CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Nov 1913, p. 6

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hy he ile hllbeea adeandhoHeny ounYa 15ngwINh a ot rftha pnaiLettt4ls ks farine about Lake F orest bertjr le V lles. hoea sa it 1 l p oin a ut ti the la" l . t p r t ' M. 1 ~ the raissio lienmae i.. E. ra. as vhMble sls Ifflà. &*d4 .b. UN MILffAI N »d#.t* iioiaW afs% ." hmPkb e w m Mdi fbar"tit'h ma y awapr mland1hlaoe" Pmp1.ate soM Crckm iitbe I4Cammen, W. . d oi , i . . if. tenlU la ounty BtaiU, .that belng l la aimfttel by Mr. Ummandam od ayi i.tu b ttk 5luit w y I l O VnasO jTO eat.J . toaii3 .- 30 r~fiwbars tIZ . bifl adiy ami wampy Mr, Gtaiam tiiat perigaff a raiesu of...a.. u.tSmedlu soanhh-AnDUR. lande are founi. Lake Voiest ami about tu plar cent wouId have Ibeon UouU et * * m UI £ a 8KW orea Mrh Ovn oer E lgIts mai « otbma have baleWblienm lbertyville ane the spot»selleret a th MaiBecePtable but tu vaissate1_w 1- e tiWu ,..é.Oi fr4m ooemg for mane Urtne la ag Nu?1a (otne raeO rne iciiChcag&« miteage isthir eamure value la the ceunty go par 5JJt*reaW Wiam bom Tla'&. W.R 0*1« auiminer lhontes wbiciiLake cut a et a meio< mcounal têiam leo»keifoe r.Mnrre but the boar ped ef and that la where Teiller- and eatemall sepialaosrfspit. e yok st H- p aY whiobausa»w fhmsw 6*FOUSA me. ~) e abimtIq day ltor h Oinbi pons.rtirteaasst . tfait ta ha eOmon Mtelfor. The "em»uib~ l, t tltaie aj, --et 1 I5tiilb* u 6freSb and a ~* Mr. atatuea t hs bai not aullut-iat-a ea. la the. aI* 1 Woodi and i * id aof thetnU B =s 1., o A2 0Wne tbat the, Mr heW iiimot nuf,::: the Ç htoM tbag 1ytforPhoma %mw raical amd unmiari et action cud1i r tha c u d lie, h r . Ha e>' r7gse >.TuV tmr llsea adIf hM br.mal'is l ei. o mae".aga-a hautpai lr(Iba ai "e. ry tattta>'mniieetth iasg4Ixi1aina Mattar.mai sthe U. s. B. Orages îulngamIft oirao.hna>dodaue a ho éoppel, M. Grhamsali: «'«, 1gaystha affyteeaaieoom then>d'etne1 . cretu i.qmi thélival. e POes Ptersn, tber lta a and a1 iant te aes If 1 bard told hlinf tiey ,bai undenataed lMr. Muaro w»aa tehui nthe long *0W *Mtthe "-MWO& wr ndZUCUiOCicgo lit canot b.ioue. 1 wlah thero'ai1'the situation andIif Mr. Graboit disltanc5e as andha sai tmuarnb. do M,'J à- pthe b.record ri t u tiparoua * tm FbR aSAL aaf aocinyvn arterIbomthere te tell tbom er ît. the Cstance: "I apeonthe tire dala St Cap. iLrs bat mipervlmOrsandaiget then totne n.. Irobeoouli mot have bean niai. tai do tmg wii oldtematI jir. " fIt«~ u l* y= ak Obha Clar henDeis& LuThe a i etelr ewieng a. f o rih =ima that action la n@coa§rrtu t *y Thyitlnterrod that theh'-hr cort'but bacaes, I favored abellain. -the- est ItasiPti. naieset b. ego aaW u at 5 smm 1a3. ela rr ci m ng em sesoandet thiii. r9cndthir action. state o s,... t the. recenai:session, 1i thfi = elste osml Oein fte aaatu TnuiceaHi, le u tteit t a - 827 reeni eMn eeie eso fte If Mr. Grahamn bai known ofthe intc C.ttueu oseiotlttteebard protectîmg packae. Five cents. The. Chicago brancbi of the Ch arnout lsu lar tvmsta Imar. lbo he te tidosr>' for feartetobeinala tbopbaveioaietB. Clark association, cottipoomaif et b m yerm t about thlty.agvanfaet .FOR BAL appeigî Labo county'f case te theie a- atIn h oui Zed*. avn ari