COuNTY INDE PE-N DEN W-,AUKE GA N WEEKL SUN TWECLVE ?ÂGRB / UBERTYVUMi, LAKE COUNTYi -ILU ~IRDYy DECEMBËR 5,1913. U-4éL 51.W *UEUT. C. A. BECKER Appeal Uneffe.ed by&tat wltnsssPerjury Admisson. -Oe hui- * D parcied . Thie r lato te iparaies os j Hunt la Ife of an- heeafter enu for 1 the de- id sol me brlua. Bptioms eatk M. nai "n Plouse e-n* re. the bu*t abroad masei et >enkêtur MilS b>' ntie b star la ilonite %sulted. i tera Ag cnes Thona Chicago PhYsi*~ns loin With Aldermen ln afling Atten- tion 10 Sancers ('hicego physlcatit ave Joinet L a e P ic tu re f N te d 1 III eoth Of tt e altoo ses ln à Vsa>'implietut 'nitêt Mm. Mr, Donalid Ase reidents of I.alt ounl>', on. of tho ei mesldl n Waukegan. Tête otêter 18 a m'ai Whio formori>' wam s.nployed on te Dewey fàrm WOrt Mes. Mc Donald wus snsployad but leotI Deffuy's ample>' carl> lesu spring. The i<hem mon la emliiiemPlOYOCI onte tanm. Cêtarles No&,, foreman on tse furam, doclured tlay ltal in his opinion the, lits of tae c#id was S asved soiel>' becaus tête card ho.d beon knotttad about ils nock. Ne seiiêto belisved tat if h. ChlId hat bien able 10 talc, àfull bréslt ltt tête cold air would * have cauued Il te cenract Pneu- menin. 'Te mytery connactet vit thlie - Piding et mn e-antnt baby In tae Woods où the John A. Daey tarin auivest of NantCiicago, lte Wetinesdy atrnoon, bas bean 'eleared up antilM%. Jaems McDonalti, es gour- I, a faper Waukaran veom wbovia sisa on te Nort .14e, bas e-Smilled liaI mleitatheUt ust .1itho! tua dy Infant.FOrTtae le-st eai $te-.McDoual tas beas. eagbed as leundrmeaon tetaris. @»ag ti l support ber tWo-ymer-ald &W iwliicb as lotIla ts'bar. vitet ber busbiaSdbmppme5 a litpa ovar t (vogUairego. -umMrs DOe-smlàai> 11U vs maueS ou WeSae@4&7 UOààwU boapial enon busemi a& nie saktbu»nt Ai ,eaaisbastau is4lie, Càed Nesd. Inssa Se' SDavey'fiâm wvasdretlflthe pilai «of -m m hràbb«Y " lesWd .sMyaettàmmn ààgàmad eiset tva mm te the Wood le gmtt te ireS busiles. As te mma ateS elong lie>' hardvital oundet Ilits tse muffglad erg of ae bh>. One cf tsemen vas ai1te opinion- tat lvas taecrg of "oe ammeltAnialthe-iaediaItreas. Th* caceme troma -Ut11 ile eof teaves. 'rie> lvestlg&ted a a ntan thase le&es vrapped iup onyit te Iiated gresa andS val eaevsvasnt.e forum of an lafant wviic ouit not ihave beau maretan ivo boume ait. il v»a amot bina tram aexposure. TheitIo men ver. no surprised liat lt'tb iti ual tauci tIhe chut but hunrte hock anti mportadt tieir fini la ftt. foneent. 1Ho at ance buntil 'te ciilti in an i vorklngmna' cool »ud carniet Illa ta heoffica ot Dr. i il vas nt until tiotattl a diSarredt liaa cant vés iad arçond ta chute nancit anti-EL, streagling l tdati. Tiis cort val t-cniovet. Il lactat ae If Il rigbt th lbe string tram an apran. Il ha t' bonitiottatisse tigitîyt>'tiat tern Su- itttd a no toubt that t so vito prtonindthtie deadt hougit thl, ebRQt&vas tead. nec ambulance vas sum mont roam CatraS & Hart, Waukean. ait th. baby vas rusheS ta tae ana M * AlIsIer toApilat la Waukegan. 