LAWE~TJIY NEEE FRDY, OGTOBFER 10, 1913. (Catlnucd from iPaz* On*.:, iar ho that the that ho Ood thia ire cOUS- r amim u . .t'bùOue jrotiitd Oo Are GUAROANS SLE. lineotfai.! lot, twa isundred an.! ten Gtae o RlIno IS SiUtya ALtE aund one-half feetnntis of tise soutis stateet Ilinos ' ount of ak un.1 est corner thenoftisence west pur- In tise County Court of Laite CI alel ta tise soutislineo!r aid lot, ho ty. Ociober Terra, A. D., 1913. a a ln tiee mattBr of tise petition of tise west line tiereof; tsence uorîii Willitam W. S. Carpntrter. (luardian nif sixtynine feet; tisence oast paratiel ViviR lane Anet.' a minor. for leuve to tise souihliune of sul.! lot. seven- ta selil réal etate. tyfoun teet; thence soutis parallei to Public notice la ieehy given thiatl the east line ot ual.! lot. seven teet: by vItue of a decree entered in th@e'tisence east panuilel (o tise soutb lino abave entitied cause ln sald Court of sald lot, ho tise east line tieréof. on the Elghtb day o! Otuber. 1913, and thence aoutisanug ual.! oast Une tise undensigneil. William Wv. S Car- to the place nifeginning. situated ln îetêri. (uandianu ot Vivian Jane tise (ounty af Laite anti Stute o!f I11' Amet, a.minor. will on Tuesduy the nois. Elevelth- day ot Novembel'. A. D., Date.! tiis NIntb day of October. A. 1913, et thse iour ot one ocloci lu tise D., 19t3. atteriiu ofa saiti day. ah tise Fat WILLIAM W. 9. CARPENTER, door ofitue Court Hoose un lise City Guardian of Vivan Jane muet. oinon. of *ab*ffln, ln tise County of Lake Wkiy oct. 10-17-2431 and2à" o lniisla.seli utpublc vendue tô tise bisgbet andi bout bidder tan " aitaI of the rigit, titie and in- Nad cof. To' Par ta Chancme. terît t sid ino, n ad t th IAuLlti lon and Jack h" grawn teret 3i aidminr. an tatis suu tagétber. and '"en jiki l su&" folIowIflg dcacrtbed mel estate. ta' ,tpSw ousmuid Aannd bils Aret Wit .gthe theg3 g ta î.st of Lot One ht tthe Second im-i 6611"ls DOTa. '<But Jackl te, lbNrtb 0 ofu is . , U'çfhU ~6 ~~~~~~~~~b ç4i Prt(n>w1 Ig C lett4shtheWlI Ir child or children under the age of 12 vears ixndîtieo necessitous ircuinstanees, etc., he shah hi' deellied gîilty of misdeîneanor. "s Naturally Mr. Orvis askcd us to prixit his stateineut. Rie explai'ned by the charges agaixîst Welcb, xeferrîed t in i this néwspaper. At first wc refused to print the explana- tion, although at the time we thought Mr. Orvis was en- tit1ld to the eonsideration and that the public slîoîld knoîw the lacts. ~A. ew days later like a boit from a elear sky eaine th(- naine of James 0. Weleh on a civil suit foi- sel)aratc min-l tenance started by Mrs. Orvis. Sîxeh a flood of protest came into this offic-e fronti varions peop)le, sortie even Nvhi were not frienils of J. K. Orvis, but wvho would insist upon a fair deal for any mian, that we feit foreed to print Nli-. Orvi8' letter. We asked Mr. Welch for- a statexiiexit iii lis own defense. Ile declined to make it. W'e think our relations to the publie dernan<led tliîs. 1 etter because:. FIRST: Mr. Welch is a public officer, lie is a jiusticîi4 of the peace and as sxeh is givexi autlority ovi'i' îî'îsi.