CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Sep 1913, p. 4

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yrCOIJNTY officà ia per fore t y - ft i~Telhçnoe.Number U CltY Èditor en0ce ' m~25~ lib.rV.viiif Elehenge gbta th* potenfoe *t 1LinrtyvUiq. I1It, p F-oud CÇ' ls i IOiPRICE. 41.69. fgR V-AlI STRICTLYi E SM4.U ITH ...... ..................... . l.................... t SMiITH .........................z......... 4" l I u a D ... ................. .HUSSA............D. ... City Sdtor judglng from the pi?.pargtiono behnLg ade, Wauke- $11 t t a m e lU joy the trnstst j~o of theatrl- is movio," etc., that bas yet beau seen. CoDgressman, Thompson, for a first-tonner, hMa~ urelY rbydow n Washington and bas ahown by hie adi- an ythe uature of the bfila h. introduced, qlat h., unarfudly uatters of gomeral as wefl au local lm- wblch corne withtu the proviuoe of a congressmaiL limi ane ht vini ywlfl robaly rece i bsproduta tht' Wutor th @ ver bof ore. The. shot- 91 cornu seherewill seud tht' coimnodity to a high by whioi wlocalproducera wil reA~p ruch beet blg oep. TIhe higil cot of l>oof which in to pxrvall wffi make pork, poultry aud vegetables ail the 0*0 mluable. 8. the prssent outlook 10 the farinera fiear ité t' a* mot r«oe. That Benator J. Hamilton Levf is leaving ail poat- (ooutuslu th.e rghth Benatorial district, cornposed ouât Of Béons, M 6 r sd Lake, 4e Thomas i*erber o! the legislture, t' udicated by ac- st x vardas ivel as elsewheère. In short, Mr. Gra- le t' but tha whole thlng lin the Ibis. couutles uamed in, eider to land a postottice appointiDent t la noces- 'yto havebIsa. I,.-BelidoreRepublican., 'WII almost evey village in Lake Couuly prornotiig1 ~OMOu manx er, a bank or t<wo, it certainly proves M,.es re~preptoinl tht' county. For, banka do vhermb sint'not good and vhere limes are -emm)m have been Iaunched Mi the couuty "e pt, a Mcord thus being established lu ~~M~bss " ùleu ounlb iirn er lima atarI- babusluem ilu the conutyhas Iucreaaed pro- other troublom the r b"uda leItm ra Woodwian1 ffl. ove ltme rate Ur V. A. R. IL Chattanooga T enu., Sept. - of Lako Colm.torntho contederate votci-smaiud bos1 Ia h nvited by the Toledo poi t i 0" ranmy ta, march lu today's pe- rade., omerai A. B. Beers. cenjmiad- t-erlu-chotei. G. A. R.. lii. mpr- 11nlg ordereEl Forest Camp Coufodor- t.T Mesîe vtrans ftramth. Une. tainluSuch a Barly lu thp week Urough Celonel *Wch scà mm Hauben et Toleo.e. invitation vas vbic snc monextended te demnutrate that the. U d *1l)iY PAY thelU.Oh1o "Yankees" had fergolten the Labe Opimly thomiu ntesd? Il mlif.eoft h. slxties. -~ .~u CAN The. coufodeAtes marchod In gray hufr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' louo!svr4pas oesuniformentute ireudeavgmo. Te W~ O*x CiIarnafer, tb. have Io" lu had been l inofins afew minutes viion '~" 'imeoâw~~ ~ ~ , ~orders came fro ein oerai Beors toi iS U .m.u ~#susto > tai,eluide thein. There wvaos£neirn 8Muifmu o: ot the& laxtiny arngeuii.o aveto ns. Lt- yrather thmnatgua thom and loue Il A=L the southerners expressed friendsil for Oia meu blarnlng the notnet a TIMZTO (GIT EEADY. ail. Suaday practically uhered lunlthe