CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Oct 1913, p. 4

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Il. I COUNTY INUEPOMNI Officii Paper for Lake ConuY , 0 Telophone Number 1; Cty Edi tor Resideiace 'Phone Number 225-R. Libertyvvllie Exchange ,Jbhgvd att ho Pcmtoffire st Libertyvîlle.Ilii., s Speod CIes Mail Matter Àfl.4i Evrw Fridav. Adrt«iniS Rtpes Mode Known on Applitoon. tdoClPTIOU PRICE, $1.50 PER VELAR STRICTLY IN ADVANOE O.g1. SMITH ..................... ......... .............................. Manager RAY L. HUSSARD........................................................... Cty Editor 54.C.utye supervisors did a niM 1 zens of Illnois next wooak, »sking hiom ILKM9 when they mode t poasibe for 'te desIgnate Wedncaday, Nov. 19, as 1IeQ apecialit to corne f0 Waukegan Thanlcsgivligday thia year. MWi éperaseupon the two pool chl- Naverl n tuah1 of tha gatipp d1re whe. lhips woe afPttad.. n Pis the e Il A gped te 0- yars t0 corna whan thome two chl- vii tram t*L eaifhd oUitme t dram orea -an doing thir daly work prociai5ing the lent Thuraday ln Ne- ith as much ease and perfect limbe vember the dey for national thanka- am onyone aise, avery supervlaar who olgving. The occasion conidoe rc *14ed ln making the oparation posa- 'sufficient Importanlce ta justify mach ý- O M fçei patiefled that ho helped a movement in the flftleth ansIvaraary it psibie by hi@ vote; and alc the 'dolivcry by Abraham LIncois of LI.eCounty can feoi just as piaasd hie Gettysburg addresà. _aem gratlfled as the superviacrs for Thankeetlisgdey has ouft muçh of «lir, sight contribution ln tha way of tasMuinficance té the paopla senar- = thea pecialaf, no daubt ha* aliy. If ae beliived thaf by fixing It s.adth. livas of twa future citi- upc. tha semni-centanniai cf the daNiv- MsMs Who wili be able ta cantribute té ary of the materpiaca cf Amorîcan tOW support of the county and help if oratory the cieaslon wiii takcs on à espèRd rather thon be possibe county naw asifleaces. 'uh.rgUets might have bain the case Govrsor Dus, h ansignIied a wil- If the operation was not exacuted ef Ingness theilaiiscenforence cf leaders t» ceuntye xpensa. Thus iln a way, cf ail plticsi parties sext wcclc for ft vu», good business judgment on th@ the purpoas Of preprins a meriel pa f tha supervisois s nwiisas supc. tesubcol:tate rooldait Wlison. bu*Mitariaaction, fé suthoriza such It la gcnarally toit thaf soisethlsg m eperation. muet be dons te malte 'ihascsglvisg day à dey of mora signiicase.ltaon ONANGINO TiIANKSOIVING DA. ha@ 4omeied if duing thepeu Ad luiretlsg Rom la that à mcm- faw ygprs Peritapa the prenant agta- 4, fiai witu W sdraêaa4 té Prosident tien lc thc aoutin-e st 55f Ws wrth Alosse by seveasiof tha leadine cti- trying. A mÉinuster of the, Koly BoUrssect lu -9Mhganthla Vî* pormitted a rattiewnk to bite him on tii.amn five e ýa - t to prove to bis folovors that ho vas immune. The VOlo cM8 again 16lpsinto the. Ilmeliglit by the. ýý 44 jM7investigation in progrsa lu the. court houe. It to produce ovin more sonsationai featijroe than conii con fsthe.murderer Secri hef We vould not b. a7r idif i 15 otthat ho tld tomake himuuitont m abd w 58 b o suae.Itd.'t iMmamaif hocoul h&we com- MOW4Wsgymwdus vithout bslug doteted, or at liait rîU" Jhn f a m teIX ~l" b ua hia tom. jWUur, of tbe govwmuet bosi ~qb wbos- ý* * - tRI whm ,blU- but 1Wt iý ulttthon? Hme UthlnM uslit sinrath consistent. RUVe Assignmont of Ikothodit Pas- PubliotJlUmm Law' w e ather LJ-. cfwkd- tors in Lak41 ÇpuntyAn. i by Ldwts, tR Prohibit w«6th Rhinit FRooa. Fur, nounod ~ dy aes onh'71Yt IIt FEW CHANGES ARE MADE. MAY ASK A STATE RIJLING. FIFTH TRIP ACM9O6ffleND, Mr. Wb»ppIRema4mh ai LIb- Munko0alhtlmsforNidden.From EnjoyeTl lo asI Vs ertyville, Mr. E. MtoghilI ai Aco#ptng FA* Sen" oe From itoed 1 i 1 Hd la Ir-th Cicago. utlItes Ubrorations. e t WhleoBta oy.