CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Dec 1913, p. 7

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPEM)ENT. PFItDAV. 1ECEMBER 12,1913. NONERECIVEOI D~i'ID~I INluSNotie of Sale ta Enfo< ce A gr orsLien FOR mESS TI4AN kw ropics STORE KILLED BY LONGER AN EXPERI: «li* 'O- ___________ * l :2ô CENTS A d$______________LAUSTI _______________________Dy N. K. GATZERT ToW SETIM NT1ENT;YD GOD ioH;;il Loan'. Insurane, Real limait ml *+ PolaB+++ ++ ++ +++ ++ + RES + R ULTS OF in Richardson States- That Thi ttassistant poritmaater- 001v,1 i h.«g<' H. f-nti.ti treOffice in Kaiser Block. fiR .. fl,. ..TIfl,.N ..i .. ..s ..general recently riddreosed a canven- eus «fI 2<'4 >Oirf? cîîfoîîr a flg, LIBIERTYVILLE. - ILLI"Q*. FOR SALE-189 -ars ia Bis townabip, FOR RENT-Two largo lght bue-RiePs u Dw a io f otmser.HesfdtatIedr,,pieîriî o- i.roriP) ori ____________ godbidns apbavas. 4) tau- kelepineg rooDfip, furnielbed. MUv.. James The jear 1913 wulîlsooni nei r~a igasajust double the num(<er or p îces 4g'\îyrîe27rTh1tatEH ANWCO chions for cous r*srrn enîtabfe for i.ajuf,s.Orchard treet. -ott h ie Pest sud jet wil long lite in thre have bsen handled y tire parcel post i shah eIl -0ifgc,idigiaintubs oui-W.lionE dor porpoms.AdosC Brit. mmndi aioft hlhnking. future or-ing' aarbraricirthat ri8 expected. A very rio the bigheet n<i t, «et Iidr(v<aiAttorney-stLa 827i Oreleai 1311., Evastatilit. T l. FOR RENT-200 acre farm X mile froin tarinereas tiere roi rgiînrng uf lantong WILL *UiE AWAY iSONii carefuî record (bas (<cen liepiof of-Ion l'aturdav, tire 20ridyiih f 1<e.rnlt.r, Mionry ta Loan on Good Approved Ee1 8851W. c-9 0' tf)wn .sud mI,.etn'o milk pnIant. Barn. ... - - irx . Nv io re«<i t. ra . ? ali l' hmur <of ourp i-sk aa~ licksiin Ihe cittisfor s- yIdais n ht .il . !e LB R Y ILE LlO S FOR SALE-BIOad sows, due to pix Istter pani Qi Srpt"mber and firt a1 Octbo. uqIre a% EK W. Farm, FOR SALE-1dy plum Conainiuo about ai. acrestailand with large igbi rocou boum wti bath raom aud zsuiry; mis.> hum_ barn 34z69 fot san Other out buildngs. .Ail modevbij improved, a&l ne*, hong buit hea ibm. twO jeas. Biglâtiluthe, cL y. loquire ut J. H. Me- CUtY). Iiertyville, [Il. lit 'w56W Phon. 301-J. -SI-tf FOR SALE-5 puseeger 2 eyliuder Bulck automobile. $200. Ti car brio bhem borougli ovrhauied end i in goodcam.diiofl. LJETYVILLEUtIRA(;E. FOR SALE OR RFNT-BI5-k4lhith $hop on main strot or wrruldi (<r ood ma. Adrt4eeeBol 71, irais3 .t il I FOR SALE-10 rruai,.ouse oLU bàiL ail moder -ro PuhC ilot lu t4 lectil dept. f'suh or terni@. Con- Tefiettfor two familles or on1e. Tele- phono 215 K. -27-tf' FOR SALE-l>uroc Jersey laro. big eouudh for meorive iFred Herzin&c, Ll.err..ville. FOR SAL-E-lOI> hoci of î-<rr<. - l"' do carpt wavmo&4. J. 1. rt<1Pird FOR SALE-A few moodfar. ,r waguii boes . IiIidy Farmn, Lake Frît-et, li. .B. shupe. <3UPt <-I1-tf FOR SALE-Barber tlIîoP tftures. 