eilin s atA rc . OttoFrnakmode a tp 10 Chieme Ttaeeday. El.G. Rhum an sd J [J FRan, er. _____________ Chicago vieltonu Donday. IaC. c- k.hmoner of 8bepard. Id -b, ~.poe m n, , AGENMT IWl-.> abais ut 1UMbrhm Isi@t vook, i$am'bd for hol medoysd lut Mrs- PaontScisallm an sd mou ýlmb Led of Oeh o,#peut ilunday Dri. EmnmasHerichiierger entertalned ,iillud relativelula hiago a l, dayi h1* lr. and lUn.$. J. Cropley. Mr. aud Mrm. Wrn. limermof Waukeg*, lut wvet. 0461fY Ooudry of1 Wauk u ltgd and Mr. and Mr@. WH douer of Long erPeeroWaiguv.in 1liffe bors uudsy. Oro"e Studa. lu Onr village . ait Pr,!&yj. "m'l kil to resd tbe ad of the Rasy tM- E. H. Bcht entertained ber Mii« Cors Prumis aim b-.ther Joseph, j~p u pgmt $tr,~u Iai pge IaQIrF-- ' .u4wile of Larnont, ere vfoltlagthef i eer lu Wisconsin V.WilIL"s nmd Isally are peudlug I.,afew dai.last *sek.,Jtis le , 111611bevlng vith relative@ lu Glenn. Mr. B. P. Wlcol inektatslgire. Tbe village board le puttiug la a big Kîtion 0of NIrtbgtbn, tbf. week. vater ieeoir for etrmamir protection. ~e [isa'AId ilI meet witi, Drs. A. Mri. 8. IL. Trîpp le entertaining ber A petîtion je belug crculated to net J. 83M 0n Wedgeiday sifternoon, Dec mather, Mir. Rcharde of Prairie Vew oubqriptloue for & Dow depol ber,. tbf. week. The show Xivecuast ti, Laie Shiore *I&wUBrltO Aivord and Soie McBride Mmre.(Gus Osterlîter aud elter. Mm. Pavîllion by tihe Youugiae brva igmàluuay atbfrieda u Eaneon.Rice of DeePsînea, cafle on friende bers ,a big socciii. A verY largo rovdai- "-r br eiiicbof Evîsniton, calied on On Tburiday of lait week. tended, the big ball beuug lllid to tihe hl"deboe SuBods,. Tbe oupile of lhe ocbool will give a capaity, tva cati beîng filled villa Palo- basce sial and entertaiuneat et ide. in. people colaing over th@ mev ro&d. 8:J. ropliy va. cafed te Chicago 011 Brde'@ hall Friday eveuing, Deieauber The. show vwu the. uit ever given bhrm IWmea laitm. e y b1fuerl o Tbey vîlI bu amiîted by the& trio and everybody Wuvai li plead. Thle Iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e str.Pen.fyonlaeifrorn tbe Nortbweeleia youg laipl@ e's e omplimuld romu )OUi Ethel McBrde @Peut Sunday wf lb orbool of OatoryWho receutly gave UA &Hl Wbo ollun the eiaow. $125 vai 31oeuuce Ftil uer at Lelbton. îuch s pleasat evenuges entert.alnrnt. tais. fin. part vaîl b. givpen b a inder ____________________________________________________ air frorn the cbnrcb to lt emtr laud part tothe n.e pot. The guirl 1rGUlM 1 inteud giviug lhe show i n Og rov. or Palan. lu the near futur"- A dane Dry.,O"lly of Urbana, did uot appear %die Amenda Coaeoer l@eopeudiDga, a vi giren paler the. show, IUubdàY at tie Milbtru eurch. few day. iu Chicago vitb frieude. 1 BlPit NeGaire. @on of Mr. aud Mm s Mie Philà. Lotu left for Milwauke.. - A CO D W 'V 0. DeGutre. bai been oeeioaoly 111ith; Wed..eday viere ehe vil l end a week 4 .u ffl ii.k but et preeeuu writing ia vibla ber slaer. <fTOO "TE FOR LAIT WEEKl A. G. Sciverman ttended the di- The Hordeno condnned ii Company Mr. A" Mrm. C. L. Deuman spest Sun-; retor, meeting of tiie FoxitRiver Valley M"0 .tW ifeflutpeymeut for mdin uoar - k% vtit frisudi lu Zion City. GrOtery Co . of AuroraIli., laut Satur- vilaefatSaturoi, .N ov. 15, payfi Ulmi. A K. Bain attended tbe banquet;day for the mouth of October. Chai. loweUl Of Ou2.N A. st Grayolite Thureday. Div. and Mrm. IHieand Mr. aud Dru. v al -nrsIou. recel v.bhi check sud Niadmea . Wlle ud . rIi l. fLotz cailed om Mr. and Mm H. la r. Jne craw rpeived the largeit. Diaaond b..,laitSoIdy. aoutnto $0 995.4-5. Two-thirdi o s-euoa n y tme a. .X. A. aoflirye- ouAMOie, fooemeny 01f linilirs, 11.aemiomi âreiuoday nlgt st P*esy, vshi blu t-ompba duii«A«md di ore., hiareosle 0. M" b ba UbM johlem Mu vISa lta heUlbue tbm& hmbugvb&gNov. 27. . 