CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Sep 1913, p. 10

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PLACE FOUNO IN ZION WHERE PEOPLE RECEIVE 'GIFI' IN MOST REMARKABLE METHODS 0F WORSHIP EVER RE- CORDED IN THIS SECTION-PRAY, SING, YELL, KICK, POUND FEET AND LAUGH AS THEY 'RECEIVE THE HOLY sPigrIT-D)ETAILED) ACCOUNT 0F A MEETING AS SEEN 9Y REPRESENTATIVE 0F THIS PAPER-WORDS FAIL TO DESCRIBE SCENE ACCURATELY OR MINUTELY. a long til. but lie opposed IL Nov ba's gatI t and ho viii h appy." Former Mayor à Leader. The aboya staleoleat vas made to me by E. N. Richby, wba, until last aprlug vas mayor of ZIon City, having beau electai tva years previaus. He neyer serrai mary acîlmaly. hovever, as ha vas avay most a! the tîme and Min. Miller, au alderman, vas thea c- tire mayor much of the tima. Richey bas beau s leader of the amsemhly for smn time and praaiied et the meet- It, Wof béforo 1 came or alter 1 îstt, sOMÏÏ iincredulous. If thil la the correct form of wor- SMh1 could flot help but stop and ponder what would happen If al Çhitspurtued the same meth- iidd-8 UMneY Would be a strange doiabt thse participants would relent dboat OMn)btlcsly the application of thea Word fanatclm to their torm of .vOrhIp but It doesn't searn credu- loue that the. lmlghty expacta peo- pie to go through qucb antics of ex- Potultione, gesticulations aud transtormatlQuns as I saw there. If one of the bunches of worshlppers worlclne ovpr s ma* or woman con- ducted thelilbsVuo qulotly, t could be conctlvabl#,-lbut, te bhaar ieoh elgw5 Yëlling. mnolf an êd dolilO theh, Stuffla s.paratelyy« *Il ait the tep of thoir Volces, wehli my wdrds tell me. i cannot deai" iImore Vvivdly and you, If yoi$ winh te Imaoie l, Jiut clOs. your ie>l peurs fftyPeple in a amail roo4d l lnlou.PMRsylg. lfglg, ags.ticulati#4, *tmndlng thelr h"nd lng earler lu the evanlng npstairs. nit fort>*the 10cr, witb twt ori hm Reeder Of thie paper have white 1 bad beau lad ta belleva vbat iHe seamai mont anthuslamtt amer the three p.rop4lop on1 O the bei wo hard conaldersble about tbe ta axpect, I bardly axpacted ta secatrtofaiwoahip and passai amang ing thoîr haindi and waliliug iudlu le atamne tins dnsn ZonCii. bat vas befote me. the othans with s saîislia i lie on tonewhlch th. wortipptrs beillev IIlang tethoed osinowd ityn Ta lI e awa alg hap Is face. l. 1he.-gi" 'but wblch non. preteuldà Intemtoeflo0 nu- tien sud vas rlght la the mîdst oaiit Former Editor Also Thene. te und.rstd.t amai worchip of the Almlghty*; thon. Another vho vas promineul ln the la________ they have had pictunod tb therm Hlm banda wene being wavcd up snd prcedurp and was kneîîg at Stow- faom tirne te lIme, the seeming- down, thon In a cîrcle, hI@##et el arts sida, vas former Editar Ssyrs T11 AI~1~ Iy fanatical praclicos of the Poo- beiug klcked in the air and thon ai tha Zion Indapandaul Up ta a yeam plia h.r; frt i oew ad pounded down o e tl; <ba d the a rs vas maal attentive ta A A T tS I thonanoher thy hae bardof ld an ws eittnq he sranestSte r ands as thay cama trama eami wiure people have sufired suunie I evar expert toaer in a>, bis lips and seemed ta canceutrate hie terrible pain rom burus or other place where there seeme 10 b. an>. mmd an wbat ha vas trylug ta