CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Sep 1913, p. 3

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toetiveu te 4 lina 4maltasr mt as It W40 wMIou% pçstàg th. joceedlngs as te ber Mmramt c hat a Ir«el l aréemnt va . aebed lie. toea thons wbereny W. M., Uamvas, lano >ve Wmd hcld as legal reprs n-being folloved. vUr a!sW o Samue Rowst of,0hoùo R stIe o F1108 elfa mn. asd - hew in lCIrUÇOit "e lou ert mdalai ASKS COURT4Ou«T I x"Çi mti. .5' A FULSL JAfCOU T1NG - awa Nil 1« M Um uP teNevem«,vM lesmMr. Dit Inte-9l wlsbed t. vllbd*w as trmb e M te1 In te 811 * ~rgs Henry e, dumesdiii ma DOWS DtdMOtT1*f OVO to truataelp vas turusiover te Henry Ct Offlcers AUl the Estate Dévat. e cdlayIiniid Wmulcagaé, Saptlemben le. for 20 juasprviens $ô ber d"ui, An Interestings ad pensmitonal suit tMrs. Malles vas of unouud uxini; "for acceunting" v as sled twday ta IaIl efforts té mÈ« Her lowgt té Circuit court b> Samuel M. Dovat' or tlik.5 soi amc àe te i trustees ftied ('hicage, aganst Her Devit or Wau t lonlga sud have ftaled trou nov; kegan, the ut bains brougit on that iduam" Dovpt bas, at no the cdat hat the repreocts the. ther tint. made su asoeeuneof the »rop- boire- ai'h tis lireM. Loufas MaluOn art' halby hie as t rustee fer the. et Waukegan wv ie uaMardb1ingt Masl ain s tatts, - *Bd wbose estate te nov lu eduroe eOf,"Tiiawtie Charot K4-qg bas boom seuîlement luci . local cout. ber nop. usuel asadminiastérotitheestate b.,, Henry i' MX owst, baving onceo otMga. Malinube bas né power té been trustees of the. state esupel Mr. Dovot té ak niaeacotant- whlch vas said té lie vrth noe soin 8, inmsas trustee of tie astata; that on 011. Jane 1, 1918, Mr. Dovt turaed ovor The hi l citas tiat Joseph ii 1 op.t Mr. King six baak cortilBdates on her muaboul ual lJune 1. 1892, lastsg b.0 iaNational bank and Bdcurlty onlit Di roperty to bio wtt.. wbhc I& Saviffa baok aggmz&UU, igabout,820.- cluded $165 lu peronal propen'ly, *$M 000; tbat Heni Dvpt ,ctntarili â» In cash. 824,808 fro tber PenOrtmasume isisatration et the Mallon Prolerty-lu ail 826.6114V freiour-0 etate durimsNoveuber 110Sud tiat %OUMl effect$, &a80 mi estOte.blCbla lie made go reporte ot.Jdoadinlallt cinding sous lai nd Minla t. iows vinaIt r * ff5i MIe pays tint omtshb.deallieorlUt. proffts ver. and tin a fulli!accoun Manion wme uf thes PorOTti'lu que& log vere made. it vould show more Il n as beaun sod. the date of wicb property té lie turnel over té sans.-te-, lho due tln kOv; thst 19-M inlntrator than Mr. Dovt turned Motion hel certain securitlas oning over." ire, inh staute ot ber hubslui. - At the conclusi ofithe 1bill. Samnuel cluding a note for $1,00 sxecuted by. Dwat sali thes court to comapol Henr smima Smart, a nole for 1100 frein »avst té mcii a ftuîiancounting ot JlIa Podmtur and Sarahi Davia - *Il bis desliffl viti tine MalloesOS that smub of thne»enotes vers star- tate, thes qs>e being aaked ta corne uP vardeau atd vtti ilrest at 4 per cent. et tha Octéber terni. tbat MsD. Malien ewnel 12 Waukegan_________ cti bond% ef $100«eascii vlcivers later pail wlin Itâtèrent; that mie ovu- Setier às 'lai" Yamn. ed nY 'Unted tatp bond#; ,tb.e lipb oef (iggesiall, au Ellsaea nubÇr of whvb b re uuknown té bita; bot of tbe tblrtesntb century, toîl a that-Sîl of tii.,. 