CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Dec 1913, p. 12

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Y, DECEMBER 19, 1919. TheChristmas Sore 0f WauhMan The Globe Department Store Invites You op .G1 ms FOR WOMEN Bath Shppers .........50 to 1.50 SBeauty Pins .,.........0to 1.00 ';Berrv Sets ...... .98 to 10.00 .Bjed Sets ..........250 to 7.50 Srooches ............... .25 to 2.00 -Oomforters .......ý..98 tol11.00 FetRorneos ............ 1.00 to 1.50 Faer...................25 to 2.00 flair Brushes............. .25 te 2.00 Hair Goods ............. .. 5te 25.00) Hat Pins............... .. 25 t () 3.00) Rose, fancy .............. .25 te 3.00 Laundî-y Bags............ .25 te 2.00) La Vallieres . . ........50 te 5.001 Music Rolis ........50 to 2.98 ein Cushions ............ ..2)5 te 1.00 Ribbons, faney, yard....... .10 te .75 Sashes .................. .50 to 3.00 Veil Pins............... .. 25 to 1.50 Blippers...................... 1.25 GIFTS FOR MEN rBrush Sets ........ 0 to 7.50 ý Card Cases ..............* 50 to 3.00 'Cigar Cases ...............50 to2.50 G6arters................ .. 25 to .50 ..nie................ .35 te 2.00 ,Sm8roking Sets ............ 2.00 to 6.00 TQilet Cases ............ 1.00 to 15.00) Toilet Waters ............ .25 te .50 -Underwear .............. .50 to 5.00) Whis kBrooins............ .15 te .50 gleeve Holders........... .25 to .-0 Slippcrs ................ 1.00 te 1.50 Withouta doubt you are go- ing to gve something, per- haps you are in doubt---don't know what to give --we-ll these suggestions will help you................................. .GIFTS FOR GIRLS Ce 11( Br-ooohes............ .25 to 2.00 Hlair Brushes ............ .. 25 to '2.00 llaindkei-ehiefs ............ .10 te 1.00 Lauxîdiy Bags ............ .25 to 2.00 Nail Files ............... .10 to .50 Phioto Fraînies............ .10,to 2.48 Seirap Baskets............ . 2;' to 2.00 Puff Jars.............. .. 25 to '2.50 Slhoes.................. 1.50) to 3.00 Toilet W'atei .... ...... 25 to .50 GIFTS FOR BOYS. Collar Biags ............... .50 to 1.50 Mitteîs .................. .10 to 1.50 Mîîfflers ................. .50 to 1.50 Stationvry, boxed........... 15 to 2.50 Toilet Sets ................ 98 to 5.004 1'xîîhîellas ............... .50 to 22.00l Wliisk ioois............ .15 to .50 GIFTS FOR THE HOME. In the Furniture Annex Buffets ................ 15.00 to 45.00 Matte..e............ 1.95 to 25.00 Parloir Tables .. ý........ 1.00 to 12.00 Taburettes ............... .39 to 5.00 Buffets ............... 15.00 te 45.00 ('hffnrhe"(Comnia tions of a vhu feu er andi wardroe ............ 20.00 te 35.00 llliiiii(loi-S............... .98 to 10.00 LihiairN Chairs.......... 5.0<) to 25.00 ,ibhîaî-y Tables.......... 5.00 te 2.00 1, 12-18-13 d A1TENléOI WUDDINi ANNIVER* SARY IN WISONSIN Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Whte Have Returned Home From Men- ominee Falls, Wis. AFFAIR WAS ENJOYABLE. Grandfather of Mrs. White Told of fHis Trip to America Across the Ocean. Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd White have re- turned tram Menominse Falus. Win.,1 wbere they attended the ixtieth anal- versary of Mrs. White's graudparçntu, Mr. aud Mrs. John Watson. Mr. Watson is 86 yearsaid and his uit. la 82. The affair was one of the. mont memorable that ever was held in the county In wiich they reside. Ail the chiidren and al but one of the grand- hblîdren bwere prenant. During the atternoon a public reception was heid ln the spaciaus home of the Wataons. People for miles around attendqd. Although advanced in years, Mr. and Mra. Watson are stilli lu taIrly good bealtb and entertained their vis- Itors by reiating happenings of long aga.BathMc. nd Vca. Watson were barn In Seotiand. In those days four dollars a (month was considered a goad saiary and Mr. Watson sald e considered he was most fortune?,.o be abi. to sean that much. When h. and bis wlfe dcided ta cross the ocean tbey fouud tiie pas- sage for each of thein wouid cost $14, but this did nat Inciode their meala. These were nat served by the. ahip and everone wbo toali passage had ta carry alang euough provisions to, lest tbem until they got &cross. liard boiied eggs formed one of dis princi- pal objecta aofaod Iu the larder taken by each of the. passengers. Then saCh caniled a knIt sack f ull cf potatoes. These tbey woe allawed te, caok on boeardspreconnted a time uhen tiiere asa quit. a scare tram an up- rislng of Indiana. Many of their uelghbors fled in prairie schooners. iMr. Watsou deciared. however, bo jwould flot flan until b. eau amoke frain some burnlug farmbouae It pcaved the rumor of the upriaing wu wthout