CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Oct 1913, p. 2

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,5Odsud maucb ree.scted clire. -4uuis Grever la very aiid.t Mm. Aia.Sddie froi ijcao. a = te.oiir. and iea Freueli, e t I #)r"k Freim, aijo was operatrd on ini 1 I;hWeao bumptai receutly 1-4 dellE M. r.ud AiraCnra Bart etofiteaelle,i Jàîvo moved to Palatine sud nu w eide w» ther on Emil.-,1 Lyon Webster from Cblcago, a for VsAiet cf Palatinle, dled Wedneed., 1 itbe roumains trere brougbl bers fr gmteet., Ar. and Air. J. H. gebierding enter- tolued ber aunt, Ar.I. E. Huntington sud daugbter, Ar. Dr. BeUlows aud tba Nja Mary and Lonue Blowa ofet LuAuglkea, Califrula, tbe eput aeek.1 * Hur Ain bas aold bis proPerty qpeupied by Wm. Nordmier 10 Ar. L . > Tbe Ladie' Aid annual eblckeu @aupper erli be given Friday, Oct. , in the ebyarob parler. A gond ttendance le est ready for tbe Ladis' Aid bazaar Ilov. 20. Robert liossr la spending bis vaction kualag nier Foi River. visitîîîg relatives boe sthie ee.k. , à UK. Fruelick made s'rip to Liberty.L H R ville Aoduy. AiMr. aud Ar. Helfer sud dangbiter Arà.at. Chiellum c! Chicago, eet Aftrou de0anoaliouà of tb. tango iyrtle, Ern ip Fiansd 8.11* NlcoIsen Buuday wltb ber paret.. Mr. and Mms Rerleri. park. Hail Day. Batuft made a.trip 10 Waukegan ondey. 9. 8. Wood. alaht. Oct. 4, a 8:00 o'clock. liegul Mir, sud lira. d Brizen bare moved Air. "ud Mmr. J. L. Roder entert,&InsW ilYclc. onara invitOi. mbt one o itler'. cottage. tbla aeek. Ar. and UnAira. Rislte from Indiana, BS AL . Judy frorn LIbertyville bas moved mbl b. Polas e.k. W 9îAai prBAll. li i .tmd tolepbone excbsuge building, Mrs. Ar. and Air.,Lou Broncbcof 1Wau. Wgawa s Ibm se thentea t lae nixeu turing relga.d ascbief operter. conda, vlited altb AMr. A. J. ]King Bunday wIbb. K. C. team 0f W61t Ar. Brizen wll continue working for tbhé-liouday. gai sud Ah. vitora woea reated to Comanyas epar mn. eo.RomMdfamily cf CblcuAo0, "Peut The w5i1t vawu mncbmors lu kooPl Airad ire. Fr.d flau rturned fremt ". 'Zvedi.'g ripSunda, nigbt. Arneng they place.tbey viellai ara: Starved1 Boca. Aurers, Joliet snd Ottowa. A large croad froin bers atteudei tb. rallroad picnic at Des?, Grove Park Bundey. Our bail tearn trlrnmed Up Batlett ln a Samce of bail. Th.ecowrs being 6 to 0. liii. Rois Prhm l for Cicaco Mon- Iday abers &le. iii attend a buinen coilege in Waukegsu. Rooert Caste.sud Joinu Prsbm ara attendlug lb. buatues college lu Wauke gan. Ar, sud Air. Henry lichaefer vited relative. lu ibertyVlie over gnnday. SDLAiOfD LAIE J. Mr. sud Ar. Loulm Kigi ff UflbertY- Mu. Pear gay vai a avesce vine, vwwà eltive. beresanday. vMtorHenry asel. u bougbt a carlead cf Aitr ant Airs. AibeI Dyr retrMedspringers in Chicago Mu.dam fiee.HiAcbert aber lb.y seulTuesday hhbin . ilI sai private. twr bmoiuou. AiXr.M Mm irs Gorge (leresud mmdArrV Ucisesy.r, B., epet uday allAi Ar. V L aM ira Zwemua% ibertsvilla. Aile.AinCcepton, Ar. BeaCae.msu ir.. m Ar.Morton Jobumon sud ise sud dangter Meryl. epent Sund"yailAi JUlb LIUI et Ranensurood. ui Howard James Kirwas sud family. PIspMlg cf Park Ridge, @peut rlnudey Aira Chai. Kappie und iuughter sud 80 6- IL limy's. Ar. Hamry Cuel cf Grayelale, aers 5Je BU bY und PeanOI Kcbm n sd Biuduy viuttera AitA. J. Raymond'@. 