î1 and propcrty, with poîwer to llast tlheir reptitatiouîs ortg, i hind their body; SECOND: Mr'. Weleh is a sulpvrvisorx and as sîîcbi it is bis duty to conduet ljmself %ith solîxietv andl respeéi'ît 1ilitv, as lhe îalks ui1'auxd doN'n tbroîîghiivcocmîitY wbhîicil lie represnts. TI [I: M r. Weliu'h laidl ](en on 1t hiea ' Oldtii' itv as sehool tea'ber for several vears. In ont' uh1 sehiool any teachex', esp)ecially a young maxi teac-her. iii 's- sarily acquires over th(, vonng boys he is teaehing a îwcîîl- jarl n v oi'tif1x infliîî'îee. Te set lhirn np as an idval. 'Wlat Il(-ie s is right iin tlîîir mmd, and the" v il 1t theî sainie. Ile wlîo uxdeîtakes thé obligation uof teaclîiîg in- avoidallv eeomi's a part of thecîa'e r ii ,'hj eharges. Evexryoii' adiits that whilc lie is teaclxing, 1,lus eoci)llt niust be flawless, anîd we itiaixîta i ht ils îbli (ration does tiot cease w'tltthe i'xpiration of<4 ls ti'î'ling contrait. Boys follow h is eareer andi if tliv ' si' in iilîî a vroxig exampie tlîiîi îlials are 9hattcî.ed l11 hi iî iwi s(»ls(- of righit and îî'rong blurrxeil. 7rherefore, if the charges made bv MIr. Oî'i'is are tx'ile this man ,%ho so lately helî tItis position id txist il, oui' vvelufe as a teatet' Van nio longer he helîl 11))tii <'ildî'exi andi hi'childrcn as an uîeal. As'one matn saut to thti' cîitor of a newspaper: 'IThe e iaî'st thing in the w'iiild to nie s wyî boy. Don't vou darî'e lcuiî'c an ixfieuice E vel' bui anud tîen curse his life lîy livin g îîîwourtlmilv . 'Wliîcn voui do fliat you toueh whex'e tlîimgs are vital ai l'Il figbit." FOURTH: Jamies 0. Welelt is aieider ini the Preshy- terian church and as suecb is fîrther lifted ixto a position of proniilexice, tr'ust axnd res1onsibility. Wc were not paî'tieularl ' interested in J. K. Orvis, but as a ncwspaper wîoiîld take ipon ourselves the figit of any man w'ho was botmnd over to the grand jury upon sncb eviilencc as above set forth, espccially when ho vas bound <ýver by the man wîhbî a few days later appearcd as attorney for the rvife in a ivil suit started fox' separate mîainten- ance. But, more titan that, when charges of miscondutt are made against a mîaxi who is through circîmnstances oie- v'ated to the positionxii, oui' local eommunity such as M-Nr. he ini'estigated andthe bcfacfs set forth. Wc w'ould print Welch is, it 1.5 very important to the public that the charges the niatter in this paper no mnatter w'hat the conseqxenieS to lis ould be. If it should be sho'Nvi that M-nr. Welch is not ad(lîctel to the use of intoxicatixig liquors this paper Mill giv.e the finît- ing the widest and most possible publicity, but, on thc oth- er haud, if the contrary is ghow'n, will tiot the'publdie have neason to honor ils for the stand ive have takenl .Do you watt to be kept in the dark about the conduct of a justice ci the peace, supervisor, eider and former school teacher, or do you want to know about his conduct and have the niatter sifted Outt Do von ivant to sec cther friend or cnenîv hotnd over to the grand jury in the face of evidence sncbl as ahove set forth 1 Is is safe to permit such things to be ,iono îvithotiii publicitv .an'd without comment? Mr. Melél 1miad started a civil suit that îviillî (eter- mne the questioni of hlis guiit of innocence. Superntendient Makes Statement. Supt. Tisonpson. wisen lntenvlewed by Tise Sun about the