TUE SQUIRREL wrnSKS UP 1THE TRC I SrARCI 0r OOD) BUT YOU NEED BUT CÂLL PHONEC 25 sud 8 Wheut Yomr Order W! teWlid ýto Yeu u n ort Ore. -Order ThOêe- Peaches Puars Plums Grapes Apples Cantaloupe Sweet Potatots J.uoa ELu rIG GfieSodbo o * u 1all. ~Juit e o.. S!ummer is just about o'.er and it ls thne to choose your su1it for autui. Naturally you want the best, not ouly as a mîatter of perseinal pride, hut as a mîatter of economy. When it iii poosible to buy the hest at prices that gouje fo)lks pay for Inferior ctoth- ing the economy s made doubly sure The Eid. V. Price Merchant Tailoriug Systeîsî en- ables you to have a suit or over- coat tailored to your iuelsure and delivered to yoU at a c*t nD> greater than you have pald for ready .mades. We have r.ceived the saniples of new fail fabrico, every one of which is s4trietly all- wooL AiU the new patterns are ineluded, and many are exclusive. Wby not let us taire your measure now for a real tailor-niade suit. $18 to $30 J. B. Morse & Co. - VVRYTIIING FOR MEN : TELEPHONB 14. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. ~i I Any Time You Get Too Ilt iust Stop and Thin5 o No. 47 Order Your COAL While it is Dry. Libertyville Lumber Co mpany Down b>' the Olti Oapoi. Phone 47 eoin Mrs 20 Ysars. WIIEN YOU WANtT Tif BEST, BUV Els"s'Blue -Rihbon Butter This Botter is the Finest and Most Deicous Made. I LO AL AN flESONAL MENTION FO 1 THE WEEK I To insura publicationi ln theiaIndepaén. Urs. Mary Brava lef t '%ucday alter- dotf. copV Muet h In the.office nolat,.; eenforqlgTimiser, IMont.. whcre che tisa. Tuesdav of **Ch wak. Adv- 1ul @pend a uontb vitis rlativem. tIears, aapecialIy are askd to taa The 'Earuaut Workeri" S. S. nias. sel partieuiar notice te ibis afact. held tisir monttsly huoineme meeting Houa Bade.ôV Antioch. nmade hie wguw ar ly visit in LibortyvielIat w.su ad w..s en ai ithe far esach day.- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rowoon o1f15010n Mile, @pet lait week with Ray L. Hubbard and famly sud took In the fair. Mrs. John OHeru, who ha. been enffo.nS oret e n vo wceks with i cisurc.' Leslie Webb etfBig Tnbeir, NMont., epent sevenil daye lait wek tand this wiiis reatlves and frIsude ber.. and took in the fair fat wak. The MeHenrYCOuDàtY Holatein-Friesian Breeders' A@Wdcatioo wsel hold is Firsi Annual Sale ai tha Fair tGrounds. Wood- stock, (iiinoit. on Tbursda. l>to ber 23, aen tedcovalese nn l 91Forin aiffo n ddnee Jh.rin reported convalesTent..raio, Scraor>'. Re r. . H R. B. Connu>'. deput>' tate tire TWt.,h forea 11. R .Il marchaI, @pent a coupla of days last Mac o dItr wek lu eur village inspecting local Sans F. Wood ofPardepvlle, Wis_ wbe conditions 0f tise gasoline lase. bas been viating rlative@ au.] friende in Idro Jaob Wlf f Pairi VivrLibertyville. ait Day, Praiji Vew aud e h t eds e .a o eb et f r arie sView, Reketeller, the past tsee week c returned texhfair1t e er aued dre aretcls to Chicago on bis vaby home Fria . He tisetaî iat wek nd rcwsev nOe vai a retldent of Lake îouuîv lu the 1)remilus. tIdrs. Wolftile sty-igh t eventies and tauxhi muai' aitfHaitl Da> yeare et age and hoa been an exhiitor and liamond Lake. He îý a rîceran ot