CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Oct 1913, p. 1

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LIOUNTT .5 N[W PEN DEN WAUKGAN EEKY SUN TWURLVE E4*GES LI»ERTYVILLEý, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., FRIDA Y, OCTOBER 3,1913. 011E TO E1GHT Si 50 PER YEAI< ÂN ADVAL~6J~ cowfY 3ATM EIN CLOU CALLM 1ÀMRY LAK WN TDEfHiglan Pak TO% adELECTEI) HEM) Of 2e aileCr1e 1LDRENay ish 1COUNTy W. C. T. U. Ai Supervisoirs:3Assume Role ofr ng carweUO n nul etigan leton 'MonBountful' to Two Un- al wre bat th. atturnedl Off icers HeId Thursday P. day fortunate Youngsters. mont. v ait wo « ihat &Iliedg been M. in Lake Forest. St. m.rIously burt. Oanevau adto haave CE sustaliced a bmroh anr andt a brokench THEEBY AIDNG UT R aole lat kDé ca tor MUCH PROGRESS IS, THREY IDNO FUUR.,0faa i a ot mriet aittom bait- 17 Al mspto tabave hbmeenm- - lu Ths was denteit et Highlandt Park nOsolUtilon Fassed in Which a By~blt Th At i heAdouudwTO twtoMi 1'The Praise is Given rGod for Wo- nasmme as noamiy sa tley couil b. se-. MUUfl9~I~flElUD CUU creSWM "n or:Mosn. The ar er. man's Enfrainchisement. Wl be rough Vmersiintlont M. Ue tbey KIF vho couducta an auto bus lin@ tWuman ptbe2. Htgblnd P ~The Lake Ceunty W. C. T. U. met in By tbir action Tbursday, Sept. 25th. SINGLE MANS INCOME annuai convention in the Lake Forest T et Lbm"rtyvlfle. thet. board of 5su- EM Presbytérian churcli Thuraday oft*» àUni Perrimors authorisei Dr. Brown and Up TQ $»00 vm. ek wth g00d délegations ftram the ila Sepiervisgor Adr. White to crr out - ollavlug unions: Waukegan. Oune.,a «ehl arrangment* au Witt b. néecs&- Washington, Sept. 2.-The tar1U Ormyiake. Uibertyvîlle. Rockefeller aPP Ma" ta bave Dr. lrederick Muelior of conterns today agrées! on $3 0 s.ndt North Shore Pederateit Union. dis Chcago perfru opérations on twO as the amount of Incarne of a single Reporta of locBaprésidente and super- II Lake ounaty cklitrmn vho hve ds- man tht ubal b. free tront the jn. Inteildoitsof department work show- ahObitei suPffvisais for lb. Oirt cone tai. For a marrieS man the * nid ch accomplilaed and that the i. tins. amumeit reponslbllity for tai- exemption vil! b. $4000, wth no union, ver. ln gond shape ta do effec- sui tng caneof twao Mme whlcb everY tumOer exeinptlin for chidren. Only Uiv. von aiong ailhUes the comlng cira inember adîitteitd it o. nt thls ttimo.on. exemption of $4,000 vill b ai- yer.ney porno undr the. county charge claf>. iovod for a famle,. even thougb the The folowing restitutions were hea because. la nether. are their par0iitsibuabanit and wtt. have separate In- adO>pted! paupéma. cones. "It la witb extreme gratitude ta, aur han However. the board teit and w" ~Hoaveuly Father for bis car. and 1the emlrJsiidlu lits action beeause, guiance dung the.point year that we Say Inidlnctiy the board toi a step L) cEiesta aur anueliaicanventian. lirevent tva possible county chars'C M M EIR 11 "Mani' victortes have been gaineS wben the. patients mach maturlty. Ac- fl S ndfrl:nds wan ta aur cause. N ,sziIihereALs, We belleve that the coriing ta Dr. =mv, the. chances;HlmN â $f~IfhLV gretest vlctory that bas corne ta us In ver. that. if tiiose twa children did hta h nrnhsmn twm Dt bave their limb attendeS! ta Sow, tJT MIIU onof the na heeorefb. It Intm Urneby voulit caonunthe.counti' 1 j'L*A4 umS aLR s.aaJia 'Iesolved, That