Ryan usstten ut fint decline.! (o discusa it. declarlng iso frst wisised tise board to take ac, tien on It. Ater tisat, lie suid, lbe wouid feel more tree to discuss il. However. when told thut tise matter s'as common tn tait on tise strelita, "For some time pat, ln certain In- stances. M. Ryan bus slown insub- ordination te me an.! this. tagettmr wth otisen tuestoabie tiings witis regard to bis deporment lntise schuai system, during tise past hwo yeans, bave brouglit tiis ffatter to a beaut with regard tn bis former recorul li- fore comlng to Waukegan. a thing whicb lie '.ery clearly did not cane to go ltain detuil wItis me. 1 have docum- ments front varlous officiais ln promt- ment Institutions ofthtie country whkcl sbow tisat Mn. Ryan's educatian an experleoce as presente!tu ho ie ber and ta me. are flot ln accordance with facts. Thoat documents wilii be ire' sented ta theabard toniglit. *,If a teachee r'.taning andi ex- pereilé silpremeiited to a huPeii'f timdelât and a beard ,t education tan' »Mt,.bNwâw dUPouý tiso tihe Vory elàeu9~'f tw U4bag xup0tsOIion MWlCIPL RYAN IS -DISMISSEB FR6M THE SOUTHI SCiIOOL SOUTH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL IS SUMMARILY RELIEVED FROM DUTIES AFTER HE REFUSES TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS REGARDING HIS FORMER SCHOOL CONNECTIONS, THIS BE- ING THE CLIMAX TO PRE- VIOUS DISRUPTIONS BE- TWEEN HlM AND SUPT. 0F SCHOOLS, INCLUDING AL- LEGED INSUBORDINATION W-aukegan, i>ctiilîr 8. E. W. Ryan, principal pit the South achoci was suspended tramn service tie morning by Superlntendent ai Schoais 0. S. Thampsan atter the principal had abaatuteiy refuse.! ta nweIý,certâIn questians put to him by Mn. Thampsan regarding his rec. 'or.!'w a a teacher and principal. Tise questions pentaîne.! io refer- ences Mr. Ryaus had furnish e.!tise school board about thse authenttlcitY of tise references blauriseu an.! sug- gestions ot sîhool, bourd uuinibjlirs. Siuperlnteuident Thompsoii tluisn iin 11,g callrd NIr. il>an to lits iii'iiî' uc for e the prncipal a nt to iii'. dîies uit tise Sout s chool. Mr. R"vanneîîorh,'d ut the' Central fiîhool !îuildi ng un.! tlern Mr.'i'homiit sonl shunte.! asking bim aboeut certain statenîents nmade in bis referenea wliich lia.! beeri giveuu to the boardl and on which 1;e had been hire. "I decline to make unv statement," suld tir. Ryauu. uccordlîg lu M r Thon bis8on. "I Insist upon tair n nnuers ho fuir Se ea tf al lugerle Waists Pricid et 'Low - il tIll' sheereît hbat- isti' iijilIndia linonîm, pro fi'î i \- ' tiiiwiii i tili lîii' laes and i emitmii vrls ig'li îueik, lonig sluit s, lbu' nei'ks axni tlut-ui attei' 1 e ii g t hi sI'i'ties. There arec diti i ili' differeut stylies fo', i' i t uîî' housing, i'oxî i 'îîitl~ariraigiiîl on Special Sale of Wdmeu's Dalnti Wwrkwear 50c A lut i' îissiiLtiiOe lit ilfa- dt'cess scts, of citla î lt uvt li' or 'sluieerniuml, odgetl will fine' N'al latve. Spe Suits at $14.75 îjî alit v i' lle î'ser'ge, coat I ixeil t lîu'ligluîî t hil skiîîiiei's satin. $1475 W»OIWeX suio 1$25 -Cort'ct co pies ft'oiii the inost Pro- îiîtmi'eii l'.ent'hl ideas, modified tii suit the tastes of the w'el-dressed Aieriî'an wuîxîan, thie newest 1'ab- ries are mepresenited in the mtîst