tw bg bt 1wth vi.. Sm tm tbe à a on il"p cbo Imm TWO. - --COMMITTE« SELECTED11411eil1ot RA ZION POET TESTIFIES. (ContinuedFromrPagPag.) Ot«a City, a week ago tatrisit New York sButuwhen you get out and teybandehB and testify against Kellogg. She paid sàuinwl eplcdi h ad bout $14 of $21 agreed on to have hef poemn of some county officia, having an of- 7%% Te n square mi« W goa set to music and received the music liçe inthe court house. tan for approval, but returned it.) pTheeannounceeent of thisepommit- Details of Cas». tei etil eevdwtfeelings Tbu mmio l t@O. Details of the case In which theea of slatisfaction as the gentle en-com- swanda M, Zion woman lis Interested Is shown psngi aeal enò aarsadense.t la fllwges t In this dispatch fromtZMon City: psg taealmnôagaran-Ad.ebua llwSidI Four years ago, Mrs. P. G. Lewis, men of good judgment and lit ls es- The binder soes lsekngttg i frd ýred In a onteraItbanon aveuc IS IN DANGER AT CHIHUAHUA pected that tee ntee I ARRISN FINS N0 LOSSES Thé:-ss.b.Ua, i..o.,Iler entier noa cotowth amusc al in their power to makte this one of necke, publ ihe rsmewKsllgg ofnewIn the best and highest grade sanitar. And the boeu Is demanding thl ork i Wman'ar "Ini sy hichdthne ria ryOneeWne flums In the state. EieneThat Burke Made Money Ke pnt of yoi h udrb avrieagedtpumuctoay FdrttrtgWaNoBhnd Dr. Brown neee-s no introduction to Out of Gratuitieufrem supply House beekt poem submaitetedandfiublisAh ita iT heEauto fNotenCptthe people of the county, as his man socotary Saya, le Entirely infoern, ok through the age@ of hWs was entered lintow th Mr. Aelongta --Ojlnaga Said to Be Impregnable-- agemenât of the office of county phy- tial--Law Against Tipping Bears on Por thauggandsa of yuea do yel wrpu li a song th e wfordso w$h Ter21.sWitn hek' sician has been so emminently daits- Such Offenses. Yet you finit byrsome magie or mys- Woman Living in Country Near wer sppledbyMrRDLwiOfof$1 El Paise, Tex., Dec. 16.--Federals factory to the board of supervisor* tery Wýaukegan Gets Blasphe- twodanm usic $4.weremreeurned tnader command of General Rubo; for the pative years that It Ipet- Wasaisonreferr18ed totheatry he cl ockijsttobomtr S S N T to -rs. 1wls for japproval se te aarette. after ret-ki-t the City of, peote ewill Maite eqully sood I l a rrse infrrdtatheatrey, tholok mOus Letter Tuesday.turned the managcriPt, with hera Terreau from the robots, are declared the office of superintendent of the Ühr e a pc"nlc'msa Y °eu'st.bu* te °°'d1'11"'t a 1rva f the muic, and that is the to bie moving north In the direction nt arium. areft hetcisalleged, en- yU.dnbtth ae SEENIN L NG T las"t she ever heard of It. The aI. Chihuldhua City, Pancho Villas head-de WIWAN IS USPECTED-leged publishes did not publish the quarter. We are especially pleased to an- riched himsc!f by $50,000 in puIrchases Tu backt and your shouildere arfe bM sSSETDsong as agreed to and the fimie went With Most of Villa's men beselging nounce the appointment of Mise Anna for the Panama railroad. kmling You. MAILtED A T W AUKEGAN.!o n otigmre wasseeyorthe federals at Ojinaga, lit begins to no Lk ors s ednus.eertayGrrsnsays that so fkr You swim in an oean of swet. heared o t. Mar LewishecB enl okaVilawMorgav t qitaslhe lhas been able to ascertain thel The stamour the poenmainy give !Col. A. E. Coe. Who Married a ai N e Y "r andheetpromnptasgel Chihuahua or e trappedliv. o ut Mien Morgan la a graduate of Wou. governiment has not lont anything n , h, mot.,sio Woman Viotim of Anionymous Waukegan Woman, Asks busy In the matter. He detaled