CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Oct 1913, p. 4

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I&ECOUNTY M E~ND officia] Paper for Lake Couty. beS Tlopbhne Nuinber 1: CtY EdItor Etisece 'Phone Number 225-1t, LberviiIe Exchange. et~ a the Pastoffic t LiwýrYville Ii., sas Second Cia.. Mai) UgMte I ~very i'ndav.Aderti*iung Rates Made Kuevn ou.pic'Tn 5CAPTIt4 RIC. 5.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVAN'CE ................................ ......... .......... . .................... EdItor ..SM ITH .-........... ........ ......................... m a ager L.Y I. UBBARO ................... . «*«... City Edtor AChicago man cbarged wth biting thse thumb of an- sew man, wau discharged when, upon opening bis mouth ed o hejude ha howa tothew Mnymenc ht escape penalties if they could do lkewise-open. Ibuir heads and prove they were braWness. The supervisors did a laudable thing Thursday when Svoted ta autharize the. county physician ta hav Dr.t *~.lerpeform operations on )dps on two Lake Cot4tyd ,drewho have been afflicted for a long time. Thei ,'dren are flot paupers. But the board saw fit ta do ar viks, charitable tbing and the public commends them fort >tboMr far-sightedness. News itemu: "Columnbus, 0., Sept. 25.-Tise two-year-i ld colt Peter Vola, driven by Tom Murphy, established a1 a'jw world'a record for bis age in wining the Hûrse RO- ~yIw fturty for twa-year-alds this aternoon, trotting .4*Otghuoa In 2:061-4, and comng lu the second in 7,2», both being faster by far than any two-year-old evert «W~o before.", Surely Vola bas sprung into prominence. Uweany signifcance itise horse Vola vimmng thej ~rdrecord just naw after tise women cf the village of limo have set thse world'a pace in the. rail-riding affair. rlyVoLo la some naine for world'a beaters. r WHAT DO YOU THINKRF IT? Here la a description of the latest women's gown, as .pjjhlMhed in a Milwaukee paper: "'Here is the tango gow.%n-the most daring anid diaphanous of garments designated for niid- 1 summer wear. Instead of a sit skirt. a pair of email Turkish trousers, reacbing to the ankies, sud held by a band of crystal beads, has been SAdopted for ultra-fashionable dancing frocks. O ver these attenuated trousers tlhere is a drapery of crepe on tise saine shade, entirely open, being ~:heldby a f ew gtitehes only, as far as the hip lne. Thse fgure àe plainly visible above the knee. Thse ý blouse and bodices are made loase and have the I tduog'tflIt into be hoed1 n lu style- ye rrch the. d. a (rJin ANNOUNCEMENT. ROF.ESSOLI JAMES SMITH of (Jhitago aîimoîîlî vs h wilI remîunie is Dancing Academîy every Satutîhîy Night1 'at Town Hall, Libertyville, Ill., beginning Sattray, ,»tbox Il. Instructions froins to 9. Recelptioti 4 to 12. ou«I>rof. Swith will teacli the Waltz, 'rwoSt ) *b s etp Waltz. A Largo Number' etSeparate Joseph Hironimous Laaned a Already $7,60 Has Been Se- Maintenance Cases Aise are lHersete orayslake Man and cured by Good Peopi Inter- Down on tise Docicet. Ho ïFfaed to Return It. ested in thse Work. MUCH WORK FOR GR. JURY. Waukegan, SePtember 25. HARVEST DINNER OCT. 16. À valuable hors. was stolon from 3joeph Huirnous oofrOrayslake on Stae'sAtorny ady Declares Wednedy eveulng by a mm wbvh Plans Naw Seing Ma«e for thse Positively He WIN Seek te 'hai ison u esuyed in rayalake ail Annual Dinner Arranged fer Inic Vlo W rnn. aume.Accordlug te reporip laie the Children. Indit Vie W men thls atternoon the. horse bas been Io- The ctobr trm o th ciruitcaled in Chicago. An aIl-olghi search LkeBufopaael ehv Thcoe emo h Ici by police cf thie ounty and norti ak Buw odhoremite av court promises te be the huai- shore wspconducted for the thiet. sne rmlorv te satilfy 4b0 neods est lu the history cf Lake couuty. It seeunmiat man hy the nome of of that 01051 worthy iuellituUon. It The court docket for the terni whlch Wilson askod ironomous early Wed- lis teo ea about $25.000 and, as there opens lu a few days shows there are! nestiay evening if he could borrov bis ae sortie 65 Lake county childreu ho- ls Peoples Casda. 229 Common Law horse and buggy to go out for a lîttie tIng cared for at the institution. why Cases and 257 Chuncery Cases. 0f ride H&ntmous consenteS sud Wi.