CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Oct 1913, p. 1

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LÂkE WAUKKGm SUN VOL. XXIL-NO. 5. TWELVE FÂAGI LIBERTYVILLE, TàAK COUNTY, IL., lIUDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1913. ONE TO EIGHT si. 5o PER YBÂR IN ÂDVANCIE WIFE JIU'EI) MOST ECCENTRIC MAN AU»O <OES INTO HAS TWO ACCIDENTS WILL 1IOLD A FU- OEIVDI~hI ON SAMfgAyISOr A AT DECATUR.DTCIMN R; WHENDRIVING IN RACE. 1RLISED0 111 bU~~IUUL ON SÀMU ADecaur. I., Oct. 17.-John BD*- DIC M B T in the horse race 1( ,t liai race E UUIDSTEiD O h f ilindllr nd ID LIKELY O DIE traek nunday. Jost e cîneer or AFAMILY REUNION N ;~ F I I ~ ti~ ~I 1IUSAND' DE TI ed a! t sh o mte etof BloInthefreeforail, .- ll r'I~ Death of Mrs. Schreck of Lib- Iu EMm V fU UII Funeral of Late Mrs. Henry Intnreety He was a bachelor 'a tîer ne, oalng frsasr Shpad ed ria Ate- Arnong bis many pecuutarmtes wert When Driving Big Auto iust 'o -ait ertyville Changes Event of noon el in arfen. such thinge as buying five large autos Sot fLbetvle n th(- tiret it the ii':, ri Gladness to Sorrow. 1 1--O E «1i l noinWre. and usng them for chlcken rooste; Suho ietvle lied frontlits bormse and she aitnost huying a toiiafu of musical Instru- tnbe auighMo]sert FRIENDS EULOGIZE HER. ments and, neyer unerating tbem, INJURIES ARE INTERNAL. suileicusn1l f Oe fifDlED QUITE SUDDENLY.1HENRY E. DE KAY IS ARRESTED BY OFFICER 0F DEPART- buyîng an enfire nursery and neyer Il%-i two feet, be won the 'seconîd; In te1pîantIng anly of Il. Unconsolous for Three Hours i te third, bis wheel tortileeutoit lie n"'o dToSrkso aayi MENT 0F JUSTICE WHO LOCATES HlM WHILE VISITING Gurnee W. C. T. U. Honors th Boîwman owned an enormous Tart. tced t [n time to avoid an adent.HdToSrkso aayî RMNN EAIEI E ESY-N A part of which hp'set agide for nature ada is TaBlee John M. Kenosha was fIrvis'eý-fneca Saturday and Died in After- APO IETRLTV NNWJRE tNA Former President - Hun- tekla t A cu 1e h mawild as an> twrBitl eod I be Georgel H.rt o the stte B e asîîd noon, Few Hours Later. TIONAL CRISI5 IN AFFAIRS 0F THE DEKAY BROTHIERS ____ elxty-two years oid. Geoge _._wnhe_:41___oi NOT BEFORE KNOWN BY WAUKEGAN ACQUAINTANCES drd tSrie. aw V, L. Pi)nmanloir6 W, Nadi-on Plans, for a famlty rvunon thtis nocock Tt was rather c-Incident that the AD ~ - et hcao nonee bto i le Schreek famity of! Lbertyville -AEAPRNL A ENPNIGSM IE foneorarr telam eldMn.hearSe- BLIND Puis fatal Injuries Sunday A T C IDB Nhave been abandoned as the resuit of C S PAETYHSBENPNIGSM IE datdeorhahrebn, was el o thevantel;tiiproccoe e h,4,hretesfie et una feno i(as leIea. o erswi %rfl i(.md i ards t f-r '()e ioai cs the wa h en Vrvilile-r. husbad died IMUN FO-11 rulito ahe It fer oant fte INFURIATED BULL; ofi e . R. So detbS6':dyatrs od oi-t 11ý[ tain Waukoen acve ig t i' te oknarienr a hrtr 1 7.t,1911:.Nits.Shepard mai, îurieit III3;>WfluUIDTC 'lecc, nwsuis pi'tiili M M dTD M I Ilnciîîg IWO girolkes tif paralysîs. uruliased the itld aukcgan Gazette and fat aud or fate years emlated alo goide io resislitace in Warren 11JJNi~JU T IIMY IT.IIJ r etorsni south of ,lerî ~ îMAN zIS T ULE5I45a came only a few boirs