ITWEStSTNDT SIBJDANRD.ý O~F~@tiuI- Are Convînod WhtIh udLe - lon m Better UMAY '~ESUBSORIPTIONý U* 4oau Man Offers to Sign' ~ttfW $100 to Secure a Ne* bidge at Once i Waukegau Xoveinber -½ Ifails U.te the lot of the nresent Weo lat 1 build a nemW bridze ln z I't Us l entirely probable thal ' he iii flI ot place the structure actas. he ravine on Sheridan ltoad, ýlut malier vîli place it at we 4ft.- Màayor Bidlnger anti other ceeudM4oaeru »Y Iht they coasder U~atii legical place fer the new 'Why If vu put t et West treet «M11 open up ou entire south aide laviI'Irthat ev oan nov apuoml- née"lisser itdingor nid. *"Nov 19-BthIe Ceres. sbt lbrige is 'OinIsÏsd tihe tUsf over theo bont- A" Uai bridge viii tiviat o a 0*0à. Il dom not eeem like a le ý toput &a briMdg-er w a woenil .wm 4t b.etoaMr «M tu heridan Btod aflor theo ;iw éussestreet -bd e bubaseo 4*11MI OMtegenusul 56ac. Now :~~sumsaoil la dit aThs Il plan 10 pout ab '4000Bt0mhln ft»e M thev "4 ý *tb il. So.hevtls vai wçwmwtmmw mi0IstvomIE seve loups for Ouany geis." fti a crnemstate usa on the amEho mu , Ib*l ho eltises osmtia £or.' shoot but voulispraor to -il leover Wesl sht." ,Coca- A-leiery nid. "I talked k9w RMonsi, the isiatiof c local "d S ho ietcMied me thst lis êaféu oVr elter Seilian et gaiUlana ture âà" Former Vice Presidnt of the IJnitdStates-, Who Came to Waukegan Tuesday Nov. 1 8th1 to Inspect Chartes MJnk- tus' Farm as CouàseI for a Chicago Woman. orHTS fORII3-W thon it bas changed bande rquent- Attor lecvlng the DeKays wore flot hsard troxa until &Il 0f a sudden, John W. DeiCcy wua heralded as the proinoter of the &reat -Mexican Plan- tation Coufnlay. backed by Diaz and repreime.tng rnWlmof çtdollars; firet ho waa liqard of ln New York,. thon bis Monde bore hoard of him rnak- îng a trip tu fte paccing pante via. the special car route serons the couna- try; thon ho would appear lnan ex- pensive suite ofrooi on nomse big océan liner comlng trorn. London or enrole sre lits sdden rise to the miioocire clasa astonlaheti hie Monde ln Waukegan anti this section îof the country. * WOBRTE CEICGO S0 The Cty council metlin regular sessioIsat evening. Rogular blls vere alloveti but ne business et im-4 portance vas doue. The represunta-1 lives of the Public Service Company were Present but tool ne part In ttec mQeting. The beuches for the manuel trsin-i Ing department for the North school bave arriveti ant i vli bu put lu place so as tn have. th oeil rocîtation In lie new roorn Wodnesday atternoon. Scbool vilI close Wedoesday for a tvo-day vacation. The cernent work an the pavine- Job vas flnîsheti last' nîglt. Paviag In North Chicago le actu- aliy bogun. Al th. prelimloary part lias been mighty lnterestbng aud closely observoti, but nov liat h. bricks are at lest belng pleceti, il hogias to look 111e lie real lhima. To -Mayor Peter Chritianson hlonga tb. honor of laying tbe ti ret brick, the engieer on h. Job folloveti along Last ot-Series et Sermons, oon n Co*him ftfs