CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Oct 1913, p. 4

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Offce TlaaitaN t rlm 1 tiIaEutem. -64l!BL *ewpeet*5Sba< Uhrtptlils. Il. lu Iseoni 0mw ,Jva*~ N RIIE-6.0 PIR VUI TTYSUBNAOV 4 4 W U E RfE&W p~oet1ctInet li~tÊ lu d&ee The. De Kay brothens ae agaftin the Hlie lmuIlof! buct. But.itl'. date tu-bet.ltji Johu"W.viigelout1 i ls roent deleýma & iehsabenlUV"uraitight #WAoos b.!or. aid always managed tle gel ont nome vay. Borne oie auggesas lut if brooma vere madewvlhh m hav- n ads lke arnop tiere would befar fevoe Iýud1s îeeded as old oies could b. uaed over agai my amndit thua our foreets oould b. more conserved and gie blgh cool of brooma penbapa reduced. W111 Oouaty people are ail tuaaed-up bomea.,a. 4 ,b.abem.ld tiesaI 825an ace. Tbat'a uotbing, Lake G~uyfarina bave broughit anywhere from $50 te $1000 - anliesd one person isa mid te bavl even rofuaedw$%O0 n.preaentative Thomis Graham bas written bis bienids in Lake County tbat ho cannt gel gaine birds from *0 "oalte presee is year but ho te land somne next $therevrei Bi*le igt nov, hoeloher about liraIof anybody. Re seea to e o "" right. bIagIngLake coünty 0bfel'epi !the tutue athe*l malter of acounty exblbft at the tate fr, etc. l m cae wbere l'e bas Jipae an exhbibthai'he failed to ~tng ack onora. Il jual shows thet Lake Counly reaily %o prodcestii stuff and al Ibat la needed la te have some- James Gordon Bennett basn't aaftbu.ýng on Editor of Hlgbland Park ini the malter of editing bis paper S a distance. Mr. Bennet doms il vîa cible; Mr. lowry Ui do il via telophous from a slck b.d and lncidenteUy tie stenograpier roul. Tu heo e4iai examination in Nev 'Yorki . Mrs. Em- Paiakbural uald: "I have made speeches urging riot rebeihon 'aid the destrutrtion of pro'perty when neces- '-aYe alw&asurged liat careb&laken aantthe mm auabum Ias mur4mr t. acomplisi her ondal 'Twas real S Of br 'M%1t il? It weuld bave dons y'onr heart good Baturday te ses *0100 Lako Bluff orpbaua a*,the.Majectheater, enjoy- U~aftenoou'a enlertalnmeul «aaged for lhem by an4tl* electrfo railroad people. And the way bMenbebaved. W. dotibt if you could take 100 cildren ouI ofiven lb. best homes in the cily Splaice them ln a theater as these children were Bat.ur- :and have them bebave botter, or even as voIltThe. e tf the. malter ia those ovphana are taught 10, appre- r, ourteuand, tbey gel them so seldorn as compar- tother cildren, that they know jual bow to appreciate averytblng that in doue for them. Borne of lhe vomen vhé kicked up a fusa about the dlsplay of "Beptember Moru" piclures in art windows 9Ar th le leaat shocked viien they ose Itheir friends wakUdng ttgtiie alreet in a tigh-fitting govu, one vblck, as lhey y»Q4I shows off their abape in a manier te cause even the 000uge 'onchalant male rusident te Iun ýut *ad, n dioguat declans: anJyou beat -il?;" them aeenses aren'l , )iOshIocked when t.hey ses one of thein loch walking ~inanoelin a 8pl tskirt with a greater portion of her blgdisplayed and attention drawn to- lhe fact vmU earmng of some bright-hued stockings. "Rathen v7 ay to put it," you mayexclalm as you read tbis. ,W thy'réfacta, aren't they, as te tthe desire te atact a#ntlou t. anaad ho the. color o! stocklngs? Tiiey're Y ~dâlble ar tey? SURl, " SeptemberMornn shocked av~ some of thee women. Conditions in England and in Azueica as regards woman'à riits, may b. different-tbey ARE different! B-t v.Dae cannol understa.nd how any conditions, no mte 'boy vastly different tiiey may be, warrant the militant mstiiods vbich Xra. ]Pankhurat and ber foilowers bate ad- lrocated. Borne people dlaim that, were American men as obstina. againat vomen 'a righla as are the Engliehmen, = mlltancy would have been seen in tbIs country. W. doubt k i . W. belleve thia counlry vould bave stamped out sncb e fffla, just as Chicago stamped ont lthe anarcbistic ont- Wmrea soe years ago, for, wbat la "militancy" as tbe '. lauukhurstites carry it on, but anancy, Ireason as regards of the lav, and in fact dovnnlghl rioting wiiicii be dosattvihi juil 1k. civil rébellion?' W. bave no vbetevr vithhUn. Pankh&,# and only deplore upen columna of free advlrtising ah. bas bad I a. n You Can Ladily Sec, the Advantages o! the MADE TO MEAStJRE --METIIOD.