CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Sep 1913, p. 9

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sWAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN [IST VOL. XXI.-NO. 51. PART TWO I,1B3ERTYVillE. lll PRD Y. EP D ER12, 1913. EIGHT PAGES 15 ERi YEAR IN ADVANCE. t But ted BANKERS AID THlE GATE RECEINWYV T F1 O1 "S ToNE YR SAYNOR DIES. DAIRY FAR1ERS IN AT COUNTY FAIR TREHDtS lesde-TilEMIl-KMATTER THIS YR. $5,346.90, B0ARD VOTES T0 START CAtt TO DEA1H M col At Instance of Libertyville Bank Total Gate Receipts This Year = Frank DeWoody's Automobile 11cnes Important Conference Was Shown to Be $158.90 Larg- Was Struck by Limited at Md?" Held Lately. fer Than Last Year. Beach Rd. This Morning. FIELD AFTER, DISCilSSI0N NEHWOMS.N.BH ed-BANKERS TOUR DISTRICT. THE FAIR WILL MAKE SOME. iSMASHED INTO KINDLING. ARDSON INSISTS Voil0 Investigate Conditions and as a 1Net Receipts to Exceed Last Occupants of Machine Thrown, WOMEN RODE HER ON# A Result, Comprehensive Re- Year's When a Smiall Deficit INHERITANCE TAX MATTER AND INTEREST ON FUNDS Fifteen Feet and Two of RAIL AND INFLICTED) IN- port~~ isGvnOt a noneed POINT WILL BE SETTLED IN COURTS IN A SORT OF Them are Badly Hurt. FRoNDL ACIO TOe GET. FINA INTERPETATIO iF- JURIES TO HER-CLAIMS The little town of IÀbertyville of The receiptsq fromt paid admIssBion" THIEN L A CORN OGE SAM -NARD AS ETER- OFwaukegan, septemrber 10. THEY PUNCHED, KICKED, trace truck and pure water fame has to the Lakre county fair in 1U03 ev.LA +OERN SAMEpleR had aETR reiarkhi lL", T PULE again Put itself on the map for doing céeeded those of 1 -, by $m av FIELD HOW MUCH INTEREST MONEY HE HAS OBTAIN- ;LI fi dol! It a l méor, AND BEAT HER , UL thngsE. I'i" latent performance Io in ceording to figures obtainied hy thI4 ED FROM FUNDS-MANY MEMBERS FAVOR W-AITING "" . ",I léF i-ltooié """" nD' mwih HER HAIR AND BESPAT- connection with the dairy business paper fromn the treasuorer of thé- ass,. -q, riding, nas ýItræ hyl' anl c' to the whk-h la a mnts impvortant in<dustry eatnon. FOR C00K COUNTY DECISION, OTHERS DESIRE IMME- " "ocg uaTRDHRWT U lub" ki Hriecil railoEu at theH IM-n in tif county and the northern part For coprsnssake, the follow.- DIATE AND INDIVIDUAL ACTION BY LAKE COUNTY. ilr o W uk:,gL, Th ie of the state. . Ing figures oni the four days of L tcupants of. the uwi no WARNED HER TO LEAVE About a year ago when the farmers and 191 aLre given herewIth: hiié. thé. autonioldle, Md te RESOLUTiON ONE. OR GET COAT OF TAR AND poratindwere trying to giet fairer price for 1912. 1 move that the state's attorney og-their mnilk, Mr. Gridliy of the First TuLI;a $ (10i of Lake County, Ralph J. Dady' ere in FEATHERS. National Bank, atLoryi léuh ensa727 be authorized and directed by the E I R E D thtted Iindustry was of sluf- Th'lursday 024 covnty board of supervisors of, fici Imotncluhaesrtepr-aia Lake county to astart suit va. Cart That Mr Joh],, kRithardson of "., )10 bw ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iln bmotnetohvox- pr 'ia .. .%19 P. Westerfield, treasurer of Lake D ( I E 0 MiTH i i. ,"ýI é:1ii '- onle rgnlaa nho- onar attention with a view to deter-- County, for all noms of money "it emtonhroiia tr mlininlg juset what the reasont lm that $,¾0 now due from himn to Lake Coun ilu11t I .'l the wounLwn or Voici "actually rode th a n h ar bsns us 93 y; and that the following ques- hi- .n useýýt', biis rail" and that sheo is to une Beidler t ons be propounded to the said asthat 1clatins in heri suit for $100,000 dam- and es- work harder an* tonger for lems com- Tuéesday.% .i ..$ 10.00 Cari P. Westerfield by the coun- n.anl r De ag ,el-laaiitsxo h oe for a pensation than almnost any aither Wedniesday .. ... 674.65 , ty board through its cierk; Waulegan Septembe 10d agsaulegantysxo h oe Muke- ~~~man un earth. Hie got busy with a Thursday ....1,385.10 - aottehs rsadhdnte1aecut ici or.I in was R ESOLUTION TWO. he the superv isors )>il e-i,ýi On- Way to Waakegan. ev ident fréom a letter sent to the sitate's little personal investigation which re- Fridbay . 