TY rNl)EPENI)ENT. PRIDAY.-DECEMBER.12,1913. ~eIndependent! Owi' Real Patate at your owu price! '\A t ti o n - Lots in L'b">tym'le Sabw ay,--Déctember I3 11 A% 2 .wN THE GROUMD.8E LTAN OE M UNDlBE'S SUBDIVISIO N OnIy 3 minutes from C. Y. & 3t. P. Railwày Co.- At your own terme -$25.00 down and $10.00 per month-High and Dry-1-2 block of Milwaukee A&venue, Southeru Slope.. MEREDITHI REAL ESTATE & LOAN COMPANY THE CHANCE 0F YOUR LIFE ci, lie re at Q Fios Regaiesa of the. size or value of the. gift ittelf, wrap it up in a neat paper, put on a few Xmas semis and Xmas usmps, ind. a pretty gift card, and attach a fancy tag or express label. It is quite âbthing to.do-ffhepractice is growing year by year. Besiles, it adds alot tothe holidy .intiment. Perbapa you bave priced these "fancy fixings" and found them dtoo expeouive" If not, price them now. Then you'll appreciate this liberal off er. DamM EnSor e le Enixe Family 2Z6Pieoes 15 Poitadu * Lump Tmp S Nm~ Tmp le Tmp 1*'D Nué Opus' ..Pénm $1.. NI.. Make EJWme Yc., Cilsin Gold ýL»à Aaesctveand C"la Emdi pice. is distinctly desgurd and colored, bautifully embossed on fine white stock sud fully equsi in spp*rancc and quaity to the "vcry bst" subjects offet-cd in te stores ai "thone igh pioes" A ceps hmnsive amsrtmeut, a varMtety t cievetY vaut aud large cnough for ths uhole family, Ti. i 226-Piece Assortment Free W. have tied ta relizc everywsnt of aur t-adet-s in this asso imnt-to make it cmplansd of the bt quality. NVA havc given a great deal of îhought ta a balanccd variety, mvn including Xnm amé Cgds, so ihat you may "t-emembet-" those ta wham yau will flot scnd gifmIs. h s with gréai adwtion ihat we ofFcr i"isassrtmeuî. ta aur t-adet-srraizng that not *only the çqbautity but tbe qualW ie ii favoebly impreas evory recipent-that every ou. uho recettes "bi package vil! bu aiaI. 6 You mmo Get Thee zLd' ,dIiscdbygaet Chiago BaIl>. Iqomm l redi ar tedean>' obv2ot.. t-atbt ou! oeil su Tus Sursar edifions f Tms Issu Yn. w" la i.eauldeddto e bthesablemi cdied n Wsn:ii t-eau c f editoiai libougil ~~stocsd ut us IIKt rImm zocasu à» mUNm .Whun ausddthe.specalisatret of lu sua vm~sit-iivdpeutua eno iii t-alis. a p- gsqLivfR linceuhiime et FÀamsa i is regisis su Prnpims i $8 ayms. I i I I TWO Pubications A Fumea"dHom» la pablhcd triesm arné, 544 hmu sa7YM. d hLm 16tO 48 Slarge PU"e; été-fuicOf hsusia"dt gestiocens icli yoenUin sd meuas. 2: .leis ulti evsythumg of Isicuumi th l.esésu"Im. Viu, Gmtdeur, Fruit roeru, DalryamUatXV NU*Msd Pmais>'Keepe. FcImmissu s emai spMueWisistc by welIma ua aout *batb.fiu sud b a emAku It psy. A ycaOss sebeet-m ipl i lu"e èsMg FbitU- tsi /usai buts. pt-imd lau ebcwuy. W"léaime.il roitli the. usre Pries of tlllolsyees *àtmtdc Xvery moe uho laiut or *ver -eilste -bits Pecitu> "hoid be sur te g« tbil.Poultu'AsamaL 9 BIG XMAS BARGAIN Subscription 0Offer PEt AAo The Lake County Independent...............$1.50 Tihe Weely Inter Ocean mand Fariner........... 1.00 F.mi and Home ...............................50? Big 226-Piece Xmas Package.................. .50 Total Regular Price..............