CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Dec 1913, p. 11

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19, 10E. Pag 1 , ., lf ,ý YATES ACCEPTS FIRST MAN DECIDED ON AS WiÈX ER POSTON HE SÀTEOF NEW ILLINOIS UTILITES CO UTILITIES B0ARD Governor Announces Selection of Former E ecutive as One of Minority Members. Richard Yat'es, former governor otth Illinois, has be en definitely decided upon as member of the Illinols Publie Ujtilities Commi ssion. This announce- *nankisMeon$ à Wet* of Pust te1 ment was madie by Governor Edward Manufacturer and Waste of F Dunne during is sojourn ln Chi- eneyte Tewn-General Appearanoe cago Monday. dfteCommunity Buffers. "Ihve selected Mir. Yates as membier of the Publile Utilities Com-' 1 N moke nuisance le beginning te mission and hie has acceptedl the of- lrefised as one of the greatent lce," said Gov. Dunne. No other ap- problems confronting the mod- pitethsbe ae 0.lnd» n trial cmunCity. MD.R Ar. Yates has been selected be- enne inthe mercan ity cause of is knowledge of publie utili-, 4567 ythis crime of our cities ln not itsdrn atria oenro ,madd when no doing would resulttesdrnhstrmagororf roßt ïto ail concerned, la a question 1 Ilinois. I1cnider him well qualifled t#can bie aswrsiered by the twge for the position. p inde gnorance and carelessnes. "Others whom I will select wIll ble herà.s of course,. the exceuse thrat likewise competent to assist In the t.his case the damage done le Ob-; management of Public service cor- and d11e111 toproe i a tangible, porations. The, chairmanship of the . Bu t s .Oetetd iestuidien of the afinmade the Injurious effecta commission s5till lis 1n doubt. smk r rdually becomIng more With the selection of Mr. Yatesi gFVdeflned and! publicly recognized. deninitely decided, it is said that the is atg crying need for the educa-j following loom up as logical candi- t0Of the publie along armokre lines. dates for membershlip on the com- needto koir hatsoftcoalcanmission, although Governor Donne pq borneod without amokre with profit A COAT IN DROP-SHOULDER STYLE would not say that he would appoint Ithe consumer, and they need Ilke- iisé to know the damage *mokte doem a._ Tunles rare becoming to nearly every It requires 41à yards of 36 inch Ma- them: le dollar@ and cents to the residents of nls tb hr n nsal eilto copy this geeun in aise 36. Fred J. Kern of Belleville, at pres- la iO»ky City. Feathered pets are nice, and even 91-gure ltu a OOi a nuuyTe drp-ho lde aLfashion fes- ent head of the adinistration bu- It hais been provedl by the béat me- chiekens, stupid as somte people think atout. and«evn then thoraerare styles Thr oe d -by lu teey n.Itra O»kel ngleer red gverutet tons mert ear oteknow and love of the tune that would lbe becoming. tdve ta smrt byar to teimpe, t fr e uca te em sasionof back tone who freclthem and are kind to nso ssr vely pular. Tn o hiet-or soit and te, as a rule, becomingt. George W. Fthian of Newton, form- RICHARD YA TES. dgWnics orioverskirtofareelongotrlshort, In this itance 0(4080) lit appearsOn er congressmnan. Mm eansbav asten ofpafu e Many The. n in ikes oer athe draped or pointaid and often they art a t. Diak velvetgenfashions the Frank H. Funk of Bloomington, Pro- l11111lation of the proper k nd ftopicturehnrePlymouth Itocks There lisumerai appliedbnde eVrly Sr - sut.and théoouae and oun u ar gesv.Frne-gvlll ofIlfOiwlS ppiteta th e a b a t e m e n t o f m s m o e s a y th t s u c h p e c k le a n d T o p p e , w ic h a re F lo r rie e th i l kUis e s n o n s h e et A i s o - T c p y t est (la 0 )ii n ei n e 3 6 8 s . re g o y t o n y o cg. l il l i e r o ll e o w S t a e tMi i es Co m m p iS On t m W R B a s MMpovements have tbeen big dividend and Mlm's own chicken. They know taie.'is»oasln&Stefeclao t rleUnir % s o f 42MO)in cish l mSa-eoyatrnyo Ciao M p r fro m th e s ta rt. i n fa ct th e th e ir little m i tre ss e ' v o ic e s a n d w ill a N o . 