CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Oct 1913, p. 14

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fs-axMd rnpag 0mSt7 aid b> Use Brooks, Cisc) !PIVmmutia bohe te la Inogtigate tise AieBrese Sanlterlui lot repart: Chltnm Md aiei ff s-iuSpos.sisors: tutigat Use asair DatosSaàNàirfwum, do Dot thstnk t a î cOunty ta porciaset et MUm re. lpectiuliy submttted. B. W. Bs-i P. Kireuhuse Joh n. né" IL. W. cutw IL 0. W lm dvase the ma" 1 or nue àeÉtab& C t oretapersu g tise &mnuseif fr thUe nihgv te re o tbt ii w4 êCbrftt ........... .... kopeetur .....e.. iii y an dciiic s'es- cS csoea .. .... .. cru t hl eai 1 the "M eta ta raté.th"aI, bout, tom ta , 0W. Mr 11i 800 Wu M 1100 Irlu iprn sec «itisSupervisas-' niamonBrovuvit CloiiMitte., ctuba -ot. Libfl -'2 seiOt'qpn RVjSOS theoruof un~ter:committeeoo0«&,Lt 's- sp8l. I License, tao vbom xas rateritUe ua .OU ii~'pt 0 go four.) petitiSof aiJoha afflt tea, eii* - u roord s fWaukeffaa shop licence ta keo à&dilas 0154-5 i e&briâ<bt tiseé,eS n iClos-k Apalfflc. reconuieni tisaitise UOMoe t isaUrd be autbodisdtuostos- spmriar boe, e ateli tou ai Johns Irgtp Ms #U- JOLte co«ota viisthc e' là» c ment of tishe e roqUirciby Sttso aa t « umfthé e purqbcpa ofthse and lIUng a rper bS&. . lsttitlnupen tise titlabelng ecI s-n of tise Al of vhilalerespecttuiiy gàb amicd and found cloas. tofèro a0& mltted. 'MOOtIo artai. purcissge of A. J. Mastiser, Supervisor Meyer ar Fremsont moycd im stsimitted R. J. Broeckler, tisatihe <pis-De authorlaci tu, dsa Tlnsotisy pelinsen. a'*&Wraal 4ethse Cannty Treouuror in 26, 1918. Supervisor Mastiser movoed that tise yctt ie waha o pue t th acajo of the repott le acoopWtedld adopted. B o~at~u pon thée titw Motion cars-b. belag fou) b In appoinisi SupervIsas-Sos-ensmn mavea mhat thse motion eirredj mont et the bil af J. H. ipisam be ailawed for Tiee follOvlng communication wae' lwOpst timi 112a.00 Mdsitise fiSuOf Paul Macouiln Precned: Ivisable for b. aitowoi for $5.00. Universel otan eeî o tise Satr- moonve tattb Prtan CrnntCo Supervisrals- ove ta tebill oct. 6, 1913. o! . 1. Byesbo ilaed or 29000 Mr. Edward Conrad. Chairman Boardn >k. motion casrie. - an Bis-i., fioConyWu rSusimrvisor Meyer of Feotmoowkgas i. ke. titat tise Couty ýCterk be autlsorirned A representative of this company s 4to drav warrante on thse Coimty Treas an en ti tauch itsWl f he' rut, tirer tu theserverai claimants for tihe1 liabeso Yu adtii saef ee the sevoral bille allowed ait tîss ment- membora ainsprecar ti efeoncoel 1. Ing. l BilgsiIspcino!cort ffdeis, motion cars-ted. rlmaistisaare Wow being laid ili Wis- 0110r. Ouperv4bor<Goals moved tisat th ise oeniss, iiiootedi s- eno lo Usaitishe Chirman appoint a Cammussttee of 1i£5tlbL ted. 41IL tlsree toaccestala tise lovet ps-ie for -Léae Chicago 9:00 A. M. Tisraday. whleh tise Lake Bromse Oaustariuw otober P. -leu. 7s-esyoqt. cm a le purebasci and repart aot an LeÉve Wamkfea 9:60 A. M. l Oemâdtttao, adjournod meeting of titis Board on Arrive Itenna oma1:10 A. ML. A S Oetolsor St, 1918. Vilit roais cnd taise lunch ini Keno- k ~~~~~,~~qa Ms aire Itocia 1:10 P. M. September Cisairmaus Cons-ad appolnted as Ruci Arrive Milwaukee 2:00 P. M. Inspeet 1 CormlittaeeSupervisors Goasa, Weich ofaironds arouisi ilvaakoe. n of cthUe Waukeelâa and King. Leavo Milwauke5:45 P. M. Fi Supervisos- Emmons rnoved tisat a Arrive Wauikegan 6:56 P. m. ~te vrisos vote af <anks