foundatian. Mr. and Mcm. White made the.ttip ta Monominee Falls lu theslc automo- bile. Tueeday morniug Me,- White was r.caiied ber. ou business and hie wtt. drove the machine home, a dis-8 tance o! about one bundred mile&s Ab made the entire trip lu a day. The Chicago & Nortbwestern rail- way bas Iustailed a signal Instruction course for the'beneflt of its employas lu conJunction witb the 11safety firot" movement adopted saome time ago by tihe road. A passenger coacb, equip- ped with a stereoptican machine wili make a complete round cf the systema twice each year and lectures on the listent phases of signaliug ilîl b. de- livered to the employas. C. G. Stecb- 1eor, an expert lu tbe matter of signal operation snd construction Ih in charge of the car and the carnpaign. Tbe tango received lis firat barsh biow lu tis ctty wben the Knigbts of Columbus wth:about 800 meuibers, ful swoop severed the serpentine, ýmavement frein the season'a dance pragram.-Racine Journal. Wu.eie a. -Pme="-, T is to Vour advantage ta do you trading i Wat- Icegan and at the store of G. R. LYON & SONS. The stocks are more. complete than any other place. We are positlvely sure that our prices are as low, possibly lower than ýany othef store in the city. The car, are now running accross the bridge and stop at our corner, making it very convenient for the readers of this paper to reaoh our store. Bring the children in and let them seé the assortment of live pets we have on display. With the exception of Chicago, our store is one )f the largest on the North Shore %ad for tnat reason as well as varions other reasons yon should do your trading in Waukegan. We wish t< aee ail our Libertyville patrons as well as patrons from the surrounding counitry in our store frorn now unxtil Christmas. Will you comel IJmbrellas, the Ever Safe Glft No need to worrv about what to give when the question is so easily solved. Give an uxnbrcl- la. We are show- ing a very niee lime, corne in silk and the regular clotb for umrbrellas. A new novelty in umbrel- las is the cane style. Priced at $1 up to $7.00 Merchandise or Glove Certificates W 0 R R Y vourseif siek? No! Why should yot wlien vou vaný pur eliase merchandise or g 1 o v e vertificates. Niade out for ativ ainoutt anîd recleeni-W aile at an im ne for their full vahiu. A"a Our lI ei. r ateratfo PiIIow Tops, 75c Ricli lookiîîg, high elass silk tapestry pillow top)s. Conie iin blules, l)rowns, red and green xiii make a silitable gift. Prieed special at . . 75c Wlnter Welght Mose, 50c SiIk Foi- sister, wife or inother, veji euldu 't select a l)etter gift tlîan silk hiose. Winter w'eiglit silk ixese ini llaek or milbite, per paix., 50C Mandkcerchiefs ore Ne. cessery to Ali Without the least doubt wve s u g g e s t handkerchiefs - they 're always acceptable. We bave a very pretty line; corne in the initilkl and cor- ners, prieed at frorn1) 5c to.......10 Perslan Ivory Tollet Set and Articles One of the neatest and pret- tiest of articles for gift giv- ing is Persian Ivory Toîlet Articles and Sets. The new- est thing shown for the Holi- days. Priced at S50 A Satisfyna Glft GLOVES Gloves, ncatly paeked in holly boxes, pre- sent one of the rnost acceptable g i f t s. A large line to select fromr. Al colors, $1 to $3 Hand Bags & Mesh Purses Sure to Please We can safelv say that ail woinen ap I)reeiate a good ( hand bag or nwesh stitutes the lîcst ev- purse. Our file coll er shown. 8 o)Il have vanity artices' -others very plaini, priced froîn 4Zeup to. .........$10 AMIGI-IY CLOu-lINO SLAUGIIJER!, Suits & Overcoats at your Own Price We have sold clothing cheap.before, but neyer such a slaughter as this. It wliI get cold, and you wlII need a good warrn overcoat. We are STIJCK and MUST UNLOAI) regardless of Loss Corne and get coats worth $25.00, $27.50, and even $30.00 for $22.75 Corne and take your pick of a loNf coats wo'rth $20.00 and $22.50 for $16.75 Corne and get Overcôats, worth $18.00, for $14-75 You will flnd suits sold durlng this sale for Iess-than wholesale prices. See our blue serge suit at $14,75, It is cheap at $18.00 Corne to this big store for your Christmas shopping We show beautif ul Unes of handkerchlefs, neckwear, gloves, suspenders A very special Une of bath robes, Waukegan made. at way down prices. Witt make themn to your speclal measure. No extra charge. Great Cuts on Heavy Sweater Coats $3.50 Coats $2.75, $10-00 Coats $7.85, $5.00 Coats $3.85, Boy's $3.O0 Coats $2.25 A lot of boy's ail wool V-neck Sweater Coats, worth $2.00 to $3.00 for 95c A F. C. Slde! & Co. ehe 1Bi OCO ýi e eClothind Y-#ore 1S5-U7 Nrtb Sreetw. ,.M.m

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