CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Sep 1913, p. 3

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ofiteded tiei. lwvauieefair Tureday. Ms' L llie, the osîsago eviator, r. ani ie he iillefAtu whs made @averti flights ei WeU- @peut Suniay wiub tir. and lire. W. 0. liegan u July 4t, ves kllled this e lcluire. (Msuday) afiernoon whls uiaklng Mi@% Laura Alctt ai Hickory. @pet an exhibition fligh at the Gales.- gaturday aSn uday vlth li. . N.à burg, ill., fair'. Bomr, He was up about 100 fat;stin the is Anale MeCtedie loave ibisvom *@e mnachine whlch ho epraici t9r Urbaaa,Ill.. vhere elle wviiattendil auccetifully in gaerci figNis nt sebool the coming year.0 Wouitegan when the maschins turn- Engeue trang 0f wautefgs u vasaV ad cemplstaly aor., cter ho Nid lilîhuru caler the pa.ntvaSi. ssmigt bt epil ofIt ad su d h Ctisr, maisiler o the Arlîngion feil te the ertb, plopiug heibi -l restaurant et Elor Clîy. rlelted as top une.' ihesdebrla. r Me died ton Deas.»'. liauiay. minutes iter, Navlug been terri- A. I. Stewart i.e fndlug a veek vith bly crushed. hie chiren ln Chicago ani Amherst. Mudridietfpeopesa5w the ac- Oioia cident whlch ended thes Ibis of on. lMr@. James Polockiami lire. Aidie[ of the nation'% mot careful and Fulton ai Woauau, @pets Wednesiay mont experleuced irlators, otaeus od ol pae who wa creilisi wth makino a h i oepae more successful end cinetul fights ir. and lira. Cobb af Chinago, arir thin a«My irman. eiaylng ai C. E. D)euman'. thie veel. 2 Tb@ Edmomis famly viii racate the1 GURNEE W. C. Y. U. ELECT. Stewartfartsthla eason. lThe annual meting af thé hurue w. Thé lilssiouary thanks offerng vilii1 C. T. a. h eld vith lire. B. K. Milleé e i t teh oue cA isisée MlDongaii, eud the foliowing officer e ve eleeaiLaisside me0t cottage, Weineeday. for the y#ar: Sept. 24, Everboil velcanie. Preiem-Idrs. Widdoecui. E. Jack ai Chicago, #pent -a day the Vice- Pre.ident--lirs. Cynithia Putter. pa.t veei ai thé farni. Sereary-Belle Ormobv. lire. A. K. Bai9 $pet atfev daya viii Tresurr-irs.L. Shépard. Mr. sud lire. Cremn la lu rayalaké. The yeaàrly reportaeheov the Union tau i.ailr.T Ggt pn nea bn,& . çperone ,.onditiou ulunessenwIdran I.TO t "tue y newi . mbere bavlifg bdeu galned thé aîlh idat.thé Rla ine and pa.t year, »sa.amouant oai vandam eneteMiwuefar for'h tie .ae Bluff Orpitatale. Teso eta Leion dirawg haves tii. veek for of book@ vers given ta the Buuday Urbana,fIN., tu attend the University. athul îhateviclnlty. lire. Wideomhe Paul (Urifflnu peut Snnday vithbhie va. eield ma. delgae ta thé é-tai.cou. pareitluinWaniegcu. vea t iGalsburg, anidlira. Helen - ileica, Idre. Balue., ire. Whiînîore a AECUfYGR delagteos b tbe couy convention s A KECL9YGR L" ornsept 25. &ir. Wrtlu. WEDS IN EVANSTON. ilir. Bil Ortu.mbyand lire. Faulkner a. allernmt-s, The cst meeting viii bLw beid u wfed On Sept. 10, 1913. et the home ori flsday attraouo. Sept. 24, vih Nra. Mr. and Mmr. A. . Wrght, 1022 Elm-1 Wifth ooavenue' Evantan, octurred the mrriage 0t Hariry J. Enéden af U S. SMIH, lo .oi Me an ae MIS SMITI N1 f lbu.i. Onuy a evr intimate fwYtiend bdnirelatives vere prient NOT MAR13TEE TN The dSeortlona ere i luki &ai whie ater, wth ala and teone. UCAU1~L'The bride Vns unattendei ami vore CRAV VI- SRR bertraveling drens. Mise Mary Tay- a, 1 . 