-- A TRY ON .0 -during the contruction of the Suit or Ôeer@ot- Makes a -Perfect Fit Sure and Certain. FRED CROKER LIBERMYILLE, ILL. M TELEPRONE 124-L ili TI 1 - w -Wwv~ r w sturgent Movment. Wmuo wy ui-i4~* 1 ut torMey Sen" ai ïanth. of OooupmntsUnknown. *A em ROSSi A revolutioii ln tii* management ToLaocunygil er e- M.Vola bas tabonuOP i dutw of the Modern Woodmn ia lors« jured. une qut. seriouaiy. î1io,>day &ain aflerI leurday.sVpnt et tbe agate casteti as a result Of the fedération aternoon nt Wbssîon II., when the. fuir l. Sprag&.ld. of camps inWil cOflftY. 16 Out Of carrnage In wbicb they wer. driving. .,i abgean 41 utnvr 21 of vhichi are opposed to tbe DOw Wa. bit by an Aurore. Elgin andi Cii- entortaimed ii Chego the latter parn of ratés. cago car at iii. West strent crosing lait week. Thbis vasa ma de clear at the big ie the city-. Bath young women are Wlibelmnina Eug@lbrucht mbet witb a gatherlng Of insurgent Woodman. sisters andi reside ln Wadsvortii. *CidWii lut NUD4II vii.. retorilidu held ln Joliet one night recently, Tbir nantes: hoLulme fro trchul. Forsunnageiy h. and addressed by Former Asistent 3.118 MAUD)E CLEVELAND. con. wv ut elt.,ouiy Inured. Attorney General E. S. Smitb, the tusion en the bead and Injuries to Vam Smith elslta.d ber @inter, Ir e. man who secured the injunction stay- the beck. Mri tAe.Mldyngt IgteIcewdme.MISS RUBY CLEVELAN'D, badiy rietAr.hodangl. tng be ecrase i~O5.brulsed and scragcbed. Il son wangt tu get the trest uf jour At the meeting. It developedti tat Of the terr Miss Mande Ceveland lite. don't forget to corne go the the head camp bas been dooting the was the. more seriously injureti. itlaiîua-ee, eiaanne ct ut country vith specilf orkers te, off- Io possible tii&t ah, niaybave sus- etraotuOt lt set the, actielties Of l'tinddrgentB. taind interna!' Injuries. The other The A the Brut grade roW end to acre an endorsement Of uter escaped oerlous Iejury. bagou resding in their Primer. tbki their plan to increase.,theratee. it Mande Cleveland was dring ai was alo lleged that the oid-iine the Orne the accident bappeneti and ek compantis vere vorting for the aver- reacbed thie third rail track* luit as Tbeloiicor our &nouai debâte lbae throw of te organiation. and the a veet bound car but crosai] West bosmeelecged. It in -The United goated absorption of tth. great surplus car- %treet and faiied to notice an «P- 8honld O w. and Operste the llairoade.'e rned by the order. bount car mast leaving the. station. Coflspirey Nipped in *ud. Sue drove Ie front of X. Charles The Toaands triýe hm. the Dnativl! This in borne out by the change le Hodge. niotorman le cbarge eft the sud the. Wabwahstymes tritie tho the by-iaws secure at the last bead car, managedt o put on the reverse affirmative. Tuis lua go lire subjet camp, by wbich tiie property of the and the car bit the, buggy at a low »à wlvilie P ure go interest yuo. Waath big secret socety"benefit associationi rate of "sied although the weigbt offoieda. in ta lie canffleti by an tnner circle the car crusbed lt go peces.foteda. et bheffD caps @*ais.By tiietermei5Auto Bts SDow. i i. adVetieagi. -god t i es of tbsuser by-lew. It la claimed. It Althougb names could ffot bie se- that the engrtalunsent wiii he o ba will be possible tu tistribute the curet It develops ttut there wasLokfrtepardla he@m surplus among the big officiais tn the quite a serions accident on Grand w.o o h lcrsl h tr event a ruw disrupts lbhecqrder, and avenue mait east oi Gurnee on Sun-.wIndu o, read theni, then niakenuP YOur disipates the membership. fi vas day' afternoon wben an automobile mmid to corne tii thie ijio boudeOun shown that the membersbip bas eolided with a buggy. The latter ve- otober aint. dropped 25 per cent since m~e figbt idle was overtiirnpd and the occe- started, but that the order la le fine ponts tbrown Into the dlgch. The Misa Rowiey ePent iaturdav and Sus- financtal condition. The tenor Or ail horne tore bimaeif buose ant dasiîed day aetLber boni,. the speeches was that thie poitîcian s madly along the, roait. IRoy Pritchard bue returned alter a 'sbouid b, triven from control. and Another automobile from WNaiike- the order reatored tu men of the Dr. gan came along suon afterward and tore@ seekeâ absence on atcuns of a Brunson type, wbo bave nu politicai opdln nuht IqieI lbOP g ambitions, and who viii act for the Soppetclof n eienougb t inquient rin . good uf the organization. oulds