3 8 s a t r c i e e peof t r o i . % T h" e t ( 4 2) e I r eh s a - 2 % b e f t i G OVs.t e r 11 0 i li U e . m r . s o n a s m il le k»s to the producer of théesmoke nul- come runnlig eagerly when they are the 'applied circular trimming bond. yards of $M 40 or 64 Inchnmaterial. ola 1,civr rDineYtshisSg oace forme the largest single item In called.raith gives the affect of a tunic. The ithoutrai up and doen, for nsu e. lllglest pettepO inw c so nea $4,tThis lnPittsburgh amounts The chicket ywere given toe telitt g &r y drae aha rie te the I - N . 014- ar t St. À 'ïju N LO U liir i illiortallto a ipltvt Ofe s iin th stateon OnM cannot reckon lnnfigures ftheloge low baby chicks. and they have ldngr ea tnerl e sati i Each. pa7--t qt 6enS&Cmisoe riswsanou le p er snal e fBiciency . T hose of us and cared for the m alw ays. o de Te co o erl»e.B'h a te nsitm t o r i n i gtod r i ay sO D N A C O 2 6 agebouLiertvsl e, ak e C o n ym jlbe an clled upon to travel about to Every morning Speckle and op Te om ater C. 65 . 3d tretoewYok.H nyhiGaryopet TedyinCi n riac rgltngteticl os Sned difféeema itnfur feelinsi s' breakfast. Florreand Mimi ...cago on business. and use ts exhibiti osdshows aendScmpanTotcorp tion exe f dltnt localities. ln the sunny town thInk no other eggs are quite no good Miss Marie Grothans il at her homering thesame, mentionedoin oretion, 7xofpthe W» hpare air we are no bueyed up that as those from their own petcickens· ons No e rth t. James1stre r oei et.H TODlE YTEPE-nne hlinSeliond, ofheai Thselitl grl iv i Nw en" Laike County Corn S owrs1. E. Wywsavstri IDENT AND HO0ARD) OF TRUSTEES change or retait, either at privatmbI -- wYok jus out aco s they i ereomlie Villa today oni business. OFI THE VILLAGE OF LIBERTY'. or public auction, any good, Wafmi ew Yo hr ciy. .st aoey wern te W ill be Patterned After Miss Lots 1Shober of North West VILLE, Lake County, Illinois:- merchandise, real estate, or oteWU feedia n theachicsone ven the e etreet visited with friends ln Chicago Sec.1L That ino person, persons, ticle. or commodity or properia camrasnppd nd auhtthm.National Corn Exhibition ýtoday company or corporation alli exhibit ;'hats"eer cir"d, nams or v GaiaofDafodl.Charles MoFrrison of the Gloe aiany show, exhibition. theatrical per.ilae withecotestaving ob Ghs am eYdaffodre wL ai a business visitor ln Chicago today. formance, wax figures, animals, pup- a license so to, do as hereinafter Sti ways love ring games and inging (By; Donald Blair, Lake County the most munificent sever offered even 1 Mr. Retimera of the Alex Hein store ptor pnduct any m useet for prit, S .2.Telcneoalpd4l plays. Two chlrnsadopst olEpròa tt .Is a business visitor ln Chicago t- or gain, including public dancýe, 71th- Se. 2. Tahefliwn: fota pedr each other and raise their joined handa. The Corn Exposition and Short busy eve lanneme okeepever siday day. inte corprate limiits of saidhtvinager d-a;oio tu peddlers wihoe"os Those forming the ring pass under, on@ Course to be held at