CURSE 0F SThONG DRINk N i Nt rej ht cc IA ni cc la 01 ol fi oSU C ý'In» M tue Launchod Pscking Company. closelY viIh ithe second, vhite C el id-lb. 117 ~ ~"~~» ~ Dolay launhdl hetiUi >exlcan Pck Inupector John Waters laid1h th ri ~ 9-0 Ooosee treotbrIO. mgCompay vhich laler carne 10 te Just vho tlaceti the forrîl iffth anti bear ee a~oat O notiserhovn au the National Packing coin- ixth le 001 recordeti but liey are r éh irot hoeifl 1 aniUBY Plants vers eslablishti n thon. andti hen gBen, enr dio iM he al to mbeipuin ealJco, anti the Deitays matie ne PaLYne Promiseti a finishuti product by c tel" no et e th a ae Pr«elsos o ver up th. tact that Dcc. luit ant i Ilbeglns ta lk asc dWAI nyfue. obrdglnt1h.thir Plans wveubelng baclced by thOugh te Usa olug le make gondtis is lUtia sotbr bidg laPrefitet iaz o!fruexico, Frenaieti proinse. bult o bilin oerfinance in a Mexîttan tank iu cannec- Miss Helen Kefes writes frein Sil- a OU West trest Incai eortul o with the pak othep a ll vQ-vot ake, Wts.,tat ste will continue I Rosi l a mtter Ibat l5anti si.ortiy aflerwards the packlng ber work ln Uic North scbooilibera il MÉIlanliig la ha tlacussti and comPany cent ilo the tendse of aanti gratinate vîth bronad clamseln t 'b 11rosieiOut liorouibly te- necier len trry i- ih-)Kay betig the aprnna- nsteati of entering achool MYou dofflall lne of actl on la nameti rvceixtýi. h-( liats ht-Id the ln Silven Uake as at first planneti. position tiuce«. Miss -llnsnany tnlends here viti liuîn E n-î,îî- trii t-r e - lati ti, k uîc of1-tiis decision. p ~ IIIEATE Wraiu.gai . l*î -1.11iltr. ls T' lihttirata tl,.Or tielt- NIeltodisI sstant, 0o, la jiei, j 'iiN\ .. ht-lue < l , il si ilw et il i, ,, onu or IF. te hnlîoi Irth lii I[il \<l Vi lii ,1, t'unl .tsiUAiIII~tIIjaftr Ittýiun I i i - M\lrganrt Vi rdt illiitl-ve to. l1ooli ]li hr- Iici ii, l ~ ii, l -r,îî ', iîr I,- i- ri i , , ii mcIt-.ury, t Milen i ar -ii ii lii r rltf- h~i b, t the i iîa kgvi oriG"t hch tlietiir0 iroilrIar u idi 1 lr. ird Ni rs. Il.t. t)Tliimpson wUla hoch thiioirit j)kLi. 'liiit)iî- -i' iiIr l i rtý, on Theuka- t kW OrIafIzatIo .deti-a a rie ,im f 1tîrrijit1i(Mlre tht. i-îu tt- utS'ilbt I ins. hit.V i)a(kiig einpny m te gneri Ie- ) -tn. IIantid dughten, Ilut-n o f4wYok.Nov 2ý..%Imbrs lie! in \Vaukegaî, iandi thikota, a a ton îOio; Mr. anti Pins. T. H.c -Ib M I1Vok.Covumbunieu t ormetr -ot nstiat iiiSherman, Mn. anti Mr. C. L. Willey, l va Kui tto! Cei ua Circun-lesassoocIat- decisnlngtat l ntne'Miss Caroline Tynreilianti Mn. Albert 1 tluam O ew05 stiank etscrcular bond lie Ianaged te gel co,îverted Tyrrel. ail of Chicago. ~aoIeassoclalmon, witb imatquar- le lts oonine a million dollars At eetely ie i m 04. 3yItth avene, vans quick vorti of stock ln ltselîsckine relit ploy e e tic Ce, Geno ls borI huims he charges anti make pimss Pal»'- sbop, Vut te n hio ven Sutiayr fille wo ork Of tie association. I Henry BE DeKay. alenrnmaklng he csioe in hato vr c a t Çb.