an In. is announced Intention of march- lyIlsial hcgad oe eerasonfrof allegedate s o o nAn'huss hrent b usIa mrel ose spector to investigate the matter and ing to the Mexican capital for Christ- with the highest recommendationsussfm th co isonbse Ad ubt1amidwe i' Writer Cannot Figure Out Sun to Help Find His Boy the result was a deputy marBhal came, mas d!nner In the national poison will from Oeo h eybitpy i n t re which Burke ordered supplies. -oronBre 000si0 fr te ttak.ondyzoen y om hiagoi t ateast le revisedermerican areralof .the City. MinssMorgan la wel le boa s gshow thaet the government Mrs. Lewis to appear In New York taeywsoibhnteevua known In Wàukegan, as shte has donespice LETEREUDEIVEEDSwer xelog-s o dubRbin hed whrae auah K eneth er cnsierblnpivae urin inth Eidnceinerntal.FdHTNGTHECHNCe sd Ta Whom ItMay o oember 17. toaf themalcre. o rudln and is army marchedt out of the state Jane McAlister hospital and In the ".The matter has been known to Col- 1 received the Xmas gift you! capital and let Villa march In without private homes of this city and other oe otasadCmisoe e.Fr h etAeti etoiglt Oen me. We all enjoyed fit ey Mn h'nurea narg cities of the county. ln speaking of <elle since sept.mber, and they have expansive peut.. 01a101. Many thank. 1I-am Tells How Bad Off He Is In Then Villa &ent mont of his men the appointmen2t Of M1ss Morgan to been investigating it with the pur. Thechbinch bug cont the abtate of MWs- aytoet y ound orpeaokCut oee fe h eeas tOiaaadnwthe superintendent of the McAllster poge of getting at aillthe facts.- said .our approaimateiy II..nt , t sytme. ome!Thr'st eretcomn iscmg hospital, M4s% Heil at once said, "*Why, ar.arsn "The publication of the Ysear. and lu many other states the Cent es wo e gt Cme o ae S SPE ED S PY r°- the"ouh -""tåhhuauahow fortunate you are tosoecure the story prematurely caused me to refer ras nearly ne great Un;em ilmmoddiát you oosward, 1 defy you.S S E T D A P.fenwih il a a8 h a e, The Sun prints the letter below fo hc Vlahstath a eces of so good a woman as Mine the matter to the attorney general steps oreitakien to destroy the swatM» Mrs. ,J. F. M' from Col. A . E. Coe because It has no jority of is troops and much of his Morgan. 1 can personally guarantee this msrning. go far as we know. ali whicb are living Over during the Win- mens o frnihlg te frmr Wu-artillery. hte evidence that John Burke made Ilhr N ws ake toay e t m ean otuiheingmtheorer WksadMsu- tyMean ul From the direction of Nuevo Leon you the very best of efficiency. Youmnyooei urcas f supplie& ter tis loss will lbe gresly neres the ~~ E abv ttmn na eu tr ope that by publication of hismad is.salidto bee marching against nurse. I only hope that you Maylhe lhe hait holdings in reai estate and Btween nowu and Dec. 1 &allM or. its presentation to this Office, the communicatiorn, the wordlhe seeka of a hyl&a plc. Chihuahua. Il- the reblileader re, able to keep lher. Miss MMgn is banik accounts, and Ilte Inferred that owe, pastures, roads. waste land OA-& San discovered a case of where the hilo, ia e sent to him Iby some calle his men fromn Ojinaga, the 4,000 personally known to most of the phy- these could not have been realized out other nlelds, which are beevily de* W" t@M mes! mai ocarrWakdire readier who may have Information lhe federals there can march west toca nso h onyadti aco i aay nfc.our Invee( grown. should be carefuilly esanid and, If th perpetrator of the, seeks. Romte, Dec. 17.