CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Sep 1913, p. 6

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- SgASED, MEN HèTLY HUOT--&RE AR- STED FOR SPEEDINO. Wtukegan, empemi:mr20 "TER,-The ISun this sfter- .lecuci tise numes of tise du sen late isaut>-hO>'were: y Marrie, John Marts end JO* oris, ail et Chica. Theo>' ve ais of lsadoup Drteisein, who a pommrons ut 15U3 Wa. Tay-. st0.1.t-Chicugo. sartoîstein, a tnierviwei b>' Thé Sun [ho li* Ume. b, ien sfrisaxis, ii auto Frida>' morninq for à 'te Milwaukee snd tiso>'were Imit la Chicago toda>'. Me Oqrd ofthtie, accident, but haid lieW rturued home this nooO. eplIs the fact ilat th. mon Sr ividathet .aut 40 te ad In u heur the police Inter I19 *W reloi d houai" ui di n a bbok tissesln lii.police te- l Oer"is ffotS te led eut anes ln tihe stationtlai " noboy MUmna cuerasod weh -ta have obtuetis ton, ceThs e n.mnfld ta lot a, vie 'phono. Re eato ettise 4n wia eu' tsaccIdentteck in csaot und*rMtad Wtais> sc e,.s vlation et tihe spoe ~çiaaaIinle molan an Imbc lfiht bae 'qelt I.w *s.vosdripgiodby the ""*fisi the ase bodbon ta. ~~~~~h laaeeaei.would 4* hae ssudivan a See et. no mf'~ hon -* FzoeU% But Voý. mSaM.1 O'loeb tbip meanit "tbol let lani toutlagçar cumulai jute eu alec trie -inet P61le on WerwinRend. unappedtho,vole in tvo a4i caneotu a9uehng hait vbein.thple 0.,por- cbeckei th*d progros of the. Çfl. The.mi a etvoiebrim "1" thoI~ir ame and mithat thýY saçapqi wVtbut misOr mnuutes, zomui %utcua vWhnou n.eviovai the a*M rla vbicb the car vas suébai The thrnemo, tabou'lie tIieèIl.C. Ienklas home, iloe.àtt"ded hi' Da. Barber and Oonliy snd they fiat!, refuwe te give thoir nain..- liowal'or. thse Iliexwnumber, s, 54i, choys the car belouga to luadore Partelatein,* is» Wes'tTaylor treet. Chicago. The men clalmed they bai loftt Milwauke about 3 O'ceck tbf. morn- Ing, enroute to Chicago. Tbey de, (Aarefi that, ibeu tbey struck Shori- dan Rod. Waukegann they siowei down to about fitteen miles an bourý sud were traveling t that speei iben tiser car *klýded and wÈnt Into thse eîecfNc llgbt.' pore. Drivigig et Faut Clip. However. their explanation la di»- crédtei ilecause Mrs. David E. Clarke, who lives o t Knorth o!fviiere tie, accident occurrai, not4ei Uic car pasàlng ber borne, for she hap- Pened to ho on the porch et thse time. Shie decl>Mres thscy von IoiRg ujwards OW tot lm hman o>.to# ld spéeciwu auch utItifshe turnci te, look at tiseni as tpioy passai, and thse uext mnute she beard the crash as tbey it the pole. A slagular coinciient ie thnt the crash carne about thre. hundred fot soutis o! thsepoint ibere, a year ago. Jarnes Ferry, aloo lnasu Overland car, bit the obstruction lu thc roi vblch roernted lu-is brother Bis eath sud inJuries ta imef snd Henry Sno. Tic car i. bsdly smashai. 