1,157.15 How much interest have you ohsm nm Welh.IL iLnuegan i. 1Mooy Iho is a platéert, ing lnwnysutc rmMs ihr' veald tht th far ers were losig -- ---(Mr. Westerfield) collected fromn tr for, :L, on hils wIay to Waka on n veageatlestracntipe the foutyerdserorayibnkorIrnd 1:t Ar.Weteii b r:" n iWilrrlabuame asE.wco- --- ietew WJlim.,. exe f Jrefs-s hundred for every hundred pounda of ----- individual in Lake County upon ilrw t.. oi appear before. t:o ""rd 1o tract on thll.E P . ArLIthur home on 1h1--- Plaines, who wrote to Mr. Runyard on mikte od^ $ 18 0 pubbic moneys and how much in- ]mn i it tis moirniili- r 1 oli,, n,, Noýrth Sid, in WankIegan Ilis dtauig| New York, Sept. 11.--(Special)_ behialf of his aunat whio, hie explains,. -ikte si189 terest is now dsie to you from proIdiro fo hi s-wfig wtr anll rdé] awr ridfing in theiina evu taead"bigfm At this point hie promhptly called Ir ls seen that the rleepts Tuesday any bank or individual? heoidi, haforach t him. WordýiL, waeevd tteCt H l ia wih stact nd hegcai, the attention of Mr. B. F. Harris, this year were a little mre thrant fast ---'u oeyo n nn s heaprah lth electric rai- today that Mayor Gaynor died of the liberty of furnishing thema for you' chimno h taeBne As- yar; that Wednesday of tis year Waukegan, September 10. terest fromn county fund sto radi h1 iar. Lw sas >,isl; goIing nolt erfaleonteSamhpBtcacniiguaqoainfo hee- ciation committese on agriculture, to they were less than Wednesday of .field a i wLareýd and in re i ý,is Ir in i ý; en or -igh in liles -,i at fareothSemsiBltccodngtaquatnfomhee- the situation and ws appointeBd by last year: that Thursday they were %isor Li, ii riirný rrhe reot counal. ,\Ir. Feaubien, wanhl in- trec al a t, rd byli de sa afeno.Hesie o Mr. Harris to act on that commnittee about LéoI muore this veair than tast lion rinmlr onie, showni a .ove; by a EgeL,;r felt Wýesterfield shéouhi m was witin ji, or 1 ' feet oif the, track Europe fast Thursday and was in a Inl lace of the effort to deny that and ico Investigate further and report and that Frida.% of this .year they were unanirnous, Icit thée bo>ard t arried directlyswhereupoLn W%"eteai -aid whenT he sa%% hel aexiss car wh iféhI weakened condition. any real rail-riding took place, it in bak isfndng t hecomite, abut$% orthsyer hafast. resolutionr nun hber two. W\ek-h of .1 declinie to state>." pas,- through this point: souith bound - - ---Interesting to note what her nephew The~~~n eepon rnae er <rde Thg as motionth sowng.a Immiiediately% Mr. BeauL)enI askvl at1 e eoiA ucl a.,osi The little daughiter of Rev. and says in behalf of hits aunt's side of-the Th eotwihM.GilyTua hl.tesoigws Thus. by a mnajority of one, the ble lie thr..w ('ut the Ilutch and reachi Iý l(.ni adrdaa rn ae n hsetatfo i etrI brought in developedl so many new very satisfactory. miuperiisors today tooký ani action Li, peris.sioni to state their position and e'd for the emerg en"y brake. but lit 1 aamirs. mcG in wandd way fro case , n hsetat rmhslte and Intricate angles In the situation The receipts froml the concessions which the, ha%, ordered State's A é the board consented. He salidt was too, late -his machine was already hoetigorigadwhnlctdaso important, being the flrnt at thtil lit was d4cided best to mil a this year will run considerably moré torny ady to befgin nuit againsgt M r. Jerfield'.s adrnission of any samount, of uponi thre track. A second later the' by the Police waLs pushing a little mn t fromMs ihrsnssd cofeene f hei8untalme ad hn as yar terfrewhleth Wseld In an effort to obtain for ineeto adwudcmlct olro okpaeadteatmbLe dolt carriage and tod-dling across-theha-enmdeineteVo the county suc moneos asul hepit hasio was k liteally sahd tineatokindlin Uhr" stredto den