raveai Farmmrs rasîding aiang tha laka -hidnié ol thoîn neigious lescb- @ambianceof0 worsbip golng on. ta thame prasieut. hone near Kenasha ara mai<ing ar- a liff an belef preentd tom Inqire an fond te mn ws a A Young girl ar sîxteen camie Up ta rangements for the formation af a hevlng evon the mont simple med- %In. Stevart, a man kuovu as tha me. Fer'mea' Protective organixatian tale lutassisaltance. ludapeudents watcbman vbo patrois 'Woi't you jolu us? Wont >y. pratect their crope tram biag stolan. ir *lut, *ue nlgt reeently, a rip- the stores ta se tat tha>. ara prop- bnaal dovnansd lt us pra>. far yau?' It la ailegai thatlu Intae pont ton daya in rosentative of tbis piper went eriy guardad et nighl. lu other site sskad, caatiauiag vîth: q ra- Ileres iran Kanosha sud Racine té Zîts, City for tbe apecl pur- vands, ha la a sort of mrchant pa- ceirai the Haly Sprit lent eeang bave Iuvaded the forme aiong the ake et Iole cf *itueaing tbe form of liceman. aud 1i neyer hava spant sncb a happy shore sud bava staien prodece ta, the d wesuhi foliowftd b>. wb5tlei Ha vas sveatlug terribly aud no twenty-four boums as siaca than." She valuaeaifituniradis Il nat tisousanis ofai lumwwe ne tbé Ammimbly, on Pon- douttvas passlng thmougb au avtuî torthwitb vag seau ta go and kneinl dollars. Ona tanner bas reportai bd gogata creti aivocaese who ardeal. prayer off ta aneaida. Ibat no Iesubthon tva acres af bis pu- ti lIlatain à place of worship Jusit Laugh as Tho>. Pray. tatoas have beau dng up and stolen M Fno>h.bgclog ulin.Pa About Him.1 aonYugmn who a hle theila of onions sud cabbage & mee cftheblgcoîogmbuidin. mvanayoug nan ha L15liE>'are bolug reportai totahIe oficiais Tlaoy have be more cammoni>. About hlm, lame knooiing, lame Iag aven a Young voman lying au the neuiave> ib.Te hee r Wme e* lte sn the.teachersansd standing, bormea ing down, were meu <oom. iaugb as ha prayai; bis a>'as l uavy madeet sudTheitheciaresi bbshievnlu Ibmthe "GifI of and women, young andchid, ail Join- vere cdosai aud heaaPpealiigiy caltain tb at sutacaestheanIe bae d-w T.IÏUO@" , lnin lhebmperfect bedlum wblch lu- out: "GLORY, AMEN," etc.. smillug ta n oin@ecass te aenagonanri -i thej, tii.mght wliioIimel th« e otod the. noom. The>. wouid Bing ail the lîme sud fiualiy Iooked Up takon athe aon baI h aiol andsD4 Ob*qm* man* gaze wae tthe sud pra>., the>. wouid icugit sud ci>. about the romn aughlng. He ay na d othe wodu oopttsd '. alecthp mont , . ai&Ibmhelime centering thoir gaze upou bava beausincare lu bis motives but and ________________ Uir r*r of wo - hlm. Ail this lime taewart la>. prouehn eatdteb ILartugajk MM Isihas beau lla prîviiege uon Ibe floar; of01 thetma ho Icouldn't datammina for aartalnîy the D . A LO ON E ~~hi, ,~whre Ter w ould kick sud wsv. i bauds, thon iMinenon.a fp% IievoeucI relation of the sgalu h. would lileperfecti>. quiet ex- "I an giai ta sec you iteme," sali UdA~~ jofle la riMainud abea.