as White ltlbban- as chaerges because tbey vould leb r adhm eee>v il s u hi' cslppled. Tiierwforé the déductioneranhoekpe»w iluets grsJutalby mae tiet. by pspending, MeigBewe uerios new priiege and responsubiltyin a litueMeeting B»wwlaeopérationsoforsuch a manner that womanbood shaht ah tw thmc. ov i wI boiei f andpjInstitution Committees lb. bonored anS everyringteoue caus M ttWlfo pod fture « ese d, HeId This Aternoon. Iadeuolve 'niiat vs ecommend tot met eb. B.ue i a É4an tii -the local fuions a Stusiy couinse lu civil silsfr M tPbwk-hto OFFER COLONY FOR $7,M0. t ov.rnment that our women mar b. Meag t.wo dtbs.nite -Ivoi preparei rthe uties ot citi- resaa UIS4~SP ~ ~ St Uê8~~ frI ipr*iPJ<,ethat iesu pti t van i! iab %dea mi eliM' etiso ~ f58 bas been idone by aur tuperintnfllt vitiiofith§*i!ait = = .d=ettie. ffrbyOtfe 8 Svabbatli scbool vomi and! that v. lu lb oea ai rasiO Trata 0bWaucsis. S.eb iobaveSineS sucb splendid co--apura- in te eikseof nLn» Trctsof i= font he akeCounty Sabbath inosvill..Heite taéIb u of a -Wmmfl.eetmbr30.SciioniApsoclation. and! as vo rcog- vbo vomis ln the tee bouses and up- A'from the .Lake Cour-. ize tuis as a splendid menus of mai- porta i famili'oailire clilidren bi' bis megrearulngs Ihemle. Hic bip, ns y Tubercuàosa inStItute met thIs ing public Sentiment. Injursd twa years ago. and eventualli' pfternaan n luD. Wattersa's office "be»yoedTht eear oubl tl~t 1mbbasbeometie. ncse ita acomîte.froin the Lake tao e wvan af Ibis departinent. on siiorter tban the. otiier. For a tirne he Counti' Board of Supervisons. At "Resoived. That w. tender aur l gravled about an is bauds and kmeess S!opte the tact be ln nov seven years Ibi meetinag the former commiitee hearti' tbanks anS appréciaton ta then aid Tu ftiir crn, amangae o satei l lîn eris a le lttr cm-North Shore FederateS! Union and thii é bis. bore vhlrc liesla trylngae n tateinttjuIaintrmenS to hattr com-autrustees of the Presbyterial' cbnnch for WV blet.homen hopevaheld t gthat, ie e utwa sndo iec their generous bhosptalitti." ne yet heuhopew» eldout hatthebe.umade for Lake Breeze Sauttarlum. The f oltowng officers anS superta-su boy coul hob.operateilupon succesa- »etîr~ai nîlt amît.trdlt eeeetd fully. Oie fatiser sai he vould man- Tetpecuui isitt om>le e dent-Mma. Mary Lie, an age ta cave enougb mousi' ta pai' the announced Ibat the caunty mai' pur- VcP rsdent-Mrs. Oea.yMLake - boapitl bll. nome I$80 If the couuty chas. the sanlarlu. tree af ail en- nut.slh sav lit ta provide lb. opération. cumbrance. for $7.500. providtug the Secretari' Miss Lots Sheliard. NE 'I too Ibm boy ta Counti' Physician afrt acpe!ouQtbn Si i TesrrMrs. Mary Metcalf. Brovu."onalit Supervise.' Wblte. "saitAudtan-Mrs. M. O. Persoa. h. consulteS Dr. Mueller of Chicao dyofwihOi uer, s odSuperintendenta. Il wbo. atter @xasinigtbe boy. tld Dr. them unext ,regular meeting. Evangelttc-Mns. C. J. Just. Hi Bravwnhoacouli cure hlm vîthout any At the. présent lime Oie encumn- Missions anS Teinpernfc-Mrs. an questionl iii'porforming the opération brance af Lake Breeze Santtanluin ta Viola Burge. And Dr. Brawn bais btomlsed ina 10k Flaven Mission-Mm>. Mary Cbunch- mi arter the boy ater te tip5tioii ai- $8.000. but tiieme are assets thaugblitbe la not a counti' charge. 