celd weather, al- *0uxgbof course, there uhbeb much mg"nqre vaieath- téw O blte filai arrive Ktovever, lbe rnercury hung about 44 ail day and the 2:r4hcbblowvuvascold and unplat, lu fact, those >I tot use their autos, feit as if Wluler vas ber. fer as in *. aftrnoon frequeut rainvas seen sud tivce the *augsd to uuov, although tb. unvelcome heralder ialer dld notfl luil quantitles. Me. vind blev frmeintI veut meut ot th. day and vas Uyas on a November day- ]People geu.rally vere ~Uldupas lboy vallced along, juat as if twvas rosi ?Wéter overcoatsansd funs vote much lu evidence. bgnto figure eut vhere le put (afler tint Sit) tl1w inWe'u supply of ceai, vhetber the over- ~ ~emaw iilait another, vhether 1he voolen âu«M bat g<revu be Ibm for Wiuter vear, etc. Tes, b~tture ti %lud outthesea iblgis. Suuday shoved it. ail. days are uponunu. There bave bien llgbl- ;a udm m o! *9. baves Are alroady turniug. Min- ofe. ltestho-ed >4iay are already showlug roollesa- suâd a tendeucitote alber lu flocks for the long jouruey teIouth-Iand. PaIWWfoeIn thle.gardon are lu pro- bloms snd fermer are ulady harveaîlug thoir cern. tue wagon il ataIgllgpla4*1othe. ceal cart sud Buin- appel isbing etor.d sway lu moth-balla or cam- 'IM* quinoctal tohns bave ahready started, pro- p refor noxI year's barvest. It la time e! pro- bIUv1g creturus for lb. cold, bleak days of asex-cout.deratee vore lu the lest in previdlug ontertainiuent for the G.A. R. Fannle Wimgeld, Waukegaia. ha$ sued ber humband. Charles Wolsgld, for divonco, chargiug b. doerhod, her Jan. 12, 1904. Tbey wore marited In Warsaw. PelanEl. Iu 1890 sudhave btree cblldreu. in -tla h. coumtp.Ji. 4mvkU Whidhi, tim. lier viii ho 0l-o!k ça .ortwlt to 'moher Up." BoULbmen arec roi knLow* te the.police. living boom up on smila- chargs boto.-. Tholi 1 anies are'«Teddy AhroUg sud Martlin Thelan. Both bave ho=en mPlo3rd lu tic8 noigiiborhaed o!fI-aie Bimit vue se. eailmtp ftothei.tact tut tuer have mot boom leckeE Up beloro "Mmsiy 'bllmd-pigs' lu Lake Bluff?" amîsd Assistant Clillf TYMvIL "Net mach; tua's thoettOblO." te- plici 'nhosn. "'Men s ma eat 554.a drink ho cau't gtil tthe-he, has 10 pbuy it br the bairol. Wbl-.theo oni way vo ceald got whiskywuVo S Met a man te, North Chleage to ge. a quart bhotti. ter ns. Whim a MU SM &S àquart ot whisky yo mai Uicthecuimt." Nelîber et the meni b6gu.d to9A -OR viion'tho sentence of 20 daym lu OoUitY jali[vau annouaced-in tfact hoth of thb hd saked lIaI fiey ha ment te tereas heyreai»dtUtit vos ibm d'oniy place vhcrp tbe c<gid 10km àW&Y Dr fi-cmIlquor aud Ea h*MM* t 1100baves gond cars. Their omdtinu caflc forth genulue pity. s 2ur~ tafoi *1ii-kS, Bond un your tailored mut Md bave it dÎy oloumd 8&4 \presmsd by our akiuXworkem The sarments vili b. returned as frOsl4briçht and clean as vIen new. lh. nap -of th !ab#1o iill b. ralssd and both tb. coat sudgidrt presued ab Uhbng, fit s=d . ook uut lht.... This service is suoh a couveulnc and anuéoonomy that- yeu should flot ffl btake advant&W~of it. FRED CROKE1ýk LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. TqrfeWind A 4'0"" . hur f« *ite ý, ounds to the aqUMr Lumbor Wïà ndWhis *"%dwim