- ePting that ho would continue utOl.Mn. llicbay ta the reporter,"I supps i~maitantieei dt ma foi. ng thos guttural saundi, mutlering You neyer Mau ytblnglilke thls ha- uuî î1Lb Lal tbîm lu such a rapld manner that It tr.1l A01U 1~ I Idàb ocouid ntraehie.isI w f " ~iVsmanii y a finnt1 eut wouide. b a mk ip ting assurai i neyer bai, ha con- tý-. or Id.r mrook s. dem% ast. He was swaling la tînuai: "Weil, va are ballevans lu the bo .e.e Bion rook s, ucb an extent and exorting himsel ift ai tanguas sud the caming a!rte.ToogbeAabi i= t eidbtM ber o! thoa heurcit it su IuThorhutibbçed Apaoirne Io on ~ lael>.bas nteri th peu- s manh tatind a tr dl:o.HaI>. Ohost Into a persans lire. The Who Once waa SoMd for $30 d *0 1a" movement. Standing outsal eung"If u ndo nid:quit rtysnh oy tiboa sthe bandast ai ail CO 'I Ch B imeatd sondof 11 b ha as'tedquit p etty diao , h ngga la racalve imb ana's body.Ch frat la guttural lanas in sane vlha xautisd me îeTitis mia (poiutlug la Stevart) bas LAE N-H NY 0N ,Çsao.thnl ag.ttn l ondence In the Lord'"LAE N H E10N qII'Oit, no, ha la aIl rigt-be's gel-maefnousbtrndutle I * a! ofPRAISE. VICTORY, lAI, dosul psy.Thasa vho aightlugly tb rtour pensona Inside tbe bouse prosmiumeha cama out ai il ait igbt, rtrfn h> anIW st a"lineo 4" e jettd a th fr, u dte,1 hvebead nthig aio, emauîuaîîy vil i teycnat Sunday u ~s l lcaet tsecarner ofrot aa.ihv erdnllg do Ba succassfully tom It is theamnt toTk ene 9111111161avfenue and 29tb streal, iomn- the contnary. oTk ,eu #t u>na h Sibnaduo Every minute or ga as ha vas uîter- isugaraus o! ail thlngs ta treat slight- augktwnasstnheSsatheriethosacabotingly." -itbipeople vite are follovers oaingtos oriBon ftoeaotWaultegn. Septanhar 23. ffatBwsrutebneasame-hlm vauld aboya thain heais close w 1-10w It leRun. Tba Firmî Bapfllt Suiday scbaol tug place. Very soon Eider Brooks is lips as if lryiug ta itear vbat ha Asked v'ho vas the liesi of the axpectai lu bave Dr. CarIas Moule- MM otaie. ske wha thy wrebai to say-ita vas supposai ta ha aesembly, 1i vasld thaL Iny a>. anazuma on the ptogrami for EaSy day m-s ali h. ragniar metngs talklng lunas uuknovn tangue sud na activa bead, sncb as Vlilva ts vitS let Suuiay. Tht doctol' livas lu Chi- jýbdon« fr ashot tmenana preaumai ta uniematani vbal ha bie Peaple. 1iwvas l i l as mereiy cago sud la a truc Medicine is for' tema honpfrîorl lima sai or nana hopdt ta haable ta u-n.aort ot community affair, vith 1h. ha te a <nl blooti Apache ludian. lmeticnteen prgmosîn lrprot IL. The>. sdmitoi Ibof ere Paople thaelveshaudllng their ai- At 6 years of ate ho ba- neyer ssun ~P crlya onennc. alsuppomai ta becanse ha vas speak- faims. the building lu question heing a whlitemais or a barne. Ma trbe vas1 ;.Wm are preparlng aur people ta l ng lu su nnknovn tangue lu accord- lu the bauds o! Ibrea trustees. altacked b>. the. PIlan* fudiSis, bis J»« smiinais ndta suheace vith thein battai s. "Our people have Juet honni then- tatitrarnsd mober bied and he vas1 Ilépie lb. nineagifle ai longues. Wa hayo altaluet oneofa! Ibee gIfla but Wbiliaal Ibis vas praceedlug about salves togather ta carry an this work capturdai sld tii a Chicago tien-1 090areciohns vblch va are nov tha mon lu qnestion, Ibrea othera vareansd the ana vboo sea montl fillai to tint, unaedGentille fer 130. pUailsi for aud expadt la have e- also gttlug thaîr baptîan, lu diffaent couduct aur meetings la the ana vho Ha vas eincatod lu Chicago pcbools *îe»ei andti gven tlaus." parta af the roon. Oaa vas a vaman dans il,-' explalin n an. al ge. ut fRshMdclcl -fie soona i snceme sud irm lu