'am Koelluerof Chicago, spet the Ar. Edgar Wel@ of Libettyville, speut mel Md allAiLu"lla ilIceLi. !u&Lias stAie lait cf tb. week aitb ber b» lie dcmitinu t the tango st ouin. Ars. Le. Huaon. »~$ ?e-Pak, Hll Da,Bsturdal Parker Broi, lst tae valuable ceai ý IOl L. st I&800 'clock. ReguWaieedy lait ae.k. ,AdMmlcowa. Ton are lavtted. Ar. and Ar. endee sud ebildren of J-. £ Si., Br- mumind tu Park Rdg HalnuIll, spet iuduy witb Ar, sud ' &vesk alle padng serai menthe ir. Ch&&i.Farker. Wb lidmtn, Mrà. G. M. Ray. M r. sud Ar@. Tedd Engîunn of »bagm bevesuDtuuond LeueAclenry, qsu uday witb . J.1 OUMit la s amdsd SeDtu Imod ai n nsd L.mly. bramcreii 7 to4. Ur. Rosedentmber snd soverel ciliren &W.0G. B ohr vire ver Mlck hem L-" a IUecAiisave a Pmrly Bt-. esingteadale ahleh they eletoek .0 la bnci .1W ber lhe fortonteabroonslat riday. oe s vebuemlau oM érred. Oremm a .n .Oruir. % * Mioghi Umm wu à"aiby aIL Dremee ocm b. maie tu ondén by cu. le-e Muasil uis- c mmer, Dul Dot uy thseMMer. Ton «PI»-!» la the. sr et a sedmai sInge or allow a sudden draft cf coli atet cu ltb. bac t fbis Dock sud he 1 wi houa te order. but he can't go to bi epalv» bil. mid maie qp te drea. ut mynenal lina u»d then adnahli of IL .lua*Pite cf Ibis act bokam « MW mlauEuropie abich ttab wat eue mail de la order 10 dream thlb, uc uuaber lM tb.lottery. "Sa ey roccedBe nurne are the Punds of this Bank- Why burgiars by keeping Di07 in your hooies 'ýW. invite you to niaity.u ch«eh and drafts to us wfgdooi o hrJm Suvumos A=oeuuand feceive absolute ProtocIi nait »cmm to you. ht is the beat business nithod of haadhlg fumkd= THE CITIZIENS9 BANK ROCKMfUER. IILL 8 . LTripr Proei PP. R. F. floue Vic Preident. Irviig E. Payne. et~ua. I Mundeé's Market House N IS OFFERING SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO YOU, MR READER. IN THE UNE ---F- Ai"EATS, POULTRY, GAME FUStt AND SIIELL I FSI VEGETABLES AND FRUITSI W! L!AD, OMM SfeOLLOW mle Model Cash Maket RFý W. 3. MtàNDEE, Prèp. 9b week end aI tb. J. H. AynalSbue Ar, sudArs. L. A. Mi. isandPot- maiter sudArs. Knlgge mobtored te Waukegs Aonday sveulng sad took lu thie show. C. B. Raton sud atmc, Air. liabel % Shaiffeo f Deerfiold, atna coupla isys t tatîweekast te 8. L Tripp bome. a Otto Bapke, vhc hbu been confind itba brokeul)eg. la again able to e h. arouud sud va. out for tlb.tirat Ibis veek. irs. Johu Knligge sud Ara. Richard 1 Voiker @peut ganday aitb relative. ln Palatine. The Cailei' Aid