1lor of Tayiorvlile. III. a conusin oft. Uilb Chui" FOlDhiOfOd tebie. picyci thte vedig marcit. SuaVeS AOeOnNdng t0 Moth. Rer. A. W. gaRfon of Xliburu oofciat- Vs Stslaaeei ~ el. Mr. anm s' Esie lfatla. tbm eveaig for thellr home la leval. Mme Wh" -Wafln i au *0im stwmo amh tilere tàsS a11ou114111e411 MmW ISàw »Mes l ke se ia tU W li'0 . M is , à ' u . dl. a la a note vritsn luByron L I.. ~lu a nikagas. Icih« o et us iiover, lire. C . B. Dr. Bniisrâlof ai bertyviie, tras-. LAhmue oai ulAi erest , v he ta- ate.-scsibuin athie vlcalty lonalay. taifirovntag occrrai.expisili ttti BvraùIfrons bers attasd.4ltusplayaet ber tue chiliren b.d ben playlug la. the harrion ametre lu WaUkgam. Sus- the uan of the Ici. phere tat moml- day eveiag. In£ and bcd ahloei the tvo fUtis Fras iMerrlman a former remidnt mai grave amdi b apcOei viii leverl On brother ai lobanierrician ai ibis place, thmL 1 . d<ied at bis home lu Bloit, Wl6. Sept. 10. Thinkug tat te information mlght 1atareu in thé iamlly urlI lot in Si. be of su.tcomte te .Sumit ta.n ar' cm t iWauiegau. llY, luasmucitauas hai been repoti_______ tht Mrs. Slmih bcd cemntitiseti- <ide and ln a moment et morbfijiess miSSm.I #iai maie tihi moundi. Mrs. lhme Thé hile. viii give a moclai lu tue volnnteeréd the Information. This ex- chnrcb on Frlday evelng, Sdept. 2itb. plciaten, taiten vltb the ieciei opta- A cordial Invitation i. extendei ta aIL. Ion dellverii hi the coroner that he Tétec a een ing tor thé mev mcv ne teson te hllîve lin. sihcniu ea t aithe echurci. Thé bai taken ber ovit lite, tas conrlacei vert le expeeled ta hegiln et once. mnany that the Srowtilng wap accident- A gooi mauy attended the. Mlvaukes ai. far. Mir. ani Mrs. H. R. McCulougb and J. Howard, J. A. Re"us,IL. OMlurrle Mn. coidlire. Manvit Hugitt, parents aidFrank Crawferd e.adl heir vives and grniperent aoflira. BSmith, arrlr sund iriends drove to, Mlwukee in their id Wednesay froux Matineaunaaspe- machie.. cieri.I R. G.Murrie mai family and David Kankaio"-tarrlng. hait uncon- )lorre apeni Bond" i vuh Mr. aidlire. acinuse. unabie te valk and barely aile Tam licCulugh ai Initiée. te, roll bis aies. John Robertson. of E. M. lielcaif maitailysp..t Sunday Chticago,,Wall acciiemtally iiscoveréd tedai siavei avay ai the foot of a viîh lire. A. C. Corna aime C. bd. Gorbani rentillatar saht Inthe abanionei Iagi lamliof Waukeègan. basment af cottage No. 9 t thte itate lire.lierville la vieiing ber @ister iu teepital. In vhlch te vas an tmuaiste naa Roberson vas a trusteS patient and e»a allowed te vr tut a gang ai me. Farmera are busy fllllng their suao.. cianica. Hé disaphuea uo July 30, The corn cro is much botter than tbéî ami ai mai been mahm sncé utile tht, afieruacu. Whether hé viii .s- pectéi. / caver or flot lristill doubtinl. Reé basN qhecome emaciatei thet he velgis adraib360. ony pigbuy-flve pouais-. idedftao-« 600 irkeeplag tce, concrete costetiionbua»n.equa gbeti