-Miss Edith Mac-1 Juares and eut off his base of supplie@s&Wng tse ou e uffcn ht aracton heas notbeen fcnlddto.h tbraigcie wrill bsomebody will be puno o.Ce ti eald are isVn a er o SeritMus o u arfedera orcean hercaennow tee for the sanitarium" ,Undecided on Action to Be Takeon. homielswer fet rd xring be sevIerly fer mienne of the mal lila srneduhe ffre Harvard university, complained to has with- him. If the rebelsat Ojinaga Every effort la going to bie made to The war secretary là getting the mer should be examined with pecial Alderman Ostrander, who lives on Thomas Nesion Page, the American remain there to attack the federals add everything possible to the equip. opinion of the attorney general sto Care. The insects bide deep dowiron giry howst h a t tn h erma hran- vnu et fJcko tre.ambassador that lher sister Dorothy, then Villa la in danger of being driven iment that will tend towards the bet- whether there should be criminal or clamp@ of grasis, under leaves and rb iri v ed teltnwcheor car-:He was a resident of Waukegan a an opera singer, who ls now touring back to Juarez, out of Chihuahua, by ter care of the patients. civil action when the evidence shaI bish, and In many cases their preâento nut dre nd i t e oterof number of years and, at that timie, Southern Italy as the prima donna of Navarette and the Coahuila-Nuevo MsMransno atNpr Ileal have been gathered, but hie wilcan lbe detected fromn the dtMagMmsbWø qut ofWaukegan. The Sun eemed to bie Industrious and pros-, an opera company, had been held up Lon cola. Terbe uit ill.,istudyign hela o te ie 1.and .acmt he willf s htake- one dsofthem in teibaudvh øaame her name on requent, perous. It now appears that lhe ls at Taranto by the Italian police on Chihuahua iBe less bright than lt asIme, todsand fotheret hengos anoacthaseen ite uttohnee- W heer the r found the Gol b uboidand three children lve gn r utnateins eal otor andte schigeher a ster haedt b M beeJ Tn o a t a Impregonable. Ottawa, to inspect the tent colony of retary that the New York state anti- should be borned over lmmedit@W -W »Bisparents, isa avery attentive geerlNircmsanesan, ostofrete, bt aspratialy iolteiOjnaawhch hefeeras om tht it. Bt yprane s aifto, ipinglas earheviy n ofese anacreull s tat yeT as % mothely farm woman, one who all, seeks Information of a lost son frhe r friendsaby thacti Io o the ma hold, J hesai doramoim-.hth tanadfexelnctndtayo.hi Bdun dctethm that setrw edsryd h 0 greout who would have the whom lhe has not heard from In a long detm eie prheatinoft enabhle adoAmi an ies n i wysh i eti ng ost of rth ewokinauthorditie mttk hudntb o Mms h bttosdsuh a efaao ry ime . It seems fromt a letter that Dorothy ý border duty there expressed the opin- fotsteejurisdiction of the Burke case. Sec- heat will penetrate down into the to herbutta h o ihe i etrt heeio fteSn aroused the suspicions of the naval Ion that the rebels cannot take It retary Garrison said that hie had npt clumps of grass and makete cien je à* litrought to jushetie lth u a d with personal featuires elimrinated, authorities owing to hier habit of takftromn the 4,000 redorais now holdinig it considered this phase of the question Farinera thould co-perate Iin bkrib le te drop the matter follows- ing long walks In the country and tak.1 under Mercado. e i n a cigsll hog lralpbi lbasadwhd Wi Tura Over the Letter. Oak Forest, Dec. 15, 1913. InU ncoco y otogahyhf the crat. Lui Terrasas,chr.has already ba, te department of justice at Washing- iht of afsi the inb" r«IM Ehd ebaces ar the ltter wll he ear Frend.