INE AT YL1.C.SUNDAY REDUKES RUSSIA PEAKERS AT MASS MEET- MU IN Y. M. C. A. SUNDAY 'AA'ERNOON CONDEUN -CHARGE 0F RITUAL MUR- UER AGAINST MENDEL OMhIS 0F RUSSIA AND 8kV CHARGE WAS MERE- LY TRUMPED UP TO CRE- ATE ANT-SEMITIC SENTI- UIENT--DECLARE NO PRO- TMT CAN BE MADE TOO Ut a sost-ent-usiaitiemeeting am~ds atterooen lu t-be audIt-- M tbe y. Il. C. A-. Vaukegau MMe nit-ad vit-bt-be ceuntiess ~ fpeople aiU 01er t-be ~IB-iin volciug their pro- ma t. th chames t-at baves e 001 «&à&«siMendel Blls, a Rue- M jew la Kibev, Routes.ho lu be- it tist on a charge et 'rIt-ual ~wFw Appreciatre applause fol- oft teh eb.mane sptted by1 MMwaakegupeople. bo âiageu acting s ebhar- M*.-Appoulatu a committee eoasia- MJ.Kalcvsky. Commi- mtw oe sud ltev J3. W. Fneton e Uë p a et of resoistions ex- oidathe urOtest cf t-be ettlzeus U5Ul s e toilva Wstue" useos. gv Th ien V bu ace .endtialssIài t. heefers. hi 'M et Wakagn epre m ur* on'fut-ercuruscuMWoà etel>partboufntenrt-e bt-het ail membagist rBacure oud repuseta-s »»LVIEOsNngt V40t-e ie- balat ofIHîsoit-rguf hien tein an ugl sr.oimn. IPOresoint-lon vas rnd by Cou-. Diver vbo offered t-be Ot-bat- Ocp>' etIt- t. sent 0 Présideat- Wilson. Secretar>' et lasBilan. Senat-or L.ewis eud Sen- Mr' erUMoftIlinoitsud Repre- e'M$tt-vO Thonpsen oetls district aieP. LU Persons uovea t-be adop- àm et lie resolutlon sud it- vas car- CIM b>' a unanîmaus standing vote. STIIR CARE,1lY NOW IS INDICTED .4rthmr Carey-, Chicago traveiing 1101. acoarding te word recelved trou %0 Bs>. W113.. bas been îuîîct-ed b>' %* PoteraI Grand Jury ou a charge I g*isllns lie Manset. tln 1910, >e Whbe la »Ild to bave bad a vifs Sfâmil>' lu Chicago, %sent- t Ke.- kt ad induced the 17->ear-old y 01 ofMichael lleulusr le elope j b lm. Tie>'veut- toSoutb Bend ,l *Mor thoin ret-uru t-be girl dlaim. = la . -M Id but- ber fat-ber vas Mt, Omd lie recerdl et sucb a ~ Ab for a lIme sud accordlng a. 110a t rous Racine llred lu Wau. ~a shrt-t-le.Recentl>'Carey' VU*hUi lrugluGreen Bey and M e " anss- d dnov bas beau iu. "MY MN. E. PASTOAS ILL PAID. Wa*bwten, 1). C., oct 15.-Mfe bM 3U Mlet-bodiat- EplacopalMin- O-W #s tho Unîi t-aes pioscb sud MM ta Yer arouud fer lesm lian This vas lie report oethle ft tmtatlun t-ada>' ven tet Mageraiof lie Melie- a 1m. ldimonar>' se- is32 aunusal meeting lu IEJAINS. CUY Mike Gavigan, Brother of Pat- rick Gavigan, Dies Sudden- Cold and Snow - ExPect Two Loads in Ail Sent From Warmer Weather Soon. Sun Office and One From Wa keanOltobr 1. the Methodist Church. iy in St. Louis, Mo. Overcost-,, ulat-ers, maeklnavs. besi>' ndervear and ev'-n sar mus -V aukes-an. O'-ioo-i 24'. vers coniired qut. t-be t-ing lu Pat-rick GavIgan et Waukegan r- .WIkuketehu. aud Mondser ulgbt-. ven ceved a teegis today tellng hlm dthe met ty rxlu b>' ldult sudne ut t-le suddeu deat-b etfbIsbrother. t-be Cti lunries of snow arrlvsd. At- Mtichael Gavigan, Iu St. Louis. Mo. 2 'lock t-bs uoruinith t-e lmPra The message dld net- glvp t-be cause of tur va ue deit-nes 10evwt-be freet- deat enbis roter erp oeunoting