CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Sep 1913, p. 9

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LAKE CU(jNTiY IND.)EP-EN DENT- VOL XXTT.-NO. 1. WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN à É1.0 01 :; 'DV.oVWA L ,TIAr17A' L PA.KR WU îalilr,îlltI roVI 1i. i . 11,K1. VA y. ,ZO U Scenes Attendant Upon the Dedication of the j New Deerfield School Saturday, Sept. 6th POSIMASTER AT WALNUT,l ILL., DECLARES MYSTERI-1 OUS WOMAN'S AUTO LI-; CENSE WAS SENT TO HlM' BY MISTLKE AND HE MAY HAVE FORWARDED Il TO~ WAUKEGAN, BUT HE' NOT' CERTAIN. BULLETIN. Wslnut, Ill. Sept. 24-Kate P. Coony, formerly of Deer Grove, six mlless rom Wainut. a trained nurse, died nt Columbus hospital, Chcago, Ose. 7. er relative, bAieve soma on* hasnsaeumed her naine. The mysterlous Chicago runk mur- der mystery sblfi.ed tw Waulcegan 1-bis nirnlng vhen 1te îostmater et Waiuut. IIL. luforuiéd the Chcago Po lice tbat the %ta>e auto lîcenses, 77, 439 whlch bad bWiu sent 1o Nrs. Ksie Cauey. at Walnut, Ill.. was sent theire by mialke and be forurardeul il tu ".11ber Waukegan, or Watseka. Ill., 1 forget which." There la no Mirs Kate Coney. lu Waukegan who owna an auto. ini tact. the clty dlrectory nor the reletîbone drectory gl'.os anybody hy that Dame. The police have ilear.! nottling trons Chicago police on tiîe mater uli 1o a late bour althlough reports from Chi- cago were that detetivsa ere o, 1-o î meautoi aWaukagau to look inta 1tho case because 11- vas believed the wom- aLn wbose mysterlous dlapearance la beiug Investlgated, reaily camne from .11-er Waukegau or Watseka. This Mrs. Kate Couey, wha disap- peareul ether from WaukMana or Wat- saka. in supposed 1o hara leit ber home 1-vo veeks ago for Chicago, lu ber auto. bearing licous. number 77.- 439. She bas not heen seon ilice by ber tinonda or by the Chicago police. Suie was acrompanieul by a man of 1-at village. Reports Tuesday nigt vere 1-at the bad been trlendly witb Fred Lutbey of Peoria. The records at Springfield show im to be the pais- sessor of automobile liceuse No. Supervisor C. W. Pettis Delivering Address on History of the Old Ochool House and thse Changes in the Last Forty Years. W. H. Whiting Delivering Address on the Future of thse Bchool. KDDICATION 0FCASAN DEERFIELU SCHOOL pOndJid'so BlIG EVENT TiIERE Yr Court of Ap.'ea1s. 'Village of Deerfield Holds Elab- orate Ceremonies Attend- ant Upon IL IS A FINE STRUCTUREI lnteresting Scenes Attendant ! ll IVylwn hu ait ia çwssu Upon It are Presented inatr At ornyWt Thi Isue Bob Burman's Team. Si a l ra% afterrioi,î. SLfl , t -4 k th ý )in'"1iie f te Der-HAS OFFER FOR NEXI YEAR. field grain iar scitool woa'. laid with ai,î,roirlatpe eercise',. \1r. Fred 'Won Second Place in the 0*t N\oereriburg, fite contra, or, laid the Rc eDoei hl 'tone.Rc HeDoei hl M ,irelti.,r jresident of the in the East. bo' boiLl iard Int, oîu<'eîl t1 Ii.ts,,aker4. The Rlv, \ILr. ik)siîld. i h.'pastiîr ot Waukegan, September 24. lw iitlii-rati îliuri, maîde a %ery tati- 'tarles Steele lias returned ta bla propriare opeisîîiîigra 'r> h r. W. Il. honte In Waukegan following h* Wlilîiog, file s Ilîgei' îr-»,Idetit, madie ceek's jaunt as a member of Bob BU- fotso isc i .hi' Ibardlis' 'xL.ll.ri tans auto raclng team. fiirs (f <ie 'i'hîilhoarl