CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Oct 1913, p. 6

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PI< 0 IV W. L~BERGER J ~ISo~'ATIIc !UYSIOILN UJJNOiS] Soe~#7ft~EPOItI*54i~6I. Llhust>.vvhiis-. III ~ VU~4 avauhis I 4 , . v J- a - qni 'frmýiug, the unêer-igned ciiill It ié otiucon on he promises, known ast the Gridley tirm, imile., norubeest of Prairie View end 2j miles South- usât nt Disuiond Like, on aeffleg tO .0ucka. in., Sharp, Abe fiflowîqe p-opsty.: il HOBSE bWres. 0 ire., , C .1850. mare. lOyru.tnId et- 184)(. murye. g .l.t W. 14(ffl. tare, 9 yua. aid, et. 1460 [rj, 10 yna nid, wi. 1450.- %me, 9 yu. otd. cI 1450. bes. 12yt. nId, et 14(m). bgrop,lOyms.ld, et 115e. àa"t. 4 jeans oll. 1,00L a yemo oi i eol. ayearold. ~3 su lI 8 Coca dihcbiven itadeh bl ^ru.. Juli'tre audiflrog'. SrnCk hall. 2% ff euA oli 3 IIoilaudfrJ T 0,sahbe otI. HOM"- 40 -;b-atgý c?. 40 e.. 100' ponUâiS. 12 fat Hoff.. W& 250 Ibo ~sb. 2: no vti pics. POULTRY 20 Turteys :60 fluets 1, Omte grin lu, 1 narir nc. Ncor. nlmck C,rn iindor. Corn gMU a *s Pr@&&d-R. ock [@%&bd b&y lnaer. 2 M4owers. 1 nsaly ~ 2es-d..i. 2 pul;erimm e 2 OIs ulctivators 3 optaof uses. sulcy pow. eid roller 2 »et i.,hIwighe. -Mll 8 .2truck cegona. 2 uarly u-w. -Lunh-r ceaun vii t tf rb 2 cego. boxes.1r. i U Dow àc ibey recta milk test..ý moursrki.aud sables.4 setsdonNe bernes.. 4<> good nit ens., ANS A&-40 tons.o d tw*v lie, baied 1200 bill sm j= o «lwtNddâ rnala aini., Am 61V rtdo rl0OUi2OS,04 I. netlon ý v 1~s b "rO6per cent inserest .Nu gonds tu 1w..rsanved ~DTR.Auct5OW-. GEO. QIJENTIN. Ci& 1i Ceàats.,a Day forWorld News "là esa grsatet buying opportunty you ver. sver offeredt The nec, o! vitlthe voitiI. inoisg, andte lis cuo! thii eigh-, borbooe, for I .15sa0snanta Y. A giet Ciicsgotialy-Tbe Iteorti.Herald-esti your homne ïevipaper, for ainict lie priecf ose. Tint ciel thii. means. It mens complete aud reiaile market reports evry day. - il iens dsily uews of th i iaêl corid. Il nu pto-tie-iour information, vital tu you as a business man._ I mnuas ativaneuent of ideas la lie hitescrcle, to b. tieriveti rs,:Aa y-todacnticiama ilte currei draia, music and bk- he c frcTicthe BeordHlti' 15 e. d It unes atideti knoviedge, broader mmnds, greter interets- 1o vn member of lie fsmily-tirougi tie foiioving fainons Reodleedfealares; Daily liste are articles devoledto tahle iouselold-advance fembionaews, itelpful houeieepisg unts, etc., etc-6parkling edi- torial comimenta on topies o th.a-hnifliant tiougits of biq miuda tg tlueiy aujecta-ceaii, clIp olumis o0!sRtsp= aa graphi, by une of! Meriesa iforenicel bumori t-tvrcaroons o! psugeveuls-anti a continue<l story by aonme noled autior. The RsedRereid neya gathering facililies are worid.vide bu scope, andi * da in vld ureliebilty. Compriing tie news o! the Amomatet Ptue---telegraph secs tram specl correspoudeuls in every large efty o! the East and h in vry tocu of te Central Wel-uccs tbt cornes over leaueti ires irons Nec York anti Wshington-.unt th li orei cabre service o! Ivo of tas iiggest New York City news- Papers AND ALL FOR 1 &CETS A DAY IIt'a uolhtng la heatate ovenl It's sorethine ta grasp-NOW, vile ita offereti' Stop lu t tichie , rsenti ns a check vti your order, vile tie opporlunity iasta. * HOWS the Pnspseltiom, Bifi TH1E CMICAGO RE COItD-i<EIAO(requise prise fa sy-e) dailysl@Wda" à -«k .. . .... .. . . . . . . ... 0 LAKE 00U1<TYD[EP$EN 1.50 z te P 1PDA (OPOW p.....or..y-........ $4.0W t 7; 44 aWhi ee 5Imm fil tisonsi U p. olelo1 cure aenrd on V»&,. wM>6 usen pied a chair obi*adbte *tee4. P. Dt sansmaiÊ I, wote VNfs botrayoti no mouasth 4ib Prtant coridi of via4ietniiVe* xoenod.b s Heept iii,«Me sis tho jurors, chue 4i» ,onlt wàk asposing -o disfosuall-lt la inde ugction vi<h their diacharge' for fl Aller thecdistendui»t bal lion de-; cirel disciiergel. VVlia e.Od bis btandt taAttornèYs Dainesani W* sumd coagrat"lte t hem Oce theit spliendid logel Aght ln-hibihba H e lipn riret 10tho jurybox %ad poe- oms.Uiy thenioti each an& ven nman fer the tairnos exhibiteti tard hbLu en th.sdle JuLrai 8 nverstOM 'Idl Iodhem of hb is <11A _îq.. Cti. In idiatDhem fascOoli Vo- BYe assutroul thoa ho could iser for,- gel; théir iindnmis.Au 1vitOM and ch <at hey .Mbhlt ý hM a ti muon cas oxteainseh "<h. ho" ete- vressOti that - tue> et omepe voWdt accopt. Juilge Fasivas ooteil b> the ovulses.r ant i sewdUrcmt bs fait- am5 an uv rte* mabd Mbay. boom SIX Ballots Necessar>. Six ballots vers taien before tue verdict of acqittai vue reaibed. The sederstanding la tbat thésfl&M baflt Blond tas for acquittai as atgiuit Iliree for conviction. Sueedng bal- Iota atide t lathsnumber favotin <ho discýArge o! Voliva aMd op <ho aixti ballot the vote vas 1u0niilol5. Thé ec ewo! Ibis jury vas direct-, ly tiie oppossitd ot lai of the April terni of court cheu a essafisomoént vas ths resait. At hat ti* evoa ivebe for convition ui e f or*4M- quittaI i ditvas unir ýaf tu 50man hoding ut declareti ho wvelitinover $eid P= m hat be thqt Wes 1 right Iat the. jury esai dweb15rd. Chs"n1 oefVn" aIVoliva'smmase vnt 1tW@i M O achange or venue fo~itmutilï affitiavits boing 1114,, igeppot cg' the defenitaaia ceg tion Ibit h nW ot mo" s a bfahlts-la ta %Msty. The cs»e vs feoghl m'b*p t ahe <oAprIl ternitu , agaf et -th r51 triai, ot h a"i defense boini repre b#ted i s eiou5selfrm Wineheê a"iLi couaty base The recunt trial vas sterteti Mon- day, Ot, te, chon a jWur s scur- cd. The Promoction put ila #a v. dace Tuasday anti Wedaesdaj the de- fense put. VoUvi on <ho stad. Ikur, day was given over te the argumenta cbicb vers concluded Fnlday masu- fng, Attorneîy R. K Weilb oecupitg an bour aud a final ple for Voliva. Me cas followed -,by States Atterfiey Dady. cho cîceetsi for lb. prosecutlca. Instruction vone thes reati andl long toward 3 o'clock <ho jury retIreti. Rejolco ietZMon Cty. lu Zion City newsaor hi. ferdiet vere the cause o!freât reJoicing. ince.Voivas libery bei- beau in Jeopardy the oye and hearta of bis foiiovers have been turne t taRock- ford anti freverent prayero voie of. fereul that lie jury of W18nebag cic. LInens conid vindicate heur leader andl Permit htp retarn ta hem hat he - ungt continue unhampoeoiehl labora for tue upbuilding ad deyeloputt of ZMon Ciyand lie lusftriss. Asiet by newspapermn as to boy h. fait over the verdict Volmra lled and repiieti "I neyer fait happier lu mi Ilfe." Asiet Iif be would couse. ta glving a statemeul as ta the triai and vbat its outcome misant 1 ltgn aud ta the people o!fZioa City, Over- neer Voliva consenleti wiliingly ad dictatedth fe folloving emltement Is tie uevspapermeu Vesea t:1 Triai Absluteiy Fair. "I bave hati an abstoiutely feu tnwl andt he juros eboceil hemeelvo ai tborougbly competeut ami coWkiout tious ln arrilug et a verdict.x fon sider the verdict a eompiéta vietiýa. ion tram lhe ubemeful pertcution tbie stale's attoruey