CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Oct 1913, p. 8

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W'~r Wof..' ~em tha C.enl'..v .Jma* DIES IN SAXE BIOUSE IN WlIICII SIIE WAS BORN Miss Eliza McElroy Passed Away This Morning, Aged About Sixty Years. TUBERCULOSIS THE CAUSE. She, With Unmarried Brother and Sister, Had Lived in a Little Cottage Here. Wau&kegan, September 29. Mina Elîza VecElroY, aged about slty years, a lite-long resident of Waukegan. passed away t her home -t fiborid an load. just nortb of the Besley Malt bouse tiis morning ai 31.30 'cloclt. Deatb followed a rether lngering ilies of tubérculosls. Il was a pcullar concidence that Nlss McElroy waa boru and died In the came house. Mine KtIElroy's parents came to Waukegan front iréland about titreea quartera of a century ago. Tbey irai sottld on the beach bslow the hil bers. This was the place where the majorlty of irst familles settled. Later they moved up town and set- tlod in the littie cottage just north of Madison street on Sheridan Roed. Bore ail tbeir cbldren were born. floe are nowi but tbree living, Eh>a and John of Weukegan anti Joseph of )iss McElroy togetitér alith be aider sMater and brother John, ai] llved la the same lttIe bouse. Bya roarkable coincidencé nons ol thom avec marcletiand ihébey v livel together, the heppleet kind ofoi ils famlly éver sincé thetr birtb. The MUroye are devout Catholici &ad for many years is McElro: emgýla the choir ofthte Cburcc of t baumlate Conception. About tel ytm 5Mo the choir in this churcr vas chageti around and Miss M( Nhso gave up ber position as a merr dence la Waukogan thé famil>' 4ts b Cvetco. Frank Bziet sud Oscar fluba- coMa ver>' aèli known anti thir mcn» I monfda vWi i hésatténeti b> tée Dewl la schargeti that Kamppalaètt bcd 09 Misa McElroy'sa ttb althouigh a>lundecéd bis mone>' la thèeNorth <bey bcd tnuan for somé ltie limé Chitcago anti Waukégan saloon anti thatherdisese as ncurbleandas ail Ibe notice<i. thé owners of thé elbdsae vas gaulyroincuwkrahéct buildings la ahich thé saluons opel'- aIe are naméti as détendants. Thé husbanti sud father la naid in have abandoneti bis famil>'asd lef t them LX ALSM ERawthont support through baving hé- K CAVEC cornlcapacilatéti from liquor Pur- A MÀ5 » 9 W VE Ichasetinlathesé place. S Mca. Evérta anti ber ninor chUl- A rticn compicin taI hre vrs À CK S 1urE anuaning sud lent mater. purcitaséd liquor o! Jus Polanet anti William Peter Popit Drops His Razor V. R Hn anti a. a recuit ta unablé, andi Rushes te Aid of Two- lu provitié for is famly. itelacla>m éd ltat beote be becainoQuinu l- Year-Od Oni. ,~, epacitateti hé vas able te0eau U ,00j e yea. ANDREW PUCINI'S CHILD. Mm. Bungé lu her divorce bll ai- leges habituai tirunkennèss, cr0511>' Barber Saves the Child's Lite andt hreats againt ber llée. Siteaka But Sustains Senious Burns thé custody o! ber chilti. Shé résidea About His Hantis. in Mon Cilty. Mm. Sentie>' charge ber iuabanti Ilt iti ot tairu Peter Potit. barber tiesertéd ber. at 111h anti Staýirp e't North Chi-Pctlina Chut>' chargés that Rosa agu. vers lonlg tuudop bis razor lu Taylor landeréti ber by callog berý thé fluor. léae a lal! charen man éisle ameis. thé chair anti rush out lto The allés' Burt Riceso! Zion aa tact an in- near bis &sto 10 euthef1» er-old jonction hé gntéd réstralnlng tée daughlsr of Antiro I'uulîl 'îNbo vas City of Zion fcum Inlectering atit bis arapét b ame u'uîl la iig narmotion pituré business. wrapedIn lamsý hil ],a\ ng