boe etendod tu Super- Arrive Chicago 7:55 P. M. o M o»r-Intendent and Ifre. Appley for theis- 5inn5o? n dîner en route.3 qsqUicourteaus treatment and hispltaity it givO, us Pleasure toecordtaiiy Inviter id " tise Board. the membisrofet our Board ta be oui ns.latg Motion cars-ted. guests an this trip and we hope an flnos, bog Stipues-inr Pettis msove to adjourti rany ap possible viii maite arrange- l lomii b. until Octobes- , 1911, at 10 oclock A. ment. te go. 1if maSeoy M.Mto re. It would be highly apfZecatod If betep: Mto would rend tais tter tamet 4, 800.go Ing viieh e ues-stand cSurs on 7Md. Wedneiay. Octber S. Vos-y llkeiyi 7000.0 SEVENH DAY.Ms-. Ryqn aiaBs-Company -11il.t tu iyWaukegan, In., OClt. 9, 1913. Waukeai Wedsenday i case tiser '00090 Boas-S met pursuauit ta adjourinent as-e ausy details yau vouldI litt take 'N I 10,0 vti Chairman Cons-ad procidins and up wltl i hm. U,' Use follovinlt mmmbère s reent: In cage anY of yaus- momiers can- io.o supervisais Brooks, Broeckor. Ber-.fot devote tise entire day to itis in- labse, Clark, Demareat, Eger, Emmons, uPection ttip tisey cashS go te Keuso- 3500.0 lle, Goes., Ktrecbaer. King, Meyer Bl, lwq tishe vonie ced leave tise- of Ireinont, Meyer- of Waukega.n, Maem 11:50 a. m., ars-lvlng in Waukegaa i tiser,-SM"à Sipuns, apelîliail, at 12:15 P. . * 10.0Bts-tlS of Gat f tnoalke Tous-c toy truly, Villa, Welch af NeWrprt, Welch af Universel Portad Cernent Co. *90.0Waakegaa Walhi, White. 24. Sispesviasir EMnsan roved tisatthse i.10.0 Abeit. Suporvisars Chittenden, Fer- tnviation b. aoepted. r000sy, Pettis. 3. Motion cars-led. - Miutes oi preoiing meeting s-fi Supervisos- Meyer- aof reront mro- a"00.0 e upon motion et Supervisor Brooks cd that tise bill ai Dr. Prediosick Muie- Us 'fiapprloed. i es- for 8160.00 btalaloved. MOc buti Butsrvtsor (Goes, Cisaisman of Opec& Motion cars-led n uai4*i lal Comittoe heretotoro appointeS to Sispes-vtsos- Pke moyoi tisat tise *4~ 4904F makee investieation itu regard to Use bill0or p C. Gray for 18.00 lie alloved. Iltléd On purcisese of Use Iaks Bromee anItar. MotiW pcas--i.& ron, tot. lm, aiimittoi Usi foliowlng repart: Suevioor Wehch of Waukean tyj 195.1 State of IhiosLke insaty, . mvdtsits u fMCg i.Us uerWaiskiga, fi. BéiÔlck ta aliaved for $707.0 .,0" le Oct . S,1913. Puon CUrnai 1111*11 Uteso- r. Clcrmolicand Gentlemn ofsaitUe Sisperisor iMig movod tMat tise B"M a Ofio!Sueamcr: communication Of Cari P. Wostues-ed LogrpeolCoamsmntes, Appointed& a e olved and >laci s Stqe. ~~etose *Ur ivatinios »rocks saedei <at a las a bS t Mp th* sg Ovtoet tllnks be heueS te Dr. 14kt guI 1 ýeBr-s Seustarium , luv 1e .ta Fsedes-tok Muèeo th ie es-itla roi*tisai vo be avre abaaino fs-im tise perfornei as tise Smthsgirl. Dis-r« te "of MUi nstitution me» - ICOMoncrs-led te15 fr te ItuB Use smo for "ven Uop- 5upoev4sér King moved tisaitUs anpin. cd fivabuadrd 0 ~7M50O0> iOUa ie* Clou iauthoiglei loamdre ass-n, *iatUeanS tisai vo ocisider It adrisable t on Usé County toa uthe Useoie- li. parcisase smain t tisai plte. oral Clalnste fok afillib, lloved at AI of wviscisla rspecttùl i cu- <bis m*Mt2eg Wekgnrntted. motion ustied. L#0 he ap O0. D. Omo5, SuPervisas- Brooks rnoved te ad- os Tank Jams P. King, sOUrM util ecemlier ?th,13. l~aU59llpJames O. Woli. Motion cas-s-ed. aP s~ upervisor Sinisons matai tisat thse .'A.IND , reprt be cocoptai and ato MptuAS.NDE Wbtq and A" aid Nay vote