$350) Ali For OnIy $1090 Y«.f yen w.ait-aSy àsubsuiver taety sa« 0itice. pubictioss.yoar ime ailbcexcîtnded i ycar irom date of expirationi. ADOSEIS ML ORDERSAMD AKE AUL REMITIAIICES PAYABLE TO j INDEPEN ENT, Libert 'iBe, Ill. S1h. Coidest day 17 aboya ou the. tare. Blanche and Lottle. they ara ln 30th. Average temparatura 32.58.. the fat- uarthwoot-Bgatta---nd couid Toal raînfaîl 2 loches. Onor fiat-- Dot &et baroei rne fortse funra. t-las ou 22nd. ;The, only brother. James, le lu the Nov. 1909 Warmast day 68 on the southbFe8t at a distant point aud ha. I 13tb. Coidest day 16 an the 22ud. toc could not get bot-e. Mrs. Floteuce. A'.eraze temperature 44.35. Total Warren af Highland Park was Mi and tanfl 2.:7! luchas. 2 ln. suow ou 22.1 unabie ta ha prestent. Nov. 1908 -armest day 67 on the Mr. and Mrs. Kaita cama ou irom 19h. Coldest day« vF*aboya ou the New York ta attend the fanerai and lîth- Average temparature 38.81. stopped at the Wasbburn durlug theiri Rainial] 2.70 incitas. 1 ln. enow an staY. 14th. Feu ai the oldez familles ai the. Nov. 1907-Warrnest day 46 ou iho city ware bettar kuowu than that ai l7ith. (oldasi day Il aboya on the James Cooper. the'as-set-aI gis and 14th. Average tamparature a3.36. the sou ail belug popular yoang pao- Total raînfali 1L87 luches. 1 ln. suor pie hore a numbar af years &go.DBnil- on 2ud. !,nasa mattars toit mt of thern la dis- Nov. 1906 Warmast day 64 en the tant polflnts ' «.in \l r 111 7th. Coldest day 20 aboya an tie ar.d .îrs. D)ow hava beau the ouiy 14th. Average temperatura 37.82. unes lait bat-a for the paet year or Total raînfail 3.10 l,4ch. Suor fiat-- on. the- parants havlng movad north- t-las on 218L 1I ranIta join thair daughtar mauy Nov. 190-Warnsts day 60 au tha manth aga. 28ii. Coidest day' 8 aboya ou the î Total raînfali 1.70 luches 1 inch ID PH N US M Nov. 1904-Warmast day 69 on the;SLT flS R lot- Coldest day 15 aboya an the 30th. Average temperatare 39.80. BRDdD Fl1ROND ON7 Rainiail 70.100 luches. 55FA t5 1 Nov. 1903-Warmest day 69 on the 3rd. Coidest day 3 aboya ou 2tit. Voliva Says There Are Somne Aver-age temparsture 34.06. Rainil 3.67 luchas. 2 luches snow ou 28h. Womnen Who Would Go Nude Nov. 1902-Wat-mest day 68 on ltei If That Were the Style. 2ud. Coldest day 28 abova on the 310L Average temparatura 42.61.1MODIERN DRESS IS FLAYED. Toali raînfil 3.67 luchas. guar fiuh-les on 26th. I Nov. 1901-Warmest day 70 ou the Says He WiII Draft Ordinances loColdest day 13 aboya ou the 7h adCuesArss1nCr Aver-age temperature 35. Total ndCaseram-ti Cr fali 68.100 luches. 1%iches sor etngDes vl 25th. Zion City, Dec. 9..-That Volva le No Unferre welght for Sait. strougly oppasad lu the new-iangiad Thea wigbt of a busahai-of snet as fashions iaiely adopted by the fait- establisied by the dîffareut statue. se taI evîdant by a recent iaart-to- varies tram fifty to elght potiJds. heart talk rhlch ha had wltb chut-ch mambers lu Shiloh Tabernacle, Zion i!I iTPfr c'rlle A ICiy. UltLEUI bEEM A 1 Advertisemnent Asking For Man Who Can Handie Affairs of the Village., VILLAOk MANAG&R-At Gleacoe,1 Ill., an exparlenced -anbaiveen1 30 sud 40 years ai sgs, capable of systematiclng dalails. manigam- ployas, sud meetinglte 'Public; Bal- a77 $1,800 par Ysar. AUl applications1 muetidba made lu uritlug seoflpa-i nlcd by lttera tram at leat titres raferauces. Do not tulaphone or caiLl AddreasF. X. 68. Tribune. This, lu yesturday's "vaut .ad" cal-1 umu oi s Chicago Sunda>' papet- mdl-1 cates Giauco. la vaiIng up. Tiie sus-i pIcion la coufit-med by P. C. Gi1, chair-j man ai lb. village board's commiltea whlcb ba chargeaif thc rousîng. Ha dates ithe avent baci tote ilait aiac- tion, rien yaungar resldants ai the subarb made thaîr appearauce au the. board. rltb Allen G. MiII. as presl- dent. The plan ai havink a manager