'The front aile. the radiator,i the steering wbeel and 'Pont, la tact, the catr. front cf the machin1 loosas if ýt b.d been bit by a locomotive.' Had the men beengoing but ateen :ailes su bour as tbey cdaim, *hey nover would bave been amnsei up as they vere. Ony a t*d-fle qpeed,ý aven la wet veather wouli bave caused sncb te saabup. Token t. e «nnmNoms& Whou the o adt occrei, nRotor bers >rualei out fa thieasesistance of the mosnd Mns. IL C. Jeablas of- terei ber home a a tolpporsry bon. ma* »Mse mon vers Md ti vIýItm wuaic fle he'WhdshqI.abd severehi mah ine . dtévoretoit luis Obmt »nY hee!boea burt intsrnaly. tmgue!y Roue laiâj "i' ebro&oà sud flIr ente verse t ulornature Tbat thee saut have boen golng:t tresatspot vàai lfataiby Uithct he Ucrobe isil athebei to. the <r4veata, vas bout hadly, ibero the Sriine la the rpe.rflet crashed JWtp il viionthe. car bit.' 1,1 a. hiM polo va.s mashedinlasuch a voy that thse upper portion ftell &vey trom thse car ratier thsu ou it. Tb ire Ia hol tUp so It diiinet fait .tointhe grouni. Tic men ex- plIndaitheUi polo mut bave been 'W.ab tç break vith snob a lgit im- tact , Blectrie llgbý! mon doclare Uic aam» ue a hkbcthoic'pote broke ,TOç h ae a strong polo. It broke 1-9 iosgbreak, vhereas, baditilbeor Ai k polo, thsy uay it 6ouli have. giIippoi off et a single point. Ail Arremisi. *Tbe tact tiat the men deelidta 41v. rePrters thoîr namnesansd that tkey atai rather tabou tier Vitle theé poet vbieb iei' *MecdrtlagotWol he icpolice tu ar- remst Uem St m'co &fter the. doctors 'baid dnssed ieîrý vouais. They vo Ial tabep, te Uie polucesmation Amai nvestigation an ta vbo Uioy *er aonsd viother the car blonsi to thêta.The vrecbei car vas baaled to a gaage. Itsýco6t'\the na et jear. Much0 vpcne cf the fart cetiaelin i thep e , oco nbpcu a* -e "Mm DI30alaIW. *tUsldbertyye. SUW A#W O ~UD Ai eri ~auee Uah.......... m iA IU IUC.15kTacl q4 ivukee ........27 .~ Ja ie ÈDUa »Mue ..........29 M01T1ÉR FAIUM DTO TAKIt lieuyj,)qtfiaaMlvsukec...22,- No.smetiSlebcygan .........241 AJV TAOE 0F HELP. Wta. M vp.Chicago....2 1$, CASE WHîeRPOORtMAST- Bdw. LsiUa oMlwaukee . 1f ERAN CUN< OC il ULucimaun Ifilwaukce ...32 EWIÔUVORED Tdr.AID lIER ulkllgr am .......26 B tbjMo i, jon chpowitRacine ....31 BUT WERE 'NOÔT HELPED. lierth * ietrihme ...........26 1aas ff »u Mb*asalýee .........29 Wakoaa epem lr1. irataB Mbsue........21 Wlitln les. thaix au boni after The . EdwSalmon; .city ...Legal Âge Sun halroporiote County pbymiclsu lii: lium>d, tty ... Logal, AgvA3 Brown the ee f a 5.montbs.oldbaby Ri" ch Vsus, Cbefýago vbicb apparentýy vas slarving to Rachel Duruisd, saeue........... 33 deatb, the chili dleî-it died Just as Wn. Moii, Shohoygan .......... 25 Dr., Brown and Supervisor Corai Leurs cbaem, arne ...........26 ' N TI AL S vere, enroute ta thc borne ta, bring Charles Xccb, Chicago ...1....... 22 It aid aud even toibe It ta Uic hoepi- ?Nelle Gibbons, sanie..........1 - ta) Il t ~re deemed aivisabîs. Kari Zslsa. Mlwaukee .......... 21 The chId vaé the little isuater otfRose Kohll.saineO..................20 Mrs. Stanley ' WerJclb, who lv7 la Adii'oi Kar. Chicago..........236 North ChicagoOser Wesee- ie lisablath JBurto*4.sanie ... .....2 tric traebus ad Pourteéti s"rot. Stepben Beocab. North Chicago ... .223 This tg the case vhicb vas caliei Annua kela, sai............