Great 7 D.ays hargain Event-SaNurdayt'all of Next Weekt Saturday 12SthY Ladies' FlannelShirt Waists, in gray and tan, a 75e value 37c__ Ail Owpr Aptons In dark and llgh colors, good quality, 75e value 43C Brassiers 0f a good quality, neat- ly trired; our SOc qulty, 23C Flannel Foui- Moais Xxtra heavy we*gt stripe patterns; our 75c une, 29C F lannelette Night Gowns ECxtra heavy welght wtt or without coffar, $1.W0 Une, 79c SU1kDresses A charilng lot cf dramses; al,styles id colors; $10 values, 7,m98 VER 1000 Coats, Sits and Dresses Purchased, frorn three of the countrys greatest manufact- urers--These firms transact a tremendous business and when their season is at 'an end.he care ittie for the samples---sirnply notifying dt best customers and- letting the entire -lot g for cash at the cost of material and less. Mr. Iqeiný being the largest purchaser was given the pre ference---and here they are, offereci to ycu at the sarne rîdtulously low price as they were bought by us. You gZet the benefit --- and at a tinie when you nýed the garnient most. Corne guick. Bargains Secured in Ladies' and Misses Suits During this sale you will find the latest styles, shades and mater- jais in the special sample pur- chase, inluding, broadcloths, cheviots, serges ad worsteds; every garment pefect fitting; any f these worth $15.00; for this Sample Purchase Sale, Extra Special IIý $8'.98 At $10.00 wc offer a splendid plain tailored, peau-de-cygne litied cut-away or straight jacket, plain or draped sk-n t A suit sold regularly for $15.00. Sample Piin- fl chase Sale price.............................. 0 At $12.98 you cean get a sutit in French serge and chevioit, blek -t i eolors; rnany ne\v triniming effeets shoIn i lu titis lot, satini litied. Saniple Purehiase Salth 2 9 At$15.00 we offer some of Ilicninost stylish effecis iii suits to lbe hdanywhere at $22.0O). Very iueatly trimnend g*15 adperfect drapei. iReal $22.(X) values; Sainîde1 O O Suit Sale, price............................ A very unusual assortment of suiits at $20.00 and $25.00; beau- tiful broadeloths, boucles, serges and brocade materials. Skinner satin Iined. Values to $40.OC2 eO Sample Purchase Sale priee, $25.00 and........ Sample Purchase Sale of Extra Special Children's Coati .tà o0V e r 500 ws Lot 1-Children's Coats, in differ- rms ilue cnt cloths, prettily trinuned; ah rsss inld sizes; values to $4; Saxnplé 18/ in this purchasi Purchase Sale ..........$98alo hmit, Lot 2.-Children 's Coats, in astra n ailoftles; in kans, plush, corduroy and wors ,U cln $ n 2l teds, unusual $5 values, Samn $29oa.u $s, a p2. ple Purchase Sale price .98Va1.. , a Lot 3.-Children's Coats,ýll eloths J Purchase sale and sizes; $8.00 values,prc .t. . . . . . . . . . . .$4.98 P ie Lot 4.-Children 's Coats in cara- (-)"&98C cul, chinchilla, astrakan, corduroy and heavy worsteds, $112 val- $898 -- -- M- -mm ues, Sample Purchase Sale. _____________M" si 6k Pelticoatu, in ail Icolora, beautif ci styles, ail Iength', $2.50 lUne aà Visil our Mihtery Seciten BDerrg Specit values &Hai utMgIiS sale. i h ad il» rie Bargains Secured in Ladies' and Misses Coats For $598 you can secure durin Athis sale a coat that would cost you fot less than $12.00 else- 7where, in black and fancy mix- ~< (tures, braid and button rme. A coat you wiUl be well pleased with. Sample Purchase Sale prce, hansomlyfinished with braid and buttons; newcst effects in coats; Nvorth $12.00; Sample Pur- 8 7%5 chase Sale price .......................... A large lot of ladies' eoats at $10.00; in heavy boucle, astrakan, and mixtures; hiaif or fuît peau-de-cygne ined; threc-quarter or fuîll lined; frog and button fasten-10 0 ings; an $18 coat, Sample Purchase Sale price .. Women's, misses andi junior's coats ail in one lot at $12.98; made up of ehinclifia, astrakan, ural, caracul, broadcloths, and mix- tures; qilk lined; black and colors; plush cuiffs, andg eollars; ornarneiltal frog fastcnings; genuine $2012 9 coats; Sample Purchaée Sale price .98...4..e..1Aýà At $15.00 and $19.50 -we offer some very unusual coats; regular sizes, incliiding stouts; niade up in Persian 1ab, boucle, 1lush, inatellasse, corduroy, $25 and $30 1%500 coats, Sample Purchase Sale price, $19.50 and .. ILadie 1/13 .s' Woo1en~ Dresses W E SECURED4 OVER 500 Wool- en dresses in miss-< es' and women's4 sizes, beautiful col- or combinations; made in the ea.4 son's best styles; ai dress for every- one, Sample .Pur- .rc ....$4.98 - --m m "The Progreàsuve S3tor"" Extra Values in Shoes Every Shoe Âbsolutely Guaranteed. 4 By/Us. iBoy's and Girl 's School Shoes, gun. i metal leathers in button style. A isnappy shoe for the young folks. A iregular $2.00 shoe, Sampe $135 i Purchase Sale price, pan. . Misses Shoes in patent and dul tops; an exceptionally fine$24 jshoe that selîs at $3.50..$À iLadies' Shoes for every day wear, in vici-kid and gun-metal, button or lace; the good, serviceable kind, regular $3.00 sellers, the CI95 Black Velvet Button S h o e s - .A very easy waUking shoe, $8 sold regularly at $3.50, pa $28 turned and welt, liigh or low heel. 210-212 N. Gemesee Sreet Near The Peut Oit ee ExclusiveReady4oàWear boys Pants Extra weil made, bloom- er style, suze to 14; 75c values, 39C Dreisiag Sacques Hgeavy flannelette satin trimmed, ailses, $1.0O - vai!s, 37c- Ladies Kimoenos Pulil loeh, heavy flanuelette, satin trim- med; $1M 0 alues, 89c Bath ]Robes Good heavy materlal, cord and Uassel tilmed -ail olors; $4 values, Ladies Corsets, A weil made corset, good styles; regular 7ft uine, 35c $2 Corsets 1.29 Ladies' corseta, von known make, latest -style; ont'$2 lune, '1.29 Your Carfare Refu nded On Al Purchatses -of $5.00 and Over VOL Ail Alterations FREE of Chargeand a Perfect Fitting 15 %uaranteed Of C HAD Was Vt Hel *matçk and beart was utes. wbici for.y save bedol Mr, been moine cailet tack 12:15 ter but 1 aBo lkad si»a quer Rog- Dout the NI N. Cam enec be for kep~ be. stre He tbeî Anr kno the] of sur Rai Ho, Sut thr f ra Ica He bal Obc ed wb le