CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Oct 1913, p. 12

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14 j-~i~ 4 e ~44< I 1~êo4m411L 5A~v4~t4 Paning Knives-IRegullarly soid for 5c; prie- cd for titis sale 3c at, ........... Water Tumblers-Made of tlîin glass, regularly sold for 50e per dozen,31 c priced for our 3 Tlirifty sale, (loz... PolUCIai 01 op-Cleans and brgtn he floor with les. wo;k; long handfle, usually sold for 41 *50, prieed special for 1 C this sale at Kflowepen Nap- kim - Made ofC -- ep---«-» er, 5 UuI1ow.eehOrepe -Paper- Cornes lu ten foot rolîs, speciai for 18 C this sale at ........amk ap »q suis; a.So lunch sets, for the iiallowe'eft Party. pinta, quar ts, Oun- k ces, Ibs. and ud " 4': a C apeci4i at 1&3L<L~L ~ Cbidren's Sboe-Gun-rnet- ai and patent leat&er, dur- abli! and strong, oak tanned soles; a, large Unme to select froîn, priceed at fron $3.00o Ladies' Shoos-Oun-metal, suede, patent leather, satin cloth, mediumni bcd. (Jominl and let ns fit vouN with a pair; au excellen.t line, prié' cd at fron $.5 down 3 àOJI to .......... ln a Coenorr- able Living Room therewae appliqued poraem~ window cur- Wmir. w.besafa.etc., of beautýUd "Craft" conibkuuioms.produ- uLpleasing color Byhsyard-4to .be mdsqa Toothpitoks - Made of s mo o th wood,lf special a t 3 1oc five cent boxes Goid Fish-A desirable or-, nainent for the honse, -dif- ferent sizes, o prieed at 25e, 15e *~ and .......... I'ish Giobea-Blown of clear flawless glass, al sizes, priced from UJc $5 down to ..... Percelatorg - Pure white granite, two quart size; one of the handiest things for flhc home; inakes better cof fee than old style eoffee 1675 pot, pric'd at... PiaICg Oards-Fancy back, regua 20e value, idf or our IIc Thrifty Sale at.. Waate Baketa-ConstruCt«i ed of.beq.vy cardbôard, dec- orated with flow er's, priced for our Thruf i ty Sale at ... _ Ladies' Shoos-Have the new Spaniali Louis hecd, patent'vamip with cloth up- pet'; inakes an excellent dressshe Boy'.s chooi .Shoes-Yoîîr bov nee(ls, shoes tîtat stand liard usage. We are showing a gun-ineta I leatiier %vith lîcavy oak-taînued sole; wvil otitweur the average tshoe; prieed for tiiis msa 1 e at per 2e2 5 pair ........ 0set 1<&1LPÀOW Lj« ~ 7 .%gué at 14q Tailored i n the iatest s t y i e, flied with garan- ~teed s a t in lining; one of the' aeaon 's prettxest models; a n exeptional- ly good sut kEioced very speciai f o r this sale at- Beacon Wrapper Blmn"tsfor Th" aewai~gtr' Lznoe,beag made Of 'a'- tar .oto . 1 .ed -ane way. You mnay choosericb or Jaity co6aings. Repeat&W isto the laumdry do notunpaithe ap- pefhnceof B E ACON, BLANKETS. Tbcyare un- Jirink an d lam c"k. SExtmoire mmd beautifu new stcksamenow on &disly at this tase. 'Wrts e i4k0o&&r :u" 2wc Curtain R«mants- Materials for makingý curtains, ail desir- able iengths, consisting of cretonnes, nets, scnirns, silko- Iiues; your cîxoice for this sale at one-baif the marked price. Hemistitched Sorlmu an d Voiles - Suitable for living roonts, halls, dining roonts, l)arlors, etc. When made up they present a very1 rich appearane, 15C priced front 45e t o. Silkolines-Plain and figured patterns, commonly sold for. 12/c per yard; priced very Thnifty Sale at, per l c yard .......... Ourtain Scrm-Fancy eux tain senunu ith henimed border and laqe insertion; one of the, newest style for curtains, reg- ularl so ""fr '5eper yard; hrifty Sale at, per V < yard ............ L Cuntain Swiss-For bd roorna this ma- terial has no eual. Dotted paters; -àways.sold for 121/2e.per zard;. special for tis sale at c ver 1p.. -~ - - -. -. -.