apart. and tater uonssnîtuated it with te bisbrothers style o! hair-dressing. cemeterr O<tinjuries_____ delared liliait, Rflgister. te followtng article Titat the lieKas nmadle a fortune, The services s ere tîeld froin flie L. f arlarinsuries ytu poteTh, fautiily reunioui has heen cbanged aicht aptucare i n the New York Her ntouf t he parking business whieb, Shetard horme and man), frends îîaid Cities May Not Ttius Prevent 1)r -1 tHatu v îeifio i Halmar Juhlin, Farm Hand 1eectal etterbne a en fatai aitîtougli ait operal ion lucu ,sa- 1 lotol a funerai attd the bouse whlch aid of Ot. th4i. is interestlng and Inm- nualilf erbadbsbe terrsetm oth htakRiing Sale of IntoxicantÉ in Build- bsif Near Diamornd Lake, Had a wotild ibave rung wltb laugitter. [si portant ti)i Waukegaoi and L.ake counfy the neral belief In' Waukean- worî rîhyatt aelainIer ami diandrttkrn2, slrouded in saduetss. The retanion was tpeuplle Stock tn te contîany was sold ait l'art In the tert k es a hîcitwere bj 'r'Zoen-atiia_'iîî -isa1iirîi Narrow Escape .unday. tii bave starteti tast Satu dyngh irte corld sud, as a revoit of the charge of Ra'i i7erge NiiGitils * loigs roul his boule, efor aa ii'in fic colinand aouid have confinued the grecafer BANIÇER TAKEN extent tii abî the companv's plans tisf hchret.aii egan Misle- ieler .prfiis c.Dfern ebr ere carried. John XW. gained the 1b.. tteX' 'T 'isdent NO EFFECT ON FOREMANS. tri 'Aloteieliidriiie to \au,il 'us ~SAVED BY TWO BOYS. partHE OMBth'isw0ek hfifferenf membersgeB nutsaîiic tiý po 1(i-un about niîif ,art.lfa k- ?tefarîits cere preent from dit-T T ETO B.n ane!henpetasiebgee I lan being ftere tu as-sumse iciargi I hointe %ta I il rfi illo i ii ,uiH Tîe Doe ul wa B erent fstates and fhe affair promised E eK o rv-and 5,0st sticcesut promoter that : tsnlo lluirlsiirevented .Case Which Seemingly t/iould 1 tanne, në i th Person plai c, bu f0 Bul wa B Iobe a large and enjoyable one. Henry E D ay c ro i ecr metout of Wsukegan. Tite tifrnie union. o! whcliih sio tc. ootîntilo th le car and l t îliigeo i trs. Srhreck bad been alling for i dne . U1 The Present Matter. former lrî'iderit and forîr iis aiAffect Lake Caunty Case is mlii ib,-(lit, i lii atin ., Means of Ptchfork-Inîur- ficlstf oyar bthe oniioiR. I., i-o.s . H i tenlresent diiemma. iowever, cf 1incaltinsufialerhitarncd oUns aIlRI)C tEffective. f- r the îbig uar anfd a hi nti ti-e l" ies Will Not Be liaduliheetaconsideored criral . Default of $20,000. îei9W eacre sasrrs tîni sit tc lîli- tliiois ali-i lso"n-. ho aire eaftii dl iir - i Ben>0 afurday morning site was strick - to aukegan frienrds o! the former meon g I lt ten, w-tiii.s a cihir.imtha aalte ttl adbocan rcdntJut ht h htiplia nîae n i ru san d lacit, acr d i opition hlaîded doan Tlaursday cahran.ra1jah- î'-i~linuar Juhila, an ncoulli , l i aptfe toead eaeruudnsosfwa h "iapla plaiti n tleircoifs sd eu lacar Xifliceu v ad tlii sui elc iar iiexlii n<oîi"cious A fea- houts blater site itII thi 1îoîî io nioffond." mealfa and just how rlcd a ciii,- carnatii, tlii % ý)i ne- tîluuî o ilie Apîlellate court. Third distrltict, -ieîîfîî i-ec-uicnu iiu r' fIlaru'Rouse. cito îoîîductila f d a eod sro adps N ii*tev are citarged wth fiatoffense. lite order ~ ~ ~ a, Splîringfield, titîîblind tigs" cao- sud thtv heieved lue cas sarpir ii, tarin one nitlie soutit of Itou hi- lier aiav i-cet2:22 oclock wthiout lîaving 1\i iid"icitbaoncretotentceoXkf M[r, %Ie(Ini gave a short rcfî'î cutypope enc toXlr iheped. ral,în be tat ii' ut of obu'siness b, Injuot iîîg lit Tai lor aa- ialled and il) .and lnear Iiiant'bnd Lake, cas atîacked rcgalined consclousness.