CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Nov 1913, p. 10

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tom. PA] FORMER MINORITY REPRE-~ t~TATIVE FROM EIGHTH * TêRICT NAMED BY GOV-' EÎNOR DUNNE TO STATE FIRE MARSHAL POSITION:' -APPOINTMENT SECUR- ED TIIROUGH TOM GRA-ý HWM'S INFLUENCE. Former Reprecentative Dennis Gib- beau of Lake county bas been named1 &B deputy state ire marsbal vire 3~ atConnolv Of wankegifl, Who. ,,OfUty tendered is resignatiofi. - Mr Gibbons la weli known in Lake tomuty. bis home et present being at Everett, Deerfield township, wbere he condacta a tarin. DENN18 GIBBONS, Nb. oibbe.a vas formefly a back- Lake County man named Deputy kbII beforo <ointo 0farming. Hîs ZiaeFre Marchai Vice Robet gIdktfomlt gires hlm the position Sgal &" 4emh viii sairtdoing simi- Connolly of Waukegafl-Is former 'lr ork ine the ffre marshal'a officel Miflorty Representative from 8th t. Iot ouebv Ir. Connolly for the. Dstr.4l. 1%. Position la one Whlch pays 0" $100 à month andi bis duties are Gibbons %%as, ibus In office about là. o m - baUffilgandi make ro- îqî,ý5-S. 1.00.. ceo conditions trouhout, The appointaient of Gibbons, a -e f.gibbons iras mjnoritY rere Lake countman. aga illutrates nmenvlle la the. alte legllature trom! that Reprosentative Thomas Grahain 'âWthftKa for tvo terins precedins of Lake couaty la close la tbe ¶IML furaso Bôome county ln that *throne" at Springfield, ln tact, bis , mokq. At.,,DB«a for two ty«.ispersol relations vith Governor Jop e 9AJIIudem of Lake Forest Dumne have made Il apporent that L.yea uhile Thos. Grahama. Tommy gels aimot cverytblng ho ' #mbekt, nov boda the position. I oes attor dova aI the capital IJIOAT *WSK emniay WahlI Which Fred yWat cenneottd, IIf '4AD A ARO ROW. c'ayHas Had First One y Qd1 iY nd.Then Another InIts Carmer. Ujater date o! November lili lie »W&hewsivapriatedti s tispatci 6'o i Wasblagtn, retorrlng te the boi ooanyaitîl isicb Fred lBrown IMtaao t Waubegan vas connect- cU a £reoponatle position for soîmie ,.hscbfin.. itreIvs is thie IS COiJ¶3ffEITER ATI' 1Q~I IY rand Rapids Paper Says Lo- cal Pouce Chief is Investi- gating Case of This Kind NO SUSPECT* IS HELD NOW. Wankegan. Nos ember 18. A Grand Rapfidas paper, tbe News, lrints Iis Cm: "1Chiefo f Ocectives Smtih h been asked by the chiot of police of Waukegan, Ill., to furnih ial the information possible regard- ing G .R. Wilson. alias Harris. arresteti in 1ha1 cty on s charge of ccunterfeitiflg. Wilson %vsu arrelled hcre severai yeari 90o on a charge of pasaîng bad chectks, the chief sers." \\atil. g i n ,ilic e ucisre tlisii,,i-nu ljAboTorpedo hast romnpanYthtaI l............; .Was woiltoet17 eoutlils contraci alli ý a h , as-- . uiWÎoi ttiew s tie contera las onder1a uthol ii n MNî (a-.- tuu of eti eéaokhmoe,,or ou vbilcithe lin la 1luet i i îîh-tiî as cicr matie pull g*Wito t begin worb and las se la-jilican i-lre s the tbare chbanee thal -t hlaed the Mary ilepartment. The- ib ,iis thajidu, itui di'.ulges for1 ITof lise Lakebuhs, i.-e-e, -thie ir! tti a. h i tih- i ul,,g.n au-1 -dm vllb te mistertunes thal hm*e l'.. titli ;Ui betelean learit 01er)' one sfio las -i ,a'ni. tlÉiiý ity 51 '*tVbod te advance its lnterei-ti.a l, lie empIlai- ivit, ii.'L -ie ir.Ont he'ime Sion Lake appear- uAý,i,iari clhîif loiuas Tîrreli ad- Oï tberc, bWtilock bas Purgued hlm ittedtha l! i-iati le-nlin..estigating iÏ4'U Adheents.The ten c air-anailîr of t hi- inature andi vas con- ce bi aiheents.Tue ton chi ideraiilvurirnîed andi -peered" ta et tih naal commilteeofetthe îilnk Iii it ii- Grandl Rapilds autholi- o Z 7-lios rte ofr lCes alinul in