-Dü 5,F 19-13 poil L. L GATZER + +444 4++.+++++++*+ i oe 13TEITNB r ~~ ~ ~ hl the Slae, yU.PT.4'V taoanelittiSa. a. c102 ayeli Otird #W.s 'h sbv.aio'st thle bottani01ula pail o! _ _. . « . .. . . . l- B SLI-ea .i'Il a.rngCon1 M.- sudI Podaitinde. Chie Neem , ies I. Pions282R1. ouS 1«vnoe Fr sable for I W2e. &UAIE-A 88 b. P. 5 amner pubia toinobii la ores cImesordr ma" gosurlmA 9e. M. L&WOMe B ~Ai*RoU5mi lotita Uberly- 5. Plas$8.00.laqire0f PAtr. omhvl, Uagput. &e-«-t &UAIE-SiOOd ,àova, due 8 pi *W. partof Septembr Mmd BrUI ni éww, lrim a. W. F«mr iroitSALE-Ml lameomtabmImh l mi»mm. of land w itb tsvp sgbS rooià homes vtitObat umainbap.êtiy; a1so ai.barn 11x60 lst Mad other ont ntieeAl anderIsl lproisd;-aSU me«, belng buAt lmes t twOjeSis fflgla i the clu., Inquire of J i r CàsI>, Libertyville, lu. . X5«. Pbome 801-J. -Si-tf FOR SALE-5 ipusnger 'e cylinder1 Iffl automobile. 0200. -Thia car bas beu t toroughly overbouled an,! la lu gond condision. LAD«UTTILLIC GAAE. c-26-ti Foit SAE OR RffNT-BW5k5n-ltb sidp on main etren or vould litre itood mam. Addrem Box 176, Ormala"e, 1I. FO ao hm I«mrè- arn x.mlsIam t~ws~ ad 'autlk lut. D ron o e ove, 200 tons alto, m»W .11k houa; plmty et vsier le 'eI lMd pbimekP41. IA Ili rmet 16vce"or, de atire. Alan s 284 acre stoca"m dais faim. GodL.ood soitimi ~t1of atr ai2 rt ig4tb s Md oou Mo ami=. Aw r tooe sioker, Qirners. wàmoiUt . IiI of 0<Avos, »»Meogblavet. Inquire C. J. Kahn.iAi bwlnte, or Thod. W",»= 2=0216. 0uh . 1o-lf * o aia îaproa ait W. IL Appisy. Aue k) r. .84 4'4 44 ....... + WANTED , + .n...1.... + + .+ WANTrED>-EsperWed book-keePr. Inqulve at Independent afie. i . + MISCELLANEous + MARRV IF YqU ARE LONL- The Rellable confluettal success- fui club bai larde nuber af wealtbY eligible menabers. bot sexes, wlshiug early marilage. Desciption f ree. Mrs. WrUbel. Box 26. Oakland, Cal. Wlkly 2t+. 'FO SAE-brov basassudbaru 1 have ralaed and baugbt ani soitd &Bt modem c.suvenleew; close tu th ii.. stockaIl unr litesud inoV ts akeade depot. tab or tarmns. Cen-utve ilelAlt fot Ivefamille or one. Tewls uaInud boy te caduet a Sale ta phone 215R . -27-t gt te bet pre-,- For dates addréss p. B. Johnson or Phone 111 M. Dion tiPiRETrS FOR SALE--Oas mile Dott. City, Jl. Sept. 17 ta Mcb, 17+ of t)vue'aLake on randAve. Pa _______________ og es c-lit.S.-41 il-.NOTICE-I will clean.tour coftt or 80111catchc-basInfor, you ai reaionnble rate. -L"isKitsk IUcL£àa, Lberty ville. P.(. eOit SAL-fiuroe Jersey Boau. g Box 60. r-40tif dgoua for service. _______________ FWredDanlg, Ubertyville. ILI ONo 2 pil4% U FÀ EBL FrOiR ALEL-100 sitocks 0f cor». Al»a do oa-pet weaving. J. L. iuiephard. Ifi1J'kE& r il ~3 P11-2 fA 1LÀ A$W FçR SALE OR ENT-NCOIroT'S RCOUNTS ai.k. Iquire of a. M. Maîba. P11-1 FOU SALE- Foui curn criba. 