CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Oct 1913, p. 11

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IZAXECOTJNTY 1913. -, Paoe¶~mes7~ ~heGreat Is now in Full Progress with the Biggest and Best Bargains of the Season Everv a m riain Beauty of Lines in Women's Tailored Suits for FaIl gveat satisfaiction tîîat turn îlitiîî'îi s î'wliî'h"141 thli%(i lv lInes a iîî udrapecries of the iùiv at thlji."t in ofihr îî'ords, flic(i1 i stailored . siits. No nîee 1 cliii to pay a liîgh prive to attain îndividiliî î in iiw als xîîan.' îý'îoîîî'îîfiîid îhu, cone piîailtopa v a Ililgîl jile fi'. a r'441t iid1 "iî î iii mii-' i iî'. 1I HANDSOME COATS, wîi41 îî.i I I Il ' 444-4-- - . t '..-11 î i 441 51 ' ill* ,1 141 h-4e g îiî' l 14414l141 1114 ;11 .(.îWî1 .iit1' 444 r 1 Ii ,'si14444 i l] 'u Vi .4 1 cl(w TAILO RED SUITS, $1450 Suîit's of 4cl,4'I4. licio141. ('III t SIjl (1 il "1 kI l1 i. Si4"444 îll'111 1 111450 DRESS SKIRTS, $498. v 144 1' f 111 ii- 44 411m. 1 w'44 1 " I l l i s ,iî î ý î l , I Nothing But New Clean Merchandise of the Highest Quality às Shown This is a sale wel! worth your immediate attention as it presents opportunities, right now at the begiruning of the season, to supply your present and future needs at con sider- able saving. Every item quoted here is a special bargain, but a visit to this store will reveal hundreds of others equally as attractive. Out-of-town customers will be amply repaid for the time spent by taking *advaritage of this sale. You see a lot of very smart looking soft hats around town on top of the heads of smartly dressed men--well, a good many of these hats are from eur stock. Our Special $2.00 LUne Millinery of Elegance at From $4.00 to $6.00 r,44 . 11 4?' id,4 1 I 11;0 Iî l 4 wl-111 14 4(" I 44 '144111or4fur; lle t all lu;i 1444'Iî id 11,41 ' " ' 41 (4 Iîîîi' t ~îthe lîial: o,144 1i l S45 I44 ('11 - i m '-l alIl Ii îî j l 4.(. î$4.tO ti$6.00 Men's CIothing of Individ- uality Reîauî 1' tii îî c an eliîad n î'a- aîslit posse'esaIl flhe inaî'ks of 4'Iara-tcr and iindividiialit\v, obtainable iiiniact-m'îeclothes, hesides, Vonl have t1ie advantage of seeing ',juist how it looks before o('1(ifg' anf 4w'cariflg it iinediatelv.. Thev fanions Kaufnian Clothes iniý(e incnîv exvclu- sivle fahîjes, 1otîi of unii port<ed andIAncr44x i îa ni fai 'ire. tliese gariexts are fol-1 îîîvd 1 tailors as the Iîiglî<'st attai1iiit ini i t.. 'f'liat is why w we say Clothing Lndividuality. SPECIAL -ME N'S SUITS AT $14.85. 14'54' 4444' ae itsvIliasi4la1in e(vv'4l 11411 1tg)111445 $18.00 44$201 l'14i4iiIi1441'sits'. 1The îmater-' iiîli 14arc 441 Fa icv inixflil'4', 4isjî- i1iv'44'4. g'Ieio 4tsi, Iorsfeds, jplain liîît4I 4Fn <"et"sf1 taight tioe ýýf-1(541 v44E gx,î$14.85 MEN'S WARM AND STYLISH WINTER COATS, $12.75. -The h laluies lITliaî e hC4'1 able4 to offth fis seasîîn;heavv, WîaViiîî 4'444f ffaîe vîmi xtunres, I\4'1i'4vland44 41 'Ilimii illa, Ilifli von- \utal ('1444 large 4i' sli.wI lidi las. 41f ler stva ight lînu s or in$1 5 t114le IIC Ite1141 4ttits..$25 ChIldren's Coats-Sizir' 4ti vvrs 4' hî4ll1111 tjxe(cul îat 1 -ils 41'4i îIîeI i n l o4141' )4f 14 1(441 l.14 4i.tal. l>114n î:îilo asl 4, 1 I Il4 IIll t'lot* pi Children's Coats at $498 Ai q ;iiI "l/e> :"'4 l1 1 I II ('445 of4 K ".41 .i'liîî 411 ii I nd m 1114 îi iîiiîî{i' 4 4144414' III 114' 1 P 1 .11 444 '1 4 alid 1 5i(m 1iiit' 141'l' 41 l'îii in I 4av4ions N\;(vs. Soi4414' 41 IIili 11144414 \\ 1111 large Sl4' ". 