CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Sep 1913, p. 11

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- ~1V01.LNTY 1 EI 14DjWP FitDA Y,. kSEPTEMBER 26.,1913. Attorney J. K. Orvis, P ontc of the new railroad which is U**tended eho~g i western part ot the county, is of signal interesttoa . ter bill is filed 111)(m statutory grounds. She iiaues Dullie Greenburg and fixes the place I ~ at Wauconda. May 1 anid Mav 10, 1913, are the dates giv- en. Mrs. Orvis alsu says there were divers other wuinen ini *~Waukegran, Barrington, Waticonda, Lake Ziehi(I and Pal- Iatinelylose names she does not know. In ber bill Mis4. Orvis relates that herii Isbàd is in possessionî uf reai and pers<rnal propert%.t t île xtent of "Q',000. ~8>S I t The Sun today reeived one of the nost sensatiunal eonununieations that an%, îaîs'r pruhably ever received. Inî tliis communication Attor-ney J. K. Orvis, one ut the best knowîî attorneyc~s iii Lake cointy, iriakes the gravest kiîîd of charges agaiîîst Jlames (À. lVeleh, attorney, justieuo the peaee anîd a supervisor tîuii Waukegan. The Suîn regrets the necessity of printing this euîîîni- nieat*un, iîîasmueh as it reflerts se) keenly against -Mr. Welcra yvuuug uîan iu is wel ik<1, lias lix-ed hivre a niîînbei-of ut vears andl whu has stuoil so higlh in the euoni- iity, anid it %wul<l refrainî frni duinîg se), wure it Ilut fthe ti> tact that Nir. Orvis also huais a siîîilaî' repttatien mîid is t'ntitled to ('onijdurationl) i n viw t bis guîîuîal prini - fienee, buth ini Waîikutgaii anîd Lak> r>iîtv The ccharges miade 'againist M r. arele s i csî iaiI * i in- tei'esiiig i view of<>1wev'elit at-t ut tisjustice inii lidîîîg Mr. Orvis uver tu t1e giand jîî oi a ehargv ut wiftc alaî- MIs1MAClNESS MRS. ALCONRAD WEDS R. M. INEiALLS (iOES TO lIOSPITÀL AT AUSTIN TODAY FOI AN OPERATION Wedding Took Place at Home Weil Known Woman of City of the Bride's Father at Finds an Operatian is Prac- Hlgh Noon. ticallyUnavaidable. LEAVE ON A HONEYMOON. DR. MURPHY TO PERFORM IT Bath are Weil Known and Ex. Went to the City Tuesday and tremely Popular in the City is Now in Mercy Hospitàl -ta Return Soan. . Preparing. Waukegan, Septmher 24 Waykegan, Septemb.r 24 At irigh noon today aithtieirorne of Frîenjs of lire. Ai](Conrad of Northr tire brides ;fatirer la Austin, iI~l., c-Utca Street viii h. vurprlsed and curred the marriage of Miss Ella Mack ýsiocked ta bear that sie if; nov oc- néss, daugirter of Chrarles Mackrress ', cuPylng a prIvate room Ini Mercy hros- to Robert M. Ingalls, a promuurent 1, pitli, Cirîcago, prepsring for an opera- cal Jeweier. Rey. Luther Pardee, an lion whîIrh It le feareni nray Ilsan- EPiscopal clergyman, perfarrned thre avoidable. àIier 21l. gar, thre md when wire ln *0 as aiy that y aever Blurns le, nmeck imé rend ln 04 about à a Ke- ýan 1 ex- *Your mything n mireet tukegan. vent ta a poi eiectric it many le con- ea. Tire for the bide the ire vas an. He hlm nev the acci- that ii tien that mistake. )Y a lits- vire, ai- hie pfe- from him altisough ID order not. re- g la con- id It was rbe hope sPark Of e rusird ka avajt. ulied and aod thée nt lite. nould Dot Ms are no conition abealute iras Dot IltMay s. Evii ho lives. be asked ,uticle Ia la heait. s frlends Il le sucir ing prac- kry. ete- ersary of ry, at the 1i, miiel, t thre est- h4l ah4pl. and d* lire *hst eaebed ta pIr ehowed, te, b4t as 4 t Ome itr Ladi àê 5n oT$E B TTENOR MARRIAGE LICENSESo IN LOS MNU LES 0o0 0 o0 0 e0o0o00oo0- Alfred Žnorrlsoa. Whlbewsler, W\Vie 21 Genuine Qvaton is Accarded lIa Chambenin saMe...... .... 