12 aes amneiode. m-esttand ais me ehat ffl inrefur IL. C. C. Copeland, P-1-1 FO BALE-Soms Wb.t- Wymdotle Duoseere Martin Ihoom iLbertyvîlle. Pbosu 842" p.11. Or ft SALE-Cool wOOd smi Rail Us>, III. alo 150> gond wbite oak Pomte. laquire ai PereaesroeM. Phune 11-R. p-il.' FORSAE-Afa gad anaorwagon bouas. Mshody Pars, Laks Forst, lit. C. I."ibPoSpt. C-Il-tf FOO SALE-A large Beseburuer in gondcondition. Ounranteed alrlgrbt. W. M.colline, Division treet. p. 1.1. F8SALE-Barber $hbop Ilturea. 2 Koi' bydrauic chàirà%, 1 camblDUatOU cas,nus Camse etc. A gond outti I lu eodomdttid. Addrega bax 178, "kgd ai, II.c-11-2 Judge Schuwerlc of Randolph County Sustains Conshtu- -tionality of Measuwe Chester,.Ili, Nov. 28.--Juilge Wil- ttam M. Schuveri etfUtheItandolph counly court toay upbeld thse rightI oi vomen ta vote i l fîlols for char- ter offices sud on local optiodl ques- tions under tse provision efthtIe lav euscted lIselJune. Thse option vspgirovn as a result ot-Ute centested local option electtau lu tsePercy prectuc. The deeiot sustalusO tseresults of the electior as returned by the canvasslng hoard. Judge Schuwerk lu bis opinion de- dlard it le the duîy ot Uts courts ta sustil the cantltuttonalty of an st It il dos nol clearly cotrovene ts constitution. Ho assumed taI the ,lehiplature kmev the 1ev sud kuew tse constitution vhen the set wvs 130,1880a mut" le a tbing Of the geai, etili tbere lsas grest tact of undertand. lagsvincesd aeregarda lb.. Uer of the bieksMd wbltes. But aîsew y"ears8< a eov thât en uresmbed &sBolettný vma a drug an the goneri ,arbes »md wus very bard ta dispose Gl. Today a cev ¶tiela aHolaielu yul t oP.tC mort and wvîl rvcod t1bny ¬ion. ' Ail tiis lias couic about natieaIt for lte Holatein con bof won ber vmY lioto toc ear osrf the dablm trongh lodivAduml merit. Ber l(rsmS oy oi m11k, combina ivAt aen .ver .1lumresl btter fat perosmtwmsbar trong con- tiltotion mditsvp sit. ber dlapoetion and gonerai m atlttyba plaeber JOn the front rank mad von ber t*9 deerved tiUe of 'queen ai tbe dairy bresds." Ami ever1triving to advamo. ber giumt Popnlmiltp, te morasse ber vat nuabers, the Holaten-Frieim Association ai Ainrica bas hepi @tep witht teir great cwountil taday ih la tii. larget mnd tronget cattie associa- - ulI M- - -,- -cers àbstr&t. of Týtle. 4 Titisi.Gu.aned Mauonie Temple SIdg. WaohLegan, III. 'Nov.mber 24, 1913. Benjamin 3s an md -if.et.J. K. Crl'bb and ýwtm ýre lot village of .aIke Vlua,'W. Dy i2,000.00. Madellne O. Blakeslsesnd husband ta Emma King ét eL undivlded 1-6 la tract of land! la Section, 20), 29 and O0, Waukegan Twp. 13,0à.0O0. Audrew 5ev. ind Vite to G. B. Parmer, lots 1.» and 15 block 1, Iion*. Soutb Bide Sub., Waukegan. W. D. 15,00.00. .November 2% 1913. T. W. Smit andvite ta Margaret M. Dwysr lot 118, Sbaw's Sub. on Long lAke. W. P). $100-00. M. T. Lamey and itife ta P'. R. M ul- tr lot le, Stok 8s. Lake Bluff. Q. C. $30.00. = L H. Bryant and! wtfe to Wm. Wal- ond lots 18 and 19, Block 1, Cook's lub. Libertyville. W. D. $5,000.00. H. A. Garwood antd! ite ta U G. BlessIng. lot on Chiannel