Libertyville, Jan- tus res omratallyevery dsubject The regular weekly roller skatIng a tiléryilýýlicnesto o as hretoinafterproier day. peddlers with twboffhoral boewiealkesngnutiguary 12th to 17th, ln connection with ,pertinentto farm Improvrement, will party will be hield ait the Naval Sta- v ideds ot oa hriatrpo $4.00 per day. $20.00 pier week; "dvol th e a on ng aotfor a dafrodu, the farma Improvement work now car. evg. e t e .ent tesou te day, tieTnhaon ibodiiristala- Se Te icese<ma ho stinorbythdistrbuting smples if A dafroi, a aboforo ilil, vred o in IaktreoNtionatternd ,showing their Interest by expressing tien of officers tomorrow evening ait theatrIcas ;mal ot wr exhiiiosad per day, $10.00 per week. We'vreroneaouhfr adfod..ey lsl atrth1aina ontheir Intention of being in attendance Itheir regular meeting. janinisemntiis shaIl leas oiows: Dra- Sec. 3. Such license when issM Exoe'inved found one bot o olyon ay bthereile v-1 ema tic shiove un(teir caaiiss,$4 pershallheis, Igned by thre president a At the word "hiere" thre raised armsé xoitoad rmse'obaotnteronldy onte dayobutipons ,v- John T. Judge, who has been quite day. 'lnper \wek: dramiatic shows, president pro tem as thre case May km credw anInce the head of the largest'exposition of lits kind lever er a epsl-ill at his homne on Grand avenue, is lanc, or amniienwn,-its tipliai], $3 peranateedbthvlagclr tcme d on an setithe mment heldi 1nthis state. Te rgram Io On the school Gays, superntendent able to sit oup a little each day. dy 1 e ek:eru ne an ate t lt the vllage sea, nd ha l ah th re pchi who hapes areds. Then 'practically arranged now, and many Of inst.ruction, Mr. Blair, and many I The men of committee No. 11. Or- vass, $-, per diay. $25 per week; any dze thepile snersn, opanyauh to e asin uderthirhe . Imen of national repute are to e in other prominent speakers will give dro Esen trzil evespefsoirlxieto oadetseo o pron to whoin the sa i allsin: -attendance. One of the latest addi. talkis. Mr.airi eo h ota fter Initiation Thursday evening. seill aet ine<liýine or any kind of edt to follow ;any and all pursuits We hbore:orweirnd one her. tiens to our staff of speakers is Mr. freu paeso sho oki radMirs. A. O. Wright expect tnerhadis, $ vpr lay, $25 per eiteen nti anr o We're loingrabot ora afod.,IV . P.Harris, of Cham paign, Illinois. the United States, and everyone in-.olev n audaroravsi.ih eand t thervnpl ii ace e fori And e nd on hee. r. Harris lsa abanker' In hshome 'terested 'inschool work shoutid plad th er son ata hatwhncnsanbhesm sal o b r Daffodil now takles the place oftown, and has the distinction of being to e in attendance on dts day and he Geonrma sn PWo- ine. oit Suih inr ytelaepesWi-rrab,.oan ign alanthalnt1 one Of the children who coaught ber' h istt nae ntecunty farta hear him. dTal tdotoIpIhen r tm s h cs alli tehnd faneso t or imt, sand cals out"utru.nmrvmn oki scutry. Mr. T. A. Simpson, superintendent w' iv ra ne ma"qerad mayl be. ano iresii(liet(lbyi. s l vi l i in ieleensof th erlae -- The children understand-lbat -"buter- (He isaBlochairman of the AgrIcul-o coos a hag fth colthe rmoryNew Years eye. neýlk mier andVlite ea l, 1and sall slýthee. 