é 4 Slpy Turned on Mmr and Sede Awa et Fast <a=Psible. a POLICE LOOKINO FOR HlM. We SmasIi and Over- TaidDrivee is Thrown Against Fonre. Wankegan October 16. WfiamiFeey. 21 fiurs old, r. M &«kan on esstreet. va, palip, tfgy braisai lite Tueo"y aternoon, 'l" an a wagon b Inlci bhovas ru.- ta&, vsu@truck sud overturned iiy an automolile. Wthout oves stoppun - 16a miss damsage ho hoad tonglut, tiiaubefat opendi tustbrettb. a Metia an d speefl davray. ,gMse uper a goo look at thc S" »Ô taiMayatbat b, vould lit I ýfaa'de bu m thUi local vtlagooi dearltion and OWii osm4mutit aa sces iti tb epthtey yull be able to appre- pbia tti felov. vin» la eaployed a a driver b f~1~1)onou I alcl plomber. On ~i~yg~t.no0i b. aq l>aling a 91,pipe te the. alt about -fogr %"d of et tc afveblcou ~mJ~ohpr3 lumtn a AU. home.. #$Wb"is a peint mmer Duel. 1fi k* vem 1d". aulomijs sa * m" -hlm mdi #lbout ivl*a duto e eut c in tefot oh m. B.wm. 4rvlaa nrtb. Tb» «9- ~lputuci Oe resj"gel ef ç'~s mi onglarni t ou-w ici"s with qait force 5Md 9a trffw»apadi0mti A To avlh aihols la a clona of n iom c r 4W* QSu eA& i htehi*he *&, mnw5 of thé mlwiSi i aine Mr5dst.lme 01 ube m. arest"etOhoc8aut UN4slomldçte ffl itbe p*- à fi4m -~ ~ ~ "-tb plonmch t~iBi t DA ~wab", là* 1 eigb, lo t. .3. ws'wemtD "ing ths iv cinouiy COM e Pthtue ti tane ao h 1* ie nmviei fwm otheus- eeti -bealhaM.ves».suct-1 a M. unes as vice pratient "l U teouainsmtete eguat e~I at eornisg.Tvo eti.tl tg nmth ei aiku tii cty. 014o t b pfl eautiorane alievina V"~ue aion oubavenue Pei l'retnlghtue hstret aI tomil ohm 01rt$1,66rn9de &à etgaupe -vs, paise tly a a -e main on Grhaveavenue .- U~ r mtoh Mdub tisannc, e t mn ettfimatel coit eof8P.- ]ira. J. Labcy te entertalfting rela- Unes frein Wadsvortll. r o teticNoru CilcagO totm e ai 7&0au lybe etcaneora. 432. cft adWjita 186; boots ï books enterci. 10; ë; W. $82.71; expenies Who Has BeenFE Waukegan Y C * na,ýRed 0 y An. A* ilhk. FmwMomou- ARE GIVEN NEW DRILLS. Them am ntwoFldtealto ake Tbe*' Mmte ffOftbt Sol- Pour ufopet0fthe Mitb walry r. tarsetota ort Sheriienlait Sund"a mter isuiugVrt anttemanOners villi eher troopob idfla i. mrWasgten, I.D. 14 te MMiM th tér troops vil ar t. hie SbaIlfort lnthe courue Dut* tbir absence the, ocal can- éjrymoa ver. d ln t"Uc"syle cf Wae.that us. nos Iefechirsl lit forctgn cavalrmpn. nom edil MikWfo'ut kiteet c£'formations .ýl 'àc carrytng eut cf drilisa itu- othe là iic oruMa"d , h oc 't la dons. te tic struins of miso. Sla ltbi* ffléance leforo Preoldent U»thet Port Siierlian canairyinen vsatwmtwau excelent ippearanco, il vin6 cemimlalud fer theur fine ix«eutbaof ethOe itifinîttlils. It 'unsM 'otheliIntention eofmmlng 'the trooprs from tbe different parti cf tie coMtry more proficlont ln for- outi dIli lcit n any instances une superlor tethase ln tue entuila 40tt<bt the trip vas planneta iy A