ear Mc. Ors-l' blt for separaIs main- smal bonire.tenance la tièscribèt inl anothér col- Popt savea tué cilis "lie 1ut on. burnot bis oaa hanis 5verv adjy th Zion Cil>' apépal cases are Thechildt a nwaietber hornue, sufer- neani>' al 'smoktng cases" aiticit al- log bedi>' vitit burna lu ber Ieft. sié réati>'bave beén trlèt In thé loaéi Wbhh xtént fromt ber feet 10 thé topu court. o! ber hed . h la féhIthéi ii suriréý Ckarles Marquart, s barber bn thé L WÀIJLtUA1IiTE Popit stop, vas thé iraI 1le sé thé el fr.Hé looked ouI, 55w lber WI L Ni N W T rolla lulie IrlcuI5v eobter --- V' ' - 'tes féare ttit taltIErcart bcd InJureti bis opine but lotis>'Ilwaca bétiévedt hat sucit vas nul thé case. Ernbart wacauncouaclous c greater part o! thé day ati ail day long bis condition was régarded as crical. Today muré topes aéré itèltiout. lu case bis beot wac not Injuréti anti Il tecualIinjuriés il Io bliéveti that bis la fouudti ltIhé dîi nul sustala la- récuser>' wiU hé rapiti. Those abo ailuèsséti thé accident se>' t cili te almoast a miracle f Ernitart ties n01 suffér internai Injuries aflér bis terri- blé feul. Thé vlctlm o! thé feui bas matie bia bomeé lu Waukegcn foc a numbér of years. For a lime ho lefI Wcukegaa to mate bis home lu thé aest but returneti hère a aumber of mouths ago. MRART COUNT TO WED IN RACINE Waukegan Young Woman Well Known te Police, Wil Wed Gaiesburg Man Soon. Thé éngénle mcrrlag lava lu Wbs cousin belti nu terror for Margaret Count o! Waukegan cuti Niebola itiigél> ut Glesburg. aho on Sattir- day sécuréti a marriago license la Ra- ciné, Wl.. Thé couple, under the Wis- cousin laas, mustwai fSve days ha- fore the>' can gel mcrrlad. Tite fea- tare o! thé la, aith regard o cur- ing hélth certificatea troua physi. chaois beforé te>' mn Set marrléd. bas not y.t gose ainatoffoct. Mr. Ihigel> leaflot knoau lu Wau- kégsn. lTe mme canoet h nid of rolin i th dn nds_______ zl l ~.Miss Count, bi tela ve knovu lu chlld, a Uitle eier, belping roll ber thé police andt Io or three limes bas sud calllag for hlp. J. R. Hess, trsasurer aitIhe Wause-- "The girls afré." shouted Mac-gn office o! thé Northt ShoresGazbeeu shows teas>' ot o!fte cil>', Me-Company' reclyrd aurd tuday that ha hélag shoan decisvel>' thal ber pros- Quart anti. torhvlth. Popit droppeti bas beén successful tu thé landi traa- énce bers la flot deasred, The sama bis rezor 10 lite for anti cushedte,1 in I thé Fort Teck Indian résérva.- la Irue vth regard tu thé police of bier aid. B>' Ibia timé site vas bum, hton. His name wacone o! thé firaIta Ke h lngaI osr.Sezin br é riltibe trawa anti hi&numbér, 886, éntitios noha Ing it ver Sezin be heroledimto select a 160 acres among thé Misa Count vas hors in Wcnuxeé. ber lu thé drt. puliéti t hec clothlag fis-t ton per cent. Thiss ah givé him Hec firet escapade came aban site anti Sun tatiehr In sucit a condition one o! thé rer>' beSl farms. ran aaay tu Chicago vlth anothar titat thé lameg aère ouI. Site vas HeuS vont to Montana to spént i b Waukegan girl and «Sudethtie police carriéd to bec humé abers médical vacation Ibis >'écr anti ahilé téeréa aI vs umont.giéeret toc c cuing dtirmparenta tu <blet tbay bad Si à umoe.Willim Bonis>', b kmt nbéso tatea lu by wabte slaves-s. Pol- It la généraIt>' fél that Popiî'a WashingtonStreestwaca anothér Wau- lowing that thé policesbad no Mnd of "'quet ertmvédlit chta ité. kélu;"an t tcsefuthat a en trIouble aitit berountil the>' flah>'or -PPWo bande aère burnéti so 1 d. r d= ag80 i *5éOtaWné people