uncu LAn u J I t oNflla Udsi ý6%Oflu&5 If piesent plana carry thé National 11Fd i IJUè Sas Fièral Are Young Woxuens Christian TémpeF- (y onald Elar, Soli Expert ai Lake IAglSl Flhit. Sueo Union willI étabIlsh a national County.> snaampmnent for working girls on thée Y cf Fx ~ke.Thé p~ undér The ativantages te-oo b HERA ISARILE tsrores theFuse Lakesiloeforlansscrv- dboasdration et the present wouidtuht heueodl iofo rgrv U OES IOlo Permit or between 4,600 andi 6,000 lng coarse fotidera for the fectiing or girl» bclnx glveé n utIng sr m ai animaIs maY fnt hé the sains Thrs. Trains, Robot* CIlm, They Have suommer. Charltably inclined women for each Individuel case;, but thé at4-iér Serd Alr ofChcaoHihia Prk jkéFo-Points énumeraed below wII covér TWany4Ilx Meurs Flulhtlng...Cora. est and other forth shore cities are average conditions. PiO3 ori vrOl.Poi :acklng the niovement whlch has pla~n erdOe laPei beaun launcheti by the National Y. W. lot. The produce of an acre of $ dont AdvietPaying Tex Demand. e. A. land etoréti ln a silooccupies legs ME Pace, Nov. 26-Psncho ville, , , . BrolsVy. wlifé of »r. Bropby, a spece than when stored -ln eny altier , robot défendér of Juarecagaainst the wcathy snd well known Chlcagdpby- wsy. HaY ln thé mow takes titrée , Huerta fédérale, in a' baitle of aveu, tâclzila awomn Wh ba taion ties te saceand ornfoddr so1ý twenti-six beours lu duration, dains a1 aida», ecIsa an wl he o a tent.a Unstesaeadécuidirso- complet* 'rlctory, Froin thc saine tels- vcr e n atrtettlndthoseméppnt. d lntheé mme manner rive tintes the' ' grapb oMie that leho basie hatquar- Ohott' rs a rt 0f lth eafredUas sin e méspace. as thé camne quantity aof ' tntrs cénethee fght openid, regartilés cotite féor t whe Iepebas ildieréd foodi materiel ptacéd ln theésil. of fédéral attacks andi bombard=mnts, afth site or ethé agepen uilding. 2nd. An acre of corn ccan hé plaffcdlhé aent the folowng massage te his bas ofiéreti to acqure imars. Bbc aiso ln the silo at lésa Cuit thon thé sauq< nile capital la Juars:: quantity con hé put up and cd sét a - thatt ih aifato bas promlcéd to stand Uieéfltiic cx- ftie. h sorg-o hécohcoo ehave coplt a rutedthe,, pense of érecting thé buildings. flu r.Thé siloas h ssbe oanclésop e uéuny. We took ail ies artiUery andi lnth sloMlis l osileteclttrueétrains. Thé fédérale are la f1 î MiessJohns, national organiser of télntnopltl at a i r n.anihaés flb" ané Y.as. Ck, ba oviitthe ox Laké rthug facilitaté thé préparation ofthe cThé fédrale mae deraté efforts OPPOSES FEDERAI BILLS anti b sas ooeut sirthéle rodther- laund for scéding grass antiffet graine. during Uic day ta break througb thé ouhl'. Ast arsuiasItnoe smothen 3rd. Thé usé 0f ilagé enables one robot ranke or turn thé rohot flanks Dr. James Telle Congrossman States shte knows of ou botter place for to food more économically thmln by thée but faf led. Ifundreds of deati are on Should Sp.nd Fumud. founding an Institution o! this kinti. use of dry roughagc. thé hattIlfllt. Thé robotss daimt thé ChamPaign, Ill., Nov. 26-Etimunti lu estabiishiug thic encampinént It 4th. Thé use of a silo Malenes it DONALD S. BLAIR. fédérals have teat 6S0 men. Thé