ai the fair fur mauy years. It wll betfie Civil var. -.e- tu..A--su uhre m .. .....i---- than #be le yeare 0id. Chas, H. Smith', vise died "Bu Auiit 28jtè, beW a certificats lu th#, Court 0f Ba*or for jW0, The completed claimt proofs wercived b>' the @eniet>' Oua September 3rd. A warrant for $2.000r se.. forwanded bY thie societ>'on September ,th, ce Recorder IMary i. Blrown lu full PaYnt fteet ts am. Borsemen who b.d herses entered lu raeqsat the f air lait week d4lare tise1 track w.. lu bettPr shape tisa, they b.d seau It for -evers, yeara pait. Bld Nicaker vas Rivez the contrant tu fit the speedseay this year and litw.. due te hig efficient and uniiriug efforts tisat the horsamen seere 8s e il Pleaead. B1 c@rtaill> knoe the method te applY In this work as le ssosen by tisa condition 0f tise fair grounds track and tise Mlle tcack aitihe training stables, tihe work ai bots places being doue nuder his supervision. J. E. Merdth ha. reigued hi@ Po@'- tiens agent as the St. Paul depot here alter isesive jears lu the emplo>' 0t the C. M. & St. p. lty (,., the Luitfoir years o e e h a fspet in îhs localdapot. ai» intergste lu the Mereditis Flowsv & Yagtable C., and thse Meredth Mliniag and hila,' Co.. bave growa ta sncb proatiloastisaSbs bus b isUMs aould ha devotsd .xcinaively ta tisai sork ln euSciots with tisej. B . Mawdth & Co. r,&Il eatisbnaias. IM. aiedIts18 & mai of exceptional buainsa islly, a pronsoter of enterprfl M ad la M" Wsho, durits , b is ence haeO. bha dosa aucis toward building np env tila ie '. Tise bard and dilient labor. Jnat vise ig succasser at the depot willl a e we O unable te state a iltl eseni tinte. on Saturda>' of lait vsek Caérry M. Biennett sacre out a warrat agaluat ber husbaud, James Bennett, ou a charge etfasealt and batiery. A warrant was &Lie sued againsi ber stepen, Who@@e Rame Ig Bennett, chargin,' hlm seltis dsorderi>' nonduni. Bnnett. sr., '6fev tise coop" seben he get vlnd 01 sehat w. doiug aud Young Benett reniained ou the place te guard tisa property nousîtiug principall>' o chickeuss'61i'MM Bennett ceuli net dispuoet thens. Wheu nompiaint vas made te autiscritie irs. Bnust was lufevmad that h seould 1w neceaary for ber te pa>' cot of auto hîre ta serve warrants and iu order te do ibis oe vas conipelled te seilI coin.. etthe eickeus atorementioued, which cickeus proved ber ouI>' menus ot iquidatiluitise ceete. The Ouicenie of tise whole affait vas ihat the nitter wa. droptsed aid 'tise>' uew ll lireI'nappl>' after thei ChInkeus hava beau disposaiof. COn- stable Llmberry served the Warrants, tise case belng brought betore Justice Morris. LIFE INSURANCE. He ià a good citiken who provides for hi@ sife and chidren. Be le abetter c l- sen wbo also providee for bis wdow and orphane. m S F 9EB& DI.trict M&Maga Old Colouky Uic inarsncCompau p paoked exprealy for CORLETT & FRED>ERIÇkS Ona teudera b arU>' !ilr31, ,t zrna iu ielug bas twenY bu rrh oanuniber et gueis tWern ýiurtlrwbu, t4ttether oflt gmabe re rut li' nWb"d, sotete faiui>',Iselpad piao.tie ieveut a merriyue liendenanesthe «lthe mre reonteu Etolu heclirte 1er wb e ine eIbku eetat hiefileaaorpane hlm tbiubthe njuria. hlie wre,'.ued due t thgthee cIntjaiis e relpitade'ao fast Juiy. ilarry Putua. proprietr of. the local publie training a"1110..8aithe. 