1i tsta about $500 wich brinUs the Frnuchse-Mrs. M. R. Sedgwick. cn think the countr docton lbu acteS liki. ule price dsvwn to $7500. Te. caurt- Temperance Literature-Mrs. Mary a man in bis iteire ta heu> Iis boy ty ls Iberefone offered the Institut. at Armstrang-.K and alsa lthe girl. Janet Smlithl. aged 11. Meédical Temperance-Mrs. Mary of Omysla.." Oie abmolute cost. Druse. Y "The. girla thOe dauglter of a viS- That Ibm counti' wili accepît lits Fair Wak-Mrs. Nelle Kennedy. ai av." mi M. White, "viiose busband offen seems ta b.oie generalli' ac- Moral Educatn-Mrs. Mary Har- t met deatii twa yoars ago at Ournes. cepteS! bottermfi bas been practically vey. The mother goes out nurslng andit s Sabbatb School-Mrs. M, 0. Persoa. l managec ta car for bier six chilitren. decieitotahave a sanltarlum or ts Medal Cotest-Mrs. Louise Shep- sh The SIlhan hp trouble andt Dr. Mue-kIlnd for theo caunty and the on!' mat- art.. I ter belleves hie can cure lier alun. The ter otfidifrence bas been wiiether Press--Ms Lola Shepard. C girl foua it i vasbl eavtag pcboa two the local saultarluin should be pur- Scientific Tempéranlce Ingîtructi- reans ago> an" brouglt on the hlp Mrs. U. C. West. trouble. The boy'. trouble Just seem- cbaueil or Oie county aboutid erect a Sldiers aud Sailoz&-MrS John ni eS ta carne te, hlm." nov one..At the tlnt meeting a cam- Simpson. Opration Positive Cure. iittee vas appoInted la cousuit wth Askd hw sreho vas Oie opera- a comrnîtti ram the tusîttute ta A VACTN N ERW itouwoul hoauccosstul. Dr. Brown, f ini. lovet 'possible figure at t wba persontly interested l imselt ln vhicb Oie sanîtantuin can lste r lies. tva chiltiren. salit: "Dr. Muelter pr sadta me. yu at a nail and drive cliaseil. asr bt tvi e LI&1RTY ILE Ck Si L lsu't t? You're sun. It'& there. Weil, possible ta matte Oie conty a better h just gibet sure amrn t Oa can cure that o:f:r amnthe sanirn for in y MAN fM S SPOUSE? boy-, N Isîszume ta proceed it the ol p break even. na1h Louis Topoulas Bemoans Let- ration ai he lcot Of 150 vhicii Dr. The sitecial supervisons cammîttee ting WIfe Go 10 a Lake D Mfe.ler b7 ~dfeliho viiido It for,. vore Weit plebmt vth the propasi-Co IlFim 9 arn sur e lie ta induca hlm. on _ am vhS. lie luahithe vomi la Mclte -ie .i- aOnnounem i lat they vouiS! bosptal. ta taie Oie girl ta anSdiianille t once senS ot notices ta the ther Where Louia Topoulas made bis lien cas. né eli vittbut tuthor cost ebn fOebe.d eomntgmistake va, lu permlttlug bie vite boieunse hoe inors Oie countYIls oln that the loger b accepteS. It In be. t tie a vacation. Sh. spent four thîs fortOie cbudnen." eso fr 'rllbryll Tii. borl unantmoiisly voted to lovei thOit tht, means unquestlouably wek uatnnnerLhnyii saine the dareit amount for Oie boY's Ibat Oie sanitaium viiihb purchaseit and ditumtg bor absence she vas &éandai gave paver ho Bt ta Oie dt- by the counti'etat Is uext meeting. wooed anit nevon, so the btiSand ton and Mr. White a regandeth Oe girl, The général feeling aluong lb. auper- iays; iii anather man. bortas a rmeuîW! i bc eate nit'inluvisom ibtalilttebotter to buy Oie Topoulas asieS Oie police lant Oie nar future by Oie emiou phyu- local sanllaium than i;lish to go ta niglt ta earcli fan ber ad for tbir clan. vWho & fev years go, came from Oie greater expeno ofbuilding au. little idaugler, Mary. Ho aitabc Vienne. Autria. an spécial orders of other one vicl mIglt b. fan lus. loft ber bomeneta l :46 West