J. James, président of thé University sIbl ta resrve ougqge t arobotsadiatiî, tosIng about 200 mon.ofIlîlinois, bas atitréssedtietéeach mein- la planned ta maire It possible for ibl oprsre o g taMini- Lake countys soit expert, le a grad- It la geeraliy blliévéd'that théelo0s0Itr of congrée a létter régarding logis- woringgirs t tae avacation dur- mnm lIgesof food valué,> and supplé- nate of thé University ofai lnnesota, ln deati andi wountied le about équal. batlon on Practîcel vocational émince- Iang:th ogirt takéathr meilswnte thé pastures et such timés whre lhé taok an eigbt ycar course, probably 800 or 900 kîlléti or wountu. lion ln éémentary andi secondary willg tnthb o theInttrutirlsand hbn théy are short, ln agrIculturo andi alliéd subJecté. iThe lé ,are stréwn with thé deami acheoos. Dr. James gasMost of thé théir éxpénéés wîU Ibepad for a 'thproeca é uta1,i téFor two yéars hé was a tudeut as- ta nti d. Oneltain d oret efor -biltearc ohiéctIonablé hecause théy rioti of ton days turing -whîch lim sloetiuring wéathér that could e u it r4 ethé Universityl hsOewadtiat n ngthroug t fo té taé tbéY may recuperaté. Thé building ali ft aehyo ontd ra ri tt n ae e n iewuddadoea ih ruh o h tts avder. a ar e rcoaft-gér ri tt ndltrfrne éghtéén. The déati are toft on thé '*'L«ye theexpendîture of thé monéy wli bé of sufficlént aisé te hougé rive d.Yer wes ln charge of govérnment fildlt. huntirét young women et a titan. As tI. More catilecennlhé képt on a exPeriment station work at thé Uni- Réalizing their lnehtlity te caré for tavhstoofthse ndr thé générisper -fat as oneécet of young womcn domoi- given ere of aud whén silagé la féti versity ofWashingtozn. For thé lest' thé wotrntid, Juan N. Médius. chiéf or urgés thé président. Plete anthan whéueythé roughagérnid curedrforive years lhé bas heen at thé heati staff te Villa. apiealédti tir. C. F. ite t au hooig théd wilihé r éturnét u ey rfo d r.or when th é land 8 1 f th ala' e ar m t oft hteré Braden, local repres ntativ é e horAT tlh éo r r o u o myn gd etar t m e n t I N S - O P E R C taée therhoesataotrcrdustfrstrn. Amierican brancb of thée ngiish American Reéd Crois, for permission 'Me attr laonethâ theNapnel 7th. Cropa unfit for meklug bey Plaut-breéding départiuent of Carton to havé thé woundem sent ta El PesoMa Thwatrl uita h eln llîîoîtén maite gondi sîlagé sudrarryBrter.A antI ubl ite-anti tréatéd hèrs b>thée tedi(roes. ManiToo Loie lé $a. Elther Mothér Y. W. C. A. bas liadt untér considéra- thé stock during timtes wbé h é eîhr.An tbohubl1éie- Péndlng completiocm of arrangements or Daughter Dis. don or ain dae. othHiglan e laygetic andi alive to bis oppertunity, a to rémové thé woundéd toeIEl Peso. Ifaimmnd, led., Nov. 26.