bis ai nstw-ity, anea sYoung girl, the ih CIdThr.lae. tRr c0ni ncla %ImM t Ibs hoand bis people vara lothen vas s man. Tva or Ibrea oth- 1nolîcati thal, lu the stsui!y. unran- a letterfon iran i ylug that ho vas toihoviug the dictates of Christ. Ha ara vere knaaling b>. thenaolves aud llatai roan vîsîcb fiualiy causai me about ta loueant a Satnniay ftanAAn- tisanbed the viators for caliîg. la devant prayer, aviiently tryiug ta ta, leama moonr hon1dsdi aszoasand camp ouf sund rougbitltfor t Ibm Main Hall. cancealmala their minis no tha>. 00onan amalltot of parbaps four yearB, no isth vît bisprmeutlanalaivs u "I then veut ta, the main meeting would ha in shape ta bava the others no mare. She Iodlai about the oom, TheicagoualeprcentSunda> glai, kuow u a lte Amsembly. near coma tot la»asd loin lu the prayes ]Jumtping mb t tase vbo wve n nel- ai thal ehauaitalaout a nrikage ts dllage building. Thea meeting sud thug gel the git. Iag, yirg or standing on the fauor.lilcenseansd his trie&di bosm vonier If S e dasinlutise upper portion Bth wvamen were epraviai out on Thama vera semeaia other amail chul- ho la on hie banoymoan trip. : ier un nll about 9:30 vheu the floor au Ibair bacits. Over the ue u h asteaala. Dr.Montezuma muid htu'. MoGinuu vau1Z:er et imb the base- ider vaman kueeied thraa an tour ue u havsteaniet ave known oach alte«r orge o iebOi %écloat »sud that ls vhare i as takea oluen sud tva mnaitlipraylug, yeîî- A l5erfect *edlum. sud ara worm percolil f$anis. The 1 * îtin.Ing sud slngiag. The>. vauli poka The noon vas a perfect bediun. former bas sorne vesy' 4âcldud OPlu11-i What i Beheld. thair races close la bers aud listea necniulbrhisttsnt!isastva ogoeuatshii -*aterftg tho basanent b>. the rear forn ounns. She la>. proue, nat goîng The peopleaal seamd ma umai vitb a do wltb bis talilov reimen. ~ bar s dsenaite@trougb the auttcaofai ewta btch- tervency af varBhjp the Bite of wblcb Ha sa>'s that l Iots vwort thlug oë%aperfect balun af valce.s causa tha>. bai nol eachai the Blake 1 ha va neyer sean heinne aud, vboth- posierta bardOm cthseu ae touta ~~,sngl 90lae praying, sanie vbaeethe>. vae remai>. tu ecalve te an tha>. varasincere or ual, the tact to echoole andtheu iitIisiUeq vbtti. C gtise lann i vlcbtbay amuît- "Iloi>. ht1e." as ana of the leaders la. they speania Il. lutit l as the tbay acquire excellent educallOnA. ThO if-jetai absolulely notualndertani- axpiinei, aud, tise explanalion tur- sînangeat vs>. of sbaving thiar lave plan aiflte gorernmmnt fa' for IbOso a&@., by an autsidar on aven titan- Ibar as regards Stewart vas tiSat ho for tisa Alrnlgbty Ihat ana colImi- aincatai Indiana ta relUrll t@ ailo-- vas recalvlug the lii>. <Ghs," sud agine aid la îbîuk taI sncb a prsc- envalions aud bep p i lIlt the Otit- 'But, enlerng tae roo- Il bi auraI> enterai his bdbai h-1li'e l4 lelig cannion nigbl bore IlaMan.tualli btisl >a UgitDth@ %eNte, lu a anali roon v-thtthe cause thea>.couli telaub>.the ay>.ha Lake cOtilit>.seems sîmoat lucompre- affect la quiîladuReront. 