n the oigina wr leading Iiterest» connected with the mroney paid out for free attractions on hand obtained fromn retaining fees mnatters because, it would lie an adt. wood th Shepnsrenghrldto dan Road bridge. She was tak- satdt eyteoiia ar LT ~~~~dairy Industry. At thi conference this yeair greatly exceeds last year, it for collecting Inheritace taxes and mission that hie was responisible to the side of the road miany feet away. en to the police station where she themsele gavet out8P .,wý ai, comle were pressent ofBeers of the MIlk: Pro- ls felt tha t the association this year also suchl mocneys ai hie has retained thie counit yFor tuchi interest mone,. flow, they, escapedi instant death De- told her namre and was then returned " e om-ducers Association, National Dairy will make a little money instead of ofo d whiml ave omin fmintst a point which 1,s no, to ble settled nwoysy ede ocnw]ohrpret.stigo h rn oc fhrhm ointer- on, fudéhc aebeli i o-cutH uoted thle statutes whfTesre a asbogtt tpin. \'olo, Illinois, In company with her altis of show, Illinois Bankeris Association, ruiniig b( hind as last year. session as county% treasure cont a ha raue n immediately and wt threei inure atp¯¯hubnwosannvldndnbe ade inleading breeders, dairymen and tce -- ---- - ut one member of thé, bocard was answ,,er queiistionls -pertaining to hir:; eepae o or n urid Lte arerM .lae a to wéalk without crutchles, Mrs. Minnie v water cream. men, editors and representa- BOT PAT 'AOOE , snt MIr liroilker of 'stackegan. faithlul poer of duties, in t o l Wankegani with al.11 sbl speed. called io Chiago (in Moda whric uý Iéng Bives ofRT theON . ArcluaPrs an___•whIt was saiid, hadl h., ben present preting it to mneani that hie shouldt anl They were taken toteofcMfD. i rte a ondoan% ipra Richardson was approached by twuo would haie v oted wé,ith the oipposition sequtinpranngofundIs . FCý Knighit whLreý their Injuries were wmnwo ihu annsie f hiffrb others, all of whom were given an op- White frantic -reweaLLves kept thre which would have miade a tle vo'e et. rkn h ieitrrtatne.Ltrte eerroed tion for appendieitis at the ('olunaheadtrwhrboiyfmth nnsnportunity to tell of the situation ls telephione wires busy and a police Iwith Chairmian Conrad having to cast :il(n, soie put oni the clause, Wiiester to thecir hIomel at Iý"ut1on. Whlile Mr. liospital 47thr and Champlain avenue',oc n noth tet hr thy awit Brdns Bwmnsan mto batcrw cane te atrsthe deidigbllt held iight hie L iited to answver hits 1)ewoody did nlot tfeel e effects of the this morning. Hlis brohr .D two womn witothfe ore, who Kee and Chapell were Invited but for 1 n a ftedriaecnli ut, as it Is, the majority vote pr,ý 'age. hil peérsonal lhabits, etc. Tis, I accidenlt ,o muci l mo(rnling, lie Haewas formerly an E. J. and anPak.ftedang aa nvle n r aytu ilbgntiki rsmpuu. opandti feno fsvr eni iigi h ero h ih oereson they didn't see Ait to Chicago for several hours Wýednesday, prenairations at oncýe to file the suit. E 1ger 1fi ha tu sue the presenit p ains in hits chest and fears hie mnay wipr b m an esid atZuea ado tr, uhdot ihaln came. Sept. 10th, In search of the missing, which. in a wa Is mierely a friendily treasurer for thé interest, why let ' ha beenr linternally injured. e swlknwn. rail. driveni with rusty nait», and fore- ¯¯ ollowing this confereances the party, NIrs. Herbert S. Mills of Oak action tenidinig to test the laws- gov- manjke sure oif n Iers n the futu-e vid Mrs. Richardson aprfupnsi rail; lee-bankers made a trip through th ak wf fte rsdnto h iheritani tahe fer and ur'n finut a ruan in thé offcr er ro IS AfU STOiOlAWO L theni punched, kicked, tore her hairé, Elgin ~ ~ afe hc h y g to t h ul aren f str et and esi do ent o h g e hr ,, c t fun s w mhic h e a n ý. his pos fed' cone t i n h rt ge r oes no The Act o ofS T O the co n y b Ard W n s a w aOl a l lteNfoLe od ,a dafeu dairy district and St. Charles andý