'bat týOiji ttî*as lven avet'>'possible s toulbon admat 'hng the posgililly t Il contracta puttnoumoia,.tram axpo ors, il la mit prahabîllty' vilI ilve. - Pot mvemal 'ours&mier taebat vUs fount il eeedt Uat the mYotgý of wito droppadt wl ant btae soi, *&- Belvean 9 atd 10 o'olackIn util eatng. hovavaf, on. of tae va! men on te Dewey'farn.epet li ho iat sean Mme.MDonat relut in ngtmtae place v'tere that bait heen ae-hnanmd vten a vas accumd oaf t it e dit nol make 4m iual. Site saugit l ote lagel eoge ln posseassionof tae tacts ý lieu te-imotter quiet but in spta ban efforts te tacts lbateS out. 8b, fer a knça u Irs. Mcfons bon ont mode taoWa t aneaof i e-onnecet 'Itt the case anti i - wée-a>vii nol t e Proset for tàr*lmslouuntit sit, gels batler. B »affltlon 1te-itle criticel althou ?~'Isbette Élie sia nl l a&long x$gttWiter. 'or not arrelts vill 24< 'ohbMý *01 8* h'o *an days. eu , ff Y T. NI6HTINGALE 1* rTER TO THWS P»«.Cý LAINS ALL AT DING UP TO 'THE AW.-ý 1RAISE OF THIRTY PW NT IN FARÏM LANDS OY KE COUNTY --DS IMS RESPONSisiUdy~ RI il AND EXPLAWSN$ M IT HAPPENEÔ eau., th.eBts at 'rt Of lization reconliy ,U55d ,tIp, t e d v a l u e f L a k e C O Uu 'i l nd it thirty t c nt Z .i made th, oaly raieS in~ tsheIma*n tuFs ounty and bcfls eo ibr Nood that ti h L8O.UtI4 rd f S P . V 5 6 01u l. t Mt 0 - 0 >i'nai the sýtgtib *0- ig bnte 'hAl o54ntf5l4 gUe s"' e.Si Z4 - -, OMMiI'b.U _________________________ jfl wlth aldermen. müthers and moral up-t>U I~~P J1 lif t wrkars in *atning against the dancing of the tans. andi the maxixe. In an article on i"flâncing." the Jour.- nal of the Americea Maticai Society bas issud a warai*. AR Three elI Des8edMen A - If scee m gi#bt late to enter FarMmr of Lake County AreHAR Thre Wei Dre d Me At a mutl protaut agaiflt the tervor wth tack Foreignor at the wbich the neWejt zo-called 'dances' Learning 10, Turn to Expert E Rondout Station bad av entraken uwitti a prle a l- md For Needed Advice EXPL ,.FIMIIIITVdestroying amusstUCnts; and Ca- LuMMUîN'u' A RO U SED prces." the article. resds. i em MOVEMENT IS GROWINGLE unnecessary to Caoi attention tv the "4U Residents ofte weignbornooa tact that the tango, the various walt- Before Long the Soit Expert zes. the maille and olters are belng CEN' Scour Country anud Promise ardunusty cutivated by callow youtil Plan WilI Have IncreasedLA Vengeance and callousel aid age. ls Scope to îState LK "Teprobiemg ofaated w,; these CA Rondout, Nov. 29.-iSpecai-) dances dIffer accorfing te thp age of ttack ofthtie farm Improvement Thwee tairly dressed Young men heid the Participants; for the young te cmae hti o 0poletyFOIt question of m"raIy is para moun t: HOpinta i iwB roie l ap ant robad anti trribty bet a sec- or theod0h pslllpoe eeget before the citîzens of Lake county i§ tion workmafl just north ofe ct o the ceaie o g shed at he Rndolt st tion ti a strain on a dllatdd beart or an ar- a larger movenlent tilat bas the state shets gaotIlRodlock.sato terlesclerotîc vessel tg apparent. oftItinois as its fildi. Bea Thern i abou iloundbock. en "The physiciail *111 do well to ceu> Today in neariy every county at Equati Thevttimwa font bywokinlionolte tlff-jOInted. aged patient tha state Bsreastroflg effort la being M --- vA.wtsnP.. .01516 atter the trio hpd ieft hin lmiost nu- who derives tao gruat a pleasure tram made by public apritat citlaens and ______________________________ tarmn cascou iin 'logadeth tacs.those (ta hlm) patentlliv iarmtui officiais te Increase the effilency of ,.