resltlnJ. Keepe tee roM meltng. Unalei )y dmeu , aver nid$ rqspel1 miiip lm. hus@ wee sttaac u ç ~ f ~Dad myiz v.c. Dmexator 1 1Otdes's Taes fwdjob won Mr. SWUra01i Stvu Point Wl.., va.i iguesi01 loba Longabangh and famliyè MN iase bhLoteaad Daley Doo- lUis.w vb he bean varking for JO@. @Oblosst ti.put jear, reelgusi their poaltim st wak. The vacanele arei 1Usdby liasGrace Schlomsr and Mi" i sallias., lire. Neille liacNanuar and son are1 vieting f riand@ ln Chicago. Dr John Turner of tI .keg&f, caiied1 ou hie parents here MondaY. The Grobysaae Ce2letery society vii Ineet with lire. Amelia Winkie Thnrs- lay, Sept. 25. Everybody vreicome. Misé Suai@ Whitehead lae peDding a fev daya with ber sieter lire. Wilson, at Zenda, Wis. She wvlU attend the Elkborn fair while there. Mre. Paul Toby va& a Chicago visitor Monday. Jeu lýongafanotb traneted bueies in Chiýago Tunuday. -Harry Kaebker tranected tbusiness ln Cnicago lionday. lire. Alice Thomson reiurued Tueeday alter %pouding sororal isys vith ber san C. Thomson, st Fort luil. Mire. Davis, wbo open% eeveral days wlth ber brother Wm. Pester and famili, ham ireturned ta ber home in Lake Forest. lire. Morley of Chifago. was a gueft at &~ 0. Book,@ bome ESuudp. John Schuman of Wankegan, @peut Suuday wlth K. B. (iodtrey. Advrvte 99110iesOn ApiPlicatiI 1 la tatung chargeoeta nev grand daugbter. Wm. RebhéiuaMi DICI Baseley are î Nile Center pttlug lu a heatiug plant ai the parmoage for Tom Walsb. Mir. sud lire John Wlcke are enter- tainlng théir daugbtsr, lire. Melien ani Bonand a lady frWau tram Austin, 111. lire Rd Brdaof Round Lake, vaa1 guesi t lire. BurPeteriort. Wednesday. A nevly orgae" girls club inovu a. the. -Big Ten" yl give, a private dancing party uai Hoake hall Frlday evenlng. Mark Neville aiarted echoolu the Illinois University la.t Tîîes'iay. wierl- h.. ul t&ké acoures la pbarma'v u ni cbemitri. T. Practor and lamlly, wbo spent the smumer a% i ecottage ou the. vet sbore, have rturosi tu Chicago for the vinter. 12tii turihér notir* services .will le held ut St. Andrev Mlea.lon ev..ry Sun day evenimg at 7,30. Rer. Edward S. white viii condut the service. Every. body invitei. H. V. Cevlaud o! thé Druc" Drug Co. , in iaking a twv eé'e valation. FREE-Wlth evsrj,25c saie oai Iexali Toilet Soupe Ife vilI give cvay ont. box olaiaenniPovder absolutel f r.... This sale viiionly Ict for ten iays Se..that yoa take aivantffe oi it -t'he Rezal Stare, Drue Drug CO. O. P. ReDeban elomi bis hole[ Ni uday after a very auceetu ésn NrannC.oombe a»i tamiy who bv Ruth i wltil lenter thé busines née n~-aig r - â sx -. wt coilge a Wauegaunexiyen. the former@ parente atUii es Laiae, colwe e wakegn nlt eek 1have returusi toeihél oume in Olai Mir. sud lire. Johne Beci are visting jpari. their Ion, Hlobari Beci ami famiiy ai LaitF *daieeuieg the Soo station Lansig. robbeiotite s..., change amoualt- lire. Earl Barron va. amolig Cicago îng to about $20. Thé ofienderé vere visiurs edamay.captared Sain. dey amid'taien ta Wau- Several ai thé cty imrode vere out kegan bi marsbal icliuîlan. huating t bis véii. - lile asnaie weab ai Wbting. lin.,NO la