2 Koch@ bydraulle ,-air-, 1 r-,mbiiitiOt cane, uS case, etc A good «utfit - i Wood condition. Addreeo box 1U3 Round Lake, III C-1 1-2 FOR SAL--iiusrio*y <-arm sud Butter. K C. ilolcomb. Ar"s, 111 Phoue 01-J. c12-1 FOR SALE-lied W.ther#flei1 and Ydlow Globe Oulomie. J A. 12iurmas Dia I- eur 011mev. -I- FOR SALA-imon & Haujîru Organ, 1,. octaves. in good repsr.liev. MA, Protino. - ---- -c-12-ti FOR SALE--NIx-bllO coi Or wuOO »&«@,simos »W.willoeil celap. W. 1 utiuC-12-2 FOR SAL E-A.Ilinob diving mare, wt1000 lb. .ouud sdalrioght, 5 yare dnid. Addries Jo. bobuer, Ares, Di. R. D. a ,Bo0189 Poem on ervicoable tock Bul for sale t my barns. J. W. Mllr. P«12-1 FOR SALE-On-Ie uroe jpeeevBoar wegbb about 400 lb#;.itquieof F 1K liacormack, Lbertyville. P-12 2 FOR SALE-Sortie White W an)dott Cockerels. Martin Morse. Urîrur. PhorE A rea 284- W 2 p12-1 FOR SALE-Four crn eribeP, 12 acrev âge fadder. S-l1t ait Wri te tmecira yon ciii give toi It. C. C. t2OPelnÉ Li(<oiiYvill.- p12-I FOR SALE-On. or two (<>'ircvr- a team of black orme-s.abourtIot) lb.., omci. Librrtvvitle Bmkery. ,1- FOR SALE-Wbiie <J1it"r. C-1 ereis. gaod vrai-k. Mrm d iin t Baran, Graysinke, [IlIPhîrre 50O-R i. ,-12.1 FOîLSAL-E-i Misian l.brory Tnhi, leQ Çest. Mugie cabinet. n le- ri Chai mi u Cen tr- ecuetMY hv ouse- Fould@s, Miwauke Ave.. irutir01 elceir timcke. -2t (Real &iate Transiers Lake Cont>'Titi & Trut Ca. Abstracts of T lii. iNti.. Gnzrnnte llaeouhc Temuple Bidg. Waukegan.11II l)UIr J. (iURes> .. Dcember 5, 1913. I.ouise Greene tu Mary J. Gree lois 3 anud 4, Liiiers Sub. on Ta lors Lake. W. D. $1. P. B. Johnsonanmid cite ta Ciras euttie, 30 acres i S. W. Yk Sec. Bentan Tep. W. D. $7,500. F. J. Clark and cite tao e. 011- enshmie, 40 acres ln S. W. 14 Sec. Newport Tep. W. D. $3.400. - December 3, 1913. T. . Conel mimd elfe ta H. Broecer, lot 1, Block 2, Steele Douglas Sub., Wukegan. W. $4850. Master hn ChanceîY tu Babel Maudel et. ml. prt lois 125, 126 a U37. gtavinia. Deod $82,600. bat ompits 1 re. ai à5. Our FOR OALE-A 35 l. . 5 pameeger Columbia automobille i8v.' tcîf r4Iseodr. Good tires. Ragptere. WbtLAircoca Co., Uberyrille. ,c-2-tf FOR AL-Bumsd lot lu "ibertj- ville Prim $8,000. Irquire ai1I'AUL MMOGurrin, Libersviie.- C-2-t.f imit., Illinrîost', -ci atireoriflieu aric ra ani of 2040ot. tinter ber with tire -t8 and charm- ofilerrrî- ;ng oaid lien. LYELL F. Mo"N )atr-d tis 25th daýof oereber, N-rr2S Iler5-12 Libertyvili. - uigis Lue Buildiug. --BReo Phone 152-R. 00e psoi. 3$ MARTM IN .DICKB 'hie Goeîooer ho l"I 1tteltSoff NOUTH CHICAGO. ILLINO - CofrTade A"" TLW When coffee are judged soWe- bertyfflle, IlUnots ly upan quallîr m tire cup, the Piao"E sa toy' a(o(» V-femr gnttooaoni iycre irsxyay n ioom flai5) t, n.200 toussl r.. e ransmu 0 kbos; plety ui usmer; I'la rd True, mati> atteurpto weve riadc ile Husband of Complaint in Volo fromnt tese reports a plan of action r back soit. % 111ent for cash oraO fore ibis jear but the rujorrty werre ma- CseTel11 boc maia tid iaida i dairy farim.- 6oiit l, gSocibuildinfts, Com.l fie it < otbhie plenty nifweater elecirie lighte sud tiratiererouhmlua bWet findure, ta Business mdlofcswl oetbibd I telephoue;amo nef rainm rlraad. town tho grent dolgbt ofthter varl<îue truste thrûugboiit tire country wircre IIOw A.1 and Borden'e aviit plant. To vent foi sud mlddiemen and the. grenter dismoy That Mire. John Ricirardsoni ta net appliances and rew wsys of doing coash or lin sherpa. Addrfres Brooks &irîît the fariner., tb algibsja ln ntireostracism whlch was business uhli ire siren.