of Laie county and others bave veged egatasl me for Years. Seing au Innocent man. 1 iever fett aI 'auî lime but vIudica. lion would corne et tic bande of twelve fair-iuded. jastive-lovlug cil. izeus o! thie country andt Iis greai plate. "1l wisilîtoa eY a word ln camp!). nient sud praise ta esy attorneys, C2 P. Bau-use andl R. K. Weli for ti , mastenful vay iu vbici tiey conduct ,e.d mi rase. 1 neyer hasc one tb b tylilmors e eiy perfect. Tiepre -é 1h W#» &Uom'retê elsma.a0-W e eto thoSe m etrtt out m a ibtCt a λ uhutf te~ orld bave nov.. plcm cy cieee'b the ergal that 1 ~tdporjury or ti.Ud' sve thilni o*àufag uucb a tlagse lm dram asMrm pepople de Soam ed a Law Was Volivls Ambitioà. j ý'ý éatommthat i am a cejtby S maiL net"e uplaciatlon. i gae.up M the. Passion 01 muîlies. vbb as t là b. a lacyer tn order 0 beosome a a! ministor. , 1 isprescbod ine I1I vag mIXtO" jeuorf ue gMd toge- il lady, glacemr «,,ciastauesen vititout money aud vithout prie.. fIlOvinIUS tii. Birptures Iilt#*Uiy OU e V corliman la cdthy of!hie food. ebog D'w Wobrd ban bes« fulffiled. loverai n duoes 1 have givea up My lest cent Il and sterlt! od .e i tth nothlng. Thisa cas true frgwoa Jus, j*1.90, sam amne thon 14M bu' g(vO.#1d MYI mlnlstryountil ti~eu ~ang alone more *yaruo« A Iith m .berl thé a9senat i hie Ver îmar udgI My Ilving sipeâtss.telephotie,.etc.,I dose Dot exceed $1.500. Weatth For Goda Work. a ."f have tttle ta an estate wblcb la 6 valued et $2.000000 and la dqlpg bu annal business of over $7"À.6. bve over 400 employez andi outof tbe commerciai industries 1 noyer taie one cent. ln myefforis # ilvo e for tb. people,,and WQlàe tUoni'-andIndusotioe hbat. they w i bave., iirk.-I1assumeil on Mah 1, 4 1911. 'au n iddOdnem <f $8ýC.O. »m-Iing th. estatvo yeara 1 have paiti tirer $200600 et tus laudehIedeeme and 1 au toilIg-day isol aIWgit fteni XwsntY-four huiedo~rcii ot foed or lsop la or4or t$e'estate 4 =ya bî frft06 ir saidbL ' Ifla My1 csatdesirs e "-uttloIDta tra1 %làon City aud aRl.lia Industries over "L.ffl*i voik.t, yself a" tamfiil:> -Stbopini one cent o < auath foreu permonal gain. COUNTY Pm£:L1 The. Bun today asied Voliva for l sttemeut about bis rocent trial and acquittai. He sald: "I1_,vaut to assure thes people of Laie county I have uolliing lu nil beart but love and i ildues for thos and novtha 1 have cw a gleatead Important victor 1 sIU not unduly1 rejoice. but shall go forward wlth mrater determnation tbm ever te, live for my fellocmeu and houp ta maie Lais county second tarO nseta ths $tais. "I bave been mfost sanefuly per- secuteti. but 1 bave no III feelings to- vend auyone. flot even Mfr. Dady, cho bas tried to rota me, but vbo bau been couvicled cile 1 vas vindleat- ed. e "On Lords day. Nov. 2, ai 2:30 1ocloci. 1 shall give tanBuioh aber. Lnec!. a comploe expose of the shame fui persecution vilci abi but aged rfor my destruction. 1 pieul nov en- 1deavor 10 reach citb <is exposlug isvery ciftien tn a Laiecouty andi . chut the trthb la inovra they wvi 1 m a tlîovsand limes siiame., 1 shall imaie Ibis exposure for ths sais of , the. public and lhey may b. sifeguarti- à eti against unfair andi unjust men. 1 o vas no mors gullty ef perjury than a new boru babe. Hov inuci more mpuey do the taxpayers vaut Datiî ta i spienti in Psrsecutlng me anc my PS)- a pe' 1. "I thank you." $1,664 PER EMPLOYE y EARNED BY RAILWAYS. A contributor t thie current Dn)n. *ber of the Raiiway Âge Gazette bas