clii sîii'ig "'i~Steele drové but one race Wb"l neither fimeit, or expliisc Lii grtUi away In the East and started la t»e toutI%î gis e titeir servitim io ire "I fr second but rut a key on bis driveabMi r I.' îi"iI. i lîdît o c ici t ieyand liad 1o retire. <'ai Le proud atdtIo 1lroide for theHecm ouscnduth ls future of the cominiunity. _Nr. VI bt-H caeotson Inhe fl loîg said that this was the tirot corner- aea otWye n.adhdt 'Lou lavug o a iîuîîr bildig lu'<'accident lun1the second event. ,fole lavingof apublc buldinlIn1n-te exhibition event mivan by thle auinais or the villae and con- gratiilated the atîdieni e tuaI 1-bIS Burman lu his big Benn, golng VW builing ,, fr teir hilden.Mile In 62 seconda, Steele rode vlih The iiext speaker, hîr . . V. etits, See dt lai id lhl Im t fto bL ilet oldekt mie s l' ercer car vas rvnb 1 Klinuat Youngstown. 0..vith bS cesident oif i(Le'%illage anîd gai e a hF lilo uofth-s N-JsY , klseresuiisi: One firat, two seconda. t"q tory otifte ild schol,attîdte nantes .. - bl.gld tw i- ii5'oiitthîrds and one fourtb ln the day.sj4 (If ithe ftrot familles îw ln were reire- Whe.-uthe. vite eouth, i"1iiii<o~o sxrcs hr est aaaff lt o..ii i a.c ta-it t sii acstIee ee rm Iseured luir l Mr. Peitis îý a co'îtric t- us,eber, or oIe cort or apejewouId ,to six entrias lu eacIIevent. or alsoe, and as'iuredelile proffle that sl hi plt eC. emol et th@ 5was not aupposed 1to drive a",s the), were gettir, t(Mt cents on tr 5i55uacld nt av rienaIFrtWa th bo ow th. mjirl Sbsw otai o e adie adbiàt dollar for e'.ery dollar lie> were ex-' .stor. Ikîsir naklng knuwu iiithes tbeYcoint eadivrsdbi tieudlng in th-e cliord building. «II vote f.- r agaîssi tthe iiip..chmit.Inl ordar to have hism mila thé 1Whether u- d1.. llacocLi, Ch"*. sudMigi- A glasiuijar eontaineu ile îitsiueai, er. dsIaelAi by thespe em . i yl l Rack t stay. card o? ea'ii îiîivineg,3 In Vievlilage IJoui th-e In nienber. of the court si Steele ha.s resumed hi. pimt0 e appeala .q su tintlg Point baises a banik and slalom he.111 inet w ' and lettec direîti il to i tos,. whost, deciasion .«asare.clicd. if tO teeresmore 1-is year. Hi. Sr tela p bands IL nriglît fril in'a 1,yreviso n 0f ju lez, .. .th thfe ceen hy Burman for another veea n he.bilding 'oitîg deFtrits -i bygesaste the ras-thirdas ote ,aquired tà ex- "i have au open offer ta rJet cuss unorsen a dit fiie I g e Ms'w. Subzer. a. caielteid by the.lin- teamt next season,» but doa't kna* PS c. sesonfrsen i Lii iLui- î Mie .Cbmeuî menss.r,-o-Iai b. tri. yet whe1her I ebaîl or ual," salz ItoIs hue i ti nrailite. tiiii, onlid [hc Jodle Clilsocsai 1lowi. t th* . Mdtoday. He s»Id ho had gret ayot $ her al tht trri. Týtuý 'aýlai th jl"ej4jccket he It le the kiud h.ea. eiihé 81,11l i trriereton" ')f Lb. io,1' i soi bilild-_______- : .- - --delightfni 1en day. nIn ldlm 11 oing îi l is 1b, icr tortn rsi0îivi A LLOP NI iiig iii te s uta -o.f lie iield. A LO E IG T'le ),oard of 1dreirors niust teed g atif utheumariner 1-be apayers 0f THiE STORES TO of is rlidistrict hase assitited 1% cii it Irlecaie a certaiflty b.