fa-, vîtredl' <olors of the season-antd l)iar iniinîîd that the fabrie and Iiiig of tiiese garnients are gilar- ainteed for tîvo seasons' satisfae- toi'Y service. Women's Auttima Cois, beautiful 'styles; Wonderfid Values 1dv( îh"as - et alia t nen iutf auttîînii ats as one woiil w'îsh to sti'. Wîîds d tIt ataliîaeydesci.le thte tîatîeloums îi1rittitiiI5 iow' shoîî'i '1îe invite yOiî to c'omîpare tî iis 1 im' ew'ith llyni siîîîîla illin i Waîîke- g1aiz vi'iîîhax'i'tht' pxiciis, toi. WX ar'e' Villiliugt,, ;îhî v urdî'Ii 'ilteeisiiiii, lot' %v."kîi ftevallits eaîiuot b lidîîlioateil. Fior iln inlstaxce: Wooltex coats at $15 -Meeting with the requirements of ivomen of taste and refinenent- tîere are dozens of them at this pop Iai' price of boucle cloth and other xîoveîties, inostlî' tliree-qi'i.iî' l- exgtlts. liich(, ne' cît-aîvav effeets. Tliese, stý ,îsili' ' itSfQ tuor î x î Misses,'& Small Women wil he deliihted with these Swaiger Fail and Winter Coats at $9.95 \[ I tf' heavvu ble) i ace' l itaterili', ',lhoii uîg tamm plaitds, "n the re- ul-e i(e.Tlii i.i î'ats ih.ii a sxîîut i-'cii" iv plicaiani'cso mtumclaîlmmired. b lit- oiiolxger set. Very Different Are the Hais You See Here '-',imhIl il iiiu sk llt',l li1 il 5 iispiii'i'l Niiflu par-t* gr(tt 'h;iî'î"l- --iv -" Sîli.iiss Aai v i vel'îî. 'oie, Si,'ee î,'îîî jîîst l il i t - l ';îs . Maiiv IIa,'k hIats Ni ithi tîilitis iii','tIi', îll îi',\v iiî's, iti, are sî'i'îi. St î'aîigu îtuîk gre, ilis .nid l hi s, hîîilliamît ruI'i'il H iv îiî' put jil, Vou il ind great thî'îi( I i iidi miî<,lîmuti;' î'<in h v u iî' -or 1 î tl 11u1iii S 'l alait fi. 1 i v (-i 1 .i st q lId 1 viiî\vil finît i hii'iîi îii'i asii utS as,$5.00. 4W.50 and $ udding' "la it tnîte, us yîuur references tate. that you once was suîe'rinterud- ont of su-hools lun the Pihliipines, If 50. wiere?", "I declîne to make aruy stuirment until 1 have tisougit matters oser,- replie.! Mr. Ryan. "It sisouiti not equire mucb tîme for neflection, to angwer surit a i.Ues- tiono" sai.! the suîierinhendent. wiso sdded' 'N'ow, unless you answer thesn, questions about your tnaining an.! experience. w'hiîii' Ihbue been usked io look into. You must reunuin away fronu the Souths achool until tise matterha heem settieti."In othen words, tise civ supeintendent sum' mailiy suspended tise principal troua funiber serviec ln the SouthB chool pending action of tise cisool bourd. Meeting 1'OnIght. The mathen wiil be tuken Up fonm. aily tiis evenlng at a speciai meeting of the school board whi!r bas been rulleti for tise purpose. Mr Ryan. Do doubt, wil lube present to make si explanuiln aluis ho muy hav'e tn offe . ia Weil Known ln CitY. MnI Ryan la weli knowu ln thse ity., He lias been active ln thse wank 01. tise FPint Christian cisurch for tls. past year se lias been prominent-as a. speaker et public fonctions. ln tact. was oruton ni tise du for the GI A., R. on Miemorial day lest MuY. Theê suddenness withb wiici tise rrisis was: precipitated ln scisool circles. caused, great surprise la educuional cincleW desple the' tact that thece bu.! been' rumblings for anme time psst us ne.'