LAKE ouNTYINDEPENDENT WAJKGA N WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXII -NO. 12. TWELVE PAGES Lfl3ERTYVILLE, LAKECOUNTY, ILL., FR1JDAY, DECEMBER 12,191. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YEÂR îlN ADVAN4CE FREÂ'ER WiO GN~ALU~¾VRETE STATE MILK IN- PAPER CEASIES AFTER ISUEWULID FINES 0f c.lOAJA S WDISÂPA Re D IS --SPECTOR MUIlNS The new weeky palper which tart-I WOME -TAXE GARE ritsK.Pz' ýCa- SOLE ER U mn ~ n Comedof tCf hi.aOf e recently et UAbertyviiie known as FCIYT ~¶P~~ fornia by ltz RiCht Namne. EX.MUi. CO. UNR INSPECTIONAA TOUR "The lAike Couflty Herald,"ha Oâ MES -~ ____________________-' -ceaseti publication. The third edition i- Rev A Vn er ee, orerWiII Visit Ail Daries in City and Prve 'ta liii. A ma iiamed Bolu- Estimated -Thaï:the Volo Case ,~Supervisors at First Sesa i Libertyville Pastor, is Being Ail Farms Supplying This mold th dP.f&id t, asov i Colt County Close to $1,- Dec. Meeting Rata3200 Searced For. City With Its Miik. tieoascn glctowethe 50 LstWe.for Soit Expert Work. 00Wpndn no 0n thoroughly eovers GOOD RESUITS EXPECTED. thecoflt'ysd elt "0 ti . FINES WOULD TOTAL $1 ,000 Si10,000 A YEAR INStI ,, MAY HAVE GONE ABROAD. publicationl theofore. Iras short. j I oopne yteLclQuetio Rlaised Whether, if Board's .Finanoia a'4 1:er Acoomanie Byi the Aoca INSULL'S STALLION W=mn Paid Fines, It Would a Trc fHmCue lriInspector Who WiII' Assist WISABGPIE qa h oto ra.Support Needed to stR- Taeo iCassAamHim in Hi: Work. WIS maAe BI IeZ. Edgeted.s f ril te His Friends. -Aithough the chiltiren ruonopolizeti Supposing that Judge Donneily aiede Um Proeemvet State Miâ Inspeetor Cooney arriv- the big Chicago stock exposition on', boThsss h axmm fn f î ae soity tmpoven f ormaishap bc Hundede0f fieni Ii Chcagoant Ietin Waukegan on Monday alter- th, lent dey, Saturday, there was $200 eacb on the Vola defendanUs andi eisewbere, including hie Élancee. have noon andi went over the local situa- serions work conducted In the jutiging hysolipytefn tbu u-dywe h uevsra i i tionilnconsderabie detail :itb Dr. ~ rmHwhrefr th reco dpeneio the finse totfur thehnth uevio s h n joined in the sogroh for the Rev. An- ofbecîkey horses. Smuel Insuli's their litigation would the county be aCt of the present sessioni passfl $W9 tnVnUrMeheyugpaormormnna aecompanieti by City Heaith Libertyvilie Wag seseteti as Cham- six-day trial put the county tua'iuneo hepasfrtbt of the Presbyterian church at Harbor nspector Clarence Hicks, bc starteti pion staîlion, an the Whp fron This Je aus ionwih cor at- cniuneo h ln o xU Springs, mich., wbo dmiperd not on bis tour of inspection. This Broadlawn farme champion mare. The tahsaetyn ofgr u o ysoli ativice for the farmers a Tlhankagivtng daY. Friday., Dec. Sth. wli taite him not ouly ta, ail the dair- first prizes were stîver trophie, gîven have beau figurtng up about what the biiity. lu fact, s reality for the Dot N ws hefirt nYSrar û bi i ~les in Wauegan but ta ail the farms by W. H. Moore. Ai's Douglas, tram cost of the snsational trial was ta year for certainty andi liieiy SiW wag th tire &nulrsaryof lis ln.which suppiv this city witb milli. the Broadlawn farta, tai second rnb- the county af Laie. One man who fig. he yas stmlàation sa pastar of the