- 8tiOker, (Junes-Wancondm, HI. Bîfeoa lutasber-Dni taeis ouhar ed n bas arsi ttefmu In closlag bis address the first as- _______________________mattero, due no daub% e ta bsoîte sistant urgedi the postmasters ta en- FOZ "R rNT-igO scee smlnatintauoes.ty, and the fariner bias given rsll-riding case it Voau s showa (<y lighten their rural free delivery users toua of Avon, reseonairlereit. Inquirti more of iis minie. attontion aand iunmctil the tact tirai net aniy dld the recelpts af thre great adivantages of the system- C. 0. Keiri. Librty ville, or Tiras. fbrh -n n i eea tr Wiiminnaion. rysiao. eil-tf agoistaDCe te thre mare likelv lookirig a e rsad i eal e nHoald:arost ________________________undertskiLig, outil today bel@recogtrized drap off amesnt t notblng mlter the "Encourage your rural ptost #MONEY TO LOAN-On improved rosi as s conolng factarinluthre comîneeral! stan! came ont, but, Tt develope, the use tho mails and thre aewspapers fori sfie- J. 13. 01IDULEY, FIrt National world. 1 anti-Richardsoni forces arranged te fading he Ment advantageous Mar- Bank. c.-20-tf Andit iisle asil fironllie i for rn rerli' y bcbng tuta, the village, a second store ket. Stimulate their lngenulty and FOR RN--tcýiaad-a- oiuhu-.<tr uueo tenia rp-id pn-t u aopposition ta Rlchardeoa. imagination (<y devising original ex. W. 8 Apley Anriooor ,Mtt iretilerut iresou aa tir- annr r Up ta tirat tune, ho (rhad ndthre nly pedients for their use. Qulckenîthem --- whicir they are able ta coîîduî-t tirrtore ta toua, (y Illustrations and exaniples. FOR RENT-l.igbht alry vroouni laady tuui ness both on the tari sort ire A man named Staffel wasI5 ndtioed, "Tire mails elîl now carry 20-1 bath depots. laquire F. lIüieIjrieu-it,1udhm .Suha arelb- fa- 12-i markes of tire citles.. torgiz-d. air hi hi iatid, y tire "antIs to ent tire alid linde mers. ui akt(ms poariy urganizr-d.lire fariner eau nocrer < Henry Rogers store w(<ir (huai been ket mîgbt contaîn, for Instance, twa FOR RENT-Uaod fallit stearir Irest"-itboue ta trcoine s ftur Iu tire greatI vacant a yemr Or more. and, there. ire pounda of butter, twa dozen of eggs, flaeasnmt a-m forrrifffce air torý reaii(uiner>, wîrld. He w<iuld imply bris conducteit 'a business since, get- two spring cilckens, two quarto of Firt National Brink Buidinig. irî;uire remain ai a staumdtili, tirhe rYa01 auy tig tire business whirci sentiment dt- bernies, twu quarts of greeni peso. a ai Fir.m National Batik. <-2I amidail modern big buoine-ssr concerne verted tramn Richardoons, dlrectlY biat peck of spîrracir, and a supply of 'l'ire- 1Thirgatizatons «ft van' hase[wn<cenrasetire street. !anions. radîsirem, lettuce, etc. Such a, .' . . .. . .1 . . . . . + lg oit eoroatatie itu e torucr oand 5Mr. Rrc-rrdson cas askled tabout (bs1package v-i] now ic received tiramt a i W'ANTED 41'1nadruiri will 4(fe t -en grenier asorot.trusinesso wble la court l-rtdoy. He omra rsriv or acetay . . . . . . . . . . .. . . sie In fntrutrcorne, (ut îîîry1uîust oald tbat ire sometimes rraw tIr n cîere a tin îimlsmdldai POSITION WANTEO-By girl ti do! aerr -rîrudopiîtltr aîîr(u 15' dy a-re P ta the door of his rusoarer for i25 cents. ieurral hiiiisrwarr, -Irseûr ! L'2« intereot muet flot lie allowed ta $2.50 or a littie more. tirat. etiretis 1oetrnii.tb akg a < addrer.s Box M2. t2. AvetsrIIdrag..forrut tbe lerit igri of eakcuir.g affair camie aupabis rer-lpts 'couid a,- însure-d agansi fosie ad thre price-col- SIUTON WtEaBmrd e wenreiful aet ftr rsti.loaetan 1 a$0ady tirTaemt,<iItretrst yl rae ra $5 O 4»n ri lecteit and returned ta faim for a anrail mideseize their aittoitage and owr-cla the And 1 amn selling mt gaudsr ont ritcirge. &sged worma asreIrrre-k Epe tint bave ber-n >earo iratrie, 15 Pcv cent off tarmer pt-Ires,.1 goaid h<r.