- ail Lake county le iterested ln the the Chancery cases, 61 are for elther sou set out. înstead et returning ho sucesofthte gon o eous efforts divorce or separate maintenance. Il kept rlght ou going. w ho are glvlug I heir lime and their 1s douhîful if there ever have been as, When the berge had net bieon r.-îles t0 the werk. îuany suite et the klnd ilied for one turnsd atIil o'clock Hir<'nlmeus ho- itelow are donations aiready maSe terra as Is the case uew. came couvinced thatit hadl heen stolen 1to the tond needed for the uew buS. Naturaliy man>- of the cases le lb. 'and ho tumoS the matter over te h ih n- ly ILake county people, there ho- doeket have been carried over from police who ai once gel hbusy and notil jirg a fw oîl.ers, bol frein outsiders: year te year and are rather aid adsiedt tho policé of the different citlsiez la j. McGregor Adams .. .5,000.00 help le clog the machinery ef prog-. north shore. The Waukegan police 1 P. . Swift................ 2.00S.00 ress lu court. There are mauy novthie couuty as veli as along te enlire Judge Whitney............. 25000 cases tehe lried 'and idoubliez@ theseerecelved the cali about 11:30 o'ciock. %V. . ears ...... .........20000 wili h. given preference. ~Appareutly the thief bbail stno The.Missies Bennet..........50.00 Some ot lb. cases te ceone ai lime lu gttlng as far as possible avay Mr. Steele............ ...... 10.00 the October ternipr-omise te ne ei- from rylake sud for this reason ho What Lake ceunty person la oeil lu îremely Iterestiug aie promînent vas 'et localed lu the county although lne' people are Invoîvel. fThis laIore es- trace of hlm vas secured Bt Nles Cou- - is udon head of lhe nrphan. pecially vllbh regard te saine of the ter viiere il wae said he bai paget!age vould ho pleased to recelve suy divorce cases. The alring of these througb. dnton atrhwsal lu court.iIs se aiS. viii reveal many 1Tg oiing la4 esr idaspaer aud Pianosfor Marvent Home. family skebetons., edn.4easoda crad The date of the hurvest homo dîn- The cler'.sud bar dockel whlcbç welghlng about 800 pouneda. The. rigt nra h rhng aotloh al hlp la knockod dovu and ho voars barueaiteopngelOc.II. conaine tie iabillatiou ofal the rehoaselu front. He was hitcheS te an Below are some ef the thîngs needed cases, bas juet ieftfthe Sun presses otd top buggy with an auto bock ou the t0 gîte the children a fine dlnuer ou janS la heiug distrlhuted te th. sari- ss that occasIon, an eccas:on whlch Woau- eus attorneya about the. cil>. Wilson la about 24 years oid. Whn kegan people thave ais ays aideS ma- The Grand Jury. It vas Impossible te ied Wilpou lu terlally le makîing a mernorable limre States Attorney Dady Promises Lake couuty the .eearch vas carritd for the 1355 fs f hut many lnteresting cases wiii b. loto Cook cosinty vhere It la suaid to Ilam 15 t(12 jroaileed ;rouas 1000. brought befere the grand jury con- have boisa .ucceasful. Had the fellov cabbage salad (liromisedi: pickles 2 veues oeil Monday. Asied as ta core ne uthIo direction ot Waukegan galios; coffee if) pourias (promlei); vbether or net any sensations may arter the cai came lIn lnana assureS les ive pounds, mllk 1) '0i*o-J, :). expecled h. salS h. did net thîntu tact thai ho vould bave hoon cauit. 'creane rive gallens:; pý ieO: es ao-that he la of the opinion fiat luae a Sharp vatcb vas kePi fer hlm. four pounda; sugar I)f ty pounds: but- fe1wnylie pud: uois eacb case wbere Indictuments viliiho asked, lhe people are lu posession of the faeda. AsieS as te, whether or not ho wouid se. 10 indtct the Vola, vomen vh e veschargeS iii havlng ridien lIra. Minnie Richardson upon a rail anS treted,hor linva&do*.other la- digailles. Mr. [lady ofled laI ho vonid. Il vas Mie mautUrne that ho bsd stated posiilvely just viat ho volISdcovwit regard lt tis o$lr. lie ha, stated right alons ttho Probably veuld bring their case o fore lie grand jury bat ho nover mmaie à positive .latement until nov. DAM« E ATIOS Wiliam Atkinson As 10,- 000 for Injuries Suotmhud ôn tthse E, J. &àE. DEWOODY ËÙÉS ELECTRIC. ShoUld a true bi% ho returned aamns WHIliam Atkin»So bas Illed la <ir- thevomn the hearing luu cuit court a damage action for $10.