cama ln for titir ful ahare of déréti ber ounto! the City', bcnffng 9 ~rstholauabl 1 artb.tia>. nonors. flne user ber lu case site retors"t. undér thé treamtMela 1 reCeiviag hère and ti 6la opétithat thé 'gréat gief asehas suffersd ilhinul re- tard hèr condition. BABY BUGGfY 15 STAM TO BITS BY ANiRY HORSI Case Where Mother Had the Forethought to Take the Chilti Inside Store. Wauk.gan, Septermber 30. This la a tale more of abat mîgit 1 havé béén than abat realI>' vas! 1 Il iappeneti Seturda>' evéning, that to, part ot It dId-wbat might havé beppénsi, hesn't happenèd yèt, but, il May'! . Saturtia>' vening some kioti anti thoughtul mother vent lntq thte Globe store, leavlag thé gocart in ahicit été hati carleti ber baby down toan, outaldé ounltée acit. Théwacg- on finali>' tarted lu ral antInlua moment, vas untiét a borses féél wblch wac lIed 10 a poal. The animal atartu'd stamping te cacI anti, hé- fore paasersby could Iinterféré, Il bcd amashéti thé buggy ail 10 pièces. Nov, thé same thiag might havé happenéti in thé dosons ut instances in toan abers mothérs eavé their chiltiren la carts outalde storea. Im- agIna abat vouiti have bippetiéti bc Ibis particular motter not talten ber bobs malide vîit bon' Hua man>' fol' loa thé other course-lecS'e thir cbtîdron outalde. Had ilehédoue 80, no tioubt the- baby actilt have beemt stampedti u doslb betoré anyboti> couiti have réscuet IL. fIe Incideut shoulti serve as a strong iesaon tu othora abo take thir babas down toan sud someltiées leavetem outaldé the storea ahilé Ibe>' are shopping. John Engels o! HIighland Park, ar- rasteti sa eok ago foloalag thé ac- citiental sbootlng nt James Cont,èli, vas arraigned on a charge ot carry- lag concsaled veapona laute munici- pal court, Hé entareti a pIea o! guit> sud Jutige Raudail assesséti a fins o! Ofity dollars, and the coSsaO! thé ac- lin.youns Conwell le rapitil>'ré- covering trom bis ilurles.-Keuosa TOE UNLESS AID COMES SPEEDII<Y Closq Frienti of His Cornes to Waukegan andi Makes Plea for Oifts ot Skin. PHYSICIAN DEMANDS IT. First Patch of Skin Gratted on Sunday--Large Areas Neeti- ed to Save His Lite. Thé oniy tblng taI cen save Frant hf toi toi on bo ru th hc Ca Pflegrslilfe le skial grafting. Atj, léast ten ut bIs friéntis must sacri- 1 t ficé portions of tholr ouliciti If ho la lu récuser frein thé terible-bucns hé réceiveti c !éw aéeks ega abêti hé camé ln contact vlth tao hîgi tetn- sbon léctrcc irés ahile foiiowlng bis emploýtnént as linémen in Ké- nosha. Dr. Beémer, '% ael kttoan Kénosha physicien, 'vio bas charge o! bis case bas staeétiPfiegér ai die unise bis friéntis step forwarti and suppiy the necèssar>' atm. William 1. Smith, o! Kenoaha, a luneman. Who Ila eclose personal friént a! Pfléger, wac ln Wcnkégau tbe gréctér part o! Saturday>' er- noun making oeils un PIéegeras friéntis anti éxplainlug lu tbém bow a btly hé le lu neeti of ea cuticlé. SeIng unc- SALOONKEEPERS EDWAD ERNiIAT TOLD »ITUIER WAS SUED1 BY FAMIES TAKES AÀ 35 FOOT ILL FI»S CII IS IN LARGE AMOUNTS FALLOUT 0f TUEF BURNED TO DEATII 1A Large Number of Interesting Removed to the Jane McAlistér Mrs. B. Foot, Patient at Lake Cases Fled in the Local Cir- Hospital andi was Unconsci- Breeze Sanitaruum, is Gven cutCut- dy ous for Severai Hours. the Sadi Information. MANY ZION CITY CASES.1 HAPPENED ON SATURDAY. Several ~FELL WHEN LIMB BROKE'. HsadCm o e a SvrlDivorce Actions and,.ubn a e o e na Cas4s of Other Kintis are 1 itPayofFinsH d Auto But Feared to Break Numbered in the Lis