfl4 r The. mnia toaffidavit for -PublicationFo m bw% th ry 01 ne ta ..omm A. Wiflla. Zonai pétition.or Ttib WiliMU.Mut" JOJ h* LEW A. HUmm", EJkst. John JainSj Esther William@-. Mr EDDY. WmErN & r»ELUIM 0011111116 F, Wllllasne. Mary E. Williams, AÎ>oie ant'. soilcîîor. Williams, Alfred .- mltii John Smith a"dlAug. 29, Sept. 5-12.19 j=6eph mith, Malndante.,aShowsamed _________ ravng been flied lu tb. office of the. Cl.rk o01ad Counly Court of Lake STAIrS Or îeI.«m. Couaty, no"iqcei.hreby given 10tiithe C<><« Or < 1 17j raid Thoms A.William ia.JOUTbeeu laluthei.Circuit Court of eaid Coiin1s> 1William@, Maitha Jane Ja-e- John Octer um, A. D. 1913 1. janm, Esthier William@. George E.~ Lymaa Armstrong va. Edith.LaTOuéh %% illiam., Mar.y E. William@, Anale GrataAimemng. William.. Alfred Smith, John Sm11h and Gan. No. 871. joseph Smith that the. .aid petitioner, Satîactory afidavittblat upond. Josephi E. Anderson, admInîstrator luquiry the delendaul. Editb LOTouel. de bonie non of the. eetate of the. &Md GrataArmstrong, canuot ho louad q$ Joepii Barnett, deceaied, bhereztO- liat procece bhein caent b. e et 9 tors ilied hie petition lineaid Couuty upon ber. sud hhat upon dIigent iaqniw7 C ur of Laske CountY, Pr&Ying fo r 6 ber p"acof reeldeuce cachot b. &leu>- decre. for thei@"ma te i.resi est-te = .ine.,aing baenBled offiec belonglug to ti.e etâte of .aid decoaeed, tiie clerk oo! lié court. orno muciiofl t sanMay b. n.ed.d t> Not ltherefore heroby xlven ta 1h. psy the debte of enid decesaed sud .ad Editi L&Touce O rats &vmelroe deeçrlbed an fillows, to-wlt: tiai ithe siove named complalant lii The enst seveuty-eéen <77) ftet ofhi. bill of complilt in OSidOurt on10 *8 euh-lot number six (6) or lot number jCiisucery @ide thereof Sud lta" a forty-aine (49)>ilu 5. F. %ulier'. sub- summum. hereupon leeued ou% 0f1e " division of iota forty-ulue (49), ity (50) cour t apnet tii. above Damed debi- sud fity-oue (51) ni the. plat of Lake sut returuable on the. fit-et day 01 il. .fForeet made by the. trustees of Lake term Oif the. Circuit Court 01 MM iLadu Fnreut tesociation, record.d lu tiie County to b. beld at the Court Houe. la1 Recorder'@ office of Couuty, eituated the. city of Wasdlegan lu .ald Coust Of lu the Count, of Lake sud stase. of Lake ou thei. ittMoud" ay uOetober 1Iliuole, sud iLiat s cummnons hme been A. D). 1913 a@ la by Iaw requit-id n leeued ont of oaîd court avainet von wiicl cuit i. ctli peuding. returnable fo the. october«Terni A. D. LEwie O. DnoCKwà. Clork. 1913, of e@Md court. ta b. holden on the. Waukega.& 1.Au.2, 93 tiret Mioudav nifl3ktober. A. D 1913, at PAUL MCUF N, Cmplausut'e 8Boa- tbe Conty court Boue@ lu tiie city of cîtur. Wsnkegan lu esId Lake County. Aug. 29-Sept. 5-12-111 Now. unies you, tiie sid Thiomas A. William@, Jeunie Therm aWilliam@, Lakesbig W.ekl-lDEPg<DIT SDo You Want Cows?J We hlave New Milkers and Springers for Sale. HiOR45ES of ail sizes and ages for sale at ailUties. If you want to have an Auction Sale sec us about the Auctioneer. Col. EL. Downes & Son, Phone 290-R-2. Shanck Farm. UBSRTVyIL The. Warren Cemetery aseocstion ii serve reireehmnte on lth. ltemnooUn sd1 evenlog o Set. 18, on L. W. Brech.r'si lawn. Promedfor benfit of Chapl l Warencmter7. The esolatioa viii umet vth lire. Elui. Book, Sept. ,17.1 Ruth VerroU sppont lie day lu Wauk.- Rlan receuily. Mise Mly Dixon of Rueeli, lia.@heu vlitinugrelatives heme. Mr. J. @pent onue dey of laet week iu Liberyville. Mr*. Addie Wiseman viWho asbesu apeuding a fw veeka viti Mrs. Edward Faulkuer. returued to ber bore n lIAlne- Fred Wlrth retunued froni Wankegan ho.pital Frlday. Hi. fiende are glad ho hear i hb@ improved condition. WARRMZO Ed. Loosman le vistug irieuds lu Wls- conin tule week. Sehool opened ounLoudsy with MI@@e Smithi of Vinoqmia, teaciier. Th ii.Llem Ryau sud lady friend bave returned to, Chicago alter a week's viei here witb relatives.. Joseeph Kelly Ia nov employed at tb. wire mlinl Wankegau. John AcCanunle er.ctlug a uew silo. Mise Kaubhryn Kelly. Whi@j employed lu Chîago, speut Tburmday ber. with ber parentesud sîteded the Fair ai Lbertyvîlle. Jus. Cievelier he. etuned ta hi@ borne in Stephienson. III., ater a three wea visit ber. wluh relatives.. Boru in Mr. and LMre. George -Mutebin- son. Sept. 1, a eon. Mies Marie Kelly ia teachlug achool ai Everett, thie makiug tbe third cousecu- uiv. term at tual place. John Suiling le building a large uew boume ou is farmlir.. Wm. SeIlicker niflDrue'@ Lake, visited ber. viti hie parente Wedneeday. Rose & Wuolley flluliied tbr.shiug iu tuse neighboniiood Sauurday. .luliue Botedt ie recovering fron the inînries he recelved wiihe v as urowu from a load ni traw onto a barlied vire fenee. Ilie bauda vers badly lanirated, rnquiing several titcee. One of the bc. ns.. vas alan badly eut. Mr. Shields ls on the. sick ]lot. Maron Haggeniy eturued borne Sun. day. 'IAL mle TErne .leumand enigagu. 'IIM ES Iliaut a ne lieue idrate atcb.. lU TICK iet Il =Mll*,ý

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