4. olic nse hall bnaedi " linstead of daffodil la the word tural Commission o h mrcndepartment short course, and ls spar- Tmrow eennitePais-uto i tlw Irsnvarl,lomand elierdtoan ppicn ena motsBronsD PPRAcH 0 Afor the next verne, go they sing: Bankers Association. Ing no effort to make lit the strongest Housme the Thursday Evening Cubpn orcrrtintwhmhelc'fsteeofray mUPà« aarURDerotwN-W'elokn butfrabutru, A number of exhibits of manufac. department of the short course. T se wl hl herreua mein. snw ir coprtilin ollo %anflot)faellehtevter untl suhoappican andbete wrk s ccmpishd. A tercup, ingabouttera up, e urr rtce, etiiesec, aedays are Thursdynoveldfa te by irs.ouis Sinr rgelr mf ig. Ch.ica pr uln:nnd 1therein, i h aapicants11hall ilewth a teilr ng back to the foggy. smoke Pol. The leader may hold a bouquet and been arranged for. Each exhibit will way ofntertaiynet faintruction guetofMs.SmulSchwartz of or theiu anli te plvai, lkhjdulfical e ipt fthe U atmosphere of the city. there re- et»ahcid h lwrbighave an attendant who wil) le ver war eromised by Mrefimsuon Perdn1 a o r ir. aew daysfoh l in neh eense,;anthe sann( l' lag,,,ktrasureiar. showing the ulp p b B tt ~~~gladi to explain in detail their particu hli MisEthrSerdnha cepe hll othtrn i(ililsferabi le"or ail'gnment of u.h alont of licnfl D tof the duit, depressed feeling, due suar ntwen she was caught Buter- lar commodity to all. Somne 200 sam-. number of thre schools are hldng Nii stenoghriap her at etoi healeotandshaIill not il' ;aluigit ent uir h, undertiodiace.s é *4 tmeasure to the gloomn, and the cup, when caught, taken the Place Of Ples of corn, oats and other seeds prefiminary corn shows in roder to arositin aMullenrCopny ofitfee. alehan slay rn o 1 rap athe 5,Tidrh VriageCekihr eter and amount of work within daffodil, and tefflelatter goes 'itothe have been promised by farmers in pick the best sample of corn to sentiFrnkln ulCmayhOffic.s b lies ofilmv rd nnwd authoriz ho q 5 e tolcage ther aplin caO.pabilities are greatly diminished. ring. The ne wcomer cails out the noms the county as well as an exhibit cominnad the competition In thetre s e Nlarypsnegan esw it el ec . htblaes e shall be is- apicanoie]tsefr chr ene as liat yIconutbe epements rhave foher rbowhter-mignntdaiypeefo ahdsritsho.hh ls nd exciting. Many teachers atives tin this city. returned tohier sued andi delivered to any applicant said a fee of $1.00 for issuing t tattuhere aret ttentwaroortreenomseraor brigtuebell-andthatg a nagpemsret of te rexpotoen ave. have planned to bring' their whole home ln Rockford yesterday. or aplifflants therefor, for any pur- samne. as uc lihtin hecler oun nme s ubsitted ad te ameexre do te nwh acongutiuthschoo fortheay, in retha nt all Mtrs. Clara Wakefield of Hazeltonl, posep whatever. uIlsaplicnt Se,6 AyPesopersons, 4,tarroundbinga (fmly itye back i t lheae n. It is anihedwe ahn eg h a osledatesuet a scr h ntu.North Dakota,lm visiting at the homne or apIcants shal file with th il aiv rooratons h o itel. hi l de oth bac plichl hs ee cugt.:hort whie ago stated that they were tion given- of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip lage clerk thle duplicate receipth fuo of any scio the reoisos of, ah rdli ovrthe city. The cost of ar- nadR h ilsend Christmas villagenttreasurea io n ofiene fuleor finednt les th$3nrore thââ aLml tiumination due to lack of son- A Queer Expression-wBtrth. rayme $50.001 irolenomsmalt item, and the lighting An mont or you know, wild gens@ IHI NHAVR AM 1 M.adMr.