cburcb, his He bas announceti bis Intention of bon among the staillons. and Quean ured out details placati bis estimate et IBe I yes:le ytecut opý tiret charge. seleing tn It that the strlctesgt regula- Daisv. frami the Pabst far'ç, was the $1,00 itohe peutet by tic c$800 whi The above Item Interesta Liberty- tions are enforced andi In cases where mare selecteti for second place. $a50 th Anotherv to a e $800 we of supervisona of the couaty et la'11111É ville people boe» Mir. Van Uer he dadas unsanitary conditions ha wîî __________ titi ai the00nerTe ta e bisve te -llinois_____________________ts Me,.- vas gstioned ln the village order the cessation of business until Ct ieat1,00 tn seleve the 120 illnois tay s aid out osE fl ~about a year ago for a parloti of si: bis suggestions bave been coinplied PR I T S cost $1,500 run soehrRer$120~j UA>TES ON Ihesry zril dcr hI mi =jI' ~ ~ monhs Prstrlali cisc pn the lae the with. It ls expecteti that It will taire ,,RIUSA~ ; iw One man, ilguring out the detals **la s E ment for farta Improvemst lu' Prs yt ra fhrh l h ilg ch m s v rld yD R R . ÀN i gures this way: I> K ~ ~lAie county. ani boesh8 heomme wideiy acquaintelà andth ie LE~C1YO Tft but wben be is through bis woan wil Twenby-four jurors, the entire pan- 'DL~ the emýploýyMcat et a ou$iy frieidub. adecam taluehlmhave been donc in a biônough mllner. A'R T ANOTIIER Il <for all bave te aithouso #S.l¶X> s viole fr- 1 *Mld éounty of teks. a h vais avert' able anti ver- lny~g th petwe jteml nP minle Young mn viti gneat promnise J1g tors have beeon bers thet' seldoi rbut 12 seve onl tic cae). et the hrb appropriate the à""*u rom~~~UD forS 2 fuor-iî eon eî-nyrhvemd ,~i dollars a day for Oive dairs-360. tos om e ht«u ~cesa -oril the future saile cbnM N cha inte, cotnig i i l ICarne RichbardsoA o Grayslake Tweny-fivc extra Jurymen calleti o me&B~ 4 la ad t h e tic MPl kM te cd b. vas exuoeliy briliU-t. FR 1 RSO th seading their reports tu thc Has &eiù ibiyPlaced r de- .jý atu frind an dayrYvll emte forten Dve days AIio aoe tuck be add _q,-0 ~ii jsn fnatileLieryvli -- piln t tr-Crawford an'e the Ufldu Arrest Keeping thc 12 jurors and two bail- ami Zlst ~ ~ e iii la iPBes Lawrence Huitiutt nid Wm. resuiat in Mr- TiIIi b r~-ifs ai liast $2 a day for ave day&-- r~ his, « ntbA * smabeCOPLCAW F Kl G. 9,Mercy ktter gt b mime report vlth regard W911CTE Af FF A R 's as luhmu a iWP- ojctt iii il itl et1 r Stesographer. $8 ai day for div. was__ 1é44ks "eNU te c onto st htl set u Dr uted ~wttiln RAYL.AK&TITO OUE ~s Dr.i~j, ms. in cip . C e WIU ~ p ilfled Grandi ina'. tvo days for 23 mon st -Ai gone Taiifsa Are Revsd ' m UIN Îrst~ ht'Vies . ~. c iue t ullM ae wer ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I k e cetr. . nseo, OlyOeSutEi e ,g 'i x-'-QScut cierk $4 a dY for six ia mer MW, tblI 'hfe* -âs «.~cbN k-3. . 3s Nimtsa su -UOu et tillcbeumg George, uteu6y." 11111411111ebIlf8 4ado,.1 h a» *à&* atâa c. le mhu" a"i th. coui els tfel ma? have te be tali "' - , '7w- t'Oô*lact aless etmte i ~Baet., Jndge Donnelly Thuradat'. Dcc. 4, Wou tub.w coure. .1bs bt.t 1 onw, g toi mvla srntg Mir. Va * ~ u ec iii . cvi occi~ Win tells usai majite front kita t uit mua t.