-Caibéd b>. tie fr smélim. athHihiaticroir le a falure. bard workér and lu évery way an ex-Jurabsbecovttinoaetwré1bryifhwatdoscbs Par ani iak Fhés haé banhée lt. Filage lea ssucculent anti ni- Port iu bis Profession, and onue of an hositital. Colonel Porfirlo T4tamantes, mother alivé, Raymond Williams hur- ~fthé associationý andi thé womén Iritinus food for thé yéar arounti, la affable andi rady-io-lil disposition, fterbtam, la ainongthki-1 edt Gowanda, N. Y.,taoAndti en becIr of theni are enthuelastie work- hénélcital to digestion sud générailihé airéady Ibas ruade ado mn dand o Gté eel my e th kiglalt-ie arito .bs o. M nKa brs for thé national encampment et health of animais, and loa emuldtalxe- slon by bis farin Improvement work emoug thé robot wnundeti. Robéts lu- AvértiliWllilams, was deati. Fox Lake. tîvé anti keepa thé digestive systenti l aklout. it that Général iiez Salszer, one oi He hati scarcl éntéret thé bougé Aécrdng a hé omn wo rcgoond bealthY condition. Ever>. farin-thé fédéral commandera, la wouudéd. wheu s tébegrein front zaminonti lu- MMatProminent lu the moveméent or Who la Intarétét ln the féétlng ComPlicaiomus Over 011 Fearemi. forméd hlm bis tiaughter, Majorié. "thaïeéia but anc stumbllng bock ln anti maintenance of liv-e stock shoulti énough sud ail doors tlgbt enough for Washiagton, Nov. 26.-Féar oi sert- who was well whén hlfii home, was thoay f lcatng he nsttuton i hve sio.oua complications lu the oit districts Ifataîl>. III. Hé took the néxt train : ~ w ay of loc ti g t é i st tut o n et ha é si o.th s p u rpose.ai M x icQ, co n tin n i as th é 'chier h om e, bu t o u b is arrivai fo u t th at -Frx Lake. They cay that If they Thé asez of thé silo wiii nsturally Thé atone, concrété or boîmow tiré aunxiét> regarding Immédiate tévélop- thé girl liai t t ilét orore-ssurét that blilutplgc wouiti hé var)- wlth thé amount ni stock anti are thé common matérIel ued lu ailo mente la Mexico. White lnslatlng that twi1ed ouit that ot machineand oUi- thé léngth of thé féeding season. Si1- construction, If thé stoné la' decitét thé mont récent advces tthe:statc e TIR O - .. ,. e ionics of a imilar ebaractér 1cge la ususîl>. fédte bcows andtisters ipon. théré lo prohahiy no botter me- départmént wéré of a ra rn a R T R S TI PRISOlN - V'Wuld hé banen ianti that iaw satd etaithé raté oi 30 ta 40 pounts a day, trIaI ta hé foundi thon southéru cy- turc, regardlng condtios nluthéenl ýihiTdtev woult lé énforcéd ta Uic latter, This woulti mean that lu 200 tais, press. Titis, lowever, la générally sa réglons, officiaIs edmitteti théré la Q B M !T (IUD -t1gtthé contract for thé building a! théeaverage co,, vîli requiré ironi exipeusivé that a cîréaper matériel, grave daigér ai sncb extensive dam- TO LNFLIT IS~IeEfl, th. éncapinnt would hé awartiéd hree te 4 tons ai llage. Thèse fig- sncb as hemlock le useti. Whatévér &gu taet rin ad miishcapri ts aut once anti thé work oi construction uregive a café luisis for clcuieting wond ls selecteti, It mnust hésounti and ti ic ac ion ashé Uitti Strés- " a m. ,,gtarted 50et"t It ýcoutId ho la radi- thé réquireménts of a hord. frvé front tonne knots. AdmiraI Fletchier la due tea rrive 'et Froedek S. e ays He Is ~s t acommtisé th youg om- lu building severai points require Thé inglé wall concrote simo la thé Tampico lote ant Il la éxpectéti that wne «u Bert séabon, Women la Lake Por- spécial et lion, lu as muchaé thé Most commun ty)e ai cfnstruction. nme sort of a report will hé recélvéti Iate n Michign. agi t, Highlandi Par'k andi Chicago have éntîré weift ofthéesloe anti con- The thicknéss oi tué waIlsn,, ln use train hlm et once. anauncét their Intentioa of writing tonta rost on sucb a arnal erre, of varies iromn six luchés et thé hottanm John Linti, rte Iweltent's spécial lIetters te Staté's Attorney t)ady. If grounti, cPécial attention muet lhé to four iuchéa et thé top for thé light- énvo>., le on thé Rhode Islauti witb Néew York. Nov. 26.