CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Sep 1913, p. 8

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i.t * * J-.. #dom-, - ~ ~t aoge. baga nbemame it aives mevice i &U ins.fetahm vrk eauwiag WOOdspaiyjn. isaiuiîl ggludtpon, cream epmopri, etc. M Ceapo"mbuity fo it luts i in. uamevice aonLia <tm. enouias opeTte ontPS bmmb iti<lbjtoe, lng, etc. Look ouata hIm 1 st±the. lo" dealers. Lemnroi~b~ f 0 f a tw yoç, or mrite ft catdl<om $à Wauksoee, Sepfember 2L WlimPringo, 1vitorqidss witi mt vitti au aulistst aa vei- ls vhihlyl probabY isf il bul is face for tlfe. *h@bltswslnitumura Iioruo ha rteceved a ld kci vRai anai hlm lu thé ace. Pringlo asrnw e nacosuclous and a dodo, Wm uni diatlt>-snmmonei. ÀÂ c oupa -bis front teetit vire mocheSoui, vill 15 sthles vamn neosum er>' 1 pa hla face ogelher. Thé, acotmt 10 mo saiSe bae happsaed"io staw Street, »M rTvelfi, iorhh Ciluo. w di hant *ho aSieaut"hvo yoarm abI solillhe huting dadis. 4~ IES ITBoiues uil c 9lesves lits gruudcviidren wviose nes« are as OldResdet FU Fafi M lS.MA VIA ANT Colorw Vani 4vrin nZion Çity efot House He WASRe- IUIIAT THEftME, 1S .b$!~tàT prno3 Weeks Ago.0F ATwttSiet ULDR WS ROKN.mR> JJJU CAR CREW - NOT * LAM90D. m~ ta GNonMother of Mms L . SI'OOW,&Y Passengeru oiq or sn Every- m eHospiland ive - andMs. W. H. WUmOI Sua- lhtng waï Dom th Preent WleO Ca.q h hOkf oumbs ta ODM Age. ufe Amiânt 'n Wodent Was Ta0Much tira. Malvlua Hl. vaut. mwothr oWauk.Pspee oaouber Ramer e iv. Hidi, 85 iymrs 0. oncei>et Mrs . .Brocivat' sud tMraW. IL tMartin Cavel il 83yusraoti, a ce .thtû gIet ploneeroremdenta of Woi- Wltmot o Wauhsga" udRichard 13oeSd ma, vau stanc d anS ftin- and 14 »sued avayt' thIe Jn»M e t - out ilold, 5101 aht tc-home cd luned . by a Chicago sud Milwauke W boèiti M at9-40 .octoci éune- Mm mt. .380Norh utl-mroi. .Ulecriecar al TvelfI trecmt ai 9.40 S algit' tuhie tdrest resutlt &Wauhea.a. ilildsr monRas.Sept ltii. olock Soadat niglit.A.cordlg tlu oft ta hi hoiesuùAtmola littte & 88 t'nen. Gb. vas bonila Hlie- vilmues "Cayellva« ataqd4in lauthi. US ~ ~cu~. ~itvas ~ armircouant, New Yok. iler dm* iuldle orfthie traci. vld yesticulat- e thesocient M. IM wu asdue ho eld age, for s@he bal mt ng for lb sop at'tei e oM iteiti dSPiO I~~~'~ ~ been ich long. biiningt logta&Iout04was stfuci. AlIongh Cavell'shomeestt I4usrepalrlag«ot utvomoucha sgo. 'ilail'aChicago Rie baS bien living nlau uthie houss on ]PIrst srct vbea m tirs.V was oo fhie vWO UP Zi on Cty for* mOonte 111Ure lat.T goçImt hbapeaed. lHe lch i nisidenu tso*utbvestomn a Ie» ootim-t1Ifsavée a vite end tvo chlldren lu oi jo and f tothIe ground, a dRu. ty hai'ltgcoml tRite vldaty ol Cies». His regalar occuvationJelu s4f abott ton flt. Hc vud car- palaine n l .n a" aU a el Rngiven as ralrod dinlug car poter. har Ie tushe nsd Il vas foual the coutty verin0 oît MW uibàl4 As ltW 9:40 octoci soutIf bouad car P gutîhda brokens boul- uho lied Poo t'ntM esc ue iatii ra c e wfthi tteot, ubsneDoth Is~iRoudISnolseluo mnS Vut.vei inou crouitou lie cmm.stop Ra scieduied, vituesses e.