sahvelsii. bircntloss Sanday tu tbnmilumlg -Wmiukga as tie reenuit et achs bia Rby tOcIlUltols otir. udmen Embers' ecgtsonaet De- cei' Mém&y. The doetes iater a bu ~6 l-Immst a réiLnten* mai. ttei loglature to tenu itarbe ~ig te lie opeoed intee tty on the. SUbbati. lit irss themarrie« barbaes- v id If I. eunmarried mme hobave mot yet aeetnmblted uni relis aud a yeaiulg fr aday ef rot villi tue vite mandies topposai the. resoîn. tien. TIéy srÉei: 1. A bam'igrors as mnch un Sunt- day asiceOn MM&y or Mbnday. 2. Thc sgit e& tuhlled beardal ulien Sunday veudb. a blet upon the fti fabne etftthe City. 3. More men may bogie te simne lienacivea. Desplue tieae pieus tue minrrld meni carrbiedthe remIlàtiltl iami thie menace 0f an unia"nnBlUiaY ace or a safety razar nov bk5ge bosvtly oner tie rmen ai Wanhegms. Chicago papers yesterday coutainota au Item about a tarmen bt lie pq oi Albeart Waliu opplne ait s btreet car backward In Chicago andI beln g kill. Mes adirà"s as given, m0 Gral'sntfe sud -evensl local peo- pe lock his ta meanu Orsyie. là- qnbry au Grayslahe revéais liteisct tat no0 uci maniresidsleî'We.Il vwas merely a caseaofai smitrity et Dares. 4~ VinL, Mm. a- MIh!L d MYT3nUOO boa . Ç sed Toay Wbreby N4e pwolusu Cn ot ,A. WILL TAkE AtC1IVE CUJMU Conoem i8 ousoft the Largest BéItdt nd miTemd Con- cerni on Nborthor«.. Tbrongb a dcii vulch vscubain. atcd this morateg.-Mich" H um«y bau purclasel of A.'11. Scbeppr of Leie Forest ie fine buildingaid teainn business. It la Mr. KImisys Intention te remain att hee he Fr ept ofice and gine hhat braci.et his vorn hie undivUidettenttes. Thc Schoppersa coetaILaie Por- est bas ibenu eabllmliet 33»7 yesu &ai turins tuat Urnebus b»M, vpaia fiue buainess. It La onee « tue lOxst- concernaetoftue Mlii o'tic atire. north shoire. It t, mi tiers are Il teime of iorsep cenncted vlltueh At the pressaI Urne Mr.. UnuBc ovni a large limier companv l Waui. kgis, aIsnc mg ieseajabli hhe for rnaiy years. Tushite Pu-mtcbai ot tuéI lAi Parét e,n vmiimesmi merely a brancblag eut te business, as Il le akilt he intenw te. ocnduct Imti concerne. ie sen, Juny. luair probablIlty, alU cStaudct 0 oaa c pany for hlm. Tic purciase of Uic uew compamy gives i. Ntiuiey the ovnerahlp et two of tue largeot con- cetuse oftue ud n thhuslvliniW. It wibI lie possible fer hirnte comdut hie two butsiema te onJunction te a large irtent. The blenaW convection et the. Key- atone [dague Christian Emplmvor mat% 1 Sunday soiel oetttuaIlilinos conter-t unces oftue IUnited EvangcHlcc omolu.t wffil b. held ai URlhlud Paik t Oct 14 16 ami -16r The ecnn8m v b. tavorei vith thle premmne. 