4mmig ethheui. iLium bie i Vamieaaa, vd thei Mba AllitTompion @peut Batorday Sud SUuday st hotu. Mdre . L.flibr eulrtaine ber eltmfroua Chlego over Snd"y. Dor. sud Mr&. Wm. Krmenberg ar, 0the promit pwmeof ababy boy, hors Nov. 20. Roy Jouis of Bilat.cafiot ou hie lahe, George Joui, vbho le quite III 1 14 - - - d eorm Mdcuami <d 1 uo vue à mplopm ai b <Mnooare tlneg hmr vIllaUir panmie. -. viia mpemiub lurepati - bw Are you iNeedi cucm scélunooe auTTrEsSES RUOS BOOK CAME if SO Are Ion intereilid lu a chance 10 purehais any of tbe abo ve articles et a discount et10 t 15 pertouet durnug tii. neit tvaoe? CAl and %AMÀe us About 1h. abore uastiouid forulture. It le ail nov sud lateit pa,$. terni Neaiy sa. cheap as iecoud-hand auoi sud m-ucb better. 1 e time is lmtdf Ilore Xmma nd v. ueed the room t0 dleplay oIVnne, ýtock of 0", omte ere, dol go tarte, furniture, rocking bormansd other I ~remgoode M TlThe Ray Furniture and Paint Store yor te vant of a Checking Accoont you may pend several houri ila perena11y paying your accoontéansd you miglit l omre of lte money smrntirne; aloo, the inercbant rnigbî forget to credit Yeu for the amout pad, and cuveral mouthe aftervard aek yeo to again psy the mrne bull. Without &Dy cosltaeyoo vhatever thii.bank wil bo glad to furniîii yon with the uueing nuil. THE CITIZENS" BANK AMLI L R. F. Roue.*Iving E. P:n.. Vii Pireildent. Cah;e. the. patrons reoeived tlia dtftional 10e for 3 8 nafl, wvieinl a fin.e hoviug for titi dairymen of- our cornmunity. Wari in nov eas'ed on their large plant vblch lun10 la but on lbe Patterson property aeroii lthe &rack fromtbeii lumber yard sud ta take cure of liae miii utillta large plant ea be om- plpled. A tempormri oiudingleue beutg erctd.oiit hi bDec . lt. h mlk iiylH. iiapped osnlte ralrosd.. Tii ramait nppersud crd perty givua iî ttie od f 0 lts vglflg»sd wrrouâdicg commusftlu mi seurdsî evusv a. iurgwely attaaited, 8144 lai. lqg Mi.mt reclpte vitlcita10go toilas digospuit. &1%0 la re m .eeutab$ lu telcoamde l tu m lorei0i aofug '*aM MUta Ud.l Te m»V depot lu »w abut complétai, iii vtaig fMr mrt laomier wviellitibeu*atff c 00 depot .Ite l léa suaima vu ba amliii ekheu mi mse part b tblu whlci smutelu opmusi. c J. JUSf cIam3 -1 Mr.m Winteresud Ewald ver. liii vei-emdgmitoet Mr. and lir.W. A. Dartimeset *Citicago.. Mi. sud Mm. Frqnk Blpenelsud caStres v er, l m. uiofaIMr. sud DMm Bd aliorniI thsle o. Mr. and Ny, F. 8.4 Meyer vire the fuote of Mr. md Mie . f. Jorgenon ni Wbukeffl Tau;ode~. Roy V. HIl "imb î -i iiratuinborne tli viii froua St, Luii'a houpilal. Mma Love la vWatiing ber danglater, Mmi nlued'uebl of Bloomingtaa. Boin, to Mr. sud Me. Cari Lange, Thureday, a littile girl. Mi" KIf nota Kuaivai the vwek-end guoot of ber coneino. 