>- Cav- w« ma goho vws removcd lu liTs, Vaut baS mode lirbom t sepSt bcmdl ftt Ponelicliltr hspitt. h-er' chitdrca glaice berbu=bnd1C*rack and ought ltulag tc. the hlM yson vout nt bave dclii sud as a resot; oebedam a As te car approached cloemhi t In ypcnger nia but tv@ a Fwoide nacQ t' h113e, heeaed off thie Irackas If exPeCting the *~ lt. Hni1su&uselit proveS ftal. WIltMot borne, hurlaiat P*Iatin%, lnav- lb 10stop san bocoald board RIL Thon wh" *0 stu MW "s bis ecodition lug Wsnau ou liàte 1.1:30 tnain. vien he noticed taIlite car vas ot lo unhi hi5tbatlhWreltive b.4 AtUSICATIOI4 NOTICE. sthneb gi. lpe ue b Md w B*Mr way 1 9bie ntéesis eroy uventba tr k ncsd once more began lu vavO lm, liesudvasmoltaiava'.jPubIc oti. l heait s<em isiearme up sud dovu. pI$ usa c 0f tlebet t uonltic taubscrlIber exeçuler 0f the test '3y tiimdîne thc car vusa net eamsan ok lieo teMgtd -0f tl*0ditY wiJlsud testampent c ol 05 o fl-soer Idell hemooma be r sud ý bm avat'. rintutsud-lt'ltateendotheman htm.06 US n eah bttE Ldmédeoqcd ' ttn b 0U1'bis vbitlte and spolied iesaR ir akes. bti1 h0& C.ourt ofiýe Coumt'. ai a tortu Te car vas boo closu ho h stoppeS llo hum JU tu 11. BTimtIh to ho Wahosmna ai te CPtlatire. hovever,sud thie olored 019 JKfÈ ila ' . me10 Waskcm anHo ie l anai fn vernilort wan v e .s e ove lu cet ot the)lali 0 ab bemmete ankm Mdayof oveb«trac usu truci. Paasenoute 0 »II * bR xyb oue oeve maît 11. vhsa anm vhere q tpoT- car wve.trowunfron their senla lit' èlais, lfty-#On 'eiusous hoyfug daims amunt mail * the auddees vitRi wRitRite o u n , cepéer 1et' «ýteste sé, WmeSand ratsashed t1 L& vas 6gd. TRis deciae th«ri a ýe Thes vlctim vwu picked np ah oncel ~s MOtt ai aukcuit, ni gmp~ ~ 198.' asd placeSlinto r, 1%e~t ~ W"k64who4aS carevas&st913.S anS wbtheowt > hra1 i- vs Oasfrei. Il3a reushltaIl Vaithulegan viii ail possible spoid o Whcre the Cona k Ht sabusace 1 ras vatlng f«r IL.*t Thé 'Ficrua for te hospili as maoe 0 tahouMR D. Q. Harleto vas divig ,the ambutlance fcarad tbo vcttm ai- Ot rine aad iel& Oitevay tu t d ýwépta1 Dr. Ksight vas met coring - ( out cf hlm boume on theo.vayt luthe hospital vbere be baS heen summos- u eS lu care for ch. filtov. ,lNe sade su L euamlnatiou at once anS promovnced la 'EUXION OF RE004ENT t WHÇflL4W si 6 C P.Weteld asdPun it'grrts I a ve dwt mm WWtns.arogsda s et1artft da- mahnsf«t tttILkmet vRilcfiwvasthe ir« etI u iaS pst I C lumlI, Ii'. - thi.bale oforces lan<the batts ef 001- ta teni Tb kso Sldtt commîn, DI111tysburs. Out of te IL1 am la thie a"My, Mm on 50Etiere ou Dob l iait <<reg i t t, hahUne, ltèe.aie11*' 1 H c eugiel. renalusnov. IHC engimos stand for .vetytbin( that le Athehireunlon tRer. ers but' ive bd seto scki a policy. The ; HC way lu mombirs et tir. Witrefl<s ooniaut top r s awys for thé respect m"d gon4 WM l-Comny IPt' -prcept. Titre. ba 01 the AMMlOEiC5 amer. "a te that end il bus dld auins bm e tiumr li ay g m S uUy llwoffilugfor SmyIPBO Mr. Devis of Compant' .0 The aIe whoseU yonm 1B Cengie t. Th* ve Umerniere la attmpê- pocha U te Merits to do bimm ws ithyon ue eI tone eunlon viticilproved a Tha e p'lie ICIuSUof 0Ys" oUs îaiiabu i . C lm aile Daw e*srs oectel' eM: Chate. . HovetI, preuient; UL-. . tii~cuit ud set viiti H. er l ia ptd ir.C Jimele H. ,-='yMies tf ftliseie temon tp I M$ eulnNcl -seondasIst ssstant e rts h ow 'Dollars Lotito DNý Rf ULK OF ESTATE. ~ Iyo~ <i.the Rold0om co8o~ l. the BigStr ~T viii < th,taeas George R& LYOZ se probat0d ta Count' nanàtIbis ruia uiRt s uamon- t ot ilsta RePreebytertan clurch i làitrRospital eacli have m, rema*S>U'd tlu th.e xtatot ,lOb by tir. ILyon. The reinde4r the aala2igoeste, Immediste cela 1%0 pet"oa linluthe court. Pro idiffls gnemstRis ago aboyaI -au irnated valus of 8135,00 i nies- in' 4,00l personal propeiti. rIe mli eOf tRie ealit' uisWu iu- nem go h bsmoues, Charte.s Md Mâlam, hie widow» et ooursec &OUUg orchare.-buinlthe total, the 0104 potty set the major portion o!> *e e"tqt t(yi Mr. Lyon agd, be- des, tRie . Lyon & sonies' uaneas. elu4iRigstock. vam turuel ovàr lu le g0o" mre Urneago. acconding lu oruim*Joa just out. IL detolob ta sa businessuad books have be«D nm la theo .ongV nanas forsmre Urne, PmRch shoffl that the fathet bad -me- auuiel active connections vllh se âtore -r a long tims. The vili sveé; hle store buildingsbtlté ma, tii. vilov getlsg the patati eldenee on Shirdan 1145, sud batents. Hem. aure .provisions of ltheviii. luse tvo bia the sas.!004e 0e v illa, pndvilding tor tnerat ex- weamis, etc. 2. FlrmPreabyteoab"IÙTI. 81,001% bitston "0' Wlube sid lu the 3.x xoe éM ýl upRavSR ne sUd NeS flitcbina. niseffl Ad zpheva, $M00 ecb. 4f. To vldov. Plilfippa Lyen, aul LIc u t e j'von. e dnc Omo heridan Mccii sud 4re1d avenus. 8. To vldow. mau bed"Iwo, are, sodecardjages. hoc ,etc. of Chatte nature tct lacîttOl muet', stocks, note., rr5550, MC lter securities) li thc Lyon ymsl dence at Grand avenue anld Sheridai 7., To gons, Chae ad ,William udivided on-h~t jacb c1 the G. IR Lyon stores on G0h«eceasd Waal] 5810e sîreet.,. S. To grapdcbU4res. P.000 oaci to lie Wal luth-gi, fathOr -- Lyon) anS by kislmWielt lncs unlii thet'reaci t Uih mAJontII uha aid moncy anSdl.S"fmý sctilit .b.àt'be pal Ûoi.t4444kI(T Ire tvo gradcmié tau mî'. Ocori teeS Lyon sud EtshtiLorci Iro 01 William 1#010) 9. To wldow anue s*o 0n, CharE and William, ail- lte reàt sud reiddu of sate, whehtr net on varm to ha divided ln titis POPmit@u. on balf Id widow and oVns-fount ume 110. sons, Chartes sud 'WltIi a4med as executors vitlout futty C The vlll vau àated Janumrt' 13. 1907, sud W. C. It#'tO b» â ,Jobu liaSon vere vluéesmoè - 'liqbonlp or bbc Ivo mons vie vére mitted od smon t$8.00,a rt pop t i vil lieing chah thi500' 8b 'di Mt bave 10 furaoieh u ",$oiau ffl d a-raELiE E#?*TUrLME la eoUntt' court »4ay N. A,'*mp app«eard Invrib 4S i al 1 9f bis motboee s tat, fichai oàpot vqs Blade and slloffhl 0PPd as hi" Ina! acouaI. 1h Woapre ld imohagisel baShi qOMW Sl9e. The Lake Cm tau Tomporancl »maue oavet Pnubyh.r la c S&, IgiU. fixci Il0é luaceblit 'M leelsou Co LIE -wr Sa*1Mtwsy ýrovoMRst CiF4A& ttti.00ý lA911410 DATE6 3,m*gbes de- :btAuttMllwauke* -etat. fair, drlv- ]ne hmisaIfýnq 1mer, thie tercer, osIen I Wtf4" ý%ob Sen wito toge*& hýW i 0ntmberof rmcinà Ohofd rae of #lie end firet rose as mem*er« f 1rn5A'5raolng teani, at joRiSelSlOhio. saturdmrpt,.p-Mll drive ln m«ses t Terré »Bute. l»4ý csp- énemn.thè sur-m nto. Charles itwe etfWauhug*, unor c NebS oA. $test> pm.idat 09 th* 3frst