înienît iii tlii-Fî-dt'i'l euîtiici t îepe woria for thte teoiîersincc cause suid i iocctnt, iipoea bloc aiiuut true lîîutrs ithe ii isir.'anîd îranîîîledntter footh, Hn in. Sue cas, one ofie bei lusown and 1li iI seîetfo h atta lecs poifin Iohersa n Jealroullr t 1(al litonits n mnyiom un] etDr.Tite ret lriia pi sudsii jivfîrlatcd laiton Sunday about nous mosf popular residents of Lbertyvilie. i-hat-g- otf afiig ini îisappli [a 0nomendlng [n the Tedlerai courts r'olting tiib~r des îîafitr j ir a' li-i iuliriaci îitt aSdipi h ati iiv1d tiere for the last 38 - - andt rend. lie pas and irvii ttisoerteita irsh mord maa, one u-ied lu ihrIners- anld fias lis encape frneafa 'Yeats, she and ber busbanti living on a 1 1-oitt1.11 i it ueuitts of ftivt'At-tInte east. In luliustrating abat miteliîad dose fîr In settlng amide a tetaporary In lie then asked fiai lihicago turiserite at 0l ihoboys, vent to li 'ILalîMu tioiînaliank iof tne cause. junition Issued hy Jutige Owen P. be notitieti aud aord was vsred .a-,ltatace as the click of ime. mb- laresfarta sbnmite leaves the ilrX ideîwt', R. I., w~as ai' IIFAb Mr. Shaw o! Bloomnington, a lromi' iopo, uviblieci ! jeçkTbey basfened~li iiert.vnille and ai " iut[1don;nker ad~ i Besî ides a busian R.P pel -vl esXtStldaX' in Xo1k- FEIERAL ~ii~i. tien se state femnfecsnce conter and oileia ulî f n ononc eriredtilsr rlend laken utesh i >.G o gentrs or rsJhnSio-~'~\V ~- ftheN personi lfrtend of thte Sbeîîards. read Xiera and nîneteen uthers Were de t îuefiiie wiîîîattended i hm i 1- 'le rs on cu es .--V. "I'-'" ber o[iîuary and then made saube fendants, the Alîlellafe court ileiloi ranclv Yilard hbu- Ci ca~gIf, loc'i e titink Ithaf beie iilsur tintiî, Effingham, Ill.; Mrs. Si-m partl-ent of *Jistive. l'ILS W StAI(lI tocigrfeecstilirfnid f,11te Larven-liolniai (,) ambuhulanceî In uIziturns of fMichigan City, Imd.; Mrs. i ti fnubun reerecesto er nsî ch itleslhaie sot thte rig'h la prcicîtt wbînbiman caleti froru taukegan, i iifilie aitack uilsiiii h;it[fourni i n 'oWakee u - t bIletiitf11 18atlest N~ ~3A ex"liianing wbo la it adkno n lfer liah% injonction the use o! buildings [ u -rcssîaîeIosdraiia lin tatlo'îî'tue ',ne tiebf!oeirr iSVN F tintatele 1go bans yeasnand bo% i'"i> triosfr tro u a li b ~ oe ai ij urii-u iîlhîaniWilliami B. Scitreck o! iteib- lb Rtt, w'ho IN'sidts at No. îîtteSeadhmet m-lelI rdrv fur the sale of intoxlcating i'iiiî teimnlmet overcni e. .560 West l71st Street, ac- feit fli Sitepar itonteto be idai [ncilch if îuunced asa sot 'crilîgh. Jubiln a'asleaîliîii te bul oit. 0a <i eauean tbr 8 ciery revfpect.le laa id. cieil tres lîquors lati atcisdlieatdnt~~aaer trougt, bholding tIl lu>'means of Fuanetai 2 o'ctock Tîîesday affersoon -wasîn, sncoer 8 I -va aiýdteac dn s r ' aitt-e bouse witti Inferînent In Lii- i liiittl hi- li cus in on th far broght ut I thee col Judg Thoipso refsed o di- a mtti ing n hi Ios.aS[ten] [ atl longon limeeminc aukeugaa litefar lîoueî of bthee ci jtudte itot lnonr<'usei b knomn. il i, the blif heat peritth ea l p, ~~~- ryviîîe cemetery Charles De l ' eupe are boced s îteywe mns lefore. titit Mrs. SierartI 'ilie. a tcntporary ijunichion re- 1 filei-cring kntickies gaie i-av te animal jerived loîuse and beforcri K-clpelewrshkdatey ee ,.houId haie ied ai t' sate XX' Il T ,iraIsnlie tefendants. Inrctnanding -__te iroi hanit ,,,jiuI get out f a te l'tîitt'd States Cotnsul ((1lest eî'enbng suen tuey treaui In thie lconvention, s place whlcb siae"casi' i-u 0the trial court the Appel-sai fie ailgrs bi-il as tapon hum iFR11RnÂLK itKii ellI,.,b ' oiîg(1S n !he icargentf [n Plovne, mould have se5ected ne5t to lieo! futis o!Jobn W. DeKay and Hen- as tie spot Nheresite slitualdl ~i i, i>,,iti'ui ithe feiiilorarv injonction.I te aimabi l ~dlu-idehoroed a, . tt \-iltXSt fiC. Ni rye iEsfrmrneuppe NoEfeU*o Frenns hr fîe.;iilîuiuiil base be etuh - tayt'to tiiis eitve De'o akgn ta Ilie great beyond. go Intense -aan i Efbci n Foemaa, LE uîitaNe hrItrsli eleac ok 1Atfrtgacpol ol hn OFD AITH O 1yII d'embw 1.iThe canvîalcioos rise o!fie 1De- Il as1, ke il asnerions kbnds o! el te Tic flowers sent hi- varlousi frîends the rîllng o!fte court avouid bave an i nr j Te foice of thI loc lttockelil lpP A» as ng Xaukegan caused people and the unuons oflace counhr cere efit ahue tjuloction recenti> y ls LA 1 lulln 10 tht' gru iid iiWitiout gluIu.i I . L . I tl 'tuls > it ere Io wath their seemtngiy me~- k t~~~ng ilion anati..iuuf to rive i1 t"'"~ Xispî tîdi .iUO. al eortc careers whicb apparcntly now very beatilful anti lllustrsted te 1sued by iudgc Whitiney Inak.e cu nclins il",tt 1rîîuîMs.KtePuvr ute\\;heli-,lptiitierf ' I)e bil.acracc toesa frcsaibîianti esîent in whtch Nrs. tu'gatnvl Jamtes and 'Iilnnle Foreman bl otne , t iaaon r.Kt uvrHne steltdfuttf1eK aerale tn al Spard cma belti "bat al emper Of * ,a.ringtoo ttshicla tbey are pre Wife of Former Wel Known and ti sfaon vin i uvrafe body. Yti fLghnn i i- w Fo-iliiitel to the lin F'ni)e actoas tintedSunt- k iifeie ented front selllng liquor In fhe' ag- alphitli-oui hn Rîîiouse, cous, day ofbghnn i i- -niiite o t e theSnfain etisie te Sunbtbo. awe sorkers wc ee he oli s aj rdaS tera acfsîrsned bherevith dit nde sI fact admitheti iv ait who watcbed bier fown, whicla ii "dry," anti, If they do, Man Pse Away fea sons o!fbe iropiir-vs o!f nie fart nesota County. tcspeetdhrwt ne ut niaIIb i r g Short Sickness. saw [uhiîn's anK îa.-.,,a . a, ____The HesirýX\',teitay lias been bel- aile dates or happenings' that tank ntany ycars' effortê for thte cause in te> wIl carragned or,.,,iath i cs.~Oi ofrI tiiecu titis week lInfte east [n which tits section. slolatedth fe writf.