Y.A nrfl £i~lGI~V. TMI> U~1~fl*NYP WI~T~k~ fl~flIMB~R i2 rola. I 111W I IiL~e, COUNTY IINDPfDrT&MOU« fil K~iN I P i T IW Officiai Paper for Ake CouatyD L19 MDE MYVILLE IS !MSDYDEL. il Office TeIephoflê Number 1, Lbrtyvila Exchange. One aetlthe largea isal mtais des lu n Tb@. fact017 of the Americen Wr Theii.Lbrtyvllle local et the. Mliii buw. I 1 lîtoffiec au ltbrt!villle. II.,saeSecoud Cam, Mail Natter lte htory ut Libertyville, vas retly eeubfytbla * geb -roSASbiowl oda d uIi, r byAttrny Bnjmin0.anoather hultdidéF, a 650 ta100 il ta1%ue ftl$. àlt "O M ea d' d1 -.dRtin at.. Md Knovu on Ap*aUoU.M I#Wr, pu..den t af tii.»Ilua@&National noga*iÉtethe b.tlmnusas of t. m a of oU.wdýDce nmzt Wildet eîèuiD ki~WToN $1fC . S50 PER VEAR STR60CTLY IN AOVMiOaBbi4exztl iau d ue m.trmtot î ttibetmîe *d'iÈ (lime ê ontruouot D#. a.Istmîoeloc lb hsty- mm cmA iqmlsb bwf< ý* a ire-afo-'-. in . îcd~i~tê1~' or. eï BMTH.... .. .. .............. .....................*** ....................dg valnminé. .al 'ddîlu'tatâibe bÔj5ta ii »a d 1 M. ~ WEER.......... ............... Rosident Manager, Phone 68 .uSrj~ ig t.I1 , Va1Aous delaraeue.. ru i.mcs.a i.f ........ ................. ....... oii l hw eV ângLiP~Y ~ I'o mia e. as . aadte r t u W *tomhe i cu etrt .j lr th. st pro, Id"mî" eo à tr na wbri simd -umi IT'UP~~?H EOA00 %49,p f e I' E' LOi 'Thitis 1t vie k tut t.wn lm »igràaàshtwcousait év teu«" filetndeionuletytthe boardytook pD. imte u ?l *-.mmuob"te for Teidpneti le pieadte 8 taelleb o.r tcrr l Xalke -î ~ acà nwva"wlt theimasufes tios matlou.d iem'wttkm. Bbu t.tu~dvUgt~ iBg uj4redmu mon èî .4 thrqosbouî l Midni Ptrlmd r, i té,cou esiervluorsa'héP$ tieu es ut t&t i âàà;X I7 atth saton ~Ssiremsim I~&it& peltt s SY Ofçiet- de teh&vug maiy to lie; gfcri. e irestat eipropetm&vil abru lr len.. secial happsilngm. e6' ralied at p05.9M.0, O ' 4m x jbo iu lt4e I Thoma attendiug are reqmetmd ta cant. nÙ " ouintye-n roeior aro at ion ou. ai facianî shows tw6 lu costumei, a»y oIt mgo vwiiido, for tg ~ 5 I9~I~4 %c pétipry ecdbutftd *mIttiathe bueiumê ipie $ho *v Bd owtqul d TFm.sprit la earnlad ou IS lu. p@meieefouni lyW vèiilmddigreatly tu the hlarity ai lii. loU*t sugte gOe wlivle tfimo oe d <e tm *Ultmachine@afi(d part@ 'aW fi* Umucii for carr ngon the vorlc à& vu bé aised Mie ae Io.em t îe store mand ammidîîan idtoalare mdby 11mb- .loln lieualutn t. WbiteMr.3dnerwilitoatatedoitite- no m a la citory weoiiae ly wliatbi plamns ara for thetoora &iddeagIi.d by Samuel D. Zaok, auctiined off, vhIlela apke's orchetre, e ~ ya5,WULSproviso ~i5 ~ ~building. itlaimunderstood 11.1 çlans are sauperlut.mmdemt aofltheplant, ltue muat viiifurnlsh it.emusic; mtnating lime to aid=, e i.work from other suce.Thus, outaide o otfricroatn ompn o aderful of thett m bem @ ~elence- qua.eand rounddmcmlmgotti to raise $24000 in three yoar, if the. coimtY tii, pffrpeof..odmcting cie bueinto*mm Vmvng maciin.... wbitb are adjuptalile Adeon m b ice ou c sprpit 600i h aîne aia.ontmiemnie iigli plan mand standard of to weave auy deajred hetulth mand ep,..m rmier ai le lockreubnlyave aih ~'hus tbe mOter rsoîvs itaa ~ ii* jfl~~<> ficiemcy ma& beretmmlur e omdmcted l'Y tweemm bars. MmPt"he acimci mber f mitrhenlocl, whiie arm mefor mleormmmereiod jiMqnyî,l&te er mchintasfime Mii dicri'Awiescanymbe 'whe*the .County board, rnostly farmers, have sufficient tmat Mr. Triggo will have ami imm.erri n oximcrienecmd operatirs, weie madce at the of thMie, ProdnappAiocia tti i.l latgu.