Nadio"lbathtuft Wauh.saYrIdaY ml*.ning $ t &4@"théRie Miauhestate fa» autotaens, drivia hie tVerser rincezt 10the Wiaecmsin dli. While ther. ho Made arrauernntu rto"joi an auto radea* hem whieh lu captain¶d bt'" ll~b' Eur»Mand ho aeordlngW batoue But neIhe racers, anmvil bave biu Machine, lu losey cdtlà*rmoua la ltes t 1 Wau repouted chat stuele himaU Mifv Biot irtre in thieraces, but n moTlbeome. a inumbef of thtm let u eider to, bave hier lanthesm". t la Ptu±d hoela to revelce $50 a veek uul opg.m.. Mr the trp vblch tahem hlm throiugb e« nom to emerl cottfaire. lqowever, the tact lu, Steele han realit become a profemmiodal drivar Mg in nemo urest conteaed >y ome- log M0tDbodTeaise riai t tu rnftk olb hlm ýar. Oove m ce Ssturday. After h. bai declded lu Joie tthe lus amraclas 1M iSaturday moRW tôt t n iauhe.. Oteeéasatad b 0b cue*o tba"ho enter 1h. races atI4 lit MSW s hU fn1%atie af«e *Ome% Ibareltte.hi4mef~r v startmdand 9U tec lchbJ*.pIM on the meut -ne Wauhegma 10001. vi methe 39 Ae btttlng Rt4u", dil bè k ti4t Rt vas Charles Steels IF dirin «.Howovmr. Rie fiuishe<1hi race, his car Motbelng fasI enouil lu wii h onorahowever. hate c S n 0' s h before statinlg Saturday wviicitpar- mile hlm lu race ln the ligA eveuls ut the country. Beob Bmrna. captala of ch. lim, Stared pt th$ SIetook Lite corn- ens tu fins mb anSsaIS, liaI witbh a lgger sud more poverful çar. ho vould, maie a succesafuldriver. T.ishoeutompsther. Aflenthie race sh MlankeSteele planneciImvlni -ah oncewvîhi' * i thien drives for the matera JaunI but beoms oIns 5goRe caltaI up bis lhun lu a uhusffauvia. pone. $85 »W & t u .faRet fbis rae, lu the. nopea mirS09- oilslans forn drivlmg la omre eSsaIsla thie eae . .steeId ef courge urs ilb son teotians. tut. pls"anssmIail>-the son dselded ~ visit hIa M*r SGanSa>, sud accoin. caplain, Rie Camo e luWanhcan vhetu ho "Id a monermue * ui it te aider Steel*"o ho te odissuele hie 'gos from cartylai oui bis AnnoUncit" Dians. Makema Preoeitl@o. 1h luseli t'oung Steewe hicsproll ee dh l olu; net te race sen l 9 *ont* %Wflswc ,he voutd rehufi Rioue ualtMdnSnet raceaiain ta a1 ast"a tFeut. Mtr.eets of courc t 4'êxO ua«misbecaceloeuosa àant l o e rive alurAce, ,'1" hisoleeOf tlii matter vas. tia yeffl =»,ug as car uaVhite imitr.,ne ?g.4t'. ip usaboni. te Sali. dl Jelmutt, Ql.~S g iye'Terr Inate.' lad. *~ ~~d ilmwsohe il les, feUE lp~ittt*goeSote Il .iI heO~t lurbig è statufun * i'va6~.15 ldlmoud mS 0: e -'oILs' tse Tong'Stede hmat he rql& u ÏM w r1oFwýth e eIq ac4 gare.. wauberé, ua" ofeUE m Iwtorestea d n t m'Oa prepsSile téfht. * wsuip UîlkIV"b paiuf\bnuk isSet woik agonion the klavenam, » tdse COin shooa and the pumpkin, amd have peu DuO"ice d es à toaii he air occaa"Ionly? Tinte gots, you sâav? Ait, nu. AI&&, lIme S15>s; vo go. Nature us movis u, bu majestic w&y into uso&W"ue; cqAutunla h.re4 and 1~0's lTe longesummer evenings on the poreci are about en4ed- The. varlous memberti oif the fanifly aire homte front their v*,Ca- tionis. TwI}ight omes carlier. Sebool bau opeued and the. papooseabave got to, fittdy at vight. YoIq spit4moe 4p indoom gist- longer at dinner, stay UIr re*dig loîiger, have more evening gath- eringe more,&fternoou oecaolt)ts. Do ' oTo uWork an ~1an'the é tr Th pb otapi ijeithe ligting bourg are-grvn 1âimrr înd *in1 pnoSMudip iteoir ratio, unuil tbat aetho0,oo"d sid pagate beg»tu get î out î«h4ne e Ocsthy ai« Yçn'buru ynoreo4frcnlý. h happons e"«Y yean. Sa sl soSS U v =i î~os i a mi ThlecawW. v.114 VOL tb. lotabo GergeP, LTreia, Wcdnday ,, eveing "be0me m igre.Mauon, Mino ~ IJnm,~g<PL aI tRie ragutai meetilafthea eu- ~ Preme Coubeit butS lu Philsdelphi. q~rîWS.