DEOEMBER 1,93 (Coutlnued Tram Page Three.) ln eaaditownship, vould b. thie moe satlcfactary than under the. present system. 1, as your reprecentative. have ln mid the introdiuction of mach a law siens that Une aithtei neit cesplon of the legleslature. however. the matter of great importance ta Laite CountY at tuis U"e le ta tait, vhatever stes are possible torelleve tarin property tram the excessive ineroase. arbitrar- iiy and unnecessarily Imposed by the. state board. 1 thc vi- 1 >udlced ' 0 fmi be« th$ Dlm* OTAND. ~wbo isi s tw y<iaiu m«but ta "lana A, Mn ibetr a"-e 0., ui,Àtf Me onyrd aections hale been coenlied' vftle «W Â* é3w*w loe Oma Iag0 ceîîtlng as ta diluai detla, vhlcbart > C. Aeeai0a Day vas rered now belng carnpleted. to4mmu4 Dr. Watterson thankud the oard cut Tem rWetilI . for lts care of tiaboeculmr'poilentE ehii tiat thera lent a coimty lanu acredmdtinld.. . nais aulside of Cook whlçb' iv i vng fe+d te the@ a(lUOon Ue the cars ta its tubem'ular pa- ýnts that ment. The. mre vasdosa. viti Sie.- la belng dane lni Laite Couîity. iff Oreena eçUMm Club'. Endse The. matter of claslng the deal for Clan Brokvaro4 0004Wy Su«uRt the tant colany and paying DecSuber dent af Scho iai rp.m a d CWAUai biff vas lef t ta the. cammittee ta Pear Farm SUperlatendetit AppleY' bacille, reports. [Willthere be aitoà yOUr b.'C#sms V7 HAVE the answer Vin our stock 'of new Victrolas and Records =1 vr ber face; hat mii. vare a etc., ver. thlrty or tory vorne t lFai onuvt.3 ar l. aire ths aeu u t te noc sy resi.otig a fower girl sud ebuîdren lu the. crowd; sels temil h laborer engaged lu lustalling a b>g attsmtarUwl.thPt±Sj bet~eu dyllbtmai drknas jotie >ire. Richardson about; Saw _____wate i pe>.under the. railroad tracits attorney, ud II assure ayou thI * csleds rapidiy ibt MX. nDorail la vomen'.passalan Maid at Rondout, vas Inetatyke nstandted]ndwllgtastwt P Iitcd bu to slow Op. Her reply, Id. lRi.chardscn'» reputatics for Wauxean, Docember 10. Wedneeday 'shen he etepped out of the boardl and! t legal representative lsIoked a'the jury. vas. "Weil, trutb andl veracty vasuil.R rsnatv hms .Gaathe. vay af a reigbt train on thte est ta remedy the errar of Judgment made 1: t Repracentausetivisblhoman BrE., Oraham tIVbound trackIt t h path of a.. tact by the state board. i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o a egtce"cus iile Jh rvc aa l. orc the, Eighth l$rlct, ttue ai ternoon tuf , Wvest of liciiardsons. KnoW5 mild. launched the movement whereby ha pascenger train an the west ou»d 1 arn, very sincerely. « ver mlud,17 sald Mr. fPape, "Tha endns a tRoslng' place onaketeborniuprsr fLie tracit. Tha raar of the approachlng THOMAS E. GRAHA.M, amui mut vat tr U ta clii fendatsa.ecurac a v UicP crw d athebaitofosrai act ofoLate efrelght train drovmd out the sound Representatlve llghth Sanatorlal Dis "F e wét ta the Richardson parc> tram osng'n porch ad thon vaukeci outfa the warang 'shistie sounded by triet. t '1 ent the executio'h ai the move of e- the engineer cf the. passenger train. Wehai aueanmvdttMr . _± takiug Mrs. Rchardsan's baud, tovard thern: the varnen soeimed o venge directed against Lakte Countyl A large eslila belng dug at Rond. (3rahmof anniuntloveb, rater. 1 u7';Icame an, yau're tie ane. ve.b. jerking somebody arouud On came- by the tate boar-d ai equalization etwGîrvi sal ran î hamtiiecomn caton brefensta loSh on. «Me arne alane and 1I Uag of the port. Ccud fot tel any- viien eatd board racently rIl ised àew ter. Trom tisis dei a pipe vas taithe up ittate '. rslttarn re- too w er d in iathe cravil vute .bodly vhc »a, incrovd. Sav nmrn- taa iad txecf ic ouny 3theebeh etened a attitorntey cn-1 v M pre unqn belli and poundini bpq puhnià on the graumd a ple cent. Mr. Graham's mave vas tart t ~ i~ atîve ta the legal aspect of the Olt- toan a. Se ee àd g91" ta go' about7 IOM 104lc; 0,aPale sncb as le cd 'shen be presentail a resolutian be-I trains cau secure vater vîît theet ton Caed 4loý viti me. Mr. Richardsoan could used ln blmnding tomber an a wagon; fore the county board In vhlch he net possible trouble. The. 