-nome pictures of maked fortifica. Miner, which the Terrazas Intgrèests l brern-paesi tefa if tilll o ouPotmaster Grasedyfit pres wule utk am ead and buttiens. own, for $250,000 Mexican r a INSURANCE CHIEF SUES SIX par cent of th. mili-u t e or aàw I»ahekea wintur Cicgwis t peaps woulbhe s ust swhiellof Mbt lr.Page made representations to as 'a part of hi@ ranomt money, ac- KILDI O E A LIi bug@ will bie killed by the-beet,« rglst t st e beInvestigated anda h il as whl hr slf'the foreign Office at once anid anin- crhdin..g toAmericans who arrived on P. B. Sullivan Charges Malicious In- rectly and many mure let e«pou«le i er rosected.there ls hope," so I live in hopre, but vestigation was started. Edith has theat refuges train frain Chihuahuatrencadxrto. the winter. After each and e! iàltewamaedaWakgnluck so far, seems to bie against My since suèëceeded IIn reaching Dorothyl They say that young Terrazas was or- efrnean xoto. farmer bas dons all hie can to 00 a60Nndyeengben degetting well. by hon nd learned that her isterl dered by Villa to igu the checks for DeeeU o ayCtGe Decatur, Ill., Dec. 18.--Willis R. the peut during the wrinter thé *'if itidb rrlcrre usdyno. I was just getting on my feet In waspnoon1eoger being mlested by theý amounts ranging fromn twenty cents l NW o Shaw, state senator from the Twenty- will bie well enough-started id tat, il tib leteret on in msteconrtepgond aoi w er g atArlpolice. From thtis it is concluded thrat!tc $5. Thensechecks on the Banco eighth district, Rufus M. POttR, state taken up in'thne negf: ohif, tbé le tibtons ft e bessrch the haan-ter 1oo satw easiagolth Aril hifir. Page's representations to thre'Minera are being placed In circulation Inisrance superintendent, Lucius jury fromn the pons may bu gri, . MM oad engo hhu s, thbe cor-an wenI wastaen sik Cwith eriiforeign office resulted in the removal týhroughout the city as moniey. When Pleurs, J. NI. Glchrisit, J. G. Hlarten. reduced-Bmar " aiLW m U s.oted imn unrsealf aho didsn. et oteCokCut Ilospital of the police surveillance. the Amnericans left they say Terrazas New York, Dec. 16.--Devere Hall, a Charles Frandrick, insurance ex- the matter with the Sun to- on advice of frienids and stayed] there was In the Chihuahua hospital undter prominent lawyer of Bay City, Mich. nminers, were made defendantsi n a BACLSSà a year, hopng to get wll and thenN ENDS UFEguard and that lhe was not to bie exe- who for the anst two weeks had Eentvlsi yteAsrd ain #áyx the letter was unsIgned and camte here wheoreI1 have beeni ever SOCIETY WOMAN NS IEcuted. stoipping at the Hlotel Marie Antoin- NMutuatl Fire Ins"'a"ce companly of L aher husband feels it was writ- since, and niust say that throughi Villa Robe German Consul, te it-eet n rawy which P. fiL Sullivan la head. Mrento teby a mt ashe is frmlof the b- in dshv be retdvry nie.a, n etili eiiosadCa.The refugees say that Villa ha% either fell or jumped from the window The latter, throuigh is attorney, Wb poln aew thatit as he ork f awomn.1 am still in the hosital and can onl y table Work at Keokuk, la. shown every consideration to Ameri- of his room on the ninth glooir and was filed] last week with Governor Dunne aon adn a anti irttsnot m e wha 1ter f get arouind ln a whs'eel cbair( as 1 can Keokuk, la., Dec, 17.-Mrs. C'. DI can Consul Letcher, except to permit instantly killed. Mr. Hall's room was edfnansr d t ie s eialao mtwo ttbort. 