ailli give a bakery sl st Aurrle's torson alurday ahrnoon,C Oct. 11. Hiarry Blevent, abo bau bien lu lb. employ 0f W. H. Kulgre his summer Wbf Aonday for Al. Coule ho expscté tb @pen thie vialer.t The Ivanho. Ayslc Workera hsub asanunced suciber of Ibelr popula dance te b. beld on tb.euenlng of Thuraya, Ot. 9. Ar, sud Air. 8. L. Tnlpp *pet Satur.I day sud Sundey altb relativfa in1 Chicsansd veuf te sme "Witbln lb. Lua" at the Olmple Sturiay evening. J. C. Dorder aisumui hi new dutleu ai Wednesiy mornln* wlth1 John wlrts sai aiselt. WiII Kulgge stops dean ater contiuuouely holding1 the office for sixteen years in wblcb iUe b. built thie office from au Impreetieng crons ruds poalcifice up to île prseeul blgb etandard. Ar. Dardier bas provci himmeif a good busine man sud vil) aithout doubt duccoec lu bis new occupation. Ed Psgne ie baving ail kinds of troubla witb is ben Be bai ived on. swsrm fie v.imes. Au a berclc messire b. ducked lb. que.. la vater and clebi- bem wlnga, but ai accu&ai h.olrmod ber out 8.gain the sou.o.-gunsen t .iols.1 I IVA1~tQE amrs.Henry VâuPlea ii. .utrteiig9 h bersaer aid buabmu f rom Wisenai i ira. Wm..Kuehkei »d iss glisabel epet unday aiîb,,Oryekhke eilvee. Ais J. B. Farnmwortb sud grandicu vers tbe gesti of Airs.J. LC Chmberiti lait ve.k. The CudWn'Cemete ou uicetUIhbol their roelamting Tburmedal mter- mooi, Oct. ,,utthelb omne tfAra.H. C.j Ar. Doienlolu expects t. moue bis faniy t.u*lubburds Wood@ the letter~ parI of lb. veek. 1bes havema aay frineivlie rmouina ber., vbc are eluuey sorrY t. lese tbea. Ulm Atm Pane, who hme bomu apmam thé aiegu tomenthe"l loce- biler nmed hoine oay. Ara.John Sbepberd wvn s Wsuk«ge Visier IssI vsk M. C. Wirtaffs uonem a C sghicmgc fleri Luebb. boaibore eretig»i auamualy large aludmilI for B. C. W. Meyer. Word ha. beeu recuvei berS It A r. &ad Ars. Job. Orgmud eofAundunNorth Dakotu. aietAis paretg cf a bMby lrl, bora Septeber 24, The 1 vauboeadi' Cssetiq soetmty have nSer"lpeO d maiuted comforter for "i. Auone vimbia t. nse11mw cma do au by clii n Nu ie.aary WwrPREMMT Ruth Do»aly of Fort Diii, fipelest- uidy »ui Sedày viSAi Mary Rouis. Ar, 6aMiAr. John Raidi ofDiaUMon mly talt ti 4. with th. .pWï o f tlb.garne tban on the prevlons Sabbatb and quit@ a nuniber ver. cul bo 41e b.paetilua abieb pe'rbupi ouaI. for tbe tact làbat thp lobvudoueup lu ebortertima. Soutb.- pay kits epiècbed lbhe- entira gaine for tbe homteteessansd vltb peirSt support vould haire W~ a @but ont. As Il we» the K. C,& eçm auly able 10 cannieet for six msebiow* sud îhe.eait came lu tIbm hnalage. Tbe clben e1121touda vere s oabj0 bitsaM tb. vieltlngttai vue o!isapublcn. Speedboy Aiclin. numm«an uthlb.mouud for theK. Ce sud desrmu dousereab hit c- lng Was leàshlu epote and that jet a 1ev runi thrôugb. There asn't anything sefftaculur about the a*me fer It vailton. cf %hbu. ld d hofrom tlb.