* -II-f"Il1 to Slpponvsor Conasi'i attention soea Mîbe Nedoib. a.mrne........... 26 ISV days lsgo. Ho lnvetlgted asnt JohannaP019064, Pame .........24 tio mother foi. ,telllng ber alo -te . Nelmon. Racine ... ..........27 R L PAY c mICK cou. fa hlm vus tée chlireon Fiaeen JQOumoanos...........22 _ neié shoos sud he vouldou re 1Andrai -M,4Uor, Mlwaukee.... 23 tbem for ber. Violea LàeIUttIS, marne .......... 22 Exper.Clieo Ram Manipu- The food vas sent, lnluagg o,. FrsakNerod. ciii'..............30 lt 1V sUdt oeg lerl bottles of- condensai ualib for Ev R. Haine«, city.............2s lie8 %W édt Feg the'baY wich wa thn rporedDavi ONeil. Chicago.......... 3380M sibo bab vbCon ashorort r oria B~. , rmre ...........-_ tiëm Ma onanblevedrhe r ro bhutPràcak. North Chicago .... THEY MAY HEAD THIS WAY. .h n a g aD rsu d br oew n hbe y n >- 0 8 kt s Z umrn e . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 61 T o A r o e p l c e hv-e e a e getting along ail rigbt. r.zrvuba- i s anse Zurich.........**264 h urn'olc av'rn sc. *lBO beau sent fa th* place ad t~ ha vbo bail calWedMr. oura'. tJ Lydia iffoheàea7cr. lame ........... 261by BWIliugton railroad orelss ta teation te the case. cxPla.lnlng tht Axai Hague, Racine............322 belp la Ui esarch -r gang of çx. pe bbY as tartnttedesh, ath Viola Itinaor, s ...e............. 18 Part chock forgers vho are cbarged ortise by vs stavlnf Fasi.n ti.Ponk erci. eity .............. 30 viti sviadling mercbaâts lna ascore aient -Ynbln iktrms Oidla*i-y. Eva. Haines. city ...............2s of t....s lu the vicliiy o! Auroure a=mnt MtDne icm l.Chicago .........2a8oto hosnso olas fo Accrdingli' Uic pçormstors effort» 1DhluWeb, sme............ ...n o:ho30 e1ola..Tc and tose o the unty octe awer i e" .XPOX, West Bond, Wln. 3siare cbarged vti rslsing pay celeki mai to cunti docer o be~* l racht, Graisiviue, Wlu:. . . 18oetforelga laborers sud ticu peiuing helieei fa havc carc toritils situa. Mims u DmalOl5, Occla1.........theu ou nranutc.SviArr tioà, but t seoins ttfamil v.wu . Altos iRu. Mae........ ......1a58h . eealArr or tonoignorat or toc laierontel 1AeIL *. .Rocfller ... ::«emerchati Ai-s sali te bave been vie. cane for temielviiel Ds)ba'.me .............24 Umisei. IludonId IilldLstoly. FrigeeVictimse. unr. worjçfb 10 the viiov or ti. SPRMOIAI, Amum4Ty 10T101 Fuelas laberer vrs Mae sape- qsax bibi 1Ur mib'W -'selgiabor 81104101 AloO55li5O*t lW 9 9»t» asisb>' AmisclmavWhovire ai. IM ho vaa4lu lml uli sneavplfe tu vieilthé oMoatwoIMU «.po ~s'oduim .r i~ê5 5~e ~ *lt*teds Wue~gV qu dliii. Iadoarlrs. The thegiqa, aseu âmAmeriesus- gilmg oMthce apibroe ~u?~uum.ue~étaia~ai otsw  eiclsez us mtiil d miilsice lahs'bu*-aé bs hui' ms eeae psllef1d l cs5sen5t lot thelava sh' Siymaie Alim the ~ 'ba.ems'Mmm...clivula o.iet-44 e. l »di-e M hosu iaml blhi*thu, vorbai imesFiai.nomcDln . , l..at7 Tise mmer wvas esiathélootig - lo a lus10.11. ta#ion umiWttO' ilooobareprpattmvo S le s'i .11 hpai tOl.. ia=rLU~ ogivw il.wo en icuver..nHo oumé lIe l iaswrrAt lor h 1tb liuu sua baba 171" la a ding>' om, vb110081119 asemeot lah he o! ofthe nader- avai' os qusoi fa be gao iwoiafor slglac, AIl priona lulcgmct.i' are 'bh-A11*1tWface. peeffé and tfIla, obr oatilci toeW ansd pey the vua sud ville. a. if t vere evm tin'auuS .ueo.d st the eipi.,uil.ctmhoffihc clos e dsil. inthe i.Butier Rila.aa .li..lfathé IL laobed ealorivillcim U'suWrtyviiu., vithin 30 dé,. XI vWm ding of StUait. 