reducedth le sarningi o! the. raitrods tf for the pasl decade ta a permanent t. basis. Cross earnings of a&l of tii. tralirqatis for ssci employe cere $1,- 452 lni 1902. $1548 lu 1907 and $1.664 ln 1912. white the net rturna la 1902 1-swre $513, iu 194)7 $503 andila, 1912 *$445. -qhe grass earnings for eci man ie emPloYed aset yesr cere 14.5 per t.cOnt Larzer.than lu 1902 andi 1,5 par 'usiSfIWA oise8ui»t vu los i l9~ ~ ~~ 1a. qà*k5 tib ohol, ucausè i ddnot cors about cprýih uiët ibm. i *&là ed> -j lotoku«dad se tie sights b=1ar1 Isteri.d fur b "h.P01 Wel t salrdsi moralg am sl tait aid 1 vsot Up Io cie rqu nhe"t casluctun the top Of a1ii 1registre d aed w.. but uver te tout iir.'e-.4df e rgtthig prOltWcn 2104q41118- a il iii Ithe boys %bat con ta oeapi tb. »me tro ttubme 1IWcm. is 0osn ou soluirrte tet @em tibalee 10*111t111 1èqlh~IP -é6040»& h brid- resber ooid slesplugs tenta. 1Iwu@ à"" lm& long butons a tffleisr sous âtreçald aomd usne tvers, taesul la 1>0100ewq ulforesrmttoae, Wh 1 t c oe mnesid ldy. Abter wvs ad limetu ivwurpInyail o & il i.slrute, heu Daviport gave us a very inten- W&andvaduabklseors on -Faruug *M liât epai.. uhes ibis lesters c00 aïî,eterr mce trous nil dtnder tion. s eassteut andti jod£ semtât i w hici 1 eould bastie at liaI aime very uleiy. A% 1:810 dtiurdal sîtoîpoou L bàdth ie pleasurs of liastuasg oa lecture on "Rog hoius-" by Dr. A r, Peter@,, aler tbia tenure tras v *dcenefru-.futii. su.aiu.iuag lant of, Site utteranon. À tee of the. boys la >uta tiree, andi m9is1f cent ont 10 tiplore lbthe #irgrounds., us enjujil )urseivevery suaci and obon came at « fur supper cblcb waui t6o luck. Atrq mnpper j cie& bettlu îbb test Asti ai 1uta %ehtbi Vweh the. e.. t n vrou. toum r. e frocs Ras w mby a"i cm! issu' tibPages.uty <la Our tost wu @o te beled oit 0Io i 105 te ce»Oi ormitg01 the nan câeytt Work. Mondo ce lad four lectures*iau 09 chici vese toryVaabis tomre.,Orne4 01 li. bsq lsu*mels4me, partlularwlr, JqgmJROss" by J. J. Vots, Jiad-b Veq joyable time op toc. oui eepoubs lhast for stpper «,. 4o'eiabi. Wm " to 10bell earij lbat.penlng ii.t goi; op nuariy frou tuat e us armfirgut 7 o'coct. I thin thtie flo0 Bigre Fuir *eotleli te vnubout and chispap.cbaoi of ls cloinlathe cord. 1% Ilves yuu a chance to meut boys froni ail parlis ut IlinDois andti t tait and disetue@ the cay an wvici fanming la cerrieti an aIt aven Illinais.On Ibums day ai 10:40 Goy. Dusse vielteti an end gave us a short tlâti an "Farmtsg." Benatar 1nberman bleu visited us on Tbumdtiy andi cssnjarsd a very pisasat tait front uni. 9 e trued our levet boet ta organise soune pelle asti saceetied fairiy celi canstiisg li te shortidtensl cici ce hedtu tapractice lieuâ tn. Tic sehoul bruite up os Fritiui aller- Dnco,.Oct. 1ltii. uuay 0f lie boys left Frlduy niait and soms stayeti aver for1 the auto rases on daturdey. 1 bail ihe 111h. ie he botisheet ut itheboy@sa ve@ batilionsdown tiere asti an 1 stayed until Bunday. i ciai tu liant Mr. Conrad anti Mr. Siunpaon for appoîntisa me au a tii--gate te lIbi s bool. I1 ous meveny valueble tuowleigo on Varuplng and Stock Judging turIng the veesi ut hli sebool anti I eau oniy say. tiat tis boy cio in iuctyeougi to i. appointud ta thale ciioot next year bail botter go, for If be dont hbc ii centaely unissisheboet lime 0f hief. A greet dent o! ibant lealso@ dus Captais Knox fan the wuy lu vbicb is manageti us boys anti for ths vay lu cisbectept tiie campdurtng