CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Oct 1913, p. 2

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OUT SALE. Arn orced to vacate in thirtg dayjs and evergthing must go uegardless of cost. Ladies'Department Ise Cotton Baie .............. 12e 80Winter Undervear ... Soc Jersey Veste ............. s5e Ise Ladies' Ribbeý1 Veste ...lie Children's Irnderwer as lÔw s 1bc 35ic Ladies' Black Wool Stock- Luge ......................196 25o Laies' Fleeced Lined Sioekinga ............. ....1601 15c, Ladies' Cotton Stocklng. .. 1l6o mises' andi Childre"s Stock. $100 Parisians, Corsets....39,3 Ose Paris Modts Corsets .... c 2 packages Safety Pins ......... 4c 2 packages Common Pins . 5..eb 3 packagce Hooke and Eyes. ..c l0e Fancy Braid.......... ... bc Mfi Ladies' and Children's Hose supporters .................. se Cornet Braid, per spool.... le 10e Pearl Buttons, per dozen. . .. 4c Ise Comfarter Cloth..... .... lie lc Tennis Flannel ............ se Se Ginghamsg.................. 4c 90 Calices....... ............ se Ie Cotton Fiannel ............ 8c te Cambriç ................... 4o Ose Tioking--,-,.......17 .5 Tage Oiloloth ............ i8e SI.25 Parisola........79e 4 spools ItooaeCotton Thread . 2âe *peohages Dyola ........... 25o Uto Ribbone ............... 22e $1,14is'ieto-buekie Over- a.t Ail 5c and 2 for 5c PO"ti at 5 for .le. battis. a& 0 M, # At the Lyrie Theatre Saturdeay.migh1. 1fr. Boberteou promis«eisiepatrous an S epecialliv fine progrram lu addition 10 tune mavîng piaree. A vaudeville aMt co:àtiiting of comedy .ingirg aud tal.- IuLg numbere vii le presented and il viii hi Weil Worth your vhie ta tur uot. 'In addition tu tbs regular program ait at tbe Lyrie Theatre Iirdgy nlght, Oct. 10, Prof. Hall wiii entertalu the audience vltb a higb claie musical program, oficating au varions musical Instruments. Usual prIaimoadmission. ~DLAM o 1 Do flot flu to attend sale at The Sîeidon Seboal a% rea. Ill., Oet. 15, 1913. c-3-1 Gardon Ray ai Evanston, spent the week eBd at home. Mfr. Gerber aud family ai Libertyvilie, bave moved to Dlamod Lake. lire. H. Barilet as a Waukegau vistai lust wsek. . lire. Leurs B. Keau. epent a few daire vitb àÉrs. R. LIII, gr. On gpcount of Harveet Home Festival at Lake Bluff Orphanae the Labdia.' AId will meet on Weduesd"a aternoon, Ott, 15, meeting wiii b. held ai LMra. Water lenker'.. Everyoue cordialiy levlted ta attend. Mise. Mary Johnson aud deughter of Wankegau. epent Tbursday and Frlday ai Bl. P. Sartlett'§. Mrs. A. Blut of Wilmette,s@peut Satur- day et lir@. A. oses. Mira. i. Ayusley of Rockefeler and Mr@. G. Brown ai Waukeaan, vere callinig ounid friends ln ibis viclity Saturda!. Mfr. and &gr@. M. A. Woodin were Chicago vistore Friday and Saturday. Will Frasier ai Chicago, @pont the wsek end vith Hiram Sartiett. 0. L. Prehm le attending the siate fair ai Spriugfield this ve>k. Wm. Prebm ls serving on jury in Waukegan ibis wsek. Mr. anidlire. J. D. Fiuk were Cicago visitora lianday. lire. Ueo. Bradsky oi Palatine. daoited ber mother, lire. H. Seip ivre Mndai. Chas. Cordes, oui tonusaral artisi,1l visîting relatives and friends luCbÏiko ciesweek. The etreets lu the nev IRobertson sub- division are being graded this week. Henry Branding le daIng the yack. Aussi Packert badthe fonudation for hie new barn patinu Tueeday. Tb* poiers commenced painting the nvs bonse Monday. 