Congrou . OgiteilAmour ho openwte on thO ie utr.Sre hrdy resln nom 1111e Armaur chlt. Lo4M#a being uBJd eitcai.ure hria'atran aomn a tabulloup Oum tomsklie thietipand Ttvould sem that marela ow at bim la ote *0 vould not bcbock., do Oie wori- Tiicl, eilit edentber Oieasilgiteet neapon Ujè prevqgt Oie Cbsnims P. DeWCIPYOthé le dpa twit usee t ber iul. Thg am ioctan purcliasoof tii. itituti o rm imont «or ' ahdivaS appealei tgota eprésent »rivetéi »"ut . ioo«fur Ibo etuer ma anit osccll ~~ ie. il touý ai, den lie Man yhit -. a~M7 g. EW EPISW., AL RECTOR lAS FO fiY-A PASTOR IN NMMWIST CHURCH. t act oailtteeet lu Waukegau peo- is litaI the Rev las ard E. Gau- r, via assumeS the pa.storale af ýeEpîsecapal ciurch boes Sunday .1., vas forinerli'a Ml: odist miii- er. Here la viet a bîWago hbuu- Lpaper mars of him: 1ev. Hoaan B. Gauster. ret-tor of ýJohn's chutait, Irving Park, bas o teS he rectorale aiohf a uchpt Cahgs ni.nlrivst ,menhi' a Meýk0dtlminuster. bav- ýbeen gradutS at Northwestern nivessty la 1904 anS hater studying O arrett BibUeMIcanstitut.lie vas latued ho the Uplscolpni minlstry ln e8 byi Blihop Anderson. RBY CASE-18 AGAIN CG@v4tlM IN IN COURT. Tie Kirbi' case ivas reviveS! lu lb. nIteS! States District court yester. iy vies Attomasi James Rosenthal ppeareit befare ImiteraI .ludge Lau- l and askeS tuat a continuation un- 1Oct. 17ti be taien on the malter ai rgumeal on a motion tu reapen the ail. The original motion, made sov- al moulu uago, vasthat th. attan- ys for Dr. William T. 5<1by, former aS of the. itfnet, Kirby Savinge ni. be given permission ta reopeli ae case lu orden that additionai affi- vits and evîteuce mlght te beard. ONMilN" ANIS DE*, RMSLT 0A PNEUMONI A TACK Ars. Daniel MoCarthy Died at Monday Ni# .IVED IN coi, las Perfeotly Wo,# to uLast Week Wednesdy-Whe Site Contracted Pnoumonia. lins. Daniel licCanlbi'. 91 yeurs aid, ine af the very oldest reuiitenlu of aike caonty. passeS avay Monday üigbt aIi 9aciock i em bau-hom-it rasworth. foliowiug a short III- nes of pneumonie. She vas taien ii1 sddenly ou hast weei Wednesday an grev worse rapte!'. MNir. %IcCarthy liveS vli ti re. ut ber cidreu, IJennis, Rugeno anS Neile. On Wednesdai' ube appeaned tu eel as good as usuel uite hegan io encaunter difficulti' lu hrealblng. Her condition became vans. rapldly nS linalli' a physicien vas sum- moued. Eveni hhing possible vas don, fan ber tut hem adivancedt age ounted agalusl ber. Mn,. MeCarthy vas bonn t County Kerry, lreland, 8h. arriveS ln Nov Yrn slxty-four yenrs ega. FuIt- lune years ago she came ta Wanren- ton viere she liveS! severai reans. ater moving ta Watuvonlh viiene sho lîvoS up ta ithe time a! ber deati. )espite ber advanced cge nsr. Mc- Carthi' nlvays vas very active anS oury a short lime so athenited a pic- nie haIS bs St. Patricks church ai A'adswai-th. Besîdes the lhree children vith shom she ilved, Mirs. MioCarthy lestes tho tollowlug eblidren: Mns. Anna Doayle ai Waukegan, lins. Frankt LoSesky ai Waukegan. MYs. Janmes IRan af Warrenlon and Mrs, M. K.