Lakte. Deed I.C. Kent and Vite ta H. E. NMal- tan, lot 51 Kent'.s ub., Waueonda. W. Dl. 1176.00._ ta la i w ro si Bi il Mi w1 LUNE COUNTY DRS, MAKI3 BIRTII RE- TURNS TO LAW Statement of Deputy Clerk Shows Condition Bétter Here Than in Cook County «The faiture of doctors and mid. wives ta report blrths causes sût-i fering la thousands ef cases." sald Cook County Frlday. To subsiaunlate Ibis statement. he told of ts laiest cm>ýe catIe, ta bis ow ln lai 00 an, be Bl etc tfi ln OU' ton u mns.e eor.'.. City .of Lake Ftorest ta 9'lnlev Blar. " Perlfape It vili surprise noas, rmaders r- artoh20LieFrstWf ta fludthbat the. Holoteine hold ail rel atlt20LItéFrs.W .r woitds records. not onty for tuilk$.500.Pl John Griffth and vite la, Fin lev a production, but fur the production of IlarreilI lot 4 Academy Park, Sui.t6 butter fat nas asI. and Ibat tIse. records ak.FrstW.D.$0.0 art officiai, made by uon-iuterested La.tQ.FHers nwiet a W. W. 8100CI tenter@lS'tom careîuîly supervu.ed aud j QlHrau vl aA .1w cbecked se a te prevent mietakes Sud ilu lot 2, Block 10, Suderlus l st c frad.Thee e n ctts aeolaîon~sAdd.. Waukegan. W. D. $1.0n. frau. Terein o catieamSatinju Virauze B. Morris 1te E. T_ Vaudo. existence ltastinl more strict, moreI painsaklng uer more fIr tian the. mark, Iots 26, 149 Bu* 150 Sha's -Pub. fHoâtein-Frieu.si a soclatien, bot 'i n ou Fox Lake. Q. C. $250.00, regterng its animaIs sud inlu ofiral B. IV. Soumasehr aud wvietoe m- tene ad tie n amited ii il reee 1eIle M. Streliber, IL 17 t. W. 12 ft. lott teta ad is As mttee<sr aow beedr,. Il k. 52,Highltand! Park. Q. (ç 81.w0. e other breeders. 9\""fo W. J. Oliver and vite to J. C. Cer- To gir.. sari sud ever revord made makil 14%Y acres lu S. % Sec. 9, New. 3;port Twp. W. D. $15,450.0(). by the. black sud abutes wauli 111Mau a book sa ouly lte vevld recordi.,fur November 206. 1913. Smch division wilI b.e presented, tarting Charles Kllpper and vite ta Sophie viitiih butter fat sud milk recorde for 1-blet lot 3. Bloci 2. Parkhursl & mature cae (; yeus eand aven) doivu Cunlugham Sub., lbertyville. W. D. ta birut end hele",. $2,800.00. Tise env iaving lhs distinction of Lswrsuce Buck sud vite te L. G. holding "et worlds officiai record for Wood, lot 2 Btfcks ob, Ravinia. botterAslas K. P. Pontiac lAs., No. W. Di. $200.00.F 161,a daugbter of King of te Matthew WblPWen Wtd vite te T. C. Pon.tiac@ Na. 8M(37 sud iho b, old Monroe, 9 acres lan N. B. 3U N. E. Pontiac Korudibe No. A5982- K. .3 Sec. 34-Aven Twp. W. D. 81.00. Pontiac Lais prodnced lu sevea cou- Estate ot Joseph BarTnett deed, te ecutive days 5853 Î) poundu etniuulS.1 liv Roberts, East 77 IL lot 6, Sub. 85,848 ponude of butter,, or 44.178< et lot 4q, Laie Forest, Deed $1,8550. panade ai the beot cenituercla butter, 00.1 test 6.03 per cent lat. TIs-re are but Novamber 28, 1913. twao oher cawe lu tIhe uorid 1h51 bavejGel. Lutkenhaogen te Mary Fratric. pruduoed 40 paunads o! butter lu a week, lot 6, block 5, Sunderllns lot AdO.. Valdessa Scott 2d. No. 72311,. witls Waukegan. W. fi. $500.00. 