tale the malter publie. m-t ent salgorernor et Massachusetts Ho saldthie Grand Rapidismina ho ftwSd Jke verhis uccssfi rv-gave et the information te tic press th4e liolland people, as ditiUthein hat city i.4 not entîtledto ta 4in .i44o l entiers eofthle cemmitteec.1hi" position. Y Wst~rgnaA-ted aiisii %eler or not Ihero la w'aa, ie ati enatarlal ambitions, a ian lehei) pini the local l a i -sovrheimingly defeated s short tit i hi.rcit lime abose record la il& JI. aler the -antoui Llly iîtiosltiga-ig inettiiiated, lie assistant ciiet tIcs IlaLtheUicmeheds of the Holand dettied it.le admtted bu hati been q»s iopo, a hich ho piayed a ieatiinx lookinti t the malter a couple et eigpt. Daiton. vi e tereti deet for I si-.k, bui hm? isic o t n re- qplotlox. roigeti e acepta td i-on"-<'troi the Grand Rapidis aile- 4MWJaJ.iMsiD. bas bosa Ivict Ibreat- lais lli- eemeti math te dicuss lie vA ilsiimpeachmntalpmoetilgs, delait,,. «VgOevS lat ltervois lers lirealon Froni dnoîilier source il vas report- lag essassiation trom lie rorolution- t od totisa Ihaithle case mgit bave WY Soialits ln West VirgInla, viero bc In 'neshî>b <aumed lie plc ble circuit 4a localeti. core litt -nteýra a shot tinte *CD. -At that lime two quf3pirious chamrc IYiiLyareprosentalivo frein Con- trerg vere t»Ilein ianti for various B^MstSl Who fathered the accusation reasonsth local authorities tiougbl lpâ~rglog lie Holiand cempany witiî lth%.msght ho aile hi, eanaect hein ~peIttagmenton t lie Hotewitiî amaîl crimes thu! are saldti t "-Wimble la furniaîtaasingle vit- haro heen COznnitted bore. Tltey tJ'- va là sbtantiate the charge. anti .ceultisecure no eltilnite information b om afler thc lnveigatlon end- t bewoer ant iniasly tie filiova veTo et cfa *«Oin bart. Ithe toctors sali. sail,îwed to go. 1lt la dealé-ilthal sncb tWresat o! tie teceptiait practi- a stnspiîdlouH charate! latg elng belti 10, IîY tePtic oe at the present lime. 'et verve ORDERED OUI 0F PLACE, Enters Episoopal Zburch et Cloue of thé f*owbing Service Suiday Thal lb. folovera et ValîVa aho help spread bis propaganda bave att the nerve necessary ta doe Ue onk, vas emphaslmetiBndai iln waukeman vien ene of thent. o! thc long.vhlitk- ereti type, aPPeareti ln thc ontrancO of lie Epîscopal churci as lb. con- gregatlon waa pa&ng eut and sarteti distrlhuting aeme of tie ZMOU litera- ture. The visitng eider Mi not stand outside tUichcurcb sas as the case sarne md$xtlb agu viien literature waa. bandoti eut by the Zienîtos. hut lnstead. ho vont rigil lIe to te churci and,. lmbIng hi$istation aI the end et tbe main amise tCvn wbicb tIhe people ver. paaalng, ho began ta disiribute the pamphlets. le toppod My Uaher. Rodeor Ganaber vas hnsy abaklng banda villi members of the coagroga- lion but mav viol vai gning on. Call- lng an uaber, he oldtaltin lmteabho promceti hm.e "You'U have te stop dltrlbuting6 tiom paprinlabe" saldth Ue alier.P «"But,,tbIs la Godas paper andi I un- dbrstandti Iis la Goda lbeuse," aaidt tbo eider as ho semed amazet i aI being orderedto tetirst l'Weill, taI dooanl mater-vo don'I permit sncbh hingi home donc ber@ and 1 have heen erdereti tua skt )OU t 10stop.,," Thceaider prolealed no longer but made ie vay ont ofthle church. E il la salti thal simmlar experiencea were encounnered la obier churchea ef the clly.t And ai] l Vkegan people can1 think la: What voulti happea la cane mrersontapivqaet fW*Ukegsnchurcl- ou eboula iïkà morne-oft tIrir BMent- tare ta Ziea Ciy andi tabing a stand rgbt ln the mai" nuonraco of Voi- vos tabernacle, tart dlstribnhing t! Im*Mie the reanl! Volva veuld amt onli have thein eJectoti but woulti