18 Former Waukegan Singer in Robt. Brown, Chicago ...,,-2?, New Home in South. lila Raiefatrd, arne .... . - .21 I .O tto Bess er, M l w-au lpe ....... . .21 MRS. LAUGHLIN A CRIT Idlla Pr-e>, same ......... ..... .20 Bath are Acoepted in Musical Circles of Los Angeles at Their True Worth. Prof. and Mrs. R.R. Laugirlin, wbo Henry Pennow, Concord, 3Vis ..46 .Niartha Schuck, same....... ..... 45 F'rank Lannoye, Racine .........2 7 Alice Donovan, same ............. 2 farmerlY Couiducted the Wakeg u ela m ten, saine..........1 ('onservatory of Mfumie ln Waukegan, appear t e more than 'making ARR ST mAN ON gou" l thir ewborne la Los An- gethr c:th e eniewrtup ra ~SUSPICION 0F BE. complimenti>~y nature have appeared IE I L U A ia ail the newspapers. If.H L -P 1A Prof. Laughlln siready bas glir c severai recitels and vili scon airpeari North Chicago Police Inclined wlth thre Symphony orchestra ccon- ta Think Prisoner One Who certs and Peopies forchestra. H' Held up H .Bash haids thre position of leading tenoi .~ ~ aCi la tire largest church ln Las Angeles but has been titied the greatest tenor OTHERS SHARE THE BELIEF. ln LAs Angeles.Tire editor of the l'a- cllr Coast Mumicîrro, recentiy declared Man was Arrested Tuesday to thre former local mran:."The tilei" Night When He Went ta the ail yours. Tire rrearrirg of thmins ua Haî oe aBg pliment ilm obsious. Hye oetoBg e L w2uftgan eptemuber 24.j tArrested on suspicion of lravrrg ,eerr tire nan Who hbd id)upand rabI>ed1 Iierrry J. liraasch of $2 on Monday night, a stranger vWho refuses to gîve iris manie, ls e inrg heid St the Northr Chicago city jail. vwile the police are canducting an Investigation as a re- suit of Whirch tbey hope to ire able tu deternaine posltlvely whetirer or Dat; the feiiow la guilty. Llraaech vas returnîng home about1 i10 a'clock Monday raight virea a man1 stepped out from a siradow and lev. sedad revolver atihMnglvlag thae gruif comnmand to 'lsheil out_- Brsaach had but two dollars ln bis1 Pockets and 8o tisat vas ail tire rab-1 ber got. Tire robher wore Do dia- guise of any klnd. On Wednemday evemlng a man air. Peared et bise Hayle home just acrau tire street tram tise irmacirplae and begged nmne food. He looked ikiq a suspicious chapgcber Whro had heen Iaiteig about bise relghborhoad the nlgirt befare sirorbiy hefore Braaacs vas heid up. HoYie sumrnoned the police and tirefeiiow was piaced un. 1der arrest. At the Police stat:on ie vas ques. ceremny. D. Murhy, tre faînus efrgen the Mrsuiriti letwritearsrtc driîîîîa-îit. The'at iat aineaî'oritt tiftat fuiteii nd SîIIIîS4- Tire weddlrrg vas a simple homne1t'ire physîcian attendirîg irer afndiefltr uscri, hc i ie age illiently, uxake. it alilst iliiJ.'iative 'that tisle-tirbei ijil> affair and only tire immediate relatives vii egaope aetd arpo sd nrher d_t1 viiira aertalwrte u t.ier uirof Il~~o ble fiotte familles were3 presen. Tire Ireiatlves of tire date, çroaiiy Frlday tire Los Angteles cirurches. Theile ltter tulIuvs: irouse vap irettiiy