1ica.. sKatherine sud Lsnts àrnoid of Chlcago. SCIOOIDISRCTS Co. tupt. of Sohools Simpson UdDasfo Chanesin SAYS PLIAMIS.ANTIQUATED. Tells No1w Wauloegan Could Eleot Its Sohool 8oiffd Mem- bens If It S. DeWred. Speaklag on the aubueet of "Ohoole" betor. the Wauiegan W. C. Tem-Def-. suce Union frtday eflernoon.' T. Ar- thaur Sirupeon, county eupennteudeut of echooli. dedared thast the ochool syseeatofIlîlinois le tlao local. He pointed ta Laie county as an example. lIntitis coouly. i. sait, lter, are 100 school district%, vlltiatre. direct. Mie Eleaor Meyer waa the veek-eud ors for eacit district. Tii. conditions guaset of!UlDIronies Macadie of Chicago. oftheii. choole depends eutlr.iy upon MmuiO rme and Lillisu Scbie bise altes. ditectoru. H. pointed outt laI their gnins Sundsy Miii Mamie tlitte 50of Wisconslibai doue avay Bllgeeotof Higbland Park. vIllalte. e citool disttrictsansd ad- Deefied wllbave a freemo- vocated tiat te mre course bu fol- plceure show. tou art aIl lnvited tu loved lunliais plate. corne out sud 1111li te hall. (iood ciesu., Speaklng wlit regard to the acitool instructive ihow. c-i syster n ltWaukegan. bu mid Ihat lu Mie Frnc"Bieeroadtwli gie a1859 Waukegau vas grailtud s speclal iiiranct.. iedoeM@.netutt ilIglen-charter through vich the mayor ap- recibsI ie bottrno ir Fe Hre-Pointsalthe members of the scbool beagr, ridy sfernou.board. He utld thst houid lbe clty S. A. Hole reliarned hborefrtornEdmnu- ever wieh tb maie a change sud elect ton. Aberta. Canada, vbere b.bai beau thae membere of teboard, Iu$tead of ail gommer. haviapu tbem appointed thal Il votald Mm ..Bslcb and dauputer Frane. b ave to he douesltrough lte circula- vW.ted aetlia. home of Clide Hslcb. lion of a petition 1t tis effect. Tvuu- Meure. Edward sud Peler Jubreud ty-five per cent of lte votera votaIt bave accepted poiionssai conuocora have tau'elgn 4tLMr. Simpson declar- ou lias Chicago & Mlwaukee electrie. ed Waukegan la oue of 32 dile in Mr. sud bMrp. Therrien sud sin Eddie lte Blte vicit are acting under a votee the gueite of Mr.insd Drg. Arturia pecil charter. Tfterrien of Shermerville. Satorday. Mir. Simpson Is conîldered one'ofi Y. H. Meyer hm. beeu unable tu attend lie besl autioritleou maltera s r- to bosiesa..for the pait tea days becanses lalunntu echool von lunt.e stal. of blood poison in hie lait band. H e alveyo bas taiten a perponail It- Mr. nd àre. mar eechm e ter-trent In lie vork aud bis traquent tnd r sd Mp.ovear Bincan oter-visileta oremote parte of lte counly ts.dFrdyîvnn l oora berbiPlaced binaIlu bnci vîth lte veddlng suaiveieary et lthe borne olpioo. Dr. loiehm'i prput.fîîle a reeoîî of bis vide experlence l'h.Holy Cro.. Catiiolie choir girls vi glvi a play follovit by a tance prldny elght st laderioahall. (J» o 0lte fie iliranmi t bel givan la Aoeomai hall. Ssturd@j eveaiag, Soi. 251h. l8 vini lu s cluB tuitredlve mtert@lM.tau etheiasladli sud eliltrem alevitet. 0c1 lTbe IL W. A. vire auirtalid Fiitaer evm.l gail te hmor0f Dr. sud DMa Gooda Mm . Pus. Frry lu vlufllugfrmtids sut suiea bCIIIIIIuIIIo. Mr. sud MmeJ. A. shayler su" aaall mud -*. msud Mrm aiteimofE@gl W«& 9»4u"a. le .W. M . Lof the U. F- chuich wvIi bou Mms aua m» e eting of ti year st tii houeof Mme.A. E. Dulii, Tuiaday 0f1.aoea Db una& Miller viitd er parente SwIuda". AS JUJE IN III lAI Tl'@.Koè'elm Leagni of ltie C. E. iuld lIC (~SE a iodai rday nîight et the cbureb. OU) fl À Thare ver@ ltemo f tii.meuthere Ibat vosnllate palul nonteet. The. jury titat vii dicii lte fts 8. [D. Nelsontandsud DiieChrstine of -Prince" Otomnsu Z.