ag beforo a bulL Wben Colmbaa Prsme court amd bave t t u nbon en ceunty ofercan.the Board eoef thora ît vas ten late NATIONAL ]BISCUIT COM PANY salloresvito, .rvei on the. Oregon and. Ita fluctuations are a mila font G iea Mr laduring tbe var, adoptai raeiolutlena Insteai et Indhesa, a a amm0f the stato boar'a action. I amn cen- View ami othans te Springfiold vbo te do amy god amd1iseIfguesaf ohbsatrnay nigbt aitheaChicago Ath- *ri'lns rmorneam fient the supra.. court will raalise soon ceuld hava explained the situa- bad been tbera tegethen vo ceuli the irel injustice dome leke courtty ion andi Mascd atls big rmise In taxes bave mcompliabai othIng. The a te I amd il ii eer the Imcecse eut dewnr te Lake couty farmers. a raies.iboard toIt peoved at us for favorimg »,a matorÎgily." rwhich iii. uniess rascinded, mise abelishing Il ftonm the tate ami tbei- Lake count>' vas tbe onl>' eunt>' in ]h; t 301pen cent, accerding te Mtr. trkctMr. Nightamgaie workedgliard ightemgale maie theo mtion foi'ÂÀUW AJ WI1EAN E _ _______a the tate whlcb mas raised. Grabam. te iprevent the raieso for Lake courty." lhe taise boimg made. T H vDL1ilad re1. _____________Govennor Duntro ma sarng for PSCLBRT Svle abolishing the atate beard benes It LILUIIL 151.. ~~la sean the local legisiatons vera in!_ULA E OU T CSfMRE Til, U U hU, Rgod Company ln their stand. Of__________CA SM A RET______y (lu,,. SEEKS T O Iflij3Mrs. R. D. Wynn of Waukegan Trendtre.patPlcefo A ra tv atRESPONSIBILITY 0F e elevs nthe Ust Firtls FOR S- Regrdie.. of the. sizo or vlue of the. gift itueif, wrap it R IJGL K ' A U DSMR OLS Meats, Poultry, Oame, Fish and FiiO R St up Inla neg03t POpt-S put on a few Xniia anafd XITZ Ngitnae, Sae odSuggestions of iust Who Might SletteFîpar dum ù -Imelu.- preu t crd 1 attach a fancy tag or express labeL It is quit. Equallization, Makes StrongI Corisistently be Given Such S elFs <h thmg to do-theii. r ce n growing yar by year. Besudes, t addsalot to di. Denial of Being Cause FOan8Hono1 h"My Seutumt. Penhaps you have priced these 'fancy fixtags" and found them Mrs. 1). Wvnn oet tetstrel Vegetables and Fruits ma« "too .xpmimuwe If not, price them now Then you'li appreciate thii liberal offer.N HE BLAMES MR. ACKERMAN Watnkega. recentiv read a îîspercrba l___-L.ake County Ceiebritiea." befere the, IN LAKE COUNTY mgDo. But Desite KîsDeniafoTrom- p-to-date (lubt," of Zion City. It le ».beini the_______But__________________Thom___________t__otethe________se-______inI. teFâyas Graham lnsists lie 18i ntr glen te lie u stPhone___________________________1___ BétThe One to Blame h- r il.t incîudin 3>j F l 0 OUBR ________i_ .udge Henry W. liodgett, Elisha WW . J. *M U N D EE 5 UC Sa cuve, frai magn ý lere liq wit the Chieagq Tribune'rp Ferry, lHoa. Wm. McAliter. E. M. to Mt, .