- ha. af Chicago. The. Seati of lins. ticCanthi' breaks a Ini lu four gen- erallons as she vas a greal-graitd- asothen anS book tauslderable punS. WELCHIMES fils REPLY IN SHAPE Of, A $25,OOO ACTION Justice, When Asked for State- menfreclines, but Forthwith Files a Suit. AGAINSI SUN AND ORVIS. Praecipie Only is Filed and Pa- pers are Made Returnable 10 -October Term. ' Waukga, Sepemnber lé At 9:00 Iodai' The Sun tnisi te, ob- tain a utilement tram Justice James t G. Welh reganing tbe changes mado f ln the open letton lîrlateit tn last ev- sning's Issue aven the signature of ttornney J. K. Onvis. tuis conversa- tiou laig place aven lie phone: Reportor-nconnecton vlth the article lu lait evenhug's Issue ne ferrng tu yau. The Sun Iodai' vould rpleased o print any tateient o'u bave to maie. Mn. Wehch-Ob. tuaI's ail right, gond bye. Tii. article refermeS! ta ci-ete! a big sensation ln lie cil'. heing the anost sensational tnIts charges Ibat has been printe! ln connectian withd ani' officiailuln ears. Mn. Welch's unwihhingness or hac of Sestne to maie a shatement thnough The Sun Ioday vas, no douit Sue lu, the tact liaI he baS certain pIans lu mmnd wbich be naturalhy teit vould anover bIs position withaut direct quotatton. By ten o'clock. througi Allouer t'. C. Edwards. tanin- erli' a partner of J. K. Onvis. Mn. Weich baS fileS a $25.000 damage suit lu circuit court against lie Lake Counli' Puhllaiing anS Prting Com- pauy (publshens af The Sun) anS W. j. Sithl. F. G. Simili anS J. K. Orvs. mgeyti'he praeçipie vs 01.11but lb, suit la baseS oh lb. publItbm ln The Sun ai the commnincationi fram Mr. Crois printed ta The Sun Tiuruday evening tn vhich tho attor- ney chargeS liaI Justice Welhli as Si-uni wiien ho receutti' heari thte evidence against Onvis ln lie vite ahandoninent case vhicb Mn,. Orvts' hrougbt agaînst ber husiaS!. The communication naluraîli' causeS a sensation lu lb. ctty, beiug aver lie signature of a man ga prominont as Mn. Orvîs aud neternlng ta a man lu a publc position luke 'Mn. Welch. Papens lu lie cas. are maSs ne- lurnable la lb. Ocloben Circuit Court. imnîadiatley upon hearing liaI lie suit haS taon started, W. J. Smih, editor and! îresident ai Tii. Sun. vent la lie sheriff's oaSile la maeeil mare convenlent for lie sheriti lu serve lhe papons anS accepte! serv- ice for imself anS the corporation. Tii. shenif like!' vili aI once pro- ceeS la Palatine la gel service an Mn. Orvis. No Saubt lie declanation which vil! h. fileS laten vit! dlaim that Or- vis' communication as printed lu The Sun. hibelleS blm anS bis Sefense naturahly i' v.hlht laI howas nul iu- toxicated viien lie bearlng vili Mn. Orvis as Sotandafll vas beld. The Miing af the damage suit vas generali' expecled atten the appear- anc. ai lie Onvis commnication if-- cause.,viion santhbings appear vîi public officiais as principals, tie nal- ural defense alwaYu Is ho file a suit in dental a! suci charges. ACCUSED 0Of PAD- DINQ PAYROLL 0F THE 'J' RAILROAD Three Employes of the E., J. and E. Arrested in Gary on Serious Charge. tu the [cti. Three anrosîs vare maSo Mouday Fueal Thursday meming aI 9:311 in Gary. luS., hi' Depoîr Sheniff o'clock lu Si. Patricks clienci, Wads- George locki vhich mai' baS teaa vonli, tient. ta Wauiegan b>- tan- sensalloual psy roll paSSîng motela- Mages. Interment lu the. femit! lot lion. Tii. mon ver, airestdaS athlb n St. Marys cemoeteni' lu Wauiegan. Instigation ai John Kirk. superintenSd-1 Pleaue omit Saones. euI of lie Gary division ar the Elgin,1 John A. Johnson, via utlil recent- Joliet aud Easstern railîoaS, and E.1 ly vas fanmlug on a Oive acre tract W. Wrght, cilef of police.1 veof a!Mon it', vas ai'eéeeiFriSai' The