4 ~ 5ilrn~.of DeEalb, spe&t 4 SndY vith ber parents hsr eturniug Nonday. Ilà . VcIe aMd Wo..Bicknaaebave bienail ovgr the county the lasi toupie of veshe«U g the b.distance ira. tie "a .groomroade tte .earest villages, eo liv signe ean b. made and put up by the eounny. H. G. Hllmau recsived anocber car ai cattielu at veeklaicuding Ove fine Roletsin stock huile. John Fan.îing and iamlly of Chicago, visiteti vitb John Schneider and farnly Frenk Scholzantid tamiiy ai Chicago, 81.2 Me'a Wole t'uer- visitei bis parents bers a fev days lasI vianmr.... N ......... .... 79C The telephone gang vhlchblas been &Oc en,'@sViie. Lined Under- vorkug ner bers the pau ihree veeke isit Thnnaday for Hlammonti, Id. vear................39e F. P. Clark, Carl Eruci anti H. G. $1.00 Mc's Fleeoe Lineti Union Hlîman vers Douase calier ai Wauhe- Suite ....................7 8e gan haunday. 1.50 Me'î Hnaing Cesa.. $2.49 !9I.sO MW* .Hmung Vet.. $1.00 PR H evîater Cosa tran. .79e la $2.79 Fiannel Shirts ..... 79o ta $1.49 Rail Davis matis a trip ta Antllacb\ou »uek nti Seep Lnetibis motorcycie dunday anti visiteti DuckandShep Lnedrelatives ther, Snnday anti Louday. Cesai....... .... $1.00 to 55.50 The Aid Sciety met vîtI Lins. Eari AUi 50e Work Shirts......... 39e Tovwumenti, Thureday afiarnoon, Oct. 9. 3 pair Men'@ Stockinga .... 26c Georgia Benvel bas gone ta Chicago for au intielilte stay. bOc ieavy Woohen Steekings. . 17eD. V. Watt vhllenpecia fine. uew barn $2.50 Jacket antd Pants Corn- tiis ft. h ination ... .. ............ S .-9 Master Floydi Walton ha on the elck $1I.O Sweaters ......... 0 liai.a Dr. Martin of Bougdt Lake le lu attendance. Boy's Felt and Rubber Ouilli. $100 Re.C -M k* ;1Gavliowl AU Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Bati, Cam ,Gaiter% Ties, ,,sWpenders u, Mfers, Pooket >Ooks. Qloves, Xittens, Jack- *tà, mouet go regardieg Of, pri.. Con e and set pour ëwa priceamd watch âmé .j tà d' inmon----- WatchLake Pi( ePeak at the Round LaSke opera hal louteati ai ihe Fart IBih chnrcc, éMundai, Oct. l2tb, at 2:30 p. m. There viii b. specisi music anti everybody le coruialiy invitedt taattend. L. V. Luek J@lenl l'aukegan on jury thîs veel. Mise Annie Amaun le on the @tekliht. Mies Maime BSehafer @peut meveral days lait wyul viih ber auni, Lice. eo. Bohr. Cea. Bohr vislteti yul relatives anti finti lu Chicago lait veel. Fmi asPesoo ie M. Noyee ai Elgin, l5e@pouding ihe veel vlîh lira. Jas. Kirwau. Martin Stoffel b"s moveti bis tamlly Cooutg h'.de-into the boume vacaieti by Peter Mîier. WMlin. Eti Syder visite t thîe S. J jilinetDurgl ~amur home Wedaeday. ces. ieverai autos e1 Vola *people speut ITusstay ai Ibis veeklnluWaukegau. waau omr a Ioredule Lake 0eanty, il dea4 ln St. Louis.a.afre e nw eiétho0 R 4y body le belng brougît ber. forinter-.« met la BUt.Mary. cemetery sant I milliolS Carrvoo.RIondout le a brother-un- By T. P. SWAN DonWt 1tau tu 1k. lauthe. 014 rolke Concert at the Libartyilie M. E. ehunib Tbur.doy. Ont. 16. t yUF b. a treat. 