1cm tihe dntf e biot. Ofthsft e" e meorn edoubi. ild tS c bs801h dpi' o1 Auguht, A. D. Thse moiicrthrong ue m 191 vad &*e# vlat Uie baba l=a ubeOB'ReBORo Doa. Plleter. su ae xpaledh oul aaiestatia12-1926' sujulloS. Wbai iecueua !t se c- densod mllb Mi~r. é ld^ai »nlvai Adjudication Notice. not apparent, but eta su rat te c'.çd ul.5 1,lu ébsi l.1 batule S»W> pistY ai>dlibn iven l1asumflt 7 a qd, Aual,ê , ~tsbt comme bouiishucntan sd vasdytas' J'curto m ut là'to tuer.. Thé otissi- iv -wo e'i odii b=Omm .111 eoas itise. bouse. i-sa ceriy ter mou~ simn ea the bd« vhlohs vus aminci 04dvhle v cotalin ocukes, etc. Tihor s-abbedi KM P. 1711lT. Amleistratrix of the thé basudM At oued éelved-Ito thelic <lki50IOh5tl55 a. Ofluli. mYte.,,. besatiý ifs folie. q'lsey V.absmn. lu.. seut. 15. M58e5 1-Os seemsi ban tarvoi tieuselvms Atiý0d I it e&bad i pcent oSd la Aduiatg N . bcuue.. thea ucher réplisE, "Net PulIc itU. te herbi' aiseS abatheias ut' mach." ~mouber Adnlauraor of- tht ga.9aio us sh poeiignoraansd aaYthlog Ialanelsn. éeuesci. v oa lu ceo"a cfLak. Coui- I Y 1t ,1!le but aile faoui-c' for a a ci 114or LtrO et n bCourt unp t Nveb evon vWalcase. -Outrnbâim" Oue la théeUile room vanUi a uaI "W« cml sols hie la> êlang Teé sumn pqeutatg*qdia 1 = utagià . fer osi'ered-a alo0ksud $"6s ttyl ilg lucai cti ticled adlolinasihe. l e è sct. v UADUài & 4mMuMamor. Ho nuagested ibat i b reioreid 5*cI Ila. L zmw u<oth" ibthle puali dotvbic was walblsabou tse'bei.d-""~» roc. w ha chauci aoi ho vas 4ev- , ed out of the door, but lurncdicly rturusi. Loavina the ions*, Tic Sua u-m et once, collt! Drn. Bua. notifiait hi.. I~ S of the ooditiong hb. bu touaiai tise F C rsi dh two-room hote adtle dctomt ocee -Iwo -ueo et once sntefei tic dociar'm ~tio $85OO0,OQ~ auto nsudataifor Uth ot.fabrnn 0f ibis loun ll ahe-ba laiter aid sud sucS othéle sî4i camu men' corn. Courete sud the naormnnato laoiier. Ilé>' perWtc cure. l ot no Urne tacint thoreansd arrit.i i ai the t. sWsiscuti! afisi Ron. ,~ But theé hevwu des&é-UXihdied shqrlli'ater The Sun mabad loft Re t PiossiblYmest as ho vas »dn Ulm wviricyci thé WIrcs cfdi Itconit1oS. Thceloother peemcd ratier unout- A' henni ena over devlopmenta. Bité ap- ie 1so peasoci oc Igosisut threalipa the ait. O0!' topnation. Dr Brown vasplaila ilsRstate- ment that ths baba no doubi starvai te ieaib. duo fo thé mciber'e Inabiliti' h eapy.or Ignorance la eu-in for fI., At soi' ratle i tflupparent tisai s lite bas ba sacnl4ced la thia 've - hCh4 ciniti', iuatothéei"bter,canleisr nés sud fMiurs fa boop thé poormaut- , or informai as ta ber needa, doppLta' MXoney OC=i 0uy 002r exauuallusaebrss u oss owufvamcuo0tase«etn l e- tIWO 1tus ercIlatAansd hoteibo.ers la Nuie. Kendall. Lalo. Heniry sud Estima cowlsu vovictirnina