'aler pipe va. Clark (af Hlghlaiid Park) fait ti5.L mee;&UthsaI vas gins an PiaWnY. -about as bg araundas my wrlet." onîy urged the, board tetait, legal being put lu plaue on Weduesday the valutlonor fai ta- i4-a fixeil by Timon vas DoMUralsad una atiempi fid not ceé anybody rldden on pole otepe ta prevent the excess taxation I i h or hoihu h onyde v»a mde o ride ber aon the rail. lNo. aithougii bo saw sornebcdy sbovlibln g emltdtasadbtheacwI'ien the, accident happened. l i.tebadhruhu u cuyde body that 1 heard, tureateul ClS alang Into the crowd of vornen about practicaily a»ited the board to express curred i fa thfi deptr. i n vaiot sea inluet ien amaedt Roeudeutcber. tvaftet above the grounil (Tiie State it 9 formai apposition ta the existence Tmoa wit as t e sfringl tanlp- valyatian uDeerfexlaine ha.Ifa "AU lhtim re Mns. ltlchuidin wvas tec t Ibisetatement of deese'. 'sit- Iand plan ai thae note board ai equali- praad bfng as ha vg tscng othe tit laCleek edealitxphld netalifn ai Ils the e rgwd 1js e brbnniaa ruottv flscne-zto.tracit embankmeut Jie steppacilupon Once. bacance hi, bande are doid lu *alt ail. 1 neyer vuil ber bair tion that the rail vae ehaveil between Mr. Graham's communication to the, the ofher tracit. thlning bhe ulithe matter ar extanding taxes, and, If n« bit ber on the head.' EIrs. Riehardson's limbe.) Salit they board, axplainlng iiaw the rai"e was 'wait there untl lie fregbt lbalt the step Ie taiten now it viii nuit bu Igm Safeldt hbmemrucb twist- mlght have rdden ber an the pale toisted on Laite Ceunty tarmne, foltows: pased. He didIl e taite the, trouble dlep,.of i nally befare February. .4 Wiiesn quetianed about directions. for ail he knev but dIlnt do Il white Laite County Board of Supervisors. 'ta sea that th@. atiie traci< vas clear. as 1Il muet Pus, through the circuit em »(r. M. Pffe irisil ta &et bar hbu vas caboing at ber. Gentlemen:- Hie friands sbonteil to hM but he dld court and titan the, cupreme court. uq,4igbteneil. oi, alie exclaimeil. Beu Roint ai Vole, naît weet 1 reepectfully bet îeave to cal! your not bear tiera. The. neit marnent iee tc. -%lyen fr1t me directioins and lil neiuboetg Rciiarduon'e. ald tva attention taithe, unwarrnted action vas hurlel juta etftnltY. Hie body King (aite Forest) rolt. that cily baïýw." Tb@ crovd becarne very bois. inask.dpsss came dowvutram ef the, tate board af equalizatlon was badly crushed. - lots, etc,.la Laite Couuty are PAPIng taeu for a marnent. ilchrdea's star.. Saw and heard 'sherein that body. without any rea- Coroner Taylor vas notiied and hc largar percantages on real valuations *yhe vamien are expected ta maie vamen rnaklug noise vit> Pane',dtc; son vlîatever, anbitrarlly incraased made arrangements ta hold the lu- than do the farimer% on their fanm a "epng denal cf havinit rlddOn tiat be smv viii>Mme. Richardson In the valuation for, taxtable purposes, queet ai 10 oclaci t ts rnornlug. lande. X1g. lRichsardson an the ril; tlaeY conter; înaly av ber break away the iarrn lande ai Laite County 30 par ffiande of Tomeswki asert that he Dd ie$Rlé aFnl vil ny tliat they ver luflueut*011 and rmn to store; aw masl per- cent. This Ijo an unjust discrimina- bas a famliy living lu the. old country d>FesRacI.inl te *tand for lhe pictitre !n question se carrying a ple whuc> rigit tien againet Laite County and this end that ha vas varitlng ta earn States Attorney Dady tald the boerd s" wviii dony lthey aduMittl la resomble a clothes pole; lld not eee action vas taiten by the board wîthouti enaugh rnaney ta brlug