dcrtdfrteor audy oecccasifrotre tudcc ITire Les Angeles Express la coin- "'î t-o>l>ba, Ili., S-vpî. 23, 1913. Foiloving tiere eremany a wedding Tuesday.acnPanied iry lier iruband. menting ulion tire arrivai an Les An- "Editor rrf Waiîkegai Siiii and Liberi-vv ill ir I u jI t. collation vas eerved. and daugiter and Mr. <'nrad'r sieter, geles r 0fProf. sud Mrq. laugirlia, bas '1erSir:-] uouDotuî iîîk the genieral piublie. is vit.aliv lMr. and M re. IngRIls thren started Mrs. John Wbaiea. Sire went at once the foiiovlng today, tire saine ireing Out on their hoaeYmoon trip vbich 1to the ircepital virere late Dr. Mur- accompanid by -a large picture of iiîteî-ested ii) îuî v iatî' i>>iiesti<- tîttirs, theiut>i'r'1islitîll willltake tbern to varlous points of it- ph>' exaiiiid her. NIr. aird Nrs. Laughin: refrain fron diseîissiiîg thr-iîl. tereeit ln tire East. The>' expeot te lirs. Conrad iras ireen allng for Among recent acquisitions ta local ire goe about a week or ten disys and sorne lime anddlber local pliylsietan, musiaet clsae Nr.adMs "But, as 1 have baeiaîîuaîe i tai'lg type In t<' attire end of that timne viii reburaitu Dr. Barker. toIt tirat asirhiouid con- Ia icear M. W lt. piress as onle 'BOUN 1)T T H 11E (iHANI) JUIY IN Wauiregan and viii ire at home te their suit Dr. MurphY. one of tire vori«s Raiph R. Laugiln of Chicago. Mr. BONDS OF $l Bî 8V J1USTIC E 0F THIE PFX('F frlerid. la tieir home at tire corner~ greateet surgeonrs. Dr. Barker vas a Latgllain . a highi>. commended 0f Shreridia raad and C.rey avenne former pupil of Dr. Murpiry. -tenor robuseo" wbo assumes tihe JAMES (0. ELCh11,' it is îîr>ftair* tlat th- fart tim x- oThre bride and groom are tvoe.., Tire aperationle suidtu ie a very iroition o! tenar sololigt at the Bapbilst living 'BOUND TO THE F(itNI) -111iY BY .IUSTICE Waukegan's hest known andwntot critical one and no douit wlli hO un- Tempule Auditorium, wbere ire male JA E . E CU Il-dseoepopular Young people. avoidablea e l la saad tirat, talilve, iis first professional appearance bore JA E i 'L I'ludslîeDurlng ber residence In Waukegan!M.Cord usgotog IUn "The plain tact is that '.UTIC'(E JANIES~ G. W'ELCII' Miss Macknesgi beld the position af der tie reaIlîtul band of Dr. Murphy Sept. 7tlr. He vas forrnerly dîrectar was intoxicated, befure, at anxd atter iruv leariîîg. (1) l11 stenagrapher for tire Lake Coant>' lble fit she will pull tirrougir ail rlght. and tenar of the First Mebhoislt cominon parlance 'Jiîr' Aas's>ise .'À riend utflbis i-> vh Tîie, and Trust company. Sire re-. aud, ere long, beabale te corne back cirurcir, Oak Park. one of tire prami- slgned ber Positions marne Urne ago tu ber borne tu Warakuan. tnent cirurches of thie fasîrlonable Chi- attendIed ftic hcaring stated, .liii wait((lt> wailt 'f il he' 0arrnefrbrvedn.M5 Few Cathollc vornnor tire db>'are cago smurrî. sobeî'cd 1Up before lie derided 1bt-h e .'Macirnesade nanY friadsin Wau- hetter knowa tisan Mmr. Coarad. Her l diint i rfslnlvr "r~as'undt hugaiu Tîr i .isie',aiis(1. kegan virerever alhe vent. naine formeri>' vas Green and sire I diint i rfslnlw 1, ws 'oun tothegrad Jii- by-fistiv JmesJ. r. ingalis, vit is isbrother. Cirar- carne front one of tire citys best la Kîmbail hall, Chîcago, Mr. Laughlln Welcl,' lie, wliupoases as ft-e