-v tumd o.vth li ~J ;E V adbs tai f eryDIW, aev-miksvagmB Au theýà.4 defte about cd taday on onmpWUt et 4~curie I- Total of above semI.ascMrte 89- The ,Iqffl lat Leà J» ~ Becr 'Ms ~ ic ISBIBa'k11 60AiT' dence wbea lecontlir ladictelli prnison- teI'.Tseapes-l vonp.vuNi3balinur-.4. . uary14M Y be c.eeted 10ho b~i 15 Uicers ver. arraisÜet bettora hl. for. cdntst o etei o utr k nova as Mmrs Icoey Beac 1[enny And. tic total 'fns, If psà ple Uctbe #5- ~l 0 a*tcs.mooe, No case bas »Me hlm sme. whils two young men pîcaduici edît nool for aler er bute ft Heueil theli man WbD, 1551 Theradat' maximum. al $200 scb. wouli age. P0Ui»d ms»Wus j" esomreh la lci by Uic Riv. W. 9. t~ ffene b"i moient pealtendt' t.l:c sml i lahoillm lui circuit court amttai ho bcd ive, tt $1.000. 0f course. lb.., th, de The ps ote am 7 Mdil Sosaits. Yitobe lryaa patrer o the Cburch sen=nce, Ju ntge vas lein &Bd vlch il U ake It possile ta o i m ia." tl.taab aBb ivat cdnsvndhv eti cr f Fut en-cc et frUc ~ rctmmv.mmil ce tic Covenunt Chiago, of vhose go t smisesio rms complote report. Ontta à sthel %mw- edaaswd-bv e toune ami of fer* m e aehm adtilcs i for l~ tau w» pou":s h buog c a l f t r a e ee i i t e v o t l nea n ,Uvsc hu e For om e Uitie lim e tiers- have and ho v as senlten S d t e ti e Pconi- tic co t e as eill.f r t P u d a d 4 f r e él.a d t o L . o i t ,L » t « * assuber turing bis studios et tbe ate. been compiainta about slome of ~thentay i eodmrig a rsn ae.taiOcna e.s a twu eanat.dainies anti farin ln Ibis viciatty but viti Carnle Richardston of Gnayalake, Fifti Zone-tZIlhi Cents for thorIc ý,t 'Dr nyanant bistamThe- men vbo bave the corts tebns- o ie osil oracm occurnlng Test June. Sbc hati a s W mail I E K finit pouui anti a for mach addtion&]. y lis adoption, It sanit&, Onýr ra n i cf rytobta e enrtta tbani for But nov being pl ant seIn posi fo ate Then abevWhou he marniet ber, and,. It ls TC M SPresent rates. 9 s»d 7 centa. oupet WIiiTh be dr tu i l talion lic difficult task ver haven that pintee Jnspctio eîîy. LAS maNe Then rem-in lat o i r flb oni o b raîlaevetfa r ofc tiee local autorit vinaftilti adLarSHul Hearli toiti the court ho bati "taien 1 LÀ5 T t1SI pound anti 8 for %*h adttionai. tir. Blair aurei bau baesél lissceryan. .teepae h h cfat InpIesnogho ena e an omp. M an cf Waien ntiy. nbc ui power merei' te, boycott miii from Ipity on ber andtihle chutd anti just j rsetrae, 0anTWcnsbfrIlWe vllbe toM neighbor .engagct etaan martwueo marrîet ber aithough i knev I vas W T À L U I Bil bbciret tvo zones the veight that t.he .ouy hoard boaloimt Chicago fradldb e.W .checks aggrigatlag $55.204 Ha bas bas the pover ta close ant' dainles oriigwogbcue1le _____e Ilmît la nereasedi tram bventy ta aitty moral ant i nancia aId. Plumer Bryan, have learneti that a ta1rins ha deeme unoBsanltary. Dr. Fout' toîngs trn bands ln bat anotheresfr ------ . beau boere four years tram Uenmank la o! the oionthat lie taspictioi vIfe." aalole oe rm Thus. from titis date on. "h wd dayo ~ tathe is-anti la a baier. Mn. Runyard aa ha whlcb starteti today vIill ha one of Weil. by the court's conviction,; COE ASAoGSRRS.elvnt vnyf the BOIT expertaienlami appeuranci hi racelveti a message dldn't vint ta hi hart on the dîfent- the mont thorough anti mont profuil HeaniesB second iiarrlagi vas auto- Pirmisaion ta place books anti esta- anti officiai aspect'.ue froni ~ ~ ~ &n Honan tthen hlmr that bis matîcail annii threor sh ecr rops 26 Degrees in liogues la the parel pont ciass vas bc ppenb by dlroetens « ins 90.S stepfather la dt'ing. itla t hought that t aont i tcour ath i ditinty Hei tîve of resuis aven conducteti 1n thleins eC ihrsn deniati by the commission. remnAsoitne possihit' this upset hu. en, that hact sed h o im t t ptnti nt. i part o! tbe ceunt' y.