À 5si Suniav about the maise foLke Haines. C W. V pton. W. S. geail,Pon80- LIETV L te.I. ~~IU~~~~iides~24% cen> ar ad f0prcntb h . E. Clarke, Prof. Elisha Gray, .C.D Stote Peard oI luaIfzatton, theFlloe ent. <Iyod - - ~~~~~~~~~knowleige o etblb casaenstt-Truoff, .Dr. Homry Graile, Dr. F__________________________ OR BIa - 35 nation threugiout Laite euni>' be- itadelifa.the Baker tamiiy <Sfng- Buautot canse.t mean thie Ier«ese eta r er 'ames Henry Smith, Frank bhn <bor IqmTNPe taxes mast ihifrl> per cent, an un- H. Hall. Jack Cor>', H. Chaîfiet Tay'- - m ~ boardi efInereasp:I Bloanchse L.ovoridge, Mary 1- Tay'- le à" 7T0gTh charge wasmaie yeaterday Ionr, Marie Croeker. Jane .NlAllst. F. OR BAI b>' LouIs D. HisbdimeDomocatlc 'Ne doubt Mit. Wyn it! mot bave gASh*op oa B is1lo leitberor f UthSale Board of Equali- tie t > clde&Ilthse b mýt 711mima.Ad a ration, tuat thlit ial attemPt te be liiin n eliai "celebrftIsa,"r maise tb. valuation oftigeo- lande In for. wftb due crieffi te ber for ber FOR BAL 1SU UIlkb ae ceunI>'. Center O esvoal "11111isolcitions, It muet bo admItted ah. are an il ou k~~MN Domab ~én infe celoriez," bai beeu made by diii net include mmm>' vho mars an- vele _______ Harry T. 5Ngbllmgale, Progresalvo ttale emention and Bomne ef thoso aÀAPPla» 21 niemberof ethte board freinthe Evan- s@he <teignatei couli hardi>'lie calil lT If < A aten-Lakre count>' district. "vaisbnltlea." For Instance, '0tb. Fthe YThia Mn. Nghtifngale Indignantl>'u-wrfietceurs thal the Dat snlgbt of es' imom oules ami raya he la rend> te laie have Incluici as mcli as tbeee tabehNoYU EITN ous..l W YowCj il cnuoalb It la fais.. nainci, seme of thesa: SN ORP M IGni» Lxc ttatveadcoosSay* Nightngale 8Startei Ia. Sufragan Rlsbop W. E. 'rofl. sec- ORMIER TO FRS Fàpice Igl foa u ia rpato t lcs m o wnyiv cr is distiictly designedadrd ~, beuifullv embed en fine white strr&and fully Mn. lered he iravpopi M.t-ionil chseadfrge t liyagoEpsoal*.0 equa in appeIanet and quality to i te>'M bet" subjecta offrrtd in the stores ai "tluhghe pfloe5 bave the Lake cennty terrltor>' bocat- rector In Waukegam.1V1PIMV I[[IET A compuubealâiva aaarmernt, a vai>' tomm «M aea'vnt and l eag soigfor dthe vhole famaly. ei o0e behor', asthie rest of the Prof. J. J. 1-aise', lai, Foreet tu- boari thinks. thtb. vas attacltlng structor, mite bas venld-wldefam. the millionaîrires mldant mear Laike Rev. J. G. MicClure, fer a great 1 ms 226Forest. Mn. Hiraholmer asserta the man>' yoars notai Lakc Forest pas- 'i is 22 a Pi ce A so tu i nt Fr elande commIttee.tec action along ter alun miti nation vIde fame.Poe2 We have- tried tba renlize ever>' vînt of our raden t i "usoitmoen--«a iW it coplt ml the lines of thia suggestion. Serbse- E. H. Aet,.the real dilcoverer eof of tht bet qnalîty. NW. bave givet a gretl"dmiof thotaght tesa balaniod vriety, .venint~iig quontl>', b. raya. vben Mr. Nlgbtin- the moving pictune proceas. È eb r Ti pan i"gFO R RI pest Carda, se diii you mx>' "m-nbe& thoat to whom you vill ntenidgifla. It i wthgrga: gale iearnei that hte action vas at- George K. Speer, one of tue fore-g » ti.fotioqt that vu offer ibis sesrit mte oui' reamers, re2hzir.g dut moto*t qm it>' buthe fetlng Lako county l1aid owners In a most movlmg idture manufacturera Spanklng viii net cure chîldnon of wottlag the. bei. becaus. 1<le mot a habit - qualit>' viii faverbi>'impmaa val>' raàpiemr-daat av.ry con vho recoivas ttis gaCka M âg mie" atta of10 por cent "*mlUonalres" te of the ago. but a limogerons dises. Tb@ C. B. Rowan Drug Co., ept. 1250. Chicago, Ili., FOR RE 90 Mr eent "comimona"oule" be Dr. V. C. Prie, disceverer cf the bave discovered a strieti>' barmise uinsi>'y for thiaistreaiug iaeas m e oma IL -- -- --Tw&*ad to hav, th. coinmitte. resclin montt tamoum baig powier ever mi.e inown il@amerla the ii.