41.H75 paunde and Johanua feKoi Van Sarah A. tiesleY ta J. C. Merchant Beere, No. 75131. with 40078 poiifds. . 'Par tst 4 and 5, Bleck 1, Tit- TiteseareIil reglotered Holeteina. tan3'~s 3rd Add. Waukegau. Q. C. Titere are arer 250 BGfcI canove that $1.00. bars produoed -30 pounds o! butter iu Helen C. %fc('ure et. aI. la Henry seven days in -heir officiai tests. Swansou. 96 acres in S. W. %4 Sec. 12, r lu the 3 0 day lesta the coaat"t beade Warren Twp. W. Di. $9120.00. thes even day liât la aIse ou top, K. P. P. P. Dymond aud vite et. aI. te ti Ponliac Lama having made 137.198 Gee. Burrldge. 5 acres lu N. KL 14 Sec. pounde o! hutler fat or 171.497 pounde 20, Lîbertyvilie Twp. W. D. 11,6w000 ai commercial butter frou, 2316 4 Mary fluveuport aud husbantdleW poundaoi milk tbus u&aiug a -test Of A. Spears and wIfe, ltl on Sheridan 5.92 per Cent lut. Hoad lu N. E. 14 Sec. 33, Bentan Twp. * For thse production of butter in ans W. fi. 81.00. t year tbhe record goes ta Danostine Belle November 29, 191&8 i fieol, No. 90441, tise baviugt produc-ed C. R. Tes-uer ta Sophia'M. Towuer, 0 27404,4 ponde of milS. 1058.34 pounde tract of tend at Diamond Laks. Q. C. se of fat or 1422 92 poiidso! ofomercial $400.00. r butter in 365 consecutive days. lier test C. W. Greenfleld and! vifs ta Alce J. La for the entire year being :3.86 par cent. Greentield. lot 15, RavInia, W. D. PARRIAGE Li-CENSES paased sundtat lIse membere lutend- Twenty-tour Htotelin cuws bave pro-d -ed tat vemen should vols only for duced'1000 Pound@, or over of butter T. W. Smith sud ite te joseph Atitpt 'Itultz. Chicago......... 22 sucIt offices sud snob questions as lu 865 deys. Tander, lot 32, Shave Boub. on Long S1 ILM.SirsMme .............1 are nt provind for lu tho constitution. Agatha Pouliac No. 199818 leade the Lake.W ' . $. 150.00 Nichelsa Liser. Chteago--------...22 lHe upbsld tsecontontien ofttlIse mnor four year olde awitb 29.52 pounds T. *W. Smithh sud vifs t J. F. Beei- Baaaie tanO. ame-------------..19 siate lutse mater et Uts second fat (rm 575 8 poncids ai milS lu @aveu nY, lots 30 and 117 Shaw's eub. on Caitqu syton. 'Bentan Harbior . .24 question rased by tse peilloners, de- dei@, giviiig fier a record 0f 36.90 Long Lake. flesi$250.00. CMrisPie, Goaben, nd ....22 claring ta a tagal voler le a perpon iounuda o! butter te.tiug 538Par cent fat. T. W. Smitand vifs la Win. Pale-t 4tt"ea KlUnety. West Alli1......21 vbo in authonize,! tu vote at any ele- Thers I.n need ta prve more records cek, Lot 31 Shaw'a SuIs. on Long La>pe. Malta Werner. Milwaukees -...19 ion sudtat the act of 1811 contnt for butter fat exceptiug for a botifer viîb W. fi. 8150.00.f Laèt M. Slroug, Chitiago....2 tutsd a vamnan a legal voter under fira cal!, lu titis division Finderne A. M. Laupon andi vifs tu Mary E.t L612181 Ofenloc. Waukegau ...20 tIsaI sot, sud tlitItse sct ot 1913 Pouliac Netherland leads. eh.. producing Green, sentIs 8 foot W. 93 feet lot 11,0 -401 PaUrmt, OChicago ...........29 mAkes vomen lîgl voeraunder that el 2 ear, 2mouhs nd24 tdeys 5675 Bloc 11, Original W&ukegau. W. fi à»" g Ilr"kec. sàme............. at.patudso! mIlk, 2261. pounds of fat or $1.00. Chalat, Byers, Osbssburg ....28 Hie poluled ot vherelu lise conten- ove, 28 peunda of butter lu 71 days, Carl Pelersen et, aI. ta H. J. Bld- Mabet Les. Jackson, Mnit...?22 tion o!ftse peilioners tat a legal test 39&. luger aud vite. 10 acres lu N. W. 3 Tbeo. S'ogelstro<i, Moliat>.. . .I voter la oniy sncb persen as bas un- Thse best butter fat tust for a Ivo year Sec 17 Waukegan Tvp. W. D,. ogrel B. Corky. Waukegan....27 limited rightI o! franchise le erron- old le 5.96 Par cent fat sud le bselli hy $2,600.00. John Rchardsont, Zion Cty.....22 On. IK. P. Jeweline No. 189974. Alida W. Stultiugadsud bsand et. Jv~o.noes, mne.............. 21__________Wble Ibeue testa for, butter fat areaibj Dm11Poiiplu, Mivanie . 2 realy vndelul.a glnestial.h ise I - sale A. KitIlç. tract of land Ibo pMplum Milaukee...... 2mIly worers l.a vsry lnts7 g sudelu N. W. 14 Sec. 23, Grant Twai. W. Vtia eBehendor!, ame .........28 i5'5reordais vuirr1,1, Johin micbasîs, Mlwaukee ....26 JI I4NiS F14 makes eue m aeveu re et tisef, Dcsbr1198 101eTobin, aMme .............27 ,pCA>E K -abltiea o!flte Holstein. ewb 1113 1#11. Kui. MUtý,akee ..........21 YÏRI>54S JIE5L JJ iveri,!. Sadl, De Kol Burke No. 2,Bmokma borne's anT. H . r~lot- p"etd cbutz, salute............ 20 - 1 70708-gave lu seven couaScuttre dayv ,Boi1 sous2dEh Is llip ,. Dawson, Hlusdais....1.4 NOW PRR SSIN<j 920 S pannusof mIl or an average 0f srt>'vAlle. W. fi. $400.00. Jeai. CaMipbél, Chicagoa... 8 131.542 pouuds par day. fi) 30 dmys T. H. furet sud vifét e , j . jo- 0*0 Paterson. Chcago, ......m.-as t ave< &35,6ounds, lu 60 day. Itanson, part N % 1.9. L Secf. 18, jteej,"an.Chcao ..... .29 Bloomlugtatt. Nov. 28-Ahi i-7122.6 pouutdS azMinÂoo Oys11,223.4 Wsukegan Tvu. W. D. 18,80.00. lmary Law sce,"'Kenosba ... i on echool childPound@ f1llliitOEmmare enwarduand af tulît. Ma. mlil. «enoha ........ 8 gaged lu a Unique spelllug COntest. le Kol Quséon LaPloîka 2d Ne. 72325 Emma Musouch sud tuaban,!, part lot Pir« I4ncit. Milvaukeea......... 32 Durlug thse comlug moitit al puplîs gava M1.8 pounde of .11k iu 7 day.sud 4. Rov'Ïrd Hghlands, SPo. Laie. w. BIna - olIjh% Milwaukees... 26 etUof ulo ctol agigf outCale Belle Wayns No. 98497 madý' D. 87.0 Cut rht, ilwak ........... rtIse fit t lte elgbt'grades, u- 824.8 Pounud@uinsne eek. W. G. Dickinson sud vifs in Julia . no"d Rigcit, Milvaukeen....23 clusîve vilI compele by "1itoo8. For a *earli' record Creamelle Vais C. Kernîgan, lots 17 sud 18, Block 2, *s<'~IdckMcNiigtdn Cicag . 