5euritiO5Ssud roi 5e's- tassrlus yarn:Tbe Orford 8"se> tata ovnel iiiN. '.Malion veré turc-. nbogitu n a l iernt ed ove? to Warren H. Hua (now de. Msas usa vine bne e inluahirotbi coaso)ding Etiie progresa of theS t a hlogiaednobeard.onbu mlnistratlan Of th.etate o Mr. Mal- ld u Ofr t a , b. ste 0bsrd aat Ion .ud that 'aud tbt ailof! nid prop- aOfr eu, em t u « erty wvas ereafler. as bereinaiter se bthMW sud cofl, but cénld motnie out, leldý lii nid W. H ILi." tmode te speak. TetlWhou en tbe>bt Th ilfurtie mye bat Anas men te@l hiii.ont omsday tor a sdeu. Blumau, alpter ofMms.Manoun. Marcii thune bedival sader tbe nets v""I 9. 18»4. moueit t. bave a eoervator tbsor ipresd t. prgeen bis seape sud a tu-m-nus v- eavel unesber frtes à t" \m caivt.A 73>MTERS11ALUS Dènartment Store 20 Ibs. Granulated Sugar 49 lb. Sack of Flour - 9 Ibo. Rolled Oats - 4 lbo. Gona Roszted tioffee 4 lbo. Mex-o-ja Roasted Coffee 6 Ibo-. good i<oaated Coffee - 1 lb. Baker's Premlum Cbocolate Ammo, 1I - Cbapman's 1 oz. Vanila Cpan' 2 oz. Vanilla - 4 pakgsWebb'@S8tarch - ,8Ib. blk Starch - Grapo Nata, package - 2 pack#ges (Jream cf Wheat - 7 bars Pearl White. Soap - Armour'a »acon, lb. - - - Armour's Pure'Lard1 lb. - Armour'a Compound Lard, IL Armour's Dried BNef in glass tumbiers 100 bars American Famfýly Soap- DRY mOOS Ail Standard Prints - Ail Apron (iin«hams* - . Priuted iMlIka1eues- Black and white Check Suitingef u p from Rockford Bocks, pair - Special value in Huek Towelnt 2 papers best Br4ma Pins 2 papers Safety Pins - Milward's N 6çdIes Ladies' S11k Houe, 60c value, pair Gent's Haif Home, silk - - DRIJG SUNDRIES Grave's Tooth Powder P. Èozodont . . . Plut bottie Peroxide .- Pound roll Absorbent Cotton- Armour's Extract of Beef- castoria . .- 'Ward Liniment . . - Penina - - Lydia Pinkham'a Compoun4 YSLAKE,. -' - SI1.00 1.25 i .25 S1.00- 1.00 11.00 .30 .07 .10 .20 .25 .10 .11 .25 .25 .18 .14 .12 .15 3.95 .05 .06 .10 .08 .10 .05 .05 .25 frýý 1 m IayUgD oz n*sdeMWqv Cidents Meof Ulln tUds jonction, le tus pasefbe dusnbts, mmu.J. N., on augesut o o!eaifsme ofaithe1 bç4 Tms 81b dia psitY for 1lut fridai' amia aspootpmw d ndfluiely, <C. I u m. MaUsd tanili' scaom- owid by Dr. Palmar drave tu Lake (leneva lut pFilal. Wm.,Jabna of Brllgtan, vas boe Mondy on traesam. Mr.'sud tMrs. (%ae Kraft ar e tine proud parante of a paîr ai twlus bain lait wsek. Mr. braga sud tamuiy bave maved tram the liat lu the hank building ta the Barry Smth farta. Bort Boldec ai Fax Lake, traasacted businessbtre Mondait. Dr. John Tdrner and) vl if..1Wuk. gan, apeut Banda witb the tonner's parente, Mr. sud Mis. Jas Turner. George Wiihur oi Waukesha, tran- sauted buoine o e lest Tiiuredai. Mr@. lher' Koeiner ettteuded tihs funeraI ai er grandnutii, tMr@. Vaut st Waukegan Imt Oanday'. Mnr..Gardiner vill lm"aveluthe niai t frtrip lé Engiaul viiere ste i - . -- Miean moms Waaon itnnad toBia- dalis, III- avnx speât tvo veau ltb bsr mosber sud etais. MissAiles JauleC