men ara employes ai the. rail- niglit ta a drunien state uees Mt. Car- road anS! ana changeS viti larceni' mat tanin. Neighborssamv Jobamon Yý anS! ubtalntng monoy under taIse pre- Mgs miter a tne. anS dit uot kaov but teuso. They are I R. R enson. sec- vbbe lingit bave beehuit. Assip- lion foreman; W. E. Deering, section -tant ChIe' Hantysite .unfleut onreman, an! Frank Kalias, laborer. Mie vas teken to the station and ithiti lera nov aiS ta ho lu South ,ehemged iththOe above offense. and America. have rahieS! lb. nallnoaS of laterrneeauod an bail. Case up ta-. $15.,000 hi' jadSing lie pai' olîs cov- eni a aperlaS! o! aven a rean. BOY HIURT IN LION G lad tone IRie h l,.a lad of 12 >ears. vas rua dawn by aul au tomobile on Sheridan road Fridai' atternoon. The. boy was returning home trom sichool ln company wlthh then boy: and they tried to jump int the rear of a pass- lui wagon. Tbey couldnt make l, anS vene just glviug uP the attempt viion a big seven passenger automo- bile came speedlng alog lunlthe sae direction, soutii. Néer 3lIndStreel, vien the driver of the machine gave but Sidnt maie il ,and It la supposed that Oie gienS aven bth rWnl wheei miuet have %truck the lad for i. vas knoce! uncousclous, and on exarnin- Lng bis sinhi il vas fouud a plece ai siu andt bain abautthe ut,. of a 40o11W vas cu ul onthOe scalp, aven the rjght er. Tiie driver of lh. Buta pîcie! Oie boy up anS tool hlm ta his home an S. Shieridan Rouai. Tiiore vere four meD n thle car anS they lett carda sbovlng ther ver. framn Cicero. The. boy regaineit conscieumnt be- fore ho reacheit borende tBier Han- socS! vas peut for. Me prayeit for the lad and shorthi' attenvarts ho vent ta sleep. Acoording ta rmorts Iodai' le lu progrematag favgmbly. saidt liion ans thoughI la b. no internai injuries. Mm,. Riohi believes the. boy's ecae tram instant deaOi vas miraculous du a fev taches yacht bave Meant thbt lhe rigit front wbeel voulit havel pagsed aven bis body'. SEVEN NEAR DEAI! "WIIEN'TmII3RAUO IS IT BYAÀTRAN Alderman Wolton of North Chi- cago, His FamiIy and Friend are Badly lnjw'ed. AUTO STRUCK BY A TRAIN. Sleven Nortfs. àchiesopftoe mare serlonali' InjureS! and had doms 0f capes tram deats et 11:30 olclck Saturdoy nouht when an automobile ln which they were ridhnq w»m struci train et lte mulroud crosmlug west et Five Points, nemi' MNth Chicago. Tii. fog is malS! te have obscured the vision o! tises ln tise automobile &0 thaet they did nfot rneaftza.hem danger un tii thmy mere upon the trucks. l'h.Injured: ALDERMAN STANI.EV WOJ TON -Farehoad anS! hettleg bailli cul unS! bruisoS!. MUS. STANLEY WOjTO.IN- Bruis- .5 anS cul ounighl aide ut lion ciost and on badi'. PELIX - SVOJTON -Seven-year-old sou ut Mn. aud lIns. %Wjlon; deep cul ou bill anS groin; hnuIsed anS cul about body; most sevenely tujureS! ai ANTON DVDEýK-Rlght lkg and baud bruiseS andl cul radiserseverelv. I RS. ANTON I)UDE7'-Rlgbt cheei tadhy bruised: ')o'h legs tut anS hnuised. TWO DUI}EK CHIILDREN-Gir]. t yoars oid anS! boy. 6, bath bruise! badîr. Ailderman Wajtau baS laitontho parti' outInlu is Mitchell touring tar anS they were rotunning home laIe aI ulgil wicu lh. accident happeneS!. Tii. aide coi-tains ver. up and! ibis prevenleS lie occupants frum loapîng ho safeli' vien they saw lie englue beartng Savu au thein. The automobile vas golng sut Bt tho lie. The force o! the collision causeS It 1o be vhirled anount 5w that il beaSeS vest anS il vas tbiset lot lhe Silci as If Il vas but a play.