-- --- w-- j. I~4t~ ~Nuê o1~RUL4LIg~ ~<êO/L Ppm YABRIO COATS $15 Ladies' full iength pile fab- rie coats, guaranteed satini lining, trinuned withl velvet ini a corresponding shade, rl collar; an exceptionally strong val- ne, for this 15 00 sale ut .... Ladies' Fisunelette Govus -Comeein ail white, pink and white, alsti bine and white, al ies 1riccd at $1.25,f 98e, 89e and.. Ladies' Combination 'Suit& -Drawers and corset cover, inade of ail over embroidery -a suit ba2d5 t') dîîplieate IleZ at ........... Bi1k Petticoats-Come in al the Moors that are so prom- muent at the present tinte, c h a rincise silk, swecial 19 Duing Imme xmSESCOATS. Couinl blues grays, browns and other desirable colors; nmade Of chinchillas and zib- belines; soute iined, others. are not. Very large seleet- iono to -make your ehoie froin, prieed at $12.98 e 8 ObIdenu'a Dreofes.-Ages 2 t(> 6 years; made of good quiality gingharns, priccd for this 6 5C sale at ......... Boy's Hats-Made of gray -and black chinchilla, al sizes; just the hat for boy 's wear5 c prieed special at. Lingerie and tailored; posi- tive $2.50 values, no ex- changes, 7 to 9 o'ciock Sat- urda, 69c% at .. . . . . . . ZI Chidren'a Hats-Made of velvet, trimmied verY negtly with ribbons, a 12 large lime at...12 Ladies' Oombinatiloxv Suit- Made of. an extra good grade of musliil, embroidéry, trimmed, rnb- f bon 'dramn 10 9 this sale ....... Hats for the Girls-Made of eorduroy; caine in ail colors, trimmed effece- ively, priced at $1.25, 79e and.. Ladies' Serge Dresses- Corne in the navy shade, roill coilar, long sleeve, veivet trimm cd pniced at 9.98.7 5 and ....... Misses' Sweaters-Cotue in ail ctolors, suitable for âchool and business wear, pniced 12 at$3.49 to.'.. . 25 Ladjis' weater--&Szes 36 to 44, eardinal,.gray, white and navy, priced. very s9pe- cial for our Thnifty Sale..2 OUR at,........ J4êi~Vê ~ 4~tm=2~ ~JLoo~ Childr.n's Ve~v.t Bonnets- Infant's Bonnets-Made of extra good white silk, trhln- mTed with Frenchi knots, lin- ed very neatly; large show- ing to mxake Your selction front,59 $1.98 down to.... 9 Oblld's Astrakan Bonnets- ~IJrnumned with silk ruching and silk flowers, silk lined; inade of an extra gbod grade of astrakan, special this 2.98 sale only.. Infant's Sleeper-Made of colored flannelette, ail sizes. Made so asuto k" the feet eoverJd,9 priecd at 98e to... Black, brown, navy and ma- roon, turu back front with silk flower trni, iined wîth silk; an eif- eeptional val -* 5 ue at ... .. Infaift-s Stockng Cp C'orne ini ail white, pink and white and bine and white; p ri ed fo r o u1' Thifty Sale t -9 $1.98 down o.... 9 Inant's Sweae-Corne lut ail white with blue.trizn, al- so corne in cardinal and navy --priced for our I Thrifty Salè at froîn $2.%8 to...'2 48 Inch Wool Crepe, $1.O-We have just been fortunate EVERY m<,dhu wMlsS nt a gmSc enough to purchiase and receive a shipment of ail wool crepea, w*i' d rah a cornes in blues and brown, 48 iuches ide.We *1I niace this uaterial on salé for tomiorrow and Saýt Uf urddy at the extrernely low pie of, yard .....' Rand Bags-Lined with genu- Taffeta silk, ail eolors, regutar-, for her child than s51 hie leather; comnonly sold for ly sold for 85e per yard,; our othr kin& $1.00, priced special1 f choice of our entire No pins; no luoms; for this sale only, 79~c- stock, this sale, at do't have to tumthechil at....... ....... per yard ..... over go faste.» double* LADIEB' LINEN HANDKEEOHWBP. o- ti,, ý mwb (Shop Soiied) r tM beTP t Rcgular 50 c ones for . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . bu- , *h idurve of Ib Regular 2e ones, for .. ... .. . .. .. . . . . .... u w c Regular 12enes for ...... ..11 1 le 81 f5 SlahÉ& F0515 FM* Re ula 0em es for ...... . . .. . . .*. .. .. Pi1que. Coflar - Trimmed with satin, 50e#%Pu and 75e values L ) for ........... Hik Puff%-Dark and light brown,. your ehoice at one- luaff the niarked price -DrusSheda _ -Regular 12e values for .........9 .' very desirabl.e shades,,visuai- Ivl sold for .$3, prcdfor Thrit l

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