peint-. lsatb s hi roter brs o.. et- At tfe'elock t-bts moranugIt- regla. tnov ehet-ber be dlsd of natureil ertid 21 degre*,.t-be cuiest- point- auses or trou the result et an sci- rea'baed hbi yOSar dent. Th~e anovfall mwasu cint- toe a< He a one tlegaph tetheau-trac-t-t-be e.ent-io of bunireds vho0 I-l a- ocet-eegapbd e tbe a- ured la t-br ainvah ome. It- vae horttes Rt- St. Louis aaklug th-nte Chat- uotkced "att Ii ecicck le t-Ie shlp t-be bedy bers. The tuneral an- Sventus aIdbuiuglu St- Aba b SOLgett-i 0 rangeuentis have net yet been made cooler aIl thbe gatieUace. WbS 904 *pie fAret- tit-thbe t-m ait-es0f Michael GavIgan bai uiany frIeludsinlu sue, bwn iott-h= ais'1mO.t-ha Wauskegan vbe viii 10 panied te hear wmeuid g«t-beles'. Ilvsu tru-4bey ef is auddeu destb. rea.oned te t-kumelea t-"t-Il iS ied InElgin.LS 4cowld f MO W,. loit- ecea ii suc, hmeaim n re t-raecea a" Mrs. Marie Goerk, 26 Isarsaid. ps t-bers a Weeser a">' deut.abou- ed away lu Elgin Saturday and ber It, body a bnougbt- t-oWaukq«gau Suu This uàmrlag che Wa.skeg seet- day aft-srnoon, being tae t-o the dent-s avoke t-by fou" Ule.groeud Conrad & fiart- udeit-akln ue n 4 ait-beigl fl et-eoi w If wsare From t-er. It- vas shlpped Sunda>' t» reuioi t-e- cht -be mt- a nlght- t-oGreene, la. Arterlal ie- . 't- befon ea W , The k' oeyr ilieus sie cf t-be bralu vwas given as t-be cause 0 e -.udevelhteda>' M»4il s ofsah ince aloIs vu-ny 'rfu 'TUs eli edatl.Mr$. oeerk vas a suAt-et fw4, h i. l .owed* sues t-bea se Mis. Thomas Thoupsen et Wauke sud«iaul>'tb ihe>' vrs se jus 916IL pareil fkprit- Popvi* vhs hase lseo0 ueoletiug t-h* saftleg('t Ss'ee lent4 Tue lItt-ls Tract-s boy "5n t-ody snot-be sneov tma »M Au tht- taken boue trou ficAlulter bospuilai iaonlu>t pof pwole s-r*eeuiy t»-e q0 v1e Dr. Mueller eperated un bh iekt t-bat- th* sicw stwm vas bat blp. Superviser Obîls came lu froinia 'hlm of t-be ve.ths'r tum A s4t-y1 Grayslaks te t-ite t-be boy bat-l. Tue, îrediet- t-u ballira m-li l'e aseert Y01n9 man ie getting on ut-tel>' sud weehs ilid Idlien s@Aus bst«# vîli o seavbasàapfifeetl>' sound ilul. resliel iveiller arrive Waukegau, Octeber 14. bian>'Wauskegau people veutto Lake- Bluff orpuisuage toda>' tu at-tend t-bs harvet home test-irai. Tuey ipet a ver>' aat-fylug heur or t-vo, as t-bey sav t-ebeig supp>' ot fruit s'egetables. ete.- bich had been tot-be ciphanage by varlous per-sons froim aIl]parts cf t-be couut>. The. donations vîllirae t-be vnt-er'. cure of t-he orphans ihlt-er ton t-be gond vemen wbo ais vorkng t-ber. Waukegan people dld tliu full ,%bane lu aldlug t-be vort for t-vo lueit et goodies vers sent trou The Sun eNlie. as ccii as a big one froui t-be Il tukegan Met-odlst churcu. Thoaero -i eo>' oues-oate tt-be Imneeon served etsnoeand atter t-be lvurlh, t-be guests vo,. utertalned b>' a pgemat etnations. put on hy ebl- dram of t-be erphaoaae. The iffair provedt a delighlfI ue u- 54's Aud tensus scb pua Io 0lncruafe itieat lut-be voit ili l4 going on li«e,0 7bu. chiMien et t-he orphanage bad Wfeu' saslargo angort"et