îy,~,srwusa Thu. tbc cond WaulregaunMaa s, Ventu. hf~%9. hCOM9SUne sobe Of l tlhea110t rank or btahm luat tiss uit hibeen dult' SEEà O ENON DRAIN. genduted tbrouW ftha myblerles,th et3aenuoe belui loYBrewser b wo 'Huckers of Avon $L*t AMbin bu e.g,:& 3rd degrie man for Aqinsi ~ G,'* tir. LYMu weat mast a fou days ago ery 80" e Ctasd. bu gel ready for t*blas lthlsb de- grosansd was a momber. of a elas$ tiluor ILndiOw utf fltd Parit bas whilch van conductad Ibrougit Wed- 11ueS lm is U *0419 ati mo, fWrdi. maSa. vers% dmcbarta dmetiosad i 1B For thinlformation ef persons sot shows t$h* e Uu e e l tuer lamillar tih Maeonry, It fala Inerest- b to' 4w bx oO-el"S' biti * m IttS ng te k.ov tbat the 32r5 defrce ta th ith hiDelO"Il voutue eiiIlt'l te hlgheSltanok lu tthe oncient or- provins a faim,. fnotr cs t v ' ptmit de. I>ae Monni es, one Sard TRie liii eov5 hitat lii» visemai- degre. mumat' ho celectol for-l rie. la Uvsushm< Mat'14, '10" 100 ItITesiptrl -a-ar ltat oouae 1, lte vmarne va rolled lu Uic order lirougitout lte sorteSihlMnsud bas painesnet retura- md lu hlm lu live. Ileum thie requet The tank ln Sîfflcit te, oblatnelie- for ivoes.causeo0f lte restrictions Ihmis plâceSl - upoiltonIlsd elher a big pnu or long au a n njatieaglitJsud Jmo iHnchertbave, vok for MaaurOnWtlaid W cIbeh tal lupeetpermllstes for attaing Il. ln the e "fno hât he até ima ontbecase ef Mr. Brewster, Il wuas chial- 6Huer« place ovued by Charles Huck- able becaume of bis strict attention 9er sud occupl.d os tenant hi,' Joueplad bard vonk for Masonry ever' H ucher. The ,mort teh caed a ince btic llud the order. lu tb. Avon tpvnpé -TRie esse cornes lUp ini ;ase of %tm. Lyon, wblc h. bubas cn OCtohi'for ar4uquest a -loyal Mbason he baS nover miade Il jSheriff Stop*. a pet-sonal vomi as bus Mr. Brcv*rý Shr«Green bas piogeS the Homo. thoreforo l le aiS! hls ueronalae.- Pouash store. lKirtouteIbasd Vicory ualtiuýce and reg] frieuiSsvilp vit 1) streett, as a remuit of a lcvy maSoelt' I c'îriectk of Chicago, une of Armour kCocipant for'. about $M4. *.,e beadl mon of te order thore and Tite' imlte hamn 515 ut pàa bll throtaghasP the nation, made il po@«l. Bfor msat, etc. The tire lu rua blis' befor lm lbteoin the tank. a- corporation. ?I. eshort& . opordinsly, tr.Loviietulu akgn * a l lapoceson cfr thestof r itcit bhmlaàsfow dat's beaulnsgemt>en.m, e-.. * bea dr.c pd .e a d got e Me it. hiséeaba l u a ila MMe.T'- - t lm.poeoua te çuo.. Wu Cocug Mlle§ died due I Wall ' lie 439 1 Cou. by a "ellt forge Thb Wau the dire( Chic a lut caga case ae v ci pear saka bots ber 439. ber si that ver Fm. 2861 Tý lot1 ried Moi tala bih colt eun one Bd au ee to le e, mi . 1:

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