'rbeméeadnt- 'iÛldows tUgbtiy dosediena litIthe actai. bensible, yet thasa are tacta. caladIndilansas"n t he h11 abits icen o moe prsns ita stod Tbat nan Stewart opposadi u Ny _(onîs fit meina lutrylng tu do- thai scquliad atfege suý ad'becane caui otper u.vae ify Ur teaching fora n ilme sdsrb h ea îîr bb ordinari bianket Indiaumb. It la a&a enlaidi I vene the>. bave ftile te, 0uplifîtiibýIt ai More Men, vamen sud aven cbit.laugitai aI us. Thot sort o! a man la nassai ion thsa hait boum i vas thora. Iibe, but thaîr Iiba biai iravu thon dieut, goiug througb the ment vain te bardeslta crecalva te Hoiy Spirit No varie cou pictura il-lt bas tu be back. Ha sayp 1ha1 a tautiiy ofInl- Mis of! proceinra thal i bava aven anti. vhan il dosantan bis bai>., Iban sean ta bava a filil camprebaumbon iaf dicusaabouli ha placeti la differenl IÎaJoe. e ting lu the '-enter oiflte 51ittstatlon ta violant as ynu mat vbat take, place eaI ma a ime, Cilles trougitoult ti q ougiand la l otonal is back,hig heai ses nov.' sali one leader, coitinuung Ta ses a man luse Stewart gbing Ibis vs>. thai voliCel àay troua on s amoli puflov. vas an sged vitb: 'HM tva sous aven thora are thnaugh te sitie sud exertian vbicb Ibsir aid ouvironienla. ofpulapa 86 or 70 t cars. mombess:tie>. have receivai the lia vent îbrough, foranait e limte it. Montezuma mays that atter ho I I nturne tram bis trip te, tis.soulith ti Q Wethe Power. spirit sud sre happy. Tbvyý have vas tiseansd nnlsody but lte Wu»" Fie viii ha glai to cone tu Waukogun auff atgbc va doing. for. vantai thoir tather ta raceiva il for slia prm thenelves knov boy long anti spesb. ÀZIOCITY M OR*t AÀ # FZINCF ASKSOFIE.ILAD TRIES TO DRINK SOME. OFFICER KNOÇK$Bj3TLE FROUVICTIMIWIANID. Waukegan. septeluber 23. DePuty Sherif Clcton Oseu saved a man's life Monday aftarnoon, wben, séeeig hlm about to tako a second dosa of laudanum aller the stranger hai eutared tbe aharitre omlce. The man vas Orn Aboru ot Zion City, a man of fit ty years of aie, rbose mental condition bai developai from a sunstrokeasustainai June 16 lent lunZMon City. Aboru sînce that, tlue bai beau affected mentally trequently, altbougb et other lImes, ha vas national and agond bard vorber. Mes vue tastlfied at the haarlng whlch vas held lu couaty court this Litamnoan, for, falbowlng the deputy bheriffa a&et lu taklog the poison away from hlm, ha bai been lacked up pend- ing a hearlng. The vifte lId boy.after the sun slmoke. ber huabani frequeutly van- lered avay. One day ha waut tw Chicago sud rernalnodl ail day. clearly bing out of bisebsd il l te lime, lu the evonlng ha soemed to regain bis Mcas«s and asked bis twelve-y« aon whero tbay ver.Told 1he7 voe marouto te biesaloteralu a dIstant lily, tise tathar said, "I gues st, wa're golhg back te Zion." They ar-i rivai at 10: 30. Hosaald inter ho dii not remainha nytblng that bappeued iurlng te day. Fsroqu.ntyafter that tbe vite s ba ssba ould start out asui nder fora visolo day at a lime, wsling sud vslltiug until st ulgbt ho vas tlrod oet- Hie ailmittei lu court tisat bis nom- Dry bai taflai hm sud bellersi h. needai treatment. 