likeît charge thern t vidis ortierly conducl. Brother of Owner of Crabtree Dairy, Lake Bluff, Meets a Tragia Death în Fal. lionlinglon. la. Nov. 17-Jackson Kemper (Garrett, a brother et Mm. Zcot Sion Durand of Lako B", ijoar Vieegan. Ill.. and ef Relk. Cinybourne Garrett, ferment EFpisco- pal rectarlanOckonomovec. NVt».. anti 4L Loisvas laetantly billoti canit Ibondat morning by a fait froin a thirtl-story vindow of a boapitai wbere be hat een a patient ln Bur- lingbon, la- 1l WhRe lhe nurse vas temporarily absent Mr. Garrett vas seize tivts. a ,suffocting mareS anti atleunpld lel maise the vlntioy. He tuatetianti feU ont andi vas dectisien fou ntia 1ew minutes later. tir. Garrett as police Jatige for sereral u'ears nder the commissiloa plan et governmeat. He leavesac widow. Mrr3. Scoli Sinan Duranti vas pros- traleti at the neya of ber brotier'a deati. ici aa telegraPlied ber .Nlonily morniu&. Mr. -Gurret vos .19 >earo olti. He bati hea lifor a yean anti la tie soapil i nce tie firit part et Octaher. UNION 0F ALL CHURCI4 $Envie£$ la umOmo. Aunraý, Ii., Nov. 17.-A plan ta inorgo ciaithe ceutys PMtntt pervicea. Bondai M110015 anti YOung peoplea meetings Itano&shahS16- day gatierlag la otudi dbYtbbc DaY T., Harley torah 0f1lt" ViralBa4ils churci bore. Thc minie~bwo u le not ta b. longer tbiso911 miaU19La D. p. bKcCarliy ôcf dubertiivilie., who recently inffecia »U»"Oe f pealyclsa"anthvievas tesmi oc et. Aimeg hoapitai la Chicago, &aJth aI the lime Il vs bcicei ** m Uivs bul a tew days, teau theb.rand ho necorler) ant ill b. able ba ho out la a short lime, Goneva, fil, contractor Who erected the néW G.feoaeJ trect viaduet. whiofh wm u»d today by pedos- trime for the tiraI lime. $artd job lent sprine, WIi ol 4tCltY f72.000 Secretary of Navy Would Give Recruut Grammar and High Sohool Education. Posslhllltt ot var ttith Mexico vas bellttiod Meadat by Joselihus Daniols. Secretary ofthle Nary, white in Chi- cage. Tii. sooretary decla!od. how- over, lainlathe o',Ont bostilities abouiti coma about the navy in pr.- paroti. "I alncerely hope lucre wlll ho no trouble anti f¶ln'î believý, there viii be," he aaldý *"Vet tbe nsvt iepart- ment la prelmred, for trouble aheulti il arise. We have 7,000 Amnerican sallorsInlaMexican waters, wvIci 1 think la a soufcIent namber In pro- tact Amesican interests liero." The secrelary spent moat et the day att ho naval training atation aI Nortb Chicago. On bis arrivai ho wàs greeted vili a sainte oet sen- teon guna. wblle 9100 members ot the appreatice brigade In white Uni- forma ver. dranup Bt attention It front of the main building. atatClark andi Commander Smithi recelvedti h. aocretary and es- cortet i hm. evr tic gronds. At noon ho had luncheon lu the mes bail Secretary Daniels saiti ho is putting forth a greal, effort In bring the et- fileacy oft he ay ta the blghoah point andti l give thse sailors an edu- calloîsal training la the rudiments of grammar echool andi higi sbeool anla jects as voîl as along linos pertaining te, bisor duttes as onlisltd mon. Tie socretary vaa accompanioti by Lieutenant Commander N. L. Jonos. 4R.oaching Chicageo &omIbe naval traning station late In the afternoon ho boarjd a train for the Pacifih canot tô Inspecl naval stations. nQWW (ouliitJutige Pensons IMendaY rif1 ernoon. aft er hearing evîdence, sot aaide lie arder lie recentit matie ad- mtting tii probatee 10 iii ot the laIs Lorenzo Bisbop, tilaposing et $26,000. The ruling et tho court la te b. aLp- peaieti by Attorney W. C. Upton, vie v in th le wlil ap executan anti vie vas alan nainetias a bteeRclal7 of $1.