1ile track, b.d several bonsm.ntered iu the races ai the fair fait week. The lilet jetable amoRti thans veto Calumnet, ewned b>' W. Md. Wright af Prairie View. and Tramopheils, owned b>' Robert Wiîau et Waukegau. Calumet va@ eutened aud WOU fircI MOneY l0 tha $80> 2.24 trot Thursday and Transpiseilew-on tiret mous> in tise $6002-:20 pare ou Frida>'. Harry iban a Lawgi9"9lgOf herses aiei gsblef tise jear 'round and tisai ie is se cf0tise bout trainer. lu tht, section jeiemphaszd by the tact lie WOU tiret 1moea>'il the tva boit races on the program I ithe 1*1. Tise Paionisi Faisais Of Novseood Park, op«nad a ver> 0 1u1 niu mission sit St J oas Ceabo#e crcih. [libsty- villa On Snndai thse 'Mé imi.The misIon exarcises vinl oatias for sigisi days. lThe main servicebrgaust 17:45 ever>' nigii. The sermons diai vI aubjacte of the mueit vital and aissorbing lataemt. The most ive taPies Win lha àisaadisd lu cisar and strikima la» Ig e ev. Pau seriedore, Who la conductini tha musons, exieude an, earmsiinvita. tien to peepleetofail crm&d or no cresd, tbtisithe a>' ia'earvisaitishe cuthenii message of the churcis ta mankînd . Aniong tise subjectc etillta ha etreated Iare: ~Race Suicide," -Bell or ne Bell, a "Who are tise Beailv Vicions?"I Cseui>' Fairflaitvet G,>'th.Lake Rasesp ar ian waeievUctF. Let, an in@spron whl mut havetmdefbu insrtio'snk udicusf rmatie sa i1ha tebat lu ise edgice rl tseion oi Bad nayt hira rIu,. id yenl Sona'ilCiagouTdidbecue isaio afect- bfd ou you lue Wndrment ufet t asrduolu seexreme. en iswes rad h weouirin teet but suls a te rayone we caln>'%ceuse$metehude o vnoude phovek & ennemit, excep pt orisaa, ric euni isberr ep vera mg@atieie bieri ttierusit po- voiugmadea.the beverfthe nis sysrli ahlu ifoetinie d edoeunismyd ia bit; iharetore 'we ehouid seerry.' ot base ball %is Are. at Rockefeller Sunda>', tise affair ending its a con- trevers>' in tise niuth inning due te a mieunderstanding relatva e tiste score. The.efficlal scere Leeper for the gbe credited Liberiyviiie vutan vu uns and Area vitis aine wbicb sbeuld have been authentin. but&eueeofthte local beys Who b.d been keapinti score in a note bsook isad eacb teans retîted vit i uue u sehich tied tbe cre. Are&, ratiser that lese tise gaine, turned dovu tise verdict et tiseir regular ený,rekesper and adopted tise tal>' siset keîrt 'u a note book by one of our home lroye. Wity? Thert vsa @ide bot of $Io on the game and 1' lookad lite $104) to Are. atter tisr whipping tise>'ver.. tresaed te at us. tair ai tise bande ot Laks Zurich. (ADITIOtAL LIBIItTYVILLE PAGE 6t For Fire an-d Life Insurance CHIARLES D. PROCTORP Agent For NEW HAMPFSHIME IRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Micliga ùt1 Lif. Insirance Company. / LIDEITYVILLE NOY DROWNS A T FINE OROVE, COLO. WARREN ELLIS MEETb TRAGIC OEATH IN WATER AT PIN£ GROVE, COLO., FRIOAY Saturda>' AttorneyBonEuLB.Miller recelved a teiegram teiling efthtie trauin deasb b droseuing et Warren Flleg, a former Libertyville boy, and brether et lire. Miller, at Pine OIrove, Colo.. on Frida>' afternoon. Tise