- As predi *ed ln the Sun a fow days Thte public n itiâli 1mw recentUy1 Fathar J. R Faley. rector eof 8% aga, the Rock River Confercuce, ai pasaedl haa bad 'many differeut con- Pafrlckas Catholle church et Waao tae Metitadînt chureh returned the structione .placed upan If by lesdIiigworth, bas jusf raturnad from à tour 1ev. J. W. Funston taft.e Waukcgan attorne. sa oftce mint, and opinions Methodiat churcli for tlic comlng areat '%. ide variance over pomne of tce moutha' risIt ta ie parente and other year, flec sppointisenta being an- 'lesding'c of tae law. The ques- relatives lu Ireland. Upon bis refuru nounced Mauday atarnoon. tion of what'dle0baltlon will be.muaae ho brauglit back soma of flic "Ould Practically no changea were mode ai ires vileptAneu service whlcb tela- Bail." wth hlm. ln flic Lake Cunuty Methadiat churcli- phone camulea are furiinif c- Titis ho carrled home ln hle trUnk. as, the assiguments lu tLaecaunty tes, and whefher or flot carporations Ta ilie ordluary observer Il la nofli- aud a few adjacent clles, hclug as or ludvlduols celu accept frace ligittius. follows: froc wafer or pasmsos trecf car flues lu g but ordiuary dîrt but tu Fafliar CHICAGO N0RTHERN DISTRICT bas beeauflic topic of more or lesa Faley and ta msuny members of bis U Autiocli andeHikorL . . Slrud. on f rovarsy. caugrcgaflon It recalae mafiy pleasout - Arl.iuo dHckor, A. D. FSter. cMany attorueye are oifthe. opinioni associations and te ojut dear te, arigfou. Oh . F . Postr . that the jscficc wtlll ho stoppad, titis them. There la flot, enaugli Of ifo8a Dariamnd toAle, . FSatur . belug titir lufarpretatooan of tUtckw. Daialues LaudC.lP.rSteine. C h a ai latalpbi ev that evory member of his.als e 'rr anes adRrlw . corporations muet publiah ratezansd bave a place but thare ara a fes for- Gages Lake.,iP. A. Witt. a copy aiftae rates willi ho IlIed wifh twiste onca who chani mont deorly' Orayslake. M. G. Badeuger. t he commissiou and aiea copines lat flic ttla jiiece ai esrth whicb fier Highland Park, V. A. Spidker. for ilble luspecdtou ettae respective hava reccived fromn the Einarmd Iole. Lake Bluff. J. C. Touker. campantes. Furtiter, the law reeda Oetreev otino h o Lake Villa. Thomfas Hart. very pially fliaf u0,pcrean or cOr Ora tau r%.caiva a prtiyodi tcad Lihorfyville. W. L. Whîpple. Éflan giall reccîveanay sc#vle froat waaMs la kcatywode North Chicago. E. StoghlIL. auy publie utility at les.tan fie pub- faw days mgo aetlier homIn uW&dm North Prairie. O. F. Joues. Ilshed rates._ If la aea uulawful for worth. lira. McCartliya deareat visb PaaluJ.E Rh.a.en~~no crorfouf 5s taf Fathar Foley would rature fr0.n Rosecraus. A. J. Plfmau. obtalu any service frnt alY Public lrels.nd wiit a pleca ai the "Ould god" Waucanda aud Vola. J. J. Williams. pililty, la othar' yards. no coupi-bfe&opai-daay ws M Waulcagau, J. W. FI.mefon. oatiou can gve aurvice iree ai chtarge.beoame scd wy wa an Wlmeffa, T. K. Gale. e wored. York Hausa, M. D. Coi C INICFatiar floley wms daliglitad wltli bi Zion Cty, . H. Sweet"ad. iST T I 4IJtpBdahugitwm teffU The 11ev. Martin