of tliugs whlc h tfe>'t-bemselveo bai made, ln- eug lst-ber vort, stick ps-ianIg, et-.for cuver,vert-baaksta. *inhod- et>, haui-Walutsd voit. place-carda fou Hallove'en, Christ-ms ced i<O', Ifs tat, t-be display et artI"e wIl thle eîlidien bai Made, vas aeeWmOaiy fine And sai t- e bt-be tuselt rs>' luse ver pMOdu . c c VlII of In thàiù tIao DEMAND MtADE FOR 2OO LoUter Sald ta Contain Baenne and Monoy- Only Would Prlng Antidote. A lette filled with SUyPOaedlyr deàdly germs resta la thi.e ste ofGM4 jamea.e t-suit peut-office Inspecter. Chicgo. itla ,the instrufent or a novel sud sesestonal effort tu «et-ot mogay trou Mr. and MMs. Prederi*ok M. st.ele of 851 sheridaa ros&ed. -l Iaad Park. The tacts tu 1gmysdd ous blmbudalisciieffl eme te 11<1 Moaday. althougb thbe attemPt wa, uad amon-band a hait au&goStfu t. :had4= t-be gero-lade.Itert ha, ohtaed no money, but h.obhm lkep cleof tthe. poetoM fle t-oms The letter-a speclal delivery Paros, -wsp recelved by Mrs. Steele at the. Stee resîdence lu Ighiaud Park. Tt was delivered by a messenger fie. t-he Highliand Park postOffice Mr@. Steel. Reade Ont Paragr*Ph. Mrs. St-el. tore open t-he letter and read only one\ paragrapb-the tiret-- accerdlug t-o a stat-ement by Mr. Steele laet- night-. That- paragraph au u« sa sIt vas reuembered by Mr. St-sels vas as follovas: Net t-o b.e ut-dons by t-bs Wauke- ltn" aut-orties, Nortb Cn'î'agr. pifu- remalu ciosed on Sunday and muat- observe t-be cleslng heur et- nght The ne, rule vent lut-o effet-t on Sunday and accordlng t-o report-s et, t-ha police ever>' saloon was Closed, up "as t-lgbt as a drum." The tact t-bat- Waukegau saieont have beentorced t-o cloe .on Sundai la said t-e bave been vbat- influence~ t-le Ctty officials ef North CDICiLcas,t- take sîiliar attion. Wt-b t-be sa- loons lu Waukegan ciosed there veru large crovdsetflocal men vbe vont- t-o Northb Chicago te get-, t-heur liquor. Thia nat-urali>' aided t-o lie dlseu'- darly condition et nousetft-be places and t-be ocicais made up lhiu mmd t-bat-t-bey dld net- Iutend t-e tabs cars et aIl liei ovu "dîuuks" and those tramt Waukegau aise.' It- vas rather amuslng t-e ses vit-b what 111 grace t-bu patrons eftht-e Northb Chicago saloons, especlally t-be Waukegau min, teck t-be tact- t-bat-t-be places bad been closed. Dur- lui tho lait fev Buuiaya since lie local "vet- gooe" empenlunis have beeur clomed tre>' bave been cent-emt-ed t-o get on a atreet- car and go te Nort-b Cbluao. Sunday t-bey made t-belr usual trip and t-nled t-be rear deers oethle places lu vaiu. The ne- Mark» liey made vbeu lie>' learued t-he cause veuld hardI>' be priutable. A CHICMiO M11L MIINIBW ~PATIENT PJef Known Former Wauke-j Editor of H ~glpiParkPa-. Dr Watteso Races 80 Miles gan Resident PdsW dAway pur ,fetTiiomouls, la1 t0 au l,~n Auto--Thon Alone Sunday Morning. Yoardn tu fRb lsWork. Bon t.St. P.aul. LIVED HERE MANY YEARS. TAKEN FRON HERE TODAY. OPERATION 18 A SUCCIESS. Nas Father of Jack Cory, the Arranges fôr -a Stengraher 1Operation is One of the Kind Prommonnt Cartoonist-Re- and Typlat Who W l Se at of Whloli He fias Portorm- callod by Older Peo*l. HIs Bedside if Home. ed Sevuil in City. Benjamin S. Cory. 73 vsars ou., a WankegaD, October 18. Wauiegan. October 17. former recdeet of Wankegau. w9p Jen ,Gordon Bennett. Whoe its 1 Dr. W. H. Wattrson returned on ou desd ln is rocu at th.euser t-b New York Son trou Europe by Tbursday freu a trip tu a tubercule- Gault homme. 