32 Thes vinuers III nit dOusPete ilu& a vash@ie inu., $heaivlog 29591.4 Hot's SuIt. Latte Forest. W. àý. 810. >iay ean, Bro icago... ..3-27townsipicompetàion, mdtose ~ ode o! Miilas 865 he liust Teresa Keougb ta John OGrin, 50 ______________ iglUt ....sbo2ng M"I- hat record bl»q 288056.4 poundé liaI ce uW.%So 41 # n.nssay aauei cutye cp om ious.nie t"te tR -sleg IOItOVtby 28486.1 sud te-liseW- % Sec- 2, VerUonTwp. -~t» 'or insach ctit! tY I tien copeta WIýtt e'Sba I teavements. and C. LouAis Thomston et. al. ta Anus in the.estf9 te1tire{plcenet noeil to aa o »bywlotat r M. Simpson, lot 7. Btock 4, laissAi of lu Ia ie te *ecaptol btldIMIUglu Spiaelie ia ltebbsa utsen l gawMSec. 34, Avon Twp. W. fD." ~,j pepqpJatv*j ,?1400.00. u il! . ,. ~- 'ho sougbt a pension under te vtd. :ce' Pension law. She was the mo- ter of tour cltildren but lte dactor à attendance at ite blrtba had fait- ed ta malte te report require,! by lIV. In tse montlme be b.d die,!. The Dnunty clerkas office badl no record and au certif icates of bîrtit coul,! not se obtalued the 'widow vas noces. arlly deprived of ber deeerved peu- don, Mer. Sweltzer sald. lu Lake Caunty. aecordtug ta state- nuts trom thse county cterk'p office,, te doctars as a whole are careful tn naking lrtb returus. They are supposed ta *maie reporta lucide of nirty days and vyen selda. do tbey rn over that perlod, acardlng ta de- uty clerli Morse who was questtoued bout lte malter, TItre, the conclu. bion le that cases sîmllar ta that ln Cook county are flot tikely ta, mater stlize i luLake County If lte pbypi- lans contilue to show tltelr attention so the malter. WAiiIOm Adyles "Tou'd better est slow," aald Willle .o lte clergyman VItO was dlniug VitIt the tamily. Mamaanever givea wore* n e plece of pie. SQUÀNDIEREW'D MANY SAAL FORTUNES, DIED ÀPOOR IRN Fi si a tI ins Recail That Martin Eichstadt Jissipated Many Big Leoacies in Lite 5PENT $1 ,000 1N3 MONTHS nyone of His Fortunes, lit lu Said, Would Make it Pos- sible to Jietire fleath frein heart disese superisi duced by cltronlC alcohîlsul, Vas t substance of the verdict returued bl acoroner's jury Sunday mOrulntgIr te Conrad aud Hart undertabi moons In thse Case Of Martin BicS stdt, 53 y.ears old. -ho dropped des. Saîurday whDAe oatlug dinIner at.-tIt horne ot Adolph Dlmlting. proprietoc tf the Sherman Haute. Eichstad ,ad hecu eAuployod &round thse SIte man bouse for »ome litIe lime delui variens odd jobe about lIse place. Early Saturday atternoaf i lmîli seut hlm ta bis home, a tes deoot eouth oft hel on South Geneat street ta, gelt ome coul. WIten Eiet .tadt arrin ed ho found tat Mrs. Diu Aing had dinuer already aud he se les-n toeaet. He taok onlY One meut fut. His heail dropped upôn hl shoutder sud bis bresthing vas vsr .abered. Mrp. Dmnllug's lttIe daugl ter notlced Itim sud rau tuto Il noit room tu catI her mother. D3 Kaleweky vus surnmoned but he foup tIsaI heurt action had etalstnd. Etehstadt IssO llved An Wauiegi0 toc fully thirIy years. Accordlug1 bIs friends be badl