çIss e mislg o e isCatholîn mcneY lu Mexiceotrougli te pack- The crush ed toiay becae Ilvas ciiteo etlb. KulaIa S ncanibany, returnedti la Wukegan tounti nemoocany la gradee lie roati arrangements vere Partly viora i. marrieti'Uiss Caîlie Rey-wtr Iesin nksIe pa- for a assek eting thle nouds, a voltl knovu young oman. et PakW. 8181111. cerk' Mn. anti lis. Elias Berg anti taugh- et the sclaI osSioa, ti t SISTERS 0F ST. FRANCIS QUII ter venu the gueste of tins. Bung's SitUWth Smi , re r Wtsrtta -Paamta Mrn, mat u. J. H. We» eau m at thof eA. Au .'O r lhcrw s fnom G5nY 1-teaPîtaI oe t hlistreet, on Ennday. , v- th b. tlld ouadnu o îroeeM. Ater Seven Veara Service. T. H. MicKlnney anti son bavel. eduinlly Ir greais g<,ý. Car * , md.. Nov'. 21-Tic Sltetrs o! contract fan .tting steel ceillag anti -14 bcould b iucvrsti. St. Francls. wbo bave oppraledthîe vaIls nuto Hlghvooti store. 'the t lKigîtaver*e îuy "IercY hosilisinke 1906, base viii- Ou.Mrnrsliga 10 ît ý"lb. 1 110s-las code te %e drawu freonthe city. Their paces e.Mzrsdig t101h 1 « XOtishere vas sOM viii te taken In Ocry'u nev $160,00o treet, vas struck by e troot car1 @"Or vhich a pyceleculon hospitll livthe Onter et Paon 1lan hti-vle ou the vay ta vork Ycsterday ile homo.. inatis o! Jestns Christ cf Fort Wayne,uorigatqia eosyinut. 4ý*»j%âfl n Lai 4p@ý*r. Thee rst thre usoîber auperlors of Hiu face laoonsitiorably et u ndt IIIIIIII -bn Koe Lia. 8uovb. 26- t. Francis gave theUr lîvea toth le eir litslimbe bnuiuet. ~nimeaas rm a* eau ve. ______The. local store& vilU te open until 155 vs lW*r* cl @ O'ak n Acooanting erthe. Ulas tstrsi& 0000 Thaukegiving day. p. w wb iwibs oad19. Ije au- "I en't figer l Out nalier « Pestineten lteannouacea that Miat.vl ilhRfy Mtr vorenes>W"miots.EStaley Lviaton 1Mt' the postoffice vIlU te closeti ail day ~~~ee aellaetila WUî se% Iav. thé amateur phltopher, -st Thnrstiay. th ab.Bhgm, Reumantana oMd bluet tho-isettia.fvorlli talulnbthe Roy. Fathor Ostrouski vas-a (Chi- ~yOamoW.rd. V.snehea. mast"les ,eail eice te Io *Ilscag vailea' yoalertay, ~hhea IINo-,. 2b.-Robo« Ift À.rubula.ig-rotber-1a4«*. -Uamsrmntt&- agtwtvnY.sîx. ieputy %notly.-I uisootiJutge, OhhrvtaeOms peas WÂÀ t Oà El. bas hem» usioUgtvreOffl *m o-wu ve t accouallua for 1Tic ilW hýtIh. gsetstlsn 01 LIRO V e at I09 &i bout if. "km uity. vheoooa.:ed manss- ta Mu'els IghtMal. ,MatrI r iie rusbut s"Muit that VA" bis 9 baie$o«Ch other' -RaniuMe vimObm omnls S beoh . 'Ml hnt rainbina ines11*1 star. - ili e 0on*e-Atecbla o ibe, tr 6*,ila h..i. I ri», ext $Mnjay t~he Paiî* WinI Give a IAesme of the Com- mandments, lllustratetl Waukegan Novornbem' 25. Rev., Oeo. MeGinnlu' clofdlbit 0e, -ls of serinons on the Ton CawPmaid nents Suoday night, presclsinq eu triste u nmmary of the flucalogue. ext Suntiay nlg'ht lie wIll give a esurne ef the Commaudmentu wlIli eroopticon vievu. The sermon of Sunday 'nîglît fol- vws: Matt. 22: 35-40---One of tbein, a ,wyer, auked imr a question, tr3rinc lire, "Itaer. vhich ls the <reat ,mmantiment in the law?" Andi ho siti auto hien, "Thou allait love the Lard thy God i th cil thy huart and 'ih 11h ai6ty sul ana vitli*11 thy mind. Thîsis la1he great and tiel oommandusont. and o senond litre unti ilt, la.s 1, thon allait lave tby nelghber au thyself. On theue tvo emmandinents hangelli the whole lw adthelb. ruplets." jeas rs ilt wvas the stanin ater of the cge ln vhlch ho lived because of bis dovbtidh le tnuth which clotheti im wlthpuhlme tearlessness. Nover inan spaire 11k. this muan. $nomresLaid. On the TueS ebfore the cruci- fixion tbeonoiles et oun lord mouglit tg entrap iu hia word. andtionars hii w"liquestions. Fjvery quory Put te hum vos a celti-bleoded, premedi- tated attempt te prejudico hilm witb the peuple.. The first question vas n regard te paylng tribut. te Casear. if Christ sald l should ho Paiti he would antagonize the Jeva, If lie said II ahoutti net he Pali ho Wealdi cail down upon bilîf tbe vrath cf tho Roman ruers. It sernot appar- ent tbat vhich evur har o et lit- lenmmeabc chose Ibat ho waulti army the pover ot Rome or- thc Jes agatis hlm. itow cdroltly Christ on- svers tbe question. "Bbev me the cila that passaeuroentinlaleeItino. Whome la the Image anti supèecrip- tlIeu?" "Caesar'a" tbsY co»«r. Thon Jeans In merorsable vorda fonever lraw th. tino eoftiomarkation betveon obhurcli and state. "Rentier, thora. fore, nte caser the thioga ihat are Caeuar's andi nta (lad the thinga thaI are God'u." Faillng Un tht. adroit stratageus te saar hlm thoy projionaduti a then- loglesi probîshn vhieb wlth equel iiexterily Christ answered. LulY they oagaged a lawyer. whe standing torth. moiti. "Mtaster. vieblu la te frit anti groatest oonumantmonl." Thie was a perpiexing probNom for the pqople of thal day. for lie Ribtina hla compled - 248 pracepîs anti 366 prohibitions maitlng 613 comnianti- monts. New whicli was the greatest for some muet be et lasser value than others. Again Christ wase caal te the ernurgency. The tiret le: Hear,(X larani. the Lord our Qed lIo Lo rd: Anti thou shit love the Lord tky (lad with ail tri huart andi vill ait tiy seut anti with ail tiy in'md, anti vitb ailtbtY strengtli. This la the groal and tirai commantirnent. Anti 00s second la litre noaII, namely Ibis: Thon shalt love thy neiglibor as Ibysul!. There lu one other' oomfflmtintgrealci than Ibeze: on tise ov cominat monte hangetb the vhele law and the proAiuets,".. Love FuifliUi n@ of Law. The lavyer lysse noverwhelmed by the reply tliaI ho conlIllimentOf the Ch Flt ant Christ lu return sakd te hi5 7"T:ou are net far tram the lindetn o!cd." Pfrom lbe answei . homan of ëalllee o th e lavyer >edîsoover Ibat ait the laW anO ropheis heati up ati conter la lthe os word-love. Acoerding te Ohrlst'a summary the Docatogno la Ive toîf- love Gotivard, love maavsrd. We are te love <lad vlth cil tho beas-t- spiritual faculits. W. are ho iove hlm vith ail the mlati-butol facul. tien. W. are to love hlmvlh aIl the sosi-psycbical