heng«éaredfor clos-l tI pavers- Sperviaor Bmmonas motion'wae car-- sied ly tise folowing vote: Statle af Iliinois, L.ake County, os. TisOce voting Aye are Suipervicao 1. Loy A. Rapee, Countty les-lt i trm'n aOrEscocker, Bas-ue, Clark.,t>omorst, and for eaud Counyl a Use State ittOi ,Ushe EMaORn oi as, King, Meyer af Wou- clos-oald, anS keopat cf tise records keganI, Sorencen. Stratton of Grant, and ec)l thoreat. do isereby certify 1III. , Ssatton of Lake Villa, Weicis af Wau- tise iaregoing lta ea tise, Perfect and &. 1»138 koga Wai. ai.1. complte traascript of Use prooeedilng là 0 e Tisacevting No are Sspervir othe Bot gupeos et oaldi î o9anWik t tw 110« 8.1emdm stat ot i linoloOeuuity oîà 1 r4bq - 2918. S. lin Us~la te -Comsty Cour-t of Lako Geotiti. cqpautisetor ll la oe~oeyvli~cL Ihav boe.i Otoscï 'VotasA«. D., 1918wwIfttlm4to.s.... une 0 57i~o edaffinai the4la Ue tat fJspl0a' a 0~~5 ~id Ooii se M s1 COAI. g~,in Wu.joa~.dcca~.tis' cisaacory side thèeof, aikS tisa X los-k. Je*o, Mott, AloctcGanea». t, Bis.4efendant. metiusmablo on tise fini dey (OA)ley . <Jneau, Autsony Ganeau, of thse tes-ziaofte Circssit Court of William Protine end Elle» Qenty,lie County, ta ho field ut thse Cous-t bols-e et iaw of saideceasid: IFossclan Wasalan ln satl Lko ThUe. arm. emete-y Asociaton Yau are horeby ' iattld titat on Cu ,on 'tii. frs-stMond4j ! ofi-, <wa1.ayon_ Monday. tise u« ýM y Decepi mb Cont <bei ispaio!ofMs-s. MAtt A! a.;1913, at Useb! tié O16k0ebirA . I~ sl b i . Ties !18)W09dnes e p t of-.00pid -da , 'mo:qu red, ansd elmîcissuit le sïtili pond. sil iitdBtamot i awi e lga it à,h, «. itouasto àm lo.?. LEiWlp 0. I1ROCKWÂY. FOR RE>4?....d4'Acre farm 260 more WittsnsJu1e f »tQ».unyP.Clrk farm <vo miles veest o! Waukegaa, Court ai aism'y, tIll1,11iu,î'es- Waukegan, iii, Oct. 30., A. D. 1911. aditpOi ta stek raising anid dliy- fiuai report< anS SulaI aecount ln raid liSI P INA Idg., 1 saefAits, Ut acre fars Just astate, agit ta have ths aine appror-EP.IANA nantis 0f clty ilinit aapted ta gos-- ed,' tt hodlshargoi, andS ta havi saidcomplalnant' itoilletes-. dOislfg or geUato1'bmlng, AU tbee'o estate settiod and cioged: at whmtcis WUiy Oct. J Nov. 7-14-2j las-se bava goa imnprovementeansid lime sud place you may 1w ps-aent il lever falling kimpply or water, t ihi ________ tateo a ilsltlvto. possession É.you BOO fit1s. ta do. 1914 I une togo waylistis ilted tiuis 23nd day rt Octnber., t,114 e a oa--lat 1912. 1 New arrivais at tise Lakte Breoso sOit tva voolo. ould litre ta mnaice SAM (lOQuE, santtarium are Sidward Gabsonsof Chi- sas»@ beforis issa. R. Dady. 843 No. ANTHONY (JANEAII, Ohes-idan Rd h 7. Wkly 2t Executors 0f thse Lest WtlI ani Testa- casa iloight iste.I, and Fred Cappe af tment oi Josephs Gaiteau, dceoaed. CNliaa. WANTED TO' «NT-About 1501 ll e.3 ocre ts-nstmosiMas-chlt, lodated 'Ptate of Ilinois, Caunty oa i Lirr.e: 1Ms-s. Joseph' T. Bowes, visa jaund. n Lake cuutY. fs-os 3 ta 5 yrs. ICircuit Court aifi.ake County, 1»-De-o anMmo-icmpnHrt tidoî H A il %111ic. W a- I combe- Tes-m.A. D., 1913. Sheriudan Road ln Waukegan, le setS Wkyi .