the ceet. Tiiomas Rainer Eliugpr. Libeý9yville, Ii 1 More than a 11mOion j-onds of fresbiî tiresseti meate arrivet Iin Cii- cage Frlday froni Canada. This la the tiret Importation of fresh ment borender lie fisc tarif cbilch ad- mita Ibis comnotlty froe. The. price ranged from, 6% cents tu 8 cents C pounil, vhicb i.loies tien Cicago paciers usually pay for beef au lhe heot as chippeti frou farma suad ranges n tahe Unitedi States . The Paciers vers saved the expeuse In thls case of iiillung anti drsssiug. August Hemmanu of Milwaukee, idrove bisenta aven the bani tutua tbvenlî foot ravine et Laie Front 3Pari, Lais Forent,.-Wednestiay 1 lgiit. Hamnuanu vas tu bis way trfrom Milwaukese tu Cicago. Hov is rhappene totabc lu lhs pari la not; ilUown. Th1e machins vas bathy crèei, but e odriver escapéi cilh 'fg i.tmd- Oheupoht l im for výeaMçes ,*sd Fruits IN ",Kk COUSTY ciJ~ WIW Phb~t. àO?4 ViLLE ~&/eand SUN» YOUR P~TI ORDER TO FOR SALE- I ~GIA-SOLI14E ENGIN îii fmfrlygbo4Sndition. Fine for portable poWer plant for farmer. Wil be sold cheap if taken et once. Inquire t INDEPENDENT OFFICE, ~èterThai pa nking SpektgwId u001 cars ehidrm 'of cotting lb. bed. becaurse la toi ot a bl bu dangemus diseàe. Tii. C. 9. Bovin Ding o., Dept. 1250. .blSsgo, Ii.. bpe dlseoered a strieti boinlsos reunedy for this dlstree.ig dii..andmte, te knocu it4o merles tboy ciii tend a 50e pectage senraiy vreped and prepld Absointely Fm sto »aay reaof Tise lN»gPaNDENT. Tii. r.mnedy " oures frsquest desire to om-mate atd rabllity to control urine during tii. nigbt or day la onid or Young. The. C. 13. Rowan Droit Co. liem Oid Beitabie Dfloa; rite to tii.. toda, for tii. Ire uuicins. Cure tii. afflcted imembers of jour famill, tben tel. jour nelgiborasaud friende &bout this vmnedy. 2.6-14 Wantegan, Ociaber 24. Mev. George UUIBchii, Pestar.o! lie irsit Baptiat churci, la suffenlng froni an attack of' ppend%<'itle atbia bomne on Norli Genesee, sirset. Dr. Knigit, cho ie allentiing. la vatcb- lng hie case vony clooy md.clU continue ta do eo for the. nsxt day-or Ivo., At lhe fireI inuo! the dîscss iecoming more soute ho ciii cause hlm t<i be rushedti 10thc Jane Me- Aitie sbopitai for an operablon but he la attempting la avithIbs. The attack i. not soute at Ibis tume anti the piisicien bopes that an opera- lion ciii nol be necesari. Rey. McOinnils vas taien 111 ln Chii- cago )est Mondai nlgbl chile attend- Ing a banquet giron 1 thie tielegates who vere î4tending lie convention o! lie Sfile.BaPtIst Association. He tuought <ho condition resulîti tfram eomithing ho bad ,aton vilci posai- bly dit not -arne cilihlm, sud diti not robina home until Wcdnes- day atsrnoon ciion his condition ho- came so badt ial he coulti romain et the convention Do longer. He cams bome anti cent ta b.d anti Cili tiiougiit Iacondition cas asef y epn ho be at esten. na dhuinpe. h<idan. utl 'surpM»ise chold 16be vas eufferlng or appondicitis. Tii. many frienu sof Rev. MeGin- nie vere sbocked today chen toid thst ho via sufferlng front au attack of appondlottis Y EOMAN'6 Io the Best That Money_,Can Buy o= szaislnaios are Niorouttu mi s mvlte "ai te"ei vy, ii Osptsmtroeatunlsimhie a .btt. We gund sur ses heu sud mils our ses trusica toit esacS iparuewar a. .5,45 fi FORt P( FRM enlue FOaRul Bay. cMalle lots.s * Phone FOR FOR V11W h FOR Fe. W. v illet FOR lonst F0OR FOR dolon. FOR vil sG FOR elcato twl

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