8$U West Madis street-. mble han utile on Williamu M. t.ow* ais sanitarlu aixty miles front- t Chilago. on SandaY. Ol age -a rie. editer of the Hghland Paxi Paul. MinA., vhre be vas summoned glveu as thbe cause of hi, duath. Presa. vbo han made a&i plana te by dlspatch te lae a manslite. By Thi xffluns cf t-belate Mr. Cory éeit- biepaper trou ibi oo, ieaunet fi apparatuâ prnduclng an Win be= ht t-o Waukegan on the, Severai weeks ago Lowurie augrdartificlI pueumo-tiiorax he vas abl 11:50 truan rom Chiago Tnesday. a severe bemorrbage and waste stop a everesiiemorrbage vblch l'hey wIll t. takeju immedliely to the brougit te t-be Lake Bresse Sanît-ari- vas causlng t-be vlctim te bieed te cemetéry vbere a short service Win i n uan ambulance. Hlm condition death-.TTis treat-nent et tubercule. be heid lu thbe cemetery ltev. ha, Improved mach under t-be t-eat- sis ts quite unique ln Minnesota and Howard E. Ganster. rector ot Christ ment he ha, received lere and t. many et-ber oitates ln that vlclultY. bnarch. Win i efciate. bas been assured tbat he vil iie Dr. Wat-lerson vas att-endlng t-he Mr. Corwva, hoe In l Wellington. cured oft uberculogia provldlng he States Chait-y ineeUing lu okf Canada, snd ocame te Wauakegan tu fOIova the. Instruction, ef hîs phyes- mt Meudey vheu he recslved a tel.. ISSSwhenhe vs 15yem f a clan. Mr. Lovuls la naturaily very gram trou t-he ad of the tubercifle- 185 vhn h va 1 ys.rscf gM active and It la hard for hlm te ab. is sanltariuu, near St Paul amklng H-e vorked nme Uttle tiine AISILsent hlmeif trou i, éditorial chair priteras deviV and ln tact spent fer se long. Today he vas taken in bu t-o take hi, apparat-us there and severai years of hisilite sronnd a an ambulance te bis home lu High. perteru an operatilon as spsedily as levs and Park and viii 10 put te bed. possible. The tact- vas luprdssed establishment-. e àa This. however. viii net- preveut- hlm p hlm lu t-be dispat-ch t-bat- a man'a lrt-ber oftht-e late L Y. CoiT. vho fr<,u editA.g hies newspaperi He bas ma, tb he t- editor oftht-e Waukegsn srranged for a Rt-suographen and ty-p lite vas at-atake. vii est-abiish a lis- office in Wit-bout- any deiay Dr. Watierson his bedeau .Ailthbe uews t-bat t-s isapsd lut-o an automobile aud made Je.ter he accept-ed a Position ai a gathered on t-be streesa iii be sub t-be elgbt-y miletrip t-o Waukegan lu traveliag miesînan for Dr. Prie aud mitted t-e hlm. He wiii revis and d ie Hetn badda !olleved t-is neet of iktht-e great-en blue-pencili tebis bearts cent-eut, record -u.H -e ore pan t- e biie. Fuer nme lime t-ot Then when it coules te vrlting edi- train and arrlvsd ln St. Paul as