0f>i t op U. P. ilvenget. A nery naetii Iprgram bas been Wrn-.urd buiMrb blgn on Tunsiy cncning, Oct. 14.. lIon. J. G. Eler of TrIbUiy -ducih lia pretidet of the confurienou X. LU C. iu. - (in)- nepiqa i umte, prsasa~ ecbe éq taime Til MA sBaè uiL- UC m ttQ% , fu. mie 5$ tg loi."o U-Inagguja q i Oenls." mir toelK.n1WOM,, Y&N suffi BImwske- MAY EJOWN TIS CITY. ,TyphoM qiidernie is Foaved t:uwe :pie a" R'. Jin AfiU r CondWton. Leasi atm sare toa ataken te forme the, city b»10s of Wauk6g5n te dia pose of gmevage in 'nseo amy tier than runani ,nto the aie, Reni- dents of difrent nortb shiore cities te the soutli et bere, tiose living lni KoeniloM it eiall>', proteat tut1 the sevega 4uu npei mb ic laie, o1 Wul.ilm »Mmes the wmof 081> 1 ply for ail O lns ti.along the north shoréUBU»f te.1 Tbat oscWajction la plsnned and *911 licattemlpwedat once la imlTted by tii, felowing paragrapi vick ap- veu6r late uChicago Journl on "DelluVitbtat an epideMilO0f ty- phoil '1c imminent, the Klworieith boutn[Oi eaut bas sent out notice. *&ri a ic ftuldtitiort hie nlge 4d ee us0 of uneU0 vt«! IN% ! eZ4<i» pauient oetht» beedii' Edmiarultbat gseags f mi1 wiuttêim iB emtatbiatad the *âter i0»JI2 or %the, outire nolti thori aitliàt tho public h..lt la anitil,'"mnaagered.Boa grave la tIle =uieti ahtplsare blels-oW- Z " N : a te il egal "don stilait the aatoriges 0f Wbxean th eCOa Utheàà te dispo»osehei serg lu laome other mannor tui petxlia# t laote .lako." 9 In mi.m @ehusotion in tuhen it la bard to'uay luit abat Wiuiogis veud do. Undami the prescat candi- taon ef Uic finances 1hveu li e a pbyoigai lmmoadblty teaiedpt ai, moinRs e«puriilUS the. swage lie- cause. et tbctremendous ceet. Thc matter la oaa tuht up licn dimueid aenerul i hes te ie fthUictact tuat the itoid tAte. gernmeenibasinte tirnated soveMilUnis. Qat the Urne lat nerta. Ijt I vinal paime.on the <Gret Laies vl 11tewm>eld te adopt Ms eaas of dbappilng or the zew"e. 'ibis queq" os IW rbas beeîtdiodkmàsoi lthy rat allionsý nesidbooevee as it abmesa 'bee giejenPnly ef liaistg: -offcct the change viien lhe time 0cores. Irho present afttlabin, bo*ever, la eSMUrpmevDowa"iE tlu 0"16cIaisca coivino. a couirt tisA tiiir contesi- tien la a luit anc it Samy Place Wau kegan te a vcrry isaaor*blo lght. Wauieganpeo#le vwol watcb viti ne luttéi nteren It u otepéthat May b. taien by te Uic luic mO tonli- Waorth. Eflieww gKonlimrth hu« nat adepteta bypobiorte of imne as a mfas et loablag 1,h01.r ater. koobterttDL . . L 1.-Gonernor lis cotifoi.e!e'tenuubutiat ie vas thtuiy lt finIrf biime treat- mintifo nimatl et pfo a ttauoiat ai* slait. bePitele. e belisalInt am l aprao la' lhW9rmga zc ddlItes et edia tteeo for bôoitr pliueners' .obsel-ntce<f thie A lav te gir.té Oie uuutetma ýcancc te pay thew'dwtdli a humman )r'hie miiat lslute b"dObil foc teimu eu'toi th"* -" abiuim vOeu hiot esifllobhl. -One h arivma la mm, Goeeror 0 *ne "asenttwbi it iunchion ne amiw u tbat1-t bla btAc tventlng at a libaquet -et thé fourbi 4aiNe IKmibtc 'et, Celumie. Ant- erai-hbuamidteý m.n,e-moeing. nb îe ati âtacdiulllofoo tic Pme. cewr ad folbovv.