\ressoti B IL U S A iliat a nesi Lbuildnîgnmttst be built and a, ,oorii as possible. An election fori Four Big Stores of the City An- a bonîd Issue cas ordered c'jth oulY n m hi nulFl oies against Il and Lieu esides. oneTer nulFi Lie iîonds are seing rokeit hi the cti- Openings. zens of 1-bis district Placing the Cornerstone. CENT NOT BI New Drý ty ia 28675. dîntiers rh Tbe automobile, wbich, accordingonpti ta Louis Bram, an exprasaman. car- ried avay tb. mysterious blacki trunk i . 'Soy alt Monday ight. vhicb Bram stili main . ~ '.~. - ..." ~ fî -a tains cautained 1ha body of a buman , ' " '~'Interfere bing loi yet deuil. by nome stranga e Ç ~wbicb, fc coucidenca bore t1-be. -o automobile '.v; ec i numbers, one on the front end sud .. a.. oue il one an 1te rear. ossq Thouaht Woman Vlctlm. I t star Thora ver. two men lu the automo- n 'îîvestiga bile aitt 1hlime. 'Na voman vas i~j~ . nerely ci sean. Bramm . vble uncertaîn as 1-o itself le whathr the groasus hîcb he aaid harnied. came tram 1the trunk ver. 1-bse of a ..........Tet q»Maua or a man. vas more lncllnedTu t to thluk a vaman vas 1-e vlctlm. j , erguson A deai for merging 1ph,-ePeoplesG.- Oaan Llgt and Coke comu y vltb 1-be £ s.' somrnwalrtEiso oua1-emuap The Rev. Mr. Bosold Making the Openlng Prayer. bY resiae lu gas aud electric lgbt, heat sud pow-' er service lu Chicaga, bas practlcallycuny beau cousummateti lu New York Cty hracoyothJonHoknan obabeodioe lmslu-enhp by Samuel meusuad Henry A. Blair. NEW DEVICE TELLS araooya1beohsHpls'utaeabe-odcorsîa m-euho direeWof it1ha Edison compsny. vbo fPIO S AE.unlversitY, lit bas beau made psible, lndlataly 1-be poison 1-ey bave taken. Kenase are nav lu Nev York Cit-y for 1-e pur- POISOS_____ t la daclarai today. ta deterinn The cantrivance consiste of a srles er of thbs pu"e of aumelng the denltb throrsosb ouhbto ef ai .ofcolla and tubes, vhlch are sub- be a eusi National City batik. ssld a (3has- fBaltimore, IMd., Sept. 24.-By meaus vhetnrsaerneuxsolougbontana slitai' tar At t Pe taday . Tauvtti te01 00 uaphac eie b rf *lg t h -e effecta af poisons are mre usln olto u t c-popular issue $70,W000O of 4 per cent colai- tonanI sald 1o b. 1the lame as that anuouucE eami bonds 1W. Abat bbaud of1th detarment or really under tae Influence of drus o te U n~~OYa. Cooper h ENNIA ELM STORES ALL IN READINESS. i IlA. lAi' i~ rEIab'orate Arrantiements Made IF AITIAuEI; TO for Receiving Public at the IE LEFT INTACT Annual Reception. Waukagan. Septembar 24. FALL OP NINGS THURSDAY riveway About the Coun- The Globe.. iî WiII Not Interfere G. R. Lyon& Sono. With OId EIm. A. Hein. The big stores or Wsukegan lon- nounce thelr annual Faîl openlngg ln coni-eru cas fell among old todsye Isseeand the asstell of 5an is woek when work startod array of merchandise nover hefore îg lu thbe new concrets drive- equalled In tItis city, A glance aith1-e varices storea. their ut thbe county jaîî for 11- waa bi displays of falluserchaudise, their possIbly 1-ho uew drive mlght decorations. their wlndow diapîsys, ewiLb 1-be centenîsi elus and, lu tact, their every appearance, la a reselation in 1-be shoppers and for years, was enclosei la a auswer;s overy argument vhy lit la e resorvation on 1-le court best 1-o buy osery 1-bIng you need fram qufiro. Waukegart's home merchanta. Nover was a larger sud botter dis- tub just West of 1-le jail but, play of merchandiso shavu bere and ,ion sos1bt 1ho drive et prices 1-bat even State atreet, Chi- uls o a tew mnots