t. WihPrye red ehd News tooSuddenly. Walukegan, Soplember 25]. et une oGtHc- Mca. B. Foote, a pattant at thé CASES FILEO TODAY. ory Nuts on Sunday. Lake Bs'éazé Scnltaclum in VWbuké- Mae *ontléy va. Lawrence Bntly- K an, wcs inforxoéo ieté Sturday cf- bill for dvorce. Edward Erobart, a wéii known ternoon that hec motber In Chicago t Pautîna Chudy vs. Rosa Taylor - .Wautégan Young man, was réndéréd vas 111,. When site acriveét Ibre ase fs@ancier; $2000 damaos. unconaclous for many boucs anti es- founti that ahilé hec mothér was In capati death very narrowiy as tée e excellent health. thet ber littie four. B Burt M. Rice va. Cty of Zton-a suit o! falitng thirty-ive féét out ut yéar-old daughter bati beau burnedte1 t chance r bi .Jutih. rv a hickory nul très on Sunday. Il wîîî dealb in a bonfice. Hec husband anti r Lbilaoris vs. Jutin Kn. Orvs'-I mpossible te tel for a few deys Physicien had thougitt béat to break t ity fo Monpaflielant, v. . t Just bowsertously hé was Injureti aste rMal boas 10 ber aitén abé arriséti a CiyoBiodgi--pp appelat. a. hémay have sustained iInternai in- in Chicago lu order that shé mightt hé City of Zion. appeliant, vs.FrnkJurien. a ble lu stand thé long trip thére. Moore-appeai. bM. Erniat bas heen taying et It»eséfl thé 1111e Focté girl bcd City o Zion, appellent. va. Leonard thé A. P. Wells home on Grand ave- been playlag la thé tréét near a bon. RIche, - apeal.nue. On Sunday mornlng a pcrty o! tire wben absi got too, close anti ber Ciyo Richo',- app ellt v. Her six,* Iucluding Mr. andi Mca. Wells anti dresa ccught lire. Lité a human Voger-appeai. Mr. Ernitart drove te GurneIn e sur- torcb, screcmlng nul in agony.. thé e Cit>' of Zion, appeatiant, vs. John ré>. Thé> aént lu thé Jowétt Bair- l111e girl raced ioward ber home. 1.Nea"-ppdi. slow fecm abers théy bcd nu trouble Béfore alité coulti hé réccitet g0 that L_ City of Zion, appelaflt, va. Matthew in flnding plent> of hickory nuls, théetdames coulti hé éxtinguisheti, site 4 Ran-appni.Ernitart vo-uiuteered lu cimb thé bcd béen bocrihi> burnéti. Sitewaca Iris lKemnppainen et ai, vs., Charhés très anti ahaké down thé nuls. Hé removedtiel a nèachy hospital but Holmatein, et at--treapas on case. Iclîmbedte luneosfo thé uppemost dled lna lésatitan an bouc. a Mltiret E. Evert*, et ai.. Joe Polafi- branches ahéré hé bègan te sheke ta Hec husbanti anti Chicago physîclan )f ek, et ah-îressau on Casé. a lusty manner. Sutdèeni> andi wîîb fearéd that If thé nem>s o! Ibis trage- Cor& Bunge, vu. Fred Bunge--bili for out a ntomnts acniog, thé brancit dy aéré brokén te tirs. F'aote aI -divorce, on whicit hé wac standing, bruts ationc that site wouii bréak down anti cl préclpitate i hm ltelité grounti. Hia woulid nt hé -ibi.- b malge thé tr'. Two caseès lied b> Attorney' A. V. frienda standing on tée grounti aéré 10 Chicago in thé automobile wbicli a Smith are o! particular intèréat ita- itorifieti as tèy sas, bis todiy cumé thé>' brought hère te také ber home 3f mucit as lhèy ar ce ss hére saluon wairing tuthé grounti. In. S80té>' msUufacturèti thé stocy le keepers are suèti for $5000 damages lié aas unconscious ahea té>' about ber motter bèing Ili. Witen thé e by familles of men aho are allégétirehet is aidé anti thé> fearèti et néas lbah>' aas broten te ber Ma t0 havé bécomé incapicitatéti for aork first that hé aas deati. Quickly hé Poole collapeti. Thé automobile lé! i ca through being soiti liquor b>' thé de-- aca iirtéd lto thé surréy anti itlt in Chicago for Weukegen