1 4- I('(1- 11114 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Children's Wool Sweaters - S 22 tfo :"I' 1i 14' \\,it11 i m ilitai-' 11124 li. îl soi Iî '" 1"wî o(f tl iii 1441t441 4'ti'lt". (44141 S u44 4 1141'4444 444'1i111 4114 ld liite. 5'p uv Ia r e ...... ........ In The Three Piece Parlor Suite at $29.55 - A parl sli "444 ît t 5114. î'i' l lir'l1ild f ls t i"f444 lon, "l,' t1""Ii4, 45 t; eto- SiIII' $2955 14' 141r4'o. .. 14 In the Shoe Section lu'4' Men's Shoes-In im îi-wîetal. uit 1(41 4114 al i eI i' 1 li , 1 pal - n il1b Ill "I/I ". -î44M !.5 Women's Shoes -'Nili4of' \ <i ii ' i I l li i i ld 444 Boy's Shoes liIduhe ; II'diil, î îith ii II 1.8 Children's Jockey Boots- V 98C 1114 Chlfdrens Sehiool Slioes - S .144* .a . .. .ý. $1.19 Furniture Annex Biq Roomy and Com- fortable Couch; the Regular $13.50 kind sfnm, stil srinigs. Massiveîwt gld4en 4');114k144 411 - $9.69 1Winter Bed Matting Protectors for Craciles ;m"44'l4 il.1 Full Size Comforters Coverings Children's Beds *and Dou ble Cotton BlIankets Size .l\2II î. "J' t (' 4'ami it e,14 \\tl 4*«Ili. \ hoi'4N 444 l Iire '- 1i '(>694- kiîl. 1411 c- ,il af .. .. IC DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. 40 Inch Crepe de Chine "4ft4414I14'44,ii li '1444 . 1\I îiI 54 Inch Heather Scotch Mixtures \îî 411;,Il 41 1144114' su ii î. i fI \ 4 ( .' u'iw e <'1tS ii lm441il alidî Nousehold Wares Oil Stoves - -liis ilie Lindsay Single Weave 1'4iI41lii' lî'41i1g à MIantles- 514(4ial; T41$. lii" '4 1 " nh7(.4 -u 20~C 5i144'44I4"5411414444 14 Rice Boilers 11 . r 42>4 Spi.- 1$'9 lev~<ia4I I is siîalv39C MNen's Furnishing Goods Section $1.00 to $1.25 Value Men's Sweater Coats at 85c- Ex- 1111 Ilea\ ' kîîîit wIl 44 arn iii iS itl 14141', b l l lii' 414 Iîîimiîî14i; iiist 4of liî'iiî are4 llI' u 141' $1.00 Value, Flannelette Night Gowns-Extva fufll 51, 441 114'111'l' v v Hee'v4'il 111*1; l 4'14'Itt(ýin' i ti 7144' it14)4 of, pli" o44i' I îlî{, 1made14' 11fh iuil ital' ('4collai. etteet". é5C Men's Woolen Underwear at Per Garment 79e Tlîe(s4, are I114' iegilai' $1 III and $1 1 k ilidipl i ol. 'i'iiî'4 1 1t ' andi ca'111 Iîe liait i]al 179C Boy's Knickerbocker Suits-Nor- folîk anîd double breasted effects; sizes (; t4 18 years. These suits are made<1' if extra good quality mater- ials ini plain c4lors of hrow'îîor ar4~~s NVI '1 as pi'etty mixtures. An e'xtr'a pair' 4f knîckeiboekers îîîtlî 444411 suit. \'et' v special for $9 fuis sale lit........$39 Boy's Norfolk Suits-Sizes froin 6 f44 18 've1Irs-These suifs are reallv tîîî' b44,5fw'C cI er have been able to sli14 11 fui fhe pice.~ Made as they are ' 41thei newîest wool materials ini (-eii"4ts, cashmere, worsted anîd ser'ge's. with extra pair of tronsers, the ' \ aie iiaî'vc s of value ,()i\- sweciall ' jpilie.d f1îîssale$59 Boy's Overcoata-Sizes froîi 21- to Il() ' \-cars. ?I1adv i shlîîlollar or 1414114 44141 îmixturein' iibrown, grav'or bue; speeiallv piei- ~ (Id ii xnîg this sale at ..... 7U Stewart Stoves and Mans"es Bonny Oaki 4.65 Stewart Cook For Coal%~r Wood Stove 41144iued Ok 5tO41 4 114. i'il î' 4411n 1 if (,m)(l di- roliv1i'414l1sti<l, fitti < 144 ra~sti4îg5 iin a iriglit gI 444(4(1 î'i 'lit iiîl ex- t'. l'ilI.swî îîîgiiîgtop itIi 4'i4kiIg li tnder- Larger Size . $6.35 STEWART FOR COAL OR WOOD oîie of the' Ii4it satis- poptpila i pve 44444kstoî'es cIcr miadle, iii 44(I(latt4-l 1v (4 îstrueted il, eî"î'I *v\l ' v. Large p(>14'i 44'l e door with dilîipi' si. iIpit w'ithî a ",t i'îiîg steel ashpan, 44 41114445 iined with al1i1i1i111 iiianti- $15.435 111sf. speejal. -~~- r', lCl3. 5'torf Ct'laý$evoolttx eoets %&ires

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