~têus1 Heavn revivat and Later tlid of hisamsqet. the land andi the man who cultivategtas Oiol a" and$s _________________________exparlanca. He gave the name of amuse________ILt t get itetter creps and more of Fult particulars of the Vole rail- lar ce Pred Wagner, about 30 yaars oit. he em.riding case appear on page on* of part ilîkeil siS F XLÀR atdta e abenwi.n And where public Interest ceasas or twO tiew*Ok- or wrth eoale angdcddcao go no farther prîvate Interestis cornI SU<iESTeOXgoKEtCiao. Hte haid theltat -have coule strongy to the aidof the < *y tyt T ÀS À STÂTE PÀRK, e lae out from baind a rgh IVPW sheds. One ofthe .maen struck hhlm crutashwa psiehe thisti.ureîy modern co-opratîva sprit DISCUSS M NOVE in VL the facewie tersgabedbeing the International Harvester UAIçAhI * imCompan. hlch ana year ago valet Ithe 1111 - hlm by lhe armo as the a uhm * ,taepnisououa arn ln F t4ft Antr-Siloonists in Cty and about turesaitt 'n. bus" mistpr y.dan 1,0o,000and hTankarlm- County are Wating Action t Ie.tva hatd h am toothi attemi hisirtb .F ai itroitheyck saot, he ol0 f Cmpaign. have bean urglng wilt on Propiod Plan ta dp &moaabgbI UIl ahir strangih thal t nt rtance Coming Meetinq of SupeMNs- .ow valai anda rIn. l~eF loai am aine: as a mJor iduitry be ors Wi# Take Up U$te of Y. W. C. A. IS 1N-ýARNEST ce"" tlbt"n't e ORDINANCE r y. TE1) rcognisadad ia téali id lu - as neh. vas droé latltse grocla& AKWGIC tite saln ecise UIotuy6 Souks ýo EtthlIshNatioal teggi ti mra - -Pm* k . 0T15t Odr ýaiI mt tA UjpAY , R E %J EUo l1 St *kaAhll tduhlm aoust Musa. c- bg i Modm *-tig - té KeabThe -trio tits. iide a dasitfor a TEMPATED the sM~;Utetb tats liub fte anti-lmaInsi hgne frfta t ibt theil "dadBElat," JusI nov uaî* à*M k rOlflp yi'b ,tu, lAie t c ole ~ menne ta. ki, ml t jI its tB . SOf- Mm C gant Tusueh aa vide salnt ita8 thi 7rnar, tua"asathe ltsmaialaiance or taom. ta libeP" 09 tau«g ai Na-Ift, %8ithe tallIoiS 1h57-040aoff MONUÀY IUIfII5 a- .capaigli haut x5UdItiat IaX~I tBIDsdvlé.0 bip ., oi «on» mmmigtmt or lit. om wo- &mte laootil7 itâlia, emfrt la Henry Les. respealative in -ca -thelll5llgU. S~ ~ P mbp cittait AmeSCfatt 1? r705 eve Qulati>', vary quietI>'. vtltaut bard.- pest train Texasi itua-theesti tryMme Ila uia poviiag sattasAttorney D»j1 It vas nt long aftrvardà Ut the ,boy etits urge ealsW"tirougit goa*Mes a a Tts 300laoi sieipovda e iii prornM h e ho amit o btuvlcllm vas diuoversd hy a menswb tu nbe, acptn cU'ofiiisltI v enabie farmM sta horrar I&18.00 MiU"ase ram allier soUroseà mes l~t vii 's taIt hai il itaciancad tte epasalng. H. calteS for knovtng of Iber' plan&S. Mayer Bld- monay on ltaeit varebouse reapla masking 810,000 a yser la at i V Sm rtse eleanet out for goad. Tit5y help and te ma ue caiel uiitingar andtheUtaother coummlssosrs af for crapg Ibat lh&' do lent 'isi telasalimalter of securtin itis 1~appiot"i sock 8"> dth ite# mcring of 1h18 encainl- the St. Pault dIoaI vire h. vas W&ukeffn have a tl>'beau tlryIng te lmmeditliy-Il la hardi>' nécuséry la ery lîprt»t ng mue &it vin