11vaut ta dia Whbun1Iam noualmyseli and thats vbhy I feai I need trpatment," aald ha. con- tiuilg vlth 11i don't feel llke it b- day." Ho sali he ad isuffared conaidar- ably sud Dr. Wattenaon taid boy ha seemei tu ho pursuei by "a some- tblng" vblcb s*eemaite bave a daim.e tu "get hie 111e." Hie toar oft tat *sometbiug' vaslvisaI vorbeti ou bis mIid He sornitinas visbai ta have that "momathlng" viticit causai s pain lu bie beai, reoora. Hf itateti that ho baloraes ludîvn. aag andtatwvs tha ouiy treat- mont ha bai evar necelved. Trie. Suicide Frequenl>. Hia vile tlId hav ho bai triai 10 eul i hi jroal vîtAa rasas sud @ho bait talon Ih ava> tram hlm; tbat ho bai taken Itai et one lin, but did flot tale oengs althaugb ho toli ber bha baiokn suficiesit tu end hie lite. Titan, Manda>. aftttuoon ho lait lis bouselunZMon anti cana tu Wsubegan vitere hao videutl>. purcitamai lau- danum andi ho boit a annUl drink, ual enaugistuboni bis lit. Re thon vent tu the shenirs uilsc laie l th11e atternoon, and aiiremig lIapuly Clint Greon Mii: "la lau- danum palsanous? Wouid ilt ilI s Green 'teld imit las anti thon.- upou the uniortunate mnullod ouI a big bhatle 0f the poison, pullai ont tise cork aud startedtiut drink Itîa con- tenta, but the yauug oMeecr vas 100 quict for hinsud, Jumsping up, ho buoclietithe botîletrain thoeuman's hindi beforo ho bai a chanetu drink lI's contents. Ho bai thus avotithe mnus lite aud, tamake certain b. did ual repat tisa ac. he iackai hlm up.. MERCI4ANT IS BETTER. Ur. A.-R. Bhqtdgn sali Tundsay ight tisaI t"nmrvi rd fïidntu ce Mouitgmery 'Wmd & CompwWl, bai eiËlrtise n io o4 e resisiti frointht acientai taîl Monday ait bis liblant Park home. "Mr. Wardi condition la goi." said Dr. flIdosi. visabas beau lu eau- tstausl attendance. 'anti tharo launo doubt about bis recove>.. There la no uced for siàtus" Ur. War4, becamee <tua>. 'malletus tis Ibatbrooip at 5b i buse-a4qilIPrBta tth'e #oor. ' ke> i salitu havd auffti i ranq altacks ar scialie rheumaiam durlng lte nommer. rOLD VETgâA __ - - 'N 1.0%_&UGELE% CAL, Mrm.William B.wards bas recoivai Word of the suddau isatis of ber waher, Henry S. Blatberwic, 73 f Bars aId, at Los Angeles. Calit., on %Pt. 17tb. lMr. Blathervlck vas a ffteran et the Civil 'Wbr. euilstlng at Wauconia lU the lt'fty-firet regiment of Intantry as a bugler. Hfs onlisted lu 1861 aud serred aIl tbrougb tbe var. Thora vota four brotbers lu ths fllatbsrwick famlly and aIl of tiem took up arma In isiense of tbe llag, Tbay ail passid through tise var Un. scatissi. Tue oflises. brotheris nov li lu Chicago. Henry vas tise sec- oni of tise tour ti peuas.aya. Word 'StI0kPotI' Objeoted to and Court Say&.Itmust Be Used in GaneraI Way. COURT PONHT IMPENDING. Zian City, Sept. 23.-The celebralei Vlwa verso$ Cook caue cames Up ho-r aore lte Suprenis court ai spring-i ileu lu Octaber. Volîva la seakîug ta usai tiseP. IL Coak cosicem aunlt.e grounudathat 1h.>. violatai Itou' con- tract vltb the receivar b>. ual emplo>.- ung $ho taqulred numhan ai men vltb- n a certain data. Si halg allegai lissI they hagan openations i2 nonthî sitar the spociidlime. lualise seesubine a bitter va an a icen vcgsd lunZMon Cilty ta try If pos- nible tlther teo onvert; the employas of tise tacha-y, ot, If lboy VîII not giva over thoir avoarlug end Making, lta>. .111 pack op sud go. For lise 1>55 16 ssouths Zioaieasbave held meat- ltgtIa tic aili, tain. Baov, baillor bisisariit mide no idifeérence. ttae taiY voeeacpaa l t.emImaI. siuging. preacing, exhoi-tiisg snd prayiug. AI tases te> vers sel upon sud boston. vîthican ln.b ni -thaîr limas, ssi ona tva meuiona tiva of the