________ L.î bamn l-n 0H [l -i i take. uBut, fitdorentseem ta matir-v Tirry *în .lluY. PIl<rlaiiotire -egigstrrke tia rcîrutJust wont trade cltb mc. 50mIi usi[ Whouaagirl refuses a manh.ais . . .+ . . .' . .4 .' .'.'. 4. .'carried Ira t oiýs lune' sire n ftle,,eiry have ta love ont ris meoir as possible 1 bodesms bcsr euhm +4 M5IgELL0A1q<US +4' cr ("etic Eol"II rtrtrrig au and get out af towu. aih h1Iarn plan- llnd ta ber r-% intereaita. 14' +++ +++ ~ + ++ rganrzatîrîn tilîrit il, nrme ruli<u ai: ning ta do. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . tire marketing ai tarin prîîducto dirreît, "My brother Jonatiran lias bar-n run- AUcTIONEER-Yearj§ ai expelence. tinsgitring acay ertir tire nuirruus nlng tietre wie1wsa h ra, BNM ILR tony 1 bave raiscit and bougbi admd aidedrgtes t middlleruen roaair exrstr-nceI He cas there every evcning and mauN TC F IS L TO live stock ail my lite and knoc tiremn a putîrng tihe proituce irarlet ouairoafaitire day trne, aitirougb I guess oIN T (O<eSOL TO rvalue and (ow te conduct a gleta busrnesis nmtead of epeesiatve iî crint needed mucir judging tramn tire &Publrc norîtimnsiîereî<y given tint at s ii get tire (est prices. For dates address Tirere am ab»olutely ni) resermu chy an tradte I -amisnttging "pirak ee (ifytheepockîne aiî.sof aP. B. Johnson or Pirone 111 M. Zion arzaurtation mnuaon c-îertc in. t mi ire ailles ailoBerrjaimi . &D1 Cit. IL SpL 7 t Mcr. 7+cîples eouid Doti (< formeitanrd eetabiiei@b uT DE E~thie Village rif Libertyvilie, Lake Cour- .îî r ~hue mrkt place lu Chcago, adlirug IUOU InI I E Of î, liai. uDcnie 0 . > 93 Ntc E-bIf cilorîYu tr-a ja rae. 1farimproducis direct, and au a per h oro 'le .Mprun Lzigg&E& cl EA. ibetyvilie. P 0t. centago (<ais,ad retuvna sgaod profit Box <0. c-44)if ta l m uer hile splig h o-IOC E E P I NGJU ita',toice.gîte. as e quireit b>'law, for ______________________sumer met s reducr-d rate. Mach au I NIIhIiYV o tririuiag tfcrpoidrate em@Itorde dMARRY IF YOU ARE LONEL- organisation wrîuîrî@non (ring tire -1 suîrndvîag trhateurraenchis. snd. The Rliable coafideatial succeO& -trusta e ttie and wouid ire sure rua- surpre n am tee sd desoifrancireald fui club bas kîge number of wealthy hase&tire suppo tutfcit>' people. SVRL IEO JETO S orporatein Te adkieoaunt eepi *eligile menubers, hoth msees.wishlng An organization tiraiis meeting cir - IamIL BJCTON. opatin TaiheicLaetin ua -ihiritone riy marin.tage. Description luerai approval in tireconue. bu. M. ait more ai the varhoae capital stock af 0c talire. Wrubei. Brox 26, Oakland, Cul. wbieiiTtila active isil.soil improvemneit Proceeding Wilî Be Up inl uoun- cui opruo s orsuets i j ~~~~~Wkl>u 2t+. associstionu and ail wci a hve supporter] ty Court for Confirmation on vatedi pJosul vyo t.foii Why uat beyv tire (<ot? Tire Cark tr ae.50mreta lesddr eoîutiin, ie olaiug resoînîlon wu& ~ursery Sf ock f'raiu WmteîooY. y b iri vetneai. lu Lakeconnty some- riext Wneîeay. usimn dpa:di rW. B. Geiage, agent. Libertoville. tîisensgtyuifltra ie- ,WHEhEAS the takeCamDtTelepbaue C. rup-12-2 asociation oems ta lio dragging. due City officiais of Highwood ciii 5p- Company liras coerd ta do or transaci a _________.