- assistance. One' ofi huin grahiet ilu) USED TO LIVE IN WARREN.! ter inouvo iti Waakcgen o eethfle DeKays are the central figures: lier rentama acre laid heelde tiose 'State's Attorney Dad> naysthbe DR. CARTER BREAKS RIBS. a ptcifork i-bilo flic.uîhier pluciluicarsn aiailis lrothbcrv. Helea the JOHN DEKAY ESCAPES ARREST. of ber itusiand bInXWarren cemeters. ipreslent ruling does sot affect the cautgbt bold uoftdt'risc bn tic buls ifX autuntej w " a Ila MsCaîlie ReY- Prosvidence,Rhtode Islandi, Oct. 17- Mdise Loin iteiird, fte oni> . oremen case iccause thin case itere 5fotic-drceve u "unove- He ha intdfis ring claile theI Te i aipuega o toila ae r iti tiild. utfXXaukegan anti, for a couplei Special ta Sun i Heury E. n lie il i ason o tecoer! lapoat tai otitedstahiiti fii autiani witb The j ulsuailacr 'trs -tet sldaont eraohpa.lier InromterBo!ned ýon o? teamy. bas sot mate ie br ""loe fteppleo h tll ea onfront M,.sJ. C.Xl G Nbdth nia wt te\i urauîu"-u is o? [nterestIo Lakehiornam Wuent vglYrkMxcondLdnwhthsl nslaarIerrathetineturf.beHforsoati tastitlintantner ithltircoicaoathe XFautegans 'vUves orftheexicosndnLoltion vîtit hhre plnsfo htefuur Br on Ms so te it) ganv tteFoCna rtrmieo! tur.Carter. ormer couri, peul.' bcaiuue Xrgtrs tner relatives miite ler hubi-anti was en- otherrs ere tadictet I n titis lty seV- Gage ofXilnetter haiteen c[tbh ler anti thev titemeelves bed consenled homl, nwnrosclis ivsksoIr-i-e docrIlio1,a domth s- ago irl le n Lkconnectionlgl n hehuinstthheNaioalhe cosatymnele eevmn he wiritbetug Issucti tir.Datiy hau tan esldf esforgiv e.-, îjfeydroeimaun uv.x7c fu cd onhfi Br gdsteiinitn fila xcatnlwrecting o! thte Atlantc National Josi 1tinmasiocesberecluereathecboug and Il 18 sai- i. 18t arely possible thaitiflied] Information [o tbe couoty court Pepî,a olw otb i- vît' lt h os hctaso aruae' ar k ingconph tnkofihbX' tKypo is e ditet ncuei -Gage of X'lntth has laes cifitlber ai-aIt ftentandthey consentedti) 1i Tic deatit of Irs. M'iii XX erien i-nid liriaiiu sii iiimoned i bv o liro andîti s thlit hi--fliIose o! e a usi ildnîcsîyfrP. Metcelf o? Providence, former s uriiatue nortir shore clhy. A rce1acceptilg an Injonction wrif lu ircui bIn Los Angeles l'ai. oed istel 1iftii " b t - dl t mf edci eti(hr itîîîîreoad Site lias 'cesfu fil 'iprenident 0f tihe bn a n sd tour o adiga 40acre cuti i. wou ,.,thmise tecounfv for lafs escape ro t Iaih 10 tbhe tco î altu btaii airactif m b elruaers tuf New York, tic DeKsys. fart bei-ides extenstve other itoldinats .court action. He titi so anti the cit Tas ati thi- îa r.Carterfvbois. an .îîu rit irs XX' Pisfer h a at nds Xf ae î' il ohr lsucre Xe le suOrion R.way-oos r als on tue Young vontan who t i s n boissueiiticeti n ili Tfitereft.ereute sd Mtcl_______d n wnt-fu Wicil nosun [o Waokegsn. She ula a ss daccor,.lngly. Te I oe The Carters now Evlire tosoAn- lit il etXX'aaikegi-o cuAi thefinted,î i i a t i g ontpany rcountst wtth the misapplicatton of graduate o! Wsotegan lM'gla actiont,'tr Dati>' al-s tie new roling t ll aere they ntosetitroutuisi uaî R1Lhe DaringIE CiIETmoesoana3tii-lier vais-nk' 1897, anti ah-o attentiet LakeForest haie no cffect on the Laie cofuats lit- geles. BIG PIL OF1. VAIMnnestalpaieriîlî lu aasiiiaiid aisthe siost elabh- toreifiandte $ou0.000o!esulte d U'niversuity. caicio.go a few years i-go 'trs. Carters Ka, . iiuslcr.the mife of XXr. li ' to fan oipn ve u- n nd atti fourthbroierappithad- ________postal mecely ms aes: "Dr. Carter feu <ILI AtAIU if Ci-s uonfi, i-ansfrurtcit i., h\X aîîl.gata sien. tutus 0f ftonds. seoraItisys i-go antidiot or uts L O I AI.Ij :ci, ut of îîgbînîîîg tant Sutodi->Henry as Recei e.