&»O troni lits fi-end. Mn. Bilp. Tic other bequest outslde of Mnr. Biehop ant ieho son. Bob, was matie l" amr eentrntetIlipvh vas giron $2,000. The court order came as a reault of Dr. W. S, Belova, oeof et lîwil- jae a os athe glgnlag of the vili, de- cloriag la court Ihat ho tidti olre- eïll posltively vietier lie 58w Blahop slgn thee yl or vietier i. vas la tise adjointng roomd. Hia mind vas Dlot dgean on the point. vici, untier th. taw, fa vert dlean. according ta lie jutige, anti provîdea ith twvllatess to a yuil muet actutlît aee lie testa- tor slgn is naine. 'Dr. Knigit, the other -ýItnejgs te thie -e'lli, tealîfieti that he s0v Blsiop at- lix hIs sIgnature. Ey lie court order hoe met asideteb previeus ordor ond revoeeth le letters lanuedt a Nr. Up-1 ton as ciecutar. The latter ah once movcti fer an appeai te the Circuit court anti the chances are Useecruse vil be carioti oren ilgiher. nemat~ tan hôv tîhe rullng. Thé action as brougit by lira. Blahop to have a new rullng la loken vitb tbe endi In vlv pf prevcnling the tvo frientis of beir 1,us1i&andi gttliug the, luquegtsa viebl lhe designatedt tey sheuld have la tise viL ~~~E~ET RiJL Do net Waukegan andi other Lake coonty physîclafis appreciatu 1h. tact '1that the pate board ti 0eholth fur- aubhes; em froc -ef &Il cot, alilthe anti-tozil they neeti for treating digi. thoria, scariot fever, fover, etc? If they do, vhy dont bhey do their, part? M ti HtAVINO- WO14EN IN iLS SLOON Waukegan. ?4evember 18. William Kliot, preprletar oet hp, Loug C hin saloon on Wasblngteat street, vas haled Itlepolice court on MNonda>' aftertoon anti vas giren a fins of $50 anticocah on a charge et honing alloweti vemen ln bis saaloon hlturday aobig. The arreat anti convictionî et Keiiey cleans up a li11e mytery. The police receivtd hora Pthtin affieraI Iho naa station. liat bati a falntrng spefl or epllptte dbla lb.theLog <tahln salon an Saturday nlgbl anti hadtito bro&, movedte tahIe hoapilal. An investiga-, lien revealecthéIeplttatIL' vas a voman vbo hecame IllI n lie place anti net a man. The peliesaythib voman camne bore fram Kenoaba. 'Il bave given lie polîco oxplit Instructions ln beep vatcis ot cil sa-i Moas In thse ciii andti t make arrns vlserever lbey linti thal saleenkeepons" m-oe allcwlag vomfeil te patronizo then plaee," Assistant Chie! Tyi'reil de- olaredti s atternsoon. 'Il Intend Intaune thal soloonkleepers maintain thel! places la accordance vlth laws. The arneal of Kelley shoulti serve as a lesoas leoliter aaloeflkeeîîers vie msy visihoteviolat. the 10v la Ibis vay as they wiii receive the sans médlclae if cangit." KENOSHA GIRL WEDDED îBT 'CUSTO!d 0F' INDIA. Clustoma ofthle trr at wore la- okreti' aI Itie maiage la Balguai Indio. onOCt. 16, ef MisEva 4L'he lien et Kenombm, t10 Wentielt Kum-' lien of Appleteas, Wis., scordlhg ho inanoucinêtrecclvoti br Mu-endeaIn' KCenouia,"McfdaY. '.Xtue 'helica traveleti moesthon tbree-fenrtbi oftishe distance aroUn.4 3Ite vorîdti t meet bor fianco at Boma- bay, vteÔce tlsey Iraveloti on an oIe- phant overland ta Baignant. Tbc ooremnay eau ,porformeti. by liRey. B. inaberger of Wlscoaa, e M«àoioiat inister. unier tlb. banna treàs o et BIbl e 4ropieC ity aMdi as alh«ead- by anisa' thon 300 Alierican anti natives. inUtliG i of jbov.w .-. Y , fp. ufl adibo&t a "etbel I onwcttg à gray overCt tv s e en te thUeý BOXES18 À IEff hurcb at 10 o'clock and e.mOWgO ahortly atterward. He la bellevail te have bearu the ene vho .U0lthe A city-wlde scarch ig belng made for robberý T'he malter.was iepoeted te th meancet et ait uurglàrithoeone the police'anti a sesrob 5 , lia I ibatife Who stuka ge loy lu lbe moral soaIe for the gullty party, ahalougb tliers . iete* m wénspt turobeatlburch. la nol miich of:& clou WV*It 6i. ào~ ~Su~~d~â 1>1 varmb ~ The poorboxes ir* Pi$e4iW n the. ros4~ ~lurh! .k ttet ati c. liurch vhere thoy yUl b6e dyfo Kjal0 avgnue.