50e wortb ef entertiainment for 25c. Children 15e. 4. B. Sebryver of Jolet, ia vislting this veek vitb Richard Tresidere. lir@. L. A. Marrie vag a Chicago visitor Mr@.. . .Eramer of Jollet, @pent Banday witb .-r. and lii.. S. A. Kranier. Mir@. Thos. Raul la entertalning ber cincle, Louis Kingdom of Hipaso, 111. Mis. Geo. Brown of Waukegan, le @peuding tbe week with Mr. and Mre. J. B. Ayn.iey. Nina Boueseletlionday for Chicago wbsre ecured a Pouition witb Park. Davis Co. E. G. Payne ila 6 preaest up ini tbe Wilueiof i Wiconain cailectiug bis annunal crop 0t Sauta Clausfliae. Don't forget the Ladies' Aid bakery sale at Murrie'. store $aturday. Oct. 11. Mrs. Kettle and lir&. Knox af Lake Forest, @petit a day' lait veek witb Mis. Thos. Kuseil. A free demeotratian 0f the ta ngo ai Berte's Park, Hail Dei. Saturday night. Oct.. 4. ai 8:00 o'claek. Afguîar dance foliowe. You are învited. A deal vas eampleted this veek w hereby Wiii Be echauered the gracery end ai bis stock ionRB.l?. Rouefor lots lu Rouse's subdivision. 1Mr. Bouse Is ai pieent conducting the business pendlng ise disposai. LMr. Ray yl keep the harnes@hap and the dry goods ead of the store. The work of graveing Lisple etreet le week under way sud wbeu compieted wifl make a great impravement. The work is being doue under the supervision of C. Dreossn. BASE BtLL. t eras pretty taugh ta have every. thingtlized ap for a rpgular hum-dlngi r of a h aIl gaine between the married and single men last Suuday and tben have a delayed summer laud borst, put a Siaiemeni tu the Citizens of Lakei Couniy. Since. a departure tram Area for lionirsai ennante te England. 1 bave ntid by the sietemente ln the Chicago Tribune and aiber papere, that th. Dame ai ihe poetoffice Rockefeller bai hem chauged ta Are&a. i vlh ta tala this occasion and lta isns ta publichi exprseling My appreclation te lb. citisameof Aiea &@4 Lilertyviis adi vicialty for their splendid co-operatlon lu ibis malter, and tu assure oee»d tail lhIsti t wviii ses endeavour te bud an edueationai institutian ai Area of vblcb ithe vIole ai Late e 'ouiî viii h.b praui. it batinmetu my attention 'ehat nome are ulider »t~e impression thal h have oiti out my InteraetinluA rosianti have gone ta Tre res On the canlracy1 bave Da intention ai speudiug snl cousuderabis urne ehroad sud the abject of my prenant vil t iers, vhicb le ta b. a rlativeiy brili one, la tu no arrange My farelgu affaira that they viii taie. p very utile of My ime. The abject of my endeavoar, es manj> are elneady avare, is te builitiaecom- mer"ainuiverslty or privais schaol for bayseat Affa, and 1 i lb the itizens of the entre commuuity 10 kuov, ilai thera ba' beau no chenge vhatever lu Mey pla@ ns, ini particula, and thst i am erranging ail my affare to thai sud, a.rpidly as possible. Funihermore hindi y accpi my penional assuce, tbatiStlasmyearest Intention tu brtng and klisp ths publiahing bus» inesses Shedon University prises t Arsa, sud le bud 'ut for lb. eagmasn, lth BusinessphIlosopher, a vurld vIde circulation. inl theb.Dame 0f lhe Postumus, cea cbauged the magazinewon mailied from Lihertyviî, bat nov il viii hi mailet ire, Arma, tie bissuld andi 1 belive vili men u e pnblicily for the lova oi Area. Are& le the naturai envroumeul for peraoualIinstruction anti for 1h. Inter- national fgaiberinge