them te the tont calony deal cauld ta clear.d t** r ofl w aand other Wauk6 ber rilden au pale. RaId he hid net ayiveslouan Isprta aArerica. An effot vilI ha made te u p in a veek or tan laye. lHe al "a~te tint tibey bhai l ddOn ber mCO knev bar reputatian as ta truth and the, true condition or valuations af learu the city luvilch they lve and h er h allna b ut ti~ri;tbey viS ileclane cncd iiy' veraeity.l our county. They merely acted upan,1 the sat 0ev. vlii be imparted te, Bard af Equalitatlan on the 30 per izssly clsaivareil Mn. Rlch rdson O seaiain oigsi h upsto htbcuecrantë.cent laim tax isalce final, tiat ne Oncrieexmiaton Reig ai tisupaitontht ecus crtintem.appeal cobe taken b4cause lier. 19 bbeise ieva 'l.vugtau icthat et lie tîme ot the occurrence, millonaîres ownehî property ln sud norecordoftheboardon_______a am is;C tibis junctre the. date l ivas suffiientiylilgt ta lietinguIsb about Lake Forest and In the tavn!x eodo i or nvlba vil! "X viy they ver, villing to a pereon up ta 100 test avay. (Ait of Litartyville andl had patid good. ab.llehing th. ate board as belng appeal co t made. dIa-iar be vie tey ilmdan othar vtneseselied testIfied oeacauld prices for their holdings, tint thnt, superflaus and unnqcMsearY. Tubercular Matter Up. agen enrnty againt lber). not didtingulsi fetures 2 fet avay) cenîtion prevaileal generally ln aur 1 roeilaselhe doei a luthamotter and Chairmnan Couradt explainel that the Atteck Mer Character. He saui Mre. Sable. Mm. Raymnond, county. veuf d suggest that yan faite some act- reapo e n sd Clerit Hande. bail net ]miesse lu the Voicirati.idiug c .anl talieldi. Mrs. Walton, Ers. Eva 1 Personally appeareal before thioIoein ty resolution icAnpthatlUna. 1petit ever the, $7.500 vhereby titi, W &y ttacheil tue trutu anI veraclty StalIehlt ver, crdflug about MrIS. board aud protested agaluet the act- believe titat a lav viceftu each caun- . l etie aLieBea ai « 64 COMPlAînng vituags, Mm. John IRichard@qi; dl not see Mr%, Wagner- ion taien by il. but flot no satisfacit- ty lied a board Oai an ln session tarium, 'sas tiat State'aAttorney nàbgdSoe hen chasacter vltnsseThis admsalan lhe state coneldareal Ion. i taok the matter up vîtti the ailtihe year viii ef*le i lie court DaIy tuatrecoalsmeuIed taklug tie vba utonwh id tiey kuev ber, a bg pint foi bte aide although made attorney general andl heada imi pr.hanse. 'shere .matisai. »etalnitig praperty througii tue courts, ln arder = atien ln liat regard ta bb 110*11 by a vilucas for deienee. tamring the mater tci your houa rabepopery coulî b. Iceil It ai any ta clear titis. $re and Clark Htujiin Defens Aide. Prosecutien. body. Our gevernar bas advoated Utme, and ibis baiitl a deputy Mr. Divar explaineil tuai the cout le4Mm iaibard eo cort repislo~Wite practlcaliy avary vitnass put ~ tyvam odftedeie oti- onby the detensea lutue Veoerail- et art a e l te ort-riding casa being beard ln circuit ta~kair. Rciiadaa's haraterO ourt Wedneeday deniel that tbey té jbov ber relislom itb Wr. Dun-! bal seauany rail or ple used en mut. Ln oh 'dofwte sin hici Mrs. John Rchardson might ~ Laa Bar lId a vinessng ave beau ridlen, the lai tva vîwt- tuç giering of wornuon nîgbt lunasmas etoftthe dateuse late Weilnea- q on. Described bier attire.whiteday proved the, contention ai the, iht a l t rt. Previoue wit-tata liat a ple or rail was usad. npiem fer lhe deoei adt nid johe Ban Wagner and Jehn Brown, both w oa li a t andauldarit ekirt reeldents ai lie village. daciared that 984 ib 1e O u D av an iLt tnigliL Ni-" whie they bat no hand lu the 'char-.a c h B"rtol ýo sdegng . J Sithgot 1Ivari," as liey called It, they vereCa c th tbW nedy ta ta" te famffq pîcture oaauhaIbdtascaplb mo Wsil fie urgeil ber ta get loto lie baud.etfPersoa esspposed te ha- t», picture but alie deciUnei. Sali voenn, viie re mite