for -a village dld nai oriluate ounithe norti shore. Several mouuhs ago Rivet- Forttdeclded ithe hast lutereseis ai thse communiy demaudad the >Tonee ai Som officiai Who couid $pend bis entire urne ai the rtk. ESevaral frarn the western suburb vent ta Gles- ea and szplained t.eopet-tion oftse Plan to theu Glenco Mon's club. ~1 -fell you, Zioa," ha bagan as ha sacanued bit audience crltlcaiIy. *iWe've gai tu draw the lina ou ibis dresa business. Jusi hecause soma diareputabia roman iParis gain out a certain styla. 1 consîder h an nu- pat-donable diagrace tiat a Chtristian roman should adopt It.1 wll t.11 you thai la anc uhlng ibis chut-ch bis got te bit viii slcdga-hammer b810v.: becaumse shave a f ev vho, If a style wore brought ouitat go m*ed utey vould@adopt 1k. If 1k vers 80 de- grecs 8.10v zet-o. 1 teuByou, vs viii have ta draft nome ordînances on ibis drus. business. and v. viii ut-u hia few of tase roman. uho ara goig naited about toun. That lu viat va vin do. Borna people say: 'l visit ru bail a aUifornt dreas lu ZIon.» Wel, sometimes 1 vlsh 1k ton, but whhbr titat le the solution or not, 1 do not knou. You may tait. a roman aud put s fiue drese ou bar, sud l dos not change ber hatt oue bit. Hou a roman vho la bot-n ai God, eau stick ou noma of 6h. stylas uhey have ta- day la anaeaifithe mysierlas. 1 tell eyou," coutluued the ovaracer ut aniphasis. "va uwll have ta draW the fUae a itile tighier. Our Young ladies in' Zion. have ta ho lu advsnce ai ather ladies lu the world. A Young lady who la pamsionateiy fond of >dres. la just as mucb a sînne- as a rdrunkard, oery bit." 3 bT-a emay bave beau sme g «Àmenst among tce men folit, but 1ta> uses ilnaudabla. If ts>' sgreed viwth tse overser, they , etldently D bought dîscrution te better part oi valor. and held ibsîr peos. F06i AND WARMTII 'BURU3D SUNDÀY;' DURINi MONTI! MOST RELATIVES 14OST UNUSUAL WEREFAR AWAY J. C. James, Weather Man of, The Funeral of the Late HattieI County, Says Foggy Weath- Coopep Riddlê Marked By er, is Witbout Precedent Pathetto Feature. Waukegan. December g. MONTH WAS VERY WARM The funarai of ithe late Mrsr,>rt - Rlddla. iormerly Hattie Co)oper. &as Wih tha exceptian of November heid Sunday aiteruiocu from Chist 1909, thea pat month bas beau the Epiacopsi churcb. linerment being lu warmeat Novamber lu tweïva ycare, Oskvood cemetery. accord lng ta the. mon thiy waather t-- Tri. Rebekaha, nmrne aventy-five ln pot made out by J. C. James. who, number, aiiended lu a-body for Mrs. malutaina an observation station at Riddia vas one aof theiodge's moat Antloch for Laike cauuiy. Hie repart'earnest and abthuslagtlc members. daclares thé manib bas been noted The floral tribuies ware many and for cloudy weaaher, thara being beautiful. Îwenty day. aof fggy and cioudy The Rat. Mr. Ganter daliverad a yreather, laavlug but tan days ai sun- fittIng tribut. tu Mrs. Rîidile, explil- shina. The continuaus fag oi the lng tbai she vas one of the fit-st mem- past tan days, hae sys. lu unusual, aud herm ai the chut-ch whom ha called ou ha bas no record ai any such frek lu sitar sccepting the local pastot-ste. the weaihar ln the past Ha pruisad bar chat-acter sud deapiy Hisi repart foîiows: 'regretad ber suddeu deaah. Nov. 1913-Warînest day 69 on the One featura msrkad the faneral ist. Coidet day 17 on the lith. whlch Interested aid resîdenis ai Average tnet-eature 42.98. Rainfailil Waukagau ubo bave knowu the. Coap- 1.62 luches. Snow fali