ot aur eladeuis andi frands, riz. The Busess Chateuqua, vhlcb le tu b. resumedti bis comilng season (the summet of<1914) anti for ail ai thune. phaseaf ai aneterprissd, vbich shall b. aithegreetest service te the cammuuiiy. While Itila tuethat th.carrespoudence Sechooasd ai aur enierpriae yulli bte noar future b. condacetid fr0. Cicao. vhlch experience bai proveti tu b. a mare favorable envroumnt for thatý brauch ai the business, I vaut lhe citiseus ai Arse and vicltty to under. stand, ihat lb. facthat 1h11 brauch ofý tb. business la blina condnctsd tfram Chicago, dois no men, lb. vtlttawal af my internats or lb. buldingsoaithb varions enlerpriseo onteeelated anti nrimlitçeq>siip.hi onld pot ba"e huen ait. gpeWntable had the alloir bis, Ms o, Jloal Interst but tIiee.yaila~ziesbetveen Our 616. codgern& adyounlg iquirtu bave "t treeied venld vidýe attention and people vsrcowlagithe v? ran> Diaond Lskèa«d Litlitan ta vlev the combat,, The ba ne.oat b.e tait4 hnvsver, becausétlibes i 0e a b lrr vbo bM i vb let. In caselb.heatle#, seuilth. meut vili entisees la produos tll*iunstec attractian Enem Sund"y and çhey vian t9 leuiSte public h& theb psîanmeut vilii l4 vay leqèen ti reneofaithe etrnggise. Coumoil Prooeedingm FiIft.v.rt regeler meeting ai the Boacrd cTruis, 0o 1h.village uf Armlet ailIe village ballonday, Oct. 66.1918. W\rn ressie miou, presideul; truetées elsZern, iýrving, Buissil. Absent Tip and Devereaux. Thlumnespf tva prenonse mtings vire ruat and'appcav.d on motion a Irving anti Zermen. The treasuret'riad hie regular moOthi, report vbich iasiudttet by the finans. commut« treaccpted an motion ai Iving Mnd Wollo. A reseinilon ta transfer $1500 tram theceutlngset fund ta the rand aud bridge Nnd wà@ reed anti adapted on motion of ilueliand Irving. Tb. iellovlngbillse renread: C. Rol " àk ...... .......0.285 45 L@e .. nb 2.75 Public- ServitoF, ligbte .......39 58 8. L. Trpp, lumber and Mie .... 894 PL J. Bisa, teeaing .............. 17 55 W. J. Wiliam, e. ceing .....22(0 C.Haphi abi ..............15 A.B.Hahe ciictng dg tax 1 50 MoveUdpby Weii anýsd Zereen thetail'1 bille excepl thîi of W. J.- Wiiim@ b. aliaveti antiwvrrants b. deavu on lb. treasurer ton pey ment of ame. lMotian carried. ou motiou of Zerren and Irvlng tbe cierk vas lniiructed to @end notice ta, E. Wlicam t10 pave hi@ fance beel ta iii proper place. Lioved by Itrieil and Wells that Sophie Tegimeyer b. alioveti a rebats ai $470au taxes and that a vantant b. dravu au lire 'treaaurer for payment. Mouiun cannieti. Moeeiinc djcunned on motion of Rtussel andti rving- eugg.sted lu ibis aunauncement tram Ares sa cmater. Aga"uthnklng the ecamunlty far ide support exiended, 1 remain. L D ot faO ta attend sale at The Sheldan, Sehool ai Ares, III., Oct. 15, 1913. 1c-84 ( J. iL Chamberlin visiteti relatives lu liayiair aud Chicago the cari> part oi tb. week. mise Stelia- Doderlein @peiut Tucsday and Wednelay vitb triende ber@. lbeWoman's Society ai the church yuli giv. a social at the home ai Miss Emma Radke. Friday eveDng, Octoher 179h. Beiraehmenis 20 cents. The pro. ced@eta be uset for church repair. Waiciî for furtber notice nei week. Wm. uebker and dangbter ver. Cbi engo vieitore Monday. 