________ peihape ta tire tact tirat-oailer ta peur In county court hers (efore business.ofa u> chacacter. and iras noae December 4 1913. fairmer are directly rospousîibie for its Caunty Judge P. L. Persans snd wulli aseeté of sny tiraracter nue an bond (<e- Ets Wrenecke ta Jessie M. Miteli- beginung. Hacever, 1 beiive that ih seek tire confirmation oi one mile airiouging oit,a el], 18 acres in testi i% S. E. %4 Sec. wauld be s goad ting fur ihiîm courit> coicrete streets. Tt ia oxpecici tirai ANtD WHEREAS ail ot tire corpoame r 36 E. Antiacir Tep. W. D. $1 ta campletesncb an organisation anui there ili (<e qulte spirited opposition dr-bts <f RidrtCampany! bave (<orn fmll>' h - F. P. Kellogg mnd cite et. al. ta beole tirat the [armer@ talie more kîedly an tire part ot several objetors (but oi- paid sud tire c<rpormite lisabîrtie tirermaof ar- Josepbine L. Kellogg, tract ai land te t tire cuInlg Sr-ar. Titists expect t a (rve litile difficuli>'e- empîetslv diocirnrgeo aud tire coîpurmi ep soutirofai Vntbrop Harbor. Der- il $. The camiug >eai aao akes thInrisecurIng conflrrn;tioit. a-rertsand pruîperi>' lirerture elutrgiug ri o T. H. Quinn ta Leaura S. Scireeppe question ai au exceuîierse teuc lilk This Ioefot tire tiret big Improve- t me anie have beendmreibutedmiaig - te et. al. paît lots 194 ta 198, etc., IL-keTproducerAqciatior a vital qur-sior. ment afibtio kltnd tiraitirhe cii>' ai tiere srgooris ntitled iliereto, rie Forest. Decit $1. T. lir in ibis la..alty oasîs mucb tao Hîgirwod iras put tirrougir. It mis NIW TtiEiEFt)R., (he it resolveit Horace Blukley ta Rasa E. ppin- tire ?silk Praîlucere' Associationu and nt long azo tirrt tire clty c6uncil ai tirat te salai Lake County Telepirao i " calti, lots 18 and 20, Bock 5, Wrigbis slrbould continue ta support anid up-buil thtie city devided thtiriconcretes sreets Comany>. a eorpration. lie and tire "~ Add., Libertyvllle. W. D. $1. it ai osery appoîtunrity.Tire candidate cere supertor ta aiier forme ai pav- ai ebîrtydeovrd i ielre Lt, G. L. Vetier mnd cite ta Tireaioie for tire preerdenre>' vho te maet likel> to liîg and mn Improvenent wuse paseit dont oai sid corporation ts hoeby autiror-i Gremnberg. W 50 fi. loi 2, Block 7. carduct tire association succer-fal>le provhdîng for tire Iyiîg ai this faim lied ta cause n complote record oît rai> tire r- Wrenn's Adi. Highland Park. W. D. Clemu G. Smailuo! Ares, I1l. Mr. Siili pavlng tn tire main business dis- pr<îediligotuikeu if] ibis respei-t iccillei îv$1.010. iras eser been active l ira es<voiati's (rici. Tire pavement rvi hn iytr einrifîai rdatrsri y Jo H-enry Sciruler art cite ta Win. affaire, I nving ber-athtifret prsidetta!fougirty rotietactorV. hi lesait, and the mscrietavy of sait Corporation undr Sehuler. 