Information ceutained lu tise macsae vwas extremal>' meager, ne particulars sehatev@rar cn iven. siwpi>' the tact ha had met deatit by dru wnîug. Their home wats at Denver, Colo.. and Pine Grove beiug asuburb oflDenver and a resort or bating beach, the cuppeai. tien le Warren va. in bathîug and beame seized with crampe sheh rendered hlm heilîce. Be wam knowu and Mi@@ Mabel EliUe et t Monday moru- ng for Btmlwater, (ikia., Nro. Flue', boune, where burial took place Wednee- day. The deceaaed eas about twenty-teur year, of age and leaves a wmfe andou@e of a ioving husband and kiud and indulgent father. ileeldes thece he 18 survivedi by titree sisters. tir@s George morne@, tre. BHeu H. Miller aînd Misa ilabel Ellie of this place, and ene brother Roy, of Lo@Angies, ('ai. Warren w.. wreli kuewn iii Liberty- ville. bavnng been renred to manhood at tbie place. and leavea a hosi of youug triendo te mun hie departure. with whoni w. unite ln offering the bereaved relatives word.et01svinpathy and cou- doience in thip their hour of saduese. MEIET TO ARRANGE IFALL SCIEDULE The Milt Producere' Asociatieti viS hold a meting aitishe Libertyville tevu hall Saturda>' nigtbi Sept. 13, for tise purpcse et arranglng echedule of price for fl anda winter aud te trîamt suci other business a@ nia> be preperl>' brought up for uonideratiurf At ibis mneeting a eccmuitee will ha appoiuted try couter vush Yore Bro.. relative to tise price te b. flized per oe hundred p..uude urilî for tise neit sil menthe. il interested, visether ieniber 01 assoiation or net, you are urgeuti>' reuested te 1 preseut. Si. Laurence Episcepal Church 1 1ov. Euwas S. WaRva, PUter Mdornin,' Prayer 10:80 a. nM. Sunda>' achool U:80 Ia .ns Visitons are alvys elenie. Mnndee'a Ligisinine Houp Cure tor saie by ail druilis. 50c and $1.00 per bou.. .25-if Automobile BARGAI NS our two New Demonstrating Paige-Detroit CaMrsa Ddure montheandm fuily guaranted. Our 1914 Demonstrating cars reacli us i October and we muet seH our present Demon- strators now. Other Bargains. 1. Buick Truck 1 F. A. L Touring Car. 2 Hupmobilestwo pausenger. 1 Ford Touring Car. Motorcycle Bargains 1 7-. P.li Xerkle, run 700 mie nfine condition. 1 Single Excelsior, 4 h. P.. just overhauied. 1 Twin Indian, 7 h. P., 1912 Model. These are ail rosi bargaina, cmarnsd motorcyclefl that muet be soid at sacrifice prices, and we will stand be- hmndevery repreuentation we niake as regards their meit. Just MotorCompang PHONE 8 Libertyville * Illi"os LUBER TYVILLE9Sý First ~Novelty Store JOHNî ismyLSaTiER dParomep. of Noitisud an trdivc Goodmnow a01r is patrons lte opportuntty to -ere Iligh Grade Music. If flot in stock wilii eder. Save postage and get il he The McKinley LEition nf Tan Cent Music a Specisiy. LIBERTYVLLE. ILLINOIS CIVIL WAR VETERAN OIES I Preabyterlan Services r * M I M a Why Don't You Put Vourseif on the Payroll?, You pay the landiord, the> grocer, the buther, the coal man and the electric light cornpany every month. HOW MUCH IS THERE IN IT FOR YOUI Who are yotî working for-the landiord, the coal mnan or youreelf? Next py day why don't yon bring your py check down to the bank and get it cashed and, firt