& in advaàclng the. interesta of farming, to a b ro i e Innranmmd give t tle benet ( i mmmmhinm li fromu the pattermie vorir ike t ll $OO£year to help thia ork wth the. knowlodge li@e advive mmmcl ide expeieee, jmýt n b ueruenetZooic.tiktofc J. ELitTriggâ i. mapioticr i the Time compamy Iow bas onm di a mi1 vefortimnS as mueh to go towards the movoment..li. operatëd mand maimtainmmcfthe fInet f i md itemi rode for re-imiorcîmmag !W. e of the bffiot that advancement of farming in- mmii ruo@up-m--dle meutm market mand To lave tAm. re"dr ai ides whal b iai.m. R. N. A. officri for tii, appraam.itum teigitsof tii. counity la of sufficient lmpprtaflce 10 vwu- grocry mmm morhern Illinoios. Vîctors Io tIi, 1mwtory L§ capable ut dotîmg lt 110Jear verseected by that order st îlmi.i the boatd raising theOsumnmentiona rovldin.g ti cvAl 1 av itm.rmarmd Ilii uîu s wo email ondere vbhct he bailfa.t Wedmudmyeventmmg. Tb# ~mce cm~aîtee ~ cler to il>o t-sud ~ hg t eli5markltl mmd brocy mi-cuopamil jumilcomipleied mand shiiped luvmgtafirehoe. its oedby r. Triggeanmdi as hoped hY "tuek. Two calomds o!@tesi Oracle, Mme. Carnle Mael)anald. t&HlmgtaranI t aen oU~Y i@ipatronoiml lbeimsevii arîuorcremti te 14l'Oun*d Ituithe C0D.Vice Oracle, Id t. Nellie Ray. Lms o uuy succeed ansd adêance8 proprotionate th o maimued ou thlme aie tandard meaolru,,iton mI the, Swift &(Cu. nev asmsgi Recandar. AreAnnie Smdamn. "Medva n t a"d succeesof its farMlng inteells, I reOOt. Ar. Triage bas aparemi Du plan, miiCicago vase ipped île i1 1ai ecivmr, Mm. Emiiy Lnmk. ~ofe, uohh~ lu oo god or ti. frinra, ndi ne, latiôè'ir effort la buildingm ut>and 01 the. vssk. Ammmier eipmsut ChancCliamelor, Mr@ Edith Herrick. hepetbe, w fee th çotityboi mu ermnîamthempuali gim cisate.. l m teel beame for ta iv. story buiding in' Marsimi. Mr. Auguta Backeimann. Molit. W10. Imner SentUueil, IMn. licroeder. ziue ibtakltinu ullliga aan lportion of the. tai Ar. adler, wýoho àacqui e n'6 colmmue ae rmmed.coding te Outet Sentimmel, Mie Bertha .iotihelm. mao suge bd ihi jelameMy su lu- Trîgie propértv, se mn extenoive louer 1 i ------n-----araI-rlae2mm dm mboumt Libertyvmll,-stm-@fe aîiomms tnmimed rom ix i usxty Manager. Mrn Elizabeth îliituey. *_ - i-- - - - 06 - 1 f 0 vnu-1 in ir- f ros estte n amii. k.....in.. aI....te. sud front une te; Mr. F .'..l ....e w&&nite dlof retarirng to the ramers themselveor Ua 5mua, pua- of the mouoy thhy have turnod luto the gonoral hax: I% thle soil expert la a succos l nov a knovn fbt. lounty did't try the. experiment necessary to inako ftct ovu. Other counties luIlinois sud 'n evory lu tIi. Union did the. oxperimental von sund Lake ; .therore, la tiklng no chances. i thi. movemont. 