isith-I fui ofleru lai st tise pqint of iaalb for veebi. But 1we07 Outi>.recovar- ed, andti h.ebnbt atmgoeo on. At 7:.5 U lite meuui.g anti &gain at 4:45 lu tsee vonit isre tboy ans ou tisai t BIeaplaIfoMa, prsying, procahial sud pildan sd lu lame cea m -la bheargmod>agappesîs 10 the tàoà Ais~tlarostore. fhr printlug andi pubUiahinibouse L44k luto thoir banda. TbaseI.ta ahumoacu a s eillas à paîbalic aida 10 the vitale affair. Hu- morous wvbuuo@ seslise peraistenca of s bandslut a!men aiandnoen aselat a isuidred &ssiimore vonkers and Pthetin vseon is hup tho pnsy- *rs et OMd peopi.on tise verge af ths grava as tisuystand lita. vilsup- lutU i t Aco, qÇI71.glu tisa AimIgbty te drive vleked mmsvm them mildst anti ta nectars tathem a printlng plant whIch vas parI of 1the clty vbicb they cama from. ail parts of the varli Morsetisai once tise cry bas gane up: «Hov long, aiofi.o&y Ialng?"sud day sitar day thoy Irutige dovu to their places of MOOiiUU-acrons lise atreet frein tisa actar., liXe the beys ,aI thes'"Wetplng Wall" 5 Jerusalen. sud the slgisî vould wvns gthe beant o! an>. ardinari morfal. And nov the Coob peopla bave mit- gnd up a tid"tgragison lb. Wall of ltoit isuidini. 1boy spnt a veek lu &tju$gn apps$N»to Ibat vouli record evefyayvrd »M 6y. 1he eiders. Thq rAchil4a teiciSaetilu s bisa-b box about> 19 tacbes long vitha sfun- nel, ble the bell ai a, pbawngrspb sud tAisla lacosuaclsit îl ,ctrlc vires taIt rn alaug btae steel gînders Inte the building. Just wbal lthe>.bava recordai aunltae alter oui vouli, no doubt. ha Inter- asîlu; and ti l s> ayh tat Mn. Cook viii use Ibese recorda lu court nazI nantb. A fov veeks ago an InJunct- ton vas graulsi. reslrallng lte cru- saders iran ujlng lb.henod 'sîlulpot" ina apereonai va>. Tisa>. ns>.roter la tobacc usasas "etitk-pots" lu a ganeraf vs>. and lb.>. do so. but tisey muet flot single out a su divitinal or atidreathe ean ployas a au UkPota," The dictagraab la no iouaI usait. etry andti iauteaeidersasopIba>.ie- nounca thse lIsqulhbes o! the aintul aud juil boy tar thoy hava beau success-- fui romains t10hlie on aI tha triali0ou next mnnth. On the ther baud, Voliva bas a stenognaphen et evary meeting vitA inattrcions 10tta edow vu r>.word spoken.1 No COSIVIGT GANG POSSIBLETHIS FALL. Laitecoùnuti i-cadi robably viii ha repairai b>. convict labor establisitai lu aunitanan camp banc nazI spring, actsordlug telInfomlation roceived tram Edmuni M. Allen. vandan on the aliata penltenlIw7ý, lu ,tle latter Mr. Alleu staom tisai 0no note hstos' camps yUl ha estat- Slshei untIl neit spring sud at thai lime bho viii baglati to oç-opOe a gîtA a noveanuto10 stablsb s campu b ora. il _The exteit ai the vort naxt yogi ndapanis upafi the auccesa of lte camp locatatiaaI Dizon. lqoi SmINTO SAVE 0115LIFE? 1 c 01 ci 'w b tg T m Many Inohu fOt sit dM se Ne.ded hyWUk*h lMin 5uri in Kenwwh . Waukg*n.SJUkolr 21. It davelop8 thast P'r*nk Pfieger, the Wêukegu I is vbo wsi IpJured Whou h. camie in contact vush a lire vire ln Kenoàia about tvawo eka im4, vas lIiJured miiuel mom 9se.rgt pali va et ief baellèesit e l e ao lu I tact let Tm luni«ed la saem.i that ho WIN le blai Upat-I&W- it li a Or'tvé ORiths loÜIMgerun4AY eyover cOîtlÉetelY regain lis 1belth. -fBurns vhblcsbeho 0981talC