returued t -hica go, 'bavlng spnt à tvo vaskm vacation witi the. bonime t. is. Martha Glluo!fHiglnd Park, spent severai daym with her aýster. MI . Mdenso Webb. S'mitb Hughes and Mdis RabY Hughes, @pent Banda ivth tMr. and Isr. Alie 'I A . tewart returned frorn Ohio ir. and Isr. C. E. Cabb returned ta lUicgo, Banday. Miso. efso Webspent Bandai and MjoainlaHghland Park sMd Wauke- Tb@ie mies iiAu iveai"a psacb ed"blalu thea rctaion pVdvlla oasina UspL Si. Dveei'odi lati Taa v elavah b oma o sud TiaLbmAil dMt vlth Miss Oro vo Basrlai moe«isa vnnMada ogma vas struci ii' lte Ibrougin lie aissd lustanlhi' ilaId. ie iné ai&se vaa kbliiel sud bis wagon demmoisl. il@ eves a vite, son sud dauginlr inaside oe brotber nauor @inters. Tbs famli' bave the sympathi' of tia communiey. SVers Metcaii@peut thea veok vltbMis. A. C. Cornes. Mis.Bavard boai a ulace vlitiug ber. J. BuIlci' aiSamers, spet Bundai'aat Dr. Levin o. Mr. and Mis. John Crawford vili soon move ta Zion Citi'. Mr. nud Mr@. Warren Coîhi' spent 8unîa4 astIB. C. Melvill'@. Mma. John Faulkner le repored ver seluI KanssaCii'. Rer tva sons vers seni;for lutar Fiday. Mr. andlir. WUI Mton are tins parente of a baby gerl, hora Paturday, sept. 20. Nir. sud Mms.Peter Brown are the parsints of a bah, girl, bora Saturdayl sept 20.,1 Sherifi Gison vas la towu l>t Fridai'. Towun e :Arthbur Paveravas on oui streota Mdonday. The laie of tins Catbollc parlab gave a card party at the acinoal houas Suudal .vealng. A goal smarn a rsd for the. A. P. lanson sud Parker Bros. are filllag silos this veek. Lk» weeiil-if(DEVElNDENT. p arowax Thie modem anmd eset way - -10 to @eal bottes, flaumesjamu etc5 < 0juia t *nvegetables * .15 w»d*ihPowx retain .28 12gai.vuld zmu* hPresorve * .43 arest 1o esch .85 Extra hev7ky, Sm àub- l'ru#,1o do&. LL NO ChasLouxabagainad wUeat Chicagri. Mnm.Mie SsoktI ound Lake, vllted1 ilnda hae Mondor. *les *limalbWebb ai Antiocin, accanp»eloIMMss Mbel Turner bous flrom Antloci aWto ly sud remalued aven Bundàyl' ti. Whintnsy, fih. bard w&re rn located lu tins bai building, viii move i tamli' mlot **et recetl Y vacated hi' Mr. Dyfal sud famili. A. L. Wilson la on lmieii liot. Cha. Tanise ble miefortune-ta break bl isa vist . vawrtlug at the les bouse faut SaarIai. Dr. Couison and Mies Lilliau Turner1 bath of tbis ety, vers niarrued at Crovu Point, Ind., Sept. 101h. For the pissent1 they are naikng thoir home with the bride'. parents, tMr, sud Mr@. Joe Turner1 ou Lake Biiors Drive. Don't forjist tblât pou cau get ail the latet magazines sud perodicalas t Tb@s Iterai store-DruesDrug Ca. The rigit tins tu stopsa rougi r oald le wben it mml t t&s. You eau do this hi uing aur ay Rellabla Cough sud coid reniediee. Thes Rexail Store Drace Drus Co. The Ladies'Aid soclaY ii ineet wlth Mis. Uai Tovsased next Thursday alternools, Oct& 2. Ever7body invlted. Mis. George DanWell entertalned rela- tives trom Knoxville, Tennessee. one day lent week. Converse, Bauuann and Lu@k haveý parchsaed a silo flir and twenty horse Po cer gaaollne engins. Mr. and Mru. John Lenzein, Sir. and unMi. lllAmba.a"dLff Brweî weis among thons trou bhreWho