-A well-tréased léy réceive tiis promise that thé ré- given têhé foundtstn. It hbouldiest Wallletae wali two féét lu thick- Admirai Fletcher anti will Jota bm In eldérlir man came to police heatiquar-1 AoM wlli hé conducteti as thé>y wlsh éxtenti héla, thé front lune sud test neas. Six luchés seem to hé thé mosi bis inestiation Int théersitruzation.tes antbreauTalé é in tét té thé tIe> se>. thé rork of construction on hart oud grounti. lu concrété desirable thickness for communn sises wîrb théeinowîédge anti consent ai,1 bld Lieutenant Connoiiy that hée was - w il sia t m m é il tei . lla t é h tt m s o u ti e t l c o fa silo s u n d e r x ist n g c o n d itio n s , th e t te d p a rtin c t , a fu g tiv e t r in Ju stice a nd i w n te d t é tbréé imésthé width af thé wal. Tité hollow Itle sil bas but récent- Thé staté tiépartmnént la recommenti- guée bimsel! np. Hel sait héi was Swsuh bridai Superstitieso& a, Thé exclusion of air is necéssar tro. y iconée mm ogererai usé, -but bas lng ln mont instance, *that Amérîcans Frederick S. Rlce, f>. yéam-aaid, oi lu Orérod r lsa ds rtt n eni th é brid éroornib as a presrv éth é green forage andi ri re- t a v ry efficient anti service- P Y th é mone>. emauteti b>.thé Lansing, M ch. Six yearsagat, accord- M~ antidatéeaalstattthélu, paver * vént ticay, Walls muet be rigiti able foerai fsilo construction. robots tbaugh unuter prqtest andti ltInlg ta bis »tory,. hé wss senteucédtetm a recelpt hé takion. Thé robots are eigbt yéara lu thé state prison ete @*W$v Inté hie clathea varlous astrug _____________ démendilng cash ln large sumo~ as Jackson, ?ilc., anti-four menthae&ga sméliug herba, sncb as camie and folle- ' duae u from thé companies. Thé wes paraléti. ,Mary. il la ýcu8tamiar>.i in i .CIIIEF 0F POLICE RESIONS COLI) SfORAGEQUIZ fALKED &x"11 lelié poké wii retivIidIah ______fédérais on -the other baud are col- Up te a few wééks ega, lhé sald ie h bMivas Pkté the o r e meet onic , fo noalnc nuednt flesiihPie fEg niPui> a.lectiug an export tax an ail ail sent managedtetakeep stralght, but oné e>.y Bilan o the our sie mete on te Etioeratin of Isubordnate ffIcer H ighPonte oi thé coduntryr Mantit oftte routhavén hédtm-haveli t drn mucue sutha thétnexextthlng v'Mr ta ibe church, antiso averta mia-. la Cause of Retiusment. Mové Mecynold- héén lastiedtieonct» éthé toix from lhé knéw was lu Ne,, York anti Iroké, ostue vith ltée aIma the hOst016-1 Indilanapolis, uI,, .Noi- 25-Martin Washington, Nov, 22.