Mills Novelty Company, 221 South treasurer mnay retaéin interest on timiatedl a desire InL face of Wester bespattered hier with mud, tore her 16 page pamphlet report and heire-, weres "marooned" on the banks o f sesso haetIunit r moe vru-ntoeaantteIc oMinutes of this sort of treatment with are rettedt somne of the impor- the canal four moiles west of Willow According to Nir Dad *%ý prediction til the cort pas o it to tremnove pesn(rcefCut Tesrrlfe e no h ite h e tatthnsthtar nit pinsastereut fabrkn m ad st 11fre the ti it eilr ber ai hin b t offc fsuggestIon lid Westerfield and every member who votedl for the motion to to the ground with a warning that If the hiago consumre r pay IL Sprig basrple ndn aoie the peuto rkn a es oit ta definie sele as t wason hfet in la minuted Bo eisutopny aed Bo. It is just a question to be set-shdinolevtwnwhn24hr, cents a quart for milk for which the The party left the Columbia Yacht Mr- Westerlield no doubt will appeal 1Brooks-The-re i, notoing in, the ted as to what the law means regarding inheritance tax fihe mamre thing would he repeatedoutl producer gels 3% cents and which he club Tuesday morning for a motor tate appla anf tn ri, 1the si -a i b says ae anr surere mutnur county funds. Just because half of the wi, o a n etes h a haslad utnotles ha 354 ens oa trptoJoie. Abotmn asthese points whiéihi have agitated ev- is it stocking il he wished sonsprvsr feel the county is entitled to the fees and be- te lied b y rindt annd crried, to produce to say nothing of the cost 1in charge. On the return trip the ory* county board for miany years, as he has themni when called on cas h-te affe tecut snt sn iniaont her hon rs ain d uncnscios ot of hauling. boat ran on a rock and broke Its pro- The final voite on the, action which to péroduce..feltecu yisn ,isoidcaon ernfrmriesadacatnsf "In these north central state the peller and finally the gasoline gave was, authorized today <amne followiing Welch, W k nimove that of which side is right-only the highest court can decide. the body and limrs; besidles the severee producer gets a smaller percentage out. The boatman pu oshore, a lengthy discusion of the various MIr Dady bie askedl to appear befor AN"R'SE FE DH SS I E E T "rossok o hc h ssü of whalt the consumer pays than ln wheý*re he built a bonfire arounr which r.net1fa1oa s t st0urra n EDLY HE ONLY WANTS WHAT IS HIS AND THE ding . Onte he soecn hd mday fou- In1 this state Of Illinois there, là before 5 o'clock yesterday morning arFgumnent Inl favor of flot starting to state whlat injterejst mouney he hias QUuu het ocar u hi e Iluch & 1oss In milking one-third Of by a Chicago police boat whichl .hadl action being the awaiting itflthe de- obItainled. Q ICKLY. He has justly contended that hie was incom- tatr plans. M rs. Richardson, still a Yery the cows that the profit on the second been sent out In search of themn. cin on are Cont out Lse be Fe w (fsa th nr id dred to i_ petent himself to interpret the laws on these matters when sick %woman, was forced to leave town thtr ta' is ol°l con.umed, leaving aý Mrs. Mi,,s hadl telephoned hier bus. ed in thielake county came, a de- te million cridthree votIng fio able attorneys disagree on them, therefore, he must have at daybreak, a bdr sea trine Io et profit on only the last third- band that the boat would reach ('hi. vision of which is expected fromi and two nlot voting. a court decision. And the State's attorney feels the sameMcer,1..tbadatanfr "The Investigation proved, how- icago at 9:30 o-clock Tuesday night .Iudge Pamn Inside of a fewý weeks. lros-initimatedi thant hie ls so 'Chic1ago, where she ts now with rek eve, ha muh f he npoftabe e aitd ntl 1o'lok i t elie hias bieen considiering the ar g iti- eo h reetmte ht way about it-that a decision must be had, that attorneys auve, and under a doctor-a care, operation ls caused by lack of sys- morning and then notified the