1,this sta[expe tmovement lu not réstricted tba It ilu nov nation-vide; it lu belug adopled lu every scounty of the, land, sud it can proceee inl Lakce e id by thé. couaty board, for, to "W 8,9,Mtqwaý&athe vork e mater tb oltdbflt a very amai yin the dtgt4 are. ~~ooe~i ak.MoumlW a oo&eva- aru hogelQw buit multz .from #ftadvi .It's a big vor; lt's on. vhlch in eltior obe= asCthbiàg at S5s oiOf h oar'd, *gol# tlobe killd flu*y. We trust the interests :5 frmhg conmuulty wM11 appooa to tho board to *M:x~it liI l i a made perrpanent, rather thau saille» iled. mmd ha. mdce veral large demie n tb. paet fe"w viBre Tiidemiwva. put throigh smd tle nm-gotiaiiammeciumdmimimi hY Altbert J. Am.iA.. nue mo rie prmibem.î rai erîmile operator. n Lîlery ville. i wiah ta lake Ibm. opportmnlly of riienkimtm. emopr of Libert3 ville mand viciaitur thie ieanty cupport a»E' patr~onagne uhey have lwmye aieunded me during ti., ime i lave cîmmmueuted My. meut market mand grofery n Lihenti ville. It in viti ffrenelthai on amccmnt ai my j emicb i1UAnd il neesmnî ta miîdravr j ram active busnss. but I hope tIal the buise" ili continue metlthe old standm, and that che public viii b. erved. as 1 bave aiwmye iied ta eerve hbem. lu s eciemmi maner. à Kit Trigus. mmS. WILUAIT81 PASSES AWAY SATUlDAT T ai 0' XKoH.my Colty his sharted a boom for Theo. Hamn-h for toneadcélerk of the K .4A, WearenotprisonSIIy wauo ithl. Rwffler, but from the fact that he la o ..dut of a.uolgiborlng county and that bis reputatio ai le, vo tcabhe hoatains sucesa, for, il a bd thàt Mr. Haves, who bua grovn real old lu the. and'*Ubu,1 5been ldentified so losely vih the hea, ffiias'methodS, Should stop aside and lot »Mebody aise have tii. pluni for a change. He's iiad It t.11 lono. _Co_ THE VOLO CASE. hope for à cvere sentence by the c court; ha doasnt deoiri 10es»e the»se Attermm.y Pope, for defne In the fivé vomonech fled $MO and cette YOW CMi poelismintiy cIi'idthe settte jal for th. maximum po-b sidUipnmt vti inq the rod, six monthe. Ha doeant aven 1 'Z.l ~é tT troubla bamaume deela te mea theni sent te lait a mn- ,aa,pr.t,d th. lamons pic- et; ho do.emmt evon desirs te mesà s miif hsOvylna, siimlnlêtanimd. For, the f . c o Iv c t o m n w ar e o s - 0n l , o f J u st ic fi s e t tm im im i t e 'qO it ould be puttng an . K. 1h.0 eaUsto f th si- Op*pu tblcationi of th. oP*an hvpbeen feund guity of the uSi., therefors lho urged cherglimodiee ainst the -m 1àm d It'a >,wy» fluid tham linnhocent. Wall li eerai ml ie ammd iaficace. rit agres wth hl m but stli laItlerawuI mode UiI thee um' fora h. le ast lstu b. dosired more thon ta ase. pin- fat ime ucoe fo ha ahumant dmnîtared. it vas te ou ta do wth h-ho msrl rovo ,'te 10 l a mon 1ha1 îîey vio- f'acte In lIaat tri'mse1ladonse aba the Ilasof iociety and 1h. tend, 410i vmkly.rigimi aiong. with no il hey vent too fen n their par- S pulpes.In mind thon serving q a nmeî gie n io 0f li page. wlt whst they iia llmed was not to pure and vir- ý P&Y1IQ for. Inous as they; I vas for lIe»e things IW 3Im ppev lnt gloatmmg over the that the Mateammd ail othere inlirast- c » ion and desies and seeke no ed, deslnsd a conviction more thon ta ,"apfflfert i.Il va acase wt, ma e* es.pinuhment adminltered OW %oummn dld vrong-not rasllxz-'those ged defendanti vima have been l" mt e vim at they dld; à a»ameIugt