-Attor. ygén. 20enétSiao. hsltrsinH sitéwnod égoacb- s b 1 rw e lus nvirnt t dur cI 110 1,4 . j Hyl ai , u uernten mlnt et police, r - ral MeReynolds la co sitring su lu- la sait te h é a prohibitive laix an ti e - c es é hée eut bis two sist rs woer mt siesom iai téi c ~ elagnémi vhén thé hoard o! public vestigation oai amt allégét col t stragé forcément oi the artiér bu as t enas- Peueicles oi an éstaté anti thé>. _«M foirns that thé entité. mon thty«wrks éxonratédthrIe thirt>. patroI- ccnilnetion, wbich hlielevés nia>. hépeutictifor thé présent bécanesé nithé Would nthé able ta get an>. of thé mtnultitpli. men whn. Hylant charget i wtb lu- respouatié for thé high pricé ai egga' vigorons protest ai thé ail operatars, moue>. comlng ta thé. uléshée was subordination for faluré te ridé on anti paut--,Chreshvéa-arac.theréetithé time, Hé ai ho ua Ml. Shame. arrét cars during thé recént triké. Iet théetiéparrinent that colt stérage rWo URNY PEHSwilllng ta go hack ta prison anti servet -Morle. la saine dark secret canneut- Ceptain George V. CoffIl wac namet concerne, lu somé instace. seil colt 'CRRNY PECHSthé réma»Jing two yéars no that théré *4 witb his son'& car-en lucollego' goascating supérlunteut by Mayor torage prodrrcts for fnesb once. Sncb wtIlîihé ndanger ni bis aItera aucf- a-Nt Inlnvolvlng moral turpitude. Shank, tranactions violaté thé pure foot la,,, Hitchcack andi Newisnda Préent frn. Té cawoié éérpe e strock ont thé day oi the big_________ . Views onflle ln $Leatit. te Jackson for Information about Rico OInt>oua. Bghtebasrl,*KnuotliRét ean. Washington, Nov. 26. -Tva speeches anti mcnwbite wilboIt hhl tièeé. carJounal lain la eni-r.iy égotiotical i. b wéré matie on thé durreacy bilI lu thé ______M'GOIRE IS INOICI 1, hêvinson a horn: race ho cautpli- senate. Senator Hitchrcock ai Nebras- THIS FELLOW 1S FINANCIER Bok Appreèlstlon of Otheusmntehielonril entand jt h ac -Ulai Twal onc sait "Be eai, fl5~O LLU uanaanti thinks thé homse van lbuky of thé commit*@e vbich rotei thée rsnrEhbt îai u aiCl #m >oll hé lonasome.' Neverlbel"e, i HU iîtchcock bill anti o bart r -,= oe us tny lu aur own fashîca te of Colorado, close friénti of Win. J. for Teri CentI, ta tâtâtht branti oi lonlinesa, It. Bryà», who vas matI>.y responsié Mt. Vérmon, IIl, Nov. 26.-Prlaan.a a ebaractrtaitici thé aerae eindu- Former Syracuse, N.Y. Mayor Acqrmtted of Murder Charge. for kééplag thé vorîti 'lawinl moue>." ers lu thé Jefferson ceunty Joil havé to **pot the bét foot ferwarti." , Abn 1M. ov Jl og n uthé hil for rédemption purpoges,- lauichi eaprofitable exhibition. Jamres a vdatta deve vdil ai ourso- aisé. 1il South America. ,shprominent fermer hem-é, vas freed of Présaed ithé viéva ai thé administra- Watson, belti for ei±epaptoti robbery it U l e ie ndbata thors epai tut thrage of'urterng his brathér,lion senatora. te- frsnbau ls porular amouge te o, nd orlin e6r ai civiinae Né- -buIs'a, Vigil Déen. Morgan abatolee.éau Juat hétore Uic soate cioseti, Sens- IodaIcurlost>. séékérs, Hatrédc I lu aTank, Nov.g2ta.-James K. Mc- lu e crowrléd tréét bere lest June tor Ne,,bantia ai Nevado, Introtucéte d acme tÔ osée hlm. Watson bides until P NewYor. ?ov.25-Jaee . m.,Thé men riuerrets-t aIre Daen'ts wvue résalution déclaring a délinité polie>. ten dents bais hén è'ollected ira. éacb P ______O___ uire, former Deémocratie mayor af s'r.