%t arte Esmmtt vs. George Eminait. ta 5,0 one o!flise comen wiso are~ ai- In Cliancary, No. 652t. :01it sUre ta be ln lise aidernns FOR S"4-240 acres. ten-roos Tise requimite aMldavit isating been rce ln Chicago next mprtng. Tisey house si ai osemsci5î.lasgo baru; flied tln tise offtte of tise Clark of raid, will ruts mpon tise Indepondent ticket *UtltslSlsgS bei a ind.lissimt , i Çout.t notice le thsese(as-e hareby giv- Mrs ltowen le ves-y active ln social .1 ll«pl«o OUs. Noie Green, Mon- an ta the raid George Emmot, de- fettHement vo-k. ras Clty, Ko.' -Wkly 2Lti. im. .Halte b flereclvo à acali frein -aàlUttie eolsgregatson' as ho' Seacrtbés t Bt &jAý1P4 Pas-t ]IL, ansd has 40ccpted IL mà4suii Park ia a 00*tiWo~n tise Nofflis1, trn soaS 28 ails om <iscwàe m sation, IL 19 a lbueat-place ci taien«e, and giteailos tie u ln-s. laluit o a OOne ssuite Ms-. Soîko, unshiseteois thst hie laBsowing ton aid to lookç altes- s large congregation, tisougis he len silU mos-e active tisan rnany nuoci younger mon. %Ir. lloukp wili preac ig e ast ses-. mon at St. .lahn'l cisus-ci a wesk i ram next Sunday, anidviilremovo ta Highland Park on Nov. 5, ater a reelde0ce In PfProf aioves- sesen- ta" yYOBs. Mrs. Hohiso came te Proe.- Pas- 90 Sept. 2.1. 199. f1%e yul te witis hlm tise Tulipe ormaay riondS ~for blufuture isspulnes.--fis-eoport Bulletin. Cynical VI.w ef Meage.O Hovin i s-rio4. tisrey uiate* Proooeed, as iby mutua ossentte amethUe vos-st e t.of lc<Ua. Sipec liJndierweor apd Sweater Coat SÊie _fW,-One Veek- OnIly STARTI NGTQDAY We offer. a 1Witer Uadepwea n Sweiqer Coats at 10 per ' e1t IelI.rgaar pric'es. It nieanup a great, >1a savlng to you. Here oi'e'a fcwspe*iaUs qwe cali ypuratte'iotoito MA14h.AlilFleeced Unjerwear, -45c UuIy SoId for 65c and 75c - $1%M> UJ Woi Ud0nâar,90C $50Ail Wooi Undecar, $1.35 $.0Vervy Fine Ai Woi Underwea'r, -$~ $3m5 Ail Wool Union Suits, $3.15 We Hatve A 819 Line of Union Suits From $1.O$)To$5.0O. $7» Sweater Coats, $6.85 $2:C, Sweatir Coats, $2.25 MS50 Sweater Coats., $4.50» $j. P &eati r Coats, $3.15 $1.00 Sweater Coats, 9pc OU17 N u ptlmgeoeeSiel i Wemeî'a eh2 P tripe, h.sblinv weght, l;ith oitcolar reula ?c sfl4sfor iU~Lyoie our-roni10 ta lila. . . . . . . . 1. . . . -. 1 L on'a 1 Um clnlgb n arkcolons; stripe and figued èffectu, pret9 irm* ~ mo; al olea;*2.0 vaues, for Thursday -oie hour-from 1:00 to 2.00 o'clock P. Mi, at ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "il. On accoun of the wundrfu bus fU aid winter suit at ab1not hi mi This lot consista of ail of our $15.00 Suita for ladies and maisses, and in- cludes somne very unusual styles, nmde up of broadcloths, cheviots, serges a.nd worsteds; perfect fit- ting, Weil trnxed; coors are blue, brown, inaroon and black; ail sizes. Your choice for a quick' clearance, $R,75 eu w e au a -inste"Ad01o onksglvlug, Our* $e8.00 Suits are included in this lot, handsomely taiored gar- mients, in French serges, wçoteds, cheviots, in black and -colora; *'many new trinuning effectaslihown; some are skinner satin Un~ed, skirts show rnany uuual drape effects; al sizes. To reduce the suit stock, only, emm y merrow.dcuton Our spleudf $22.5O'suits at a great sacrifice.. This lot consists of a beautfuWl Une of ladies' and misses' suits, in black and colora; perfect- ly draped coats and akirts, beauti- fuIll lined with skinner satin, cut- away orý straight coat. Your choice Of thig loi at I -' S0014 This lot consista of our very finest suits, made up in beautiful broad- cloths, boucles, serges and brocade n>aterials, skinner satin lined; at- traetively trinuned with braid, velvet and buttons; ail colore and blaek; ail sizes; our $30.00 suits, at only i9

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