pover. wle are t love hlm vlth &lhistrangth-ph2- aiel power. Ccd decaindle an 'md vldod service treainu c&"ii vocar gîUve this only ais vo bave uioviti. love for hlm. , t Levo JMeWarsU. Tte second gteal conananduiont Il te love lb>' milghbor. .No man car love loti as, Christ pomm»detid anc net love ligts oglbor. Tbe fret la 1hi rol hlci bellrs the fruit of the sec onti. No mn neaum ho Codiite in cree ant imsathropie Inlat. antiun &mon eau ho Cbm'stless ln creed aan philanthropie, luateed. Paul smye "If I uPeak vllb the longues of mei EMIL C. TtW*% WuOBtAasltanil LUgithOU5O Tender. Who han Ascovet Lttor Of Commeedalioflfrom ecretery of commerce for Mroisi Dis- plsyed ln Savlng Weill$ Sunderllf'* Life In Sturm. The sofretalY'i letter lis addrea5ei to Mir. Emlui C. Town. lot Assistant KooBper, Waukeganik arbor Lght 8tob- tian and WaUkegao Brealcwater ight, Illinois. through Comimlsuter or UAghthauses. It la under date of November 18th. Washington,. D. C., and rmade as fol- Iowa: Slr:-RoAerriflg te report Of the. roscue by you, on Noveanber gth, 1913, of a man by the nne cf Wallace Sunderlin, who ffsS drifllng sw&Y ln à *mail boat ln a heavy Oa. you are commended, for thie service reidrd on that occasion, which fact wili ha met- ed on tho recordssas Part Of YOUr officiei hstory. Reap.<fUiiY. Wm. f.dflid, Sec'y. anti b! anlas and have Blot lavej amn become sounding brous or a clanglng cyinbaL And Iif 1 have the gUI or prophecy anù 1mev all mysterles and *Il knowledge, and If 1 have ail failli sa sas to remove mountains but bave net love t arn nothiog. AndtIif t ho- slow ail rny goods tua bcd the pour' a dul! I ive nsy body lobe burneti and have not love It Prflteth me nelhing." Thou shaît love tby neiglibor. But wbe lu my neiglibor' Jenssan- swered ti In l the parable of the god Sarnarltan. Then any mnan wbo lis ln need and whom 1 cao heIP lu My neiglibor, viiether ho helongs ta My churcli. my politlcal Party, n-Y race, or net. The wealthy Nuew York- er living ln a mansion an a boule- vard refusaid 10 extenti hetp ta the workers ln the sweat shap tenemeot a few blocks away. A ctoak Made tfor bis daughter ln that same-tene- kment wbere Ibree chuidren lay sicli of ocarlet fever carrled the germé isto big own haome and bis ont>' daughter was [aid tbe cerne- lery. W. are dlucoverlng that lhe viiole world ln kin andtIri any part of hurnanity suffers If will bave Ils reflex Influence upon us. t Curse of Strong Drink. Nien egy. "*Leave drink nlaone anti Mwvitlealove yen alune.," But tIs l' bct Irne fer society le taunti np lu anc great bumiilanti vialt anins aa portien o! humeity tarme 5OU. Motions, vtves anti chilutrcu.vhe nover drink are ftlen the greateit suffonru ra rm strong drink. Civiliza- lion lu becominleu 00cemplex fan lie saloon evil te exlet any viore througheut the wvend. Andti besan Uic inabehilathle bar ai i love jy» neiglbon vhen hlie tsasbIna lq- nid tigmantion vbicb teals away bis brala anti sentis hlmhomne te e-mlli