e. guietofiber brother. Tom Walsh Ay Naiitotces ocno and(airepir MAi hasve affle at Théeliez ail lilS Lumber and ies OBoYie ai D If store tas orsysait. armei luili.visitai fiende haro Wedmeiy etrou inlubeforsinTh»uto Ne cleaed vibili bhérturuci Salriai loliovingl.. Mirs. Balin vi b rsting hér dughir Wus. JÂmss Talle r Dgson,Wle lirI. Whilusait lugvood, uhére sIR 0-51-2 mer. lot tg a silo ri mccl. Lrhiaid 1 getin- lng fi sZ ecesar* but ai hic the lev. ta have er cap. dmie rlu pSe. t canveit. ed the 0»i uwe last vsek. tlirs. WtIUl olidor and ia. Clama Bos- lng @pent Mondai vlth i riende ai Wan- kegan. ICKORY David Pulien and famlly vere thé Ouestsai J. Dram ai Trevar, Suiay. Thé commuity va. ehocied ta hbear that Chartes Coigrave diii on Baturiay atternoo. Re bai hemn lcit early a year, but ev reslized ie condition va. critical. Thé funerl lioniay va. largre- ly atteuisi, hurlai taking place ai Hickory Union cemetery. Charles Amea vlslted over Sunday viti. hie eon Simoan. Thé Bolienbeck, RBIU ani Savage fam-- ilies enloyed a pcnlc Sunda lu Savag'e gravé. Mir. and lira. D. B. Webb bave rturusi ta their home ater a tva veeks visit with relatives lu Minnesota. We are glai ta iearn Mmre.Charles Griffa ha. fniiy recovered from ber I[- nem.. Mir. aidire.A. bidorf vietaBristol friende Suuday. Net Sunday le the la.t service ta lv heud ai thé chnrcb ibis conference year. Parowax The mode=?1Lend ossiit way to meaI bottiOusnm ~ etc. Put M mal S1 -=- a o 1 lb. U~Oo15o Iextr Ou Sb"ol omi MelBa ,wlt-iis DaaofaiW«4tlieHmri. m = Jouas BaÉ ume msg e iNrn~ countjr, Wis. wvhérs e vU apami thé vinier bhinlg 6ami tau. Ris iter, lire.8. Pier m i am&"bav aime Sous bers tram Bprtag Grtove. lire. orge Bsvellvldmbar ousins ai Bprlng Oro"e, Suniay mi Mendai. Thé ueziumting of thé Ali oecisiy vîli hé vlth lire. Rari Teomui thé §rsi veek Luactohéýr. lir. sud lir@. Lynn lierre of Rocke- feler. visid ai Ira Smith'@ Buadmi and attendei chnrcb ai Fort ERU. li. re. ns Raichardson 01 ai aylaite. @peut liandai viib lir. Herbert Davis. Rer. J. J. Willicme vwa. lu Veto on lioniai mai Frlday oi faut vesi maiing petarfilcaill. lire. Wm. Huson of Rouand Laie, vieitei ber mother lire. Frost, an Mniai. Thé Grman scbooi ha. an entoilaient ai aver 60 pupilisuni have irsi tva lady te,bre front bIienga. for the en- snlng year. lir. Bni Ford oi Cary. risitei viih lire. Ford on fast Suniay. lire. . J. Wagner and chiliren sud lies.Mary Babel ver, licEloury vimtore lait Baturdai. lir. and line. Ei fiyder oi Avon, vire In Vola Tneeday aiternoon. C. G. Busan l e P)Iding the vee Inf lu Va. The M. E. churci is being treatii toaa nov coat ai paint. lir. and lira. Oea. Caébmareaid tva litée iaughtars tr iluburu, @pent Bat. rhsy and Bunday ai Mr. anidlire. F. Hemiel'o, roiuruing Buuiey eveing. lire. Rose Daunil aidlirea. Will Hiront.. mue aison Ciester, caied as F. Reniele Soniay. Elgin-Pour lin derners vere ar- rested Titrsicy chrgni viU <allure properli ta label receptalue coain- tag gaadýine. Députi t lu reMur- eta J. 19. Galilvan preisurh« te com- plainte. .fi-Oper~tieus ips .tOalimg v Un.. td"dlkbD POitiCsRMAY CLOSE STATION