2 acres I S. E. Y4 Sec. 15. tiwre anizatioi, a vice presideut anuitcien fitcas terietet pave ouret eaid Sec-etary'ui signature andthtle car- -Vernon Twp. Q. C. $1. dircu-lîiait ririrman oit Lake count>, potions ofthie city tiresie klnd ai parîte scaltofsailîl Corporrationî, tir be December 2, 1913. Bis, efforts bave eser' i cir succe.,, paving materli as decideit pon i. led for rec-ord in tire oftice of<itre RI< -,t G. h Wvema and cite ta Florence and hi, elvtiant thie prreiîtenu> -would Tire perople- abadi lressent ibeir coîrder rot Drude rît Lao i- unty. Ilinois, 0. M. Sciranfler. loi 5, Block Il, Wrens no doubti moure n continuation ofthle aobjections ob tire court an Wedneoday T o iiug tire Count>' chere thi princ~ipala Add.. Highland Park. W. D. $1200. associaticons piosqirrit>' rait power. Tt ave mt esîecalît opposed ta concrete attireiof yard -rpîratiii i s lrîîted., t Villa J. May anmd cite ta G. IH. & aime coufre@ ta mind tiraitirhe elêctian of paving ras rrev are opposeit ta tir enr-l- M) B E IT II'I;RTHER REstiLVEL[) e.BertharMif. May, lots 1 md 2, Blockt 1, officersof thie Libeityville local ro due tire impravemerut. Ttiras ireen im- that oid kreiiieri vt îise oîtice ofuthtie Ido Edwards Su(<. Wmukegan. W. D. $1. the comiug Saturda>' milsbild l e possible ta drtermine up ta the pies- dissolrutrin ot soidTrio Lake Count>' rie rank Lance mnd cite to T. . Wi- given conideration. Tire Ltbrtyville rnti trme Juicirat thirhrobjections rlelepiriup Coîmpanfy t ic a ublislied far f tan, W. 80 acres N. W. 1/4 r-c. 9, E. local is beyon thtie quretion of n doubi. ciii (<e as tirey are at a (<anket nia-trîe ouciesive weeke ru tire --Lorre " Aitiacir Tep. W. D. $10. tire besi kuowa, moes% idr-Iy ndvr-rtisr-d tuie, embodylng practicaîlly ever>' ah- Coumty Iridepeidcrii nid Waukegani Cý A. Kim(<muk ta R. A. Bard, part local ai he ib. 5k ProduersorAmooiatian jetIan tirai coulai (e made ta an Ira- Wcekly Sun.' a nbocepaper printed ant >1lot S8, Snb. ai lois 5 mmd 6. Block 34, aud is r-ver expeet ta rad i n aiglit provement ai thiîs kind. pirbliohei in tire Village af Liberi> ville, Highland Park. Q. C. $5. anuitet give s good accaunt oI itorIt. Tt Hihbood ta oie ai tire few cites ira tire >ouity aifLLake auid Stoat 1111ll- R. A. Bard and cie ta C. W. Let- iras@(rougit man>' n dllai ta tire local' rItire state icir decideit ta gise nuis, andl wirîu ilre months trom urus ) fingwell, part lot 8, Suir. ai lots 5 mmd dairymei mcd sionlit 4e -r-l .uppored concrete pmvimg ma trial and many date, <a" aisondî,d atoveaid, brai- 6, Block 34, Highlandt Park. W. D. b>' ail. airer cilles have kept their r-yes nLg tirereritire er-iticate af recoiding e" $2.850. Sa, tllue farmere, uben in thir ridsi turmeit on tire city ta deterurine execet b>'tire ltecorder ai Der-dsofa Wrn. Scirumaker and cife ta H. M. ai balidny e-r ire sure ta remnember tire chetirer or mt tire experirnt coulit sait Lake touot>'. tu o e ilet lintire affice Geraan md cite, lot 53, Washilngton benelts you bave receive fro#i orgauiza. (be a succeffs. Itp ta the pieseat tire aftie Seretar>' ai States Park, Wmikegam. W. D. $2.100. tien sud begin tlenewyr-a b>' re-îecirg ihere ser-ms tae(<e no douaiabrout lire Adopted (<v voir-o rtiprr-setiig twa. G. . Galiger ta B. J. H. Gallger. your mombersirip sota ti ti he iouing motter. When tihs mddtional mile tirdo antdumore aitirhecirolr- capital r-at 80 acres. S. W. 'À Sec. 6, Avon year you ma>' retalu the icovetr-d place' Of pmvimg bris ber-n put lu Hlgircood soack of ..ait corprvaion. en Tep. Q, C.»