dissipaied seren ernaîl fortunes that came ta, hlm1 tIse way of legacles sud succesel speculallont. Hîs triends recaîl oi memnoreble oecaziou .when b.e quat ered $1,000 An less thaotree mouil They say tIsaI ho lltorally tre away several fortunes, any- one whlch vould bave, beensufficieint keep hlm comfortably the reet o! I lite. s-hile he had meney unlîlil v as al gone. TIten ho s-ag villing ta. sette des-n ta Isard s-onk. For twentiears îe s-as ernployed lunlte monument business, belng ernployed byté Bairttow f lrm o! tItis: cIty. Hesvm one0 efthle beet mechanîce Ibal could bo tounti anys-Iere. fluring Uth agtI ev years he had doue mucb. beiug coulent to do lttIs edd jobs bore sud there. He ,feuud a cerntertaisle bsr5 luntse Sherman bonte sud eeemed ta be psrfectly cou- tnteld. Tse ueraI vs> beld tItis atsmneon tse ceremony takig plscè aItse grave. lulerment tbei place lunlOak- vood cemetery. Mchetadt Isaves tvo plelers, Mr. Frani Daluga, 404 ClAn- Ion street. Waukegau. Mrs. Pye of Bloomlugdmle. ST.ATE Ok I 1.NIi.(<Vi7.ry ()F Tu tiporg.. I. IM a4.n a d to e hem t inay ocnr: Thse u n ry ,-vailS le vt hn, îi, Cfrfl iled wit t.. lerig -,lte e ouutv i1ttnrt of Lake <owty, liIîî,,i, otive teBere. by Ouver t îl'.t Iluis..eu abr.tur m lien azampit a biewk g.Id.îg. thuev..,u-s id, owued by <4.org, R. Rat.on, for the auni. oi $2q'4 00tifor î..iî,ynidir., leedlrig, pabturirsir aud l.sîarding @&id gelding to Noviiîbe 27, 11. And you are furtb..r uotitl that I si'e<l sslii sid geidinq .5ntpuliie miction te the lugheet %tid -et liide; frr rash, on Ssturday, tii- 20th day of I)eceuber. A.D1 3 tthé bour of uns n'gl.îr5 P. M. at Mut raànunîgetaile@ bn tht, mile tracSlan the village pof l.twrtyvillfe, Lake. Connt, Illinois.li to ýrse eed lien and latim of $204 (Me, tAlc..? ber with the, coste and tc.arg..e of enloreing smid lien. Dstad this 25th day of Nrember, A. D. 1913.firt WcMaho,î Now 281 Dpe 5.12 mis lm., Presl)ytrian Soirviofes 10:310 &a. w.uirninir wormhip. 11:45 &. m. Bble Schoi. 6:45 p. m. tji.itlsn Etideavor oelety. 7:30 p m evenini wrohtp. Vsitors al wrs eeme. st. L.urence Episcopal Church DcV, EnWAanDS. WITEî, Pastor Mornlnot Prayer 10:80 a. wu. Suoday echool 11:80 &a. w Vistors are alwaye welconte. Momn ey o nS n d Ipprove - staté g Office in L çe Ekr ok LISERTYVILLE, -'ILLINOI LYEIL H. MORES MASTERS SALE. Slate of Illnois, Couuty et Lake,.ase. lu the Circuit Court of Lakte Coun- ty. October Teru, A. D., 1913. J. Seely Grldley, Trustes vs. Frank N. Williams,. et.a -Id Chancery-Oen. No. 4377. Public notice las tgeby giveir that by virtue of au order aud decree eu- tered Aunlte aboveentilîsicanse, lu lte Circuit Court of Labo Couuty. Illinois, ai thse Octaber Ternu. A. D., 1913. on te lOtItday of Novembar, A. D, tbereof; tbe underslgned Mas- 'ter in Cbsncery of tse Circuit Court of L.akte Couuty. Illinois. vîlI sell at public vendue to thse bîgbest sud best bldder for cash, on