attended the Elkhann fair lant veek. MieMabel 2lebuIlleh aofltockefeller, vlsltsd at tihs INSult borne Sundai'. Raymond Boottnher la quitée slck at piseentwitIDg. idrs. Blan HoM aed dainginter Mîllie of Elgin, vrers vlslloeatC. L. Thonnsn'à laut vsek. Tino MaulFox lide emsbry socisti vIl usaItinoe eol hemas*L. P7thý SUNI>Y B Hundred Men Attend th<Event HeId at Third Lake Sunday Aternoon. About s buudrod mou sitendol the cam baie St Tird Lake Bandai' ai. rangol y he ti Bks of Waaiegan. El Hlerman and Rai' Whitney voe tie masters of crernpes/aul tiiey let nothlngudono té glvs tiiei guesta a complote clamn haite meai. The clame, lobstors. chiciien, pot&- tocs. Bai, coin. etc.. bal tome balol ail morns glu theogatul viltb sea- yoed revernus, ince, vian tin o cv plie oi atoamlng satabiese lo6ked most, tounptlug. Each gaest ta glv- en a goal sîzed basket sud lu Iis wa -put .ll heo uld sut oft ho vez1- oa@ Cinge wlilcb appeldté tino,. Tbat eveiybady diIIJustice té thne meaý 5008 vIthout sng. - JU ong bol to secs.Io helleve that &l ailtimen bal a goad time, van telok for aboat twouty minutes st Magistats Taylor.,vina. taklng ou extra voil- 811.4d basket, veut avai' té one aide and stînflol an apptito mail tu he equallel hi' nobodi' lu ,Iike céanti', Paul MacOtaffin flot exCeptel. Tin o mn bal a goal tte lespîte the col reoze whlch avelaloff the lake. Tins big grate lire lu tino hachne- lors' club bouse vas set gins snd .ioseo who Ilînt varnap at tho hall gautee vhicin progvessod ment eofttho timo, voie able ta van, thoir nhinu at tino grate. No daubt the scl day kepi mauy away vha otierviso veald bave attondol but. conellonlng sàtisfactory and everybody bal s goal Urne. What Steel Conlis -Unmàànetlzable iteel," c E ai is; **mmi, contan fi'os 0.8 t. 108 ar oemt. of manganese Maité 1.4 pqr Ouat. of tltatm. The sillen con- tukui mun e luastics .8 carinon b.- &0v »8 sd phopomm es.01& Thre valueOfetmci a et"el viroa silel *I elotrie cuirot la4m»e"&dmsab. uprca uign wtion Mmd otiier pldopoUtnt ada-resu il,. -15.000. sud 2 centa addfitlanal per point ahave1 3.M. ThisefBgure, $1.92% per hundrsd, la1 the pries fiel by the association sud1 contrants vers ignel by Tare Bras. sitin but luctte abjection. Notice FOlR SALE-On FPillaiand Baturdai', Sept. 2fitb sud 27th, at Brilgevatai fartm aIl bousaiold fumrnîtaludins stores. rage.,hala - auldlnlsng rooni turniture. P-1-1 Obtunr tir. Elsismh Apit msi do 1M.j Tinumai'aWlit a.Sept. 1% a$9 > pý utsi an iisses e ofIbi. mentbs. Hap agavesn 80 peae aad 9 laye. Sha vas bois ani grsv Up lu Slais, Moasssd vas marriel tiare tu tMr. Abner Woilo and ê1tlr tino hlrtb 91iChirirBoutchildiIn tIhat aItbaî moved tu Chicago lu 1866 and lu 1885 Cta bistaron lualbert'vil. Four cillresu srvive, vis. ise. Martin ai Salens, Mas.; Mis. Gmbisatin aud Mira. Squirea ai Cicago and NId. A. Walda ai Llheriyvlie. tira. Waldo vas a vaman ai ail tihs virtues ena smatier andItbo makai ai s haut>. Ob@ sarvived ber bumbaul ton yeare, spendîng mnat ai bar last ysare lu Nov England but vas brougint ta ber ail borne lu Lihertyville allie haglnlua af ber leat sicinea nd under thne