$[rt affaira wlt Do cf lofflng, the WaY Obiay vastraveliag. Tbere 1* la k cf arrsugnt for neu% oSndoy. abs unuaiabrite besvesu 1the MWusd .adthose Who haire lcaped sud Ibis viii ofcourse b. thie neal fluAt te the Bu" nish lAinequarter a»Wedor givsé.Molast may a&Wobu aPPlledt. This Suyl muscre: K. C ...............(.144-0-0-0-0- 4 Arsa ................. 3»-0-2.0-34-0-1.-10 Two, bais bits, Kiug, T. Dorfior; strucoul b y Aclisuaman à, by Baphe 10; baie on batla off Mllannama 4. off Hke6; bit by pitcbed baIl, Ward, Weiacl. Notes. Caldwell and T.» Dorder were the chief bittera of tbe gaule. The K. C'a muet be 1 mplroving for we beatt Iem 16 teo 0the (otberl i. Tbat wfm an awful hune of chatter wltb wbieh Rd Durkiu musard up tb. llabbath quiet. Take Il fronp un Ed'e emne liecn atblote. Bpdy Darfier. ex-twirler. geueral utiliîy mmn»ad ocueloual bomerun bIsIer w». upI. We don't know abat caused hip àbbeenc-tbat in we don't know beul'naine but seelive.@lunlMil- arei e atted Ibal lbe editor b«m 0shat YOU 8U~~~4 sur brpak tut. u cb a éwld Ylpersrj. audise C. N Tbonîpeon entertalned relative. lrice Dunde end Rampsblrs, Ill., lait Bandar. AIiameiHHuld& Meyer and Clla Ernetiug colidn Ailes Marie Pepper, Bnnday. He.nry Tbiea reeularsd the Wsukegau Buine Clkge lait Aouday abers b. te iaklug a commerleai coure.. Ar. aid UAi. H. Cota seint a fea days lait veek allb relatives sud Irende ut Milwaukee. Ar. sud d Ars.F. 1. Umbienetock uni faminly vieituvib A. Umb&deutock cf Long Grove. Sondeby. Laed Bunday lb. West Premout bull leuinplayed lb. Diainni Ake teain bers. The score beluat 7 10 5 lu laver et Dfalond Laite. >i. Alluman le ntertalulng bis littie grand daugbter.1 lI a el Wedeiday ut LibertyvUle, ocured tbe mariage et Bert Dysi and Ai'e Ratel Darby et Dinmod Lako. RotAiYoug peuple â* aielikuewu bers. Ar. Dyer hm. bain imployed s en«gloser ut the Km à; Chappis Dalry Ce., boe for nuirai yeare. Aller as hort vedding trip tbey ahiirasldesut Dlaeend Cake. Congratulationo exteuied. Ai lesAma Meyer vited iatb Aira.B. Bord ut Cary Statien. rs. A. Wrtz appeut Bunnay vitb Ara. B. Amnoan. Ar. and MAi. B.,AMeyer #peut Bnnday vitb lb. latter'. parente ut Rende. station. Ai lesillan ebaireun spent Satur- dey sud Sunisy ut home. e AilesBarbera Amans là apendlng tb. vomk 113 Waukeguu. Cake, maMdAr. »à MAirs Wili < ArnO, ewon oMAr. » mmdAr.J. J. Rouse. FMOtIT. 8Sady. AMeure. Frau Hertel sud Georg Laoommid h. i l" cAi f lmg. Fraderiel $pont sonuay ut(BO. Bertel's. apme abS ek end vltb tuaritbe Ai, sud MA irs.WII tetuelersuni Ar. Nim o lis tWsmday 10 *» uniMA&. lMat Lungsud ebudra. 01 aiszt»WdsiauilI vitA relative.s md Ohiaga, speul SuIgda wltb Ibelr. 14elu Cifigu.1parents, Ar, undidlin. J. Frodnlcki. B~u R~ s epe e SndY vlîh hlm Té"i.Worts .