faut tourlai he ahi diciate t-bese t-o bis as steau could take bt-m. Irhe ba bt eau vorklng but- bU re. stenographer wbo viii trauscribe ber The patient vas a m-ell kuowu St mded set-he Gault boues Inl Chi- net-es sud subuit tbeu te hum for ap. Paul banker wbo vas bieedlng t-e Tvo msonud one daughlr a-elett prors. iy Mr. Coy. They are: Jack. of lunt-lm manuer Mr. LOvrie viii deat-h trou a severe hemorrhage. The have hi, business at bie fluger-tipa operatien vas performed and resulted EdgebrOek. 111«. RObet et Mont-sua the saie as If be va, lu bis office. He very succesofuliy. A seceud operation and Mmns.Fsane Cory-oneY et Mou, vili receive a report ofetverything tama. Mr. Cory llved un waukegs t-bat- transpires. Net oniy vii t-is ai- wasiertormed betore t-be local phy- up~~~~~~~ teaot 2 sr go ut w~i 0 ht-m te get back jute harness t-e sician left-fer home. 1 up o &out26 ea ea. bt hd Plda certain ext-entut- it- Wil serve t The opératiole nee lu vblcb nit-ro- ma" Vilita te t"lmCit-y. He ins occupy ]bis mmnd sud hi, physiclan gen gas, n bicb la t-be least abonabie uembeuwd by al oftht-e eIder reai- t-bluks t-bat- It vlii hait-en bis uItJU ta aes siJc-d e-entb dets here. Oners bis seus. jack. la mat-e fScovery. Thene la ne question o ngzs eijce ewe h a eli-k»owa artcontManad at oeue but-t-bat- Mi. Lorie la establisbiug t-we layera eftht-e pleura tor the. pur- timewored n techcag Jor-La unique precedent fer t-be ceunty. pose et compressug t-be dlaeamed t-lu voked n le tDics Jorna. Mr Lovrie lu vefl kuevu in Wau- îuug. Thia net- uîy stop@ t-he hemorr- At t-be prenant Ulme he drawa car kegan, both t-reugh baving been t-onse -for a larg s1ndatee former manager et Ravia Park aud' hage but gives t-be disaaed Jung ai su'tbogb having cocbdd t-be caat-s ef reat-. Dr. Wattersou has performed la addItion o thAe foetqn l-I =1r seniSr plays. As a coachblie t-be operati'oi * 'b great suceess ber. and daughtelp he laves t-be tolloW . iosesses great- abiiliy and t-be senior sevéraî t-îmes. Tbere are very te, tug tbers . Chutes, of New Bruns- plays whlch be direct-ed were amoug wiek. David cf Montana, sud George t-he mont succeSnfus even put ou by places lu t-be count-ry vbere these op- oe ?ivYork Cty. ansu ni t«Waukegaas Higbh ci tudents. erat-long are perforiued alt-bougb t-iey Mm. ewbra, amiton Ont, eu- are vsrv common lu Europe vbere ada, Mms Panie Chapumul. Hamites. WIMTER WEATIIIR st-bes r snddvtbtbraet Ont,. Canada, Mmns.Klrvert ln Ontaro________ and lins. isabelle Stewart-. couineff JI ~1~ ... Bluffs.,1,. W. G. Barker and Mine N" y ISIS lSSI IA I WAIICU M Â Bket ofSheridans romd, are co- ~ s lESIK ig~45UL ateadare t-be onlu surytvlng rel- lurez is aCty, alt-boigb aL tev S OWFALL 0F IL, PEOPLE ATIE D ysers age a number cg relatives réel& ed boe. Waukeganitos Seek Overcoats lIARVEST fi0O1M E and Earmuffs When Mer- j TELU MAITI3LS cury Draps Suddenly. 'Big Supply o! Fruits, Vege- 0F Ii ~f'flj~F ~ IMPRVEIINTS tables, Etc., Taken ta Lake TU, ÀTIQELYS IPROEMETS. Bluff Orphanage. FORME R SIDNT Work on Vmauo Stoppe by LUNCHEON AT NOON TODAY. IN C.