___ tbey exected a ialredtieofltehavis »wl'Oth fa 1 it I1Â 1 IjI i tjpoeNumber 1; Cty Editvr Ro!dence Phone Number 23-1nt.Sndd nechd Lih.svll scM~ The Lake Oounty fair assoclat4ofl Vii have -a dm ibmPotofic aiUleryvlle ii.. eeSeon ClmeMlaersuit on Its banids 4bles Its Police find It possible to kU -'the. track iii front of the graw¶tad;oleai of people. tea William Pierce of Lae1Blff ,r rd,. Adrlttnl tsteemade Enûwn onApplleatiofl.why t.h.y permitthe crowd te ga*«-thm i e lt GOUPiS asRedeed onscolu DUipTION paie_, $1.50 PER VCARt STRICTLY IN AOVANCE hensuble. If th.ho are Bot able to handie theu people W» 1y~tiig od IÉ;H..............................diorforce th*fr va>' te the track, vii> net get some)body el»O? . ........................................................................ manager The. absence of gambllgattFcon> fair this year FUDB UUOII ................................- ................ City Editor t ,h c u y fa r h 14.................._____________proved a deletful feature. And, asa ree~t, vhile "ome menhav les I Uilr ockt JhanIf s 1tb$ed. Was on His Way ter Fix Break FAIR ÂAEIG UcOCE . tiiechancs aretiere are mfos '*hio bVU* tha.i 11? j Eetl le nVont »1e sixtleth annual count>' fair vas a huge succeas. wise. For, the ones who ru» the gàMb aetf.OSo Rockebeler. S~yoy ho attendod had their money's vorth who valk off wlth the buncile before a fair c oses. çetoc. Everybody vho attonded had more amuse-1 uimp.rleo1AkBuIfa ladcontat etetaimet tanever before; the WeII, the Volo situation nov lia reached a stagl ie WW-fn lterce po! of he blie varSr better than on Thursday and Frida>'. viers the women o! tietoln vho latel>' deided having rid, service compefly, utalued Ygrr wh eather vas ideal, not toohJot nor too cold. It den )ra. AichaI!dson on the rait l, Lhe a chance te tes- . . the reault of motorcycle *0- »M lma ~ >SI1ebtter had uhe associatio asked to tif>' as to the exact circumstancea aurrounlfflg thé affair, cMent uear Rockefeller lie WU ffthurlmd vlteutly tt the road and ra t *.the detafls of whicii tii.> have modlfled sunce their is dere. uncouactous wheuitheftt the fair management leàrnznew things. exploitations of the incident. .wtueelo! n he moccl trc m Ws ieeverybody else in their respective busnes- in Pee t connected. wth the power !fecoufl$5. To think that Frank Fowler's littie Iungmotor kept on house, whlch the elctric Company ve in encouraging the. management cf tii. doing business for the azphyxiatd perlolis at the Mao o ndct i ak luf.He ute iever>' way poiible and we beliove every in- fire Tuesday, vhile the pulmotor wau)on-ad n county wet of Lake Bluff wbere hie aie of the county should do the e thing. because its oxygen had become exhausted, indicates the le called upen ta nette repaire te the samecompanys wlrea. He uses a motor- oevr, e osee a need of the. fair wiich.the general efficacy of the Iungmotor over the pulmotor. cycle te malte thesa trips because ho, t ma>' have overthekedand tteerefroredwe wis mahaeoSfloO adthrfoewe1shcuse Ih aes the tediaus delays that ~su@ terulnata acagél unpriu Ever>' line of advertiging which went into The Suni' would be occasloned If lie lied te wat uont .Ymtds fte farhage cin tinue rtoe fi dtôs hc esdit&jVdtoh>etfor a etrmet car or train. Then, ton, - $on t a ianotorçycle wllltk i xW the. grounds, was paid-for at ÉR.GUl & RATES,fota where lie wlshes t go, whereas jf lie prora mut . sstmaicalyarrngdBARGAIN RATES. That's the reason! went onsa street carelie mlght have alou prgra mus besysemaicaly aranedta welk mone lttle ditance. He had' rece.tved e cait on SaturdaY ~atbe acs viitIRsudvii b crrid et s tey With "ie Gibbs baek in politics as postmaster 8 at teontrearalr dws 1%0d.Th race foat*ireof a county fair ia its most pdigtwrthponaiael! attaotou.Wlt agon raingca? t iRigiiwood and with Dan Grady holding dovil the Waukôêrae din nio te pont me a -vlt pur cest a god eventuaIIy tain ,y.ga job, it looks as if the old-time Democrats Of a few about Il, lien bis front weel elther W»M-ithpooma theýevntuny ail ttely.Pu ot juta a rut or struck smre oh- yOr aoar gan ,t." tructien. f» obov tobrbig ît about.yargorean Acsecond later li e a sent fling la- y'sfalr' hoià be made a. part of a circuit ~ over the handle mars and landed te ge in orit seè herebad»>. For example, (iOD ROAD IUNI) MI COMAPELLN M1M .In lufelllng lhe truck 'bis bead u & WM could make a crcuit anld bat cncouns.Just boa' .