$I. trot yon bave wau but conan aly htrpe toichl(<eas neof tire (est pmved citles ANDi NOTICE 1S FliRTRER beri' ay- Helen S. Rend mandirus(<amd et. aI. keep (y continneit effort, for its stze tIntire state. gisel tirai n comprîlote record of aIlIbe ta T. H. Qulman. part lois 194 ta 198, Prof. 0. H. Bcaiquin ai tire Cour-ce prirceedrîgu at it nier-tng, algned] by A. 208 ta 213, Lake Fonest. Deede $2. -oai È'gineerlrg iras Juit su(<miiîed a tire Pr-ordent aftie Corpoatnion, verirtle 20! David Bracken and citea ta G. L. Remiember tire Barid Timres parI>', report arr concrete pavîng ta a comn- îîy trio swoafiaitî anîl atteétet 1<> Du cirame. lots 21 and 22, Block 1,(<noirt socialait diance tri (<egiven 1by mliea pbicsiordci en itire Scretairy<ofmit -orporaion unter [or- tire Liber ihwod W . 50.tyvilie localoaithie MlkEvansfaÀ wcio (ave (<cen gtirertmg tîre-ai saisto mid moeeretnvy ardthtie c«r- HoiT.'s Mres taHgi-wB. . I.r$500. Pradueers' AsocitornOr-t Wedt<odny data or maierlals for pavng streets. porate e-sa «tor midrd poratsionî,iras 17 of.Cforo oR . rre m evernîng, Doc. 17,ua i eghtra'cliek fai the Several<itIes and tacis wdre vtsit-t- be-rduly reuaîdedtri tire ReC-orders Wlfe. loi15 aladSu<*Grylmk.Libertyvîlle Towni Hall. cd airere tire materimi te useit mmd a office oi Lake t'untty. illinals, ne te- D. Decomber 6, 1913. ccmîreirensaive report cas mmdecocv- quiied 1<> law. & Annie C. Noweillmmd buabanit ta Costi>' Job. erimg the casi ai concrete and tire Dateà ibis, twelitir day oi December, D. C. M. Carr,locts 25 and 266, Lake For- Unuows your husmimnd tilslf oruing. variaus airer materfis used in psy- A. I). 1913. r-oCW. D. $100. r. Finnigmat "Oh, boas ver>' pooî' hag. Tiere neulte, t le claimed, show Bnjamin B. SMiller, Piesident. - H.A. Aderon md efe e. m l. a >, 3ev riverencet And ]t'a s mighiy tirai concrete la cireaper mmd mare Augusta MI. Laveil, Seccekar>', 3tc , .A nesnadwt t l expansive disease hein got. The doo. durable, mdha eounett tea ieLk ort> eeiaeCmai' anid R. E. Armald, Bernstein MFatsa, Wau- hor maya lva te kao hlm hn good acoammîtîee. [Cirth pofahevake CSeal.] Dr-oeCmpn.1. kegan. Deeda $2. spirits.' -P. L P. cmite Ciprt el] Dc 21-6 ficttionl Sales@ underalgned will oeIl st kublîc mncUUn on the promiss kuowuas tihe John Couver»e arin, au»mile west, 01 Round Lake TBIUISDAY, DEC. 18 Commencing ut 10 o'clock tii. followlng ieecrlbe propoity: 44 head live stock, l3 bead of catle, 4 lie mllksrs wlth caive.(y «Ide, balanebeavy mullkeuu and apriagers; 21 head of borse« aud colto, roa horve, 12,jvc aid, ut 1700 il)@.; black bore. 0 jre aid.vit; hay nare, 7 yrp aid wiih bai. vut 1500 t bsy mare, 7 yrs nid. wt 1500 lb); gray mat@, M yrs old euhtuaion. 18.W Ilb..; ra-y mare. 12 jrs old. 1MW5 b.: correl nare, 12 vrs old. 1150 lhm ; black mare,- [2 yrs old with boal, 1154, Il)@ ;îrown >otry wit b al and l rt (<y sn.,lackr miare, 1250 lbs . witb toril; <râ:V ,î<rre, 12 .1ri, old wltb laI1200 (1 le 1<5 inore, 9 y r, oui I1110(f twI:hok. <<0colt1 enruing 2 year <<Id. hlm-k colt coting ,vrfo oui,o«me bitv mare c-ommrit :1 vrs .A' 1avi uckcl t <-ouling 83 y N id. une bay colt e<îuirrg 2 yrs (,Id, *2 clu-k-lte comlng 2 yr. r<ldl..1 U(.kiTg( colrt, -acrnie gnraiîdn lhdeer ew,-arpnr ease rultlvar, oh. alklmit îlivator. ridîng'veîc. r s-Ilh truecS,. Camr alng plow. o-odai.Mct'orniiek mower npw, bay rake. 10 ton of tlmotbY lrsv tin barni. 