e ohies sue, seck and face« Werorm 0 eer at Il VîlI ho noeeasry for Wlarg riase et 5ki ta be grafta i thin a short tint. A WaISIOeg, au isb" adrea lu The Sun about Pflegerls lujuils about two weeks âgo visitai hlm la a Ko- flasha bospîtal on Monday, lia &a astoulsbed ta fIni hie sn sbe a se nJous condition. "lie vas ton times vorse tIbm1 pectai te flud hlm," he said. Your accouai of the accident vas auythiug but exaggerated." Pfieger formerly conductei a sae boon Bt the orner of Madison street and Shberidan Road ln Waukegan. Aiter sellng tiIs place ho vent te Kenoaha where ha acceptai a posi- tion as eloctriclan wlth the electrlc light company. lie bai spent many years et thîs Profession and la con- sldered an exPert et the business The tiret tour days ha vorkai for the company ha vas employedi nside the power bouge. The ftAday he vas givan emPloYment as lineman. He was lnjured the tiret day et bis naw emioyment. Ha doas net know Just boy the acci dent baPPaned but the fact that bis bauds ware flot burned indicates that he dld uet touch :a miatake. He vwaa fasteqidto the polo by a lite- boit and thînha ho must have laaued hack agalnst a blgb tension vira, ai- ldwlng the. entire voltage te pais throughbbis body. Hia fellovwawrkmeu aav bis pro- dicaxuent and releasa iné îrom bis position as won as possible alliions> tbey bai te vork caretully lu ordar that tbay themselves would uet r.- ceira a shock through comlug lu con- tact wltb bie body. Wbeu removai totea rai rund t was bellaved tbat ha vas dead. The hope that ha mlght stîll have a spark of lite lu hlme causai hlm te be rushod ta a baspital fully tan blocks avay. There the pulmotor vas appllad aud aftr a pralonged effort ha mbowad thé e iret indications o!rarturong lit@. For days It vas thougbt ha could net lire. Hie hmb ure ntbemsalves are no savane that tboy made bie condition vorsa. Ho complains of an abeolute nunrbnesa lu bis banit and bas flot Ebeau able te stIr trom bis baid. it may Lho monthe butore ho recovers. liren 1vltb succestul sibm graftlng ho vS! .bear the scars as long as ho lives. LItla generally bellevai tébat friads of Pfiegar lu Waukegan viii b. asksd te sacrifice a little af thelr cuticie lu 3ordar that ho may regain bis health. This plea viili ada te bis triands b ere as soon as bis condition le sncb -that ha can stand the graftini proc- as Rer lslah VIIiaros o-è>p 0f o Ëthe Illinais glata Peuft'entarj.Ï Col'. Ibratai the forty-alghtb anulrersary of bis entranca hâte the miltry, at the IRichards street M. IK thurch, .lollet, h Lunday mornitg. D)r. VII Ihas> preacis ai ethe mornlng sermon. Ht foirlnetly bhl a pulpît lu Lake Bluff. ' Standing erect ln the pulit the velt- aran minîster gare au acddres in old tîme style, "atraighi frgm ~thq sb9pl- de'r." Mos ica vas clear andtii d *tinct and hie eye showai the lire *bat 4burned vithin hlm. It vas tli rp 9 tirea tiat Ùk. Villars bai preeebed ta s citYý cougrogation lu four feare. Pelrsacho, b isquent. 8nIàriMe. ttNov .4àdthai thse speaxgr ohoveci F- signe Otfal&Ilng bealt and age, but as sho spoke bis monsoryr saemed te couse Mback te hi. eleary ani dli"«*,r d Qha became éloqueat. He uwed uus *r lfltarahtng fovies te* llusat i

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