1Mise Lois Smith entertained a cousin tram Waukegan, part aifltteek. The men aiflb.eCougreationai cbnrch are putting uev cernent piatiorm and tip.,i. front of th bcurh ibis week. liMr. H. C. Payuc«aud Mise Gladys v ers Wanfl ap iitae@%torda". lira. Chas. tirteluger and childre. re- turcd home Snnday afler speudiDg a v eek vlih ber parente la Evanston. àThe Young Peopie'e Muasiouary Society 1mesi vlib ERifts laTussday eveanun. j Mise Aita Tompeon speut) Satui'dey Md Sunday at home. lir@. B. Amaun speul. lionday wilh relatives lu West Fremout. e Miss Huide, Meyer spent ane day lait week ai borne. MieAima Meyer le visiting ber &Jeter, lire. Chai. Maon aiRound Lake. t lines Barbare Amann pent the fors- epart ai ibis visk lu Lae sForest. A Ire demoustretion ai the tango atI Heii.Park, Salt Day, 8ainrder nighi, Oct. 4. ai 8:00 o'clock. Regular ddanos follova. YTan einvitsd. "Safely Protected By inurance are the Fu".daof' this Bank Why temnpt burgiarsby roney lu your.houmes We to naqyfour checks and drafts to us for deposit on CL.cking or Savingu Accounts and receive absolute Protetion at nm com te you. It is the best busià s umethod of handlingfd. - THE CITIZtNS' BANK .ROCKfàiZLR, ILL 8.L. Trlpp, IL F. Rouie VIce Preeldni. Irving E. Payne, Oaahler. »00% . -ustooallea, metl ut. *48Iul4ded upauit he diebroes toi 425.00oitb. mone« oh- lobes, loche, driiking PaNs, eMA belle andi aller Immediate 1= 1e jksvers decideti upon. sud the 025.0 remaining viii b. ueed toirard bnylnq a piano. lire. Isicheit, Jr . and MisesRath Beicli- eOlt r guetsai9Dr. Hulli sud family at Cristal LakeSeurday.. Iies Margaret Vadder'vas hoatee t a week-end boues uarty. The ont of levarms.. ers Mr. and bire. Diluer and daumbler of Oak Park.,lMr. and lir#. Philip Parmoae ai DesPlaines, Mr. andi 'W re. F. CbrIstensen of Moblý, Alabama. lire. Fred'Baveur of Prairie Viev, va. tb. gue of lire. Mabel tichatier Sunde>. Misé Vils Grava. ai Foreit lipun. vas tb. vcek-eud gueit ai Mies Marie Kree.. Mise Mildred W iles had es hëc guesi Seturday and Sunday, Aimon Povers of cbleffo.1 Louis Rommel ai Hasnmond, indiang, visied hit parents, lir. and lire. Pnillp Ilommel, Prlday. Davidi Cooper aiftSouth L'hlcago, vieieti si tb. home af P. Perry ibis ve*. lir. and Uli. Bales of Uhertyxille, bave moveti loto V. W. Petts' bouse. UmiseElda Horeubergfer gave e idIb. day crd party Seturdai nighi lu hoor oi ber luIh birthdai. Carde vers the ehis amusement et the sveng. Mine Mludreti Wbitilnoganti %mrie Wblinu priuswvon earti.d ta lisClara Pile and GOmrge Kerch. The Ladie' Mioaan, soclety af the EvangehWé> bureh met Tneiday aiter. noon.' Thcenhicci l or discussion vas .,Nornsge" *"lire. Bertvelliie ox"' vas re= by lire. Filich. Mr@. M. Frents gave thei "Experieuces ai a Mor- mon Couvert." lira. B. H. Erese enlerteineti et a din. uer party Tuaedey evemlng lu houai 'ai ber birlbday. Mrs. IM. P. Sherman of Chicago. le vis. Iing Lira. P. H. Rommel. Moent Eesion 1.11 Tueeda, ion SDnlng. fieldi, b. yl attend ch.esiate fair. Otto Kuaek returueti Tuo-sda.v fra. e tva vuoke auto tîp throulch Wiscomni and Minneota. t1he socs social given under auspices nicthe LIcties' Aid of thp U E cbnrch vae a great succees About $855 as talen lu. A veny lnienestilng programn vas givea.