>î t gbfew days vltb wmut&.,Ul ma d amiSr"Iaoues, m b« ..., M '.W,krl Arfe.l ~ 7WI etl Mraa Ars. Jiollemi Ai.ymema bueienIpP ukegMuWdm.iday Maumdulmulilts spst Iud&Y vth Elizabth Druer. Ar. moars. John Deiuisn ipeit f&a- Jo. ean la rIo re l mtib ar M te expaew houa jli e el. vsek et Waeakegmu. Aire. G».. Boe dl t betivlle. spot Sunday allh br notbsu, M-ire- . Hetel. AdaRehemsud taly motorsi tii Vis City »udBumil Smalay. osu r" et àlesuntllee .Wrk 1ai by Ar. Ali.à.8 AieL 0. I ~ * W 1 Mir, eMd4MAir idlerM& = 6u~Wr werethe Week-end cgoe. cf bs Dse Sohmite. Alvin Mjer KA BoMuday for Urbeas, wjlere bl ailattend the Blte Unive-. Air. sud Ar.. Judd lissons aèemsit-e eud guees ut the borne cf C. B. Boeton. A blrtbday eurprlaa wae fiven ir. Bert pflEmon o V enecday venlg by a number of ber fblonds. Aile. Katbryn Rie..of Chicago. was tb. gueil cf Aime. iabel Herenh,<rier. Aile. Ida Eawke of Arlington fleigbta, i. vletlng AIrs. R. i. Vaut. The Mimés Pearl Langdon sud EbiLe Coolsy retarned to tbsir borne lu Brad- stet, Mai.., Wsdueaday. NUaYV. RutebWis erecoverlcg trom hie attack cf appendicitia. Air. Coblin of Cbicago, speut enueral djo cf lai week wllb Dr. C. J. Davis. Almc. Power. cf Cicago, wasia ganet ut t1e borne of W. A. Wbtlng SnadoW. Umse ortba Rblnehartcf Hilghland Park,.%ras the guest cf Alms Eleaner Mesyer Tue.dy. Ar, sud Ara. Hlgley ot Cb"ego, ame vl.ltlng ua, tbe borne '-tfAr@. aah Admn. MinemitAi, teacb.r ot lb. fiftb and elxtb grades, le mallug ber hoite aitb Aira CarneiLl Air, sud Ars. Day Baikine of WiI- mette, and Aiselesmbel Bsdsvtait ut Hlgbland Park, vers week-end gueste ot Ar. sud Ars. Frai Biederatait. Pd. Adam@ofetChcago. @peut Bandai witb bis motber Ars. Surah Adame. Aile. Cors Pruacble et Cake Znrich, @peut emuerai duys eftolat ae.k witb ber cousin. Ailes Almirs Rockenbocb. A fIre@ demooalratlon et the tango at Hertel'@ Park, Hall Day, Saturday lgbt, Oct. 4, at 8:00 oclock. Iteglar dance follows. Yeu are fhvted. The Ladies' Aid wlll ame with Mre. Eli Ott on Tbarsdoy siesnoost. Oct. 9. Ar. and lira. Front Weil@laad daugb- ter Cnderella apeut Bunday viating relative. ab Palatine. Born, Bunday, Sept. 28tb. 10eAir. and AiMs C. C. M&OM, a so.. Aisr. SMud Airs 8. E. Koedier entertained -.r. ndud Ara.>George Prey and faily of Bowuiauvllle, Ar. and MmAirsliI rey and tllly cf Itomebliland Ar. ound Aira. dl. é. Stanger and fatilly of Baiis laeS Buuday. Mine. Emma and Ada Mdole speut onaday stthIe WiIi stanclîiborne. irs. Frank Foote and chiliren viellai' over Buaday alth ber parent., Air, and Airs. Tom Wilson of Palatine. Air.andibdlie B L.Tripp of Rockefeller, lira. Uabel Bcba-,4er sud CamseluA atmu cf Deerff.ld, apeut lait Friday wlth Air. and Airs. Jos. Richards. W. Ai. Jonc., tbe station agent, vialted vlth blm moîber lu, Wl.., Baturdsy and SnaudY. Chas. Hersch- berger actai ai station agent dnrlng Air. Jane.' l,omnce. Air, uni ira.AFrank AiltcheIll nd! tarnll eutertulued George Conte of Bouton, hIs., Wedotsday sud Thuom