(ai Rcatsn Few Hours in Waiikegafl ________________pooetAicaiiotr«.*m i agai alune comaes Carrle and 1 n thfotws. sdrbyaottevahr aa rat orm bhe Lai. conne ~i mat' havi startet for the aid country saltis hut aolt warran taans put- hlm lhe ______________ Nowlyaot h eah i vhere ha visitat thîs summer. Ha la charge o! the prabation officer If ha wasotawrrn gls l broat smlles today anti expressati the turai AssociatIon ao ta1 N ae Moinirb ith Hsfacai ouiti promise neyer ta steal again TOWN COLLE*tJ brchargîng hlm vlthbhetag the:auaanDembr hptath aiwahrwli- Macoufn vbW la aiieU Miss Komp, treasurer o! tia Amari- anti voulti repay the men tram whom r flier chilti. Elohunt'. whan Wlaten, long delayad. preclpltated main for a tîma b liait. edt th e hadttlsswU va colo ui fCiao oulti do this anti report monthiy ta TURNSI OVLR 111VE nio dent' bis relations vltb Mies Ricb- ,itef nîjon Waukegan andi the entîne, The local police anith ao a- sett'll iii ot itentehop" the W - tha proation oficer. arison, butdactaretha bat ncaîpte, orthwest eariy Sundat'. a drop of 26 tan have receveti campintIs f SVa iatag bI oa i L~~aTnflW¶mE1¶ ~~ IITII J etc., to bsow that ha hati effectati a dagrees in temrpanatuna balng record- anal paon familles vhe have beanpacceliviivntger. 4 iJK iL **~uLeurenca Huniburtt, Zion City. IN VI 'WI kICUIJII - cd wltlîln a fev hours. Oven niglît the ed ln sone straits as a nesult o! the lng fanmera' intar.ta. aUFEC U Tgid 23, admitteti thaft o! a gun, etc., settiaint with ber for $400. Ha saysbeutei f'flflhl rom the Cok tactont' ln ZIon. Sali - ha wiii produca thesa at the propar City vas plungati frein milld aubun cold speli andi tha' wiii ha gîiven suc- Mir. MacOuffin bashenbcl LA~.Il nye vs n robl bfoe x- Wiii county la $4.000 nIcher today. lime. lie vas placet nter $55 weatien labo, colt that called fon tis con lasmediaiely. Captain Cook o! the moyen ln this salIT motter, and ceplngforsmolngIn ion ('h.John J. Waii<er, tovn colactan, bas bonds b'. Justice James Waicb o! lavst wniips andi a igli rata of cuai local Voluntears o! Amanica stands much o! tii creit in due fer s6, ptin forsmokng n Zin. (Ohreatt' ta baud out chariiy wieravar vhlch. la after t'eans, tarm#r,ý VOLIVA CASE SOONthat Isot much troubla," sait Jutige red that Boni ta the couinty Waukgan, the case bîing cotinued dacCvraWtisreviihaterit"heotin. i Jutga Donnativ saithaioi hhl 2in' pare cen f bond form pat aa h iysres Tecl ael isnbttae ent of L.ake County taille. ZMon City, Ueo. 4 -The SuPrami ta senti hlm ta, prison anti woul it Ilceicet he 2a percetovithe a u maxi-n onth iysreB Tecl ael dsrbtdoe ae e hb OS , Court cf Illinois vWI give its declelon bate hlm provtidng habc iicept'mnioo$.0 tnleyan udtîs W EWlt bolnlren25t 1Coa abersae, h as enrl ni on- DnitB