by, thc sore. {tsualIy lie fi-ud va. for en amouat ea than a huadrei ici- lars. but sevcral psy checks fônr -+r amounts ver. casisi. coua 5$&Ma t Kewanee./ In Kevano. Uic gresattlasses vere suiffeuodand the policesA »Y at leui $3,M00wvustic bot of the banad. lu Princeton, Lagallo, PIano sud L- lad thaemuesalaso yen hbear>'. ev. eral grocori' stores sudsmallcr betelu la Anrora vero victimiaci. At LAd' sud Seatos'ville ettouapts vara maie fa page i na s 11ps, but alispie- ionb cf moveral marchansi er. arcus- ed and the tend maie no lurtber et- forte ta oporate. The fraude vote Onitotctai hy bookbeep.rm at theivision bai. quartera et the Burnstn bere. la isI' notances the altoratton vwa. osbol'.the catira amaulat lunfi- unis b elat erased sud suctlar saunt substituted. TiNt en repassai la the sucgier, tovus. Wiera the baud f.arei faO- porate su oponli' coe, fi- mnam vouid be itçrcd' or erean sd tbe amouat ralsai $10. Thle valnod dctives ars puzaloi, bovdter. tu determine, bai Uic psy chobcif seoral mounvso, von lu #éiu.oeotltpositions ver. obtaluOd. Týâeie cbecks. aIl for considerablc, oucunts, ver. the one$tbrougb vbicb Uic victtms suiferai their chiot josgs. A& G. uSmart, supqrintcniemt et tic Aurora division, today vare merobasuauailtovos slong thse - tutMe. Cumnib. «i want fa taiS tu Feu about becons lag jour mo4- av> aléthe. iouaa = ~1 cant ase VI8 oI." rOpllOiMn 1, "On tàernublect epi boecouln a incber of the Ismilij, hAouir sià coesparmnalfriond 1 ouhgiituaspeal ftee*, bot a. a iuïs6ani andier 't mer Rotahlon. "Pet oue iri tuto it, euh,. mleutid thec falter. vio le, au acter ïUme gos aotuen. Wh" a th é " W"lm& uibolho dmwwdanias l»"%Is selfs- bWcnt neei ai' Ses bus ul tJ~~retoricthei.latter Sbe f' roo thfe 19u14411090Ms softbrrsi unv' -à" When Wrte Leans of FWotShe' at Once Start. Suit, Aalns Hlm for a DIVOrIe. 1000E MEMBERS FIND HM. Waulcsgan, September 1U Arcordins to word re,-Iecibhre. George Peud, a Hýoopestou, ll., me- chante, vho vas tbought te baveben killedl ln WW.uboan tour yonrfago, bas beeu tou"i tu lowa W' membors ot a lodgei.Wwbicb ho ws hcally fe- sure&. Wboa imtorm.d that ner bus- ba*d vos aliTe. Mms. oli at cO=@ :atarted suit for divorce. ukial. h t tad that ho bai vllI%'deerto S.e T.àlx Ob.- APPLETON STILL BUSY MAN. PWovg eorsal Ibleti'o et i Liesiacta on tie Ntraorilnarv ctvti cf tboua. Applmoton. Uicg4Y s sessai, la ootine tho aoi Imsata 'if komcme buovo yot.rdavtbàt Boxs- ueOIT. Chiue<jraa mli blis Iakïoremi t«ideeoau ton scies of hbu tend. The purcbasor le R. B. Sturtovant. Mir. Chase stated the. activities cf Appletons. bai notbin5 ta go il iii detict-lltion ftusoIt. as ho sud Mn. Chuae latend moving lata za nov paratmont,,at ShOrudan rondanid Bl- mont avenus, Chicsgo.iiH480onor lbe finit te issu on the "tÎigW* viion nov' stand mani' of the nortit choie iuiuri's Ouest nsidaee. At about the»sa le iilhbocarne buowa tisaI the lui>' Mr. Appleon bas writton a note ta the vanicua taxlag bodies la Cook couati' vsalag tbom to, minosseveral laitbo Post, rami dents vbo bave doclani tb»lheg/el rssidance la