Christiani genîtlemn, as a les Ingalls. canducts thre Ingane' jev_ known familles. She bas bean active was presgident of rire Waukegaa Con- chîîrch pillair and leader l>u-lame tlîialiielipeople' aiid elry store, ane of tire aidest estabisir la tire vork of tire Chut-ch af tire Tnt servatory of Music. lie bas Buttg vibi ed buisness bouses la thirtby. He maculabe Conception, le a woman loy- lie Mendessohn anrd alter notable carolsesiii lrîîîkuî i'<viiî iiisaluaîiswitl .tI 1 o H<> served la tire Slglh-AMreri ar ed b>' ail ho knav ber and her in nyrunging socielles o! tire Wlndy City. the r--~vieasornable (1) grolîtîd ttit '11FI1ENl)ERS 111S'e and ln an oflcer of the local post Of frleads trust for ja *pegady ren-nvery. I)ECILONS INDEI>ENI)ENT 0F THE ADVICE OF Spaisir War Vterans. He .alled on Mr. Coarad la wett knovn nlatire Mrs. Lauglirllie n arracomplisiried board tire battle phip Oregear.drng city. as a former sligerlit o! bhe coun- planiet and organiat. Sire was for THE STATE'S ATTORNEY.' SixîreiY that ruiglit telbe tire var. Mr. Ingallm lu one of thse by, former chief of police and nov a reine years organiet at St. NRuls stfftiieit reason to bind avauvtn fihe grand jiiîî\ .anîd ciby'm mollt Prasperous and eterprs- real estate man. He tg a brother tu Methodist cirurci, Chicago, anrd vas yetit ealY iiht g ie ýil)lgl ad easn l ng businessmemn and alvays taikes a Supervisor Edvard Conrd. resident of tire Kilo club, a ieadlng yet f rallyuugt t lue<-ii uîglîuviienc aîd î-asu te l eadlng part in ail evantsa viicitend Mame, have tvo children. Wiliam and Chicago musical, literary and philan- prison «iiyNonu- fui lite. , ' utlV if ouated li '.JIîStiue bO Prontote tire aivancement and bob- Mamie._______thrropic society founded by Edvard James (A. Welh-,' a-uîîpicd Nvitil a h-w ut bis rlîuice Clies- terment of Waukegan. .ui.M.LuiiawsapplO teflia etirs si))liiýitlwith a littît- Imore et bis ila Friendet e ai patis te >' risto Tariff a Law batarday. Wm. Shakespeare, Fredertci Reot and tefedanjetirs sîpiîieîtd xenln -s.ialostatieaiw Washington. Sept. 24 -Tiat te tire - lttJns.Ms Luhi sophistical 'taikative ,iiîî'îenarks. iyweds. ...tarif! bil ail!ire ID tire bande o!f ee atetJne.Ms agri 'If is vcry dtuîbtfîil lfbî this svi-al siilud ptiliC Presldenî l.t for signature iy Sat. studied vitir Leopoid Godovmky offcia, tis i.îrdiîî t f-t-pîîîli uî tu ueînt liiar, T IIfIIT CJ'UIJJ nday niglit is the uredictIon b>' Sein (piano) and Louris Faid (organ). offcil, hi gurdan f li( pible n te oHit. b ard , aaa T S IHO>'I4taor Simirnonnrý cvn sensed flhc evideîice given. - .Jiîîuiny' savýs that JluhîîProipe' skuul liîi tr) 11411) hiîn, S tRNE i-et both Nlr. Pope andul.\Ir. <'eeke statusi f0 nie tliat tht-v TIERBASTE - HFELDER WINNER I wvere not Nlrs. Orvis' aftoriîu-vs. BABLI SCORES "The analysis et if al is, 1sf, Jîîstiv-c James 0. Welcli RU DO ED 112 KM RKJRE PIM R S iai tonNMiss Berdelia Siater o! Wankegan -- 12ud. lit W aited lisiîxcss anîd wtîs jllst thirstY for wîo vent tauOuasti, Cal, to accept a N . L. Pe 69ot. W. L2 7744 publieity; positian as eocher, vrîbes tirere vereNPhY. ...i34 690 Brot. ...62 778 4;6 Priside WIson's Cbil u - '3rd. 1 'x e veuil îmore or less hefor'c flic plblie il )llSi- days vhen sire taught scirool viie Chi»... 