-Autitt eDiamu, Tnifret Supple. L*"lGlytacla Beis ai.sd Florenace Carola",Roah Hanlea, raah of thei pou-besm Rebeit an sd Rallie sud ÀAneli atield cuit- and prlest of MuxtuimaTem- se"% saturday atsndlug the Laie ple. who la chiarget vl1h vlolatiug 1he conty licen tuemeing a" Lilurtyville. lutergUleacommetce lava, vas eom- Mr. Deredftb yl gire a fi.. lictut an pletit Saturday a"t court vu* tien flovers lu the Anderon@ ball. Corne adJourtetutil Iodai viien the heur u n eth lIdi adClfri lupu vas t0 tart. C. 3.J. iat 215zis uI weavoa ioestoildi . tCaifrnfad treet. Wauiegan. van irlecte e coa. e outand t bure he. Everbdy case Wakeanpeople to aue t even lao.11.&ie AU morlugng g aurd le iencoal teacberi traitaing claie wa. beIJ prince Bat epbiuxlil la bischair si elliae home of Mne. Heicblst.Jr., IMon- tie luvyers, table. "lagaze eitonadaym evelng vIla Mia. Barry 9. iMoore left tejury bon, su" ugais sut again " leader, vhoie tamillarity vti lie Jamse.R_ watt, bigi ioruey. con- iciptnrii mai.. bersan effiient tmebcer. aultedth iihm.preemmidjysm in Tlu Pneiby tentan Woman'i Dlsiary lie course. ta bolov lu nestioung iouletr aut.'sallie home of Mns. Therrien, escit seaptae vesiremn. Tic pro.- Tliuredy altemoon vIllas largo peclive Jurons ver. obviouuîy urv- attendanS.. Dii DireandutHattle oui. The itrin of tavo taye of que.- Outiier playe twtvapiano doct4 aud tiouing bigue 10 tllion irversl of DMi. FranalPeltinon sang. Latin Ilien. Amerlea vas eltudàand Iie. Joiephita "Wblat iu your religion?"' vueslthe oodma. Idre. Roi., Dri. 8. P. HutMh- question rppeteitly agu4a of 111cm. @me. Mie. B. FestoniansudrDi. K.lchelt, Vittchee Veolrom Kees.y. Orn, bobpart lu the lrogrla. Tliey vote-e-10"ei-«10117iy ai The officerosutnd eacere of lie Pnaby- toi theit knoiege of culte. Ti4ter"ana cirehîlI m-et Widuesdsy ailltdttowar'dlte laieratte «e.- eveminc to plan tte Citmai enter- M-ecelavosud" pamagella t* Bible lolanst. Vere luqutred Isto. if a mia d- cart ho mes acqM,*a et t vh the CONDEMNS THE TANGO. Bible bis opinion on Lte eotants of eerai. of lie books vue uaisd. Ail Wauingan. November 24. the timelifaniMla ept hi* cye upon fDiv. Palier K. W. Gavia ot lie lte vêtiremas. aborda mofliae Immaculals Concep- 1If« e st so lmpsàes'uyai muiashdons e i teSuatymorniug servIces, ID bldilscouneel.bils e>'.. ixed th ~ ~ ~ o ieprsi a1014 M"rlg e.o en tci reireman wue?.1thie tact tiat liae Pape lise lu tarnusaieha nderueumtx lain&Um ouadamue the idancing of lie tango I-y the.lau'yerm. So ipeoipli Leuwli'" sit theiam-iml.s of lbe local liat Ot-nmu7*Z- e o41% rftg10 hutaimut refrain from- the tance bypmtolzte eJury sud taI lite fuel vaici ltai head thlee horclahan that la prolpabi>' tiy Priac* ianlole m teesd et a tance given by the Cali- tuanuerolli Girls' Club lait Tueday nîgit anditIla te looghl by some liaI If Vanl. wvue ietact wviblcicauset I'alier Vi U fttf l it« fI Garla tu rater 10 the malter no forci- m bu ma bd.a la aes te t e» ltaI la.recommenda 1the abolian of liai ociool district ystein t nth tlm.