r~~ck Cou tes, &$*lot- It ont îe Air.Wwtefor wis P. Swift, lu ci a 1ponaws ht the. victint,dleê W"isi, iu ultpr. hie chest baitm PLANKS OU AND: ÏWISTED ýOo tiptycgSbdby the tores ai -;the býW %W ý ' accdent happenod in St"rf was ,of Short Durtion tii.' gsitg. thei.wft humer. Lakco Yard Ceniter of It. IA h~*e eld lots ThnaY afternobâ. Ahi~n'sdes th having 0c- Wak.gan, Ilootmbe, 20.'cuied ln 4he aternoon et Ales Rome A enial l sod cyclone, but several hositai whMerh was taken ater the. le&i lu width, siruck oeaspot lu Zon eacidelofi Cty, thîs morning aud while lit did1 Coroner ,J. 4. Taylor say e Cotes net do much damaze. the peculiar Wl@ tu IQOX th*iirm. and that the. mnner in which, it powad Uit way pressure #rhÎ6 th, tire was lullateEl along a certain line, imade lit the must tors off the. dccl rim and throw lit unusual thing ot the kind the cty throuh thei air. The rim etriiel bas ever een. Ctotes i14, the chest. juil or tiie The cyclone camne along about 8:15 heart, and causeil death later. rm was pouriug dOwn at Waukegan. fer as 1 know," satd Coroner Taylor. Rte conter of attack wne tiie Johnson.-'lI would -warn automobile repair Men Srithi iumbr-ee7 yards, the spot te ho' giiimiiilalurepalring tires." which wasvlsiteij soe m mtis ago Cottes È"oity came te the Unitedl bY a sever, lire whicb wiped on a States. rom England. good part of the. buildlngs O.Mhe Cotes irqs 21 yearpld and al of north aide of the, mail. hie relatives liv. la Engaud. H. was Tii. cyclone bit the. ground ln front single. He was Mr. Swlft's asi.tans of the office and thon seemed te lump chauffeur. over the oEce sund have a good Uime boom puttig ou' neý lu th. rear yard, for, arneng other tires ou ths, deountabie rimeaal thngs. tisl le what It d1d:1 Wednesday afttoroou, preparatory tu 1. Blow do4n the aId brick ithe Swttl' leaving on au auto trip. Wall lof1t ram the fire, the. brlçka He was juil fluiahigg hie euxh tire belng thrown rlght and lftI as If wheu lte accident wich colt bila bill a locomotive had hit them. Ilile. occunred. 2. -St caught an snipty lumber The. évidence tended to, show tiiit wagon in th. yard ln suc, a man.- likellt Cottes ,had tailed te bdlii th nen thnt l' waa whiried about ev- r4m, with tue recuit that the tuner oral times as0if on a merny-go- tube poked ils way eut as b. applied round. the pressure, and, the tuner tube ex- 3 I ploded later as he mhod lu frout oftlit 3l pickod up several bill holding lthe air ho... Tii. explosion planka ana hurled-them about in of the. tube caused the rim te separatq s circle, Ilnally depomting thom and It wam blown againet the mi'. some distance sway., choit. Tii. cyclonoe eemed ho b. but eev! Mr. S'wtt did net appear aitheii inquesth eud Thursday. but was rep. eral feent luwldth aud lits velocIti- reseuheci hy hls crtan'. Mr. Taylor., muet have been vory ever, judglng fron eports eoftthe way it hauded lit. self. Thaiý more damage was toi doue, àMooe ratier $ontin&ifort thome Who aw tihu aiy cloud do. aeni and hogn u .rankpe,,toit thatzo IL uurely vas golmg te vipo oeut mmob et the property ne"r by. Hovovet.lis fui-e vas MOI% agent a&bd iiolody vam Ami-rt- ii nes .a U t*o' ototwre. me 'WIoe the pove !hai Què store doe. ' 1 am 1hIyp ùWD m'ys4ore b ug4do the " seu~itgmym~Z' *4 bu ln I ca lot'es me on advmntag. Uiat tuw stoem pomms. 