Thte Chicago Tribune titis marulng printei tht. tartliug article vhich lu- tîmates tat thé naval training sta- tien et Northt Chicago may ta aban- doned: The committee on navi affairaet te UnidStaBtes beous etfrepre.nnt tatives viii riait Chicago about Nov. 2t ta invetigate conditians at the Great Laite. Traning school at Lake Bluff as the reuit at a réperisi plan to abandon thé institution upon vbich $4,000,00 vaseéxpénded. Répresentative Britten of Chicago bas appeared as the champian ofte sebool. The Chicago congreessoti says h.e wil Instet that the tbree other train- ing sebols-Nortouit, Newport, anc San Francisco-fili thé Laite BiigOt schooi viii their oveflrow befare addiz tional appropriations are granted for enlargement. Thé Virginia delegation is seéklng $500000' for the enlarge- ment ofthte Norfolk school. G"Wé have 1,000 men ail tol et te 'reat Lakes station," said Capt. Clark. commandant af the schoelstn nlght, "and capacity for 1,500 or 2,000. i doubtIif aoy of thé training sehoola are filled ta capacity et ihis time. Our bospital aoi seven buili. toge, knowa as the recelvlng greup' for recrulis amidtons not tuliy ad-i- miîîed ta thée chool, have bien closed, Tbe neceivlng group has a capacity of about 350 men. "The Greai Lakes station ls the fin- est la thé varti. and i do mot thinkItl ever.. viii be abanianed. It coattio much mooey ta construci. for one tblng. Anotier reason tg that lt bas and la Soing god vont. vitbmaie iu prospect. Instead ef abandoning 11, t think the naval authaniies liii bave ta riopen neme ofthtie buildings Iee n0v closei." I Ienti,,.ent Agniust Schooi. A lîispatcb trou Wasbing9m asi nîgit mi lihai sentiment ta the bouse commtéee le siroog for tbe ý anoment of the chool. lepre. /aeotatlve Britten la seeking la offset 1Iis svtimeRt and viii nsist iai thé _,hicage training scboi be filleS betore amy maney ta spent ta eniargei amy ai the/ether echeals. Ileprésentative Britten ascribes lte dispute over ike Gréai Laies sctooi ta a ifference of opinion betveen former Reprisemiative Pte*eoet lUI- nots. uho beadeite bouse naval committee. &Bd formur ilecreiary et tse Navy Meyer. Blason Blarsi Trouble? ltheyverneveurchie te et &long teg.thsr." FRspr.setatve Brit ton sali. "Bai onaeqnetlî t* nheel snfferei. Boys fron tsemidle verni vent te Newport aidNorolk tasai of te Chicago. Thoem are only a tev bundred boys titere wben titere cheudh. more titan2,000. We celd recruit a sufficleut number trom Chti- cage clone vîitte preper kiqd of ad- vertisimg ta keep tiffi." Assistant Socretary Roosevelt Talts. Assistant ilecrtari Roosesvelt et thé ary depariment recentihi vistai wien thte latter maie bis coast trip. %In. Roosevet îesterday sali té bai not heani ot thé plan te abandon ft. but hé asserte ltai unlesthé asue of thé oavy la increasei. h *111 te iàË, passible te usé h aup te lis capacity. "ln case of emergency,. mii the assistant secrétary, "Thé Chicago sciaci ls a most désirable one, but t seénis théy attantpted ton big s tbing théré rigbt at thé stant. Wit thé présent number ai men In the oavy, lu la Impossible tarnnfi totefull capaciy." lu