none, et- iamiiy sa mauy yars--oi ail the Nov. 1912-Warmest day 67 au tbe large iamliy oai blidren. there warei 12th. Co!dast da' 18 abova an the but iwo Immadiate relatives preanet 2nd. Average tamparatura 38.91. besîdea the husbaud, Mrs. Roberti Raînfali 1.75 luçhesý Trace ai snaw. Dow and Mms. Keita, formariy Cors Nov. 1911-Warrnest day 73 an the Cooper aud Beas Cooper. rare the 111h. ('oldesi day 8 above ou the 29th. ouiy sstera preseut. Even the par- Average tamparature 122.05, . Infal enta. Mr, sud Mr". James Cooper. 4.29 luches. 4 lu. suow en 20. rawre unable ta attend the services, No. ~191f-.Wrmes.t ay..62 on t he ,for. 1ke Mms. RIddle's other iwo mis-i ,Tlîe Best anîd Clieal"-t IPlaceê for Meats, Poultry, Game, Fish anîd SheiliFish1 Vegetables and Fruits IN LAKIC COUNTY W. J. MUNDEE, PROP.I I Phone 307-J LIBERTYVILLEI Better Than Spanking Spanking -ii lot cure cbldren of wetting the bW. becanae It la oot a habit but a dangerouo îes The C. H. Rowan t)rug Co., Dept. 1250. Chicago, li., bave dieovered a strietly bat-micas remedy for this dietressing disessaamundto make kuown ita meriti they williwnd a 50e packag e curaîy wrapped and prepdd Abealutely Freo ta any reader of The INDEPic'DENT. Thie remedy so cure@ ~ifequent desîre to urjnqte and Iuabiiity ta, contrai urine durîng the nigbt or day la nid or young. The C. H. Rawan Drug Co. jean Oid Reliabia Haute; write ta thena to-day for the f re edîcine. Cure the afllcted members of your famiy, thon tel your neighhor* and friands &bout this remedy. 2e4-1 TAUES ACTION TO STOP mFOFIVIRM il POLLUTION NOW Wanitgau, Decembut- 9. Acting undur authorit>' eonferred at tce lait session Of ithe lalslaturo, the. gtate rivera sud laites commission yetct-day at-dat-ad offlais Of tihaci- la. ai Batavia. lut-ra. Ganeva. Elgin sud 'Bt. Chatlas te laite Immediate jstap ta pt-avant te pollution of Foxa River by savageansd iaciory vastes. Tiie fiv, elles rare gIvan until April 7, 1914, to prapare plans sud speelficatlons for filtration or ceraga disposai plante or othrrise prapare la discontinua tae mptylng ai aur- aga lota the rivar. 'rie Fox River cacas at-e the fit-st of tha sort ta b. actad upon by the com- mission. Sîmilar action willb. taiten ln numaraus otier eltles lacated aiong Illnois rivera or laites if complainte are made and aubsisntlaied. Lait. Forcnt snd otiter North BShore citisa that have eomplained of laite rater pollution b>' factorisa are ex- pocted ta, take their grievauces ta the commission. Is the Bçst That Money Can Bay Our eamlnstiong are tburouu. sud complote tu everv wtt- Si competent refractloniste free of nhargre. We ffrind our owu lems and mas. Our o wu trames te fit each particr s» ee. Louis J. Yeomian MANLIFACTURIllOOPTICAN WAUKEGAMI, ILUMMI Pilana 1 uning Les.e ster a le sumlSs, Work daoe by )Ir AMs. - Prof. James Smiltb - WiIl teacli the~ WaItz, Two-step, Tango and OneAtp Waltz at tIhe new Auditorium hall eviery Sattnrday niglit. ..UThe DREAM WALTZ will b. >aughi Speciai next Saturday night as a speciaL 7THE MODEL ____MAR KET1 CASH M______ 1 8 FOR a1 Ohions doiry p 827 ei FOR i Coî,mi Good t c., ui FOR a vlle. MÂ.13U FOR i latter ubort4 FOR à aitm se boum' l- m FOR Boick 1 hem t FOR $hop o Mtan. FOR & ail nu electrit restau phote FORI FOR i do es Ar"a,! FOR 9 bortes. FOR Koch' Ca, t wood Rouut FOR Mhont FOR Telli FOR dive os Proti FOR FOR dnid. Be, for se FOR weigl FOR cocti Arem FOR Lihei FOR a te Ib., FOR eroes. SZf' k».