about noon y fendantsllutée cse, Placé abilé thé ceturo trip te thé but brute down on thé wacvant i d e Thé hitle of 0onecase ila hic Kemp- Wéi oewsmte r onA lta-v ttélclsntcu i Bu pelvién. Laina Kémptalnen anti Emil Mle oewsmd.D.Jh .ntarv ttelclsntru n cht Kamppaiaen b>' thir oeil friénti, Ida Turner was summuned lmmediatel>' III about 6 o'ciock In thé evening. [c Kemppalaen, vs. Charles Holmtein, anti hé récomménded taI thé yuung Thé toneral of the 11111e chilti aî M- William Kefes. Vctor Johnson,. Jacob man hé sent te thé Jane AcAlister helti on Suntia> anti Mca. Fuoté ré- si- Goldjschmidt, Pter Wémber, Steve hosPital. Hé aas rèmnovedt Ibre lu turnedtet théeaantarlum bers ioda>' . m-- éT. h as beaui.,,,rtnait i fie ua h,, Waulegan Yew qT Wkiy Sept. 19-26- Oct. 3 ceale elgity b illions o!fhorse power. ARTIFICIAL LIGHT Wil hé a greatér néceasit>' during tiesé t sxismenthe. >cainted Smltit id nul know just beré ta ga. Hé says hé suoceedei in inding une man, John Méeyera, s )utchér reaIding un Jackson stréét, ho lagreedta lugo ta Kénosite Tués- sy morning ta aimw automéof blé tn lu hé gratter] un ta Pflegèr's Because hé knows su few people ère, Smitht bas matie a cequet that flégérs frleutis hé appealed lu îrough thé calumos o! thé Sua.[le raltes ltaI through titis paper hoe can iay thé casé beforé lIeger's 'léntis much more quiotit than hé Puti pérsonat>'. liéeats thet ans -ho are wiing lu sacrifice a amnati patoit o! aita10savé Pfleger's lIfe. communicats alîh Dr. Beemer o! éenosbc or léasé their namés et thé Sun otfiteandti lié> ai hé t orwaried to Kénosha. Askéd as lu oa twarge a patcb o! sk éscit persa oultthé expéctéti oa sacrifice, Smlit saiti hé undecatooti bat If tea péople could hé sécureti thal a pIèce lau luchés square aoutti té alI Ibat auiti tuérèquiréti tram reaci o!ftem. Titis tact indicae8, hoassèr, hua hid>' Pilèger la burneti emitit sait! Dr. Beemer la anxious o graftun thé Oiral pièce o! atmn on Suntiay anti focr tat ressortone o! Pfliger's friéntsin Kenosha consent- edtia1 go 10 ltébaotutaiaitèhréhé la ylng. anti hé thé tirat 10 submlt lu thé opération "Dr. Béemer sys hé wouli ttke tu graft un a pIèce o! skio ever>' da% or wo for thé néxt fév- vééts." Smith said -Su If Ibère are an>' abo art wiliog 10 maté a slamm effort tc sa'.e Prankas lité, ]et tem gise Ibéir naes anti arrangé a timé aitén the) can go lu Kenosha convénléntl>' anc suhomît lu thé opération. Thé tim( cao hé arrengéd ta suitheir concert léncé.", Aocorting 10 Smith, Pliégèr's wifi bas béggéd that siebe héaiiowéd th give up a por.tion ut ber atmn for hé hushanti but the ph~ystiin ailnu liatén to titis as hésays Ibat la hé présent condition of bealth thé oi érallon migitt prove fatal. A tél isys ago thé terrible strala undé ahicitsite bas beeq suffering andtihl auccy foc ber husitenis ilfe, cause Mra. Pliéger ta becomé a mothité Prématurt>' causeti th héol ta10dio .Mca. Pffégr's ondéition la régariei e very critical. Another ot Pllegér"s frientis stet 1peti focaard a tew days ega anti bel gédti ltIbhé héatloaèdtai lu gsesont skia for bis friéntis. Thé pitysîcla léaruèti that hé itcd recénlr reco' eredti roana spehi o! typhoiti foyer an] refuset i hm becausé hoe nai bis ski aulti hé tondry an#.