îght thé protectinon f ber trotbér, oicurrency législation, vbicIthéiewîîi ofthé sightscérc. Thonnlhé stops $I-.Oné Guruse>. Ca,,6 Syracuse, N. Y., was Inticted fionsu".tafr havlng her- hushenti rrésîti onn ctl up ani makeà a bita oi aspeech forvarti, Y~o i, freah Jan. 4. Tw-o Heu. liciting e campalga contribution frina. abgation8 of crueltv Itorgen provéti on durréac>.léilation. -Thé pracéetia are kcapig thé prie. Cr«* eb. ot wek. To lief.sacorporation, contrer>. t0 thé Law-.' lé rhot inru éiidéiensé. resltoaoanPalccrd. l W% v 1l h. nidt Oe alf . Mtit s.Penalty Ou conviction la a réerr lapria- aTFIC AE OSE inesa a tionco nti lygard, Ct s.» at 2moothis AMitronse C. 0. on or e $1.000 fin or bathi. 1 Man Badly Wanteo ls Taken. Laur,., AP CrE MnoseSWin,Roir. d by Sadît. nl st-ea OBay Rondi, Lake Bluff.' The Initirent la Uic outguovthon itcîrcgo, Nov. 22-Chicago police Suroilre Qrsb $800 aid Aum Dropplng lartîn, station agent for thé St. Paula W ldy 1 th é John Do e In vestigation ai th é hav é bar ud tIrt R. H . T om s. tIbm- 70 én frison . ro ad iai *e City, M in »,, vW s boit up WII.l+chargea that contractue on state jobast-Oivé yeara nid. iom-merly or NMichîgan gummttvilbié ladt., Novr. 26-The ai thé -point ai a revolver b>. a robbér, t-r ~ m p tw -ýi y - é e " a t b g e ' I to m k n o l n> d . a n d w e td h re fo r a l. P o sto ffice safé v a s y n am i e m l h eu-e ho - w h o e n ié n ét th ée L a k e C ity ' ta ti o , ticl cntrbuion. Eeret owlr. éget forgériér ,* vifi te le aim twéén 1 anti 2 aleck la thé marnlng, thm-aténdthé agent anti walting pas-t 1ý- ;A* Xilétes tuth ,t~r.Kingaton (N. Y.) lawyér, bas hreadyl -AIre obtalueti more titan $5,C4)4. anti $200 Worth of sampsatkn, hé- songera wlth a pistaI, epprapriateil thé w ' 4 0 0 o p n o f e t u s c e i t l l nuti c t t i n I i s c o n e c t a n o r r amao n ( i i - a c o r a k s I r e y e a r u s i e s b e l e e n $ 2 0 0 a n d $ 3 0 0 I u m o e > . c n t e n t s o f t h é g r a d e ut i e p e s . Ta a -b"- mpue uetice Oia-l.-a e irel at oero. on i n z. mrdr umet ai Louisvile, K>..Thé thefi vas no& tilcoavéretiuntil th7 et exeto.amounit takion tlenetinatétl i et $8I. lb "Anti ove» if he ditd ay cgta. or aîready>.lu South Ameica, c(c.we in *iGrot cý1È fl as- csà- e 11 uaal euielusi t é ihe nhIb-________- -Ckwhe iasPar aro.-î»Muiitm ld. IMIISATIOI ATTIAST Llkewla QoemRnad. Pirccol le ois.âf the Demaid Fer Rmural Prop. ,ry, 'os V alue le Id b>.Relation Thé direct effeétthe tChangln bui rde inté goe otiuaet lu upon leu value anti thé geea-i ecénamie vsl rare et a commnlty lga sow- n Inom .concrete 1lusat-ina galffux-st b> il ,United States dpartment of agrcul -The tipartmnt bi u et li1 ttomeul on thé subjeci, hueaiupe & Dmssof information gatheroti b>. l ornie. of publicema. vimh e MUN a spécial slnd>. of the sceoniéeffet ai rond Imprvémet tu the cuntryI Accrding ta, dte galbes-d, w-er. Dguré rmata replACe bat onuS thevalues ci frmlanda borterlg on tb. ronde in crossé. té sncb an éxtéat that thé cou ai rond Improrement la equaliset, il neDt éxceetei. Thé général [ant vai ne su.wvli as faeavlues shov mark 1et atvanees vtI the imlpremet a1 V ro a ts. Aiong the illustrations dtet b>. th, tipartmémt re thé fllowing: In Le count>, Va, a fermer w-n. 100 acres bélvén en é fir aut Joue* ville, w-bich hé ciTeréd teoeil for fiS0C lu 19086 Ibs rond vas Improve, anti