face ot the Important article n thea djelnlng colum lutilmat- Ing ihat the big naval training ata- tion et North Chicgo may h. cinsed, TNe Sun todsy lnterrlowved Fred Brown Whituey wbio cime f rom Europe lset veek te rimthl@NI tather, Judge Charies Whitney of the Ilinois Appelîste court, hie statements regardlng the traiuing station hiug ef lmportsnse hé- cause oft he tact that No vw» the clerk ofthebi naval sffaire commit- tee ot the MousetfReproemnta- tiras when the Great Likea Naval Training station wvs. uthorized. Mn. Whitney siatge tit ihé bas of- ficlmiiy taspected ail tii UnitedS Btée naval training stations cnd tas risît- ed sanie abroai. Hé staies thai thé Griat Laite sta- tion la thé e elinee rld ami ihal ibère la ne station tanttecmecdans in America. Mr. Wtitney eti±ep titat te Great I.aites station vI l neyer hé abandon éd titrougit ai oon@hderation et mernu or n6eis, butt bÀt plitis, lMe HMM nlns, smtettuttaspay havr- .The "éa ai *alt' a-Mt la, te ebitr e comr4 et te ot vbih lviinover diacriS luate aglisa the k ortit, no long aà snobum nas Cousremu anPiew.u Uous$e lUm " luitbe. ,nvei ai dt masa e »à,aâ e Dd You Save Your First DO[ar?1ý Joh1à D. Rockefeller did flot zp.nd' the inrt few dollars betearned. He han many mifliontf,. now because lie was able to save the irst dollar. T'1e saving habit gl-ew on himu and wben bie first rami op<' portuuiity camne lie lad the ready rnoley with wbich to bandit the proposition. How many opportuxuiti"s have you înissed because yon could not commiand the requisite arnount of cashi Begin saving now. It's not too late. PUT YOUR MONEY IN lakt ljt rt& ainwU k A STATE BANK Capital $25,000.00 Lake VâIla, lDimoiWo tion cornes directiy. He etatea that - bath the prisent secretarles are men superior to coi ha ever sav lu their positions and that he hap no idea tint At the reguiar meeting diM lipideW they will even permtt serions cansider. WorkereTu.sday evening, Sept. 23, thétu ation of abandoninz the Great i.alkes viii be ,eroehments and dance. station. The prisent cammittes are douta ted by cean tates hose memre ai Congrés naturctiy vant te direct ail possible expediltures t t uni district, but mmci lire in ,gli,8 bouses and cannai afford tc, cros swioris ta ceaiparisene vi.icb are usualiy obvt- Marngo-Joel Stulil well-itnown farter of Marengo, vas round deuil ln the cao crib on bis tarot lasi Bai- urday Bosvlck's Photo fStudio viii hé opea on Nonday and Tuemiai udxt. Sept. 220and sud!4ri. We viii havemi sujie. of P100to tashow YOnaD C.A Besva.k vii hé au bond sud pesvomaly maie aIl sittînge. Loch T. ilobrian eartéd Out i g. silo@ Friday. De la having grs«t 1", wltb hit nev Haskimg Valley BiudPiler $TATE OF ILLIOISAe. lier"ha Ja e. .John JaMOes.W& COUNTT OF Lkgt. p* Wiibuue. George E. W lame, 111100 la thé couoty Court uf Lakecouty. williamns, Amui William., AUro to thé October Terni A. D. 1918. Jobhn Smih and Joseph "Wb: ln the matter af the esta%@ of Jompb a" be? l '>uyoe Barnettdece&m.dva. ThommA. . .omty ël; o i .miy i Williams.,Jeunie Thersea William@. iret dUey t f mthisocl to Il a I4 liartha -»JaJ.., Johajames. Beiher