- kqîte useles Smitht says be knouast'ter, are mcci 1abo cill give slUn au sooas tht c ealité ho, bcdiy Plieiger neatis i .As toc himseim, Smith saya thé pbyl rcla" ban resérved i hmfor thé la su ad will Iché the most stin tro 1hlm. "lI'm vIlliug lu gise cIl thet necéasar>'. hé nild. Smith gave thé irât real account the accident l intlcb hPIéger récélyt rbis hua. Hésaid! Pilegér bcd bas senti:np a poie lu matée certain i apairs. Thé pale wa une on ili thare aéré double cross bacc, alla lag aires lu con la lac différent dii l ions. Hé bcdt béen warnéd before 1 >vent np ta ho careful anti hé procet é, d ver>' carsfuuiy. Smith aays thé jla flot a more éxpécléncéti or mu 1careful linèman titan Pfliger In Il ypart Of thé counIry'. of Il vas necèsary for Pfleger Lcravl betaeen a smell opéning la tL B- netvork of virés, lu sa dolng 1 a aide toucbed ac Uve airs ablch hurl NO INCOME IS TOO SMALL TO USE aLECTRICLIGHT. la VOUR hous oquipped for il? If flot we c an mako you an interesting proposition 10 wire il. Piulc Service £oupay OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS There is but one artificial light that meets every requkrent- Eleictrie .Light The current thiat oreatet it Uikeuise operatea iron servants that will pertorm ail the household drudgery. -- -- . m %mmumow lemom- ire. Thua' the ide of bis body T w t )ochod one wlre wbiio bis nec DuhdaLte.For fuly thirty a«. Tl3 OALJI nds 2,300 voltis was sent through bis I -9 Ï A A )ody. Féilow lineisen realzing bis péril 'Crazy Tony' Setrakar Seeks te 'sheti to bis assistance. one or Han g Himself to. Upper Bars htem realized that ho muet acc quick- o f Mis Cell in the Jail. y. Wthout a molnent's deiey he .ookéd thé two wires together J.hho. CUT DOWN JUST )N, TIME. eusiing a short circuit. Tii sent thé ýurrènt back loto thé èiéctric llght Was Arrested Few Hours Be- lant andi burnéti ot fuses, causlng fr hnH a on iéectrlcity In evory part of thé clty foeWng Heat wue oin to hé shut off lntantly. Linémen then onStueq Psg limhed thé pois andi let down PFiélg- Waukogan. Septombor 26. ra body with rupe'>. Ife waa ruhéd Tony Betrakar. botter known as to the hospitai where thé pulinotor "Crazy 'Tony." was arrested eat miti- waBuse fo alon tie ithut p.night Thursdy nigbt by Policeman sesuse fo elon tie lthut p-William Kenney who found him doing parent aucceso. Flneily it bad te ef- a séries of poses on Market stréét. At fsot of resîoctng respiration. 3:30 o'ciock Setrakar sought to com- Pfieger wtas borribiy burneti. Thé mit suicide by itanging bim8ef to the bars of bis celi witb a pmail plece of flemh on thé aide ot his nock wes rope wbîcbhé bchd bidden ini bis cloth- burîîed away Bo badiy that thé juguler Ing. Hé wous eut down beforé he bcd vin is exîîosed. Thé ékîn la com-. time to stranglé lu decth. piétely burneti from bis right aidé Tony, aitose eccentriclties are volt known to thé police, was golng and théce are portions o! bis rlgbt through sorte nsuai rymnaatica arm where thé tishitla cnmpletéiy chên placetd undér arreat. Policeman burned swey. éxposing thé borie. On Kenney wbo rode along Market street Lhée prtins l wulddo o oot >on bis motorcycle, 55w Setrckcr them potion li woud d-no ond standing on thé sidéwalk, one ecm up- graft akin. Pliégér bas béen in béd raîséd ap if hi vsomulating thépnose n e itospitai evér since thé accident of Aid In which b. défiés the ligbt- andi undér thé most favorable cîrcum- nlng. Tony did not movéeand in thé stances l i hé many 'tééks or uncértaln iigbt looked like a dnmmy monhs efoe le wll ie bleto etwhieb boys migbt have fixed up. Thé mouitshefcé é ilihé hie10 etpoliceman stoppedd w watebhlm for arounti agein. Any itelp bis friends a moment and sew hlm changéeipo- cen give hlm wili hé chéerfuiiy ré sBitiolia. so