althogh lbe famer faght tlb.lu Prorémet, hé ls sinco roet 8, for bis farin lu Jackson cout, AI&,, lb. people v(t a bond Issue et $25000 for rénd Inîprovement sud Improveti 24 poer cent ai thé metds. Théynians of 1900 aIr thé value ai ail ffa leiud& lu Jaekm cant> et 04-90 per, acre. The cofuu nif 1910 places the value or uaIlte âhmitaln Jackson douaI> at $9.79 pe acre, sud thé elllg prico la ov rou S15 ta $25 per, acre. As théerouta lansIovs>.affect sol] fertilit>. Or qualit>. ai lb.fart. aad- rances are tué ésenial>. téthé d. cramé Iu thé coïsl or halqg produdt ta market or shipping point. Frme rire nov regardet as Pliéata for the business ai farmiug, antiBauy'rduc- lion lu thir profita throngh naece- arl> beav>. cas for hauling ou bat roda natral>. reue thir capital- Isation inté values. Thé automobile aIabas bagua te hé an Important factor la iiiersasing ruoa valu es w -Itre gond r asnd s a re lure- dinet. Immigration la partcular>. manked w-béremast conditions are favorable. lu tact. tht figurs et the dtriont scei e nt lueéthat good rondi ndu- reCt>. lucrés the dément fer rural Propert.. andi thé pricé ai fer. lent. iiké that ai aqn> camnmodty. la ruled b>. thé relations belvéén tomant andi sup- PI. SHOW ROADS 0F ALI AGES. Elaborate Colletin et Modela ta ce Exhîblit et Espeatién.- Oné ai thé mont élborate collections oi rond moela vr ilplayet ili hé show n b>.th é U nited Sttec oilice ai public mande at thé Panama-PacIié ex- piton lu 1915. Logan Walter Pag. tresaurr ai thé bureau. beganprep- aratons for aemling iis unique 1exhibition. Reaproduction of oIt Roman roas, French rondes anti III thé varloustyps of métiern hlgbvayc wllbché lcidet lu théiodels. Miniature rproduiono ther knéwn dvie usat inathe buid- ing ai mats wIllspires, ln thé exltbit Fer years, thé bureau bas beau dWs Pla,'ing at var-ions nationul andtIinter- national expostound utelsevlre ad lnuis falroati ducational cars impies ai thé work it la dong. bt thé sbowlug Il la prepariug ta maire it the Panama-Pacifie exposition wlI tha thé mont complte yet mae. MAJOR FIXES MROA ODAYS." Gverner Expata Lvy>.Ablehded Men te Wrk Aug. 20 and 21. Through e Proclamationu Govrnor Major of issoumri set spart Ang. 20 sd 21 as public holitays toi héoIruav as "ooti rond atiya>." Hé guppimentet thé proclamation with a repent iat aerr>ablbdîcti Man la thé rural districts ant aler itis of thé toe dvote t10e laa te work On thé public htgbw-am Thé proclamation sa e fr a gueral na- pension of business. The woffla of thé state are aket te uppi>. the vol- u tér w o km en 's'th fo ut andi ncéu ,- ge th ému-Ith their prsence andi g oo béeer. Thé commeradl clubs.,reeor- ganietions ansi'th. proe am ar ahé eo favor thé mvemeni antita evr>- thing possible té, make the ivo tises es fruttl ai réulte « aspsible. Amuto Tax te Ait Reetis TIc Michigan legllaturé lus paset th Néel Smith antomobile tex bill, whch prvidua fer a gratéti tx an automobiles eud euté trucks basétion thin hrsopovés-.ansi thé moe>. thug ret la le ho devote t téfoaocde. The bibi asi a ton.,' Ime u the bouse, andi Réprossatatiré Smithvas épI bu.,' pfflerving ia Important. rvislubms.In the senateo nt mach opposti on develope. Wl 'I BLEASE SETS HUNDRED FRE Beutit Caréiluis évuer Mes QRive Columbia. B. VÇ. Nev. 26-Oue il». tiret couvicta have Juat bera pas-idt by 0everuor Coe L. Blesse. This nme ainmu te vtys&Ix courlatet Cf murder andt tvéty-sls covitodtc nmanlnghter Theovéenuor ainie. comiag intotUie eécutiveoffi1ce thréé yeareaega bai Sgreéi ean>. 