- 1plesldmt;-I)r. W. à. fvs, Cci& go. P"nt V06é Preidat-D)r. lumtait, Uccosi Vioc Prceiiént-mti. 1. J. Chtig&.;-% a alite orguusàUo"L. 0. PÎilMWtà iO Cblcugo vWm» apel~t t 3. T. JosUn, Rocifeni. secroitary; aid Mari-y Hill, Ciicmgo. trerre. GEORGE EDMUND FOSS. George Mmund Pose, former co- gehlial fea tht, the lm01k »htrtt and chaiMas of ti, *a&VUomndttêe la tuhe ouse e of ieeWi Me, gene te lAndon for a f0 te *b. IN bai beai ffflg hie fei a Vb eRi «ib»&,wheh bitdanitet Obave beau, atudying tbe laitYer. Mr. Fûts buien 1,1 .trtted et the clube br naval ofcials a"l llhiethegueU of Éoburt Ynbur9h. IL P, the Prti. dent of the Navy [l'ague of Grseat Brftala, vbo bai tavlted MM t ta ià estate Dcii. DumienseScetisr i. ft)l an ilicez, mag na studY ef tbe 1ai )peilea aiothe ditrermeo ci tries. He viii vicit 06 héaiPPwi'i M &eý èiVde a»i'the ;gernmmt doèk- y»rds f 0f guUb«ofre returniui te the Uutod tatei. MOWfto Iford Hlm. MLING DlJRI»-S uMWu Lust -SMIÈ*Jy. Waukean October lis. 1 Mrs. Walter Wi...., *-yesh c8d, -r 39 Uncolna &"bis% dli&thi.s Met. inlg after sa iUluosf ef aunerai nlontba 3due te a calceitdlO*i b ec a iii- bdent of Wautkegan for the. last twenty Mira. White vii hein near flance lake and livod tiiore rcâny yeara. Be- aides ber busband sbe leaves tliree eid , Wllim arlFoi.14; and Dort%, 12. The fuâeraili b. be ed at tbe hoe on tliday ifternoon. Rev. Brelos of the. Ftrat Christian churcb wall o0fclat.interment wauj toits place tu Oatwood cemetery. mmr. ilartneli af Harvard, and a brother, Mred Wleidboft of Olet, Otta. have béen à0tified of ber deaul. By a singular coinctdonce lber hua. band vas mot at borne at tbe timie she passed away and th ir ttintima- to ie buiad of ber deatli was vben ho mnét the. pbyiclan on thu streci ani b, told itm hie ite bad mai dild Mrs. Withe bua lapffed mb a atm*e et umneacetansa about 4 OclSch lis mornIng but lier condition seen,; e to taob ne more gerl-lana han It bààt heen for anobîitle lIe. Altliougb ber iuaimnd knew alie could net .une be ubogit aie vaubta survive erg Imys at louaI. lne vaîhet dean toan mter suic- ménig tae piaian d meOteît bute on lhe' atréet a shouit Iter asheta him -if bo b.d boum eut ho lid busetiL U s thon- t tuc phy.ý siiian tldhilmtiat ho liai insu cerne irnm liereé and tiat Mis. White vas Uarly. luit spImtng lira. White% 1II. es s, udlMssd as a talmor- and 'alie dgti.dthat «ie vôli watt untal gim1rhumb théchciudr en vere ban'. teng thi l nqctlo befbre â».- spi. m tb aàn Operatton. 'wbenmuini 14l ialel-a touilt as heM,, a m 'cnermihiat an' operatien ai tbatimie-wtald-net gaine, er I4., Mms. White vas a patient autfrrir lnde M&IlDft.lbd6tnlhable viii pDolies NÇet nIRlish Bâtturdiy roui ibm coeuint th[go le liii. flhé'iiiilélet npeitbcifg about tRe bhm", dolnIuî#el tmreqwsot 'ber imibasi thit ai bh e rfmt. clam aa bt» t - i bifly Uki UP, 515caulied coShnWéraihi finit. ler rnany frisis -lite-th e : tiinilng contipISiica5te the icroaved $Onviuullbees bora; but tia so dm happons hoayoe. Jack cm..', prsietor o e III&f1 Dos otai. Pot lâke, bai purchssel teroadbogmeet Migi Dar .000#106W _______for a long Umne by DIII Sobuelle4r. Muný1We .1. >M.