Bar aie . h. on the Cook-Veliva case about the vltb the rues governing It. lie sait fac asnogtaMnWakr tiDOWI BUILDIN6 euatatnatm atang laaSathe an t meIns aare l metl teiilng cmihna I the, of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tc Vailv haoh sai Mrs nomoti dam ol bsvf a-n-mtasn, whistiad betweeli buildings anti slîowlag tî oettmiaue.atms ofrbougi a mitdiae oflis mnh ovalambcwud adhawfleo or-tention bv the state's attorney', IIAC rnI ate waîking dIlffIcult at niant' dowa- Medieine iHai dit not lve up ta lis meut la tu last. He anaersi that the Cook concen violateti theîr log lu Minneapolis.1ltLepyet. - II1IJ À A IR ' towa corners. repulatian,- the minimum there haing questions as tt aiso tir li4 euntract vitb tii nicelven anti faliet Arthur DîRew pleatiat not guilty toeu sung ea tit payment Aaln etI Fbu 8dgesaoe h aepita ert fteKn thf fcikn.JmsWlh The above Item le latanasting tau Tba niercunt aa ain taot1 ane bv.tesiepita artn'c i ae00 tu bigin aponatIons vithîn tveivaef o!cîin.Jms Wecvas resitiauts of Wauiagan township b- i-ies Sunat afeno ira clock Sunday oenlng, accordlng was rpgistered lla Chicago. provamemit Association.,bfj monlts o! the specîfied tuae, anti ta namitd to défend hlm. caua t nsgsoS fr isostina ettaswapthauh te ixstrvtebb ofiia rpot ! heUntlaTe avet oii icrdtfassra thrlaeas@"fr Mm*au empioyth le numbîr ot men agreet John Hornnît anti Daniel Wiiilamiaus poIt hchibge eutîtor do!t iper stutr a10-21Sot MciaSabseahen bureau. At that ime at Minnadosa. Canada. Willistn. Kan., vhich Laie CounIt' la nov ta~ uilon. If the case ls decîdît In favan not ln arreat. Copies andenît lsui, paîiatic me 'a rs of s er s ruteue ahic to01e121 Souet chigagSte et 44dges t7olc il l~rcr o nitît States, $10.000. o! Voliva the F. B. Cook Campant' bonds o! $500 each. Ytemmtrtuhn bv t M.MCrh fee obn WIno ub benn Heanld I! rayelak ptheet Iig mari titan lie $1.500 aiioee by fountien of Zion City, nov usedthefl statily liroughout the day, naach- that peint. Blamanit neportet 6 above. Ceint>' ait vlch leé law, tbis office heing Partlcularly Ilnois Central ralinoat. Arrivai or, Iag 18 aboya zero, at 7 o'ciaci at night. Moonheati, 8; Dulusth, 10; anti Charles ganaieita cu fni, The building thet' occupy vas once guilby ta hîganit but deniet thift of iannt!er.aW.pisfo S h h i n P l b n u is l g th é H îrna n ous h ase. Sai t is fin al coevîni yt h l a v h ch estricts apparatus la esponse t a a 2-11 ala nm 1 S v ra i the niom ters reg' a i e d Citt' 16. a t r o by aw . p ns W inheou a rntina &iiatt auls ha îéiva nCîaoanita o bis salant' ln a lova liii Wuakegaf aatecîeetaag li>a low as 15 tigrais. A precipitation of The Gui! anti Eastern States vire on woan te advenist, qtc. cerner san a ta ictD.ied a in yér h atsuh e rv l $1.500 et lhe outaitie. aniptosa1h Pr ogtto nov o! sîvenlentits af an Inoh vas, fainît' wan. The minimum at Albany', The nev oset vbte iew4 fr atoe lacii proaosetaa'tamhme anti that hi thought In aur mnd lhe taw neyer vas un- of the nailroat. vbich la dînectit'i recorditi. N.Y. as 32. vtlle at Miami, FIa.. piacet about the gnpetitsP plies. ~- char luo lis mate bufoices5 coaIesneFn htSye- ter lhe vanm wiabier of Satundat' ttc maxImum vas 78. Log Angeles alanc tii hast sesis ie . &