iok Bmaintvitic i iiMenltae xpandituregva it &W tBaton vont out a satisfataclr>'solution of tu mention lthe factota tIUncie OSain lte sre etahiiahmeitt of teahi>'0 JOf a lafga MM or maney la ishlhy de- Il 'nz becatise ofte blleft liaIth alsmoon question la Waubegan nov maîntains estiriment stations, vont. while If Il shoul fi tth iraugb it. a M ibl ndtateeyoewh a»teme atiba fot basa able teae w h esiî t hyhvect-intormtatinbureau., a veathar de-.lte resull ta rathar doubtlul. ,Thtis titra I Imbl ntIblevrgn ua ts tag levti ta rsil al t h bha e Pprcem-iyi smahywt 1h Internat ofthe movantent at tmai out ofthleajuncîtiltaI tlelphno pu notance w llvii epartmant, anti a corps et huntratis o of eeitalt>pasyrshyv ing temsagswresn ilaud h ilait onkers anti axpertsa lad of tae novamenlti alvettl l l cage ha barl staut do ail lintis pover l issa aasntalaautteiasse tu te immetilate qSuture. pos- adbleetâ twl daccominplls'tIL -.. countl>'aking paticeoandothiera to sibi>'Monday next. and vich ilviithe terni andthlita taer. minla alot la Laka counîy, s age r Onearprantinent axponant et îav and be ontheavatcit for te lt ti. - ntbody tese radical proviins: unevei State an th e trba ofne er ha- eand> arthroughly b ta ord ie II tde eciaret thal ha coulti nat se. One man vito vep hlplng In th. e. FI T-Raismng of lthe ambon foeUnite tatslanor of the vnt hva vitit Uarmoemt.ogl n codk v hy saine action la net taiten la hava search sait: "It won't b. Weil for lcena. lae $750 frte a foror.~ ' Ut end th isoyf the uabant aveito theur r eatract urimonhotte aac d te Fox itke district sel asita as a thantif h Uy ara caugbt fron eary- SECND-.îcoen ro têe-the a i n antaet samaatntion Ourarea a its eaemenl b> shwthitig 1'ti htpsepr «re odtgi tirre up ovar the vicons firety rONE THOUOAND il fcmaddsmuOatnin trs u hsmvmn ysg gtuabt "No were tsta. stimoe ttk menthema."DOL R.of a violesorne anti c-oparative tae caupon baby anti torvarding il beu'u trir,"h d "v - Te vicit escribed lte mati vho TMIRC-Number of saloons kn.Ti ab uetewrdrc mldaeyt h er rpoeetcarrup La lhtng ia m0t favorable to converlin, attactet hlm as belng YoungWeili limited at anc. te TH'IRTY IN giemoetaevrbfeth edqresBx27 àryilsnel illa> in I vulibaa laedrassedand annything but holdup men TECTY, te lant ls the source et ail tiqua Il..:bt vitwere ever>' law-eiiing persan voudin laappesrtae. The heilfla 5 t>' FOU RT H-Elilmi nationt oflitat ttitta asita-18il vn tts am ipovret an a etre.ta go. il'arn surprisat lItaIlit vara beatingthir vag la Milwaukee loon district aIl do*n Market ftesste iungry hordes et eartb, ha assureti ef auccae b>'asklng lte A bas li encvre nc pr rmCiao a unsoto ah t .tusbeing a tianinatlng facter wor- Board of Supervisera tea approprfatea but t Ld long ago." savtae Weil dresset vorkinitandTihrie provisions wth lte excetpions tt hefal pssibl f hmee a ha1,000cpr a tram ohasres $,00maut- a 'e One mat Inlaspeailng et the proconlutedtolagel a 1111e easy monay et numbertree, cannaIt becama et-.tAsnotel eut th ie goveninnt. ing 810,000 a yoear sorns, ait.i )n poset nove tu laite, tte National Eut- b>'resorting 10 the methoda they tectiva at once. Nunnirtar hre cati s e n it h oenet.ig1000ayeri