*but 10 o'dOk* h15is e ~ ~ t~l ti oi Mniit.; Pd e.*A bieskMn i toUhe ictme te tlme.*At Mih5 scane cfthe pour boaeiý rifiti thein ef thitir can- ya hyuml Sanioemn aènts. Afler vhlcb ho cuimly made yorhhnet usalît otln ustore n îl way uon t chepered .411e.and e Im te aythe llier tig er in- ilpoai. crouse their aid la the peur near the it vas neariy two houri lIer thaI Chistmnas Peold. Thua'. hlle Il la thie robberYWRea 4lMovcve. Then flot bnown, boy much tihe boxes con- entubera c et the reh itobl ht iItained lb le boJiçvod the amounts vers Ibo, lecse onlbh&Pour bôzes Abea u o considérable. '7h. IndIgnation cf ail *rcpoled oit ad IUW'r Co0aulex- wvhs have loarneti of the robbory fg trbttM. lThe satef vi iortteti 0 rsusetiland ti laautoate asay "th e %*e Isngu gulîy Party vîli not be dealt vlh the vcry 99":y.If db-ço&rii local aato agent for *titi-talil, 1. I trylag tlefigure ouI.'b untior the ilote lav Mr. Holiateln, i as the siale agent. furnîshea dOctors ot Lake county vîth thlb. ati-tolila without any cost to Ihem. AU they havo te do la te relura coupIon. aj'. tachei to eaclt package. thus makli Sj a report s lo vint tIlsPosltIoa lbeÏ t mcadeo f tho antl-toxlnad abow t10 I the tate board tiat lbey are makblai gondi ase of the.tate article. Mr,.IHgisbla as jual recciveti a let- ter from thUic .1mbboardi Calllng tontion te the fact that there are gleat many packages la Waukegaa te bilscredit viero the doctara have Dot reliorbed bock to theetaIce board anti b. la ordered tb fiont viOla they have donewiîthIent edîclae.. 'l'h. saoI keepa a close lob on evr iT peacks"andti UaI la how tbe plat@ board demanda an acoounting for eaeïk coupon wblcb la attached ta tbe box. Mir. Hllalela alvaga bas a lot et trouble gtllng otiora ta fil out andi retur thie coupons, a malter of la- diltorence te hlm personaily. but whicb seBoo e hofe!vital concer t ta the tate board of bealtb vhlch In do- lag Ibis laudable work la maklns l pesaible for tbe afflictadt tahave a- vabage oftIl great tilacvery, anti- texln, vithoul eaI ta othemselveis anti ,Wllbou coeata ti e doclors. Maayý lires bave been saveti la Wcukegan tirougb thia ageacy of lie saoI andi lhe state hoard feula tiatit SBla 111e enougi for lh. doctora 10 make re- poreabc of the packages tiaI the satae mai baby vhutlnl belng donc wltb themn. Mr. HoUsin lears that the latilftý terenceofe many Waukegaa doctars la making these reports. may rmoult somotlime ln Waukogan being plcd un the blaeb-isl, or, aI least, make Il bard ft lbs clly ta get Cenalgn- monts of theati-toxîn. espectaily ia imes vhen l la scarce as a rseul ef the statu appropriation andtIh» maote supply bolng loy. He bas a constant argument vi» toctars ho e turathie couponp ad ville lhc phy- ailans 41l knov it la notblng prion», ai to him, tbey ema unvillng ln nmny cases Jo oomply vith tho vw. FINED MUOR il enl Po il Si, r' ta2 'w 1,1 $1 TELL.S 1 Tho Ci, impU W( lar mont] Doon la I M. C. A. ver, ln Mr. Bai giner cf Cago0. ga, protecIlo Hils tapie tectlona &rdi boid commere voter toi colorieus trial stal croases. cge eron The rapi an tispo "The large pc causes on tb., carrled of th&- i phoid f vltb g( Ineons flod& -The boetln, pbdli largeily butionk Froasi respity othors chuts ef the prove, possib Chicai City 1 differt Ho that fikoîl mentI ent Thi by c b. Gi beins R ý E si n ti t

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