-itonored ecitoal dîreclors. Ha maya th1e methot la sutîqoated sud ltai mudthetter rtiicone eaub.ai- tained lu olter vays. Thi vomen ver. mochi Inpresed vili t he. lk ansd filte poseible liaI aov taI litaihavi the rtght of soi- frege, lteMay t laie"ipe 0e viat coulit b. doua louard erlng ocLt Mr. Simpsn's recommendaios. HIGHWOOD NOW DESERTED The Waukqan Plant of Public Service C. Now Furnishino Ail Power for Railroad. A tact of Interest and mol geneP ally inonôv ela lite power plant of lt.e eleclric railroad compauny at itiglavood, operatet unuier coatract for nome tlme y tha. Public Service Comptany, bsapraclically bouta *but davu sud abandouet. The. viole force. vili lie excep- lion of a fev men via laok afler traneformers. the iteating piant, etc.. bave been ralleved, mo1 discitarged for tfie Public Service Comansy bau faunt vork for tern in otier piaula of thei Company. It te recalied liaI lau lauper some tirne back printedthle tact liaI lie electric railtoad's racelver closudthle contract vierebyte Publie Service Comtpany wvsa lufurolsi paver for te eiectrtc roat aud openste lie Higivood paver plant excluasice of tie ralroatia forces. Siluce liaI lime the plan vas con- linuet until vury recently. Witen lie Public Service found Il vould bu more economîcal and more con- veulent, in CIO"ie eHigivood sta- lion and furnisb lhe needed pawer to the eluclnlc road f rom the Wau- kegan plant of lie paver company. AccardIngl>'. lie men vene given jobs elseviere sud lie entîre plant vas ciased down. The, bollera no longer furulit alteaso, lie dynamos are nol runulupu sut ail the plant la nov being usut as a trausformfng or couvering satilon. Thtun, for the finI lIime sîncut.e big pover plant vas buil aIi ligb- vaod, Itla .nov Idie and no panir mate liero la oet on lie ulectrtc roat. Slip Nenrar Purchaee? Titat lie abaudoument of lte Higivood plant rnay be but onu aitep uearar tie hakilg over af lie siée- trie lIne by lte Public Service inter- eole, la tha, belle! foutoe of the emn- ployez of lie raad ebo knev of lie planu ai lie station.fi leIsarguet Ihalt tinge are ,baplug lhurn,,lvou tovard liat ent allioogi noliag tangible or teflulle la huard about il from officiai sources. WIII ingenleuely Conteailpi. A wili beu been taunt under ileven thitcnesei of vailpaper lii vorkmen engaged lu strlplalug lie vals Of 9 boue.adjoînîng lie Rayai Maierl>ii tel, Joyau, Ilie Of Wlgit. MODERN MrTtIODS AND MODERN BUSINESS National Banks are recognizeli as flhc safest finaqcial insti- tutions in the country. Your deposits here are under lte supervision of thec National Gomerment In order to al- ford you ttis desirable protection for your savings we es- tablished the Pirst. ,NATIONAL Savings Department Il is to your interest to carry a Savings Account here. May we talk this over with yot,? THE IlIRSI NATIONAL BANK Libertjvle, 1IMols Oe 8-room mad one eroom resience i n F o r S ale and mwle llaq vite,, ga AT ABARGAIN OibiVuiiUlL WYI. te N. T. GUEST 0F CHAS. MANTKUS. Man Who Was Next to Presi- dent Roosevelt Cornes Look- ing For Farmn for Client. Fortmer Vice Presîdent C'harle. W. Fairbankts, Mr. Rooieveit'a assistant et lte White Hanse under te pre- vlous adrnlnltaelon. vas s waule- gan claltor Tuesday. He apeul about two hoursInluthe city sud lu tie farrnîng dIstrict norliaveol of lava. The former vice preeldeut cerne ta Waukegan vli sa omnan fror Chi- cago for th1e purpoee of lookini over a portion of tha. Charlee T. lianîlos farta nrthwoiî of Wauk.gau, whl.