hiding thir KV;Ssnli aexpinel dIt vas ail aL Jeie tdentlly.Ch i t a udj tbat If tha picttra. veridei eut, Brown sait the pole wuasabout lite e4vigt a uli tend easciieue a pole usedtl t atnlumber on nas a i v cf the plotune. Tii. pîcture wagon; Wagner nidlit I reéembleal a Spiri_ _ _ __ _ _ _ lu te Dlly unOn JUIY large clothes pole. Wagner aid lhe * '.prIni Dth e_________Sun____ 1UM vas Juel put iuta evidence £5 eav the wcmçn shove te ple along ý"asexhbtuon ailit ra about:a foot atove dthe ground direct- h p a 1 i0M bad. vamen lu tue conter af viich Mns. Unr. WiUtiam Duninil iii, et the' Richardson vas being puiesud u w voop allegel r.iatiane vit> aitl Thifs ttablishied the pont Ma.Richardson vas the basic for theie aOtate leelrad: that a poe had wv. en'm tra t ai bler vent ou tue been lu the bauds ni the vomen, a stagd at 1: 10 taday. She eald Mm-e, tact vhlcb previaus wîtueses for de- âoebardnc'A reputatian for veracity ia 'cdei. 4VsbsI. Sbe diI not ose, much of Minîs.ter sud aufra.Îties or Wau- th 0 ,affMr lu question ai se did ual kegan are ta ha seen anxong the vi,1t uqth stireet "umtil fiear thae, pectators. about a third or ahom are r S h. explane thaI by ."rail niofthe gote soirMauy vomen 'sho s4,reabt 'shat the papers li- have narer been lu lhe court m-om fo, d to. beore ai-e seen standing througiiout ~..Jackt Froit, tali of soeng tii he imins Sas r t mu vwqen assemble uaar Mrs. Richard- mo4 but aha bereei arrivel too Ile te "e.any of tua rulai exiternentl lu codectan vîtu the lpar-t,' vas expecte tbaltue deuse ildfiniah tiieir case ibis afternoon aélikarguments viii Occupy probably I n u ls l n ahl day tamorrav, Wauitagau, Decernbpr 10. ýWE0«IE8DAY'8. EVIDENCE. Wliam Davis. aged 21,a"Id to b. hè 'C r st a p r IfiRay Smit GraysIsite, spant a dope fiaud,'sas lodged lu Laitet s c4 f 151h vith Ms. Alin Stadtaldt, county joli tbis atternom by t)epty 8-latter tood wIýb, ber ou the IL S. Marsbal (SamnHowardstrbel h faer mi Look'rn thé,. show windows, pass thi l4isu p rs eh lui; otIh epe ur y baln b ia o ln$2,600 bauds by j-,nt aisies, and you will cget the Jolly ( 51* orerly t. .Cammmianer UL. F.Mason et * ~ Vi of Etu'e tWaukegan ndol v- Waultegau eu lbe charge .1ifi ~te . -t a s re e t h o g out the store, y4 .ilC11t ber graudmatiier. Mns. Auno lavery. Wedt off snd on aler she vas Davis la charged lth~i brugiug Mar-.- .a d thous n sof tig ar dsp ye al 011 8ni .1li nethber she noir gsret Gsildy froni St. 1oila toCbii. o v ne c tc, emlU aesdbis ai sadp adlera litlîlteck part in *'lie par- caga, living viti ici tar solfie lime, arrab1ged to meet yourco m n e Buti seemel postive sie edilyou to gel hilm dope,,anhsud>. masay baeem ai aof lie dedante prior ha ia dyhng anises "d tlive Il 10T h ,.Se ti n n h but saw mail of them hlm." mad lie nal.i;"býtdT e o S c io n h à ft ' It giva Ilta h',lm. aier any oeadeu la u e o h o ng tr ,T y iivStadialdt eau fAnn Stad- tion. i.,,b,M.,W m..te ti.a. opA W rste g eae tpea u e frth o n strT y -sdbrotber-in-law cf Emma dactar Ibore tIis evening'asud bave sudld oft£seing tic cravd hlm go ail examine ibhe ycmng ma wQJi4,. are 4stfred-this one spoL W l o iocue bu MM toiagn¶- vie>a Maptlsll ,be **_ 'W 4 'tt 'A A Victrola to suit any' purse-- $T.0ý 25i00, $4Û,0, *50.00 $75,00, $100.00, $150.00P $2O.OO, We wiIl gladly demonstrate the Victrola to- you and, play any music you wish to hear A HUSS, Jeweler- Oppositei Post Ofice E~veah~g ~1 s lor, N catching, irough the diff'r-1- Christmas feeling.ý: rou will find thousar 1over the store and are - and ~ funny things " from me and bring, the youaga '!!~' WU! FOUND ÎETY MANttTTLY. KILLI3- AT ROND-, OUT WEDNESDAY A Christmas Gift for ail the Family-With this wonder- fui instrument you bring some music into your life each day to add te your bappiness and makes your home more complete.