àee 0pmn f theY W A.tee folovat. hcm fetv meitl te The t'nltet States ('iamber ot Cern- My'Pi innutebdplanl . . . ..iera dhecomdianfcte aupetala, itermercè lsa aconsplcuous exaempleai Namse.......................... ..theri Bd many oramlitr thethamayr cWt§AVtnamaoy organizatlons et nation-*1l0 Townsip...................... ..buaf [I saidt lIeuundoubtediy mn'e h E Em 3V Â E fissuing tiese ta ybot>eau h in>'scapeltat racentiy have urgadthe lita le-aillty rasotera veuit ight titi siglcesst nboywomypromotion ant i mîtof Iarm afficlancy. Postaffice.... ................... ... M. c-lorve austa>' ara aat»tlt wittc ULU apply se long as tae ttaaI umbar op- Practicalîy every national coovan- mj v a>' conditions are at present. eAIig I te ctywotues.aov a. As unnauticat hefora- la the Sun OUR A rtigOf nolitecithe oul .e-bvtilion, botit et a poltical an dot a husi -Martial Troubles of Former guras thry 0 ortltaaa oaaig nes nature. has tevotat rnuch of lisarea il xclnalvely b'teeut4,500 anti 6,000 III lEkD>AfEnev or on trorn nov vtici gighl ex- lime anti talk la tarrn Improvemant. Rcuta ot hcg vars nwuldb. aista a o Lie 415d SC& TIIUlt.iceadti lty. voulti ha ponmint te oRcuta ot hcg u gIrlox akeTitane are several greal causes Dar c ay ven> summar for an outlag if he e.* hotti thair prîviieges se long as lhey boeck of te movenient, viticit briefly Aired in Court week "campinant ver. ta ha astabilahet Mrs.\Lus>' Clark. niothar of'Arit- paît the nacassar>' tes. myb eia stîos as " tare. Th« Natina Y. W. C. A anti hait Clark of WiMmdoe-laas broughl a How'aver,te raîsîng oaihliîîense a 1 h at entpoicn l ienaia rulso hra .d e lthY CitîcagoHighliandi Park eand suit lnu tae LataCoutl'circuit court tirst te, $750 anti taen tIn11,000,la sure maximum yîeîti consonant vîit soilBrown, tormeriy a naval recruit atIlfiai k- Laite Forest wvantare back ofth. b>' viich esite éekjmte, havae taa-th a nttdovn tae tétai tallrad and t lelaprotection.North Ciicago. continiue tu incesase. bers. le t m o v m en t. r g e of b r son a n u led c a itn ifi th a t f gu re d Ta tetm any w operse * b o tareel2eavinga yTiteso aaars l atievaT eopotentd eaccuren t oc uFie- litatie u t i n v e a t r a e t t e m s n a t i n u l e c l a r in g it a t i . n r e d i t a I tan d v u t h e a o u t t e t h e l a n d t e h r d t t e m s e l v s i n tae d a y i e n B r o w n a s r e f u s e t a d i . n i a i t Lby ta>' can itaip but citarge Mrs. Me. before t.e count l>'erit on Nov. l5h, Have Worked lard onitIl. congestet, unheallthy cilles. vorca tram Alce Hill Brown of South ltaI ýhe onad wth he eat. I lethoght1913, vitan ha sait ha vas 21 years Il tevatop tat ofilcidsahave wonk- 3. ThenM ls Ina mucitunoccupiat Chicago in a court ai Hamniont.tnt. Pern 8tbhtPsibyta ferNr i.ou l .et hart on titis probiemuteven stnce, or csralesal>' cuttîvaltdtarmilent. 