-h lie woman, Mr. Fainbank's client, wiseeto1 purcbaee. They arrtced et 9 o'cock sud ieft for Chicago ut 12:15. Tliey were driven la the tarot lu a local garage euta. Whoun h. vas inlroduoed ta lira. yon ani relation 10 former Vice Pieu- dent Peliiesar .WitesrmoMr. Falbaube. lifting bis ban, sait: "Dont i look iii.bhlm? i ana Dr. Plbake." ls resace- blee 1 lite former executive. caneit ber 10 isov at once ltat b. spoke lt.e Irutt. -And, for Ivo houri, tie former Tie pneulmet andt hie citant out dover fit, tarot, valiing m-aymi l«iiai thley considered lte advleabillly of mailug te dent,' Mr. Fairbankse explainedto lte Mantine famly titlhi vas leaviug that evenlupu for California but vonlit retors ln Ivo veeles ad voult lieiy retors villahie client. Dr. Fairbanks made reference dnrnj hlem day 10 lia, ýeceul deali of hi. vif. lu.Ia- diana. ENEiINEERS ACT* INfi, AS FIRMN ON TUE E., Je & E. UNE The Elgin. Joliet & Eastern rail- road bas foiloved lu lie steps of lie Nortitveilern road ln Its retreuci- ment plan, and expenses are belug reducedtot a minimum. l'is le espedlali>' traie vîiregard la finernen aud engineers. A number of extra trains bave been lalen off sud tie creva have taeen reduced to a minimum. OuI>' a fev days ago len firernen vere laid off sud en- gineera vere glven lie alternative o! lallupu their positions or belupu laid off also. Thte resutit as liaI lu the majorit>' of case. lie engineero pre- furred, ta returu ta firing ralier tian bu laid off turing the vinter moulue. Local tralunen cannot recali a time vien tie roat bas roesta îucit an exlramily 10 ratteucit. As a rule aller a man bas surved sucerai yearu as liremen and ias passet su exaut- luation whîcit allove hlm 10 becomne au engineer he cousîders liaIhis days as a firetian ara over and Il alvays btas been tiat va>'. Nciv lie men caunot unteratant abyit>'I laI lie engîneers siouît b. forcedto1 go to firins ta haIt their poaitions. Ila slvays easier ta gel firamen than il la ungineers andut Il s.for luis reason liaI 1h. -iremen were laid off Inaleat of lie englucers. Thte company preferredtota eep lie eu- gîneera ln Ils empioy If posaible and for tiaI reason offeredthIem lte pool- lion of firumen. The ernployei as a noie are of lie opinion tiat hala plala of retrancit- ment is but a tem-parary one and liat vîtilu s short lime tte oit em- ployesa wilbe gicen baci their pool. lion..& Leave your cali with Big Ben he' il cail you on the U~o at any tâme you say. And if you roll over and e illrepuathMacall 30 sec- onds kter and kmeon cll- ing until you re wide swake. e. -Ben a" .7 imcbn a- Ne'$ heum, miesve, hndeome. He's g« agrem4 bitgdiaI you a n culy read in the dna morninir light, à rnanny de"p toeed roice yot'II heur distincdy on yoter slep- tiu morningu. I've placed him in the window. iAmoo< t bîm whenever ycaavuo'-- A. HUSS Libertyville. - M Jewelr y and Silverwart 1 hawe tu agency for McLam & BlaXt wholesaIe Jewelers of B"Oite Maus.. and hameornteof intemhmesof Jewelry sud Silverware Sa.pf.s eve shosso ln Libertyvlle. P"le and teme arte ngh. Wlfl bc pleaied to ciii on you. MmlSoaent for TOILET ARTICLES. AI. Lyoni LIBIERTYVILLE. ILLIENOIS f. BAIRSTQW alANUFACTUltrEROur Marbie and Granite Monumenu s CemneterY Work 01 Every Description Corrbepondence %Oiclted 16 Genesee St' Waukegn CIeruiman d Ceibler. Of oure, a minlutar mgc o v» pa lic ail le proacee. Tet lt.e omma. ker neyer wvaru ail th.eilgg.b@ turne iL-tdhlcuo Ne. ccmun= son Mr. Morim marril tortu woold Blou Pnincq Lesl office, reelgn ieerf for si Ms' hie ba relles i @hop, bout. Mie A. calur Art eliug days lait tbe i of la# Ma, dutie fwua 1