day cf lait ve.k. FranklStBlattended tbe fonerai eo, ble un t. anteluger ef Cbicage. Airs. Fred Suydurn and Air@. E. H. Wolis of CIbertyvilie, @peut Weiueeduy if tant veek vltb Aire. Dan Ritzeutbaler. Aile Airtle Rif-bardsetfChicago, @pentL Saturiuy and Bumidsy alîb ber parente, Air. and Mca. A. C. Richards. Mir, sud ir. emenaway efChicago, suent tb. pailtac v eels aith Air, sud Airs. WIli Edards. Air. and lire. Chue. Stuhi outertulued Air, n sudAis. Bd Voit sud Imily cf Arlington Helgbts lait Bniuy. The Iliees Lors Hodgkin@, Bertha Roitie uni Ailîdrei Rils.nthaler secom. panisi by Fred Culai uni Lloyd1 Riteonthaler took an auto trip te Napeivie un uisy. George Smith (ani daugbler,a@ m RassiSmnith of Evauston, visited eut1h. home etfAir, sudAira. Ai. W. Kuedier dunday. Aira. Wlit suàcilfie vas unfortunute lu' bavlug a bora. @top on ber foot lu trylug tu tis hlm. Rlood poison ent In. Dr. Baker a. culid utaIpreant greUly lmnpieved. The Ladies' Aid ooclety et Grau; Evungelical cfturcb viii serve a burvs borne dinnîr ut tb. eburcb uuduy noun, October 5. 'Bunduy alternoon uit 2 o'lecSk the tovnship Buuds cbool cnvention vOl b. e u aI tlb.ebureh Speakers front Cake Forest and Deerfiel yul ltmeup lb. ateracon. Everyboiy lecondillhivited to corne. The paitor of lb.eGOrce Erungsleal cburcb yull prescb a opec"ulsermon for boys »ud girls ou Bunday moraing, Oct. 5. Ailtare edt corially luvlsi.f ImINANCUAL !DVCAflN or Thie finunoil itubetion of your ohildren in soeesmýntihl se the. pra utafiagemeat ol your bumnefs. You allo ow thiast. go îê vwaste la your buulinUMcd you are eus, %Min# improuci melliod of conduulilg il 90 ai ta iWd a larger relava ut à lower xpemdWture Your bWu eidevelopeumbha. been's a fmMenof yeura, 'Why not apply thb.-*&me princolo thelb develepmest of the buaineu «snon of your ébuldren Who Wl sucoosd iou? TisaI dev.lopment cm bbut bea eoompli.hed by lntroducing the t taus. ad opep- ing a Firsl National Savinge Account for lhem. May ve talk thiieover with you?, TIHE rIRST NATIONAL BANK Bsving decidlto moue 'tuWiioelu lb. uuderslgued ahi sapl aI publie aucltion tu lb. blgbest blelder on the Irs. Duraaalrta, locali 1 mile wu$ ocf Long Grove, 8% mllil. orti. «"i cf Paiatine sud 4 m.11a.. sneait of Lake Zurieb ou Acuday, Ciel6198 st 10a.,mharp: 17 bond of mle. 4 bond of horasi. 27 bad ofseluand ail lurelnu implernets, buYgrainsu cor. sud msuy cîber artiles ta. uum.roum to enteitou. Uscii uita AiS. Rien OLLX, Prop. FBOEUW & flac, Auctioniefra. GOe. Zicum, Cierk. C-2-1 Oun &,ount of tb. deuith of My buebani 1 yul noil et spublime udino. teb blgbmet bîddiar on the Henry le. arm, leeated 2 mille& northwe.t of Lon Amcv. t Cake Zurich n. 4 eito Prairie Visa un "ua day, Oct. Uîb. counenelng ut 10:30 lo'rleek a. mn. sarle, the feilovîua pictierly: 8 cowe, 4 î,,lkere 4 apringme, @mnete calve pson»; 2 aork liera. fsàmmlng ImplevienUa. grain blinder net Iuied ruch, Mlc'ormiîck mower. 