900 Adons, pas-oes *anti commuterions. WOMEN SMNUGWIRS i FACINS JAIL TEIN iudgS mlun Doh1 Né,,Tom-k, Nov. 26.-Jutgé Hue ,la filding mrn. Hélé» Pebouze, wlieOfana électrical éugfieréeofai iis City, $1000 for smuggling, tieciareti that hersais, hé, vouiti Imposé prston senteées for llk. Offense, U-rtiés cf îthe- fendatisnez. Fines, ho sald, tilt ent ne. té ha acting as aàtieterreat le thé wealthy w-amen W-ho w-e brlmg. i lu n f r ég a pur mihies surreptltimw Ilvas ouI>. a few- monthsa goa La Juélge Hua ntOet Mns. Frankif . Wabnrg, w-ié aif the Ciacinnatila manufacturer, $4.700. Mnr. Pelées. came lu ounrte $teaMshlp France ru, ceutlY santifalludtotadéclaré thé bu*k oi thé éxpéasivé w-érIng epparél anti thé Jeelr>. ah. b" ibonght abs-ced Ohé Pléated gulIt>. and paidthe c11000 Mu-. Pelouze le a taugbtér of PraM iWard, millilnalré lumbér desert tDetroit, Ntlch. r MSS. BELMONT 18 TNE O Bité Wouidnt Lot M us. psmkhurs Néew York, Nom. 26.-A penfdctl>. gond pres agent yann w-as spollt i>. Mfrs. 0. H. P. Belmant, w-heu aIe .-M fusédti téPermait Mms. Enmmliné ak.e hurst tla hé arrédnth@u ic melese. canse thé motion pICtur eaCra- weuldl dcr-oua her, pal with a 61,000 contrihution ta thé ciaffraglat cane.- AIl thé névîppers hat bean notggle that for théeCm-st limé, on an>. stage -Mrs, Panlkbus-t woud b astrl the maries. -ndh trl Thea Mm-is. Blmout happénét on il. scelne. Bihé hednt be» couautet. Whén Ers. Peukhurs. arriyét thée w-es a cofrece, Thé, slvering émus outieéw-qethçne» rigi,, ifçrme thet thé star Just voultint, play..r5 thé persuasive éloqecec I pr,és agent vnuldn't more Ms-. Blm1 i. "Ho,, much w-il you gvc"- chi dÎW mantiet. "I voultint give e nickel,,, leum4> diaret. Ic a othing but e rsnkbMQ. UP. But vhet i can't anderat»dt'-la why Mrs. Pankhurst. w-ho la seu ili. tant lu Loulun.w-ult mildl,'lotsin-. Bélmout bons bier la New Tork,' TIen thé crovti meltét ave,'. W. W. FInis1, Satd. Washington, Nov. 26-ps-OéltiW. W. Fine>. of lh. Souillra leliva> tilt SUttieul>.orai paplex,etlialaie heue. Mmber-a ef bis fals- W-le w-ère lu the dry w-re quai.mwo&etu t hie hétaitié as 1soanas hoas" atue. on- Pnn$Ylvania -llottiFive iM Philleelphlg, Ney. 26.-Pire tt,~t monta egainattheicPensyva»ie: rocti, chas-gilag ubting anti fM1% -l observe tariie rates as ta etstq O n r e g h i c a O s . v r e r e t u r n e t > . I l fédéral grand Jury. Sir Lionél Gels Linse, Washington, 'Nov. 26,-Bir Lé Oimitt-Gardon o! Dubln, irelanWuIt trough thé formaitués lacldeut to ,proeclg a liclanser ips iemtesj 10 ils Ellen A. ltcher, danghtou - Senatar Fletcher aif Ias-lia Wîukei tue té te D. Th i ému the Char' tern, 4 opinionu ,V aveti cWld lh broatit * have c menin. Thé n entlng i Woods 0 Wednesi es yéarr ous»a lut , D As t. obai cry et oferle "a 1.u «Yt, ca Thes lb. mou I- le tmo t cre a the i rni ai an bex«i w-el - bocn