6 ton of alfaîf,,. 200 olî<,rks rot corni eut witb biroder. :10) (<usul iof oats, bay rack. 2 metsof«twib -i, leimhs, shovel plow. 2 ru-k wagg«ao. 2 riarrow tived wagon, low wlieeled wagonr. lueavy inil wagonir. ourrey,.miute (îîitrz.v. 3 eetq oi (<easy doiuble bKrueso. 2 @ofo ligbt double harreoo. ingl. I<uîrwg.vlorî- meVol du [1<1<11< irds. 450) lii du-Iof corn tri crih. 15 bushel aioee> lar.-y.5 bushel of wroter wheat ser-d, --)lîuolil ofweed <'irri.2001> ihickii.ioio fulll oî<d tltht Brabruoslia. 10 lnisai rurîrir du,-kp, 10 iiroiz tîrke * y. iron t<îlding bed, large irou be<1, large ive, and other articles tou nun <roinlot<iitrruio tosuai terril, W1alter ltiellrr, Pr«p. tloîirize 'r<geI Ar irirreeIr. Win . 0, looîug, C!erk. Fresbyterian Services 10:0 a. m. rnr)rnirig worsbip. 11:., a. u<. Bible Scirool. 6:45 p. in Christian Endeavor soiety. 7:101p. ni evenilg worship. hr<ii lwmiyg weleame. H Si..0,1LiiI'tT, Pastrîr. St. Laurence-Enilîcopal Church RoV. ErîWAtRD î 1. Wtî->, Paotor Moirnliz l'tar«ver 10:80 a. ru. Silnday ocl<loI 1:10)M. iru Vigrt<r> art alv.>o wele«ue. DR, C. R. GALLOVAY. souu-rom 1 to 8 sud ôOlo S&p> a LlbertYvlll.ilno. DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD. V ETERINARY SURGON. &MOT5ANT 5?4>Tn U'UMumuN. Ubertyfle. Ifhlols. Teietho,,e 146&-M nt Better m« .y eopen"e ever 10 do yowý.'ý J. M. Graves AUCTIONEERý 14" Eluwood Ave., Wuea. U DR. E. V. S141TH GENERAL PRACTICE douu.81go1» a. M. 23te 4 Md 7 to a.. Omeiroove, BeytFuur. SMore. SI'ECIAL ATTEN4TION TO TRI SB» LIBERTYVILLM. ILLUfOI Offi, l 1FIiLrTiAYLORak .l Ofie larue- NtonalOuss4 <m p.m- Ssafdemsu nu Brodwy. owodwqm DIL GOLDI BoieSto 12muI1o&p~,- 0,cr Pirei National U.aý offie Phone 194. lSm Pbffef f3 DE. A MH.CHUDODLL, Physicieaw id Surige.. Ode. neer DeorhBoE. le%ISasS ere a eléA. M. 180.110 P.M, e p ec i a at teon ti n te aE t . Ba . N sud " - GLASSES PROPERLY FITTKI> Libertyvîile. - - -lIs DR. R.ELH.LSMTH DENTIB?. avez LA&& COVNTI UAMION"AM a ouu-t4 tc là a.m. nMsd I1$0 Sap Ubertyvills ][Mioïs - PUBLIC AUCTIOERN Clssi attentIon pald 10se mS suciion salon and heet reenite lu hng *âme. Ail kinits of bores, wagon. mmre.. for sale or excbaai aa tu HENRY SINE Piton.. 148«Or8 ONlcITY. J. Le REDDINQ,'bDYlN VETERINARY SURGBWON, " Graduate Chicago Vol. Coâfl Off ice aitlissidano., M SGrui Ave. Phono 1134-W. :-z !R!D GRABBr, J EXPERIENCED AUCTO< Live Stock ua and s mSalma For. Refeseuce Coie n.tu adI Teisphone 21-L-2. Aiea. $1I DR. VICTOR C. i OSTEOPATHIC PfflYSIt~ 215 Miadison St. Wuke.u! office Houmi 9-12 A. M.; 1-4 Pl., ?74 Sundaye by A»iîolitmest 00_. flerbent Paringer, rllwamukee 23... 23 Selma Scirmefen, same .......2o0H . s ýP.î Ciras. Wehrtng. Milwaukee -2........ 23I Maitie Hopkns, sane-----------..29 F M I U q , DIck Wallace, Grayslake .. ý....... 21 'R APA L Nelle Graif, sarne ............ 21 Ce M a» edr tions..l'.8o1h0 Roui. Lndcig. temosirs...........1 lrtOM W Alma Miller, same ..............2. My nadousss. - c irgicrle ieu moe cove but~~~~ ~~~ suviiemes.uneàr<aoo Ile a g oser ithfoS <sle tr ua Mex-O-JaCoffee' tsi@ mu .tos. h3esd 0. wîeC mu AU1CKLF BDOS.. M--O-M ow» Dse. as-tu 0IL. nasi. 0..ceeO. m. G ~ ~ qbmsetrÏ. 1.4

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