4~nyone in needdti! stove wiD mak. a mis- take by not aM bail comlpg and teing my stock before buyln<. I- b ave beau ln the store buoinsas 24 yeàrs and I eau pive you a little steve Informathi "tvilldo you no harrn. It ièqeaby b buy achoap atove tbat l ncçt w6rth a nythlng te yIou aftr you gel it. t IE1YL~. j *~ .QMS.K LARGIE STOC'K.P Cad am e m THE STAVER 15 STAVER. IF IT s SGHNU RSU RtS uIwTnyUJ1,um, Ih~ r' a o. A TWENT-Y PAYMEN LF POU"c under wh"hwe guarates yçM your money back aet fii. end of lwety jean.yS coa sftie auj lime after " t.hh"r payaient, ahouid Y"u choose tu do se, ini mch a way âhatjo are pmacticay jne tu a &Alar, W. have »Ml a umaber of Mas id of Peicy wh"ic s knowu asil â. If y"u walt du you have "soiýething 1.11 over" you wlf prob. auj nDever mae a start. We finance_ the peminu when àeulred. Tht' poicy will ç&J hll .of jour burdene, ging yé-u more time. te sel tartein -lhfe, at the.Mmre blia i.n ay aslow *our- sel and Màanly the. pxivilege of eujoy- ing some of tlie g»dolp inga liII while you are togehher and in theilower LIFE INSURM4CE as yo6r best op- poftunilj. id TtromgenutLi. S. un W Biaigsn, ar àomier M. 100k an imvstol7 ut hie uaslpMpel or tho mail service et th.euatWe. desmpte 0 cfan tblaI, im;;i UIc ott dellu.s tied, op Il tti4 dbUpmmiàit. I, vase tirnatud tuat hie ont" lla- -ventory. coi-eing qver>' poetMfce, every mail car. evofy sub-stattem. lu theý UniteEl States. Wl. fitabed 1mi40 er 10 minutes. The order te teks the lnveutory at. hlsb noon vdAs Isad to every head' ef overy departmnu hrougieUt the nation nsen.days sue and thonefors, at noon lu overy place viqre aur poo. tel equlpinent was, ait wonk vad stopped sud th ontire force.wao Met te von te lake lie tuventori-. That was the. finît thlng dune- mter 12 e d'ock noon sud accordlngly me ol- inster or mail clerk dared Igaere the. acier.- Theii.iventory tacluded overy pies ef equineunt lu the service, uch as mail baga, string, cii.., tables, desla. «Ce. Postage tarnps. suveloge.. etc, la nol lucluded lu the equpuest., SWhem, at 12:20 the employs etthe service resumed t le oordinary voit *tter tabng thie invontory, the. gev. erimnt had ebtained the. Si-t rugi lnveutory on equlpmeut lu the PaeUS departuiont that bas boom obtaimel lu many y re.,The. new o0iels at Waagton wished te know juet, what lioy hid onlaid and tuat ia why tho order vas isoned. liy Muisday mornnîh or evienng. Uncle Sam,. at Washington, viii bai-s records on baud te shbow hlm lier mauy mail pouciiem. bey mauy docks. tables, etc., he ewus ln the, varions ef- fice.sud mail cars et the contry. figures vhlch viii sureir bo Intereste ligg viien they are complied. The cheentug news brought across tie ocesn hy lDr. John B. Murphy os Chlcago. thist iu o! eucalyrtut, taken from, the lea f ethîe eucalyptus tre ruhod into4li. skie, viiprovo a do. tmms ail o oit tlevrsad kt> dns4 us«ýo vs reoovod viti tii #M* fterutThurffay by C"I Pffluffl Lmý 0 1 éýl

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