&NW,DEI'T Mlles Carne>', a reaident- of Rus- seii. teund a coutortable seat- lut-be meu's valt-lug reem aithe-b North.u vest-ern depot- lu Waukegsu about- 10:20 e'clock M't-sds>' nlgbt, and vent tu sheeP. Wbeu be awoke at- il o1clock he tousfdthbat- bs bad been rebbed et $3,78 lu moue>', s suit- case, a box o! cigareansd a geld collai but-- t-eu. He at once vent- t-ut-be police st-ation vbere he made kuovu his les. but up tu t-be.piessn;t- -le t-be tbleves bave net- heen hecat-su. The- police mu>' liat-Canne>' bad 'sen drinklng. ludglng trou bis condit-ion vbeu h. filed! a complaint at lie po- lire station. Tue police have learued t-brosugh a taxlcab driver t-bat- be uv t-vo menî leave the Nert-bwest-uru depot- short- 1>' att-en Carnye>'st-ered IV theu vas carrylng a suit case. T'le driver efthle taxi mid hepald lIt-t- at-t-eution t-e lie tellevs as be sur,- posed t-be suit case helonged t-e t-heu. Tue hast- he sav et lis t-bey vers climalng t-be depotst-eps sud vers golug tevard Gene,..Street. Prom et-ber sources lie police bure hearned t-bat- tve men ausvering t-be meeger descriptien given b>'t-be taxi driver. t-eck an ehect-rlc car golng vest- on Was5hlugt-uSt-reat. Wheli- er t-be uen reside lu Waukegau or wbetber lie>' resude elsevbsresud changed cars et Edisen Court, golng ailier nonli or Sout-b, la semethinu' lie police have been unable t-o de. termine. Cainoy t-ohd t-be police t-bat bo had speutth le eveulug ta Weukegau and bad gone te t-be depet- te take a train. Me fait dlOvsy .-sud leught- be vould take a uap vblle ho vait-ed ton bis train. Me ahept- me se-udl>' tht he vas tet-ali>' unaware ot t-h. robbery. Tue Police are conduct-ing a searçb for thbe tlue mn but bava lit-t-le opba ot belng able te finuf lieu. Imm bu 00 a vonagu xwu.«spec tooPI'gbyehCid huck mw, Ingie Mythrough I..sougwoozî?tor ithoa st-ove Bly ut the . wu one# donIt do Itffow. Th.iy ave a hundy engin. to t the W, whil. Uni rest and pl"~ for noit summWm wo&m OODVst ugDt s about the busies5 n o Covnetmachine the i.l. seahua o blis fana.It puinpe water for hbuu rous the sepo- rator. wasbng machin%. ifjnd *D. mCer ahlior sd.gfiudstoeO. f toi trma ay- promo, ensilage cutter, small1 thrueho, or a reputr shop. The year round it druâges for bm*4 saving the. man's trength for »more prof- itbethings. A.nd the wàsot man bus an 1 H C 031 and Gas Engin because it do.. moot for hlm st lesat cost. Its simplicity rendors italmost trouble. prooL lt-s construction niakes it easy te st-art aud t-o oper- mte, and it is meat economical lun fuel cousuup- tion. It is made of best mat-criai, and when necespary it will deliver 10 to 30 per cent- above its rated horse power. 1 H C responsibility for the englue Isats al t-be yemu it i, in service. 1 H C englues are mad-e lu ail styles-verti- cal aud horizontal, portable, stat-ionhry and skidded. . air and water cooled. There are pumpiug, sawing and spraying eutfit-s. Sizes from l t-o 0-herse power, te eperate ou gas, gaieline, u p ht-ha, distillate. kerosene, aud alcohol. 