2-berwe bay reake, aseeder, îîulerizer. met of drags. truck wagiel. nerrow tire wagon, 2-irai-diiîehu wbgon, buggy, set cf vaffon s;rinir .difîte sulky cultlvat,,r 8-ohovel. .-t gr.sel piauLý, ,4(xl .] fd Fcutter wîrîi,..irý. 2-làî,r" power. 1 jack. leed gnndorer a npower. l tîig irili. corn obeller, aiug plea', griîîdstono. wbeelbarrow, bay carrier, rce. aud 2u lj.2ete double barnese, single un.,grain. hay aud corn, about 200 bu. of wbite ouf a, 5 tons et clover and timonby bey. about 5 tons Milet sud upland buy lu barn, 2 tons millet lu etack, 7 acres of bI coru, 2 acre. touder coin. ("anal terme. FitoxLce & Dias, Acetime. Havlas rented My feaim, I vi mil ut public sSouiooouslAisprernise.2% Milsa utl of lIusnd Lake sud 2 ujusu West cf Prairie Yi@aW. ou Thuraday, Oc b 16, OemmeucingOn 10 c'lok s. im sharp. the tullovng pru at:4 borne,1 hsovi.b*Y b»!I>ý S12 yeura oh; 1 pair coeug 3 3our. *Id, wat 1200; burneas. 1 uet tssming burn. 1Imstarfa une; 10Oallume mllcb cus.38 vitb cl,.. by Shir ide ,baitum eurs.apringera; 32 bons. 1 fulbÏmod Oii.White bout. 1 y.ur am.; 5 oews allt pi1,i ua bcavy l in , 24 eboialle; 1 S.borme poiver ap at ng nsd botter, Cyclone hsdscorn Bing maure epreaider, De.rlg grain bincier, Deerlug corn binder, nia; nover. apring tooth cultivator, Aiclin corn planter aitb 80 r" w, Ire, 2 baud culilvatera, pul verizer, 8-section burroa, 2 4-lncb truck wagon@, narrow tire wagon. 2 wagon boxep, ".pring milk v silon. sinei buggy, pair bob alpigbe, Prairie Cty saraer, Eureko loy down eedsr, breskiug plea'. hsy teilder. woeder. 16-ft bay rack, veru %helie, 17-.îucb Star ferilcutter. Portable blaclsmLitb forge. potatot merner andl courer. îog rckrl. grndatune. surlIe and vicwe ombInAi. 20 foot ladIler, ecaldlng lel île, tank beater. 10 bbl. water tank, 600 Ibo. acalse, wood raek. hsy carrier, 30-it 6 i blIr.h"afork. top@ snd pulîcys. .coup enuvel. voit maul. vot bobo digrr, crowbur, hog merapers sud booklé, waeelburrow. ferle, sbovels, boea, bou gambrela. 4 log chaîna. 12 pood mlk mon,. milk pullo.. »trainer. 6 chicken coups, 22 arre. geod cern cut vilb binder beors freel. about 80 tons timotby bay I. barv. 5W0 bu. white calts, Maic & Bumlu Cabinet rorgue t.coucb liton bal.. prlag sud mat tran cili a bodBuebine vabet. G.R.mien.,proprieter. Wu. PE'rgs. Auclionier. O . J'mî.Clark. 'TANGO Learn to dlance the Tango. FMEEDEMONSTRTION PROF. OPELKA -AT- IiERTEL'SPARK IIALF DAY, ILL. Saturday ,Niht, Sept. 27 Clana at 8:00 o'clck. Regular dance at 9:00 'cloc COME msE[RBP e <w -AUCTION SALES- L THE 's MiIk F -tu" tiai Th.e dently usatter vinters for an ahigilu * That Irai tAs ently a campail le evide berof t aay t up allAi IN * Thel ers frc aiongI would lAe mu mouAI tract p The vami :- 1 -0- 1 1 iw- i ,f joi

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