murden vite >ant i lten or IncapacU. tates btm for manual lator. Ail i-umanty One FamIIy. Indiffereuce ta sin or dinssoi any vbre tn tie univers. insane ues long thaltbey vîlIl nock at our cyn door. .,$,eY net It matteru unlta ome, ýEND Oi DECRo'i0 Kiav ee P ld dtie Lake For ,Many Mdu le~~1n Vain Bupîhers cd joe Clatpham. mlssiog Wcultegan 'barber, won, tao Cicago '" Moiaiy la the hope that they 'mÎ.ght fin.d hUm aolive baît wilb bis inid gene, ln the Coût couty hou- VliaI. Titey hati rend aatutîs lu the Chicago paperu ef au unidenti- 9.4d maà lntohle Cook county Inatitu- ýUcý Who0 vas %maalle ta remetmber n#% amne ora.-y or the lcta «Mueti. ad it iii bineit. The fact that, bis ,impression *.«! uat ho llv'd ln sour ýcvn on tc Shoreoc et blaits, ta- fieler vîlli the tact that the doscrir. tien as given seemadti t tally wlth thal, of the local maconseil ibm tu ae he .trip thore but the quosi %'ae Irultepa. Ihey have about re,,igned thora- selves tc, the lez,, thal ho conamittoçi euicide, robably by leaping 1it0 t'ie lae. Decanse of that boUlet 1h07 corne to Waukogan froin Warren Irhonever possible and upenti thelr tîie patroflins up andti t h. lake Ïhore. They ha7e coverImI a ls- tance of filtîT ive telles in mach direc- tion trots liera. TIhe poîlicehave heen lurgid vith 'picinreofo!Claphaus that vu' takea by a fellow brber roepty andi poshearda honint thia pielure anti a deacription o! the rnaing ma bave been ment te the police dopant. monta ln inany cItles ln the hope that the rnissing man Mnay b. located. Meanvhule Clapharn's ageti parent. who live near Lubertyville. ant Idla ather relativea are in a terrible stato of mmnd. With tbe uncertainty about lis tata the suapense lis varse han Il they knewr that ho really bcd taiten bisi ovn lite. WEDW3D AWAY? This is Question His Friends Are Asking and Anýweing in Affimative Wknloçan November 25. Rlobert Me-Demioît, tiepntY gain. vaniien af the couuty, viomrne mg- lentous anti unaccountable fabsticeo! Ivo ves h itcanstdi bs parents anti friannds mach anifety. relurneti tnu Wankegan Montiay aibI anti ex- plaini thatlihe bcd benuet Crooleti I.Ake. He diii not explain, ho-arven, wty hoha bai mcl laorrmi anyonuet bis vbereabouta. Report$ amaug bis rinonds Iodai vura ta tbe affect tual hois umaristi vbie avay, HMs IvIn brother, George. vben mcen thieacf 1er- naon, deuniet tht. tact, but n a ralli- er batf-liscrtetisart of a vsî. "I lnev vtore Beibvabut i vas te ouly one vio dia,' ho sai. "Flvon my parents dii flot lnov vhtro tlee au. I1liaveWt asked viat tht- atîraçtion vas lItaI lept hlm thore go long but maybe he vîlI tell yenasel lin." Tten laugbtogly lie turnnoti aa. If George tidti 0wonry about the disappmarancuetf ilsbrother le vwu tIme only one vIe dia net for atber mumeihrs et bis ternit>' ,;presseti censiderable enxle ty. George dene liaI ho vent iuto the )a"e re0oe. la look for bis brother aithougi anoth- un dedlanes ile b.a ÉstacL 5fera lnovn, Bob bas net yel taldaàanonoe