Cookoconnu'. divard Convai of the conte boar of! nvlav and Willisam Weis, me"rtary., toli graplalcalli' of the cou- Plaints *abaont Appleton thut an faut slacbing up.lh thec office. ~rm o> think Applton ba" thcrn a itge bocupo lIe>' ai. vil fa do,"' mai tir. Courai. -Theor thi ho fa sabking them. Tse>'- dWt care for it, and are hlghli' ocf a change." cives New Vesion of Confereeo. b Anotiser man sal the historieconc- ference et lbheilotel La Salle bai been "li&not by thUI ndignant ric'k men vba objectai fate, r taxes, but b>' one. of tise oOflala.1 fa promis, a clip- pini et Appleton'% autiorit>'. This vas fa avent Utheilreatened viiolecale departure ta Chicago. no tar as lenl resieno vwas cwncerai. of mai' of the moot relýiabio imxlaa>aes vho vwM vearyiag cf "being .ostii." -it lh Inné that sou. de Dot m eaouugii" sai ,IL LR»"«. "It h caseUithe htetoc biais sud fR te dit- ber iuarnuh asho bai laïlowed i' - O «eu ' Mm t- »M»a m IVaina& vIn hl Ievuho vilil hre bu sroesion te go ont that ho vas j vu glar mm* bam hWMll# te Albuh the dimtches trom, eO f f sa W My Hoopsoton 'do Bot My"'.it la umier- vhI ber b7 uiO4 tbates vmuld amo «tend tlàat the irusm re£d eas -h 5-adios." tbot etli 'that Poli vas hifle lwoo, lna arilcad Accident. It laiatalt at O ynm ,.NOMe Pru" the Insuraco compaoy bonifiecou.- Ir te e*dm.i ihat tv" 31110~ Y"ic of tiftistnad poli W ne »Mh la am @vu, ey' over to the supposeed vidow. 1OOt for «M*h o~ ~*m ad eki, Kidd id anot ..&.e mucli of oan ex. y andgga sr the onct vais plwaation for hi& stransge «i @Mo p ductof Ammene. when tound. It la reporei tbat________________ criine acion mey b. str.-t id agaips*hlm althougb it hla imed JeweIr andSifiverwart be viii put up the d1fense that iere 1, g ...for, âflu & avas no -viif 1. doeption,, upoi bas eoi h& luulleiwaJes ea880100, part-t4hat h left' borne voluatarILI ý ndhaveeg dIhmt Un. of ani tbat he bai notbimg to do wtStvrar .u . tle boief that. became prevalent Jm yads « MSl a h een killeal boe. < « hW àe la lh.tyvik. mm't rThe. case lh oae of the é 4stget aml tom M sigL a. WI h.pW that ever ban developed hbve and tgsai W MdosYM u aI.&. I uembersof the Hooposton ioa.,l OLE AIT ICLES. wesmr hn suprse waa 4 AI. yon log an unoventful existeace. T V JM L Iors Bell Day> Systern t. .t But the grade pfitrnsmission, and opicpç&r- atiing, excellent novi, wil boon imm mediocre., - Faukts and weaknésses in, appamus uiethodsI and mcii arc being detecte4 ~ corrected twIsngy ncrcaung vouà o,6i business warraWan uxcrearnng Iiarg*m' of. facilfties, whicbinsmuresagaint terrjtln and cdlays , The yearly groth in iélephones brnL us nearer to , at goal -of uniiversality whiicjiý WC seek. 7,000,000 'fcpfiones Novi- Connected. CIUCAGO TELgPHQNEqVOMPAtW, FOR 1 4tove.ý Boluba «OWOM POR mIsai vltbi ite. Maie. C. B.8B FOR f ClI&« o FOR 1 to bail villsin a faom FOR 1 pupe. FOR ,e valt ilos. FOR kreak. r, w. ville., FOR i R CA tires.. ovale wisbis Mar. v Ma~b FOR: Mmia boums FOR cpm. F OR lard FORs .2mage. matie Corn buttf perte 2781 POI Rosi ,ed

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