the mat bitter fezson oai Ibm W" they talked freely of the afiait [Ives by the trial In Lake dounty dir. Itfe-t hapçened becaume they 'cuit court. j~et. ruizele serioumne-e Juat The termnlnmltmmn ofthe case proe a caim where, when 1he ratro- thal law and order muet prevmll In -mwdlself to thoe u l nl Lake county and tIaI iotous acta 01timir act vas apparent evaui >y vomen wlll net le tolenatmd. Il-tie 10Iii'ta "ulli acke _________ UloyNdmaid 'iand cover up whet White much of th giory In the do40s. S4t4mi là uauily th. Voleasa vont ta States Atorney meevaWIlel In the. endd mdv~. hieassiten. . Ra.... On Saturday ienucon mi about four o'eock, occurred the demul ai Ars. Vlani. Thim.utilen home on Cook mvenue alter an Ulnleia.liug over tva yemrs i lime Mea ai 68 yei .The. deeemd udar- lent an operation lu m Chicago hospliai &bout a jean mgo sud for meverml umonîhs ber condition lmproved smmd it va. launglitby lier famuly tia% .1. vas ont of danger. but mariy tu October a relap. et lu sud aI. gvauaiiy lsberetruggle agaimietthb. ekmamoe vichlook ber 10 ber reward. Hlelen Gardner va. bmrn lu Scoiiand on F1. 20, 1844, mmmd vas umilcdin mariage t0 William Tbaim Febrmairy 21. 1870. mtb came huervith ber fmmily &bout mix ears agi. irom Multimmra. clii. comnty. Sud duming tîle. eares cie las won lima ienueip tp fmuany hrough ber cbnletiab vork. b.ing a member of time LAi.rivllie Pmebytamian durcI. idm Thom leame..tamurai ber le.uden ber liusband, one dsuulitar Jeunle, vimi reeldes lu Margan Park, *isatour mious, Androv. William. Jaunesasnd Edwin, sud a large oumber of relativesad TIi iuneamle ervice. gene bemi mit th lion. Tmmaday et 12:30 o'ciac. H a.H M. 't mp.~msimt I>T ..i. vire I tr4 A âi.4 At lthe regniar sto"n aifthe. mil Warbarm Tuendsy .teUg lualimair bal lime iooivne acsns e au ommtg: Wortby Prefeci, Cha. Kar. Worthy Moitor, Editli Whleer. 1Worsby Sucliuy, Charlotte Pratlne Worthyfak ay E. Baud. Worîby MaVubai L Z. Prailse. 1Worthy WàidnMartin Anderson. 1Wortmy Senilimal. Joseph Baud. Peter Bock, Wottby Smmpetor foi ihrem- yemrp. Th. de.legatai ta lb. gramd Iodg. meer Mmru..Fi. B. Eger and A. A. 0 rsudy ani re id tonty feel in beigim Iil reutre. tva fltatnmd Edith FHenrick a, allernale tu attend cars forrthe steel rodle 10lte ubtppiud 1tuiesti.coiiveumioiiat Bioominpwou, li1 thme iactory, lb. rode bein« st tffnth.ce eping. Aller th, work of th, long., evemig va caniplee cîiee mand donli- The wire lence bomue, viieneili ioAredonUl» verse rved. Aimi ivas k.ld tliaum tie corapleteil femmimg. 759250 feet and 1 ndep endemil reporter -tbey wersn't 22 test igii, lte ralummîd tu lb.roof,- imker§' cller" withh lenmcig, mmd t. vali tlrough 1 the nrruv pa.@eayemmakee a armi The Parcel Poât bas demonstraled feela 4elrge emiunmnulmi. tiides Ihi* teils uefulnmes& lu tbus comuntry.Goav- larmge ammomnt tf emmctmg on hrd. tier.. ernmemit offieias eay lIat befor. an- are moummîine of foeiinq and îenioreilii< her year la over lthe gond vanofo ptled mp ithe. Vans, doeks. everjubere 1the new Plan vîli b. even mom.evide- on theecmpay'a proilslty. The lY mlmontrated. * bcory ha@ s dock irontaga af ivelve cars, but vlii the propoied