- Miss Laurel Stryken read 'Siîter's Beau." Agnes Petereon -The Brov Mitte." lb.e licile girls sang a sang. Um Mary Martin, an oid resîdeni of here, vas buriqd lu ch. Deeriielti cerne- tery Sunday. -PRADR VIW 1 The Ladies oaitie Vernon Cemetery soctyti boidt heir annuel basear et lb. towu hal ai Bait Day, Tburoay, Oct. 16. aiteaooe amI q.elug. A iras demonitrationoflbthetago et Hertel'@ Park. Hell Day. Saturdey nighi, Oct, 4, et 8:00 ocioch. lieguiar dames foloiov. Yan are inviced. John. Deariove ofi Glenvlev, v»as visiter ai tb. WiiI Eti ards home lest vu.ek Thuratiay. Francis Stanchîfie Iilefsat Setnrday iora a eeke rviait lu Beedsburg, Wleq. Issu Lanra ,Spnague entertaiued ber conuià. Elmer Heautan oi Doner'e Grave, an Satnrday. At the Prasbyteciau Unêpitai. Chicago, lest vesk Thursday El. H. ulite vas operaied ou. EBis many iende are pleesetu taknav lIai le leidoiug fine. lire. Hali>.and danghiers risiteti viîh hlm an Saturdai. Mr@. Harvey Coon spent lb. ionepart ai last vesk visltng viih ber cidu Mr. anti Ura. Wii Con ot Wankegau. Mn. and Ulra. A. C. Richards entertain- ed their sister, MUs. Fred Zourati ai Chf- cagloveScuday' liantiMci. Ricards asompusieby 1M1re Cburad visitet i hh relatives@at?4orthtd, Bnetay. j Dr 'Baker attendei the apenaion ait lb. MeAliser Hospi tal periormeti by Dr. Frederlck lineller ai Visuna, Ausnie, lust yul kThuritiay. li@. J. Dolieumaler and son Jack ai Libeitivile, vilile$ vith ber parents Mn. anti lra. F. Etjeli over Suuday. lira. Fred Wlehergbeim of Fairmant, Minu.. visititi vitb lir. and lins. S. E. Lomis lest Sundey. Lest visek Montiay night Mri. anti Mrn. Dan Biieuhaier gave -A àrecepiIab ~ iheir homne lu hanur of, 1fr. anti lis. Albert D.dr. On Sunday, Mrs. Wili Sianchifie vaa renved te the Ravenevood Hospital Wvbore she yllltake tieaimeute. . lin. Har Loamis anduéiidren retara- .4 daturday tram a tva vesvieil yulh .ber parents lu Superlor, Win. lir. anti Mr@. Chas. Heracb.rgor v.r@ Chicago visitare lest veel Thuaday. lire.Wii A. Bey'antichiltiren ai Area, iltedti tbber parenteslin, anti lre., 14. W. Enedier il. fore pari of the visi. 'Wileid Ce.p tRoyal Neighboraser-e Waned UMn. Wison gi Weiblagto Healghte et Ibeir regutiar meeting lu Herecb.rger'a bail on Itaturtie>. ý 9. 1. Smith contemplâtes mnving bie iamffteoArma ibis monil vbere b.obam pâraoMsita homne. Mir. anti lir. B. E: Kuetier andi femiiy, vere Norlhfielti visitera k'ciday evemfing.' -Joliet.-With bis shepherd dog nu guard. James Ferguson, a <armer, vas. feunti deat Inl a field on hie fir near Plaunfielti. Ferguson, vhs vas àbk h elbr, was trhm.ming betige, and lis b.- Ilevedte tahave dieti et heart ltIum, The body vas tounti y hye.12 yeaî' aid son af bie houseleeper, audiences frequentiy ver. large g's 1..btg veMyl-Do PUHDINT. TIi. aee of Sauy busime s det«imd by ia grevUi, Thé grovlh of our Resourees-îhatr is our stnength Mince oun organixatic lu a Nauiona Banf- ha. beu ait lhqrate of 835,00.00 gach e«u.. ,Growth snob a. this roommeuauni I. our @&tenti9u. May ve tel i with jon about epenilhg jour cecoff at uneu? THIIR5T NA#~ Um Libertgvlle.hBM " ' Rahufailfor Z4 houes. ediii aetsmoo sept. 29- .05 lucha. S-08 PALATfl'm fiai big receni operation. wa iCae ite andti ser spent 