imatediate Cars pf bei chilîren, ab@ receivel tha mast tender sud vatehlia cars andvbeunelle sndsd in aa viot, aieesp.the bdy vas borne away Co ha laid hi' ber husband'e body la Giaclaul coeleri'. The faneraisrvice vas con- ductel hi' the 0ev. J. M. Lion ai Chicago. SPECIAL SUNDAY MENU Est Sundai' dinuer vitb unsat tins L.Vric Rgtaursut Uhertyi'vlle, Ilinois. soupe Crearn of Oytei Baap Reliait Cellery, Olives or Bveet Pickles Entree Baked Apple Danpllngs Mests Itoasi Young Turkey Giibl.t Drasalug Cranheri' Sauce Fillet aifilef, Lsrded Beruaise Saurs Lohêer vîtin MaYannalse Vegotabios Pacifie Coast Asparagus on Tost Coadiel Bwset Potao Ciesmu d Potatoos Deserts Fruit Salad Purnpkiu Pie Minice Pie Caftes. Tes or 1111k Dinner served frorn 12:00 ta 3:00. Louave your aider as early as possible. Phono 40. 75e pet plate. Unrsiaad Vigllano. àAYoung Tloga matro e pajSM me turnel froin a vimit té bier ,inIIlIm uncle. "I ddut bave a vory *001 Uima." sinocouBdel té, a friand. "q bal te vstcb .y truni evory minute t. kacp tino mail tromu unpaobg SC Fm il -dn ^pPlication Mm .PaWul agarni la enesuafnlnx ber mo*w er ie.Ottava, Kan. Miss Flnamy 0t, Waukegan. vu sln at the. M. E. Cburti nenat Bundai' mornlng. Miss Addla Mller vili Bing at the el enlug Spidaltvo reeliféai uremstat he Lyrin Theatre evMr Tuedaj', Tburelay &aid Sunda" nigha. Yon esn't aBford to mies them. Tin.'re goal. On Prldai' Sept.fi9.oeurvsd the leatb of eorgs Dlsa romsllad, afed fiatboq ai Mm. E. Neilanai. Tins body wva oipped on tihs following day té F'QiI Atklnsan, Wl., vhers Interment vas mmsd. Obtuary Dut vssek. Tino dnopplng of th, long word Rock.. fsîlar aud aubatltutiug the short one, Aresa, takes off a big load of the printera work. sud if the lent Bye letters Lihertyville vers chopped off too, tsh woald ho heaven on eartin for the pont "Idevil." Anyhov, it voul sure rnoney sud tume laernoney. We understand au option bas been taken on thes Dr. Jsmienon property on 01gb street vlth a vies ta ersctlne & livoiy stable on theo site. Just vino tins parties lntersoted are, vo are unahle to egtato, but are lnformed building opera- tians viii beglu this fail praviding tine deal goe tiiongh. Aibert F.. Dyer sud Misa BasaiDarby both coutractlng parti"s ai Diarna Lake, vers united lan marriflaaitinse Metiiodiet parmnage, LibertyvIlle. "pnesdayat 4 p. ni. hy 0ev. W. L., Wblpple. Alter thebe onymoon, the young people viii realde Ia Diauond Lakeevinere Mr. Dyer la sugiser tor the battllugwvans. A larga ircle afime congrabulate Ibeni and viléh tiieur %eli. At the Lqrle Theatre Bundai' niglit. &ppt. 28, "irh. Seal ai Silence," a speecl tva reel teatare. Il will he goal; yoa ahoul go. Tinurodai' moînlng contracte Wbîe signed hy patrons of Tore Bras. Bottlluig Plant for the ensalng six mon thesat tino rate of $1.92% per handred patuds .11k teeting 8.5 per cent fat vitb a reductloÙ WAUKI3IiN BANK lmnr"euua ERS TO ATENDbut a igs dining roibsb ME TIN aCIIIC iO ,TudY a:eoetther. viii bas Interesting Features to Be Pre- mon aithte Art lastitate. gaukati4' sented at La Salle in M set- vOi0mnu gusta wu'l lieontsttShiS » ing This Week. too