wiy lho rennaînotievay se long anti t4is naturally îeade usany to.,*eIlcve th. report liai hu vas marrieti. WhonVlihe titi fot relrna atee Jeup- tng on a tey's, buullog #1,rýp bi»oga Ilfsosthougît that h h d 41,be at CrobItetilaeo but altisough tboy calîcti ne thore on tihe letophoite, vere toformeti -liaI b. vas fol theme Hita relatives matfiénentsnov belles-e l. My -liothora veal la bis bohoof; lie vas thoraail lb. lime. %oFor lu the voudrons buMaisu voM, Ile çovid not ie seen tonr aidte- &d Tour lIte lu vany, h;s lite, la voot, ient tIodai tut Ilt ieI«veti. that ..Wovea logother an. lie Uirati; b. ceulti give :a von ,luerustlngtan' Anti iou ndiho are In one Ioin; If ho vas se inenlneti, leForn âool on tati.fer glati or and.i an Tour lives mnuet ahane a common C-eorge, M'Ouiro, -las--es. the. ad <.1Q" - fa or o! ainaiday." tio ti liiy ho ýThoqn lot us rernemier liaIve are l a mbnlestev. N. tIý r. >M'Gutre, 3c- mecinirs, eue ot auqhoandti t Ilove vie .vw4k,; .gagrmMezort, h ai la the SuI iaor hle lw, ant ilUt vo »b,, sutigb of.eta laor holIdy at <i love Ccd anti love man ve %haillouep aebor, convention In Cimcgo ,in eo the Docelogue. 1984. He. com4ueg i, urge b, su- ti "WbVat doth lhe Lord requins af gpatioa psitotr conventionsntilthie s,. tbe. but ta do Iustly. anti love inency observancueofthIe day hecaeinogen- ou anti to valk mmiii vîihlbiloti." oral, Who a t; * *K b7 Aue Paim. Am sbftCalql f~iIï~ià. I sreWls Oâufmer, te ITltsthmids_ ile Mum. madis ÀARE Reil wîà lm mea-e ! hi aavmtiopaArsy end Velu Isus MostL Nev Yok. Nov. 25e-OGeaomtal - volt Booth, camumeder of tho-UIt- hUcf Amny. and erei elI &IMO Booth. commandet o l.the MOPï of America, er. reconclei SP' a estrap.nlont laonns e4riy olg4$5 Tb.y met se guesta of Res-. L. BeuIt aibe- Alpha Dlta lM clulbomso ad 10er lieue v.t I saie meeting belveen the tva basi- ors. Tb& interviev vas soielt- kit f anuly bat£aindt.Ibere » a* gfli- bility liaI lis ivo organisallono WII PAL LlI#EâATEi a A£i OffIcer Shot on Train 4M tenitad Qadd *Ristb §1111, Ma.,-Ncuv, 2ê-4aus104OI11 acatâwio.-w»As ut ', 44-ý pro9-g17 It.&aW, oupiteE sud 5a pioii coaas4bls u aetallat te 1the~ an nuiiqtff W ..d mj vq bsij bmoltat ecaro!fa Miu,çuWlPlietic sengur train liste 'cad tiret! îvo bl ot the offloei. SThe pràbsOmir, stl atie*flu. aibb his rauwescua s-ti mta <Mecountry nortk o! l" U111.- - Weil, wlth tommvy et" ' banni Qs-ady holtilnq hile Iphe D>W new have ln Lake. counig' and io Menooracy sea xliubsmnl -ustfîtma tlw.ughot theo Counhtry,. tu .ne - doa?that lhs Lake counfy oontiUt&t drM«day sodorud iRaer ~Ila ~ qMittor. - Dmsny andi Tosuay v, S waya sc@5-se -of Roueg. Ws,. lnyhing hNé% Wa. tmdUptlis*y heoa *lwsys ianded; -1, a .- , anti,. UçoLak cosanhy deocm-atofi~, )lave vanhtidashseeho had u«*»sg - rie sai4.-ha. alWays t.eir th.icst.far the **sii#. W.knew flousa- pet l.al4Cacoésmty "mest s as Mse11. Ing off s log," te àrp co.m MW tie em -hu We Mou 01» s"' nou vs" c dsrvs oai s va loba At- moud Si