1 came here f rom the north not walk, but in other respec-ts am Streeter, a society woman, becameý him to send code messages, although at thre back of the building andhi lics Ious ienntrferecre with ecm. a bovs e gudebra e oitfoor t &Ux years ago and have had feeling quite well. 1 wililibe happy If mentally unbalanced following a ner 'he has not been so considerate of body was found on the roof of an ex- n'sbsesadatmpdexo.fdoganet b.ethea chUldren whose care has been vous breakdown and ended lher Ife; othier foreigners. He confiscretedaan tension by his sonoRay. pa yimust be tight andekept sÎ thought constantly. Y have been y out can Inform me wheprE Mr. Allen hoe by tuirninig on the gas jets in hier' automobile e.nd carriage belonging toa r meantehtu hsca, o'Teet e ht a"i"t n'é. to be a good wife and did not 1 ìonia ehsm oSan- ro. German Consul Kueck. examined the body and found that ly satWfeto" even so M 1Ilhad un enemy ln the world. ]y Ci. Coo. [JE was tin Montana, ancd Sh,(,was lnnuenltial in securing the Recognizes Carranrea Leadership. Mr. Hall haed been dead for five Or six CAGDWT UDR lregtsi aeet rse nobdyha rasn o ttck wot te ow h wsln. ilnve nwbidn o teY . A.iniWashington, Dec.,16.-The 'Wilson houre. The police were notifiedsand deep and Ia few statonspounidednuet*- ter as they have done ln forgotten thievane ani my lettr organizirng the Visiting Nurses asso-1 administration apparently has recog- detectives were at once put to work Two Are on Trial for Death of à ly &rounnd the bottoms. Dig4saheds mmand they should lemdeo cm akthnIwoeteps-caioteUie hrte n ie ea lCarranza not only as on the cage. It was at first reported Pretty Girl. b" but romain here on the farm master and hie aniswered and said many other ben.evolenestq the de facto authority ln centrl of au a suicide but later theincaon Decatur, fill., Dec. 18.--The trial of 04the tine doing my work and car- Brown hadt left there but left nio ad- the immediate locality where he main- alH pointed that it was an accident. Ange c. Gondlia, the University of M1 tçfbr MIofmycaace ri uc ress. Now If youan flnd out mwhere DE AD AMID CHRISTMVAS TOYStana h e.gqrt2"er bute as the eMr. Hlleson. wh'tu we nyr- oiaes t"dent ""d so" of a wealthy ea slf-respecting woman, the thy r sal l ey gld oknow'no much of a governmnent as the cou- him. Hle subid that Mr. Hàll had Suf. PrtRic anof lantfrer, adr HoE ahould bie punished If we can TuyYor, Farmer on Way Homne Thrown fromI sttutionliatà assno tot maintalti fired! a nerrons breakdown and hadPrcofCntfrth mudrf t eI. or her. Col. A. E. Crie. Oak Forest. lit. Rig with Hie Purchases. This was Indicated heire when S- e.Coma to New York to be tteated by a Miss Margaret Trainer of La Salle, have ha nos famytoe o Hspta Wrd N..La Crosse, Wis., Dec. 17.-On his retary Bryan adinitted that thé stath specialist. When MIr. Hall's body"was wasTegunaechre ih tn e irieuh astero te etter ta way home after shopping, Au]gust department was making representak found the font bhad but dne Bihon on T g o aecat ho hgf ent imagine. Of course lkeDetmran,. a fermer Ilving a few mniles tMons to Generail Carransa redarding and this gave Tieto the theory tht pettî ced wh6m OGatdia'met et thea .gard%, they were afraid tosg west of here. was killed when his the .excesses whieh General Villa ta bha dheenantdreusing nui the open stateuntivrity àhd who diedl follbw. nam.Hwvr ea go emra wy He was found dead accused of comintting at Chihuahua. Windo* sd had ost hie balance. ti Te rlssado «n the matter." in t d Beeretary Bryan sId that on sev rl %O4 o d& I hie son, Mr, H 411 re.i ngap r n Musba"nd Wants Ønence' O CBesideEA him on the ground were other occasions ho hadl brohght eer, tired frM a toube bout a year agohvena aetbe.nfso. m . eapoe eesthat the husband wihes found numerous toys hie was taking tain matters concerning -avents a a me t fit S i lth. 