83 6 572 Cia- ..63 85 426 ii oes ness affaiî-s fui tabouit tw\enitv vears; tire thermomeber reglstered front 106 Ptt 5 68 532 St. L. .. .4 98 833 îflmd' y Vols nn4lî Fri-iîîuît> le -uiiîu-ed e-e astusie sseo 112 degrees la tire scirool roora. At - _____ -4li FrIiii t)bcvonctdevnasa id ssi1tire present tîrne sire a> s tire, eather At Pittsburgh R. H. K. Nov York, Sept. 24.-Ab the DIMO- witli a duîîîestic rtelationii vtse against nie wvouid give Jîîs- la cool and deliihtfui. Brooklyn ... t 02021 I100-612 0 craiteia rnarles ln Nov Jersey, acbiag xvio s n rtst t o li MssPttsbure .... 0 0 1 0 00 00 0-t 8 6 Governor James F. Fler, carrying nn-alleJames 0. tîi iîîtîîu io -îîaîiu.îî auuî aloon, a uuinî tu e Mireat Sater -a teacblng schr1olnl a Ylngling and Fischer; ieu iela !tr isnplce. a s)1lead speer-li fr-a. gaP ratsing section of Cali- Mantaux and Stmon. nontînatei for gosernor, dofeatirrg ex- tosprea hixtîscîf. Aiî! w1ltîa tt iuîterItl peellit W01îîl fras.Th sconecy la plturesque Second gains-- Mayor Fraak S. Kabzenhacb Jir., of utake! Therfuî-e ,iinriî. ItENI>ERED HIS DECISION and decidedly lovely, mountains ris- Brooklyn .... 0000O0001-i1100 Trenton, aupposedly tire favorite of II'i.)EPEN1)ENT 0F 'lil E AI)VICE 0F gTHE ST,\TJ'S la Inon ail aides. Despîte tire fact that Pitsburghr ... 00000-0 6 that vitg af bthe part>' apposed te r-iitiled ii'aîi, te termoela ties e iîgi duing Rucker and Fischrer, Coaselman and l'restcîent Wilson. \E 'adi'ad fcustetmmtiress n bgedu'gGison.Tertrsasisoer niae ..XTTO1I 'Y'tîulothrsuuitnn e day lime the evenînga usuaily are TNo otirer games scbeduied.cate te prepate tuai ilitît gîttît siieeeli. co n t thbe.N tergmsabeue.Uat ex-Governor Edvard C. Stokes cool and, 'li avcontfortaeom oncririe.a i .AMERICAN LEAGUE. got s piuraitty of votes ai bthe Republi. "l ssoti iitîlvî'tsc ts cmmn i if lMssSlater- lea a ister o! Leroy W -L printarles. oft ecncewSisierae vifie ater, a former Sun reprorter viro ut Ph11LWPet- 1 c There vas a sharp cantest ln tire consqllclue taiil a <uuîti cclear fi- ne)rad ofuofic.theit ent iP ...94 49 667 Chu- ..74 72 607 o rgesv at> lii rl one ixho cet il ii gî eadfra ahe tie iep-sn .me sa reportng or tire Cleve. ..83 62 672 Det. 62 84 425, InbllPrgr-> es ve twhen dmund B The moire shaîne if in, fr ieu littd s5erC.l days ini wliuli toiCilcago Record i.erald Sire le only Wah. ..82 63 566 N. Y. ' 53 88 3761 Oabor-a, radical. and ex-State Senatipr acqîlire a cleax' mil»1 bufur lie acted. one o! a aumber of Waukegaa Young Boit. ..73 66 525 S. L. ..-.55 92 374 rt Cu' nnstvtv. ieig WOmea viro bave gone to Califorala - ovre vîrcir areconevai eîoThe Boom '"I woîîld seli 'ti urfîs letter fo the Gazette,bluit 10 each ince Miss Mlrlam Besiey, At Philadelpie aR. H. aI dswiatr o tiat lnOshone irsbeaen as Mi». X\rdtlu Ii -uil ntniv T teel it would îîrut lie pub- former clty maerrtendent o! schuois fetroit.2 4100000 1- 8 13 3 oIniaettOsrebsbe« lislied there.,1I'i (-rcr f. <- ntl) t rt epîisîfuslt aWuea cepe îîa oiPhiladelpiela010212132-*-21 25 i Colir>. ý 1wl t yo topubisl ths lt- a Wakegn acepeila smilr psi- Williams, Contstock and Gison; ter over lit srii.îil1-îu. L:ru\s iîîg flîaf uuon publisb l thunt lion lna ODe Of tire large cîblsof Cali- Pennock and Schang, Lapp. Mitai Preoealon. forna. is.!les Gertrude Sullivanu la tire At Washington R. H. E. Conmldor-tng the fact that iruman les. fear or favoi'. istest local Young voman to go to St. Louis . ... 