--Indictmente Unexperteti, astginomlu îliti.andi acbloutauagiotnamei acnder Thte Indictmcllnfa cere secrefiy re- NEW l 1ý kiled Mr wa nared ecelerfurocti by nie federel grand 'Jury NÀCU À E Wl S, TO MANDA1MUS IN= bat.[5Ing w p niahof -an si N)ME IGI t eriii imas bonte ahtflue titre o t if , cl i-bwite JohnsW., wh.o biach ad nan convenct Inspeciai Yi!IVI' uaîin 'tic~~Vs. 'ner-tin dîcti on thte cienin" he- dathb ailtirivsnfroînber lied Iuu îrrtieitecoceru.droppetissinsneOtdni ieAat RIOBT Ur TO "HO D uirtrwEriî BACK o! Oct. f2th affer a weet's Ilisesi a abot l oa. n.ou tinaluativeeuîî ' -hu tngntu.1 sa e tbionaoBank tf hd lecn ianr5I-14 fron poumole.XVin tc Wert 'iaiu"-i'ea . (lito-elutrul tîru. oclntelid ouitt c fareti ocerageetitmatie-a <F'rom ritnys Gazette,) "iA iftIng tributs ho Mrs,. Louise libepiterd ao! Warren.,dho diati sud- tieniy ai Qniesluurg, Iii., as hhe resoit o! an affect o! psraiys itîhle attend- ing tire W. C. T. Il. state convention tire, was pati to flue teceassetiiy1 Miss Helen Hootiaite president o! fte Woman's Christian Tamperance Union, tiis affernoon ai 1:30 oclocia afiflue funenai services ahiflue Gurue citurci. "libsa Hood ln bel- orahlon toiti o! the great wort viticlu iati been doue iny r. Sitapharti ln furthering thbe cause o!fluhe Whitfe Ribloners not oui' ln iter owo pommunihy, but over the entine sfshe as weII. Tira stata W. C. T. U. presitient andthie daceaseti were Itimfa friands, and ir a aireas waa oua fo stir fineemotions anti vas a masterful effort." NOT-Miss Hooti was nof present ai fie services etah]ailsd [ha funerai vas ieit ram lthe ionie and not fle G urcea chuei, al o! viricitfadtâts p' p«erd u Fiday's Sua. INTO THIEIR SEATS? e Tt lv sttedti tat fie Independenthaf o? Zion Cit y ance planning fo sairtb mandantos proceetings ln the comingt session or court withbthte Idea bu mind o? r-seaflIng the Indepentient aider- men wiom Voiva's council expelieti rercoftly tinougit tecinicalities. No pavera have heen fiieti as yeh bt t ta ontierstoodti titfeveryhibng ie ready to do no. Monday Shenif OGreen fook Law- rence Washington.. a negro, ho Joiet, vitere he bégan a tarm o! front oneaI ho tan years for thse thoft cf a watcir, etc.. from thie home o! Mrs. Browuno! Waukegan. Hie home vas lu IAko Forast. Ha vas aitackled i hes sin- [If virle enroute ta prison. ens lilsetilnWaukegsn fbey tît-e t -f Tic li0tu ion pîle o! sort coal et Window u d' itii -ile so engageti saisetrutte ouf 0f the parking company. comptroiier of currcscy it once sentie thte corner o! Oakley avenue asti Cn-the Reisa Coi-ItDock aitte itarbor la vrant hu) a boit etftîglaîning ant In[- u fa ibc inafot etensreceiver [o hi-te charge o! the- forman yarsfo W.