nt Wakeff a lu om menet Wilim.. Eorge E. WIilibse,44w7yB. olet mli eofw.1Ouobos', . .b 91 * Willamu, AuieWiluin, Alred i Bih th, M is à Mw Il Joba Smituh adJoseph Smih. sUlm Md i tlla Petition b moei rosi et t 10PU ahy * taasiww l@b debée. Tb requinite &*"vit for uubllae. an t0 Tb.masA. SiitoUe. haut.ens Mm. eM 2 etwA WilM I N Luh M baeau h.. 1.1la -the. Ozue othé*9 Q!e O& . P lçoo o Lah 1 vàvsop l . ou l Msb g-Iosa the. i] o ,"1?j. Wlllaie, MW"tha lae Joas. John <)"" te,., A . B. 191 Jauses, Nther Will iam.Gorgle IL. jm Agrmueofflve.DditbLe %AI 0, Maqy B. Vifli nAeo G a m oeg. Wi Aifrei th. job*hIa SiiMdi G. 1No, fl. JoseIý,Ihbmihthat the aipitimr s~eat my aiarit that o m de boula nonou f ith els01ithéiemsali ateA M rloux s tb Joseph ilarneit, dsash.huto- t - butas ieb fore Biled hi. petition la ml Cnupo&r.a.hety Court or Lai. ou t.prmying for a bw pl of relema amo decrue for thé sale o saet aiabs idf bO. beloante the astate of sai dessaàd isi, clajk pi ûb mu or 0 so uh oi il - aàMY hé ussdsituNo"icelu thevelors hereby alVeate lbé pay the debte of sai iscea.ed aid i sali th LaTouché grausAMm descrlbed a. tilievs, to-vit: Ilaithée 0 » a"" 1 oo mIshtLm Thé emit seventy-seven (77) feet of blé bill of sompali laaliM Cmuto sub-lot number si (6) of lot nunher Cbaasesy " ihed Md à"t fnrty-nine (49) ilur3. P. Mllers Bob-seummous tbhesepoa bseisi01oui pisji ivision of lots forty-ine (49). fity t50) cours agluet ths abov e au" i iei'e and (51) of thé plat of Laie s&ut returuaible ou the. lest daryet *V Foriet maie b! thé trustees of Lake er. a ofthe Cicuit court of @sali111111 I'arpst lesaciation, recorei lu thé County to bl he théb Court HMeD Recorder'@ office o! LakeCounty. stuatei the clty o ac ansimalu a i CousW O lu thé Vomity o!Lak.eaid tle: of Lakp an ths drsu londay lsu Ostaha Illinois, and ta tsuminions hbWu A. D. 1918 by iaw requirsnad leaed iont o!fe@Md court aqaWmt von wblch cit la etili poudiug. roturnabie ta thé Octaber Term A. D Lze0.s O. Duooesr. ChL. 1913, aofsaWdconrt, ta hé bolien on the Wauiega] IL. Aug. il7, 1918. firsi liniay ef Ossaber, A. D. 1913, at PAUL lUMGurlii, Uemplamuact'e ea tbe Conty Court Houe luthé clty 0a i chr. Wankegaa lu sai Lake County. Au. 29.ilP9.-l Nov. unise you, thé sai Thoma. A. Williame, Jennie Théresa Williame, Lake'e big v eyI D <~ Do You Want Cowi We Have New milkers imod Springers for Saee HORSES of ail sizes and ages for sale at ail times. Il you waiit te have an Auctlon Sale steu *bouit the Auctioneer. Col. E. Le Dowrn Phono 290-R-& Shanck Farm. I lv. s»d Mm. Nlao midshulirsuvil- ted affslostwt mdoi. Clam ng ai ve rethé Promit parmit@ of a ba"y girl ýborn Awuui129Lhi . Mr. md mi . Jouesa clisioufriemis bers Buaia. osewhemnachr seut the latter Part o! k lai e i th BarboaaAmana ai eimr. lirs. Bush aidson Donald opent Bat- nriay aid Sndai ai Boumer,Vis. Mir. sud lirM.Drummoni entertamied théir ae" from Kentusiy a fev dais id mot leiami h gage- F'1MES bont c e-piese more 'dérate atehes. N TICK ILT ba. come d-souse- e ot Intr- mmml lm. fora 1b. reueaWIWtla eiý oa4g a 1 1 1

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