10 0 0 1oi,5 9 lg bv lvy erfctil tvel>' "J maku ialuuv u - tateîiets witli a ftîhl kîiurwledge aliforala. Sire vilI attend sarnormral Washington _001 020000-3 s 2 about mhovlag otirer people irov to ut what tht rîe ujluîu's îîîlie if tliey are ilut tî'îîe anîd scirool for a year and tiren îroirairy Taylor, ittchell and Agnev- do thelr vork, tire mat-vol la bhat tiref 1 arin fully preiutiiu-d tuu pruvu'iiv tassetrtion)s tandtliîîaiitmore viii accept a Posibionr as lesu-her. MilsGroome andlilear>'. nov profession of scieattflcmanage. jj nceSa-v Conaeli and Misa Stella Churcir At Nov York R. H. L ment dida't break out soonot-The if ecssay.Ceveland . . .000000001-1 4 0Cynlo, li American Magazine. Verv resectfully 111 areother Wattkegaa young vonten Nov York ....3 O0000000--S3 1 B Iiyrisrie le J SINK R Tý.> Wohave gone to tire soulbland tu F'alkenierg, regg, Bliandlng and A Amrcne ntlem n at.ove ".JSTT K OR IS.' eacr.Cariscr; O'Neill; Caldwell and Gos- tire field o! Waterloo vîtir a guide. FILE DSUIT TODAY Tire ras>' reports that are belng sat, Sveene'. viro boasted lhab hoie ecorted General sent iack to Waukogan bry th~e AT Bombon R. H. 0 Shridan ovor tire 'cette of Napola- Iii ViW ut te airaave carges uadeebiMr.irlisffic o aig nn ar- e ang tany o! Boston --.- 00011i0001-3 6 3 Sheridan aay?' asked my friand. "-%. fact that Ms-s. Justinx K. Orvis, through bi ttorSotadnl;CoisadToa. esD. emt aesi oM hîs a y , tisat th» b Isc vexe ,tier. and b theW Second gane- tiring.' "Wall, haonoly said: 'Lvas James G, Welch anîd John D. Pope, today in Circuit court, suit ntay ire that severai more vîli Ciîcago ..... 0 0 0 0 2 0 10 0-3 1 2 - good place for a ligt" filed a blli for scpaî'atcrnaintentance against lier husband, leave for (trsr.before long. boat" ..-...e y0 0 1O 0 il0- z cia Sound d'ver to Court in $1 OOO19 BOTH TESTIFIED ' Girl Expecta to Bomo~ in ianuary-Trllt U Place Atter That. Wauk.gan, se"taé Dr. Martin Fuller, prmiaM, conda physîclan, and former psuo of thre Lake County Medical was given a prelinuinary bir day In Justice Weiss' court op i oui tatutory charge rtvg Miss Catherine Siavî. a . elè Wauconda yaung woman. Dr. àý was bound over to the caunty cs2 bonds of $1,000 which h. furiai Mine Slavln expects ta be" mother In January. Dr. Puil'ei wili flot take place untl ft*rt event. The factis brought out in tb«lu Ilinnary hearlng today wére p« cafiy the same as thome relqted ii Sun at the time of Dr. Wuler'u ai Mise Siavia taid ber tary M. stand and made direct accboi against tihe physician. Dr. Fuiier's defense caa sbardly after his ajre78l'~ It on tihe stand tiday. that an three differentcslo 18lavIn sisited bis olice ladem imPiored hlin to perfarm a aperatUon. Mach tint. ho e Bays, and finaliy hessYm ah ened ta makè a direc7car bita If he did flot do as i Stll he refusesi. ho maye% au tains nov that revenge M4 more la thre yaung wom«aas pressing lthe charges agaiuat These vere thse oPM t 9y ta ho placed onii th ao, thoughIs t la udrto I 1er wiil place a lsrtesvu"SU' acter vîtateese ailtheui 4 case cornes to trialu ta fiat. the charge s"4ely tiaDal that ever has bea Me W Viclnity and thse outote w vatcbed