addition the ebipplng facibiltw iilb. gvati, amlared. Modern equipmmentsl u lrand" ,iran mid steel tram onu miprtmnmt toi another hav es'alyir mies'eaadte output of th lacto". A bot vater bastiue cystemi*mejoat aov heing J»lAed in lime imverà. buildings. The fscory bas ils avu electnie lighubig system ammd a guail Sme Iglling apparattns. Aneniman vire fence mand steel ne- norchmg mimovaas th. stadard o1 excellence &Il over lb. gonid, m"d vbea la dolnsg for Ltbenlyviiia, va tan b. iumttmbly proud oi on. ai the. bemi maimmeiys ai aur lovu. NEW BOOKS ÀT THE. LIDEVfYILL9 LIBRAIRY Ale-Invadere. Beah-trou Trail. Bordesuz- Feibr ai Living. Buckroe-Bemume oi Jane. Omannm-Round the Corner. Churcîil-Inaude of ihe Cmp. lJmzom-oulerner. Pruoi-Amaemlr Çiena. Grey-Deeert 0aien Harison-V. Vs Eyee. Joluision-Litle Colonel (J). Johritan-Lltle Côlonela fHou"a Party (J). Joauston-Littie ooolne li idays(J) Jobutou-Littie Côoonl'ma oa(J). JolnaIol-t~i 6ioulmiBoardtng Jôhnton-tittieColanel la Arizona (J> Joimaton-LUis Colonelse Chitm Vacation (j). 1 jobest.on-Lttis Colonel, Mald of faon r(J). Johà&Wtn-Lltle Colonels@ Keigît Cor rdlng (j). Joîneion-Miary Wmne (J). imolu-lr. Prats Patient@.. Maerriott'-Rmily Ceatietan, Boutherner. McCudeon-Foai and his MoneY. Porter-Laddle. Plcbmomd-Vrs. Red Peppet. Bo&-Beanl o1 Nit.vlnd. lieton-Tvvo Litlee8avages (J).- Wmid-Corymlomi Fammly. Notice aof Sharehoiders Meeting. 1 lIvem tes Mrs. A.'A. Gandy and 0. B. sEge'r. Af ter election dougmnuteand The smum meetiug of île elane- cofi.m. ene eervcd. toicirs ofthîe Finît National Bank ai Ltb.rt-yville. lM.. for the purpai. ai [lid 'mu evenas me efan ris. up inam electlng direct9ç r In b. esing jean f mvet tited teet. Bol you can cure lthe and for lime transaction ut sncb allen t eet wvîhBanken'm Anliaptie. 1for maie bumineui s may properl camte lefora Dimy F. B. Loveil Co. @&id meeting, vii bu Ield la tb. Bauk'i- t________ odim Tmmeday, Jan. 18, 1914 st 4-00 lidexmendest ad-reai 1.y 25,000-. n'o'ick p. mu. J. 8. Gridley, Cesimier, I W#K'SFREe',RI NO AYMUOWN ES m 0'. = »4e, , Donlt wokit until Xumai wm.k b ta yurVitrolob. Tii. ocli w9jta lia mule of 5tlgo.tua jyear in la corn, ID Dow sud tek out theo ou. a 3oU vans. W. viu eiillgrhI ta oyour home. at anmor on Xunas ove. LIBRTVILE. H. B. EGER ... cRAYSLAKP STOV ES- STEWART, ACORN, ROUND OAK. RANGES= BASE UIEATERS, MOT BIASTS, OAI<S. PERFECTION OIL IEATERS. A large stock. Corne in eand t.ok them over,. Schanck Bros. LIBERTYVILLE - - ILLINOIS -for yYears SUPPOSE some night a@' yon were going home you were arrested, hurried to prison and banished from the country for twenty years, without the privilege of communicating with your family. What would you not give for a few days in whlch to arrange yonr business, instruct your family how to carry out your plans and leave them the xnoney on which to live while you vere gofle? The fact that you live in a law-abiding commun- ity does not prevent death from banishing you. JOHN HODC8E Dstrict Manager IMichigan Mutual 111e Insurance Company Orvaiamd 1U7 VM flm ticdemo doservea coadt for hie addre t lh. jury vUici, wmaforcefuld,"w&In, a qnd vsi pu ln *Véry p"uarue. 1 1 AI