th&t -bis other arm was celvéd. éxtended In a similar pose HP dé- cidéd that was something wronic wltb the feolo and took bhlm to the WILLIAM RiAN IS Tn aspae! naclo h VERY -LOW IN W 'owST tr'*t'dAlky3t:o sbhtou cnre anotitar prlsonér In an adJoinlig cIl. He hastenéti down stairs and Waukégan frle,das of William itagan. feond Starakar hangng f romt one uf former circuit clérk and recorder of thé uppor bars of bis reil. Lake county who moved away from Thé Tope was Util1e moré thon a Waukgansom té or wéîé yarscord and bcd béen doulied so thai Weg ll regre oéro tte leya ry lwould sustain thé felowa wv.égb'- low et bis home In LosAngeles, Cal.,Hés e facrénëtyhd aordo ver h luo as a resuit of parai>ysîs. 1,a éfsécitéco sret en personailétter, Mca. Regan Then hé kn.otét thé ),lier endi abou' vrltes e friéod in Weukégcn to titis bis neck, This dld nul ru-sé hlm off effeot .'"Mr. Raga la serlousiy Il et thé itoor. bis humé: for sevèrai tisys wé f sareti To get eroundti iis lIl: ,o-'ié hé couiti nut live but bis générai con- Seiraker ralérd bis tec't. ar-A" dItion la now lightiy improséd arid igtentl ' vhelt tbém un,)'I1i!- hé "â- bis béart lea'torking sery strong. siowlYr hoklntiné1deatl> '.- sas ..Hé suffereti a stroke of paralysis back In thé face when Tr-o" r'>rh>' a nt li amid lies flot beén clear for hlm andi eut hlm doii, oser a we - ;héla flot sntlreiy belj>- Anothér foreigner v Mb'- u(w, lésa. i thîmît lhé badla touch 0f paraîy -thé eili ltit Strakar ta> on i-s sîs once béforé tiurlng thé pat éigbt bunkt anti was an emused 'iiné-4a of monthé for hfi, iefî crm bas been belpi-thé abholi ncident. lie grînOPtias losa but hé felit k as iuéréîy an ati If hé considèrcétiIl te 'it kind of tack of riteumatlsm." a jolie. Mr. Ragan was circuit clérk prévl- W'%hy dont sou lt the damn fool oua 10 incumbent. L. 0. Brockway. He bang b imeel! If hé war.t% tuS hé waa cléck for yéars and no famîîy was - ed thé e sé rgécot. bélIer known in thé connty titan hi&. Setrakar was gl>én eaitearing In Bruce. Ragan. bis son, diéti several police court titis morxting and wasa yéars ago inthie osat. discitargéti. The ropé with whlcbhé _______________ baid trIedti 10bang blmséif vas ré- ADJUDICATION NOTICE. turnéti to hlm as a souvenir. If hi, ]Public nolice le héreby givc-n lb>'wclohes lu carry bis suicidaiIintention lnt éffet. hé mey do Bo as> long as thé subscrihér eéceîtor of thé la>' hé dues flot clutter uni) " the esta- ilii and tétamènt of Sotie Cunaoer, lion wtb bis carcesa. dpeéased. aili attend thé t'ounts Court o! také Countv. at a e îéi'î %DO YOU BELIEVE IT? titeréof tu hé hotien at thé Court OA-fifteéntli udredtth of an oullie HiOsje lInVi aukegan. ln sait! ('ounly, o! radium la îatueti aIt lian un thei firit %londay of Nusénili, now is on exhibition et thé n .'étlng ne\t. wii. hen and s-here al t)F- of thé Amerlcen Associa.,on ofl Oti- sons having dlaims again4i said eès fcil Surgeons In Hotl IlaSallé. (Chi- taté are nutiiéd anti réquentsd t10 c ,o T er are tv-o tiny glistenlng présent the saeé 10sai Court foc cBrtie ltlýebgraIns of s..d. eilhér uf adjudication _aicbcouitehébelanceti on a pinhead. AVO EST RCUNVERMAN. One ut radiums chié! uses, la In thé Exeoutor. curé o! cancer. ScIentIsts have sai Na>L,ý. r Il e e. t e gI n y P, 15. id a. tg e- Y. ýe lie . là mrt r bat oies ietoIm Immo-a t"o polh <bey sec ta* nove Ules. I eusse l vht nevs TT witit fact. ta la ms ing otti svait sot...a aban«t tk mrtb

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