IL Cady. pastor of T T P N Sti n ihuhI a h lt flic West Pullmn uMthodist churcih l ' ais ime halimhacroseed flic ocean lic presented tae report on montiage u I! l A jIo~îuad mach ta Intareet hlm lu the divorce Mondmy. laif taeconter-uce Mu ON À OY trip. If won te firaf flanc tu, sverai went ou record as determlued f0 - A, asti'aUb1 tsblls everywhere family religion I ytfA Ir ears fliof le hýd beau home ta secO aud fa huild up, Christian homes aud £A #ST.CI MhSeispaenta. Be met many of bis ald advocatiug uulform divorce lawa lu ail:- fins u1cuatfucsaa iia the stafas, by adopfiug fthc following v Cositr nte lcsh bi lyd saby relufloua: ot f fCiunLd Stn m fha laehahdpye asab. "'Whereas, Tedvorse evIl la grow ~Wift biseacmory refreahed lnl suci lng wltli appalllng swytnesa. mena c: Lite ai St. Chasies lHomel a dellgifful manner, lie feit more 1ke lug the purlty ai aoclety and threafen- 1 wesHn etrigta bis parlaitinluWmdiwort. log the very existence oi ewect and Fgrs ih Htl r.rets are getiug quite aid sud wholeaome home lIfe, durlug the sas- craduass ai the marriage vow loto a 1 Affer Iuvcstigating couditions at If wos hie deaire f0 sac tlicm hofora. temporary expedieut ta gratify pose-fthc St. Charles stafe achooi for boys - they pana mway. Mu peaion. prida and grccd; *'Racovad (1) Thot we will moka Represeutafive J. H. Jayne ai Mon- If lasalce ta samy bat taw geators It Oua of flic prime efforts ofour min- mouh declarca If a modal Institution. ara regardeda i s l as P'mfber lafry toeasltab iheverywiera famiiy 1 "Thias cioQ," gasre eprepoutafîva Yolay. Bts pethloiters faily adore religion to huild Up fte Christian Jayna, .acaed luaBf. Charles, Ill., hlm. ince ie arrivai ln Wadmworfb home; "(8) Tht t v belleva thore shold sud la about 10 yaars old. ifvas ho sSccecded lu raialug enougb moaey he uiort diverce laesthouhot eccured for Kapo couufy hy Henr te uild a fine 8evchb i~lcli la 4i1 thte statea.. phyacl Ia.naamtoua IL Evraus. forniar stofe, senator, sud Oeef thfe basf lu the colufty. ca usparties te eam- b.hoae " i efie pea gir>a<' ~ Wwuv-~DNU? 0; tyoctb tl or!.for tflic 1- i-.. » .1'5 ep ff yl b. beld lu i9»0, thora Word ai bdm lu fbe Agau tlu5(elIi CidEi- ahool anld vitin te Ixt two yemr dopai hu ~,M boys wons sent tora for 4M5cr uigc~uwm d~A.1ect reescus, mlWg a total of 1.330 to, b. cared for. 80? Paraied in. Tws Yaare. 'ligt bundred and alzty-seve M - ÇIA ' ý - are parolcd durfluf the fWO YeaTs, UI.III~AULT kving et the snd 0f fPmcpciod. lun 30, 1910. 466 boys@l in sobcool. T» ffl1 ý ART The population of tescitool lna'ýD B eattle. Waab.. Oct i.-Tallux of rapidly iuoraaeug, te lrgesf lu- btsaflmony luataeUnited Stateas' suit creama being lu boys of, foreinu Par r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~etg and caclcc ~am frdb Icis u alîglaf decrease Ia boys hart Fant ai Chicago, Frank Wat- a ncla eelg.?e pr sou i Sokan su oticr~in ta entagie ai Afro-Amricans ladaMaILw saonuof oaed Al tkaevas ian e Fronm July 1, 1909. to July 1. 1910, 19 tOday before a special United Stateasfthe lucrese lu the dally aveage commissionar. The defendanuf dld umiber ai boys cared for vas 94 - fot pûit la su appeuatce. non ware i c ï tliey reprasenfai by couneel. This 816 dI 1t W"auf a equlvalauftancouacufini gUI tu f cancellstlon of £he calma.TA IR I I1m uil 1- W drifJohn D. vii f.i b.di whmu ho ban that hie umre" l ba indropped frmm the, postof fice U0, a il Wlts. Ârea, the. new uP. f of vtw tapui lè*efoUoer, 61Rneaaauomtl&p 1amrdbtS q.