*u M 0 , ,, olacare ittic Stand él Place vblcb la dkretly Acroés the Wb Mo c et fitas Well ai the iVUx 1*JW iPic., t% latter- en closed n0v for the sça, AROMJEOOVER POLYGBAIY. son. t iiinv eii Mri. Dmer l elkw nlW G.Jebui~ ii ()eOt. U-maete. Ceit? aisd Wb is PudoStute o U* ment vas. causod et thei. ouo,ng so, 1 orlidthorefm oreterietbis lWçe sien of the WomOn'a Chrstan Toun. acQqqnitiae. perance ULMa t*te Convestionl'ere message front IL D. WboSdrutf, pree- dent et the Commercial Club of sait Laits City: 1M i elon B. Hood, preident Mii noie State W. C. T. U. , talemburg, Ill., AuAssaiaated Prose dlspatch te. dey, qnotlng from 70fr speech at G*ieburt ss ou brani Moto. > eCOdny Cme p i ve up Imm àà an agent te deiade - auutm tehm a o beodand nclsi i 1twhivte slanery. eceie. fMorphline and teittide of It1* 0,1. "ay& you urge W. C. T. U., te- iram et alucos agina t lu ame* ilthe Oouty court tus mctmfn* MM tbai oled at ouse tidigotW a formai order vasentered for the alcoeg &Il chame.oetUteli peagl. aiea 0f U IW I 14ar, thé" Iwo y~ local W. C. T. 1U. meets today te siaiod*daugliter of lir. ailnd as Ch&"le sotton. Pier na.aier at one sa«Y- Lu fit e oouaty. It., by. Mr. and 138 viietior YOU arc qutel eertctlY. Mms Walter D. Tovor of ttiti tty. ii D. WO(>DBWVThe Lest family vas on. of thc larg- Prealeat Coinmowclty Club, est ta [dke county snd the, tatiier Mid Sait Lake City. motiier fonnd kt diéleuit tu provide The cativeatien itoe by a revoie- p eromoge fer ail of ib. ebuldavi ad tin regsrdimg tic Mormon chnrcb 12 0meV daully ee.iuflteite t dptien akcady bad paed. The. resolutioi <of t"ili«tA.gi by Mr.. Md Mi... wài ooriieitranemittod tu MUr. rover vithe icaiuruioc laithie WoodrultRoeo"bapeolewould h ble>1,te 0v. 'mt ext f otutiom, 1)e Ittle girl a botter borne than tbey The text of the remolution foibeovu uli give ber. Theé11W. irl vus V/berms. ,The Mormon churcb cm-of. aBte 08"Boulh Mlarday mter. tiub. te teicb polgamy anuftIla.ie&nco. and the format ord..' of s~ ers permit and even practice, accord. ton vs ai ose@s >encd-Kenous lu£ te toei. ovmitestlmony beoume 12e. lhe Benate comnmttee, pobygamy te Violation of thc lawi of Gouid nd ~ iAL ETA metor Tat e acquaint Our- Wl 9 IN WMUKEGAN. moelyt*tb thea, factà and d ail l oui. power asintdividuels te rita Our T. Mddleton, 'United States flop. community of tbeir books and mle uty Machi, coins frosi CbimugM iOônàflc tbat vwe bearfîîy approve Monday Ioekiag fr fortbeiêW er m tlinestgatlon by the national govern- ha subfned te the iodeai e ourt, to niant et the comnuercia ilnnetmeati b, laken to St. fienis. aidmmoalim o ei Mormon hie-Me dita net notify the local officera aroby, and ttut ve deplore ti. £est- what thc mas w»wasied for and lng ef ADogtie Nemi Omoot ln the, they did net taie bisame. The ig. United Statée eenat. signer bad sot rosldeta la tas elty To themssais. of Mr. Woodmrf oa Min flood sent tbe folovit gromj: lu 1" 'adiress 1 asdt al. notvltb. WOI.OAST ETN SO.