'rTe Young man tieclares 'ta manniet i lle ai a l bhatpsîBeauth tln natate h cs l tar tirsn-the.Bon.,;orna monthe aga, Mayor.Biinar an- 4. Pon farmleg methotis have con- tlla Hill wben 'te vas 16 years aid. mact to imnihed Tit htth am y i e I tartet la its on s r.nouncat 'tîs Intentione af cut llug ont tibutedtla high prices. eite vas 32, he as. I sit vii ataUtacht t b r ir. coplal lengyntan, partormadt litacane- e i ie a tcu a t nimore foot la peededto leea Il. serling ltae marriage vas mNat unter Oftht tIti In tact. Mrs. McDnatt alraatiy bas mon>' on sait tata; ltaI litacoupla otitar officials, tiesîre ta extioti>'oter i6. Tiera saamstl e ha aeclina In duress. Ha vas granleti a tiacre, but STiti te mata Inquuiles about lita codition of returaad lu Mlvaukee but dît net liva radical features In tse ardînance stock raising, vblcit bas causet inla h bis vIte lalar abtaineti an annulrnent. ceaiJ eliete Uachut oant'tas tacieret selle la ltaer siffe Utat lime, once tli t, a sa atiapletian"ita gov- maiiea B nthe prn of nie etMsame be uisb amnt. valte in- glati Il dit nal di..Shae aymsita Bitae sysselledit mol give ban ýcon- arn saloons for taefuturq. ma m8idMiePr li o amn.wt mer 'tapas It recovare andtlt4i t îdossont tau tenarriaga anti knovs ber rTe salot license la Waukagan 7. NI-qern tarrning matotshave. Hua fIret vIte bat bIm. arestet and ti 5ta git sellv isitas te- be a goot itothar 10 IL. 'ttmband d 514 t bacaus ha e a ntae ton man>' ybare bas iteati $600 ant ail vîtit te ait etscience, matie a feit. thesecont suit for divorce vas filet, 0 ail Bita ha. i adle.hou-ven. *te Milwau.kee Inean* asylum. Site pays suggestions ta nalsa l tate$760 ant irue b cop lai ntoily, antifIt isse. rav i nov nSoutig.,Kan. hie ~ h1 b place il la sa nlsttution as It la' ber Se's unjar aga, tharafoma tae$1000, aivayu has pratuéet lubbo m ie a'%ln uaitg ftts iu vf nSubCiaa nihm for 1 ieught t ilvoulà bb. to hrt form ber marriage cOreniaUi>vsnoeWct" blctusanltap ru tt slonm ilos.second spousa Is living In Ifammntd. ln au- tà eke iout an ugtee wit,-tva platé e bue.parental catsanl iad ______________Bath vaman refusa ta giva opthr- 0w _etiidren Ioacar.for. not bast cabeot,(Coiuel! nt <,p6)(CoitliIlled on page Six.) claiim te Ibir "hushanti." ilnd now agam f ia aqu-Il>'carnte omau11ê mds. buas bosw'as~ W the Mtter b>'welu gOaýlS taobiespa. Th'74 t, Nov. SMI. e'nSseokusg a nevopapeVe aoaeefr 'em as sean si pouil. lM W t>jt hie erowd. sm lth* of lien t fls, k».v S" tspPd thesit taPhb*Mr 1 beckhut tme becta a ml c Wce-raS tlI.f that » MS 600 pI and ullerigly 1UciaiML, dia atjaiurnamet TýWesd« tCraviard andi Mr. Dunt1 toit me '1h5 e-S .dwoW.s, meantla Set ltha30 qpar0 det, *:d citapd tu Ut altouah 1Hlrsbplmer W**0 t I nally i eI. S * erul" mer'. foltOvers 14 Ui'., Prograssive triend, 1hb"ei raction, feeling 15be- 4"A ier, matiug t>' lit wb'1 Ir 'homes Oraiteu5 puer ac rapreeetatlve te- b» l mm ad Mr. P. I. Mltit% yoip soîva repreenat-ive di the get te houd te ebesgmU cent ta 10, ailla n o - QJ k vms te test vuek te5 Bian. Hovever, ltmet oaios0 -Thunsta'. IRunra vas i,» don Watnetia>, se-v a 5ev m.ati lalta vilt lissa. E0 s vas W. . Baker, wviýto a mara ofthtia 'a ýtif tata counl>' vas nel.tW cent an tant 'Vlues,"lh tea, ha sould figlit #ù<ait1 ,lting of ltae board. 0ss-ftà td aI t h ea S ta e llN o ,l eruoen turing e a Itlf 101 l tha board,. vieth stI ing taemUiutas dinge lo ba aitoPi id lp -une lentl W. la têtue 117 Whio mfb& ta ; ab$*. $1.50 PEU YXAB 114 AI)VAeuj& ONE TO IUGHT L:ý XXH.-XO,11.