011 tractera, 6-12 t-o 30-60- herse power for plowing, threshing, etc. The 1 H C local dealer wull show you t-he englues and t-cil you ail about t-hem. Get cati- legues f rom hlm, or write thbe Iatenmaoad Hayer ofAmici àdIMkee uWismed M The. lîttie package ln thîs latter la filed vît-h duadi>' germs. Thora la enly oeapravantative end cuis for the faver whlch ii rusAI ln 24 heure. uxcept t-h. secrut for- mule owned b>' t-ha mit-ar. You sua nqw expeeed and t-h. treat- mentI 'mli be doliverod by lot- ter, If you dapesît $25000nt- t-ha foot oftht-e Logan monument, in Grant- park. Lenve t-he oneat- t-ha uast aide et-ô S oeck ln the nerning. Mis. Steele read ne fuit-ber. She denled t-bat t-be threat- et deadly germa lu t-be letter causeil ber t-o stop sud thie, t-be svelope ailde, but- s sisys ebe deesu't- know vbat t-he rsst- ofet -bett-er cout-ained. Celle postal Aut-herît-la. Suie callsd t-be postoffice eut-berltes at- ouce and t-be latter vit-bt-be germa vas t-urned Ovrit-o luspect-or General Stuait. A dusmu> package vas placed usar t-bs Logan monument- lu Grant park. Chicago vbere t-bs latter bai ordered t-be ueney pt-aced. but-no nee trled t-e takre It- Thie latter vas vritt-sn it-b a type- wrlt-sr on plain whilte paper. A&. cordiug t-o Mr. St-sels It vasnet- t-be latter bead et any boun'sa ru and, t-be envelope vas a plain ene. Ne name vas sîgusi, Mr. St-selesamud. and t-bs ouI>'means et Identification on t-be envelape vas thes number used lu rscording spectal deliver>' letters. Tbe post-mark sbowed t-be post-lng station. Taken n Joke, Sas St-aee. "We tool t-bs vbole subjsct as a Joke," Msr. Steeie muid. 'The lat-t-er va, recelved by my vite vblle 1 vas at t-be office. She dld not become eit- cit-ed about-JIt, bsllevlng Ilt- - be vrltt-en by a crank or by oue jeker. "Siseimmedlately look t-be let-te lu t-be Highland Park peat-effice. vbsîe It- was turued over t-o t-be In- %pect-lon division et- Chicago. Gen. St-uait la vorklug on t-be case, and I canet give yeu ail t-be Informatilon yen mlgt- vaut-. 1 den't- vaut- t-olu. tertere vit-b t-bsarrest-et t-be perpa- trat-or eftht-e tuireat-. "The letter has net woruled us In t-be lest. The letter vas mailed ln Chicago, and se far as i canu issu bas net-ing t-e do wit-b any b'usiness connections t-bat- 1 bave." NORTII CIMi SAJONS CLOSED UP TIOilT SIINDÀYI 1VOL WAN TRI Lake 1 to UI daý ASKEI Reogl Polii Young cierk lni Was giv fore lu est- on1 check@ phonme denied muid M tu hlm. grand j ing unâ brougbî Kiliamn vhen 1 man bg twenty-: Accor Clausse est-o t-be bei t-wo ciii charge check7l & Son j The wagon aud Ia est w aud bc Chicaglc bail!$6, He i lght-s c ou* gi found urday hl, min $1.60Ilu uobey soif st-i pocket. Au Wi met 19 est nma hlm foi t-bat bl l'lech once tIl he Cali and as t-he tel hlm to est pol their v -thbat hi lite" w sio Fi Robt t-be ho' L . PE1 Ing a mis l st ani Istest Cathb 11t111111 vlSb t-e ail Intr. did no Cat-hol not &P been mot-en Thoi yest-er Featlv ver. t-ors v splend gave1 workli t-honse testivE Harolu A. W.