* fftàudlag the icclaratlcxasinat pli- lnvukue.Wi. Oct. 1:-A Ie1~ r&I marriagea aode by tie Mormon oftàde fae ' 40.-rund -bout betvoèh bierarchy, It vaà tounfd ut t O Ai %0619»t and Dttluig NMoln tà* *marriages are stîli being practicei. the. ligitveWblt cbatuplonelilp oetul This deéiled oui national W. O. T-. IL ved vai atagel bore at the. 3112e *to obtlaanamendmmt to or le&rlfik tonlOit alen thosetwo 114140 rera Consatiiuente prolabit "lIiigliltorsa bodeiton rounds. After abemiaatibn, for the. Amertean harem 80 fntîts of bard aggre*lve figlit. 1la an ihtte oail vomaniioctaand lng wolgait earned thc laleli by gly. 4 nmou oôiiy Unr ce*ntry. Eery leidlut Ine bis brtby and gains oponen ia 3 BMPetanation bas jined i t' <,t .y balg.Te iuna fg ln stamplng out thsl angerouss- de iieail tii. bTe aai gi run tom. and tva Moeslons ver, oven. HUDSON Mx 54, $.4250, fL o. b. Dârui. '~ haeslale.ut.Let4ami 0,ve.-FerFerwàr SPOgll,- CMet.'nt ,Coastlng 9 A Tany speel-upilîlor'doan-rouglireasor amoot-a 14HUDSON Six rides hukêeoCnstant eaàitg. I la Isnet marvelons prilag adjnstmoent, or unuaual balance -tiou<litiesethigs elp. It t, the at<otliess et the psi rlie abiîî t fthé nîumatonles sud gliding ride yen get te co»Uatg dean a long, emocul i lll lsanavr pieoent In 1the HUD- Ira icflyiof. Ou ôly hi mr-eytedObr cars of praper deelii sud balane çdo yu se upi rl<itg-,qmaaftc. «* pedeà' i rbers a voiE aboliS -USDONS nlbllil. callyV. tiery Motmndt ômiedes 1he1. supcliolityof-duilO MostBea~-J!Ijcar, EVçs. gui1t. Nu lE fltJDqOJf MixJ» làprenônocc ffylmtunot eu jUNIcar-ever Ibil Cot'gW im ulii qagFthlh beau- - abouta ah beaîtH ln teone. Drive t If you driva--compare ites iutg ith a»y cal' at any prie 1< la huit like a steel PuIllmau for stuttaina anad saaity. Ito-gtéalilne body cooraey seitÉ four. fine, six o r seven 1 omfriL rv1rpiliIdbdie>cetrot., oitflué =- ëfj t sde. t pp-l tr% sinson. k te eloctrtIalYMlnk. .6 caud .eb.çtajcq»y 944$ , y theiteW lm type Delo Bysemio. pa&oMttad. Ithmjs, il8i e -wiel- aW30xLteIclih3, oseta. n ole top, quildhy &uuota cullilmspér!nàseùtby.carrie la top, maghietie Jluveicti SPcéiétnet5r&sd lnAliý aler attractive 1- jCornes.s ton yeuvseit tie trie steaifse bodb, andiexpeli. suca tue aanbtbum u valfleal.Ml ab * srueb tg-qyioier car _77', tIÇ~ EWSGAU drmJêWAïe, Ovet day MRS. Smé WauI, thietag The ' tenit i. tag dm1 directiéi Leage. to-lb, ilira.t ried al watt feu etamp o r tbeyv« tea las