ý gards MNI. Ryso uant is stailisln tise scboois. fug mr. Ryan'm ability as a priliciiJiM Ic'nAC DU de( orated for the occasion. Miss ,ofis but the evidence whiciî I bave col- MJ UI RJI"M U MDIlu nire, sister of the groom, wllr to question iomethirg mîorte mport II T LU YMR. GUYi icI. lr~ ,s arît for the welfare of fi,1h.(lidrén and that ls the iruIhfub ne,, f his. MILTIMORE TODAY .. lo records as present.'d q i" hoard. I lu IIý%i l] * .ci i .:î Miss Hielen C'ook ýa, Iaeed ini Wedding Takes Place at 6:30 'r ii i'brji charge of the South qI hol d pndiiiv1 O'clock at Hornie of Bride's liIir, l~n..' iji'tfimeft of the Rliij ijatter.P rns ii b~i jhI bb ______the____lii ti'ijrj.ja, 'l.ion'(ofiithi, Iiyth uannin a hu f heBOTH ARE VERY POPULAR. ......biîr',' R-noiahu coutnci lno'lj, " ha, hen 1Ho),jil b ci "i s'I hj l on the chief o oi, llii.thut ln1 îl L a e a ne o he Ijl [i ( b Ir'ig 'llc futu ore' crip<iies and i a'g gor'.wili le h e a e ddiOnen Three l .I"I t Biijl ii ]-j' baiéA frinte Ir-ý r crlsia Weeks' W d ig Trip i i i , h - ad fjîrfhc'rthc ii j'jîlt. > liiler N orthern W isconsin. lI. ý ' b b î . j I'rIttr afi l l-slldI f Pirilî f l'rjl i 117,11 lîb ir, . lt'ij h, nuit flriee joiab,'t i j" jl';tri ,fflr.i tr'aîvling nmedicin.' ja j>.jjr' i. tOhh ',.o li' i iir'i'it ar iiijiibî ii'c iis foraliieaabb' jî 1jj bhi. lo i ,r l p' arjiot.i jîrri M ('OtoIibj'iihof iîj'r abjbbhio0iorrg. Who, on Monday, wa. reappointed Kpnomb'a has been tI i r,' bî ofi, ' hi i'îji Bn, l'u Sî'r, of lIi îljc, r î'îl n s a nulijljr jf il, G i iis(l b. Masterin ChafoOry of Lake COUfty 1 riplsan fît -gar frpýrîailijb artiojî Il.' jii-lîj' rdîc 'î ci'by Judge Whitney. The appontiment ând t hs*roen bjjjj bunjugBran 1ýII ii Sar.holds for two yers. thus being from Priîîlend f ke lji'icgahe .lfrait rn Ml,'. ia .'.' lir .îijj iI.v j' bjjjjejl Siar1913 to 1915. Thi.s Mr. Heydecker' rounhd foa s t. u e I lmit w as tn Ir. Milinmore 1i0 ihsocluted wlîh second term, having succeedd Elansim rea he lat atrdas ii hîa bn i 1< O0 ('roclJ b (i 'ai, n i mat' i x blabatlî.'r, A. 1. l.bbb'in the grin Ciarke Ütil years ago. less than hait a do',erii a nen a th aut ie 'nlsi'rsîîy ofih blia'gii aIl 'n lbnie.. u! i a bo li cracked vole« and met' sith rrooked Y WfOI1'tdiriîero isa(r ce r uiiii~f es«îundii. i, 'îL formî'IsiISli. ilasy arîn4. hombarded tbe l iv ciie alon g ail jil ornii jtie a i n g ce'rv'iiioni i e OI Of i t 1w i i Viiik. 'gai oI a îji Gr e iwh l r-' h t I Malin strect, inaking îi ieonî l]ni- Olythe Ilionirdiate faînillo". Of the'lur lî, ujGir'Miairi .i ibu r rti t , May!" Mar iî'iiîie or pejîe . o't in si!, ioupl, %'iI l ji , rî'eih1 îb*ii.i i ! ilIar i iii i ti plej c (dltto, - "es h'unortunately ha walks. ThF ' oselion'jc bit eein i en' cr11lii' ,uOftritnidîîiiiîiij ,a ines Il thse w.'uig end" =veY Deprtme'nt Now ,4, Y Î", Fail A Magnificent -Display of Unexceile4.- 13 Now Open for Your In"ec1oa A woman's tailored suit nowadays is a work of art-it is flot merely cloth or silk cut along certain accepted fines ano1 put together by skillful tailors, but luxurious materials, sofr to the touch, odd ricli colors made by designs that artists have drawn, with lines that make for the greatest possible __________________ ount of girace--that is the suit of toda and tomnorrow. If is an Il _ .11 arfistie whole--such are the suits we are showing. st