- îhtng. The radiator anS baud or (ie machin. vas smasheS in au If It hait beeu but an egg uhell. Tinougli vial appeared taI. a tàîspensataon ar Providence the car vas ual aven- turneS. The occupants e e njared principalli' lii'broien glas. tram lthe vindahleIt. AS on .asPossible tlie InJure! peopie extniatedt hemselvee front lie caf anS made, hein way homo as best hhey could. Dr. Conneillvas isumusoneit ait he dresseS! hemi n- rjuntes. The Wallon boy was injure! Oite meut seveneiy of ail, alîbaugi ther, vas ual a memben of lie parti via dit not receive brulus« and euls. NEW BARNATTHE COUNTY FARI IS lA MODEL 0OF ITS Kf Many Original Features PM' vided in the Barn Which was Just Completed. APPLEY 15 A Has Embodied Many Featums Among Them a Patent Suds ing Hay Door. One cif te thlugs doue iii'tOe M parvisora ai the adjourneit meeut the counti'ftarn. LIbertyvUie. Tejo day. Sept. 2Mli. vas Oie inspectlos the new bar-n erected recentiYL Chai-les Boyes, ai a cu.t or sW 13.100. The harn Io trame, S8h16fotst04 a most attractive anS compléte p»* lune. 1thbas a concret. fon aé the front entrance ia a fine obkio canopi' running cdearacroma Ibm da Mass' Original Ide"s -The bar a lucharacteilied bj epa originah tentures d itomeit ii' Charles Applyof et Oecounhr«. an. ef viclca especlalli'doen. tie mnanner lu vileli, lii' eghtii operatep the tva bit bai' doomsý Peak or Oie bain mai e i.a ut sncb douosa itifucuhots 1>. but, iii'the useuf t Io i pulioys and ropem, lie bas coetd1 sciemo vb.reby the tons a lia out climblug a atter »ausrp can manipulahe tbem. The. sale are raamy andSth raom for mn tg aIselarge end coacrefero. 4 The boa la a rAe ite.t' cotu= ai.they n The aguens .ueetopml k perylsore tac uSm-ctrow a*$r Alto Tresi, an sse.Wol - agplre ho ho a ees nviu Waumksga. vas guarfl Overlthe pervisors as they blt their siession. Hie star van pohisite be rfoquenhli dispiarmdIt . Tiei.ottor nsmi., cftue vas au n ttrestthg one. Clark ds. occupiet a a utBbehint a ti~ on. n oth Oe long porci sait man Courait Mat bemute hlm. 'Plie.é bers iipreailoun th Oe stopsI* lie ponci andi Oie beautItgW e mittoi t leu io salai' the thie outitoon session taoie fté lent. The board voleS a salons i1 John Cargili ah APtaiistlc, ne". Day. k A tact ot intereut la liaI tb. et its lest meeting, fixSd lie the. Prabation offien. aipremet' Clarke, eh $800 a i'er. in, .anS Mrs. D&YiSU ten lir came ou tram Cailtorula ton e stai' lu Chicago. Mr. Beilten vag WaukegaIodai'. He atleS "taj expectedto ta ly 'cloue ail d@Wld forth Imsce o et is(urne. piae. .1, the Vikingu. the pnop.rty nov be5i ouseSdhi'Oie ordon as au aIS peotik boue altioug i tilelia net * passS. M. BotIe mar liei_7 pan ehunnMu. taLaieme cuatyl live altiaugli b. aSSed liaI h. .eu.S soin. land on Deep Lake, neer Villa on vbieh iehomai' maaie lmproverneuts In lbe shapaý somrmer home vioee ie eu $0 h. vishes an autag bIle Ina lee sol oni aven Oie vrp j tiere tilutime anSdsaaie.W. as ta bis plans ila em0 %lins. Danilel NoCaitb's wortb. ageit about »,Meî la reporteS ta be q#* Bit ber homeL uslire la 15 lot Oie bept inusyaudIt em.lles ot comte - 1 L a b ti n k r î ONE - TO EIGHT $1 50 PER YBAR iN ADVANCE 1, 1 -

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