~iUP5U1 Y&I5EWUU I sir long lhe lay there le not knowii but t11t heres ch race' at one track oue tUSIM MIiIJJ IN RMDYJUI T , ater smrnelttle tUme an autOMO-L o etelo ther «the next. This cenib. don. by sioTOux eatcae ansd uotlciug bis dindn ofLakeOouny's aîr eet ith ii. O SUER VSORS TUR PRATScon diton pickhbîtiun ad took hlm dhieors L* %»tla air eetwiththe To % ERY M 1 NRNPRAT'S IN to'lRmckief'ller Pierce wes placed un- Mo t Ite snerad a- der the care of a physicenan sd It WOdEOCk ud SleilI~ was tound tbat wblle hoe had appar- da " POrin «-aç. WIielte dates are arrang- County Officiais Undecided as Conservator, if Appointed, for ently suotained na brolcen bouma h. from as sevrely shalimu op sud brulsed $benmU5of 0508 viii arranges te go om te B est Method of Rais- Pratt, Couki Compell Man te almoat ran, bead ta fot. there, thlis tai<insithe. viole, circuit The inq $16,606. Make Restitution. Pierce wus paced on board a Chf- have t1 M rac e ur.caglgsmdth e and Milwaukee Electilocar and -~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ irs- at Apropriad tiai !$15.505 o! tie Jack Barroli wbo restdea ln LaLPltmanAia arac'1l ion o a, mi aper, uuMWSeuo, iriodesre u s aen t nh l'ilhe Ho li geltt~~t~~fttamls.iao&id fund for gond roade, for u»e Mo.., neY be cornpelled te ret ibee ander a phvsicIens cure et the pros. ~ so>' muinhla is Mamnerla Lake ojuiY. provldn them OouutY j$2.000 wblch wam givea hlm recmtlY muttîme sud h Itwl!l e a fmw daym at vlmk I.. ~It blam a zantis ' b u iePot of-. hy George W. Pratt wuo la now behug leasi butorm he ilîl be able te get 18 I1~ ~ fichaà lu a qaWISf'ias tethe i bmaui rgd ute onu avi l WbtiM eglaont. maxiner lu whlehs tu mumeurimcou- tOn a chag o! bavlng obt*lub 26.000. mrabr.under talse preteugen. If Umrrpu cou- IiPDeiaara ~ 500 URUS butban *n a s fi~t~w 53JIMi ow tibm oeuty WM lProdu- tentute10ce>u1ete Pratte 'awehe th lis Morley no s Men e the $s,Uosle orobable ibat no effort vilibe maie we b itbdrawi" o!fitorees InWed_ - tesae ~unOO5 the Tics good te compel hlm to ghve up aIl ihm mou-1 amnelhihig te b don. nozt hotdecti!ed b he!ibe >. viijuMlm bav ýe d" or fsupervlmars ntthibme " 1.There semms but ltile question ~m ru~s~Ued ad, in Our Mind, a union V'lhh esed for Sept . i.IaouPrtsmdbl afcd, am~*UM.l l lieformaion e a tl-cut>'The cesumitime laecouspomed of! ane ma nterested in the ce Mid ft th for"I)n f & ri- ihe»s upervisera: 1ioda>'. "If we talleeteps te bave à race Thuida> ves asfineas n>'bdy culd E. W. Brooks. Wauconda. chaîrmnt. coniervatar appolnted for hlm the lai. e.o *..a fine s aybdy oul ail Fiéte.Ela. ter cen ai once campaIt Baron ta give W£. ARE SLI %5M lu MMI isOU? OPiUmen sa., uger dames Welcb, Newport. up ibm money ibat Pratgave hlm.. M gw i tl bttemng-Fred Kirchuer, Cube. as the latter undouhiadl>' vas net o! but surely builî mer. luterJameud King, vLake1Fomrnage-saund rnlnd when lie gave ît te hilm. Jame KîS. ake rei. he tlngforBaron ta do Is to corne - iohr h.i eeli eefair How ibm 131,010 ta taelia speut t la tigfo a a.thr biim w,5 e etagoteibmbem tafronorYnt et once and help Piett a General a iaeww-..m more atetin oW e pt-oui of bis trouble." 