vlth no lIttle iitnte&' fflçY ü R Was Ridânont.Sdg Browning Avens if N the Accient ouI WAS GIVEN 'FINE T Tireodare Westerman. villi abicycle on the sdvalk m»â ing avenue lot@ Tueuday «a5flý ran lb int-s FrjLascis SWI#l Browning avenue, knoc l i4 and severel>' njuriusg ribs e t - ta n va s g v e n a i s &b e i u s g t l q , u lng before PoliceMagitrea MW Taylor. " "Were You riding your tire sid ealk ?" ire v su55h01 Tire fellev r.plled lia tir, "DiII yen riqu snmb M(m knock her do ! v s , r blon poon Agaln tirer-e wva a srq*wm "You mustast ride on , çS and Jusîtfot- that l'ran£ olag* $7.40," the police rnaeain4, clared. Wîtnemsem declared tiraý W mon vas ridtasg *long st an 10 rate Of mpeed and vas unable t.ý trol iismacineou on reapp lits tura. Sire vas knocked tW sidevalk vitir sucir force tht iI toared etai ltst tirat sire mIMIi8 heen seçiousi>' injured. An «MB lion. hovever, siraved thsaIoire Sustuined nro iroken beni. Stula at once svoro out a var-m tire arr-est of tire blcycllst "You ma>' stabe tirat viwe i arrext ail of tires. vlolat0t-5 ltnd.' Assistant ChIot Tysrneau B1vc'cip rIdera ntsy as wel rlgirt nov Ibat tire>'ba"e bi upon tire sidevalita, and va tirem virerever ccspim" t Ser-eral tîrnscuha- made tirat bleceis m tire sldevaik W *fVoit Street , I e4tg ry trot se muebair Euaset tire usaclsmee s is la lng on and lnjurlng tie i0~ at-resta b>' the p(au@ýIetille vîli bave s coud affect. w mo mu.f rived i North Chicago on Tuenday. marnlng fr-ontJoliet sud had loaked fer a position In tise foundry. lIiris Pocket ire had a few lohs suair as vauid ho uaed by s malder. Tire Do- lie thisniatire nant, iregavo ln licti- ticus. Braucai sav tire felav as ho mart- ad er-onsatire reot ta go to tire Hoyle ihome and aym hlair at, wviai vas of the slouci r ader, vas the smne Ras tire klad vara b>' the man vira hou hlm up. At tire police station ire lookod tire fellow over and vas lis- clined ta thîni tise fellov Dot quit. as tll as the t>uan viro heu hlm up. Others vira noliceil the suspicioua looking ohnractor- an Monda>' nlgit assert that*tise man urider art-est la the man viro tirey saw sirartiy belote tire hold-up. Tire.bias heen no positive identîfi- cation. bowever, and unlsa smne- bhiag more delinite la loarned ilbviii ho necesaary to diamins the caatgo agaînat lire stranger. REFUSES TO OI( 1IS IALSAÀ»SM HfE WANTS DIVO*R [pal-a D.LQ i-i.Evans, colari, ar North Ciicago, bans ued bh ie le fort- divorce and bIs billfIled la the Laits couaty circuit court. showsanmne las- teresblag charges. Ia tire irst place, ire says i iîfe, whom be married In Northr Carolina la 1900, bas refused ta coak hi. eas and uses abusive laistuage tavards hit frequenti>' and that sireiras r.- fused 10 do ber bauneholiduttes at ail times of laie. le furtirer charges that: Sire slr-udk hlm vith hier Ut band kic1ked hut tirat sire strocir hlm vîbî an umbreila1 and tison tht-ev hlm out into tirs kbreet. Tirat on August 26tir. shi grabbed hlm and tore iris clothlng and1 InJuared bhiàiconslder-ahly; tiraI sbir tht-ev things ai hlm frequeatly. 1 And because of ail these thîngs, ho tinis ha la enitled to a divorce. And tire evidence seema strongl>' lit hhie favur. - --- - - -- .- - -.- .--- - i . -_ - T --7- " 1

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