-11 <t oUt00.gnst theILoRJ. and E. Hel loubtles ventSprove one of teiii. da im l, @mre monthiaag B e vio would be unique as far as the history voriig at the CYClone Fonuce Plant. of Illinois la concernod. the j. pooplo aiowed a frelght car to mn'dovu thesteP incline fromu thir main tracks vhlch buzuPed lnto CA EATIVSWHO freligt cars on which ho aS-oters WERE HRE NOWWORK w roking and that. as a resuit. IN t11E ELGIN STORES. kuockod off. -He elanshiam@Plule vas hart,___ ribe vore broken. etc. At- Dalgit robberios of dovutovu iorneys Martin Denker ýaud C. C. Rd- stores, iastlng for more ihan a voek. vards represent hlm. by vbat appears 10 ho a wvno im- Dewood BSengs Suit. iaod gang of tblevos. vert brught t 5 rauk D. DeWood of ZVon Site' flt 'rhursday vhon t vas ana o, han sued th.eiectric railroad for oS by police that ture. <dasva I $10,000 for personai inories sus- et $65 vere stolen from the Edin ,lalned nmre weekuago vien. at lie Hail drug store. Foutain qaire be=ac rosâilîL he and a vomlan and Tihis is the saeond Urne ual tthe vorkman ver. struck lu iheir Buto, thleras have visied Halls, drng store. by an electric car. It ta readled theY The. lri, of lest vook thoy got away vere thrown tto the. dlteh, the. cari with a kodak. valueS at 125, accorging. vas demoliahed and thbeir escape to Mr. HaIs. fromn deatb was miraculous. Alil sus-j Itla ilkeiy these iodak thii.,..are tiSed minor Injurles. DeWoody'5' makiug the rounds cf cties. for. ft lahOiIg the woret. recaiied. The Siun tol recently of one Severat appeals bave been filet] lu Waukegau tore vhere tva ca,.zîcu City amoke and dslorderly cases. valued ai $15 end $25 bad been t"en the clty maklug the appeals. Th;e aimoot lu under th.eoyez cfor e edon, cases ver. tics. isuimueS by Jus- lhe thefts belug commlitted on tvo. dif- lice Have. wilh hhese defendants* forent occasions. Perbap the are Leonard Rlcbey. C. W. Blodgle, Fred the. same men vho are nov operting Moore, Heury Vogler. John Neal, lu Elgin, __________ jMcli Ryan. IndePendent *sas-ruai by 25o. jLAkes big ve.wo iNDEPENDUNT. for c-bIs Tau Send us yaur tailored suit and bave il dry clesned and prensd by aur ukillworkemu The aai-monts will b. returned sas fi-n, brlght and clean as when new. The uap af the febr-lu Wl' b. raise4 and bath the. coat and skirt pi-oued no they bar& ,fit and .... look magt rlght .... This service in mach a ocnvenslnoes ad an eoanomy that yau hould not Mil ta ttao advantage of il. FRED CROKER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. TELIoEM13là" parsli-.,. cernstaîkti, ec., for decors- lion. Piano Tuning iaave ordere t Rays e ratsio t Work dont by Mr. Ahe. ."à-tl 1 T., I 'I I Il.. *1 oq ITE] L 1w 1 Pb WHAT LIE !NSURAN ý-CE-ISNTr Luie Insurance isn't only the very best institutionl known to the civilized world but the Mu-M~t way of providing for the gutiure; flot a burden, for it carnies your load for you. Life Insurance doos not cost anytbiug-..-not a cent, simply mnoney laid by for future use. Moneyt saved for the proverbial rainy day cannot be reokoned as acoSt. It'in not aluxury but a neces- sity; not "Li.fe In8urancer ... merely Income Insurance. Not "blood money"---it is cewh when most needed. Not to be compared to any other înztitution Ôo.u eart, for it is the very, best thing in existence. If you don't believe this statement ASK ANY WIDOW OR, OEPHA.N WHO HEASN.- JOYMI ITS BEISSINGS OR AN AGED MOTimeEIû WHO SON DIID NOT CON- SICDEÉr"tE i IE INSURANCE -AGENT A BORE. JOHN HODGE., District Manager Stock in Orayslakeu- Buying lIr two r-toros gives me twice the Pur, asisig4î'owerthat one store dae. I an particôlarly atrouxg ou thlse e 1own my store buùilding, do tise selin nit*f, ndbulng ln car lits gvea me en adîUntage tbat few store@ pousea. Anyone ln need of a slave will make a mis- taiks by not at leamteomlng and o-eing my stock before buyiuîq. I have been in the store businFsse'5 years and 1 can pive you. a little stove information that will do you no barni. It is easy to buy a ceap stove that ii nî>t worth unything to yon after you get it. LIBERTYVILLE... M I. B. EGER, ...OR.AYSLAKE STOV ES- STEWART, ACORN ROUND OAK.- RA-NGiES- BAS!IE1!IATERS, MOT BLASTS, OAKS. PERFECTION OUL IIEATERS. A le Stoc.C orne in and I"oktheov er. Sçhanck Bros. LIBERTY VILLE - - ILUJNOIS Oli sVI and in we" you tort wom Sw The lai-, gai- stol the ah& the. Tht ver. and oi but

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