tn calguieiral .i V Sevaral ot the bukers la Waukesa fFrinlai' aternoon ioulera s < are planning ta af6end the 23rd eaunuaiives or wpmenn gueesis iibe convention of thesIlîlinois BSeulors~ a.1- té tin SBoulinhSOm tOunRr sodlation, vhlch vii lie held at lte lu automobiles for lunebeon, tOt LaSalle intel In Chicago on W@lngs- by an auto nidO Over tho cltY., i«a day, Tinuredai' sud Frldai'. those vio do not care about tie lmflWh Arna the luttereatlutg featurea viln au. 1200 sastp bave been ervmig lie a speclal exhibition, sbovwtin thenoh Soutu Bide baeai al part =-1 Mont a bni asteun eqalp» - otransporintion viii be »M"6.Wý meut, appliaucea and alveriming. fan the 'as~ Wii DeGivoso Photographe. , 'Tinoprograin or peechs' fui Everi' bouler vino attendpyl libe convention bas not begm presentel vitina ainulome, 8 lii'10 but thea ingIuoderai curle Inch photograpi of iniseitasd a copy ltion villle thorigblydlasa vili ba furnablte the. Illnéis Siata banIiersamareadvlsed tint Il vWU be Hlstérteal sociti', tego iluotheiesou- I in luts.stiattesd lOctIOof etPlcebuetf Illnois bunbois But luige bave been arraugel for la mev- oral DpRuent studihos, sud thie s, f rangesmetInclude atfie. photogiapb lshis I WN cveda f evi*1 it veryw vo avect elteladisu. *e Thie sutire 111h Béoe et t» ah THE AUTOMAIC SEÀLIG Bq VAfl~ Tus a ins ag o! plogree mi mprovomes pvk seab0 su lncrealudennaud toi aaaaltabl. iseeptael. for libellsc u s1 %bilut t thepae n. id vooden box vinlelibas beaUlustè peMiso isume ment. =i luevaulte ar*nao isanmalseiu'tb. botw000roI avav, :9 brick, etoue sud alahe ai elats bave aiso eenu maite but tinsse OgaSl buh0 pervions to voter. Tihé Aumaahe Sefm« BunalVm* le aboJe 1 prool as veli sas idesetcliel. h liboUt la two plunl,ovaf aleslffees1 sanl sud aimant onu' sud la finisinsilueldoasudont *Itb a ulueva g rwedas Ilmas impervlastu maietare au glýisesl spplies lie fMd *0a = bd~ u ri l iv at it it in a b er u n tie eW l s u d vîl mi u a t é i1io t o a s a bmusl dligniti'. ludorusl y he bolaadlng uturlaou.veeywhsie= v suthorlsal téo, clveordrIe.1 Manufactured By W. C. BRUXN Cernent Cijra~ts LiSERTYVILI.K. ItLUNOI8. Do Yo u Want Ç*s' We have New motlkqrs end Springers I r isMe LIOR$,ES of alsizes and ages for sale ai, ail times. If you want tobave an Auction Sale sS 0 about the Auctioneer. Ctol. E. L. Downes &- Phone 290.14. Shanck Farm. ter th* svel itel lit . Tino. nd viii nMr 20. g West ti' lait on the i, Mon Ieman et and la hig o gave off ect. t llght- fine as if he if >au tn the iant. ind arn Wliy You Should M-ave'a SavingÏ - A&ount First: You nay be iieapacitated at any time and unab& té gara yorown living. Ifoimbuestt, âceideat or other troubl gomeàa yoa muet bave assistance ftram sonnegoure. THE DOLLAR IS YO0U R. BE ST FRIENI ýSecùrdî Moîiey ln the Banik enables3 you to tak advamtqag of Golden Oppruînitie. whenever tbey arise. Shoul Opportaty kuock at vour d obr but oiice it would b. a @adt mb fortune nat ta be propared. GET READY F-OR THE U NEX PECTElI OPEN YOUIt ACCOUNT AT rTE A STATE BANK [Capital uS,"O.00- Lake VWN 1

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