'UgdavOr te mls lte ftiran-attraction from lthe uprvisoris. construction o!fpeleteriffEmer Green bas vilttan two hc ilb man ntcount made a «pesi ounitrs, Mon t .e bmotif er Maowih iRb .,*utanpoltle Inerest the farmers keeni>', for the amoue. of moue>' evalable ach 1cutMcn o.adteohrt b1 or in- yearwillI net go vry fer bmmtffO t oi ony i>-t t~,sas if thm e houid 1» a plu vtng conlest, a supervîmor Ille TTeika. ton, Mo. ontn, aitlcbug cntet, ec.,as pecal ndue- we are omewhat et se& as tea b heu vaa>'de tog raîseetibmasmoney." inaald 1Ho lias laid ibm tacts befare ibese points are cou for tmares le iIteretOSthemailves in the fair. betwyt as h oe, adtwo men. telllng ihern of ibm serions oua superviser. "We are net postive predîcament lu wblcb Pratbas plaC- SoUrsel hatvhethmr it ouid lie besitaeIssue e ial saral fdwn !,ali! snwrmre nuatetc od rt Il te etaa' check -on the LaPleta bank. He ald *Vio vomen pla starting damaie msuas aginat "y.l. tu«e. Thore vili be a meeting ofthat noibing could are Pratt ram the ~ mvuaprs, vWtcii printed tales of the. Vole incident thm committee ta vblch the wbole panîtentlar>' unlegesoisam one cornes ~I~ago vhich vold include The. Dail> Sm n sd mtte, wa.eered tar solution and ta bis assistance. Tbe two sberiffs J ou p report. vhthîn a tea' deys. 'tIslal-__a rsTbu, are seteloopBrnadi- -Xecage pected the sutire plan willi be worked terni bim o! the tacts lu ibm case. The w, Inte- , 0V, journal, Afliercan, POISt ouitauccensulîy befare ihm regular eberiffs also are asked ta investlgate --lot mnd liant, lteWa.a Gauette. The suit, it ja meeting of the board of supervîtor;eand see If a draft for 162500 bas heen in thus Unathmnhlksure, vould b. based0on lie on Sept. 9th. depopited In the St. Louis hank. He L IF E INSU rodeVis.Rlchrdaou onlie ail The provlsltoial allnirnelltelare ays thet Pratt caIms ibe draft should, As qleverueed oe ma ds ie p nctue rael, ade ai ti i Un uorder that coun- bure been sent te thisbank frani thm informa&tion ab ibm vh1,1 l ch propose ta avait thern- hank la Nome City, Alaska. As a re- ihe.Yoo ,a= aad Chicago papers. The camera see' i!alves o! their aloimeilis malte pro- suit o! ibese Inquileit laexpected , 9 ~~~vision far levylng ibm soms amounia. thet ibere wlll b. iSme developuients o nwa _____________Atter ihm counthes have acted a final bfare ibm bearug vhch bas been set insurance, b u ~'evillage marahal at Barrington had a picnlc ail te mfotmet vill he mad..dnt W theu li Elgin auto racuslaut eek. Ârmed vili much about ai ho haited almeest evry autelst viio passedbuiesbt th. village and ordered liem te "c ut down teh *u ,i*i e jit fllMae Ià buiness, bt ,brlng them te a hait b>' pottng hiegun at th.i Y1 e SW SS IEIIl 1w tinly pte g. aused itimmef sud lie vULlagers vite steod 4nsuanc1 »U~g te, dreets and prottered aid te auteusts 1rho for CNfl s 'YaII____ ~pidb> lie cep. No real arrests vers mae. Titi -jigitnertslued himself, seelng that ii. couldn't Bond us yeur tailored suit and have it dry cieaned and battend the races. preased by our akIlful workeru Cutain superviort feel. that West.rfield should not The Iarme its ii be returned as fresh, briglit and fl M Mme lie "goa," lierefere lie>' intend te have an>' act- dlean las viten nov. The nap of the fabrlo viii M viict 1h.'May' tae, Iicelude an action againit form- be raised and bath the coat and skfrtRO rtlressurirs, visactins in office ini retaiming interest, preused se they hang, fit and ]O .àve-e noer qanslned becau lte lav, in their minds, ...alok maSt right ... FOW ritme bave bi.pieed ndPIW 'E iUpUI bnUl Yc>~g enLearn- a'.~ d Have good Positions for men who have token eà course of .tmtriCon in at the LIBERTYVILLE - ILUNOIS ýILUNOIS SA VER BUGGIlES LARGE STOCK. Cmli and se« th«. THE STAVER 15 A STAVER. 0000IFUHANU no-si. ~~.uau~ UlliriVILLE, IUMSISJ Iing Up Agency second ben a&U moidersd. J (b WE HAVE WRIITEN adlyfutI '~ I lae volume of ut you n't know My other are cor- I in 11f e G jE butne i9ind liavui't 3o0,1912,artd et W.tn are te mdn wh put lifei ance. in Life Insur- [HODGE, Agente JKxFmLER, ILINOIS OId Michigan Mutual Insurance Coipany i OId 1 AGENTS WAN TE D i n uaoccpied terri- tory. Any one with ordinary ability, by bard work, can make twice as muci money as ho is now ,nakmgs or 6as made ini the past. LIBERTYVILLE