but the Ires cage. cîîtnot duplicate. Buyers for Vlisse stores have but l iîtrant i ciiiremaîn un- recently roturueuld trous the Eastern marklets wbero largo purchases ver. made of 1-ho Ouest linos of good» on roo was plaîtei by George oartb. These goadB brought ta Wou- sn .uly 41-h. 1876, iu bonor of kegan, places 1-be local iboppars ou a ceutonlal anniversary of 1-be level wltb 1-be shoppers lu auy af lte large cities. of 1-be Declaration of Inde- Buy eit home, tram your home mer- e. 11- cas guardeul for >'ears chants, becanse your home merch- ciens ad ba ben on oftheanta vii1teat you talrly sud guaran- entsand as een ue 1-e le your ptirchaua. slandmarks whlch. 11- ban Jolet-ýaesP. Barry, a convict In )ped,.wyll he kelat "forever." thbe state peultentij', escaped Tues- day ulght. At nuldoight; more 1-bau @ha-Caugresian IL A. Caap- 100 guards ver. scauring Wias county i Firet Wiscousin district may for trace of 1the fugitive. Under 1-be ididate for United Stateasian- direction of Deputy Warden William tha first alection o! ..natal by Walsh, forinerly ofth1-e Chicago police Svote next year. No tprrn*l department a corps of guards varueil cemneut ai tbhecndldacy of tMr. avory clty vîthin 20 mlles by talae- bum beau madie. phsone ta watcb for thbe convict Ohio. lu ono race at Youngstova. MOW& drlvIng Steeles car hai a ckgo oe gaq 1o death. vben, by s mant close sB1$ ho avoideul hitting the feuce aftat lê- iug shoveti againet il by ather drtvut That Steeles car did saune fine 4 la seen by thîs reterenoe ln s YoUu. town paper 1o the work doue by XXM ln 1-be Mercer vbeu reclus a~a Burman. "Klein Earne Plaudits of Crewv, "l3urman naturally got the »M shar ofthellmellght, but dep$e 1-is the vork af Art 'Curier fUll stood up with 1-at af Burnan'aU there were many vho believed 33* outdrove the speed t" i on the cwt This was demoustrated inl the heat of the non-stock free for al .4, for tho W. B. trophy. Klin ras m - sisîentiy snd oun1-he batiks hao t situt down. He carriad bis Il -0 vieil up and bast littie spegi cm th cuîrves.' *"Time and timte again Burnua to pasg 1-be local boy but eacb carme ont second best. It vas 0* tu 1-be straigbtway 1-at Burmn a vua 1o gain and had Klinelua cmi ute speed aof1-be Mercedes 1the îw would have beau bi&» NAVAL4STATION TO BE ENLAIEM N STEA l 0FCmO Instead of 1the naval training &tW 1-ion beiug ilUnhe for abandanicnt, sccording 1o reports,.11- stands t*e beat chance in 1-be wnrfd ta ba boM ed. expanded and used 1-alil e OCItW Secestary Roosevelt uben et t» station somnefimie ago suggested th58 the big bosîtital. ciosed sne W back Lo eut doc n expeuse. sbOUW W opeued and gave 11- as bis opiniM *î 1-at, wben 1,000 men ver. enrolh&4« 1-be station. the baspital snd other hrancb at 1-be station. vOU put intouse aud vogke4ta Thug, it la1he ballet.ý Influx af meu et tale. ovw wpa meaut 1-at efforts vwe.b*o0 1 brtug 1-be cainpleins8t ocf A1l station up o lb. LM M«14, thbe station vWini m t e ie"se telinporailI7 tecuse 1-lt isdaim fine vork flot relet- sard thbe k be- âced long e the the iUIu- .1ion ever, the. beau de 11- VsI.rý slea- with te or e and possi- Til, VIýTnAV SEPTEVRER26-1913. eJýl !ie $1.50 PER YEAR LIN AIJVPý-14tM ZIGHT PAGES à Imm MVUÉ%

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