8àua tlhEdie Ont. ies Vera Gcesviier cotmmenceti tiehbiug ichool niai Bioomhugdale, Mondai, Sept. 29. Airs.Frak Key« es enýnd lber neph.v, Henry Greeuni Chksigo, over Sund&Y. Um Allune Torgier leir Tbnraday foc Cleveland, Oblo, vhe-e ab@ vili i pend a TIe fýdW.' - Id aoeW~y bsld e epMcal &Il day meting estt le hame niflMra. iiroadhay, Wadceday. Lunchean va. oervi4 astuDom. Uovd 9.R eltntrist ta iebihoum in PavPby, micbhmg,)'ridey. jis doser,. Lire Dalilger eceompenieti lmustor a lir. and Mms. Emîl Loichtand daught'.r of Winona, hM., vieWtdlira. Lclcht's Mater. li. P. H. Liathel nvcenîlv Um Llcîht vw» on bor va, to New Yc.nk ta enter Vasser ctilege. Fred Maser of. Pha-nîx. .'tnn, b. office af the*pcv rafinueti. Hla aitlg »aMa@tant te Premideut, C.IH.. ie l1ra n t lnc evioishng Md.. ant dl= Frec et pr~snt *ST PREMONT Dr. P',V Il ihand i mly oifltentî. ville, tlo-'d1nner vtI J. J.hIluse Soin- day. TIc- progreei an C. Tbomas' n..v bouse le very raptd, Ihle nov neady fur Ulas Nîne Rance basnacepied epol ion vlthch. e prle l)cvl. Ding a.Pa lm. Obadile and ulster Blanche, Hr *ele andiuester He3", epeet sonuay at.rnoair-wlth Suesl asti Paul Bouse. Total WfOrepiember 1.8 luce. ai ~ ~ ~ ~ r aindlueSnd, Ur. sd ltoIsai Moyer speurt the latt, 09rtothe ««k vith hies ist&r, lia laeClleme. Lie oee aR Frltuneoto re. AOJUDICATIOIe NOTFCE. Publié, notie ph.eby given iha' thé Bubscntlbr Admnistrator of the~ AstatetofAhigalWilson. deceaseti. viii a"the .couaty court or tAle Cpauty, Ai A. er tiiereof to be 'hoid- on kt the Court Houas ln Waukeffn, lu sid Copaîty, ou ihelIrat i oudey of Deenibéer st,, 1913, viten andi vhereatilpersons having edaims. agetusi Midastai.' are notified andi .eqneated la preaentthes mme ta said Cocurt for adjudication. LEANDER W. 'WAKEFIELD, Atiminisirator aseaforeamiti. Waukegan. 111., Sept. 29,.1913. Wýz. 7 Jewelry* and SiIvèrware Bd Ban., Chicego vie, field, Iii v fair. Eddie Iw L"hrty ville *"Counle" ou friande h the depat. eover ch. aid Lire. Johi &IcCormick apeni a toi formter'@ ru place. i>ut.t for; Oscar Th( vorked li tvo years i Weicme h( 0. A. Hol fera aiGos ; pri«. Hé hie danghti sud lepiel homelFox *Jack" tret Cievlandi Wou Seo& terme fur1 that abd dons vork 1 hame1W agemy flm McLr.uft& ' sblciwholaalaJewekrso Beo*% mane.. a" have dm of fa" stlimesof Jewolrl atd Silverare Sauples er ohowe li UhetyviuLe.Pri" adi terni are rlgt. M le pleaee te cdou M . kAlo e getifor TOI LET, AIT.ICLES. I fiP4( WA7R ftEPiitilg SOBOX »ON M AB KED IWTHE$fr 3UWM8I TRI QUTION: Cç.OCK5tC9 DAON03 Whaî linch.he bstthinc ta do Ir 0r àa v c Là -r = O'n ini s hurry'and given lthe _____________NOTHING." Other wine men have muid: "Alvays iin a hrry alvayeb. hind." <p 'Haste la slow." "liait haste, wcom speed. "Hante tripe ap one*@ ovu *Raally and vitineyer met." Carry a RbI Watch. Plan yanr vorl and urne your movecoeutsbyiriliaW. and yon wiii acumueih ifors in agitan S-tock RdcngSl O-e'nerar M erchan Ise at AUCTION ,&T SAUE S STQW ~TG REDUC STOCK WE WiLLý SýLL TO HICr S~BDE TL0?SDAY, OCTOBER I SSALE MOINS AT g A. M. jCLOT 1 SttOESp, CAPS, OATS, MWseLis Wllhur i l>1.Cu. Bleuir vil tionla sitS A very liiimeIbo by Isal 50 "I ' 1.1 zmmmý 1

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