> viiund a 50c package ascrel>' wrappad d oa u spirenolo Y uAw lS GM - E 11 wo Pls action, vbtcb vas ratamai. manutactured. AÀsouta>' 3'mta »y <> >' o<The> ' p výDxT hs eed l ummlla bot Trias ta Have Scout Canoai. Dr. N. J. Roberts, recegnIzoi as raquoent iaire o <o urte n i m bilit>' te control urina durithenattordy nblaisa Mm. Weaklistes, Ocoand sudPmoeP.s m ..Mr'. Nightingale lait Thuireda>' Bt- orne efthte mont prominent dental cli or yornng. The C. B. Rose» Ding Co. tismOhlu Bi. Houas; vilte u<dauedat>' fa, b *8a* es by poulsitti b>'a grenatChieqa Dail>. la paMitaitwlo im 8 a tissus a 8 Y, d ý t&mptei te bave the 30 Per Catit la- surgeons lu the. country'. t<>dal foriibhm Ie.modila. Cnrs tha affieted membeis 0of jour ll>, t<bas felu Im ie $"ell vantagea lu sccurimg a ppntiag Id tee<8 larpagun; aa"-bfmiW * 6 dma sg- Case lovarthe local valtitou, Marvin Hnghitt etfLake FoNrest, de- roy eig moré m g f rIsne buit titillatelaph wamÊ eianova are dean>' obvions alas lotI Wb"isma eo yca iiiRe smé. it., isls hl aibeau authorlaedinecied veloper etftuh, groat Nortbveatrn amiho -' s>' .i Tas dena itien. et T»as vram y sa>'oe rf l t-tae Uassa , Pan..,Former , manda10 or 15 par cent incroges riltos. Srxr 011111111llsa 1..k1.,ddt, letheouubléa Miit isardeler reéi ssa, s ia. s vi me S" Md subusttutelaiIntith. to alliedb>' a t4INwi- lateWst h en fedtra 1Ilh b "lq d« votge of 24 te 1. Ail or bia pleadiana A UtIle Sire Toi Me Be.0 PlOM esWl. ou miithe apecial feulures of ha ewa litp"yA yaasmu lptivi la " ieabig Poul- wves naling ma vare the.proteste Ie plcer axPressn, "AÀttt111:114 Y~O AN ,FOR 1 "dom u.amve depatmneiyon viii reslndalm e- ap ai>'Lasailamas, pdnwa b é,. W" imIe le o f etStata Itapresentative Thomtas & b" t c-0 nia's" aite eoy t.h* 'I¶KWKtovm ol le i g Mnoaysa Worth given il uh cIIMM..ofi vsé ta sfr1prSil 4 k eet avo.pssmonptm. maof LaieCount>. a Dernocrat,1uis <bat hi tellit70112o0meu11betiy >'N ioi lu. eraOcRa~u A»sun eat lu regla, ltvM m'm . ve «ver qemalteha"a iW«' am fStt R eenaiva;ta-orlfoi te btel t'bbi A E Pri oédea ec f $t a year. *lasei»b wWga te Peniti>'Ammsa.strafLak aretatrou - mthé. tventieth verse of the M MR MON! f. Mote etLabolersa. a Pegroof< <i u <iti,,.*"Curs«& ~T~5Â C I~ 4 j ~ 'N aive.lmt the bingne met la tii> thought; ati DIIIetIIn an Intervew la algbI Mn.aMi cause Mothe e Iniilatii'hy ho Wahinton, 0. C',' Nov. 20.- . IJ~ ZNghtingale sai Laie count>' bai obambar; for a bird eft ha ait ahafl Clama and cemmeoIity rata& on FOURa R 1y 1i1As A RA IN beaumpaiaitohbocae:obai te::ht carry lb>' volce, andmitwhvich bath t::nkllia nesfom cantrel peinte goW.Bj cossetyfrteabolition et the u abglisatelallthe t',attsn.» Elgin, Illinola, wana heu diari- "tebordbelnsthplatoogsl0fnt g yete niedtaes_ _ su u i f m %lrrturs, mithougi b.haauabout teotaue teratate .C minerce Commission, oteile as a monusr etofIL. maie the motion, according te cthen es Aunra àneceives a lowen rate. pEU VAit Nightingale Insista tient the ortg- membera of tho board, the unjuat Thabvilptbndctsia

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