«4#of -,th x9àIgo. Teie cein ttiheold nmm cf Bock- liew dCdu't uàgnfy mnuch. WoII the village Iaborod alongt rits burden for many yeans, it didn't iùke mulch pro- g &paa therefors it wu f ot tho change i lumre mlght ffit tako a Jump ahead. _Judge 'Whitniey lias reappointed E. J. Heydockor.aa à Inmâw ucbpncory of County, it boing hie second u!orIMr. Hoydockor bu smade good i " i- mt Position, and, biat of ail, lias conduoted the. office gonral satIsfaction of the. attorneys who come be- Tut hle roappointmont came with no effort b.- e 5 deposo hlm, indicates the. satisfaction with b. bas admnistered the. duties of the office which, Iâ ~Isy respects is evon as important as the. Circuit or - ttJudgeshps. If they keep on iZion City with tlieir strauge ordi- in, one vii not b. abie 50 breathe tiiere on Bundays. W latent rule againt iven delivering milk ou Sundsy 14preventing the iettlng out of livery rigs, in the mont oins o! al yet adopte&. What are bottie-fed babies to km the B.bbatli for fresh milk? Perbaps tlieir motiiers kg Mv tiiem a eflent troatment sud prsy that their appo. ,1:7a thereby b. sstlmfied se long as it's ou Bunday. Mb-1'a a cas wheo it look an as if more considorsi ýey 50 b. madeinl obsevg Bunday than 'a mies for carsof babi&Ai vi recal ny te Alagty ulis11W 0clldi of À in aU tblugs us flc Watson group, or Cilcago iraup. Fonfy claais oftfl icmxf Y- four luntae graup lsd .lready been csualed. The proutoters of fhe graup vara defeudanta lu a culmInaI sait lu Jndge Laudia court lu Chi- cago lasf sprlng sud vera acqulttad. Card et Thanks Ta the iruetfse 01 tb.M. E. edurcI for tbhe ai of tliibuilding, tMrs. C. N. Durmani " .v. Milton Ulubaeb for t lair becutifiaI muae oaitItcefuserai of oui deariv baloyai. va tender aur lart- tat thanke. mus. O. R. CRaRsA14DosFsaaîLv. Lake Forest. inI, Oct. .-Erold P. mocormlckla Day four-paaacngcr hydrosaeropîBe, the tdlth il, whlch did not get a fharough tryont Ist wack, due ta flic accident lawhic.h R. J. Hull, Mr. MeCormickha chaut- tour, lont hie bond, waa given au- other practice test MhIS aftcraSoi. Cheoles Wltmcr. wbo ha@ divan Mr. MeCarmtck's hydr macines ail summar, fook* flic uaw machin» up tbl5 Bitarmoon, earrylng W p asim.n garo Misa Irene Frankinu, matron Of the Onwentals club. and two ather at- taches. You Can ç4iSec S A TRI' ON -durlns tho conÉMtru of o!the luit or .oat 9Makes a Perfect Fit Sure nd,,Certai. FIRED CRQKER UBliRTYVtLLE, ILL. pi&r~ha~ug owe tbt une store dec. 1 amn pertkowu*oLw&'op- teije JeoS#. t êwa y biw -d h iielling myseif, aistrbuynln~ a r iota gives me au adatage tbat feu' stores poasse. Anyono hiu need of a stove 1iil make a 'mis- take by not at leait comlng and, aeeing my stock before buyinir. I bave be n thi store busintes 25 years and 1 %u pive yon a littie stove information that ll do you no ban»u. Iti@eeay tobuiy a ciiapdsove tbat i not worth anythlng to you after yon get I. BEI~TVIL . , l.B. EGER .OJYLK STOVES-i RA- OA.R PERFECTION OI IIEATERSU Scwnck Bros. r *WNTS- We hàve a laditlÂgent who ains us ini closiug some good business. If you are in position to devo'te whole or part time, and wiéh to take hôld, we abail be pleased to hear from yon. There is no business nor professon under the san where brains and hard work will'be paid- any more money. T~he f emale life ýnsurance agent, Io a, succese. Write us for details. JOHN, HODGE, District Manager ýZ 1 ý

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