of ail, put ONE DOLLAR into a savings account. Then try keeping this Up each py day for a while ad if you get a ralse try to PAY THE AMOUDJT 0F THAT RAISE TO YOURSELF. Try to add to your savingis account. Lake Courty National LIBERTYVILLE, ILL Capital Surplusa nddivld.dProfits.1 WE SOLICIT A SIIARE O! YVOU P AT RONA0 Get Our Prices on COAL & FIE. Home Lumber Compan3ý of Libertyville. A Golden* Oppo rtunity 14 DAYS IN WIIICII YOU CAN 51WY MANY DESIRABLE THIN6S AT ONE--H ALF P RI1C E Ladies' Wi Ladies' Dresses Children's flresses and Bonnets SHEETING MUSLIN GINGHAM PERCALE CAUCOE TABLELINEN Etc. Etc. SALE COMMENCES f RIDAY, SIEPIfI SALE ENDS SATURDAY5 SEPTENA W. W. Garroll & Son 2-STORES-2 OId Debbiu o M mai mm 1 -M ýl tfau y o t'h.e ioder residente eoft.ihertv-I **1 ma.n. m ruing worehip . v ý ' n e r u o n t ,w n mi* ip s a i l e i n -, 1 1 4 7,a . m . B ib le S c h o o l. inhetHrwî*.tal..-r r,in The' 6:45 p. M. Chrstian Endeavor societyr. >b.el,.r.I ,,,keiTuesSubject. *-Favorite Ver.,',mn thi- Gospel." or'l, M.--;Vd iý unTues :30pnm ev.'uiîîc aorelirp.Suhiect dav, Ai:u.st th I 1,I3l i h.t Cira L . The. Bok f Josbia" IMower. .1f Pleasaîtril. bad paceed Wedoday eveung. Sept. 17, Thse sway W 'il,[jelid b- sik fo son l'acter'. Aides. an~~~~~~~~~ ~ an o. . lî '. ik o on iitoce alwaye weireme tiie,.wittlîh-ari îrm, is hs uddeu de- B. Id. ALLBURT, PastOr. mime WB. Dt)!expur.-4.. Era L. Mewer wa. brruou March , SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE 1842, in New York clae. Whcu two Spacial Assesmarnt Warrant No. 10 years oid he weut wth ie parents te Notie-_public notk*e la bereby givea, the tate ofllinois. He w.., a veteran tisat the CouRt>' Court f Lake Couuiy. of tise cvil war, euiîtiîîg in lCo 1, ISt Islîliuoi, ha.rendreti iudgnient tiea Illinois lnfautry lu ipril, 186l1, reelving special assomement upots preperty be. au honorable diacharge inu S1r'1I4nSep. tited hy the following impru.etnent; A connected systeni of concret. ceuesi tmber, 1864, ho waa marrled te Ma- ideseaits on parts et Second sircet Mmd aaet Leonard ad went te Wiconin,1 Hulbrt Court in the village f Li~ wiseve h. was engaged lu the lumber huai- Ville. Lake Count>',Illinois. lu fr4o neufor27 ear. I li,0 hoarrvedinLot 2 and the nortis hall of Loi *i nas fo 2 yers lu1141 . rrvcdinBock 10 C. Frank Wfrlgit'i addfl..ik Pacficeuni'. whcre bhoniade his home. Libertyville, as sell nieafulI>' p~ He learsa te meurn is los. hic wife tnd front the ertifled cepY of the iudiuua son. Eluser. aise îwo brothera, (George,, on diilun my office; tiat lte warrant for ln N. Y. and Frank, at Ledar Rapids, the collection of such aasemmncn le la tii.. bands of the underiged. Ait owa. pesons intenested are hereby notiled te, Mn. Moseer wao a couin of Peter cati ad p.>' te amount a.ed ai st sa Mowers of Libertyvillp. collectors office iu the Butler Bldl& ..,-calied. lu the village of Lihpri.vvlua tithin tîinr v dargfroni thée dte heiol. Pian Tunrg rltated this obh day of Auguat. A. D. L.ave order@ at Ra's Furuiture Store 'I RO E T BOND,. Cto t.' Wrk doua b>' Mr. Aiden. c-45-tt j ept. 12-1946 1 ir id D- :0, ce t à y Ip it ie le NORTH STORE PHONE 29 . à THEY ARE RIGHT.