<.C neh f r"q"ir®d n""o®' is in -a-he--r $50. Tepr0son.f h Wb for a large and smoky city aretin- twhen they dy away in the fait of the - BLAK E NE T L E [E NTASMN 0A1Ar.and venu f.have reedwr f be hTe2 aee lcn ac l o p ohn 'eggaad thousrands of dollars. year form themselves Into fines shapled thend enouteircuiMrb.Vnbaatoveeo hr eapfoe et atxpyrs ofthe a okb te is etri course of ortalimucang t the poneand the theM •Df utisinovig Mrs Mckay bWide ithot Promis*f tnAui of Nsha, a. olat atu- p a Anof 1pfo sng eio-,saine.lagte orany publieo ficer in the alori qu cannot fait to e s truck with the ing trhe atwoles.e nethisneathey inAdute-riael. Cambridge, Mass, Dec. lé.-Gradu Mins Stella Shaner has resumed lher Sany or co roi sonsallco.- Sgc. 8. That al ordinances or PU, ne" r lu which the mortaility from salfraoetedne ie h a. New York, Dec. 16.--Indications ate Manager lered W. Mette Of HMar duties at the G. R. Lyon & Sons store ptanyoftherporvions hofaltie-i fbiiacs ncnitwt h respiratory diseuses Increases ger fine being the hunter's gun. In thaet Dr. Joseph A. Blake. the famous vard received word fromtheUivr ftrbin otndthrhmeo ane or tanyposeionsteof shal vis iodns tldnanet arth here F a fog. The large ampounits of soot olden times. when the country folkE surgeon and hi@ wife. Catherine eity of Miehigan regarding the àehed. Liberty street the pianttaewdys with be fne Drn t l theroasarprld oné as tn rons euivalent to realized the happinedssOf these birds is Ketcham Blake. who ls sufing him for uling of a football games between the illnessg. lthvai$50.r' ti.r9.tThs ordinane shall t one ssete grma einti foundittheir safety (fur their echorus Of '"1onk1, separation, are settling somes of their Crimson and the Wolverineg next , The iembers of the PoarSta S- $c.7..TheprviSonc«• ffe ndbeinforice romaand af the-quarto ers i a s kY houk, honk" noated down to the cot- domestic difficulties out of court lbe. fall, and believes that one wil libe ar- clety aile making preparationIs for nance shall not apply toi shows, fil- tits p ge and approval. dth lnsof u edwellrina smo nt t1tagers and sounided joyonsh they would rame apparent in the supreme court ranged. The Michigan manaogement their annual Christmas festival to bie hibitions, theatrical Performances, Pi*MDecember 16th, 1913. .* canom etenbute dtrimenétnatoe look Op and gay, "Everything la lovely when Mrs. Blake'@ motion io compel findit@ self unable to accept October held in the Finish Hall on McAlister wax figures, antmals, puppets or feate Approved Dec. 16, 1913. O normal function. Within the cor- and the goosre honaiehigh." y and her husband to pay her $1..30 a rmonth 24, the date offered bylIdarvard, btavenuen. uda ferona danrtrcs, goven u et t udpice nd 'P.SâH N eBELE9, Pre1de. #M@limita of the city of i'ittsbuirgh by It becamentutrai when two pe slinony was withdrawn. han suggested that the tetta comle tohletn fteeeuiecm-frteecuiebnfto n rl- Ats:E .CRET l - Javefond ha inthu sctons of sons met each thler under peCUiarly Amnhag Pr lake withdrew Cambridge a week later, Ott. 3ai mteeofte oth Shore Sanitary :gous, fraternal or eleemosynary go. Cierk. a where theot I ... elimngs favorable circumstances for this or her $1,000,suit against !Mrs. Cila. Michigan, in litstelegranr, did n teraonageeAsoitor htwst -ceyo raiain .