Mouday, Descern- ber. 15tI, A. D., 1913.,aetIhe heur et one o'clock la tbe afteruoou ot raid day at the. east front door efthte Court Hlia nlulte City of Wanke- tan. ln the County et Lar. and State of Illintois, te followlug descrlbed preriot to-vit:- Lot ons (1) ilu Peases Subdivision et parts; ot Lots Thirty-four (34) sud Forly-tIve (45) o et sPl t of Hlgb- wood. lu thse City etf1ltlànd Park, bs-tng Evertisud Jeffory's Snhdtvls- ton et parts ýt socthu)s Fourtéen (14) and 9itteeu (15) lu Township 9'orty- threo (43) North, Range TvqIve (12) EasI t fte Third rncpl eridian, sltuated In lte Cty of Highland Park, lu Lake Connty. Illinois. Dated et Waukegan, Ill., ibis 111h day et Nevember, A. D.. 1913. EDWARD J. HEYDECKER, Master Au Chaucery. BENJ. H. MILL.ER, Cornplaats Solicitar. Wkly 21-28 lie. 5 ADJUDICATION NOTICV. Publc Notice la herehy given tat the aubecriber, AdmlstitratOr O! lb. REgate af Catherine Pahîman, deceas, ed, will attend the Couuty. Coutiof Lake Couuty, et a tenu thO?Àpf t ; bolden eIt té Court lions. la Wau- kegan, lu sald CountY, onu tse lfis !tlonday ot Januarv nezl, 1914. vhsn aud vhere ail persona bavlng ctaâfmi againat raldetate are notlfled sud requested tu preseul the same ta sait SCourt for adJudlcatlou. JOHN fi. I'AILMÂN,. ey Admlulstrator. in Waukegau, Il1, Nov. 17, 1913. l kgRalpIt L. Peck. Alty. 1414 Ameticai h-Trust ldg., Chicago, 111. -b Ld- wkly Nov 21-28-Dec 5. le ir- e lis r. experivf. Hi gradwe coi- an gae berre. t4tbere a "a tbtskmutrd"* lSvG.. mi you are ch g ig n~ grade coffs, but an lu ag Wh ou toit the .gr e1 ne irom evcoi ly a hie -the Quatlir Noaes on ain 1 1 eý - - la OR. VICTOR C. a~ OSTEOPATHIC P«*Y 215 MsdlaoitSt., I" 00"ce bum 912 A M.;14 p Sundays hy Apele*p ArroaEzy.AT-LAW',--,-l Libet<lie - imulanîs Luce BfBÉItet a«.. Phtone 152-B. orne. ibee MARTIN CQ DOCKE Ulice Opp. lemo t.,EassSsn 'flics Phone 848 Be&. Pborresiý NiMITU OBIUAGO. ILLAJIS PAUL MAC GUPPI. AITORNEAT U1. DR. C. IR. GALLOVAY. 01110 0133LOELI mms Dve 510mB sou-iua i 80 -83md a to8p. .m DL O. P. DUTEFIELDI TETERINADISUGEN MY expens. *ver Mte0dpint J. M. Gra ves AUCTIONEER, 144 Eh.wmi Ave.. Wm.hqsqmSwew Di. CV. smetH GENERAL PRAOTICU dortentle 5 %. >2 0 44W7 14 Oncesoves M la m ore0. asi5OIA A1 en T8 10ita 11 M DO. L. L. TAYLOR uOlfIe-lu :it)sadê..9" l. n Eeqd6«.ma -M brwawy. oppualle Pi M GOLDING Ourver V1q ationalb.ek Offie ee 410-. ile Pions 157.~ DR. AAHR CHURCHL Phydiîcl anmd Surs'*"i tw eea aen toie , lai. 100.534 flN GLA"8ES PROPIERLY FITTEP DL ILH.LSWUTH ouu-8 te * . &» mi Ad0à S PUIBLIC U TQ E llqmst atten tion pidd to ansu suetion cpea »d hbut mreaula log aMes. AIl klmds of borese, wagens a barnse for amie or exebsiv sait Ua HEfflY~D~ hN. 148«e« 8 ZOUÇirT, M JL. REDII4,P.Yq VSTERIMARY &UI , aduats Oteh$"" t. coehIq* Ame.Phtone 1138-W. j r;RED GRABSrl, ý EXPERtENMÇI AUCT@ 1 IFor Rarmtunecom çimaM Toohon. 261-L- Ar" s bat#l wo unae "464 tiý - - Popov -Mo - ýg ou' F" Ij -1