CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Sep 1913, p. 13

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'.4 'j ~a4~Lon ~ ~/Iutum n This ageant prceeitiiig Moîîst Vi Vidi *V, îMost teiaiiiil, the linovations and ail the eiegatîcies t<î 1w scei, to i l aiiîi cd, in the new modes that imîage theiniastertful ecîîîeitlls ibf jecrless designersA. The seastîn mîarks ait eiîoci i tlit i iistuir v cf fashietîs. i t is ais thonithe td(esigners liadi l'i Ieii titil ttîost fainous of iiîaity iîviiig eras andt had gleaiteu frîîîî eatii - partieulriiyfronuthle Egyptiait, <reejan, Oriental, Reias- sauce, Elizabi-ethiiaind miEpire- its ttw tlv fashieut characteristit's. These, uitl> a fie( regarudfoir liau-mnîY allil grace, have liecit hended iii the Auiiiiîii i modes. Maii'u'woin wiii cmite te vie'v the pretty sc Ni vithili this store this weck, and thiese Nvoniteui vill bu. partieulaiy iti pressed with seres cf înteresting featies ini extensive Fal assfortnients cf Aîneriea's lert suifs,. iras, nd mi r- îishings-dispiays that pruive tliis a' iitîts stoi-t,' alsi>- anid uf a standing unsiîurpassed. kW> '-N A- 'hie Aîîtinin w'ardriiblé aeessories, dress fabries and triîn- in ings eiîîstitiite ali îd exhîbî)ts inii v îiiîtinte 's advaîîce, civ- iization's regress anîd theé stite* ideals liave registered aind îîîpriiit pieasiîîg ieeond deseriptieti. Il iîne furnishiîîgs are tif a sînîjilar proflîiiietinu the mani- festAltien of a stoe- - \vide havîîîenv ef efforts aîid ambitions - loekiuîg ti îard a hvemeied pib lie Servive itiî public ap- îirov~al the <'ief and finai reward. N <ver wvere thé ihiriiugs se vieilanîd the, patterns se intri- vaie and beautitu i. Tihée leautv ant i îagnificene eof cur Fal displavs oet demlestie. as %viii as Iarisian ideas meritenthus- iastie expressionts of apîrevl a. 'Thev eutshiîîe .ail ur previ- eus efforts. It is ci earnest ilisire tbat th(, publie attend this fashidn évet fand îitncss the newest and handsontest of Dame Fash- i<iit's ereatititis. (Clîtîneniîîg tatl i a td ent ininig uîntil Saturday, Oct- ciîer the foui-th._______ -w '&tu qov4 Iladieal is the- change ini gowit. l'ars. fiî iwurs. iulii)eadifngs, lacu.- ribbiîî, chiffeit and sat in- is îlot an inusuail cotition ini a single gamta ut The pieies rantge freiui $10.9S 11)to te .........$35 To the 'veillgimiss, tlins seatse t effets utatuv ttew ideas i uats. Tie meats arceutade leese, se ais tii give titat statil ' vpoise cf yoîtiî. Prives ranîge fri ll 2 $4.98 te ....... 2 Ckiucl'e>"'QCoa4e Fall fashion mt viîu. kidtth iiuid(ren aand s i sitaileu tte eoats tîtat a imisfit i ttpossible, rang- iîîg in price from it 1 I879 te........... il s shaplil(es', tai 1,ý are eîînnllinglNl devîsed, hiaif te cieecal, lhaif toeNeeal the et the figure. Fur trfllnmings set a mark of iuxury that is hard to siurpass. They stili hear a sliglht mîark toNvard the etttaway. Liiit'< tlieieî tue correet a rtist te touiili, privîes range froii $10 to $40 Waists aie inostiy desigiteulto give thite îeerstedl effeet te the figure. Medels Nvith fine filet iaee, hîand enîbroieeddnitt ani seft friiis are eslR( taliv l)ieas- ing. Prieed frent $1.98 Nie. 01k 440tit4 The fabules and colors are rieluer thlîaî ever before; two toute shades iii eretonnies secit te l)c the favored inateritîls fer bedicents, oNverdrapes, etc. Serliis are still as pop- iiltar as ever, alsu) nets ami the licavier iua- Steriais, such as bîîriap, nîîetk's l\ciotlî andu o thers; the dIfferent materials range àt - pruce fromi 10e per yard up t&4o 85Cc~ ~1~o The colors are richet' than ever. Youw ill find ail the latest and newest shades reprcsented ini our departmeni. Soft flimsy material, up to hleavier goods, such as broadcloths. 17 Priced at per yard 50e up to................... l7 'Slirts tiglit at h nl.rvaliug thieeflrî ifoot ai vchiiStvp. ltel-essltat i î the cisest att entiiontii foot dttetail. -This w~ili he a patent leiltîur ,xea v. ' situllitewo urd of l.adiig suoe desiîtgu.î S, andi muse is the Sentimeînt oet lue iltile feniiîîile woild te patent liatiter, iv e aVe mîd 11111 ki, huilt. oluf, et e. The sitaine ofthe site las levn giveu autextra amiit leattenitioni. The Ieîîg slinîui attui î î tii e Ciii li l iLouise h i I (1(1 toit imate. We \ish t tiial especialiiv attentioni te ifht liwîs oe' str.eit slites, prieed af fît i $301~$.00 1 11p)............................ $5 0 iii he l)1lel1Y vreed e t free fronm cor- s e t rùstraint, withi stvie andi fuhis is everY weîttan 's ideal, andl surely it is attained in the new FaIl i îd- els. 'Thec iriees riange freini $1, up to i asiio n liasereed that you have plenty of laxe anti friiling ariiiil the nerk; thiefic-hu is the main kiitic-ie twards a dia tinet change. We are show'ing a vvr.-vomltei ne, jeA priced front 25e Uip te ...........1... a I ~' I r-, V Thuis is a season whiell the iiai>iiate suit is , greatly favured. 8So soft tl'( itateriauis, so î'i-h anîd gî îigeius the cohîrings-tiiese s'lits are( attiaet- ive eitouilito teliit thle îîîest ex- a-ing. I)v vet *%i nd a l (tl( r b are eid eu deButcliea li fari pre-eiei.Bthed f cii tit, erded l uateriais alu nved lae futundin oiei ofl~f the ai- N îît Iaui (iats ailefur trinî îed and button liiglia t ilte k. 1ries range hront $16.50 to $40,00 s the ut uî i tf P, -A 1

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