'thé body was tfench betwebà thë kodt d« B tléW Wbiethe matter hushed up, believ- hm ohscide o hita Mexico to Carra' attention. reaboved to sa iundertakibg establish. MIDS9AKF¥ GTSthanwmno te moreedd r -the we ad h evebtter. Nhe Cardinalhand Former PapalCpresents By thése Dro**ttilingsthe Wilson mont &né will later ho shipped to Ba)..-s-ganedil d-pcetend Mr character has been defamed $gggySg administration ha& put Carraiba snd City. Prisoner Has a Fam.ily DBut Hou Far- the-strand#W» Illthetre tw sh ishles to have the guilty one • YOUTHFULof USBANDSTc-ES th® °°°stitutt°u'it** marnaient on ,,gttoeaWhaee .The, Am. ! witba a brt .tick JIlondew CumbS in Rome. pOTFL HSSN IE ractically the samne baste au Prest- †AFT 118 8TRONG -FOR ROCT Detroit, Mich., Duc. 18.--HIs mind a together drm ti gninsthe soft -bV h bn os' li kepblct Boy 17, Sues Wife, 40, He Married dent.Het n h eea oen blank as far as anything happening cover the! 6 wh ewishes to have the Y 'mn.Aalto fWha t Amšvelt Would 00. He pTerieheth $aJeiil" d " ue 0 o ncéfúd destroyedi rather than turned Rame, Der. 16.-Cardinal Mariano ln Secret. upttv ots íoi ocr e toMr. Grady. Rampolla, formerly papal secretary of Des Moines, Ia., Dec. 17.-Charles DESTROY FEUDISTS HO0MES Ae ehnw Ayug ixno n erise, ,,ain.t endle eense anInsetting azi 'nlyireason for such an attack state, who was defeated ln the last 1L. Bates, seventeen years old, asks New Hligh, coni., Déc. le.-"%re soya mit feon ame i onCrsn ido otawNaph'0ly mad s fr s i cn e g lection to the papacX only by the vote the district court to aninuilhis mar- Missouri Disturbr eewipdd edBtdkd eao otrpelwasaraipe caredwih asi rm the ret few inchestubottom 0 a tat hesenerh for of Austria, died here today. He was riage to Mirs. Maud Patrick, forty Ordered teo Louve Country deb qt e Moïtilhl htiy aYung gysBchebas a wife and three boleTaonb .erto r o bus been a happy one; one de- '0 years old. years old. Springfield, Ili E C. 116.Ffy't¢Iw b eihei e i hlrn but doesn't know where hie .-Farro and &JEreidi. la that somnebody wishes to Cardinal Rampolla's deathoCcured Teptto asMs arc ase e undhomes of àa 3I18 4 o 1wI rgb dl g ard Mo r lioût icdend aiyae H a on the farm and figures that an usbeoemdgh.H wno t r lured ito Chicago tast July. They offeudists, the Colline family, hamni hNm lasee Cement lers P wttao get fiton the market is parted immediately after the cere- 1 ave caused troubee in thia v ici Fnit sa Mtet lalnestigatneien in 1 po'huoe ftecu-knw ob l, u aneealtmsmnThe edingmywaMs.kePtrecetfrtemnty-fivedrsLi dirlam Ilo. 1He is ;Mr ot n nl re. efäs ou d in teácr atrn would leave the old suffered fromn serious attaèks of in- Brlmeoadwoerwrehrs-thanf t tähëman too. He lsa 'Pro 1111S. PANRIRST AGAIN FREE 1ie a mna 's oudi) ten hto s the u nz al11,similari th e ralU nie whhe Killdiy Lttlerter., fr whped n t-i leatformswr e ftiMdd l awyet'. T Hesestte-mentrt s t e gfe'th eidh has afflicted the pope. It was Car- Mtl. Vernon, Iad., Dec. i7.--Owon totally destroyed and mont of the twn o ittal IV e-r 1 11 Taftt il HsBe nHugrsrk ic nma d i ilneg CqI C. Christensen, a pett y officer dInal Rampolla who celebrated the Blackburn, eleven years old, was ahot hutndred of the family were warned hemto N b dr in inhfaAopo tu i Ls audy tfeigtdone on tess 8 Dtte Stte nav, asindct-TeDeu atRoe o Ma 1 inandintanly iled y hs roter eae te cunrylithn ort.el.h tyto ksttehowMr Rotthhet Lndo, ec.18.Mr. Enmein thnOwenearh Gos .b . se ey gIà ir ~ ~ ~ P DENIPOTMVT [DA D-ECEMBE 1.93.