~ Bgls b Sîonfncov onubutio st htest-sut thilleti iond i-titi Nec York ln greates bank's affaira anti this offlidal viti fe sret nt ~r.Wctin uoiel on tire Te fncomtbusdtiontset tfeja -es speciai agent front teeattorney his store, He waa long s resident o? ire going two tii-vs ago anti snce then th e Esterdu' ncîooî bouse anti a large lii-tiee atviruafmsbgnraa ieatîct. ine eu flue cify. the 'cormen hbase icen trying ho gatheriot o! neighbors anti frirada listiips abut the United States, working upon tbe mainer. dig down to thee eart o! [he btig co&i attendedti ta py titeir test tribufe o!tianeti a 1riate car. 'Ticir reliorts resuilteti in thea cali- pie nth ndaortolstte un-loean eset othe deceaved . hm t'rnett oe poî[inga!littheieraigrandt jury in spee- lovENSINKRB e.L ot ah V eIni respect f0 i 1sessin asdti Ibmndictmte Itefoi- ARG METSIN IRY li [Oth edeaortoga ni bru Re I Dots condurtedtihie servires uence liiLontion shen be broie hlooIlIoi-i d. The iabillîles o! the hat CASE ARE CONTINUED. tien of te pile.beautfiul cbarscfer of te departed.lgfetiprtdfon h ean. adj ubelnlyo h lr n e wivrtlng gante affer ieng ouf for w-ea'estioiteafei afuore titan 400,»O Tire bg sort rosi pile bas aimost Tite rentama were laid f0 reat tn the mointesean-. lie producati a nuttuer smicete t-iosizg o!fihe bank. Thé Furtier contInuanca until Novem- Iuvsrisbly caugitf lire eacit faîl lsne EtedE.cHmnter- w ias ont y.arth f ibuits \i-uilhattracteti cide ahfen- Ireterai fautbrifies have bec mak. itr 5 vlas made iny 1eteal Jutige the dock vas estalltaeti but if ti d 18.1849, in I.Lake county. Ilitno[s. In t lion andi t la saiti, he matie a big t he nvestmenha and' the etreulâl- LantiseSgturday for commencement of ieen iroped titis ycsr [bat [it mllgit be 1881 ste movet in1 Saut Ceuter, suis off bis literary effortsv. statutensnter which th neta5tUO5 argumenta on a motion of Attorneys avoideti, Wben fie ieart of the fire 2sibn., wbere sile wa mennedti o lienry DeKay, te man i-ho I., now acre mnade nsumons have besu Perole- Wm. , Huter andconiulesët f bat te Investigations von*i Roseuthal aftd HonhIba fo re-opmn In reaebed, then the woritmen remove Wt .Iutr nicniu t olui the tomba, New York, as flic Hec shakth e financtai dircies of tine tit Kiby ase10 int nv afidvit ti. ,noldoingcoe fouatin plamate' ber honte there unti 1892 aid Item se>-s, waa nie yoînger o!flace country and ti hanumeroas"wilt c&tý theKiry eu o tat 6w ffdavts heiomuldrin coe rol th piewhen slue movedt o 'ascounty. aud evidonce fiat thetto rneys ser leevicg tino unitunned coi stanlding. Mns. Huoter anti itsl>snti ere tbree luottens wîao were assuuu'aaed [n sctemes wculd ho bit bard vion lthe titey have obtained may ho enteroti ln Theise bas net yet' itroken luta a smong thie poneer settiers ef Case bosines lu Wantegan. Tic thlid i-as Meea utb inh asat clos i. tis cae. ud ands pid na asbias ati t i axoctti iatdetruc. coooty anti8 hat a large cingle Of Lools, wli was fie larger o!fte trio. lu consoquoence fie report f tises golg f hoawa frm tno ty oldng bono! isemai ple o ca cn ie inds. Site le sunvîseti yhy er hua- Johnwa the long-baireul etiltan,__ j h ob wyf h tt odn ine h ai ie-fca mb andi, Wm, A.Ruter, sud one brotht- ei____ comrt at PreorIll. an tuila v.*. averted by canoful wang, or, Alauzo Pulver. chose rasen lbras cicit bung down - (conliiiei"on Pe .=~"

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