CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Dec 1913, p. 12

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ée did fBot go .10.5 fmren d ln&i Ingly. Dtdnt know hetlaar as eV48 ridden on rail or net; saw suanil oua Seutcher boy vtlh placle of wood aboiît 4 Inches tbroughaMd about * te« long; diS flot sou vhat ho dld vitIs the pois; saw Bire. Walton preet but Dlot lira. Emmra Stadfeldt: sa Mrs. Raymond, Mrs. Sable and lMr; Wagner; did flot sea Ann Stadfeldt M is, liiehardsons reputation fer present. Sald that when women pull- trutfi and veracity in the community ed Mrs. Rchardson off porch, Mr. was bad. Richardson said: "Gond enough for *'Do you know what ber reputatiOn ber' for chastity and purnty was?" asked Mr. Pope.FAMR INLK r.Dady-I obJect to that question # R N L I and feel such questionîng should flot CO TY M YS K r.Judge Donnelly-I agreea wth you- such ijuestions should flot be asked. TO CURB HUNTR en cal] and taka Mrs. Rchardson along wltb tbem, statlng that sihe Lake County farmers may follow went long willlngly; said be set on the plan of Racine and Kenosha coun- the steps wth the Richardsonsansd tV farinera who have organIzed a pro- Lee liuson. Sald he saw no rail, that tective association and wlll see to sec- s.Ie was flot ridden on a rail and no ure legisiation wbich will protect themn attonspt was made to ride ber on one. frO ekeahnes f the action One cross examination ha admItted taken by thel farmars In the two h lie id «ot know wbether the women Wisconsin counties the Kenosha News threw nud on her or flot; would not 7aY5 lan art: swear they dld or did lot. Over five hundrea :armera ln Ra- Gavnor said ha dld flot ses Mrs. Em- cine and Kenoaba counties bave ign- ma Stedfeldt ln tha crowd. Others ed tu becoma membars of tIhe Farm- whiom lie saw In the treet, he said ar' Protective Association of Wiscon- w9re nereiy walking up an down af. sin to get 1000. ter the affair buthacol6fot recol- The objecte la to get protection by Ici- i n)hody who appaared In front legisiation on bunting license, on trea- of 11<5 store before Mrs. Richardaon Pags, law or damagiîîg property or ieft the platform. tealing to deputize each membar. .\Ir. Dndy-Wbat were they doing This movement resulted because of siîh ic hardson? (iving ber a rackless buntere vlalting farina, kilI-, daliinni lessoif' (Court upheld objec- Ing chickeiis, duckas, gease anld often tion of defense I She went alona btting cattie and other live stock . It villtigi%. did sbe? . les aid the farinera of the county bave (',anor--Se seme toho ili been damaged more than $5.000 tii toYo.' FarneraIn Lakce County declare Mr. t)ady tried to get (laynor te, ad. tl{at they bave suffared almnoat sp mit [bat. although but 60 Yaars old mucb as those in the conies to the and wighing 155 pounds he had Of- north of hors. They gay that huniers fered lier no assistance but defense have carelessly ahot; their fowl and objecteS and was npheld. Osynor live atock and that they hava beeu, nov lives in Elgin. wthout redresa. Some of tbamn are Lloyd RUSsell--Saw crowd gathared tbinklng serioualY of consulttng tha about Mrs. Richardson mabing a noise Wsconsin farners lu ordar tbat tbey with Plans and blla; saw MrB. RaY- may get pointera on how la forin a inond and Mrs. Sable in crowd; saw sizular organization. n rail In womans possession; saiS ha vas In store vhan affair startedWE ED A CR N PO T butvet ot benhahead m Oit Waukagan friands of Mise Lta aide. ISYinonds viii ha surprised la bear that Russell, Who la 17 years nid, ho- the Wall known Young woman loped Came consldarably tangled on cross Monday lest and ta nov [ha wife of examination. Ha sald ha bied recog- Robart Stuart Arthur, son of William BfIzed Mrs. Rchardson vhen sh abs .c Arthur of Chicago. 25 fat away 4but vas unable to rec- 'Meir marriage vas celebrated at ollect &DY Of thse Other vomen when Crovn Point. Ind., at 7:45 Monday tbey vers perbap@ 10 feet avaY vhaa evenlag by a Methodist episcopal min- Mrs. Richardson vas running away 'star. The Young people eloped vith-1 from them. Ha said thay ail bad their out friands or relajive knowing of backs turneS la hlm. their Plans, intendIng toa kesp the mat- Lee Huon-Was On the porcb vhen ter secret for sorma tirae. liowver, vOmen grabd Mrs. 'Rchardson by the facts lsakad out and thse Sun today thea vrists or hands and vent off the obtalned confirmation of the wedding piatform ,wth them; they surrounded whan It talked wth Mrs. Arthur on ber and went UP the street, maklag tha phone at the home of ber mother quite a noise wtb tUn pans, etc. Mrs. R. C. Fitta, North Sheridan la answar la questions, Huson saiS zoaS, Waukegan. Mrs. Arthur woulS ha saw no rail and did not ses Mrs. flot deny the fact that ablé haS heen Richardson ridlng on a rail. married anS later, whan told that the Hae saidSbO w ort a light coloreS report segmed autlientlc, adînitted Iti valet and dark skirt. (Mrs. Richard- la ha the case. son.' It la recalied testlled that s _____ _____ vure a light coloreS ginghamn drasa MARRY IF YOU ARE LONELY- wbicb vas the state's exhîhit.) It la The Reliable cnfidentiel aucces thua sean tbe effort of defense vas to fui club bas large nuniber of weltby Prove MrB. Richardson and the state lilgible members, botb sexes, wisblag Iztroduced a dreas as theaonosvhlch early marriage. Description f ree. she wore that night whlch In reaiity MIrs. Wrubei, Box 26, Oakla.nd, Cal. %ho dld flot bava on. Wkly 2t+. Iluson saiS *Mra. Richardson's rap.