police, but fl acatiL o a i g core I he er t rasujitre, haon uld di ro h seta ons rkndw nhathrhmh 1tem ln fooding, breeding and . ac- fearful that the boat might have has not rendered the decision yet. At ri possso prit he potunds l,' Thus, our readers must not permit themselves totbe band and happiness gone, and a "tan ,couein1 been overturned and the wom n' I trat wen critos the fhigen at Interest. confused; they must remember that the points are mooted uponre trher a o dit canblne be "Farmera are urged to organize drownred. courts and the contention of many Adjourned to Thuirsday at 10 whenl questions and that Mr. Westerfield has followed the exact iaeintey ftepbich TetAssociations' In co-operation The other mnemrbers of the mna- of thre Lake county board was thlait Mir. Dlady will appefar. .bringing such womien ais thes to jus. with the extension departiment Of the rooned party were Mrs. Edward M,- the Lake county case should be held The tent colony mnatter is In the course which you and every other person would pursue if lice. r*ts University of Illinois, through whichl Donald, 5825 Washington boulevard ; lin abeyance pending the Cook county er'lite' ofds the coela placed in his position-you would want the inheritance tax "WILLIAM E. REXSES,Jr." accurates records of feed, production,' Hielry E. Maun, 5952 West Ohio caswer safter detalled di.setiss orýs and likjely will report somne timec money if it belonged to you; you would eXpect to retain any N Mrs. Richardson, $100,000 damage cosits and profits can he oibtained for street; Mrs. N. J. O'Leary, 136 Sourth 'the vote stood 13 to 12 and the c ase Thursdlay. neetyumgtoti npbi ud lcdi u suit ls aimed at Mrs. Mary Sable, Mrs. 9 ~~~every herd and each cow In the herd. prairie avenue, Austin; Mrs. Frank 1.s thus'formially authorized and w .,Ill Following adjlournmient of thle hners d o fih kbano ulcfnspae nyu Kate Wagner, Mrs. Lavinta Raymond, Iaddition to the benefits obtained Doherty, 151 Franklin avenue, Austin; be on the October docket of the Lake board tod ay, there was talk of re. ands for keeping, providing you had to furmsh a big bond 'Mrs. Emma Stadfeldt, Mrs. Elma wai- in lwerng heostof rodctin Ms. . J Sulivn, ak ark; Ms- rset (Circuit Court '.Ir. ady was oening eth tre cimatterabto- Jto produce that money any time the board required it; and iton, Mrs. John Stadfeldt. Her atténrs through proper feeding, etc., the ree-J J. Kelly, Englewood and Mrs. Milton wLould carry out it's orders In the lance pending thé, Cook county de- you would eXpect to keep this mnterest money unless some ieys are Robert cantwell, and Por- tnt ordo so obtained would be absolutelyl Gatzert of Libertyville, Ill. matter of >starting suit although i1e cision.' There seemned to be a re- court had ruled that you could not do so; you would natur- est Garfield Smith of Chicago. final ln e.tablishing costa of pralduc- asn c a tea he aoi fs0tt Memera h o, for nom ou ta ally think it belonged to you when every other treasurer ,"' °°' ktion from which a selling price coutld1 dairy situation In general. Every ing suIL He added, however, that he bstarted, that the board was hasty myâo preceded you had done so, and when ever other coun- ba hiole thae saty etiattrey obtnie be determined which no one could dairyman should read this report and felt the county treasurer will be. and should, if it acted at all, Include hsntmd n ent ttmn criticise or undermine. As the costi will profit by acting on its advice. .found holden to the county for thi lall previous treasurers who retained ty treasurer in the state ils now doing it and when every as tu )faits of acoin against the vo. of production as Weilla the desIra-ý Your banker will get yout a copy free neiac a oe n h n itrs.O hsgoni ol supervisor and every official openly stated to you that it mier, for thcir part In the Vola Incident

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