b, utandtservicctubpa nt d B arol agertYi@i.a ccv pupil le the Smith a National Type. eut leare the names ofthie parties le 7gb grade' The, Springfield speaker appeared the, other gvo vlce.F'r..m.1ail i lrom th.e oucd ia liîni f romt the go b, a type itted go enter the eat- perancea the occupants of the bug-aenlsi,, -.ei t11I tonal comunesof the, order. He btlyied alyshkn p n vr cone loothe movernent viii a vaut gb rîsotadl cracet ut dnd weut lîîîrred thtt m.aie [ tu e so.. ibb amouet of Information, st a critical seem tei bave sustalnetisertous le- bant" for Elalioween. time. and turned tiié tid, againatthle Jie.Tirscp nrthel béai cam. H decare Mattheculnitances Psea amout miracu- purpose of uthe order vas at e, cm[ lore- aie a surplus thai vajihi Igpt the. L4kes big weWdIf-KNDHPENDMNT. cupidity of unen. but go furnls aU ID ElCI brotiieriy compact, lu wiici i al VVEiRINW.W would abare respeesihilita- le tirne Of m à trouble. :Pl£3 Millions have beesa eettet ha- tbe order due go lapses. ad uiiese elp toïkeep the, rtes tiowa. .oetbe other bandthei old-liee comtpanles reap SCE _ _ _ _ _ vaut profits ehuoseof laposes and higiier xrates. He preseeteti a mass of figures, ail People Who Went to Long ieeding toi show that gthe Woodmen order la le fine shape, but that amn- -pLake, Say Words Fail in bitiotis men have attemptad [n. wreekI the organizatioe. and divîde up the, Describingnae $1000,060 surplus. To offset ibis fae will requIre great vigilance for tiie nent six montuba. and tiie lection of The paltv uf Lake counta- People men as clerks and county delegates vbo mat returcet fom Grliote Park, who are standing wltb the member- Long Lake, Wl... are thorougbly sblp and not wigli the beat camup pleal-yeis, elatet, i. it th lots ae- conibinaglun. quiredth Irough aubacribing for the Ae indication of the spirit of the Lake Côunty Indepeedeet or the Wau- llth congressional diatrict tneur- kegan Doa- Sun. gents la gathered from the tact tl'at Glowing reporte made un the pro- tbey have already ralsetl about $3.500l position are the reselis 0f thisatrip. go carry un the work. Durieg the Arng tiiose who madie the trip are nexg few veks an additioeal assena- Paul Winkler of Lbetytille and Wil- ment of about 50 cents pertinember liain Lempker and John C. Bartlet vili be raiaed. to carry the figbt lot of Diamont Lake. the districts not reachet by frientia- The pargy left a week ago Sunday neeppes n Isugetwokes. nih oerth on, fine ts filra a jc h ceasapes at lsurengompeaen ygb t or the one-thls e raeotiM c POST IN PERSIA FOR Rockefeller go pick tlium UP. Sonis of the members returnet Fritaa- and CHATFIELD-TAYLOR. are jubilent uver the trip. Thea- md- - ~port Long Lake a magnîfiCani t. s- Washington, Oct. 20.-Hobart . C. Mr. Wlcklem and Mr. Lempker each s Chat field-Taylor. the, Lake Forent bruugbt back several large liaih thea- author, club man ànd millonaire, vbo caught at the laite. lncluding a eut- ber uf large wafl-eyet pike, piciterel bas becn under consdération for ai> and basa. Wlth the assistance of tbe poîntment ai Minliser tu reece. rnay chef at bis café. Mr. Winklem servet lie appointi Minister tu pemia inle a aumptuos Bitb dinner [n bis manY stead. Presideet Wilson bas picked a frlents upot bis roture. îi Arrangements are nov belng matie Massachusetts man for the Oreek for another parta- of Lake counta- Pei>11-3 lT i pont. The Presitentp underatants tbat, pie to make the trist. It la xlaeeed 11-3 T Mr. Cbatfield-Taylor wouid prefer a to leave Suetay, Nov. 2. Ana- one de- fi van cuetr, andPeraa pila st irng tomake lth lýp eau get mB wav oun ctandle. * ra le formatiun hi addresstng The Sun aet - Il wol e cetal.Wankegaln. Der gan Mutual Life urance Co. lotment of business, ee-l 2, to 31 .13, $00,000.00 By amountm ten f-om 30-'12 to 20'13,$188,482.02 Balance due to b. writtenbetween Oct. 20-Dec. 31 NONE Il wnit. Oct. Oct. etha0t jioei.a Ib mga *--vl lod b;tf emnil ÂAy iI&pon coflt4mplating the. puyHhme of à W. bave avmamgdt o n m «etra nemi of pictians a The Lyric Theatreon Monday Night Oct.- 27th LIERYVLL..HI. B. EGER ..RYLK *STEWIRT, ACORN4 ROUND OAK. RANGES- BASE tIIEATERS, MOT BLASTS9 h OAUS. PERFECTION OILIIEATERS. A large stock. Comn inend look them over. Schanck Bros. LIBI39RTYVILLE - - ILLINOIS 1N HODGE, >istrict Manager. IN ACCOUNT WITH% Liec. .1

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