- utation for truth ad veraclty was bad. ILLINOIS LAND IN MINNESOTA- SaIS' botb women who took hold o!f Improved 160 acres In Douglas Mrs. Richardson wora black nasks. couatY for only $65 -par acre; fine %Id rs.Richrdsn rstatd we ýbuildings; fine soil; regular Illinois 6aidMrs Riharson eslted Ile sali; terme reasonabie. W. K. Barnes, wonean pulieS bar off piatform, that Alexandrie, Mina. Wkly 1*+ 1h. Illinois pouIy Fancior's -Assn.. Shéwý., Now is a good timne to-ý pick out a few of your best' specimen in P0ultry and KP-geons and. c ondition themn ready for the :810 aIJM Y s'W 5.8-7."4 à.i1G Write L. A. DOOLrILE for parflkularsL Tbii~. lm il alAI"" .mtdM Y Fr it AlIso $1l50 Grafonola C4 $75 Grafonola& W Edo this ta show our appreciation of the support and patronage with which the public of Waukegan'and Lake County has favored us. Also as a token of our thanks ta aur patrons and friends who have made the past year the gre atest and bigges.t in aur history, and as an inducernent ta let "Fulton's "serve you whcn contemplating' the purchase of anything in our Une. Societies, Clubs, Churches, Individuals; Read The Kules to Govern this CoM~est: I. This contest is open ta any Society, Club, Cburch, or Indi- vidual in Lake County, Illinois. IL. We shall issue a reccipt for ail monie spent in aur store, said receipt being a voting coupon, upon which the name of a con- testant must be written and depostted in ballot box placed in aur st')rc. 111. One vote issued for cvery cent af purchase pricepaid. IV. k'ayments miade an aid accounts participate in contest. V. No votes deposited for a contestant can be transxefred ta the credit af and other contestant. VI. Votes will bc counted each evening and placed ta credit of contestant, ln baak kept for this purpose. vote coupons will then be sealed, dated, and filed away for verificatian at end af contest. VII. The standing ai the contestants wlll bc published Irom time to time, but the published fist for the leader shall not bc in excess of 1000 above thie next neareat contestant. Howevcr, every vote de- posited will bc credited ta contestant in final award. VIII. Contest closes at 10 a'clock Seaturday Eve, February 21st, 1914, and the winners wiIl be announced as soan thereafter as is possible ta ascertain. IX. In case ai a tic a comniittee of three will be appomnted, ant each by the lnterested contestants and the Fulton Music and Jewelry Company, wha wlll designate and carry out the fairest manner ai award and the laser will then be entltled ta the next lawer prize. Our Slogan, Noi Oheaupor "Joweiry But 1hbu ba#JewatIoy Oheaeper WATCH REPAIRS Cleaning - 1.00 Main Spring 1.00 Balance Staff 2.00 Others charge Others charge Others charge 1.50 1.50 2.50 To encourage early holiday buymng Double votes wiIl be issued between the lst and l3th day of December. You wili find in our store everythig carried hy a first-class liewefry 'à Music House. Our stock is brand new, up to date, (Nohini on the shelves for years), everythinig garanteed as represented. A Few sauestlons fogo the Holid«a. Watches, al l inds Cloche La Valle,- Chain& bracelets M.ahBais Vanity Cases Locliets -King&, sticik pins Cuff Linkis Beauty Pins Match Safes Crosses Thimbles Field Glasses. Siipper Buclies Bar Pins Cosnbs Toilet Sets Shavlng Sets BSeads FoLs Souvenir Spoons. Comsnmunity Silver Silver Novelties Sterling Silver Flashlights Cigarette Cases Lodge Lmble ms Kosarles Baooches Tic Claspa Saf.ty Razors Fountain Pans Siver Poluah Optikal Werk il ~Charge et .B.Kennedy CAMERAS AND ALL SUPPLIES l(adio#tkcous Eleclric *r, tas CUT GLASS IN GREAT VARIETY i véry Articles in ireat Profusij Japasesi Baskets leutdiifu lai altdChia China for Dec.rting Aisé Worting Naterlals PLASTIC ART, lsg Buatifol and Mew GLT -BUSY ON CONTLST Pianoa-Grands-- Ulprigbts iû Players Org 'tns Violine mandoline Banjos Guitare Mandelin.Banjo s Cornets Clirinets Fluteà Celles Base Viole Drums Harmonicas Tambourines. Piano Music Violin Music Popular Music Worli Guaranteed. Jews Harps Fif. s Razoos Instrument Cases Grafonolas Talling Machines Records Cabinets Albums Music saga Music Roll& String& For Ail Instrutments Player Relis Piano Tuning and R.epatrins. Expert Worliman. PhoneST RT687L 12ho GnesS. 687,ý -Phonie 687 123_ N. 123s. t N. Genesee St, i VOLO- RAIL RID* INi CASE IIEARD, (ContinueS Frone Page Orbe.) Piano'Note The Piano selected for this prize is not one of the quality usmilly selected by contest manufacturers, but a genuine "SEY- BOLD", sold by us for the Iast five years at $300. START EA&LY

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