ýI8eattei t t .fro- mleu. that enterprise, for them to 0a, T ence Mackay tin wich she alleged 'stipulate that, ln order to com e t have beein held ln Iake Foreatst Sec.s8 That al ordinances or parts Routine. g vsstth deth at nu Oting erything is lovely and the goose bonite that Mrs. MackaY hadl alienated the. Harvard next fall, it would elngtwpspnd to Thursday of ordinances in confictwih teDntbeutrydiPuae is th gretst enger n g igh, and the expression is sttilused affection@ of Dr. Blake. obliged to askr for a returt date at night. vsoso hsodnneaeh 0ieyuhv od h en burhgtth wbrhsreNwwenyuhari o1cntl Ann Arbor for 1915, Mr. Moore ham Perry Harris' piano pupils give a, repieal- edOver and over again. Nal " m th stn e bt f ashete te yur fiens it odin.H ANISGE TS H IS SE NT ENCE **s*r "p th® b"sin®ss of arrange- recital in the ethodist church Prl- Sec.9. , "rdinance obét e nsagg.nesad O age la mort- pronounced ltMn in1 a"mente for a gmee.and expects toi be day evening. Ming Chamibers' pupils eit asaand e appfrc ro al. trirsone sono now-yet we r. = hrae o ofthe proyblem. Thr1 whsote onBHwly's BIatte ."Little Brother of Gode" Given Si abetanocevrsonhtMc- give a recitalthre samne evening at the Passed, December 16th, 1913. détérioration ln their quality î clu cniual anigovrIwhaOme Clon ir ondsaIn toFieyodSiuMnte. igan will be un -flarvard's 1914 sched. Schwartz homne, Sheridan RoaLd. Approve d. Dec. 16, 1913. year to year -Colliera Weekly. Why etylwhene youlu canos o ityouwntritad i onh. ue. e 911 isexreey njriu t alAnd why thre thIngs ou ought to do Her ahnfeld, a Pioneer resi. Publis re, ec. ,9 -13 tion. Many treesnndi shrubs Aetetig o att o'. Chicago, 1De. 16.-Otoman Zar denyof thcti eotdt e Re.SHAEE rsdn.Rte rme mot grow ln the mokleladen at- Atte lg O irn r eà Adught Hanish hais bensentenced ta duiteofbseriousy ll Attest: E b . . CORLE. Clerk'idthl"Ktesyst' Z bere, while those that do soonmetur n he"serve t'il months in the houge of cor- Comparativeily simple. The Odd Fellows will entertain. MM ta small aprah"N ge o berilmed thant their value tshabdsprttuonhd rection and to pay a fine of $, A clergyman whose patriotism ex theIr wives and the Rebekabs and Cr Acs fdttre -a decorstive viewpolnt Is ln great And old Contrarine»& The "prince of the universel'has Icà oeeded hie powers or' orátory wau their husibands on Thursday night' AN OR DINANCE NO. 247. ton r" acript t re ,,9 sure destroved gn arIng his sentence and the Il tCe speaking upon hi@ favorite subject. Peter Herman of Grand avenue has AN ORDINANCE REGULATINGto anri. abolition of the.-moke nuisance, h ai f om w a ry of "St= Cult"' worshippers are At lant hé felt that sormethiig great Installedt the Durametal weather HWESADPDLR N-- --. Irbn i any othevr social And nsght thonse pirits aI OUa without a highi priest. was required of im. He"Worked blimi strips in hie home. R. A. Ryckman THE VILLAGE OF LIBERTY-1 Why "thé he agains w-fihan outery has beaun ene drive them frlioni my heue. 'lThe sentence gwas passedl by Fed- golf up to. a climax. "Pdtriotem," he 1didthe work of tinstali lLE AE ONYChL- Jk"h oa w111 resuolilt ndirect sud i d1uonhad>,y We'I,, eril yndge Macek, and follows-jhe cri-ex claimed, -"ls the backbonte of the Cari. nono alnsret Nadt rovalefricena bg host a ks Wyo hf eayia te gan boh tothe ubil atIarge say,-"You cam and wIu," vieivn of the "Ilitle brother o[ the Britieb empirf, and what Ir av e to istalledthe Durametal àweather strip tire sanieA. E Y Bas ta' e ciefy espnsblefo th ad whien contrarinéess syU"Do't" ods"'r.ebently un a charge of sonld" do la to train hat beakbøneand bringaiIn his home. The work of installing B. lBa d ofT Yute EB rit "y, "Tou o 9 ng intoper maitter by dxpress. i o the f&mot" audons by E, A. Rycktnan. dent and or.o lent. cent ImwR Èmolýb rnin go$> te riiMw igbe et i oumr0N

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